The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, January 07, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Ontario Pharmacy
Eastman Kodaks
Rexall Remedies
hens nnd turkey hens.
white Leghorn
Phone 005-K-2.
Mrs. Jess Haiti visited at Baker with
her mother New Years day.
J. D. Hillingsley made a business
trip to Westfull Wednesday.
.las. A. Lackey is recovering splen
didly from bis operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Hob Copland came In
from Vale for a visit this week.
Mrs. Campbell was in Vale on busi
ness Wednesday.
W. G. Ueagle and family moved in
from their ranch to spend the remain
der of the winter.
C. U. Stover who underwent an op
eration a short time ago will return
home in a few days.
Mrs. Bock, who had an operation
for appendicitis, is convalescing rapid
ly and will return home in a few days.
A. B. Cain went to Boise Wednes
day to attend the Idaho State Poultry
We received a letter this week from
Thos. Arnold and Dr. Priming went M. E. Bain of Aylmer, Ontario, Cana-
WANTED To buy shelled corn.
Phone 005-K-2.
Mrs. Silas Lewis, a nice of Mrs. Geo.
Vanderhoof, is visiting here this week.
Mrs. A. B. Cain was a Boise visitor
this week.
W. W. Caviness of Vale was a busi
ness visitor Tuesday.
C. McGonagill was a Vale visitor
P. J. Phillips of Nyssa was a busi
ness visitor here Monday.
W. W. Let.son was in Juntura Mon
day on business.
Duncan McRae and family from
Riverton came in Tuesday to spend the
j F. L. Sheets and wife were at Cald
well Thursday.
Miss Dorothy Cox returned to her
school near Huntington Saturday.
Oregon's New Governor.
to Riverton for a few days.
H. H. Rambo was in Westfall last
week on business.
Mr. Elmer Orcutt visited with rela
tives Eriday of last week.
da, where he is visiting his aunt.
Mrs. Geo. Vanderhoof and Miss Eva
moved to their ranch above Vale for
the remainder of the winter.
Mr. VanSicklin of the Weiser Loan
& Trust Co.. was nn Ontario visitor
jonn wood made a trip to nis rancn Wednesday.
at itivcrton .Monday.
Nelson Newman returned to Sho
shone Monday after spending Chirat
nias week with relatives and friends.
Mrs. E. H. Test entertained the'
Bridge Club Tuesday. Mrs. E. A.
Eraser received the prize.
t M. W. Waring and family of Km
nitt M in town a few daya this
past week on a business visit.
W. J. Mink and H. H. Waggoner
have traded town residences. Both
families moved the last part of last
Mrs. D. H. Kerfoot and Miss Inez
returned from Weiser Sunday, where
the spent Christmas with Mrs. Ker
foot's mother.
LbbW ' tpRuflv .BBBI
bbbV BBBb!
Portland. Seven secret Indictments
In connection with alleged frauds In
circulating petitions for the recall of
MaMir Albee and Commissioners
Dteek and Brewster were returned by
the grand Jury here. False names and
addresses, said to have been written
In the petitions, were the basis of the
. John
Coin Making Is Charged.
Oregon City. Joe Oould. a Isborer
In the Baker's Bridge district, whs ar
rester! by William M. (Jlover, secret
service operator. Sherirr Mans and
Constable Frost on a charge of coun
terfeiting. A melting pot, batteries nnd other
parts of a counterfeiting equipment,
except the dies, were found near
Oould's cabin on the CIsckamRs river
and were brought In to Oregon City,
where they are held hs evidence.
Mr. G. A. Childcrs, deputy national
director of the Loyul Order of Moose,
Mr. ami Mrs. C. E. Kenyon and son ' ' wn U we looking after the.
organization of a lodge here.
Charley spent New Years visiting
friends here. Mr Bn( MrB D M TuJCKrrt PntPr.
Mrs. Thomas Jones and daughter. Gained with five hundred Wednesday
Miss Lela, were Ontario visitors New "Mi. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Goudy re
Years day. ceiving high scores.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Schuppell went to r '"' Mrs. Harry Anderson from
Portland Monday evening for a week Crowley are Ontario visitors this week.
vacation. I u '" Jones of Juntura, was in On
tario on business the first ot the week.
The Misses Orcutt entertained with
six tables of Five Hundred Naw Years For Sale Pure bred young Ply-
night ! mouth Rock Cockerels. L. E. Shaw,
Payette, Idaho, R. E. D. 1. Phone 12-21
Mrs. E. C. Van Petten entertained Fruitland.
the Carnation party Eriday. Mrs. W.
H. Brooke received the high score. Miss Mary Locey and Miss Nanny
Duncan from Ironsides, arrived here
icuty rurceii returned rrom waineur Wednesday to visit at the home of
City Saturday where she had been to jameg Lackey,
spend her vacation. i
W. W. Lawther was an Ontario vis
Mrs. John Brosnan and Miss Ella itor from ivt.rton Wednesday.
Brosnun returned from Brogan Mon- Milw je--je Bullard was a Vale vis
day where they have been for the past jtor Wednesday,
few days. i
E. E. Kendall of Jamieson, and W.
Ex-Judge Rector of Harney county, w Caviness and I. W. Hope of Vale,
passed through here Friday on his pag8ed through Ontario Tuesday night
way from his home at Burns to the on their way t0 Ponied t0 attenii tne
east where he will spend several weeks. jrrjgation Congress.
Glenn and Harry Brown have re-, A gwoine outfit has been busy
turned from Daimond Valley where iat41V( chopping alfalfa southwest of
they went to spend the holidays with town, Air ensilage chopper is used
their parents. ) BIMj the hliy ia chopped so fine that
Miss Margaret Dunbar returned to stod wiH eat every Prticle ot il thus
Vale Sunday evening after spending efflinl,l muin wtthl'-
her vacation with her parents of this Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Hedges spent
place. Friday night in Ontario. They were
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hill of Eugene on their wy btk t0 Juntura from
arrived in town Monday for u few Portland, where they had been visit
weeks visit with their son, J. H. Hill, in frien,is arul relatives for the past
proprietor of the Hill's Pharmacy. two weeks-
Roy Conklin, superintendent of the B Shaddock passed through On
vVallowa schools, was in town last tttrio on his w4' t0 Burns Wednesday
Thursday on business concerning his corning. Mr. Shaddock is the agri
desert claim. I cu,turalist for Harney county and has
L I been visiting at Payette for the past
Miss Cora McNulty and Miss Grace few weeks.
Lang returned to Wallowa after a ten
days visit with Miss McNulty's par-1 Mr8' MaGul of Ontario and sisters,
ents of this place. j Mr8' Peterson of Seattle and Mrs. Tay-
lor of Monmouth, who Bpent the holi-
Prof. Roy Conklin of Wallowa, sup- ,iays with their father, Robert Officer,
erintendent of the high school there, their brothers and sister, Mrs. Edward
visited his brother, E. B. Conklin, here Luce, left Saturday morning for their
last week. i homes. Baker Herald.
A surprise party was given Mr. and A cougar was seen south of town by
Mrs. A. L. Cockrum Monday night. Mr. Carlson, near the Springer place,
rive Hundred was me game ami mrs. -ast Monday. Mr. larison nad no
H. C. Whitworth and Mr. Cockrum re- shooting iron with him and by the
ceived the high schore. time he had secured one the cougar
had disappeared into the brush and
Baker Plsns $180,000 Lighting Plsnt.
Baker. The submission to the tax
payers of Raker of n proposal to Issue
$110,000 In honda for the Inatallation
of a municipal lighting plant, was aa
sured by the receipt of a report from
J. L. Htnnnard. electrical engineer of
Portland, that the plant could be built
St the ih hi .-. as estimated by L. R.
Stockman, the engineer originally em
ployed to prepare the estimates.
6. P. Pump Tender With Record Diet.
Eugene With no demerit In eight
years of service on his record, Jerome
Smith, n pump tender on the Southern
Paclflr, died here after a long illness.
Eight bar medals gave him the record
for the most perfect service on that
line In OrVfOsV He had been with Uio
company for 20 yeara.
Jan. 1. J. Lindsey, Weiser; Harold
Mnllett, Howard Mallett, Mallett; Mrs.
O. Eckerslev, Cove: Nell Eckerslev.
Walla Walla; Luella Rice, New Ply
mouth; VYitie Toney, W. Bollinger,
Albert James, Payette.
Jan. 2. A. J. Jones and wife, Baker;
Thos. Patton, Chas. Patton, Fulk;
Maggie Kribs, Jnmieson.
Jan. 3. E. I. Brogan, Vale; Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Anderson, Crowley; Edgar
B. Duncan, Jnmieson; E. O. Johnson,
Jan. 4. E. L. Kennon, Baker; D. D.
rathenngton and wife, Jamieson; H. , Cambridge.
M. Gilliam, Baker. Jan. 5. E. I. Hatfield, Nysaa; Hen-
Jan. 5. L. Winstedt, Harper; G. H.Jry W. Wnkerlig. Westfall; H. Davy,
Orams. Nampa; S. B. Brisco, Weiser; j Huntington.
Jan. 1. C. M. Crandall, Vi'l
l.iary, Margaret Leary, Pla
1 Burnett, Weiser; C
linms, New Plymouth.
Jan. 2. A. F. Masterson. luntura;
Dean Goodman. Juntura; J. I Button,
Weiser; C. W. Polk, Huntim ion; Win.
Joins. Juntura; Fred E. .Vettion, F.
W. Leo, Fossil; D. W. MeKwen, Vale.
Jan. .'!. G. H. Oram, Nampa; A. P.
I '.ims. LaGrande.
Inn. 4. C. E. Ferrer, R. H. Barting,
R. L. Lish, Vale.
Jan. 6. H. L. Anderson and wife,
Jnn. fl. Robert Frnnklln, Nyssa; F.
A. Rafferty, Roseburg.
Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
City Recorders Report
Being a report by Harry B. Gruuel,
City Recorder, of the receipts of the
City of Ontario, Malheur County, in
the State of Oregon, for the year 1914:
General Fund, tuxes $8,224.:)2
Fines 449.50
I Misc. Licenses 1 ,02:1.75
Old Sewer account ' 20.00
Trunk Sewer No. 2 21,819.0.1
Lateral District Sewer No. 1. .'1,042.0':
Lateral District Sewer No. 2.
Lateral District Sewer No. :'.. TOfi.fiO
Lateral District Sewer No. 4. :i,60.'!.21
Lateral District Sewer No. 0. 90.87
Liquor licenses 8,000.00
Street Improvement Assess
ment 110.1.1
Sidewalk Improvement As
sessment 687.56
Pound account 90.05
Malheur County 40.67
Library account taxes 966.99
City Hall Bond account taxes 966.99
Trunk Sewer No. 1, taxes 1,014.39
Bond Account Lat. Sewer
Dist. 2 to 5 13,831.02
Interest on deposits 9.78
Sugar Plant For Medford Promised.
Medford. Medford will have a $500,
000 sugar beet factory in the near
future If preaeut plaua are carried out.
At a maaa meeting attended by
more tliaii 500 ranchers, a proposition
waa made by A. Nlbley and F. 8.
Hramwell, of Rait Lake, Utah, guar
anteelng the construction of the fac
tory If n contract for 6000 acres In
sugar beets Is signed. Mr. Hramwell
said that the sunahlne In the Koguo
river valley and the fact that an Irri
gation district was to be secured had
convinced him that t lit n waa the place
U) establish the business.
A committee was appointed to con
fer with the executive committee of
the Farmers' and Fruitgrowers' (ensue
to determine whether or not the 6000
acres could be slgued up.
Wm. Buikner was married Wednes-
weeds along the Malheur river.
day at the Baptist Church, by Rev.
Baker to Miss Mabel Stewart. They w. R. Shinn left Monday for Mat
have gone to Boise, and on their return toon jjBt t0 attend the bedside of his
will make Ontario their home. grandfather, O. M. Shinn, who is suf-
Mrs. Cohen, daughter and son, from fering from inflamation of the blad
Nampa, were visiting at the home of der. Mr. Shinn expects to be gone
W. E. Lees Saturday. Mr. Cohen was several weeks. His grandfather is 90
bookkeeper for the O. F. Co., thirteen years of age and according to the tele
years ago. This is Mrs. Cohen's first gram received Monday is very ser
visit hu-c since that time. ' iour'y DL
Total $64,698.89
City Recorder.
Being a report by Harry B. Grauel,
City Recorder, of the expenditures of
the City of Ontario, Malheur County,
in the State of Oregon, for the year
Clerk's office $1,226.20
Treasurer's office 156.25
Attorney's office 300.00
Police Department 2,457.13
Fire Department 441.55
Health Department 97.10
Elections 311.80
Stationery and printing 333.6.'!
Library Commission 932.09
Sprinkling 871.32
Account of City Hall 1,114.80
Trunk Sewer No. 1 account.. 1,200.00
Trunk Sewer No. 2 account. .12,061.72
Lateral District No. 1, Sewer
account 3,514.58
Lateral Districts Nob. 2 to 5.18,643.95
Light 3,153.35
Water 1,462.10
Street improvement 2,482.24
Old Sewer account 1,499.54
Sidewalk improvement 621.81
Cross walks 253.70
Cleaning streets, parks and
walks 644.99
City Hall Bond account 297.4:;
Drainage 1,141.38
Charity 13.72
Public Building Bond account 168.80
Refunding Bond account .... 550.00
Fair and Hospital Bond ac
count 102.50
Inflammables Barred From Schools.
Portland -Superintendent L. R. Al
derman of the Portland board of edu
cation hus announced that as a result
of the fire at Irvlngton public school,
all similar Chrlstmss entertainments
at other schools had been canceled.
Six children and two teachers were
painfully burned when a short circuit
of electric wires set fire to the deco
rations on a Christmas tree at the
school. While two of the children
were seriously Injured, it was an
nounced that all were eipocted to re
cover. The board probably will Issue
a permanent order prohibiting the uae
of Inflammable materials at any fu
ture achool entertainment.
Salem. Or. -A look of his own hnlr,
taken from the hand of one of his vie
titna, who had fought deaperately for
her life, and that of her child, held he
fore John Q H Klerks, a feeble-mlml
ed Inmate or the state Insane asylum,
cauaed hlra to confess to the killing of
Mrs. Malay Wehrman and her little
boy In their eahln, nesr Seappoose, the
night of September 4. 1911.
Thus, the authorities say, Is John
Arthur Pender, "convicted of the crime
and sentenced to be hanged, proved
gulltles.i. He will. It In believed, be
freed by executive order lu a few days.
Ha Bratl.k O.lla'.ntlv Prom Whan
H. Tall the Truth.
When ' are a lie you
breathe dlllci cully tiuin wlieu you are
telling the Uolu. The difference wua
discovered by iiu-tiit ot some leata
made upou bit sUiUinu by Professor ;
lleuuaal of Outs.
He prepared curds Itearlng letters,
figures uihI diagrams und distributed
theae among but pupils These were
regulreU to dm. iibe the curds correct
sfl(p r B
HI1BBaVfBr AjflkBBBlffl
la m s
General von Stein, who Is In charge
ly, except lu ceiuin cusee wbeu lbs ' th commlsssry depsrtmant of tha
cards were uiuikud with a red star i Osrmsn army. .
aud Uie students rucelvlug Uieui were
required to describe theui falsely. Each
studeut wus wuU-bed carefully by bis
fellows, wbo, tguorant of the nature
of the card, tried to Judge from Ida
in. i inter whether bu waa telliug the
truth or not. The watchers were uu
sble to Judge with auy certainty.
But before each man begun bis teat
Wheat -Club. I 29, blueatem $1.11;
red Itusslan. $1.22; forty fold, $1.S0;
red fife. $1.14.
Hopmen Mast st OsllSS.
Dallaa. The Oregon Hopgrowera'
association held a meeting In the coun
ty courthouse in this city, with ('lies
ter O. Coad presiding. The meeting
was In charge of J. L. Cartwrlght, of
Harriaburg; M. L. Jonea, of Brooka;
T. V. D. Paul, of Sheridan; M It
Fletcher, of Independeuce, aud J. I.
Clarke, or Springfield.
Mere lb. in 'in per cent of the grow
ers In this section becsme members
of tbe new organization. The meet
lag waa a complete auecees.
Correct :
City Recorder
Paoiflc Highwsy Adds UtO.OOO to
Cost of Road Work and Repair.
Ashland Jackson county haa apent
nearly $500,000 on roada In 1914 The
Siskiyou unit of the Pacific highway
has cost to date $160,000, or $12,000
a mile. From Ashland's western out
skirts to the poor farm, about five
mllee. the expense has been nearly
$li'.((0i) a mile, oi a total of $62,000.
Tbla stretch has an aaphalt wearing
surface five Inches thick, and was con
tract work. Froui the poor farm to
Medford, less than seven miles, the
cost was $74,000, divided between
county and state, averaging $11,000
a mile.
Tbe Central Point unit was the most
expensive, costing $16,000 a mile.
This, however, Includes the cost of
machinery and material, the entire ex
penae over this particular area
amounting to nearly $&5,0OO. '1 he
county did this work. About $26,000
was applied on new construction and
grading, while tbe maintenance of the
rcj.uln throughout the county In gen
eral cost nearly $v0,000 The fore
going figures are semiofficial at glv
en out by the county court. Mon
than half of the paved surlmt inn
pleted on tb I'dclfic highway to date
has a concrete base.
Hutter Creamery, 32c
l.ggH ltan b. Ma iniidled, 36c.
Hops -114 crop. 12c, lais crop.
Woul Vslley. lite; esstern Oregon.
Hay Ksatern Oregon timothy. 116:
the time occupied lu Inspiration slid i Iruln hy, $n, ulfalta. $13. valley Urn
explrutlou wua measured, aud tbo (i K
incUMiii'f me in wus taken tiifiiin iiiiiiH.
dhilt-l.v tiller be IlitlMlietl. It was found
tbut the iiiti-i.incf of a false etuteiiieut
ulw.i -. Iiicieimed and the utterance of
a true statement alwaye diminished,
the iiutieul obtained by dividing the
time of lnilnilon by the time of ex
piration I 'i Anton Itose. commenting In Die
I'liii'baii on these results remark
that the discovery furulahee s certain
criterion between truth and falsehood.
Fur eveu a clever liar Is likely to full
lit ait attempt to eecnpe detectlou by
breutblng li'ieh'ulttrly, Professor lie
iiusal buvlug discovered tbut men srs
Uuuble voluntarily to cli.iugu their
renplrutloit mo mb to affect tbe result.
Wheal Hlueatem. f 1 30; club $1 2lt,
red Huaalau. $1 .' I turkey red. $1.26;
forty fold. $!.!; fife, $1.24.
Ilarley, $27 6u per ton.
Hay Timothy. $16 per ton; slfalfa.
$13 per ton.
Huller Creamery, 36c.
aa Ma
Everhart Drug Co.
Ontario, Oregon
Phone 131
f f
Hot Water Bottles
Fountain Syringes
The one that won't tear or leak