The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 07, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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PH AilvwtlwinrnU
Free -A six piece kit' hen sot Is bo
ing given away by the Ontario market
to their customers. Ask them to show
It to you. They have greatly reduced
their prices and are now mnklng after
noon deliveries.
Safety Deposit Boxes Fok Rent
Two sizes and two prices; an absolutely
afe method of keeping your valuable
papers protected against loss by fire or
theft. Ontario National Hank.
My 20 acre tract for sale or trade. On
bench west of fair grounds.
Vale. Oregon.
We have a comfortable room fitted
up especially for the ladies where tiny
can rest, writo checks and letters and
not be crowded or intruded 0D ladies
re Invited to call and open nn nccount.
Ontario National Bank.
Three Lots For Sai.k I blocks
west of poHtoflii e, at a bargain. In
quire at Argus oflire.
For sale or trade, three big
cows. See B. C. S. WmhI.
Hay for sale to buyer.
Ilarter, Ontario. Ore.
mile h
Church Serried
United Presbyterian
Bible sebool at lo a. in. Preaching
at 11 a. in. and 7. .'10 p. in. Young pvo
ples meeting it t 6:49 p. In.
The church is here to help the people
nml the community. You run mske a
more potent force. Come to any or all
or the services ami you will linil a wel
W N. Brmwn, Pastor
Ralph Brown is Instantly
Killed by Man Who
I as No Cause.
The Dalles. While entering the
gate of his ranch home at Kasknla,
Oregon. In southern Wasco county In
company with his wife, Ralph Brown,
a well-known stockman, was shot and
Instantly killed by Clarence Bettls,
age Hi an employe of the man he mur
ileieil. No reason can be given for
ih. killing, Hettls himself being un
able to tell the same story twice, when
he was brought to this city by Sheriff
ChrlHiiiun and put In the county Jail.
Sherirf Chrlsman says that Ileitis
had evidently been drinking and be
lli veil himself a bad man. After he
had shot down hit Vtnplnver. Ileitis
shot several times at Mrs Hrown, who
was with her husband, returning from
a party, but the bullets went wlhl
Ileitis lliilin liiltely fled til the hills,
ami was tint seen until I o'clock In the
v. i . 1 1 1 1; , when he appeared at the II
Marks home He told Marks what
he had done, and Mark advised hlui
to surrender to the sheriff,
""SalemrOrvMlis'Marlon Towne, or
Jackson county, will not be the only
woman member of the next general
assembly If the plans of Governor
West, announced here, do not go
astray- He said that he would ap
point Mist Kathryn Clark, who con
ducts a hotel at Olendale, state sen
ator of Douglas county to succeed
George Neuner, recently named dls
trlct attorney
M.. st HAM mi 1st and M Bntldaf
of eaoit month. On all other Sunday
at in AM.
If. A. Campo Rector
Sunday School. Iffjfjf a. in. I'rciici,
nu-.'m.irninr. 11:00 a. Ill,, evening 7:;i0
p. m.
You need th church the church
leads you 'Let's get togeth. r. "
C. C. PRATT, l'aator
Your Banking
No matter how
small, no mat
ter how large
ft. First National Bank
Mario, Orwjon
will give it careful
attention. This
message applies to
the men and the
women alike.
uunin and the Ktltlicninn Pnintlnntes
continued to he Incorporated with Rus
sia. The remnant was constituted as
the so called Congress Kingdom, under
the emperor of Itussln as the king of
"In the same year Alexander I. grant
ed the new kingdom a constitution.
which declared It to be united to Rus
sia. In the person of the czar as a
separate political entity. Poland re
tained Its (lag and a national army.
In 1H30, following the outbreak of the
FniU'll revolution, n military revolt
took place In Warsaw. This war last
ed for ten months, and at its conclusion
the ComrresM Kingdom was reduced to
the position of a Russian province. The
Inst remaining remnant of Poland's
separate political ciNtcnee was Cm
cow. and It was dually occupied by
Austria In IBM The list attempt of
the Poles to achieve Independence wns
In lNrt.1. )t was marktd BJ M real
kittle and the uprising wns soon re
prsasjad. The national Motor) of '
land closes with this attempt at free
dom In IH'VS, by ukase of the emperor
of RnsslM. the irovertmietit was abso
lutely Incorporated with Hint of Bus
-l.i. and the use of the I'oMsh language
In public places and for public pur
pose- was prohibited
"Itiisslnii Poland contains the rirs(
line of def. 'Use of the Russian empire
on lis western frontier. The marshy
low lands, covered with forests on the
wo Vrri bunk of the Vistula, offer n
nntih'iil defense mrnlnsf an nrmy nd
vanclua fPOlB the west, and they nre
strengthen..'! I.V I number of fortresses
on that river. Thg center of these iat
cr Is Wa'-aiv."
England Wants Amorics to View War
at Fight on Autocraoy.
London.-. 1 liiglnfid is grateful for
America's fnrtiraMc opinion which the
iiuuieroiM dispatches n the London
newspapers described as being almost
wholly on the side of the allies. To
KiigluinJ one curious develoment of
tins war la Hint American public ofrftv
lou has become something of appro
clable value. Hitherto in great
world questions Aihci . a's opinion bus
niiwniiileil lo IlliJe and has received
slight consideration, Now. however,
the gonxl will f the United States Is
eagerly sought, iffel It la realised that
when the end com Wflslilngtoii will
j play an Important iaf In he settling
Kiighind Is not is4ng f'T direct
American support. fuUy renlling tiiat
America's duty Is strict msMriilNy.
the ' ci niociil of the allies the
ll ii niiil Hie new srisrvs il
America to think Hint this Is light
lu-iu.-i nutiHTai) ind military dlcin
aWaBlB whlcii, tr ir ended su -fully
for Hie kaiser, n..ul,f leave A merit i,' in
a dangerous po-.UI, mi
The oiy point of Irrltirtlon which
h.i . appeared here Is the possibility of
Keiimin ships l.wllia transferred to Hie
American tfsg and traiisnrtiiig to.)
to Mollim I. whence M will w shipftsl
to NlM Gorman iirui.v Il Is conrddcrol
tll'ir this Is ri .Vlllitflll question of ptllV
neutrality Rnaie comiiienl itisrs M
i.-. ,.,.. ..ii thispoiur. whii.- jh rsjEVt RURAL CIVILIZATION
I'M iiikc ine lew nun .iiicn." can
0. W. R. & N. Announces
Work Will Start in
the Spring.
Pendleton. Vice-President and Gen
eral Manager J. P. O'Brien, of the O
W. R. A N., announces that the pro
posed freight terminal at Pilot Rock
Junction, near the Pendleton city lim
its, will probably be started early In
the spring, but that an actual begin
ning depends upon the disposal of an-tl-rallroad
legislation at the coming
session of the legislature Mr. O'Hrl
en says that the European war Is not
responsible for shortage of funds with
which to Improve the railroad system,
but that legislation opposed to the
Newport. Pioneer atone la one
more being quarried after ft lPe of
18 years and promises to develop an
Industry In Lincoln county which has
been neglected. The last stone taken
from the quarry at Pioneer was used
In the construction of the Call build
ing In San Francisco.
The product is sandstone, lighter in
Three Ships Held in Eng
lish Ports Are Given l
Washington. The first result of the
"United States" protest to Great Brit
ain against Interference with shipping
was seen when the state department
color than any other in the northwest announced receipt of a dispatch from
and, It Is said, will not deteriorate In Consul General Skinner at London
fire. The government Is reported to telling of the release of three Atnerl-
ho considering buvlng this stone for can ships detained In English ports
the postofflce at The Dalles.
"School for Parents" Needed.
The duties of the rural teacher are
more varlrd nnd complicated than
railroads, together with high taxeB Is those of the city teacher, and he some-
mainly responsible.
the capacity for co-hperation. The
selfish days of the Independent farm
er are rapidly passing and we nre be
ginning to cBtch the vision and share
times has to include the parents In
directing his efforts for the best re
sults, fn communities where the old
er population le opposed to any de
parture of the younger generation
from established customs In either
to which they had been diverted by
I British warships.
While th" British government has
only begun consideration of the Unit
ed States note, the release of the ships
tas generally regarded as a result of
the protest. It gave officials further
hope that the differences between the
United States and England over ship
ping would be speedily and amicably
the profits of organized efforts There social or economic life, their co-oper-are
many farm machines adapted to atlon can often be secured by calling
The Church the Guiding
Star of Progress,
serving n community, but organiza
tion of formers Is required to pur
chase and operate them on a co-oper-atjve
basis, and new laws are needed
to permit these transactions.
New Tasks for the Rural Charon.
The rural church has been slow to
adjust Itself to the new order of
things. The churches are discover
ing new opportunities for service,
broader community usefulness and a
grenter social mission. The church
must gird Itself for new tasks and
under a new virile type of leadership '
undertake real community building'1
with the modern church as the center
of activity and source of Inspiration
and guidance. The triumph over Iso
lation and the gradual emancipation
from drudgery, the development of
good roads, telephones, rural mall ser
vice and the wonderful evolution of
farm machinery make for rellgloua
advancement. The Increase In Intel
ligence, new social consciousness,
growing spirit of cooperation, added
efficiency of rural institutions, char
acter, home building apd better rural
morals afford opportunities for a community-serving
church to demonstrate
fiwer The rural church to ful
fill lit mission must swing around It
the m if ii-in-.- - fur ornsres
community meetings and Instructing
the parents on matters of community
Interest. It is related that a. success
ful young teacher In a remote local
ity had weekly meetings attended by
parents of his pupils, which flnnlly
evolved Into a "ei hool for parents"
in which they were taught how to live
a community life In its broadest and
biggest sense.
Social Features Essential.
The successful rural school It the
vital social and economic center of
the community and the successful
rural teacher Is the oft who realizes
that the responsibility of training lo
cal leaden for the future devolves
upon him. Organized play, Inter
community athletics, community fes
tivals, Inc. Mini nnd debating clubs, Y
M. C. As. with occasional neighbor
hood entertainment, utilizing home
talent, contests In cooking and various
other phases of home economics, In
corn and hog clubs' and other agricul
tural activities are a few of the math
ods employed by the successful rural
teacher In stimulating Interest nnd
enthusiasm while teaching them the
fundamental principles of successful
community life.
,r i
it Mie
be depended ..n m fcasjpvsj nil th
Cvarv Min
(MsVwi and llircrtors:
T. II RNBI LI.. i.. niiHiwI
II li. ( IH KIM M, Cashier
I. . I'l.VI I. m' ahirr
t. K. KKMliN
In British Service Wasra
Black Scarf.
I 'i Ion BHttall siillors time mi their
Ulilfoims perpetual reminders of the
MVJ - g.'iir oti usiat, though nut gfgffj)
one Mho Wc.iiN I'li'in KBOWg I lilt t the
llins iwa of white tiis' round the
UglUg of tile h'lle Collar Mini the lil.o I,
Ilk scarf knoi-, in front are llukx
Willi Nelson.
The while tntes ooniinoinoriite Nel
sons f.iiuou rtstsriaa OoasMaaaJJMa
the Nils and i'1 ifalgai and the s.-.irf
is ii token of perpetual mourning for
ti.c ureal admiral, adopted by the sea
men tlieinsch and i. Mined uvi-r
By r.'t, Radford.
i rarer N ittoa I Parassis'
Bears Heavy Burden' of
imihinii.Uimmmu..ui.i..... POLAND'S DOWNFALL
Oregon Short line lime Mv
itr.i'on, November Mh 191 1
MM r s Aim
Wash I mited I fj ., ,,,
lluntinct. I
" ; ; . in
i Ma I. 18 ii in
18 Ureaon Wash. Limited 2:51 a in
76 Uoise PsjMBasjf I H a in
4 Lantern Lxpn-M. VZ.VZ p in
o Ovasssji Waoh. BipiBta BaV ,,,
w WtTVW Aim
No. t-ave
18t Mixed, leaves Monday,
wssMaadaji and rriday 9:00 a m
i'w Am
140 Mixisi, arrives Tuesday ,
Thursday aiai Saturday l ' ( m
No. Leave
141 Mixed Vale ami Hrogan
haily except Surulsx 10 no a m
l'aaaaiu. i, Vale lnil
BAari' in t v i
ati Paaaaacar, from VaJa
daily 0 i I,,
14- Mixed from llrogan
and a. Dailj . kc i
ii in
The lloiu. lata nam I ,ve Nja
at '.' :4o on lues.lay, I iursda .ml
.- .t r.lHv, ictiirninii, .nine at On
tm io at 0 p. in.
At One Time She Was Second
Largest European Country.
Washtiixtou llic l'ol.ui.1 .1 171.
vu larajac ibaa any agkat Kurupau
loiinlry. wllli the exception of Russia.
i'o.ii it aaa no noUtlcal entity, say
(he .National iieoi;i '.iplilcal society, in a
statement Jusl Issued Two ceuturitst
no Ita domain reached trout the lialtlc
lo t lie I'lirpatliinus , ml iu . Ii.-.l from to west for a distance of approxl
unilely miles.
"1'lie llrst partition of Poland cauio
ill 17..!, when I'linsia and Austria,
ul.umcd Bf the proivsa of UiiHla In
Poland, ailastaatadt as a means of ui.;in
laluiug 'he i ,iiliilirmni of Europe, that
All tares puwaffl ruadjust their ler
rttortea at the expeuae of Poland." amy
llie vi. -let . .-, i l j i :,-! Ill
Poland lay utterly lielpleas. Shu
oout on. tlftll of her iKipill.itlon
and onc-foun:, of her territor.'. The
sect nd pal nn. ii. in 'X, reduced Po
. one lord of her oruiual dimeii--.i.i.s.
Willi a poyulatlua of about WOO.
i"1 A lii. id treaty of parlltiou was
I he congress of leu
lia. In 1815, divided Poland
i i us-iii. ul;ii and ltu-.-ii. with the!
N'e sre eoafroBl h a aaa rursil
clvllUutlou H is so radically differ
ret from Hie lite ol in past that It
may wen be called new' not merely
because r lis ch.iructrlstis, but be-c.nirti-
or lis triumph Hi rand "nopera
Mon ami leu The i filiation
ef modern sgrncles. and the ise of
farm machinery have greatl) Inereas
c.l the efficiency of the farmers.
broadened their vision and Iliad" life
more satisfying
The most nous enemlfs to coun
try life nre isolation and drudgery, and
perhaps the worse of the two Is Iso
lation It Is the ur of Ho. coun
try Tht hunger of ouug people for
companionship has been disregarded
am In artous ways the social in
i -til: its havw had their revenge The
tr ii . ! modern Inventive skill and
: MtaTBTtM have i. rich.-. i country life
an I aft' Mod the facilities of banish
In forever the extreme Isolation
which used to vex the furm house
hold of the past. The telephone Is a
great social asset In th.- rural home,
the rural free delivery brlugs the
world's dally sMgaaH to the door; the
parcel post delivers ten million pack
ages per annum at n half million
homes, and the automobile annihilates
distance making Isolation a myth
The building of public highways has
brought communities and (urui nomas
closer together.
Ths Slavs of Orudgsry.
By t'i.' Radford.
Lectur'-r Nattoaa Ptsjaata t'ntoa.
With ihu new devcl.'voment of rural
Hfe, there comes the (4ftand for h
''used aaJaeattOBAl laclfpVes and the
I in id lee or universal educate, which
Is eweepmg Ihe country calls1 for In
l. Iln;eiii ami consecrated leadership
lb our rural schools It is upon' the
rural teacher that oue of the heaviitat
burdens of civilisation falls, for no?
mil) he lav the foundation of
education, but ho mtial also Instill Into
the pupils the real lovs for country
life, which will hold blui ou the
'"m and help, to atom the town ward
In the city, the t.-iuh.-r la a cog In
the vast wheel of educational machtu
er : in the country he le tku wheel.
It is he who must mold the character
Inspire the ideals and shape the dee
tiny of the farm boys and girls, and
If he is tut.', I by nature for the taiisk,
not only will the results of his ef
forts be reflected iu the pupils, but
graduallv the whole community a ill
be leavened with a new uuiblllon tor
Me can organise around the school
the main interests of the boys aud
gills and develop the impulse for eo
operathu, which in time will displace
the old competitive Individualism and
make rural social lite more congenial
and satisfying. The possibilities for
making the rural school the social
aud economic center of the commu
nity are almost endless, and the facul
ties of ths rural teacher may have
full play, for It will takt all his time '
snd ingenuity If be attains the full i
measure of success.
The Farm Woman Needs Relief
More Than Her City Sister.
By Pster tadfsrd.
turer fraajpaal ..l"r' ''men
rm the fnrm'' r contend that efle
not. The city woman 'may dp nioril
ensllv rcstrnlned bv legislation.
'she nuiv have n more nttcntlv,
dlence when she cries aloud, but
real lnbor problem, In so far as It re
lates to women nnd children. Is on
the fnrm where mother nnd child,
wielding the hoc nnd gathering the
hnrvest, toll dnv In nnd day out with
out hop of reward.
Ths City Life Puny. J
Ths farm women work from sun
until sun. Thpy do their housework
and lull a half -million babes to sloop
after the chickens go to roost, and
they get breakfast nnd milk the cows
before the lark sings Thp city wo
man frequently chafes under hard
ships that the farm woman would
consider a blessing. The city people
are great talkers and ofttlmes great '
ly magnify their troubles and enlargs
their accomplishments. This charac
teristic permeates orgsnlred society
as well as enters Into the Individual
life of (In.". There are orphan asy-
1 lunis which are doing commens'l'de
I work and should be encouraged, X1
I boast of their necompllshments, but
i I have seen widows In tho country
' m.L. a nmrtn ilrlnlr hpunh w.l.. am
eat corn-bread and molasses and
ralsa more children and better chil
dren than many of these city orphan
asylums. The cities nsad to gat back
to the soil with their Ideals. They
are hysterical, puny snd feeble Jn.
their conception ot life, Its require
ments and Its opportunities.
One Thing About Whish tvery Nation
Is Kstrerrttly Sensitivs.
ThetV Is uoiiim. BUMM winch civil-
i UjI n. ''is urv iiulte so sensitive as
Much has been ssld snd mo'rV rlf. J the CMiitaaTBtJ '" ""',r ""0ol"u fl"'
ten ii nor, ( ii,,, -oniim In the tai to.'
and behind the counter, but how shout
the woman who works In the field,
I want to say a faw words1 In her be
half. I regret a nacesblty (hut com
pels woman to work' for a livelihood,
and I favor not only shortening her
hours, hut freeing her- from manual
labor entirely. I crave for society
fhat high standard of exeisJIenee where
tin. home Is woman's tlh-osa" and her
life Is devoted to molding the char-et.-r
and elevating the thought of
the rising generation Hut so long as
Want' ,'ree. and misfortune ,3revall In
this world, women, through choice or
necessity", will work, and perhaps
they will work at one tat.k or a nether
as many hours per day as they please
We may pat the weak and ad'wlre
the strong in rhelr struggle, but Ihe
rami woman is entitled to her slnvs
cf sympathy and reward.
A fthjf berate UlflS v
ii ling will bring
All Must Toll
labor problem
as relates
It Is a dramatic moment on the
farm when machinery emancipates
the slave of drudgery Ths evolution
1 of farm machinery ta a continued
! story of human Ingenuity One man i
now, by the aid of modern mechanical :
' devices, can do as much as Ave or
I ten men used to perform and the
work Is less burdensome and more
' fascinating The miracle of conquest I
will lift the curse of drudgery that
hss crushed the courage out of farm
Bsjnj and causes them to retreat to ths a good grasp on the organisation and
cities There are main labor-saslug management of the new and scientific
Must Be Community Leader.
A uoted college professor recently
said that three things are now re
quired of a rural teacher The first
requirement Is that he must be strong '
enough to establish himself as a lead
ami womanly aevotlon. rr-
..i..i.. ..- -- ,. ... "
sr Iu the community In which he lives I " " "J 8"ou,a oe lne "re t0 SB
and labors; second, that he must have
The Real Labor Problem
devices for th- homes that can relieve
ihe wile of back breaking tasks I41
bor saving machinery has wrought
educational problems that have en
gaged the attention of the bos. re
lieved the housevvtfp and added new
..... in. I.... .....I ....... ..- ... . l ..
between ''"""!" ! iiiiie in inruiiiig anu
nas taKei! .m.i. i-eir pitv and tlveu
uxtVptioii of ii. (cow. which was
sd I ito m republli sui bedded In Qallcls
ami Uucsea, with a population
d alOvOOO, were left ta Prussia Ana
irlu n n swesslou vt llallcla,
wiiu Its , " inUdUUsyits. Uih
theiu a genuine pride in their callitig
Wo need to take full advantage of
these facilities
Co-operation th Key Note.
farm school and, third, that he must
show expert ability in dealing with
the modem rural school curriculum.
If he lives up to the opportunities of
fered him as a rural leader, he will
train boys and girls distinctly for
rural life, not only by giving them '
the rudiments of agricultural training.
but by enabling them to see the at-
tractive side of farm life, and to real- '
lag that it is a scientific buslucss. and
one of the most complex of all uro-
vd at mos, p,;. -.. .:
boillf point flag I lie . ,ten
lead to si alne.1 relntiuus m
to wur. j
How seriously nations take tbesV
things is sh.iui, lo ,,r iiildeiiire s
With whKh a war i l.iilil tip'
when lliii-rti. tin lcvii ,n dictator,'
qulbliled it I t xiilillluir (Hie American
flag after his ottlcel'K lt fHegully ar
rested I lilted Stalls HHfl )i J
It wns n ting Incident that renewed
the Ilalkaii war after Tin Key tinti Iseu
successfnlly eftjabed b.v tiic three allies.
Tlleie was stldliu- III feeling aiuoiitf
the allies us to the dlvlsiou of tit
spoils A mo i.'i Sen tin piity crossed
the Bulgarian bolder nnd wus quietly
lootltig u village near Vrntsa. wbeo
the local postmaster Uolsted the red,
green and white lliilgailnn dug over
the BssjtatBM He vvaa shot Iu tile ace
flllll tli.. Il ,....,.11 I.. I ....... !....,-. M
, - - ' luu. mi ..mi (iniu-iv .Next
1 aiorulug Uulgiirtii ile.lnred war
In It I II i r i i. .ii . I . . . . . I. -
. .h .miu.uii. fcieo cropping up ac-
ost vexatious one, ant.' cidauully. but apoluajtai smooth mat-
BPSfVar. It is. for lustuuCe. n mortal
iiu.uU for a ship to tly unolher nutJeual
dag below ita own, us this Implies cap
ture aiai .conquest. It bus occasionally
been done- with tlugs on gulu occaslous.
A RussUsi warsii.p did It some years
ago durirs; a cull at Portsmouth. t
was, of course, followed by a com
plete apologw to the local admiral.
Tuts explstas why. wbeu the HrtjlaaaPe
adiuirulty lsssjed a universal code otI
signals some years ugo for use by all .
the nation, theee was a good deal of
International heartburning over the
colored plate of nntloual dags that pref-
acea It li.e uiiteu Jack, naturally,
came brst liiplomatic relations, par
ticularly wiih Germany, were rather
strained for some tltee, tbougb there
wus no Bangs of wur. It was realized
tbut alphabetical order was Impossible,
as many nations speif each other's
names differently Britain, for ex
ample, would count Germany among
the G's, while Germany calls itself
Deuuchlund. among the Da. Philadel
phia Ledger.
men. is a in
when we upplv It to women It becomes
more seriously MBDllCBtad. We will
always have to work unless some pay
tinea! genius can put i. lavv qB the
statute book that will enable us to
hre without labor. So oB as every
person must meet toil face to face, the
bestyWe can do Is to equitably dis
tribute the burdens and reward labor,
and ff there Is to be a revision of
wages and a shortening of hours. I
want the farm woman to get her
share. She has more reason to com
plain than any other class of tollers
She has. as a rule, fewer comforts.
fewer pleasures, less recreation and
lasja opportunity for enjoyment than I
her sister In the city. She has not
so many conveniences and fewer lux
uriss aud less to be thankful for than I
women who live In the town, but she '
toils on. a model of oonslstency. ua-
Is on the
ns with opportunities as ureal
One (,eai of modem civilisation l? "'' of any other calling.
The great dallies with flaming head
lines deplore the lot of women who
toll in the cities, the city pulpit
thunders with sympathy for her, and
the legislators orate In her behalf,
but :iot a line Is written, a word said
or a speech delivered in the interest
of the million women who labor on
the farm Where one BBBUUI works
In the cities in this state there are a
hundred mothers tolling in the laid,
and no mention Is made of It. Is the iii me city entitled to
mors cpus'.; jrejlon tat" to
An Excellent Shampoo.
The following is a recipe for a sbuin
;' thut will make the buir fluffy and
easy to dress: Take hulf a cake of
white castlle soup, shave it up dnely
aud boil in a plut of water until It
Jellies. Allow It to become cool; then
beat up the yolks of three eggs and
add theiu to the soap Jelly with a tea
spoouful of euu de 0040(04, Shampoo
the buir m the usual wuv. rubbing the
au.v : iilivii,!.. u-kii n ,. .....i - -- -
MMI j0Ul wiUl toil uau.r