The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, November 26, 1914, Image 2

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Entered in ttM pOttMaWI at Ontario
Oregon, for transmission tlirnngh the
mulH second -class matter.
M. E. BAIN. Publisher.
Sendlnq Out Statements
One of our subscribers thin wee
asked us why we liil not Bend out state
ments to subscribers when their sub
scriptions were due.
We told him that we sent a atate
ment to each subscriber eiich week.
There are possibly some subscribers
who never notice thia, but if they will
take the trouble to look at the mark on
their paper it will be found. The name
of the subscriber is followed by tba
month and year to which the subscript
ion ia paid.
Look youra up and see if it ia within
date. Now ia an excellent time to have
your subscription renewed while we are
makinK the moat liberal dub offer.
When a flock of ducka can bo fooled
by wooden decoya It ia not much won
der that they will fool aome hunteni.
When the ada ol aome merchanU are
read and atudied they Bound like a
bunch of wooden decoya look and the
public ia stung, becauae the average
peraon ia wiiiiiik to " " MMMM fc
anything. There ia a ring to the con
aiatent, honeat advertiaing that carriea
conviction with it and when the atore
ia entered everything therein ronflrma
the honeaty of purpoae. Theae are the
atorea that hold trade.
Thera la much that the American
people have to be eapeclally thankful
for at thia time and there will be ft gen
eral obaervance of the day In thia aec
tion. The atorea will dote at noon
The Argua ia laaued early ao oven the
priutera may eat turkey in peace and
thank fulneaa.
The flqhl for Tax Reform
The preaa of Oregon waa almoat
unammouB in the campaign that reaul
ted in defeating the freak rneaaurea on
the ballot.
The preaa ia aain lending UM "W
for lax reform and reducing the MfM
aea of our State government.
The State Tax Board and the various
city, county and school taxing lushes
are all buay cutting down leviea.
In addition to that Um press ol the
atate will bi' Um influence thht will
compel retrenchment in the MgMotUN
MiiiMopoir extrawiuaiil appropriation.
A sipiarc "Mb! will bi MMM h lli'
atate press association to MMt run
ning cxpensi a of the date e,ocrnincnt,
at least half it million lollura.
I he preaa prow d more UWWwM in
pus. ntinn wcioua legislation Ibaii nil
other MfjajiiajUion an) tun ther.
In the OMMMsSJ "r fcM MsMtiMH UM
Mwapapan will accomplish more Umm
all tin pMgM in Um political plat
forma. There will In- a special session of the
Commonwealth eoaiwraoM bold.
gene 01 I'll nihil 10, II lllld 12.
Theae nulling sic what UM people
who attend make tin in. It I
to make tin ii' of ureal bonssV M UM
slate mid thill It tin' .inn Of tin' people
buck Of UM nmvi'liicnt.
QoVOfMN elect Withy coiiiIh will be
preaent mid assist in the work The
tuatter of new nml noodad a gialattoft
will be taken up as Well u many muni
eipal questions I'lu i la no two of all
tin tnwiia nml counties of the atate
Making the mm miftahtrti
TVfblngtftn Turkey baa volontar-
11) explallli'il to the lulled States KOI
mini in iiiiiiiih Ambassador Morgeu-
thau the shots tlreil toward the
launch of the American cruiser Ten
uessoe last week were intended mere
ly as the customary wainliiK that the
port of Hut) run was uilued and closed
tO lialKallnll
Although the explanation was In
formal It was Kcucrally admitted aj
the White House, state and uay ile
partuieuls that all danger of serious
oouiilU'atioiia ovoff the Incident had
been remind
Ambassador Morgenthau reported
that two miiiihera ol the Ottoman cab
Inet, the ministers of Interior and war.
had full) explained llic occurrence to
him and tlgt otlulalb here sitid his
message was filed bofOfO the instruc
tlOIIS hi III from WashllU'liUl to dlsCUSS
the subject officially wuh the liriind
Vlslcr could h.oc pOM received by
Mr MotKciiih.ui
Waste of Life.
Tbe true late of life couslsta In the
love we base lA't uiven, the servleea
we have not rendered, the sacrifice
from which we have drawn back.
Ceorge BHot
The most Important development on
the European battlefields durinR the
past week wna the German movement
acroBB Poland toward Warsaw.
At the beginning of the week, Gen
eral von Hindenhurg'fl Htrntegy seem
ed confined to pushing a wedge along
that part of the VlBtula river which
runs due east from the Herman fron
tier until It benda to the Bouth at War
nut at the end of the week, It waa
admitted nt I'elrograd that In reality
another Herman offensive was In pro
gress. This second movement nppnr
ently had crossed Poland unheralded.
the first newB of Its presence being
a statement from the Russians that
UM Hermans had failed to pierce the
Slav line between Itadom and Klelce.
Translated from the confusing lan
guage of the map this announcement
meant that besldeB moving atralght
for Waraaw from the west, the Ger
mans were advancing from the eouth
toward Ivangorod, which la a second
claaa fortress protecting Warsaw's
southern flank.
That the Germans are offering atub
born resistance to the Russian ad
vance In Kaat Prussia la apparent.
General von lllndenburg, commander
of the German troops, and Grand Duke
Nicholas, commander In-chief of the
Russians, two of the greateBt strate
gists the war haa produced, maneu
vered for positions between the Via
tula and the w arm. and a big battle
la In progresa on the Cracow Ctansto
chowa line between Russian and Aus
troOerman forcea.
Austria'! Bweep Into Harvla haa re
aulted In the victory of Valjovo, which
algnlflea the collapse of the Servian
western offensive. Servla, during the
weak, haa been compeUed to aak iv
trograd for help The appeal comaa
Ot OB Inopportune moment, while Hub
la la planning a campaign against the
Turks and at the same time Is being
driven across Poland by the matter
ful von Hlndenburg.
The campaign In the weat haa con
tinued Its undecisive character
throughout the week. In Handera,
there haa been a alight exchange of
territory, but all the central points
along the battle line huve been tin
Kreexlng weather haa set In through
the length of the battle tone In France
ml Belgium, the temperature vary
tng between :6 and 28 degrees above
rem. Fahrenheit.
The moat bitter fighting of the
whole buttle front waa in the region
tot Verdun and In the Vosges. Here
the French troops have been able to
record several advances As lllustral
lug the desperate nature of the fight
MJ in tlHH district the officii. I State
mem declares that the French have
established thiinselvea at certain
points within an meters (about 100 i from (he Herman positions.
French forces have captured thelm
porlaiil heights at Orin i. near Verdun
and alhuced two Herman batteries,
mi Hiding to French official press dls
I Mi Ilea.
The Hermans, It is evident, have
seni their beat troops to the eastern
from, and even in Iiik nuns the allies
appear to have the advantage over
UMM There are no sinus, however,
of ail offensive on a large anile mi Hie
part of the alllea. who doubtlOOf Kit
as Mail in MMd tt MM llh 'heir op
poiients. In fact, it is said the
ull.ieis and men who have borne (he
brunt of the fighlliiK III the trenches
ure receiving a short leave.
Allies will Purchase $2,000,000 of Wool
New York. Audits for the Uritish
and French ko eniiuenla iiunouiutil
here the) were in the market for
1,.Ui0.Iiiii wool artiateia, lam.Otui wool
stomach bands, 1,100,000 wool nloves
ami Mmi.oiio pairs ol wool socks.
Federation Refuses to Sanction Fight
for Universal Eight Hour Law.
Philadelphia. I'a. Samuel tiompers
aa ie. lilted president of the Allien
can Ki'deratlon of Labor here for the
thlrtv thud lime TeMMjtj Gollipi rs
was not oppoM'd by any other candl
dale, uearl) M delegates arose and
tOkOd that their votes be recorded
tfoiaol him
The delegates chuae San Francisco
for the tedi latum a HUB couventiou
Washington. Oregon and California
delegates wen- disappointed at the re
fusal of the federation (o sanction a
fight In those states to establish
I.k.i I eight hour day. The following
resolution wa. adopted by a large ma
Jurit) .
Resolved. That the American Fed
er.iiiou of Labor, as in the past, de
clares that tbe regulation of wages
and hours of labor should be under
taken through tradea union activity,
and not b legislation, except in so
fur as the cmplo incut of women and
children, hi. kith and morals, and the
employes of the national state and
municipal Komi imients are affected
An Uiu mirk.
It Is said that the dollar mark can
tic traced bai k to the tlfteeuth cvn
tury Hut at that It isn't near aa old
ns the m ' urtrU Rlrmlnshn i Vews
. ... . J"w" w,lfc
National System of Rural Credlta
Urged by Commissioners.
8alem. H. G. Starkweather and
Hector MacPherson, members of the
rural credit commission, authorized by
the 1913 legislature, and appointed by
Governor West, have made their re
port to the governor, and recommend
ed that the legislature memorialize
congress upon the necessity of acting
promptly upon the establishment of a
national rural credit system
The commission which visited Eu
rope In Ita Investigation declares that
there can be no doubt of the benefit
Kuropean countries are deriving from
their landschaften or mortgage credit
Bocletles, and It urges that such a sys
tem be established in the United
States without delay.
It 1b asserted that the American
farmer would gain tremenaouely In
prosperity and efficiency, eapeclally
through the south and west, by the
establishment of a credit system, and
It would be possible to obtain loan on
farm mortgages at from 4 to 4Vi per
An Investigation by the legislature of
the establishment of credit unloaa al
ready established In Massachusetts.
New York, Wisconsin and Texaa, with
a view of determining the advisability
of framing a law governing the estab
lishment of cooperative banks for aav
ings and short time Iobi.h to farmers
In Oregon, Is recommended. The pres
ent cooperative law in Oregon la de
clared Inadequate, and It is recom
mended that a law be placed on the
atatutes embodying the beat features
of the different lawa agisting In tbe
United States and other countries.
Paris. Freetlng weather haa sat In
throughout the length of the battle
zone In Prance and Belgium, the Um
peratuie varying between 26 and 28
degrees above zero, Fahrenheit.
Snow la falling, especially In north
em France, and In the Vosges moun
tains and also tit Marseilles.
French forces hnve captured the Im
portant heights at ()rne near Verdun
and silenced two German batteries,
according to official presa dispatcher
to (he French embassy.
Hi armies seem to be enjoying a
long iVeaerv ed rest, for the only r
maiiite:- evidence that the belligerents
are racing each other la an occasional
iMVmburdmeiit with heavy guns.
An eyewitness with the Hrltlsh head
au.irters In e. lo-ig statement nlvcs of
ti.ial confirmation of the reported
heavy losses the Hermans have auf
f.'Vod In their attacks on Ypres. II
speaks of delimiting battalions, of
hundreds of dead left before the
trenches and of batches of bodies
found in farmhouses.
The casuall) list, of Uritish officers
show that the llniiah forces have also
suffered severely in the fighting.
Of all virtues the first to be culti
vated slimihl la- self respect
call rot, mum
There has been a call issued for a
niecline; of the tiah and name club in
the t'niniiieicial club rooms Wednesday
OMOiMj Bf I P- '"
All interested are invitod'nd espec
ially those who iiuitriliuted to the cost
of placing th- fiah in the reservoirs.
A (ilorkrusfMretlng
For soiiie time the local Baptiat
church of Ontario OMSMBi nai ',tn
rtUsOUt a pastor. The church has been
praying for some niomhs that the Lord
uoiilil send us a leader of his own
choosing. On November i'tli, Kev. D.
K. Haker. of Sedro Wisiley, Waah.,
came to us, we believe in answer to
On Tuesday evening, November 10th,
we Ivean a series of revival meetings,
which continued until today. There has
been number of conversions with an ten .new niemliers to the
Seemingly all obstacles have been re
moved and the church is united for
work as it has not been f.T the last few
At the beginning of the services a
lare.e chorus choir was organized which
u ider Mr. Baker's direction, rendered
efficient music dllrini tho entire meet
ing. Sunday November 1 uh, a Baptist
YottNJ i'eoples UoiOR STOJ organized
which now numbers twenty five mem
bers. l.aat Ml.iday me cnurcn mei in i - un -
fereme at the eloM of t lie morning ser-
ice and extended a call
l.Mat Sur.da the church met in con
for Rev. Baker to become its pastor,
nicetii'.e. cei proposition without
disiiiting voice, which he has accepted,
and will j;o to the tield the tirst of the
Mi. Baker ha procn hims'lf a lead
er, andviuder his ilu cction we predict
for the church a bright future.
i wtMBLR.
Her Health and Strength Back.
Aain by The Use of CarduL
Tampa, Fla. Tn a letter from this
city, Mrs. E. C. Cortim writes: "I was
all weakened and worn out with wo
manly troubles. My husband brought
me some Cardul as a tonic, and, from
the first day, It seemed to help.
I had almost lost my reason, but,
thanks to Cardul, I did not. Soon, I
felt and looked like a new woman, ji
think the remedy Is wonderful. I
recommend It to my friends, for I hava
received great benefit from It."
Cardul acts specifically on the weak
ened womanly organs, strengthening
the muscles and nerves, and building
them up to health.
t hnit, in rnfrimti the worn-out ner-
rmia avplnni nml relleveq the effects Of
overwork, both mental and physical.
Fifty years auccessiui use iunj
nrove the merit of this purely vege
table, tonic remedy for women.
In every community, tnere live some
who have been benefited by Cardul.
The beneficial effects oi xnis umi
tested woman's remedy, soon show
themselves In many different ways.
Try It
N. B.
Writ to: Uatss' Mviry D.
mmi MdlcliCo...ltnniot. Inn . w .-i"n
Hon trsau mo 01 ntl
T .. . .. . - "'ll.
r WsSMS. MSI IS sials wf
Your Banking
No matter how
small, no mat
ter how large
The First National Bank
Ontario, Oregon
will give it careful
attention. This
message applies to
the men and the
women alike.
Office and Directors:
A. L. C'OCKIU'M. President
T. TUBNMJm Vice President
II H. (IM'hlllM, (ashler
V. W. I'LATT, Aas't (ashler
J. W. MlliltttstliBT
L. B ('(HKKI'M
Notice is hereby given: that at
ular adjourned meeting of the
Council of the CUf of Ontario,
November -0th, 1914, a resolution
passed .
City held
Whereas, it has come to the atten
tion of the City Council, that diseased
coyotes are very prevalent in vicinities
close to Ontario, and that they are in
fecting cattle, sheep, hogs and. dogs,
Mt.,1 tht this disease is easily commu
nicated to human beings, and
Whereas, the Council are also ad
vised that dogs are the most danger
ous conductor o? this epidemic,
Therefore be it resolved: That inas
much as an emergency seems to exist
that to save the peace and health of
our citizens, that the police are em
powered and are hereby instructed to
destroy all dogs found on the Streets
and Aileys of the City of Ontario, un
less securely iiuuzled, and in view of
the apparent emergency this resolution
shall be in full force and effect imme
diately upon publication.
By order of the City Council,
4t City Recorder.
Notice for Publication.
Department ok the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon,
October 27th, 1914.
Notice is hereby given that Charles
IV Warren, of Pavette, Idaho, who on
April 28th, 1911, made homestead
lf-: V'.. iiK-J'l f,.r ll.. al im! i
nitration No 01833. for the s. sei sec 2
ir' n t n- r 46 J wln
n-J, fifej notice of intention to make
' three vear oroof . to establish claim to
I tne land above described
before the
:..... .....I .......... ..r I' s.
Land Office
ail i aim ivw,., -
at Vale, Oregon
n the 30th day of No-
vember. 1914.
Claimant names aa witnesses: August
Senkbeil. of Payette. Idaho. Fred Mor
ton, of Ontarie, Oregon, John Taylor
of Payette, Idaho; and Levi Crull. of
Pavette, Idaho.
Brive R.
! Mttfliit4tttfttttatt
to- -".
I Jtolidaii
We are prepared for
line. Come in and look
Community Roods, Sterlin silver,
priced Novelties.
Hand painted China.
Cut Glass.
m www ---
Ontario OF THIS
Notice is hcrebv iriven. tht the City
Council of the City of Ontario, Oregon,
at a regular adjourned meeting thereof,
held November 17th' 1"14, did by reso
lution duly passed and approved, order
a Genecal City Election, for the elect
ion of THREE COUNCILMEN to servo
the term r - - V-,J
at the City Hall of Ontario Oregon, on
the first Monday in December, A. U.
1914, ti.-vMt December 7th A. D. 1914.
Suggesting that a nominating caucus
ha held by the Electors of the City at
the City Hall at eight p. m. of Novem
ber DOth. II
Klertinir that .1 H. Denisi.n, J. G.
Staples and W. W. Letaon be appointed
Judges of the aforesaid election and I).
P. Dearborn and K. M.-lireig, bo ap
pointed Clerks of said el tion.
Electing th'it In pursuance to the pro
visions of Law and the City Charter of
the City of OntarloT the polll of BKT
lection shall remain open from eight
o clock a. m. until seven o i iock p. m.
of said day.
Done at Ontario. Oregon this lHth
day of November, A. D. KM.
By Order of the City Council.
Attest. HARKY B. t'.RAUEL,
:i t ( .y Recorder.
Notice for l'ublictUion.
Department or THE brVMIMt
U. S. Und Office at Val , Oregon,
October 27 ih, 1914.
Notice is hereby givon that August
S-nUtwil uf Pavette. Idaho, who, on
April rth, 1911, made lion. eslead ap
plication No. (1126, for the SM Mffa
sec 12, t 17 s, r 46 e, and who on March
19. 1912. made additional "try ro.
02171. for the swj nej, sej nwj and nei
swj, sec 12 tp 17 s, r 46 e. w m , has
tiled notice of intention to in ike three
year uruuf. to tablish cli.iin to the
land described, before the Regis
ter and Receiver, U. S. Land OfaV
Vale. Oreifon. on the ;Klth day of Nov-
mber, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Charles i Warren, of Pauite,
Idaho; John Taylor, of Payette, Idaho;
Fred Morton, of Ontario, Oregon; Ira
Book, of PoyOttO, Idaho.
Bkp K R. KksTER,
Ottke of the Ovsyhee Ditch Company
Notice of Sale of Delimment Owyhee
Ditch Company Stock.
Notice is hereby uiven that at a r-e
ular meeting of the l.ourd of directoia
of the OvyWM lutili t'oinpan, held in
Ontario, 'Oregon, on the tith day of Sep
tember HII for purisea of inaintain
ance an assessment of per cent was
levied on the par value of all Owyhee
Ditch Company stock outstanding and
that said assessment fell delinquent on
and after 30 days from its levy.
There is now delinquent on the above
mentioned assessment, the following
stock :
C. E. Belding, 46 shares $23.00
Jas Culleii, M shares 25.00
Ceo. Greene, 7 shares 3.50
W. B. Hoxie, I shares 3.00
W. E. lluleiy, 10 shares 5.00
Geo. B. Holloway, 10 shares 5.00
J. F. Lackey (.estate) 50 shares 26.00
O. A. Megorden, 3J shares 1.75
A. D. Moray, 19 shares 9. SO
Ella Mora , IS shares 9.00
Albert F. Moffet, 15 shares 7.50
W. F. Kohler. 20 shares 10.00
C. A. Martin, 15 shares 7.60
D. Mag ill. 2 shares 100
Albert Neuhuys 50 shares 26 00
Peter Sum, 2t shares 13.00
H. P. Tietsort, 17 shares 8.50
Title Trust Co.. 21 shares 1.26
L. C. Sutherland. 30 shares 15.00
And in accordance with law and an order
of the board of directors of the Owyhee
Ditch Company, made on the 7th day
of November 1914, so many shares of
each parcel of said stock as necessary
to pay said assessment and expense of
advertising and sale, will be sold at the
office of said company on California
Avenue, in the City of Ontario, County
of Malheur, State of Oregon, on the
2nd day of January 1915, at 2 o'clock
p. m, to the highest bidder for cash
5-t StiTcUry
. 1
yrades f
sr g
your every need in our
it over.
Libby and American
jp tw-
Wilson Huilding Ontario, Ore.
Louis C. Melvii
oFricK with dr.pooue o VKR rosTorric
RwUfsra OOImi Kms Hetsf.
AA Ml .vaoW6
No. 732
First National
Bonk Hldf
Ontario, Oregon
Office in New Wilpon Block.
Office 2nd door east of Ontario Phar
macy on Nevada Avenue
Near R. R Depot
Mcculloch, & wood
Rooms 1-2-3 First Nat' I Bank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon
111 11 Mllllhl M..MI-I
Da, Pai link Skahs
1. la.luates American School ol Os-
ieoiathv. Kirksville, Mo.
wilooa Block
Telephone. I.M.BIk.
I'll YHlt IAN and SI KtiEON
Office in I. O. 0. F. Bldg.,
Ontario. . Oreoon
Emery Cole, Bnvan.
W. H Cecil, Ontario.
Bert High, Vale.
C. C. Morton, Old's Perry.
N. O. White, Weiser Bridge.
J E. Holly, Kiverviow
Abe Donor, Jordan Valley.
Joe Bankoffer, McDermitt
J. Boy dell, Nysea
W 11. McWilliauia Juutura
Win Kine, Harper
L M. Seaward, Ontario Bridge
Will Practice in all Courts
Notarv Public. Office over Postoffice
Transfer. Baggage and
K press
Meet All Trains
Office in New Wilson Block