The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, December 31, 1914, Image 7

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Charley Turner, Regularly Ordained.
Dalivara Good Sermons.
Knoivllle. 1'eliu "hlvine insplra
t Ion " In those words inn u. account
for the wonderful preaching of thane
II. Turner, m tin mlxoiiu- Ittd of nil
years, who, though barely old enough
to attend public bcIuhiI, is mi ordained
minister of the Haptlst church, nk Ib
his father, a minister of sixteen years
Charley la a native of Florida He
will not be seven yenrs old until next
November. In September. UM2. be
waa converted and entered the work
which, he declare, will In- Ida voca
tlou. It waa at the closing service
of a Baptist Htnte convention thut the
lad, when the luvltntloti to petiltenta
' waa given, went forward That hhiiio
night he told hi father he hnd been
called to preach the gospel The father
waa aatnunded. for tip to that time
the lad had trccn. aa other boya, full of
play. However, when Charley Bald he
would like to tiuikc a few remark at
the Hnnday acrvlce hla father con
Mnted. The child took for hla theme "God
la Love." It waa thotiKht that ha
would simply any a few word and
It down Ititt he spoke for twenty
minutes while the ministers present
listened In open mouthed wonder.
Forty-eight of his hearers were moved
by tils 'words to live better Uvea.
Little Charley told of hla conver
sion and In a strong, loglcnl manner
declared the worth of (Jod's love In
way that the auditors bad never
heard It told before He preached a
real aennon. the beat, many said, they
had ever heard on the subject
He waa Immediately ordained to
preach, and be has been preaching
ever since, except for six months that
be was In a private school In school
be made three grades, one grade ev
ery two months. He learned fractions
one morning before breakfast.
Small Pond Produces Much
Food and Money.
Washington. "Fish fnrnilng Is a
rapidly growing ludustry throughout
the United States. The up to date
fish farmers flhd a ready market for
young fish and eggs and for food and
game flah The government and the
states purchase large iiuauiltlee of
eggs and fry "oin llsh fanuera every
year. Private clubs with their owu
fish preserves ""d butcheries also fur
nish a market u good price for eggs
aud fry. The couiuuti In i market for
food and gnuie fishes la a profitable
one. This la particularly tnie of trout
and baas. A steady market with an
average price of 75 cents per pound
for game trout makes the production
of this flab particularly attractive"
II. M. KUlltll. loininlssloUel of flsb
ertes. made this statement. Com mi
loner Smith Is greatly Interested In
the growing demand for supplies by
fish farmers, as well as by clubs ami
atnte authorities, and fish productlou
by these menus Is growing by leap
and bounds.
"In addition to the flab fanners who
are In the business commercially," con
tinued the commissioner, "there are
large numbers of tanners all over the
country who have come to reallre the
value of the private nsh pond a a
source of food supply. With a better
realization of the beueflts accruing
from the maintenance of liili ponds
on fin ins us an Inexpensive and ready
food supply for home cousumptlou. tbe
demand for black bass, crapplea, sun
flsb. catfish aud other species adapted
to poud culture, which are obtainable
only through natural reproduction, la
Increasing out of all proportion to tbe
annual supply available.
"During the flscal year that ended
June .'10. 1913. tbe total production and
output of food and game fishes by
the bureau exceeded 3.813 uOO.OOU. Dur
ing the flscul year Just closed tbe total
waa considerably more than 4 .ouo.uoo.
000. And notwithstanding tbe blgb
cost of labor and materials this steady
Increase lu production and output baa
been accomplished without a propor
tionate Increase In expenditures."
Proof Is Found Whin a Monkey la In
ooulatsd With Psllagra.
Topeku, Kan -A monkey at tbe
University of Kausas baa been In
oculated with pellagra by means of
and (Ilea, according to tbe announce
ment here by Professor 8 J. Hunter
of that Institution The announcement
followed tbe report of tbe Kansas
board of health, showing there are
eight caaea of pellagra In southeast
Tbe experiments will be continued.
Professor Hunter announced The
monkey la aald to have shown aymp
turns of the disease after sand tiles.
which bad been allowed to bite per
sona known to have pellagra, bad bit
ten the animal
Lightning Steals a Ring.
Auiarillo. Tex. -A curious freak of
lightning was reported bare when It
was Bald that lightning during a storm
knocked a ring off the finger of Muss
Mary Jennings of Canyon City, near
here It was stated tbe girt said she
felt a jerk aa tbe ring k-ft ber auger,
but that she waa uninjured
"The Argus
'' '3S j iaJawaVBWI J '&.
Kim hall's
TesMa.ol ,eOvVia-
Crirr -!LdfelCv --v Vue
tS3SEtt!mwe mitW
Rult Grower
They Give Assurance That Life Is
Really Extinct.
Apart Prom Rigor Mortis, a Positive
Sign of Death, the Artery Opening
and Fluorescein Tests Provide a &mr
Against Prematura Burial.
When the doctor pronounbea the
patient dead, la be sure? And, If noL
what teats can remove all doubt? This
Questlou, though uut often spoken. Is
probably preaeut lu the minds of
friends and relatlona at every death
Aa death la the worst of all disasters
and no mistake could be mora awful
than premature burial. It Is not maral
Interesting, but Important, for people
to know what testa are conclusive and
what are not.
Wbeu the breathing atone and no
sound of heart beat or pulae can be de
tected there la little doubt of death.
But the little doubt Is In Itaalf ao dread
ful that these commou signs an not
enough, if the body grows slowly
but steadily cool tbe doubt la Isaac ned,
but by uo menus removed. Nor la It a
sign of life If after dropping the tain
perature It auddeuly rises again.
Tbe placing of a mirror In front of
the mouth and nostrils la a wall known
teat Tbe theory la that even the faint
eat breath will dim tbe mirror. Thla
teat la not only worthless, but likely
to causa false bopea. Gases generated
lu the body very freguently Issue from
tbe mouth and form a mist upon the
Steel needles are sometimes tbraet
Into tbe muscles for a period of an
hoir and then examined If tbe per
ecu to allva the oxvgeu of the blood
2 zm
j.MsBiaasi awJUWess VJ
rAjmoN ocTtxo 't"'mjnk
' tfcniKrfc vOTiTic
$1.25 Our Paper and Any One of These Clubs $1.25
SEVERAL leading publishers of magazines have joined with us in one of the greatest subscription bar
gain offers ever put out in this country. Through this combination everybody will be able to get a
yearly subscription to three magazines in combination with our weekly paper at practically the price
of our paper alone. In this list you will find forty different periodicals formed into thirty-five different
clubs. Each club has 3 magazines, except one Special Club which has four magazines; some of these maga
zines sell for as much as $1 a year. They are all good and cover a large variety of choice reading matter,
including History, Music, Religion, Education, Fashions, Fancy Needlework, Illustrated Current Events,
Home Decorations, Fiction, Literature, Drama, Art, Science, Inventions, General Farming, Dairy Farming,
Live Stock, Vegetables, Fruit and Poultry.
On sccount ofthe splendid contrscl we hsve msde with the publishers of these magasincs, we sre able to give our rtsders s
choice of sny one of the clubs In combitistion with our paper one yesr for $1.23. Just 23c more thsn the price of our paper slone.
This offer Is msde to everybodr. If you hsve nevsr subscribed to our paper before, we ask yuu (o take advantage of this offer.
If you are s subscriber to our paper we ssk you to renew so thst you too, may get 3 msgaslnsa estra. Look over the Hat snd select
tbe club you like best. Send your order today or give your order to our representstive or cell st our office when In town. If you
are now a subscriber to sny of these msgasinss snd want to renew Just send your order to us snd we will have your subscription
eatended. If your subscription to out psper is psst due, we sdvise you to pay up snd tske sdvsntsge of this bsrgsln. If you sre in
tbe hsblt of buying your msgsstnes through other channels, w. ssk you to Justly compare our clubs and prices with that of any
other offer you receive. You, no doubt, are now a subscriber to soma of thsee periodicals. You csn ssve money by sending your
renefsl order to us. Here lea chance to get your home paper and a yearly supply cl good reading at a real bargain. If you want
o or more of tbeee magatinek sent to different addresses. Just mention it.
CLUB .. 1
MrCall'. (with frr. pattern i
Farm Lit
Kvtryday Lift
I t n N.. a
Woman t World
Ptoplte Popular Monthly
Oeotltw ernes
i.l I- II Nsh 8
Haarth and Homt
Farm Lift
Houaahold Maceilne
till! He. 4
Amarlran Woman
Farm Lift
Houaahold Outat
i.i r ii n... B
Tele i (with fro patttrn)
Farm Lift
Houaahold Masailnt
Stop No. B
Today'a twtth frte patttrn)
Kvtryday Lilt
:i.t'B No. T
Fsncyworh Masailnt
Kvtryday Ltfa
'Woman World
I I t II No.
Farm anil Ftraatda
Woman'a World
Homo Lift
CLUB . 0
Farm and Homt
Woman'a World
Houtatiold Outat
II I'll Ufa. lO
Today'a (with frot patttrn)
Woman'a World
Homa Lift
I I H .No 11
Oood Storltt
Farm Lift
Kvtryday Lift
CLUB N-. ia
Orttn'a Fruit Orowtr
Kvtryday Lib
Farm Lift
Today's (with frtt patttrs)
Pralrit Farmtr
Houaahold Masailnt
Wommn'm Wort
Homo LI to
CLUB N... 14
Paoplr'a Popular Monthly
Farm Proa rate
Woman'a World
Poultry Ittm
Today'a (with frtt patltro)
Farm Lilt
Boya' Magailnt
HomaLt ft
Km. I . II Dairy Farmar
Homt Lift
rJ '"' - (4
Mimiiii iubi cue neeuie. ' aead should
not. This teat In actua'. practice Is
unreliable, and uo faltb can be placed
Another cauae of false bopea la tbe
custom of placing a glass of water
Oiled to the edge ou the breaaL Tbe
slightest movement of the tunga will
cause a drop to spill. This, too, Is
vrflueleaa. because after death there
are Invariably certain movements of
tbe muscles known aa "cadaveric
spasms." which are often energetic
enough to spill the water.
I'robably one of tba moat infallible
teats is tbe opening of an artery. In
life the arteries are full of blood un
der pressure. In death tba arteries
drain Into the veins. Thla la a very
fortunate fact, aa It prevents tbe un
dertaker from making any mistake.
Tbe embalming fluid la Injected by
opening an artery. Should blood flow
he knows that lire atlll persists and to
warms lu time.
rutting the skin to aee If blood will
flow from tbe velua provea nothing, as
It often flows aa lata aa three days
after death.
Tbe X ray. when It to available, pro
vldea an excellent proof of death. A
photograph of a live being ahowa the
heart with a blurred outline. Thla la
caused by even tbe falnteat movements
of the organ. An X ray axpoaura of
a dead person reveals tbe heart clear
cut and abarp.
There are numberleaa ao called teats
of the j9. Its shrinkage In alae, the
dimming and fogglug of the trans
parent (tart and other signs. These
signs are not aufllclent proof, nor, to
the teat of flashing a bright light In
the eye to aee If the pupil contracta.
Kveo atropine dropped on tba ey
ball brings no evidence. It baa beau
proved that the drug will dilate tbe
aya aome time after death.
Many persons think electricity ap
plied In the form of shocks to a teeL
I J to of no avail, aa tbe muscles usually
respond to tbe current for three hours
or more, after l.rri
toe so caned diaphanous" teat to
unreliable If vou bold vour baud
W and any of the 34 club-
ing offers for one year
Tt vV6 Mnrve. MWTHOr
i Mi ."siimi
t I II Na. IM
Today'a (with fraa palters)
Homt Lift
i.i ni N.. ie
ucctttful Farming
Homt Lift
Kvtryday Lift
rarmtr't Wife
Homt Lift
Kvtryday Lift
Harpy Hours.
Farm Lift
St" !
svMajjS t keaBss?
M'ltlAI CLUB Han Price aa Oil.-r.
Poultry $tom
rmrm Llfm
CI.UB No. 33
Farm, Block and Homa
VVonian'a World
Homt Life
CI.UB No. 33
Vtsttablt Qrowtr
Today a Iwlth frtt pattarn)
Kvarydsy List
M I II No. 34
Woman'a World
Firm Lift
Today'a 'with frtt patttrn)
I I I'll No. 88
Woman a Homt Wataly
Woman'a World
Homa Lilt
'nwnaiy ra
ciose to a candle or inner bright light
tbe fingers show a certain rosy trans
lucency. the bouee appearing aa dim
shadows. After deuth the fingers
' usually become aa opaque as If made
of marble. But exceptions am fre
quent enough to make the test worth
A barmleaa but very powerful dya
called fluorescein will settle all doubts
very quickly. If a byMdermlc syringa
to used to lujeci a little of thla dye
under tbe akin it baa no result on a
dead person But If this be dune to
one In whom there to the slightest trace
of cirrulstlou there follows at ouca ao
unmistakable and startling resulL Tbe
entire akin becomea a golden yellow
aud tbe wbltea of tbe ajaj turn an
emerald green Tbe effecta pasa away
mmiu after the pulse aud breathing
are restored This sutl tbe test of open
ing an artery are probably tbe only ln-j"'-aVa
laati teals New Yore Vmk.
Uses ef Silver.
The largest slugle use for silver, out
side of the manufacture of silver plat
i ed ware, Is estimated to be In the
I manufacture of photographic plates,
I films and paper. The manufacture of
j Alma for muvltig picture use baa now
' become an enormous bualueaa. and It
la probuble that lu tbe future thla will
bring the largest consumption of sil
ver. Tbe silver Is used In photography
for making tbe light sensitive emulsion
and to principally tba bromide of all vex.
Photographing Stare.
Star photography Is one of the moat
tedious operations kuown In aome
esses tbe exposure of tbe plate must
last for several hours. During all this
time both the plate and tebcope must
be moved so that tbe Image of tbe star
will be stationary ou the plate. Tbe
expoaure for a star of the sixteenth
magnitude to two hours, and only the
Image of one at a time can be eecured.
uulesa those adjoining happen to be of
tbe same size.
L - i i
BJSJ1 f "H' 'V.Vtf'' ''' 'SJ
Vasal lasVaW '
EaBriNsWswBsWawBl F aA '
It. I II No. VII
Fanayworh Ma(aalnt
Today'a with frtt patttrn)
CI.UB No. 3T
KanaaaClty Wttkly liar
Farm Llfa
Kvtryday Ufa
CLUB N.. as
Woman'a World
Homt Lift
club No. a a
Kauaa City Waealy Star
Kverydef Llla
Homt Llla
Inuthtrn Rurallat
Homa Llfa
I I II No. .11
Farmer'eWkly Dlapalclillt. Paul
Homa Lift
Farm Lilt
I I. I'll N.. S3
Rural tVr.kly St Paul)
BvaryiU) Lift
I I.I'll No. SS . I.. Homa
Woman' World
II I'll No. .14
McCall'a 'Willi frtt pallatw
Kvtryday Llfa
Huuatliold Guaal
- ifppv -t-v
$uoh ss Ash Hoppers, Qrsased Boots
snd Attic Bedrooms.
Hue! and sua puia king! Atou ash hup
pels! Alas mid alack, that venerable
Institution to uo more. The modern
prospect ub for rural habitations aud
uciesHiirles provides no place lu tbe
landscupe fur that once ludispeusable
adjunct to farm life uud IU blessed
! udnd the ash hopper In the back
of the house. Just mound the paling
fencer An Intel led piumld it was,
Into which the debris hum the great
llicpiiu e was poured, with buckets of
water thiown on tbe latter or else left
to the sweet rains from heuveu Then
the lye caught lu the old Iron kettle
wltb tbe piece broken out of one side
It waa once tiHtsl for making apple but
ler. After that, the soap milling -then
the soap i'luu slufl. that soap -took
the dirt out. all light and ra
mmed tbe hide, too, ir you wereu t
But the ash hopper has gone, along
with the roller towel, the mackerel kit,
bog Jowls, red appn-s and winter tur
nipi The open fireplace, too, baa
passed, before which )oii used to fry
ou one aide, w bile Icicles formed on
tbe other Nor Is there any attic room
under the shluglea where the boys
slept, wltb pup old cavalry saddle lu
one comer aud a sickly geranium roost
ing precariously ou the window sllL
Nor do we see the old time boota.
allcked up with s mixture of mutton
tallow and beeswax, which, however,
didn't prevent a need for tbe aervlcea
of four blacksmiths and a plumber to
get 'em off o nights when tba boot
Jack failed. Aud the bootjack itself
say. when you come to think of It. a
department bulletin baa got mora real
sentiment and "lualdea" between Its
covers than can be found lu Kipling's
Soldiers Three" or thsn Itossettl ever
dreamed of In hto visions of Blessed
liamozels and that sort of thing. O,
you modern housewives! Wsshlngtou
ffVy. ii ""T '
rwrmmmwmmffmm'"- nj
Jenny Llnd's Graceful Tribute to Our
Nstionsl Flag.
There la a pretty Htory told of the
honor Jenny Mini once paid to the
American flag. It wua when ahe waa
In New York, more than sixty yeara
ago. Tln frigate St Lawrence hnd
Just returned from a cruise, and the
nildnhlptuen went to hoar the Swedish
nlKlitlncnle bIiik it t f'nstle Qanlea thrv
ater. and the next day they .ilicil na
her In n body Their entliii'-i.i-ni iiaa
her grnelotiMueaa soon bronulil nlwiut
a visit lo the ship nnd the arceTrtniKM
of it in ti heon taMtSfld her When slip)
wits nbottt f leave the ship "lie i "ked
up at the tins ami stripes mill aitltl:
"I wish to salute your ling."
So, stimdini: Oil tile aajigWBy, shr
sang "The Star Spntinled llnniief " 81
lelitl.v front all over the Hhlp men gath
ered with uncovered hetdt .mll tint
ahlp'B fitinlly were all naaenii' . l mi
deck. Nor were they her oi' audi
ence, for Ixirne upon the atlll ilr her
boiik hiid Ihm'Ii heard by in l . other
eetuiela near by, nnd when Tie won
drous voice censeil steainers blew their
whistles mid exultant cheers rose from
nil sides, filling the harbor with thHr
tribute of applause for' the belovpil
nrtlst and of loyal reverence for the
flng she had so beittitlfttlly Minted.
Itelioboth Siitulny llernld.
ftemsmber That a Tired Stomach la a
Weak Rtomarh.
A good dinner at nlcht la neceaaary
for those whose pleasure or work
keeps t hi-iii up very lute Itttt for or
dinary folk, who ilme at r or 7 and go
to bed ni.i.iit IMQi only n light whole
some repast should be tnkeu at the
end of the day, when muscles or nerves
are more or less exhausted, saya a
A "tired Btnmnch la a weak atom
ach" Is a golden rule to remember.
Vet how often one benra jieople say:
"I've been rushing about all day, and
am tired to den Hi I must have a big
meal to make up for It!" Von may put
the big meal Into the stomach, but you
cannot muse the stomach digest It.
A belief Uvea strong In (he hearts
and minds of the majority of man
kind. Including persons of weak dlgea
lion, that a quirk brisk walk taken
before a meal gets up an appetite and
helps the Stomach illgeat the footl
Now, this Is exactly what It doesn't
do. ICxet'clse Mpreads the blood through
the body. The old fitnhioucd midday
dinner la not a bad thing. Washing
ton Slur.
Height of the Panama Canal.
The middle sis-lion of the I'aiiauia
canal, thirty four tulles long, hna n wa
ter level of eighty-lite feel higher than
Hie Iwu end seetlofis. which are sea
let els Vessels elileiliig the eiiiial frmn
I In- oiean oil either Hide lire lilted to
the middle section, ii height of elghty
flte fis't, lit three sels of locks, each
of which rnlseN Hie m ! I ,i fraction
over twenty - -1 -1 t fis-t. milking a total
I of elglll.t five feet Thi'M' locks ;iie
eoiistrili led side by side like a double
track railway, ho thut one Hbip tuny lie
going tp Idle Hut other Is going down
Only one hhlp car be In a loci, .it the
Hume lime, but as Hie locks lire run
sirin led In palls, side hv hide, two
i hips Bjotng in uppoalta dlrw tioaa, one
golllg Up the Incline mill the oilier go
; 1 1 - down, may pans OtBjBf tMtliln
hulling illstance. Vessels are liwisl
through the hicks by electric urn
i Idiiciy. I'hlladelplita I'risiH
At a dinner one evening a dls. iihI,.ii
Brass about the peculiar euatoasa in
foreign countries tins gentleman told
Lai the t'hlnesi. cu-louis. which are
nearly all the exact rev erne of our own.
"They use white for mourning, black
! for rcjoli ing and mourn at a birth
I while they rcjoh e at death " be re
marked. 'The needle of their com
pass pi'lnls to the south and they
draw the saw low aid Ihem to cut
These customs mm cintlly be account
i ed for, but there remains one which
: 1 cunnot explain Why do they take
their soup at Hie end of the meal lu
. st.-ad of at Hie beginning'.'"
Another man ventures. "To till up
'the flunks, probably " - I'hlladeiphla
I Ledger.
Whsn Cholera Invaded New York.
There was cholera lu New York lit
lKlu and again lu lK'IJ The disease
reached the city lii June of the hitler
year aud raged until the last of Oeto
ber, causing MM deal lis In isi'.i the
cholera appealed again, beginning at
the "Kite foists" and i-pi ending rap
Idly. The public school buildings were
tiirmsl lido hospitals. The total mor
tality for the Ji-iic was about 5,000.
New York American.
Cliffs of Dover.
The I lover cliffs are U-llig steadily
eaten away every year. In I'.KMi tbou
BBBJSBl of ("us of chalk fell from Shake
speare i HIT. anil three years previously
there was a fall during which the
(oastguard's watchhoiihi- at the sum
mit was hurled into the waves.
Mrs. Styles. Qflsjl yon think my
bonnet is trimmed beautifully' ilr
styles Yes. and I stippotie 1 will be
wbeu I get tbe bill. Yonkcrs Htatoa
nian Good Nsws st Last.
Hobble (who has been sent over for
the fifth time to find out how Mm
Krowu isi All right, ma, she's dead.
Baltimore American.
A man does not represent a fraction,
but a whole niiiulier; he Ih complete La
sluiself. W.bopeuuuuet'.