THE ONTARIO ARGUS THURSDAY, JANUARY 7 1915 2 THE ONTARIO ARGUS PLAN TO PR01ECT INNOCENT BUYERS FIELD FENCING PUBLISHED BVRKY THUKBDAY Entered in the pontoffice at Ontario, mails aa second-claas matter. W. C. An Agricultural Problem The great agricultural problem of this country is the markets. We can grow quantities and of excellent qual ity. Our soil is apparently everlasting in fertility and the water supply abundant. The crops are or can be raised economically and scientific knowledge is being introduced to aid in this matter. Hut our markets are very unsatisfactory. Associations have been formed to handle the market question in cer tain lines such as fruit, honey, etc., and men have worked at it independently, but the field has been scarcely touch ed. Look at the amount of fruit and vegetables that has gone to waste this year and also the hay that remains un sold. If the boosters of the county who have been doing a great work in bringing in settlers could solve the problem of markets so that the farmers could dispose of his produce in a profitable manner their work would be easier, in fact would be a success. The short cut to deyelopement in this country is good-marketa, Unite On Warm Springs Project "United we stand," was never practiced more opportunly or more completely than by the present delegation from Malheur County to the irrigation congress assembled at Portland. Last week representatives from Nyssa, Vale ami Ontario mtl in the city ball at Ontario in I gtVtO-fetbtf movement ami in perfect harmony unamimoUilv agreed 00 the thiofi they ihoold ask and favor at the irrigation 0OO great, They thoroughly outlined their method of proced ure tod decided on 1 coarse of action which they should follow, irrespective of which town it would most benefit. They agreed to drop past smnitiet ami join foroei t" secure t ndorsement the Warm Spring! Reservoir project by the irrigation oongross. it was a time !r COnocrted action ami the fact that Mal heur County is represented by about fifty delegate! is am ple proof that the greater jmd has been made the common MUSS. Thil united effort ami strength ihould always he the aim of the county. If every town or community would drop its Jealousies and lelflshnesi and get into the harnesi end pull for Malheur County, a greal ohange would be ef fected, Instead of reaping the memorial of leoret plotting tor probable factorial and the like, for their own little city, they would be enjoying the pleasnrei ami proAti of the real thing if all worked together. Team work gain- more than Individual effort There aw enough thing needed in this COUnty to go around, so what is the OSS of lighting over who shall have them ami thereby putting off development. Here's Where We Stand In Regard to Keep ing This Town a Clean Place to Live In! PUBLICITY ih lit io sure .are for DOfOKAUTT. VICB CANNOT THRIVt WHEN THE SPOT LIGHT 18 THROWN ON IT. TBI BOMB BBW1PAPBB assi !' Is smcrvt the morals of a OOBUnunitj tSSS BBJ other iial' factor. A HABITUAL ATTENDANT IN THE COURTS FEARS PUBLIC ITY MORE THAN THE POSSIBILITY OF BEING FINED. PUB LICITY IS THE PREVENTIVE OF VICE. Tins BOMB HBWlPaPBB sicaM lessbt the unalloyed support of tBt citi.'on who " auxiou to ujhft the moral of our community Tali sascaaei eetai ssal i bsb4 eitk tat churches in all worthy sfforU to mak' tins community a bettor Blast. It supports nil movements Uoding to improve condition The churches, l he citizens i"d the jiress should 00-eBSfStS u making tin a clean town in which to live, in which to bring up our children. Kvon BBS should read tins newspaper. Kvory BBS should iwaist in ridding ''" town of all I oral of uuuiorality. It would lie BS89 Is oi'iii a SBBabUBf CSS on the principal street of Um town wore it not for the publicity that would he t corded tuch an undertaking. Illicit wlliag of intoxicatinf Uqasn would ho SBSJ BOW t not for publicity. Other nauseous forms of vioa would thrive vera it sot for fsei el publicity. YOU CAN HELP MAKE THIS A BETTER PLACE IN WHICH TO LIVE, A FAR BETTER HOME FOR OUR CHILDREN, BY COR DIAL CO OPERATION WITH THIS NEWSPAPER. YOU CAN POINT OUT WHERE VICE EXISTS. THIS NEWSPAPER WILL FOCUS PUBLIC ATTENTION TOWARD EVIL SURROUNDINGS. PUBLIC SENTIMENT WILL THEN BE AROUSED. NO INSTITU TION IS STRONG ENOUGH TO OVERCOME 'UBLIC SENTIMENT. V. ritOMZE THE lU'Ml I'Al'l'.U' Oreiron, for trtnsmissioa tliriinnh the MARSH p State Land Board Asked to Withdraw Big Law Suit. flalem A tentative proposition wif made to the state land board to have the state withdraw proceedings for re covery of 20.000 of the 80,000 acres In volved In the Hyde-Benson dummy frauds, upon the payment of $3.60 an acre by the Innocent purchasers. The consent of the government Is neces sary before the state can carry out the agreement. A report of the purchasers asserted that they had secured the school tracts tn good faith, and that to push the suit to recover title would be to Inflict a hardship on them. Some of the tracU have passed through sever al hands, it Is said. IDAHO LEGISLATURE MEETS IN BOISE Republicans Pick Connor for Speakership of the House niM. The republican majority house caucus was deadlocked over the speakership for 14 votes, none of the three candidates. Peter O. Johnston, of Illngham county; A. H. Conner, of Homier county, and C. R. Koetsch, of Ada county, having received the 17 votes needed to control the caucus On the 26th ballot Conner was eteeted. David Hurrell, of American Falls, was elected lilef clerk of the house, and Storey buck, of Lewlston, assist ant chief clerk The democratic senators elected K. M I'UKinlre of Hear Lake count), lead er of CM minority. The republican senatorial and ma jority caucus resulted In the elect ion of Senator John Hart, of Mainnn. proa Idenl pro tcin of the senate, and Sle I'uun I). Taylor, of Honners Kerry, m r.tury. Other Important attaches . t. .1 wen : Engrossing clerk, Hossle von llor t. ii Ada county; assistant engrossing clerk. Krankle K. Smith, Hiiighaui county; enrolling clerk. Jessie K War rlngton. Twin Kalis county, assistant enroling clerk, llessle M MM Ada uty. chaplain, D. II Jones. Ada county; sergeant at anus, S r Kisk. Canyon . assistant s. arms. J. W. Jones, .l.-fferson count v. doorkeeper, A A Tuckey, Hnnncvillc OOttBtyi janitor. James Haley, Cassia county, panes. I'cter Johnston and L M Thomas. Murder and Suicide After Funeral. I.owislon The bodies of Krank La rue and his wife, a bullet hole In the right temple ol each, were found hero in Hi. apartments of Larue at the horn.- ol Mrs Mary L. Sullivan. At the coroner s Inquest the Jury return 4 .i verdict that Larue had shot his mi. iii the uic.lit with a Jl caliber re volvcr an. I llien committed suicide. Tin- tuueral of the 3 months old child of the Larue, was held the day be lore The body of Mrs Larue was com plctelv attired and its posture illdl cate.l that she was murdered while she knell at the bedside Larue's body was Ivtug on the bed and a revolver was toun.l within several Inches ol his hand. TAX DECISION MUDDLES Shoshone Official Refuese to be Bound By Order of County Heade. Wallace The decision of Judge Woods of the district court holding .pedal school tax levies lu excess of Me mills oid, which was followed by an order of the count) commls sioners reducing the levies lu seveu dependent districts In the county to that amount, has caused complica tions The reductions amount to several thousand dollars and made a reduc lion ot :i4 mills lu the aggregate levy. Miss Kathryn O Hourke. tax collect or lias retused to be bound by the or der ot the board The tax collector was a defendant in the suit of the RttUadB Timber company against the OOUBl) and its to prevent the oollection of aa 11 mill school tax lu dislint No If BB fine creek A.vordiuK to the lax lollector she aM ii.wi- s.iwd with summons or other notice in the suit and was not repreaeaWd bafoN the conn whenthe inaiui- came on for hearing Kfl Dl flctal nonce has 0000 rOCOlVOd b) the ia collector Of IbO boards action in rodOOiaf the lOVtaa Of IBB service Bj j j; !'. DCBVof tfUvt the yiib Let Malheur Mercantile Co. Ontario, - - Oregon kliow ledge she has of the action It the same as any other person of the county. Approximately three fourths of the taxes of the s hoot districts affected lllle lnell paid The tax collector Is segregating the taxes coll. -cted In excess of the rive nulls and IBst amount will be deposit Bi with the proprr officials to await the out. .'III.' Sleuthe' Bill is Proteeted. Ballaie The sleuths employed by county officials to ferret out alleged kamlliiiK names lu tills clt and who wer' allowed I.e. lor uieir irrmrp bv the board of county commissioners are confronted with a lenal battle to secure possession of their mone Walter H Hanson and James A. Wayne, taxpayers, have decided to ap peal from the order of the county com mlssloners In allowing the bill and the county auditor has been notified .. A...l . tl 1- .......A.iM thai If he turns the county warrant over to the Thiel Detective association of Spokane, lu whose favor the war rant Is drawn and who furnished the .ervlces. he will do so on his own re sponslblllty. This has stopped the de livery of the warrant. PROSPERITY SHINES THROUGHOUT STATE W- If.'ms feathered Overit,mbe . - . Oregon lellOI Mel- ter Tittles. Butldlog permits Issued by the city of Salem during the year totaled $268 410. A carload of flour Is to be Klamath county's donation to the Helglan relief fund. lrrigatlonlsts from all over Oregon leathered at the Imperial hotel in Port land Thursday, for the fourth annual session of the Oregon Irrigation Con tress. The Ashland sub station of the Ore gon California Light & I'ower Com pan . situated across Hear Creak, out sul. the city limit, was burned with a loss of $15,000. A special short course for the teach ers of OrOfOB whose terms of school end early ha- BIOS announced by the OfOSOB Normal lohOOl at Monmouth. to.coiuiueii;...' on A'.'il a. This is the time of year to purchase Fencing. Our stock is very large and complete and prices much reduced. us show you. I'ress Lewis, presl.'ient ol the tlranil Honde Cash company of la Grande. wus admitted to $oimi hotul following his arrest at Hurley, Idaho, on a chaw speclfyliig ISIBSBJ DJ bailee. The completion of the new Jl'-'.""" h,Kh a,.no ror Ti,e Dulles, which will be rcadv for occupancy February 1, will give that ity the best an I :mst coinpl. -t.- .du.atln.ial building of its class In the state of Oregon. Ml pawnbrokers and secondhand de..i. is of LB Orainlt must keep a rec- on ()f n ur,i-es purchns'ed or other i wi,. ,.(lnlred. the ordinance beltiK the n..(ult ,)f pn, idieMnn which was re- ported In the lasl few months. ti. . ...i.RiM. in I'olU conn- ty has been Increased greatly this has notified the county commission fall by the pluming of many young . era of MbHSBBMB BBBBM tSBf no pro- I -.ii .. - as als l eft.. on Unu trees In each ot the prune districts, vision u ueeii ... .no i .vW 1 according to a recent survey of the . for the payment by t!ie stale of tt j various sections of the county. MO Interest 'or the first year on the Kxtensive plans have been made BfllMIMII aOBi Issue of that county. the folk I'MiiMt. Association for the I'nder the law the county Is to pro- I e,Knth amum i,ow which will be held in rt.ii... i.unar. la io 9ft .ml 21. Numerous cash prues. a number of 1 1 " provide the aunual Interest on valuable ribbons and eight silver cups , the bonds Just what complications are among the prliea offered. I ' rl'je B a result of the oversight Howard B Woods, manager of the "o one la able to predict. Welnhard Ice and storage plant at 8. G. BsWSBBi state superintendent Springfield, was arrested In that city, Si banks, In a supplement to his blen charged with violating the state white '' report, announces that bit de slave act. He Is accused of transport partment will turn back Into tho state Ing two women from Eugeue to treasury fSttUI Bf the appropriation SjslaitllH for Immoral purposes. Iff 1314 He also announces that if George Moar, one of the oldest pio- ' a BaM now being considered to turn neers of Yamhill county, died at the BtW ill the banking business of state home of his sister In Lafayette, on De- dc urtmente. Including the filing of ar- r 29 Mr Moar was born at La- fayette on December 26. 1851 He was e 80n of OtivSf and Hester Moar, pioneers of 1845, and one of a family of nine children The fees of the motor vehicle de partment of the state totaled 177,591 ' for ,ou act.ordlng t0 a rport of Sec retary of State Olcott. Feee are paid for registrations of dealers, chauf feurs, motor vehicles and motorcycles. In 1913, they totaled $56,873, making the gain for 1914 $20,719. According to data assembled by Col onel Laws. .a. warden of the state pen- I ttentiary, life termers have been received at the institution tlnce It was established in ISM and to the total Multnomah couuty has contributed the greatest number, 51, and Marion county the second largest. 15. That the action of the slate hoard of health In attempting to remove Dr. J. A. Van Hrakle, an osteopath, as health officer of Clackamas county, was illegal, was the decision of the supreme . our? tn an opinion by Jus lice Bean The court affirms the fnul iujjs of Circuit Judge TBirtbaJJ The new year found all stale Instl tutlons and departments, excepting those having coiitlnuliiK appropria tions, penniless, and they will remain In that condition until the legislature comes to tin ir rescue. It I spcclfl rally provided that money approprl aieu n me mm nini as. ..,..., ...... not be used nt.r January 1. ami I a result, a number of the Institutions nd departments will find themselves in the unhappy position of Impov.r Ishlng theim-lvo for the benefit of the general fund. Hecause of an oversight of the fram- ers ft the la.s providing for an inter- state bridge connecting Portland and Vancouver, the state tax commission vide Oregon s share of the expense of i bulldlug the structure and the stato He ee or incorporation oi uau... uuw filed with the corporation depart ment, to his department, It would be sell-supporting The receipts, not In eluding the appropriation of $10,00(1 for 1914. totaled $12.655. 45 or $2,856.67 more than lu 111$. Selved the Myetery The late Sir Edwin Durulug-Law-reoce, famous for bis theories that Ba con wrote Shakespeare's works, used to tell this story against himself. On one occasion, talking on his favorite subject to an old lady, he impressed on her us tlual proof the "fact" that SbakesHare could not write hit owo name, let alone the playa "Oh. I tee!'' the old lady said. "I quite tgree with you now. Sir Edwin. You mean that he dictated them!" Hans Andersen's Great fear. Hans Andersen, the great Danish writer, vat an excessively nervout muu. and he had a very great fear of being burtod ullve. So great was Oils dread that every night when he went to I...1 he would place by his bedside a lai., piece of paper on which waa writteu. "I am only apparently dead."