s djhtfario Straws. Representative Newspaper of Ontario, Malheur County and Snake River Valley. Ontario is in the Centre of the Great Snake River Valley Corn Belt m The Produce from 15,000,000 acred is marketed from On tario each year VOLUME XVIII ONTARIO. OREGON. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 31. 1914. NO. 63 Mammoth MALHEUR COUNTY FOR WORLD'S EXPOSITION Biggest Opportunity Ever Offered to Exploit Coun ty's Resources,, , WILL ATTRACT MANY SETILERS Every Industry, Product and Resource Will Be Placed Before the Public. .I.i-. A. Lackcj iiml a force of men arc busy parking up the corn, fruit, grains, etc., that arr to bf exhibited at the Panama-Pacific Kxposition. All pin i.-. of Oregon will be fully adver tised and moving pictures of all our industries and resources will bo din played. Kastcrn Oregon Iihn la-en al lotted 10 by 50 feet, one-fourth of the exihibit .pace in the Oregon building. Malheur county will send a large and splendid exhibit of com, also fruit, grasses and potatoes and I h fruits and vi-gt-tulilt-y hi be sent from time to time. The material now ready will be shipped this week as the, fair opens February 20th, and will continue Un months. The county court has appro priated $1500 to cover the cost of ex hibiting and will appoint a man well versed i" the resources n the county to take charge of the exhibit. This is the greatest opportunity Malheur county has had to advertise itself and deserves the co-operative ef fort of every citizen. This county electrified every one at the state fair at Salem by its corn exhibit and car ried off many prizes in the Wallu Walla fair. This kind of advertising is valuublr. When the people of all parts of the world visit tin- mairnificeiit Oregon building, built of Oregon lumber and filled with Oregon products and dem onstrated by Oregon pt-ople they can not help but be impressed with the splendid opportunities this state offers. Ami when they look over the differ ent sections of the state and note the varied industries, resources and prod ucts of Malheur county with its splen did cattle, horses, sheep, hogs and poultry, its alfalfa, clover, wheat, oats, and CORN, its apple, prunes, peaches, pi -ars, and other fruits, its vegetables, its mines, its oil wells ami other resources and last of all when they note that this county is still just in the beginning of its development the value of its publicity is immeas urable. BEEKEEPERS FORM NEW ASSOCIATION The beekeepers of Eastern Oregon and the Southwestern part of Idaho met in Ontario Tuesday, December 2U, for the purpose of forming an associa tion, which should aid them in their in dustry. The association, called the Idaho Oregon Honey Producers' Asso ciation, was formed and incorpoAtted under the laws of Idaho, with head quarters at Farms. The officers elected were C. E. Dibble, Payette, president; Mr. Stark, Middleton, vice-president; J. H. Farrell, New Plymouth, secretary-treasurer; and the directors, Ben Paine, Parma; Charles Nelson, Vale; William McKibben. Arcadia; William Pennington, Arcadia, and A. S. Mc Clanahan, Payette. The day was occupied mostly in form ing the new association and adopting constitution and by-laws. They will hold another meeting about January 4. About fifty people attended. The pur pose of the new association is similar to the Fruitgrower' association. They will buy their supplies in carload lots at wholesale prices aid distribute them Delegation Sent to mm RABIES EXISTS AMONG COYOTES Dr. Prinzing Sends Head to to State Health Officer for Verification. Conclusive evidence that rabies really exists among coyotes through out this section of the state has been shown this week, when Dr. Printing sent the head of a dog, supposed to have rabies, to the State Health Offi cer for examination. Examination re vealed the fact that rabies actually existed. This dog was killed near Fopian Station, sixteen miles from Westfall on the Hums road, and the head was sent to Portland December 21st. The following letter was re ceived in reply: Portland, December 23, 1914. Dr. Jacob Priming, Ontario, Oregon. Dear Doctor: The examination of the dog's head received this morning shows the presence of Negri bodies proving conclusively that the dog had rabies. It would be well for the farmer, at the end of two weeks, to tie up all the dogs and keep under sur veillance for some time, or unless very valuable il-r-troy them. I do n iilerstand from your letter whether il men that have been bitten have taken the Pasteur treatment or simply allowed the matter to go un cared for. If the laller, I would In much interested in watching the out come. We must always bear in mind that probably not more than one third of the people bitten by rabid animals develop the disease. Yours very truly, CALVIN S. WHITE, Stat.- Health Officer. Dr. Prinzing also gives a valuable suggestion as to disposing of bodies of animals affected by rabies. He says, "We cannot be too careful in this mat ter as reports come in every day of new victims. Just this week we re ceived a report of two sheep herders and also a man named Hart living at Westfall, the latter being bitten by a mad cat. "Leaving the carcasses of animals dead of rabies lying in the field ex poses all coyotes that eat thereof to rabies. It would seem that if these carcasses were used as bait and poisoned, many coyotes would be killed before they had time to develop the disease. Skinning animals dead of rabies exposes the man to rabies should he have a scratch on his hand." SIMONS TO BOISE FOR INAUGERATION W. Simons of Boise, general manager of all the Alexander stores and a brother of Ad M. Simons, manager of the Alexander store here, was in town Wednesday, on a business trip. He brought the information of his broth er's appointment on the reception com mittee to entertain the new legislators at the inauguration of the new gov ernor, M. Alexander, next Monday. through the various parts of the dis trict. The honey produced will be fully inspected and all honey marketed will have its weight or measure stamped on it according to the pure food laws. In tnis way a complete record of the honey is kept. With these methods the asso ciation should succeed in marketing the honey in the most expeditious manner and at advanced prices. STORK VERSUS -SANTA CLAUS Famous Bird Proves Him self A Dangerous Rival Of Saint Nick. The stork hns Just showed himself to be a cold weather sport, and at the same time a dangerous rival to Santa Claus. At least that is what Mr. and Mrs. Frank Everhart, Mr. and Mr. Roger Atherton and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hrndy think. To the first couple he presented a boy, Xmaa eve; to the second couple a girl, Xmas eve, and to the third couple he presented a girl on Xmaa day. Other near-Xmas presents were a boy to Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Walker. December 21st, and a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roderiez, December 26th. OLSON ENTERS IN NEW YEARS RACE L. G. Olson left here Dec. 23, for Portland to enter the second annual New Years run which takes place there under the auspices of the Portland Mot orcycle Club. This race will be an endurance teat over a course of 376 miles. It will start at Pine and Broadway Streets and at 12 o'clock midnight, Dec. 31. at the beginning of the New Year. It la ex pected that the first rider will finish at about 8 p. m , covering the course in alHiut fifteen hours, making an average of 25 miles per hour. About fifty entries will line up at the start and the best riders of the coast will participate. The prises are $100 for first, $50 for second and the busi ness people of Portland have put up prizes for some of the other places. L. G. Olson, who won first place in the LaGrande-Baker road race in 1914 and second in 1013 over a course of 115 miles, has been in Portland a week try ing the course and getting accustomed to the wet roads. Olson's record over the LaGrande-Baker course was two hours, forty nine minutes and forty eight seconds or 40 miles per hour. He should stand a very good chance of placing in the first division and his friends here will be glad to hear of his success. HOW LOCAL HEN PRODUCED RECORD YIELDS OF CORN Series of Interviews to Hun in The Argus for Nine Weeks.-Starts With This Issuu. How Harvey R. Hatch Raised 102 Bushels of Corn to the Acre. It is the purpose of the Argus to publish each week a report from each of the nine most successful corn rais ers of the county. This report will contain as far as possible each man's experience and method in raising the acre of corn for the contest last fall. In this way we hope to further the movement, which was started by the granges. This county was divided up into three districts, that of Cairo, Nyssa and Big Bend All of the nine men herein mentioned lived in the Big Bend and Nyssa districts and are the only men in the contest that raised over 100 bushels to the acre. Cairo district being harder hit by the June frost could not reach the 100 mark but had lots of good corn, the highest yield being M bushels. Portland ONTARIO A COOD MARKET FOR TURKEYS Raising And Marketing Of Birds Is A Growing Industry The raising and marketing of tur keys is a growing Industry throughout this district and Ontario is u favorite mnrket, some of the turkeys coming from as fur us New Plymouth. While the price of turkeys this year has generally been low, yet the average price paid for turkeys hus been rather good since most of them were mark eted when the price was highest. The early Thanksgiving products sold at 10 cents, but since then the price hns ranged around 12 nnd 13 cents. The average price paid was approximately 14'i cents. About 2,500 birds were marketed from Ontario. They were extra heavy, averaging about 13 lbs., and were of excellent quality, which speaks well for this locality. C. T. Hall, G. W. Thompson and Mr. Dickson were some of the successful turkey raisers from the Idaho side. As one Ontario citi zen remarked, raising turkeys la a paying business here for a flock of turkeys would have saved many ranchers several hundred dollars from the ravages of grasshoppers during the past year. ICE CROP THE BEST IN YEARS For the past week several forces of men have been at work harvesting the ice crop. Geo. W. Itouth has a force of men taking ice from the Snake river at Ed Long's place and also took some ice from the Malheur. He will harvest over five hundred tons this year and states that the ice is 12 inches thick ami of the finest quality ever taken here, having the appear ance of the artificial ice. J. F. Doty intends storing up something over 150 tons ami several ranchers are getting ready to lay in a supply. It seems to ii.--tli.il an ice house on each farm or a community ice house in every neigh borhood would be an excellent propo sition. The nine successful men in the or der of their excellence are E. L. Tate, Big Bend, who raised 121 bushels from one acre. A. M. Johnston, N'yssa dis trict; Bert Robertson, Big Bend; (Jen. W. Swigert, Big Bend; E. B. Butler, Nyssa district; F. C. Frye, Nyssa dis trict; Harvey K. Hatch, Big Bend, and W. T. Conant, Nyssa district. The granges are very enthusiastic over the results of this year's contest and promise to put on a better one next year. At the Walla Walla fair the corn growers of this county captured i 1st, 4th, 5th, th and 7th places in the ' 12-ear contest in which were 260 con I testants. Harvey It. Hat.h who took eighth ' place in the county with a yield of 102. M bubhels per acre gave his report (Continued on pane four) Irrigation FIFTY REPRESENT MALHEUR COUNTY ANOTHER BOOST FOR LOCAL PROJECT Department Will Not Take Up Tumalo Project. Consider New One. A letter written by Controller W. A. Ryan of the Interior Department to the Manager of the Bend Commercial Club, recently made public, has nm sitlerable bearing on government ret In illation service in Oregon, and shells a new light upon the disposition of the s t..n. ihiii appropriation for reclamation work in Oregon, now before congress. It has been supposed that the Tumalo proJiM-t had first consideration by the government, but this letter plainly sets out that Secretary Lane docs not in tend to take up the Tumalo project, and that the money will be expended on some other project. The first unit of tho Tumalo project has been completed by the state at an expense of 4b0,000. The work was completed by the state without co operation of any kind by tho govern ment, and from the following letter it appeal that the government does not intenil to give any consideration to the Tumalo project. This letter is taken as another in i mIi nt substantiating the claim of local people that the Malheur- Warm Springs project has first i on ..ideratinii when the time comes to decide iiMn a place for the government work. This project Is claimed to lie the least ex pel, iw of liny now proposed. There is a natural n -ervoir site Im h i an Im secured at a low cost, and approxi mately sixty thousand acres of land could be irrigated therefrom. The let ter in question follows: Washington, I). C, Dec IJ. l'.H I Mr. II II lie Almond, Manager, Iteuil Commercial Club, Bend, Or. Dear Mi De Armonil: Your letter of December M, addressed to Secretary Lane, has been referred to the undersigned for consideration and response. It is to be regretted if a misunder standing has arisen in your mind in respect to the allotment of $.,o,l)IMi out of the reclamation fund for co operative work in Centra! Oregon. Secretary l.ane i , ami has alwas been, in thorough sympathy with the movement for co-operation in the rec lamation of Central Oregon land- Tin- trouble has arisen from the fact that you have misiiielcr.-tood the terms of the co-operative proposition as presented to Secretary Lane by Governor West, and you have as--umed that the $4.00,000 which your state has appropriated for construction of the Columbia Southern project was being duplicated by him in order to match that appropriation. This is far from the fact. Permit me to call your attention to the act of February H, Itlli chapter 87 of the general laws of Oregon for 1913, which provides for "detail sur veys and investigations of the water resources of the State of Oregon," and makes "an appropriation therefoi and providing for co-operation with Federal agencies engaged in similar work." This act of February 21, I'll, made an appiopriation df $50,000 to constitute a revolving fund in the hands of the State Treasurer for thi purpose of co-operating with Federal r , . . T ,. , authorities in the making of surveys and inve.-tigations as to water n sources of the State of Oregon. Under ., . ... ... ...., .. th. -irnis of this act the contract !.. tween the L'liiteil State- and the BtOt of Oregon, dated Mu .", l'.'Pi, wa.- en tered into by tin- terms of which . . . $100,010 l to I' rapeuM In CO operative investigation.- in that part (Continued on page four) Congress Warm Springs Project to He Championed By Entire County. MEETING HERE YESTERDAY Several New Measures For Next Lefritriature Are Endorsed. That Malheur county will be repre sented by at least II fty delegates to tha Irrigation Congress to meet in Portland Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next meek, was the decision of a meeting held yesterday morning in the Commer cial Club rooms nere. Representatives of Vale and Nyssa met with local inter estt'l ones yesterday for the purpose of deciding upon some basts to work at the Cortland meeting. There is no doubt but that the entire county will work harmoniously to secure aid for the Warm Springs Irrigation project, and tentative plans for a working organisa tion were made yesterday. Believing the time has come when Malheur county should have some rec ognition in the promotion of this pro ject, which la one of the oldest and most meritorious in the Northwest, It was decided to have a full representa tion at the meeting of the Irrigation Congress in Portland. With this in view, it was the concensus of opinion iliat every organization of the county should send five delegates each, to the I'm tlanil meeting. The delegation will ! i" 'tiled by men from Nhsu. VhIi and Ontario, Hinting whom are I' J. Phillips, Mr. (iili.-on, Mr. Kingman mid Thomas (unburn of N ssn, John Right , T. A. ilallitlay, anil W. Cuviness of Vule, and ( . W. Mallett, II. W. Clem ent, J. R. Blackaby, H. C. Whitworth. A W. Trow, A. L. Sproul and Thomas i lucked of Ontario. Other dele gules will be chosen by the dilfi rent organizations and sent to the milling next week. In order that pi- I. miliary data may be secured, A. W. Trow and J. R. Blackaby of Ontario, and John Rigby of Vale, will go down mi erul days ahead of the meeting. J. R. Blackaby left last night for Port land, being the first, and Mr, Trojv and Mr. Rigby will go Monday or Tuesday. Several bills to be introduced m lue legislature and prepared by local men, were read and endorsed at the meeting e.-terduy. One of these bills provulen for state guarantee of interest, for the first three years, on irrigation bonds is sued on private projects within the state. To guarantee a return of this money, additional bonds to cover the interest are to be given the state. It is chained this bill will greatly aid in lloating new irrigation projects, the payment of interest for the first three years, or lief ore the farms are unprov ed to the producing Mjint. being one of the obstacles in Moating a icw enter prise of this nature. Another bill will allow irrigation com panies to develop and sell electric power for ail purposes. The other bills were of a minor nature, tending to rem edy some of the weak points in the ir rigation laws. JAMES A. LACKEY IS OPERATED ON James A. Lackey president of the I UrU Commercial Club, underwent un operation for hernia this (Ihursday) mor,linK , lht Holy K0bHry bosoital. The operation comes as a surprise to many people who did not know that Mr. Lackey, apparently the picture of wuh J, Mf . about tovwi yesterday attending to his many dvties, and said little about bis pproachlng operation Or- Prinzing and W eese performed , die oiK.-rat.on. Mr. Lackey recovered readily from the anaesthetic and nali I cations for complete recovery are g-oud.