The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 14, 1915, Image 1

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The Produce from
15,000,000 acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
Ontario is in the
Centre of the Great
Snake River Valley
Corn Belt
Representative Newspaper of Ontario, Malheur County and Snake River Valley.
NO. 2
Hujre Irrigation District On
Succor Creek Has Been
Land Lies Under The 2600
Foot Level. Produce
Varied Crops
The preliminary steps to irrigating
bout 10,000 acre of land on both tide
of Succor Creek in Oregon and Idaho
have been taken.
The water righta have been filed on
and committee have been appointed to
do the preliminary work. In a few
weeks the Succor Creek Irrigation Dis
trict will be formed and the land will
be colonised with bona fide aettleri. It
la the intention to have the water ready
to be turned on the land January 1,
Thia tract of land la one of the
hoiceat in Malheur county. It Ilea be
tween Succor Creek and Snake River
and in the belt of arteeian water. Wm.
'Van, on Succor Creek, haa two arte
yfiHii wells in operation and an outfit is
t this time drilling arother well on J.
S. Wheeler's homestead. Ed Walker
has made arrangements to have three
6-inch wells driven.
The land in this tract is bench land,
excepting- a narrow atrip along the
river. It ia alt free from alkali and
lays adjacent to the potash beda re
cently discovered on Succor Creek.
It lies under the 2.600 foot level and
will produce atl the ea to which
Malheur county is adapted. Mr. Graff
has about two thousand acres of al
falfa and laat summer raised about ten
acres of corn. He is also growing al
mond and English walnut trees and for
aaveral years haa been harvesting
black walnuts.
The land on Succor Creek that is un
der irrigation now from private ditches
will come under the new project. The
dam will be built about two and one
hall miles above Graff's place. By
government measurements the water
that flows annually down Succor Creek
amounta to about forty thousand acre
faet and thia will insure plenty of
water to irrigate all the lands in the
This will mean a great deal to Mal
heur county and is a proposition that
everyone should boost The land joins
the Nyasa-Homedale railroad and atl
traffic will come over this road
A meeting will be held in Nyssa next
Wednesday, January 20, to perfect the
Dunham Brothers Living A Mile South Of
Town Find Chicken Business Is A Profitable
One, Especially During Cold Months.
The cackling of geese saved Rome
in the olden times and the cackling
of hens in the chicken lot thia kind of
wtuther is cheering music. But that
kind of music ia reeled off every day
at the home of the Dunham Bros.,
southwest of town about one and a half
mi lea.
The two brothers G. W. and D. C
Dunham, bought ten acres of land
from John Diese laat fall and have
gone into the poultry business exclu
sively. They have at present a flock
of one hundred and twenty pullets
ami about a dozen roosters and are
get tinr right around four dozen eggs
per day. These pullets are March and
April pullet and of course r re not all
laing tt. The chickens are full
blooded White Leghorn excepting
MS. c ii or eight which are beinr kept for
eating purposes, being of :i larger
in, . (I. But next year the intention ia
to raise White Leghorns exclusively.
Tne Messrs. Dunham have planned
their t v.ldings and have built moat of
Six of the Star Numbers of
Redpath Lyceum Bureau
Have Been Secured
For Ontario.
W. Lowe of the Rcdpath Lyceum
Bureau waa in town, last Friday, and
closed a contract with a citizen com
mittee for a lyceum course for next
year. The course this year is a splen
did one but that scheduled for next
year Is better than any that haa ever
been offered in this state.
The following numbers will be pre
sented to Ontario: "The Cavaliers,"
Panama Quartet and Entertainers,
"John B. Ratto and the Maurer Sisters
"Tim favallnra" ia a rnmrmnv nf
seven artists and has its own special
scenery. This number is the best that
the Lyceum Bureau puts out and On
tario is very fortunate in being given
the opportuntiy to ace It present The
"Panama Quartet and Entertainers."
John B. Ratto, who gives character
delineation, needs no introduction to
Ontario aa ha appeared here in 1912.
Everyone who waa present will re
member his make-ups before the aud
ience and hia humoroua and serious
The Maurur Slaters Orchestra is a
company of musical artists every one
of which have graduated with honors
from well know conservatories of
II L. Anderson received notice Tues
day morning of the death of his brother,
W. L. Anderson, at Boise, Idaho. He
waa 64 years of age and had lieen ill
only about five daya. He entered the
hospital Monday morning at 11 o'clock
to receive treatment for pneumonia and
died Tuesday morning at 2 o'clock.
He leavea a father, W. P. Anderson,
of Boise, and three brothers, Scott An
derson, of Boise; C. H. Anderson of
Los Angeles, Calif., and H. L. Ander
son, of thia place.
them already and will complete the
rest when weather permits. At pres
ent the poultry buildings are two
houses which are built with south
sides partly opened and screened. This
opening may be cloaed with a cinvas
curtain thus abutting out the cold.
The pens are clean and warm aa ia evi
denced by the white plumage and red
combs none of which are frozen.
There are also two incubators, a corn
sheller and alfalfa chopper which are
or will be all in use.
The Dunham have studied the egg
producing business and are using the
latest up to date method. They are
feeding a balanced ration consisting
of wheat in the morning, a mush ef
corn, wheat, barley and chopped alfal
fa scalded at noon and whole corn at
night In thia way all the element
that go toward making the egg are
supplied. Not only this food is used
but also meat scraps, raw or cooked
are supplied.
One of the incubators has a capacity
Shipment Will go to Texas
-Cold Weather Makes
Fruit Shipment
Boyer Bros., loaded another car of
apples Monday for shipment to Texas.
Shipping apples thia time of year is
very precarious undertaking on ac
count of the cold. In this instance the
floor and walls of the car were covered
with building paper and then the
paper waa continued over the top of
the apples, so that they were com
pletely enveloped by it. Also the car
doors were covered with paper and
every precaution against freezing was
The apple market ia clearing up con
aiderably and the prices will undoubt
edly get better In the near future.
The Fourth Annual Library Ball will
be given ia the form of a Colonial Ball
on Washington's birthday at the Wil
son 1111.
Mad Dog Scares In Ontario Causes City Of
ficials To Take Precautionary Steps To
Save Residents From Danger.
Wednesday was the reckoning day
for three dogs, supposedly mad. Guy
Fisher shot C. C. Defrees' dog in the
morning after it had shown some
strange symptoms and began to anap
at things Dr. Moore examined the
dog and said that it undoubtedly had
rabies. K. A. Beagle killed a dog on
his place Wednesday morning which he
thought waa mad. On examination
the tongue waa fi-und to be swollen
Mr. McKay, out northwest of town,
killed a dog that had been running
amuck all morning in the town, biting
dogs and chickens in the vicinity of the
City Hall and the Moore Hotel. Sev
eral persona triad to kill it, but it left
before a gun waa secured. It traveled
The Outlook for the Present
Year Ia Exceptionally
Bright- Good Divi
dends Declared.
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of the First National Bank of
Ontario waa held in the Banking room
on Tuesday afternoon, January 12,
1915. The following stockholders were
present: T. Turnbull, A. L. Cockrum,
C. E. Kenyon, J. D. Billingsley, H. B.
Cockrum and L. B. Cockrum. All of
the above named stockholders were
elected directors of the bank for the
year 1916. The directors made a thor
ough exaaainatioii of the affairs of the
(Continued on page 8.)
of two hundred eggs and will be set
next week, while the other haa a
capacity of six hundred egga. It will
not be set before March. The brothers
will raise about fifteen hundred chicks
the coming sea. uii and will keep one
thousand pullets for laying purposes.
The success of this enterprise will be
watched closely by the people of this
community as it is being attempted
on a larger scale than ordinary. If
successful there will be many persons
on small tract a that will take up thia
Strange Floor and New
Surroundings Handi
caps Local Girls
The high school girl's basketball
team played the Payette team last
, Friday on the Payette floor. The first
half of the game was very close and
I ended with the score 8 to 5 In favor of
I n , . . , i
raycue. i ne crampeu noor space mm
the difference in the baskets more
than accounted for their difference of
In the second half the Payette girls
played with ino eased vigor and suc
ceeded in raising their side of the
score to 26 while the Ontario girls
raised their to 10.
After the girls game the Psyette
and Boise Y. M. C. A. teams played
fast and close game with the vic
tory going to Payette 23 to 21. The
Ontario people were well treated and
considered themselves lucky in seeing
two good games for the price of one.
north down Main street and thon cut
off to tne weat to McKay's place where
it waa killed. It is known to have bit
ten at least seven or eight dogs in
town and no telling how many more
The marshal is thinking of having all
the drays carry guns and kill all un
muzzled dogs. No chances should lu
taken. Every valuable dog should be
kept muxxled and confined so that It
may not gat bitten or shot, but every
unmuzzled dog running loose shuuld be
Animal life is precious and unnecea
aary alaughte- should be condemned,
but human life is vastly more impor
tant and every precaution should be
made to preserve it
Fire Department Succeeds
in Extinguishing Fire
Caused by Gasoline
Hill's Pharmacy was the scene of a
Ore Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.
While Estis Morton was heating cream
on a gasoline stove preparatory to
making ice cream the stove exploded
and aat fire to the store. The alarm
waa given and the fire was extinguished
with little difficulty.
The Are department is to be congrat
ulated on the manner in which they did
their work. Most of the fire waa ex
tinguished by Are extinguishers and
only when the fire caught on the ceiling
was that water turned on. In thia much
damage was avoided.
Over aix hundred dollars worth of
property waa totally destroyed while
the damage through soiling by water
and smoke waa about one hundred and
fifty dollars making in all about seven
hundred and fifty dollars damage, of
which waa partially covered by insur
ance .
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dearmond of Vale
were Ontario visitors Friday, Mrs.
Dearmond going on to Portland
month's visit at that place.
for a
Dr. A. G. Moore Recieves
Reply From State Health
Office. Coyote Was
in Town.
The following letter waa received
by Dr. Moore from Calvis S. White,
state health officer, and the report
concerning the brain of the coyote
killed on A. E. Brown's place, Jan. 3.
The brain was secured and packed and
shipped by Dr. Moore. Thia report
proves conclusively that mad coyotes
are In the immediate vicinity of On
tario since this one passed through the
edge of town. To meet this menace
orders have been given to the local
officers to kill all unmuzzled dogs.
Portland, Jan. 6. 1915.
Dr. A. G. Moore,
Ontario, Oregon.
Dear Doctor:
The examination of the brain of the
coyote sent by you to this laboratory,
showed the presence of Negri bodies,
proving unquestionably that the ani
mal was mad. I want to aincerely
commend you on the splendid condition
in which you had prepared thia brain,
i.i. . l. ii t u
....., ... u. 10 ....... .,., ... awm ifi ll;
here. Nearly all that we receive from
any distance, arrive here in such an
advanced state of putrefaction that
any examination is impossible.
Dr. Saurman, our Ilucteriologist, is
now in Burns, endeuvoring to do some
work there and will probably come
through Ontario on his wuy back. I
will have him hunt you up.
Yours very truly,
Mrs. E. A. Fraser entertained the
Carnation Club Friday, Misa Vind
Smith receiving high honors. The
same evening Mrs. Fraser had five
tables of Five Hundred. Mrs. E. M.
Greig, Mrs. A. L. Cockrum, J. D. Bil
lingsley and W. W. Wood received
Many Resolutions Are Adopted, And Many
Kecoinendations For Needed Laws And
Appropriations Made To Legislature.
Most of the Malheur county dele
gates to the State Irrigation Congress
in 1'ortland lust week have returned
home. Some have gone, however, to
Salem to be present at the inaugura
tion of Governor Withycoiube, und the
opening of the state legislature. The
mi-clings of the Irrigation Congress
were all harmonious, and many reso
lutions and recommendationa win1
passed which will tend to forward
reclamation work in the state.
Brief outline of the resolutions
adopted, follow:
Legislation is urged to levy one-half
mill tax on all property in the state
for irrigation development.
Constitutional amendments giving
state authority to issue bond for irri
gation development ia recommended.
legislature asked to inemoralize
Congress, urging law permitting all
natural federal resources within the
state to be used for sole purpose of
raising funds to to operate on dollar-for-dollar
basis with the state in de
All Horses From Interior
Points Brought Here
For Inspection
! About 100 Hed of Horsea
Will Be On Hand All
The Time
The French government has leased
the fair grounds until May 1. and are
J shipping horses from the interior to be
collected here and then ahippad to
France. This will bo their headuuart-
era all summer and horses will be in
spected and taught here and those
th1 re bought at other places will
eventually be collected here.
At present the inspectors are at
Send, having arrived today from Burns.
Previous to inspection at Hums, they
ware at John Day The horses that
were bought at John Day are on their
way to Baker. There they will be fad
until the hay contracted at that place
is all used up. Then the horses will be
brought to Ontario for shipment.
The horses that were bought at
Burns were taken to Juntura and are
loading there now for Ontario.
After their work at Bend is com
pleted the inspectors will continue on
around to Prinville taking in all the In
terior points. On January 2)1, they
will arrive at Ontario and make thia
their headquarters throughout all the
This is the biggest opportunity for
horsemen that this county ha. ever had.
t,,.. !.-. ...I. It! u u .1 .u-
I ni i'iiioo win u pain nine in
horses will be sold direct to the inspoc-
tors, who represent the French govern
ment. In this way no middleman will
gather the profits.
There will be all the way from 600
to l.oou horsea at the fair grounds all
tin- time which means that all the sur
plus hay in this vicinity will be re
quired. Already C. C. Carter and
Walter Glenn have a contract U sup
ply kthe French officials with a large
Aa aoon as the officials arrive in On
tario, they will advertise for horses to
be brought in and will purchase them
for cavalry and artillery service. Al
ready several bands of horsea have ar
rived in anticipation of inspection.
The fair grounds is an ideal place for
this work on account of the amount of
enclosed space and facilities for aheda,
feeding and watering. Also Ontario,
being the id al collecting point of all
the surrounding country, will draw the
horsea from both Oregon and Idaho.
veloping these resources.
Federal Government urged to give
Oregon its just share of reclamation
Federal Government urged to guar
antee bonds of accredited irrigation
1'olicy of N'utionul Secretary of
Agriculture enabling counties to col
lect money from Federal Government
with natural resources as security in
dorsed. Federal reclamation service asked
to give state free use of its maps, data,
water measurements and other statis
tical information.
legislative Assembly of 11)15 ad
vised to use Tu nmlo funds "for such
purposes and under such conditions as
may seem proper."
legislature also asked to extend
payment periods for Tumalo settlers.
Recommendations of Secretary
Lane, of the Interim Department, for
uniform irrigation laws in varioua
(Continued on Page 4)