The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 29, 1914, Image 10

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    m m
Big Reduction on
Shape and Trimmings
Grove & Riley
Real Estate Bulletin
Mi'. Koi I'M luiii'i- l(K)MNI f win lit IhikI 10 iiiiIim
I'lint hi Otmbrldgti Idaho, nil tillable. 1 lo acres broke
out. 20 acres in nlfulfa. (Sooil soil. No Hock. Itatb
er sttp. Price $4000.00. Mortgage 1100 00 want
small place in exchange.
.'.Oil For sale two good resilience lots price for the
pair 1120.00
Ontario Real Estate Co.
Best Job Work at
m nrwtrw tvt
Home Visitors'
Union Pacific System
Very low round trip fares from Ore
gon Short Line points to Denver, Kan
sas City, St. liOtiis, Minneapolis, Chi
cago, St. I'aul and many other points.
Tickets on Sale:
October 24,
19 and 22.
Limit three months from date of
See any Oregon Short Line agent for rates and
further particulars.
Lg222ffi,& Holland & Holland
The Argus Office
21, 23, December
SuiitsAori t i'ole o4$iKr
Horse Shoeing and Plow
Work Our Specialties
All Work Guaranteed
Moderate Prices
To the taxpayer of Malheur count?
concerning the county neat question:
No doubt you have all heard the
arguments of both Vale and Ontario
through the press and their public
speakers. Now let us, as taxpayers,
sum those arguments up together. 1
have no Interest lti either Vale or On
tario, more than love and friendship
for their citizens. A am an old settler,
coming here before Malheur county
was cut off from Maker county. 1
have traveled across the country by
way of the "Old Stone house" to attend
court at Maker city; was there In the
county convention at which the Mr.
Lsekstt was nominated to represent
linker county. During the time he
represented us, their county was
divided from Baker county, and
through his Influence the county seat
Ml located nt what was then known
as the "Old Stone Mouse on the Mnl
heiir." Through Mr. Ix)ckett, Mr.
Itlilm hart and others Influental friends
the appointive offices were filled. Dr.
Kri'Tiin wliii owned a rnnch near what
Is know Viile was appointed Judge;
llcnrv Murray of that vicinity was ap
pointed sheriff, and E. H. Tost, clerk.
Tli' appointments hell good for two
years, until the next general election,
at which time we elected count v Of
ficer and also decided on the present
location nt the i nty seat. They
iinilt a t porary court house and Jail
which served until this present court
bouse was built.
Milng deeply Interested In county
politics at that time. I distinctly re-
mber man) of Vale's schemes t"
win at that election. Ontario, then a
mall village, was Vale's strongest op
ponent In order to defeat her. Vain
sent her emissaries to Jordan Valley,
Inciting them to enter the race for the
county seat, thus making it a three
cornered affair, splitting the rote
again t her. In this way Vale easllv
won tie' victory. This was an astute
political move, and the race of Vale
politicians Is not dead yet. My Nyssa
friends, you must bear In mind that the
old Vale ring Is still on the turf, let
we lull you that they are trying to
play the same curd on you that they
played In Jordan Valley. They are
advising you that this county seat
move a little previous, representing
Unit when Nvhsii becomes the end of
road division and gets those
shops, she will then have tl'
best chance of winning the county
s it Hut let me tell you that If these
i evea should oobm to pass, you
will Ibid In Valo your worst enemy.
I BOtlOS In the Kuterprlse a letter
1 1 my old friend I nele John
liniiieruiau. In that letter he asks us
' h.v we should tear down Vale to
bull. I up Ontuilo."' I wish to state aa a
M no one wishes to pull
lOWB, Mut we do believe that
ti. count) property belongs to the
i ., . i of the county and not to
i other town. We do bo
ll, 've alter duly weighing the arguments
on both sides that It is to the hcncltt
oi the tap. tiers of Malheur louuty
to accept this legal building and bona
fide offer of a new court house by the
Ontario rttll 1 liuie John would
lead you to believe that this offer Is
not made In good faith.
Now let me ask you as taxpayers:
ii i on held a note for $.'.'., uuii due on
The Humboldt Mine.
Malheur I'ouuty, Ore.. Oct. 27, 1914.
To the MttOf of the Argus:
We have bad two sets of distinguish
ed visitors hero this week. First Kev.
Hlluiau and Mrs. Dunlop came and
sau.; and preached to us, assuring
us that all Is now well and should not
be disturbed.
From the other side of the Ilaaln
Ja. k Dolau came iu with a load of
whiskey and boor with the compli
ments of the good citUeus of Vale.
V. . enjoyed the singing, but the
prca. biug and booxe did not fit In.
I'll, iv was no argument In It and
what wo want In this couuty seat con
icm is something tangible to tie to.
That bond the Ontario people put up
showed t where our bread is butter
ed. We know some of those people and
know they are good for auy reason
able amount and will come through.
Mum hi i lie wenare or eiguty per
cent of the people bo considered or that This couutry is becoming almost ex
of twn.t;. pw cut. I pert in the art of reinaiulug neutral.
demand, signed by the leading busi
ness men of Ontario who are together
worth at least two million dollars,
wouldn't you consider your paper
Uncle John refers to the "Orand
Old Stone House." but falls to tell you
of the cracks In the walls, forgets
to tell ou how a few weeks ago two
prisoners dug a hole through It with
table knives, neglects to tell you of its
unsanitary condition and that u is full '
of vermin, and also falls to Ml you
that the valuable records belonging
to the taxpayers are exposed to loss
by fire or misadventure.
Now, Mr. Taxpayer, do not be mis
lead !y such statements, when On
tario Is offering free of any cost what
ever to the taxpayers to build a house
with sufficient vault room to secure
our papers and documents.
We notice on the same page of the
Enterprise that our old frleld Judge
Lnmberson of Wcstfall takes his pen
In hand to Inform his old friends
that be Is well with the exception of a
severe shock brought on by the tax
pavers of Malheur county signing n
petition 2..00 strong In favor of On
tarlo. As the Judge's fine rnnch Is
west of Vale, we do not wonder nt his
bias In its favor, but he falls to ex
plain why Mr. Jones, his partner In
business and holding property in the
same locality Is so strongly In favor
of Ontario.
The Judge says that the court
house Is ample for all needs and Is
a beautiful building a credit to the
county. "Examination of county re
cords shows what a good many of us
old timers remember that the citizens
of Vale built Its walls and foundation
for about $5000 and then petitioned
the county for about $3000 to finish it
with, thus bringing Its present cost
to about $8000.
Now, the same people are around
telling us that Ontario can't even put
In a basement with $2.'i,000. Now, Mr.
I'.npa. .r. weigh this well. How could
Vale with $8000 build us a court house
which Judge aaya la beautiful and a
credit to the county If Ontario can't
even start one with $26,000? I put
this question straight to them when
they were at my house, and they an
swered It by saying that during those
hard times they hired skilled labor
for $i .ii p.r day. At the same time
.i. ...... n hn.iu. aa heinir iinilt i ws
contractor in Ontario and I had to
mi. 14.. Mi for the same class of labor.
Now. Mr. Taxpayer, aee how un-
reasonable this Is. They tell us that
Ontario cant furnish their building for
loss than $150,000. Now I am ac-1
.pialnted with the architect who drew ,
this plan, the contractor who gives
bonds to furnish it according to sped-1
Mentions for $25,000 and with manv I
,.i the m.u who signed the bond and I j
am thoroughly
satisfied that If On -
tarlo wins she will carry out every j
detail of her contract, and If she does ,
not finish It ou $25 nun, that Is none
Of our
lookout for she is under au ,
...... elu.l L.....I to rh.l.l. It 111 I... Pout ,
whatever to us. and If she wants to '
spend as much as $200,000 on that new
court house for us
she is welcome
Owyhee. Oregou.
Cambridge, Idaho. Oct. 20. 1914.
M. E, llalne, Ontario Oregon.
Dear Mr. Maine
I want you to know how much we
eujoy the Argus and we are not miss
lug any of the Vale-Ontario war. To
me it is of more interest than the
Kuropean war and more human. It
seems to me that Vale's inconsistency
and the malicious manner In which
she ia missrepresentlng her cause, j
would if (or no other reason convince
the voters of Malheur county that it
would be to their interest to vote for
the reiiloval of the court bouse from
Vale to Ontario. There's an old say Ing
that "right conquers might," but with
"right" and "might," both ou oue side
we feel sure there is no doubt of On
tario gaiulng to county seat.
With best wises for the best of re
sults at your election,
1 am yours very truly,
l.auiih and the world laughs with
vou. unless vou are telling the joke.
To the Voters of Malheur County
While It Is customary In the con
struction of any permanent Improve
ment to look well to the foundation
upon which the structure or Improve
ment is to be built, in the present
county seat location Is a pertinent
question and one of vital interest to
the people of Malheur County, and
should tie carefully considered by every
voter before he casts his ballot.
It Is a fact well known and not
luostlonod that the course of the Mal
heur River Is very uncertain, has no
permanent channel whatever, but will
slough off from one side and build up
on the other side all the way from
Its mouth to the canyon. The con
dition of the Malheur RlTer at Vain,
has changed to some extent since our
last big Ice gorge, and we have heen
favored since the construction of the
steel bridge by escaping what has
actually happened several times In
Vale, the overflow of the Malheur
River covering the townslte of Vale
and rendering It possible navigate the
streets entirely around our present
court house, In a row boat, and since
It Is a fact that this condition has ex
isted In Vale, In recent years In fact
water run over the doorstep In the
present court house nt Vale either In
the spring of 1910 or 1911 when a
veritable river flowed across the town
site through the present court house
grounds at Vale, and continued down
the principal streets of Vale to the
Railroad and the people there used
sacks of flour, sacks of cement, and
anything nt hand to stop up their
doorways to keep the mud and drift
matter of the River out of their build
ings, evidence of this can now be aeen
I on tn" foundations of the principal
buildings of The City of Vale.
This condition can easily occur
again and seems very certain that It
will occur many times more, alnce
the formation, situation and location of
Vale, Is In the natural course of high
water, which could not be expected or
Juntura, Oct. 26, 1914
The Ontario Argus.
Ueiitlemen: Just happened to see
,hu wM,k"" Kuterprlse. snd note that I
noU1 wortgw on the hotel, but It Is
,n ln name of tn Klr,t Uank of
J'"tura: that's funny; most banks
'hangs It around the other way and
nave $! mortgages put In ths
nttn,e of on of the,r dlrectora. but
of course, we do things different up
u,re l)W ever trlk n,e of yu
ale "K-ueaneu generous ineu. un.
Perhaps the people of Juntura comd
Present the new county of Davis with
" '" " court-house, in about the same
wu ou Preaenieu me people oi
M.lll.elll Willi
. ...
a big barn-like affair
$ have Vale, as shown In this
weeks Argus, along about litui; you
certainly are a generous bunch, with
other people's money. And talking
about money; I should like to state
that If I should go to sleep with Chas.
Decker, even if it were in a horse-stall,
I would throw my pants around any
where and know what little money
was in them would be there in the
morning, but if I should happen to
have to go to bed with either Pay
roll John or Pay -role John, and had
only 26 cents In my pants pocket. I
should roll my pants up carefully and
put them below my pillow; There
talk about any one stealing a court
house, makes me tired; For the past
two weeks they have had a bunch of
booster with a dozen copies of the
Kuterprlse strlcking out of their i- -ets
running around us here, telling us
Notice for Publication.
Department ok the Interior,
I S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon,
October 27th, 1914.
Notice is hereby given that August
Senkbeil, of Payette, Idaho, who, on
April '-'tfth. 1911, made homestead ap
plication No. 0126, for the nwi nei,
sec 12, t 17 s, r 46 e, and who on March
19, 1912, made additional entry No.
02171, for the swi nei, stt liwi nu "t
vj, sec 12 tp 17 s, r 46 e, w m , has
tiled notice of intention to make three
year proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the Regis
ter and Receiver, I'. S. Land Office, at
Vale, Oregon, un the 30th day of Nov
ember, iyi4.
Claimant names as witnesses:
George D. Warren, of Payette,
Idaho; John Taylor, of Payette, Idaho:
Fred Morton, of Ontario, Oregon, Ira
Book, of Pavette, Idaho.
Bri it R. KMTHL
Induced to go up over the hills In order
that It may avoid the present County
Seat of Malheur County, the lowly
situated townslte of the City of Vale.
The last experience or Vale In the
matter of high water was not occas
ioned by an Ice gorge but simply a
matter of high water In flood condi
tions, and now since the construction
of a concrete dam across Malheur
River less than a mile below the City
of Vale the same amount of water
experienced would render at least a
fool more wnter over the townslte of
Vale, or In other words with the same
amount of water had In their last
flood, would raise the high water
mark, In the City of Vale at lenst one
foot, due to the fact that this dam
reduces the fall to that point of the
Malheur River.
And It Is a now pertinent question
In this County Seat matter to be
seriously considered by the Voters of
Malheur County on November .Ird, of
this year, and the question asked, do
you want to continue for all time to
come the adoption of such a treach
erous and unsafe foundation for the
location of our County Seat or will you
accept the proposition of the City of
Ontario to locate and construct out
of the reach of maddened rivers or
flood conditions a good substantial,
modern, safe and sane building, ut
terly without cost to the people of
Malheur Coutny, outside of the pros
perous ana thriving City of Ontario.
This matter Is not a campaign state
ment which can be denied by anyone
who knows the geographical situation
of Vale. And since we the undersign
ed time honored residents of Ontario,
know the foregoing to be facta we ask
you these questions?
Do you believe the statements in the
shove to be true?
If so are ou willing to loeate your
County Sent of this treacherous and
unsafe foundation at the City of Vale?
unfurl... October 17, 114.
how much they love us, and that the
(enterprise does not represent the
town of Vale; they must think we are
a lot of suckers; and they have been
making a big holler about Malheur
couuty being out of debt, yet accord
ing to this week's Enterprise, the
bridge at the Harper could not tie
built because the county did not have
the money to pay for It. and so forth.
i he. have suddenly developed a great
love for every section of the county;
big brass band across the Mlg Head
country; another up Willow Creek and
j a delegation to Westfall with a bunch
of ladles belonging to the society en
tertainers; I am willing to gamble that
the Hlg fiend Bridge proposition,
along with every other proposition
that does not put a dollar in Vale's
inn-set, gets snowed under in Vale;
then, Dalabolous, (Whoever in H
he Is) talks about me being peeved,
etc. If I had lived as long as he has
and laid up as little aa he seems to
have done, Judging from the mortgage
on the Kuterprlse plant, I think I
would feel peeved, but I guess there
isn't much need for me to worry.
Talk about slush; why, everybody
knows that I am no smooth talker,
but take off my bat to Roberts and
Rlgby, when it comes to slinging mud,
and I will sign my name to my let
ters. Election day will show whether or
not the Enterprise represents Vale.
Yours truly,
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
V. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon,
October 27th, 1914.
Notice is hereby given that Charles
D. Warren, of Payette, Idaho, who on
April 28th, 1911, made homestead ap
plication No. 01833, for the si sei sec 2
and n nei, sec 11, tp 17b, r 46 e, wm,
has tiled notice of intention to make
three year proof, to establish claim to
tne land above described, before the
register and receiver, U.S. Land Office
at Vale, Oregon, on the 30th day of No
vember. 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: August
Senkbeil, of Payette, Idaho, Fred Mor
ton, of Ontario, Oregon, John Taylor,
of Payette. Idaho; and Levi Crull, of
Payette, Idaho.
Bat l e R. Kuster.
Should the welfare of eighty per
cent of the people be considered or that
of twenty per cent.