. Paint Your (Xwri) Carriage You can do it yourself and at little expense. rIt'iemiyj to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant, varnish-gloss finish in black or rich appropriate colors.' dCMEQUAIJTY . CARRIAGE PAINT (Neal'ot b made especially to give to buggies, carriaget and vehicles of all kinds, a tough, durable, glossy finish that will look well and wear well. An ideal finish for settees, l L William McBratney Hardware - Furniture Undertaking LOCAL AGENT, ONTARIO, OREGON SAVING TIME ky TELEPHONE VinMtX Means Not Only Time But Money. Do you ever consider how lonjr it takes to travel the distance from your house to the Doctor and Merchant and what time you save by telephoning If your time is worth anything, you cannot afford to be without a Telephone. Malheur Home Telephone Co. , vjBT 4k IP V,.!m wJj I mrni. mlaiged grounds, and many ad '-rfifcf i I J I Oicgcin will lu-gm it thirty aintn Bi ArJWL JtJyS sP-iitl training for Hustnci. Jour jTTO ii-N L sHv ' ngrmt ami ationgraf dcnaiiiiu nra sLH lf7tLP sr P W aT1 III LlfcfaWf ! ihm M vohtsma l I O livE -Jr lsL LI T,,J taiti iu huiiJiuga fully I P JarjBHr jft """lbM equipped N w IH A.laninn I C ifc VLLv a' " jl Huiijmg la cowrss of hhhu1iom f MP 1 t fffVflL llll 'uiiut loisaitu(i fuf sbmh and I I f5aeak aVlJll Infll 'OI "'"n" lt(tlMI OW Ml I b94 ifjVlfl U Wtiic (of calsJofj md (UusuaicJ boofcltl I B jpjj ' ' ' i ll JBafWg SfaEt W A4Jilog Rtguntr. j Real Estate Bulletin 505 For exchange 100 acres f wheat laud 10 miles east of Cambridge, Idaho, all tillable. 110 acres broke out. 20 acres iu alfalfa. Ciood soil. No Rock. RaUi er staep. Price $4000.00. Mortgage 11000.00 waut small place in exchange. 500 For sale two good residence lots price for the pair 125.00 Ontario Real flower stands, porch furniture, garden tools and all surfaces that must with stand exposure and hard usage. Ready to bnsah on and the label tells how Estate Co. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. Verdict In Arson Case "Not Guilty." Portland. "Not guilty." w the rerdict returned by the Jury In the case of Max Albert, charged with ar on, whose trial was concluded In Judge Morrow's department of the Cir cuit Court. The trial wait the first of a series of prosecutions of members of the alleged "arson trust," In which It was expected to show Illegal activi ties of a group of Portland shopkeep ers to defraud Insurance companies Indictments charging arson were re turned by the August grand Jury that Involved nearly a dozen small mer chants and one local attorney, David Pepp, who la charged with having counseled the setUng of Incendiary fires. Veterans May Be Army Reserve. Albany. Believing that It la the first step towards making the mem bers a reserve of the United States Army, Captain P. C. Stellmacher of thla city, commander of the depart ment of Oregop. lulled Spanish War Veterans, has received an order from the commander In-chief at Washing ton to take Immediate action to re cruit camps to the fullest possible number. Similar orders have been sent to every state commander In the country. Ex-City Official Qullty. Astoria Dan P. Belcher, former city superintendent of streets, pleaded guilty In the circuit court to an in dlcttnejit charging him with obtaining money under false pretenses by pad ding the July pay roll In the aum of 160.60. The other Indictments against him were dismissed. He waa sen tenced to five years In the penltentl ary and paroled. STATE TO LEASE LAKES Land Board Will Receive Bida for Minerals In Water. Salem. The state land board fixed December 10 ns the time for receiving bids for the lease of Summer aud Al bert lakes, which have value on ac count of iiiimr.il deposits contained In the water. The bidders will each be required to file a surety bond In the sum of Sin. turn to guarantee that they will carry out the contract and the lease will be on a royalty basis of so much per ton. The bidders will also be re quired to name n minimum annual roy alty so that there will be no delay In commencing operations after the con tract is awarded. Jason Moore a few months ago of fered the board tl. 276,000 outright for the lakes. Another bidder offered more and the board decided It would be well to decline all the offers and take up later the question of dlspoa Ing of the lakes. Discussing (he problem at the moot ing, Governor West and Treasurer Kay, two of the three members of the land board, favored action by the board, rather than putting the ques tion of developing the lakes over to the legislature. The bureau of mines, which has been making an investiga tion of the hikes, at the request of Governor West, will have Its report re.idy November 1, said Governor West. C. M. Sain spent 176,000 in an effort to develop the products of the Oregon lakes some years ago and he was look ed upon as a visionary dreamer by many people of the state. He was forced to drop bis plan because of lack of capital. Since then several com panies and promoters have offered schemes for the development of the lakes, most of them bearlug the ear marks of wildcat propositions. Shipping Bad Fruit. Hood Riser. Because a large amount of fruit has been shipped from Hood Klver by private shippers who have placed inferior fruit on the mar ket, the Apple Orowerw' association Is making investigations Into the matter of the shipment of dlseaaed fruit and will prosecute the violations of the law regulating the shipment of apples. Baker Cattle Have Blackleg. Baker. The first cases of blackleg reported In a long time have been found on the Jamee Fleetwood ranch at Hereford, on Burnt Klver. Mr. Fleetwood has lost several calves and ether ranchers in the vicinity are fol lowing the example set by House Bros., prominent ranchers, In vaccina tion of calves. Postoffice Is Robbed. Dallas Safecrackers blew the safe of the postoffice at Kickreall, taking $160 in cash, but leaving all the stamps. All Indications point to the fact that it was the same pari) tBAl bus been operating iu the valle) some time, and which blew up the safe at Alrlie about three weeks ago. LEGAL NOTICES Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Malheur. Juntura Mercantile Company, I pri vate corporation, plaintifT. va. George W. Cater. Anna C. Cater, George C. Wall, E. F. Sullivan. Me Win Smith, Fred G.Anderson, George Kelley, Henry Dargell, M. S. Huston, John Hodder, A. C. Woodruff, Clyde Shaver, John E. Thomas, A. G. Williams, John Ott and John D. Daly copartners as John Ott & Company; Home Lumber and Coal Company, a OOTpOTtUon; frirst nank 01 Juntura, a corporation, juti-son-Lusk Hardware Company, a cor poration, Defendants. To George W. Cater, Anna C CatSf. and Melvin Smith, three of the above named Defendants: In The Name Of The State Of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or be fore the 6th day of November, 1914, the same being the last day of the time prescribed by order of the court direct ing service of summons in said suit to be made upon you by publication; and if you faij so to answer, for want there of, the plaintiff will apply to the said court for tbe relief demanded in the said complaint, to wit For judgment against George W. Cater and Anna C. Cater for $360.48, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from Dec. 6, 1913; and for six dollars for preparing and recording Hen notice; and for $260.00 attorney's fee; and for coats and disbursements, of suit; also for a decree of said court foreclosing a certain lien filed by plaintiff to secure said debt, against the Cater Hotel Building and ground upon which same is situated and described as Lota 8, 9, 10 and 11, in Block 19, of the incorpor ated town of Juntura in Malheur Coun- ty , Oregon, which said lien is of record in Book "B ", page R9, of the records of Mechanic's Liens for Malheur County, Oregon, and directing that said proper- ty be sold at sheriff's sale in satisfact - ion of plaintiff's claim, and for all other relief demanded in said complaint You are further notified that this summons is served upon vou by public- ation in pursuance of an order of the Hon. Dslton Biggs, Jnoge of this Court, which said orderwa aile and entered in said cause on th 2 th day of Septem ber, 1914, ami tfM id that this sum mons be published once each week for six consecut ve weeks in the "Ontario Argus", co i ii enclng with the issue of Sept. 24 i. .1 of said newspaper. First publication f this summons is on Sept. 24, l'.1. 1 and last publication is on Nov. 6, 1911. Mcculloch a wood. Attorneys for Plaintiff- Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County: in mtj matter oi in. c.v.ie jo.upn Collins May, deceased Notice la hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed adminis trator with the will annexed of the estate of Joaeph Collins May, deceased; and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to pre sent the same to the undersigned at his residence in Ontario, Oregon, or at the offices of W. H. Brooke and R. W. Swagler, attorneys for this administra tor in Ontario, Oregon, verified as by law required, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. ii M. Nicely, Administrator with the will annexed. Date of first publication September 24, 1914. I Date of last publication November 5, 1914. Administratis Notice. In the County Court of tbe State of Oregon, for Malheur County. In the matter of the estate of Thomas L. Hlackman deceased. Notice Is hereby given to all whom It ma.v concern, that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County, admiulstratlx of the estate of Thomas L Hlackman deceased. All persons having any claim against tbe estate of tbe said deceased are hereby notified to pre sent the same to me duly verified for allowance at the law office of C. Mc Uouagill at Ontario, Oregon, within six mouth from the date of this Notice. Dated at Ontario. Oregon, this 24tb day of September, 1914. CLARA E. BLACKMAN. Admiulstratlx ALIAS SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Malheur Robert U. Bradshaw, plaintiff, vs. Hert Huffman, Clara B. Fuffman, his wife, B. F. Studebaker, C. C- Begley, and John Peters, defendanst In the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled ac tion, on or before the 29th day of October, 1914, the same being the last day of the time prescribed by order of the court directing service of sum mons iu auld suit to be made by publi cation, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply tc the court for the relief demanded LEGAL NOTICES In the complaint, to-wit: For Judg ment against the defendanta Hert Huffman ahJ C. C Henley, In the sum of $1197.6,1, together with 8 per cent Interest thereon from January ir, 1914, $160 attorney's fees and cost of action. Also for decree of the court fore closing that certain real mortgage dated Feb. 26, 1912, executed by Hert Huffman and wife, Clara H. Huffman, to C. C. Hegley, which was on tho Kith day of May, 1912, recorded In book "O" at page 124, records of Malheur county, Oregon, which mortgage was on the 16th day or May, 1912. duly assigned by defendant C C. Hegley to plaintiff R. U. Bradshaw, who Is now tho owner and holder of the same; lulu i: a mortgage to secure the sum 'or which judgment la asked herein tuninst Bert Huffman and C. C. Bog ley, being a mortgage upon the East V4 of tho Northeast of Section 22. in Township 16 South, Range 46 East W M and asking that the Hen of plain tiff upon satd real estate by virtue of said mortgage, be decreed to be a first lien on the same, superior to any Hen or claim that said defendants, or any of them named In this action, may he or claim against the real estate clcAcrli'ed herein, and that all their rights and equities In aald cal estate be by this suit foreclosed. Further asking an order, directing that said real estate be sold at Sheriff's salo In satisfaction of plain I t,fr Judgment and for all other rtdlei demanded In the complaint You are further notified that (hi summons Is served upon you by pnbM cation, in pursuance of an order of Hon. Dslton Biggs, Judge of this Court, which said order waa made on Sept. 6, 1 14 , and duly filed snd entered in the above entitled cause on the 11th day of Septt mber, 1914. which order 1 directed that summons lie puhliahed . once a week for six successive weeks in the Ontario Argus, commencing with ' the issue of said paier of Sept, 17, 1914, and ending with the issue of October 29, 1914. ED. R. (OI ITER, Attune for Plaintiff. S.-rlal Nil n NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION DEPARTMKNT OP I UK M KKIt'K U. S. Land Oil) e, at i Vale, Oregon. September 2Mb. I'. 1 1 Notice is hereby given that Wallace N. Jones, of Ontario, Ore m n who on July 11th. 1910, made Horn, stead hit- try, No. 01363. for the SW Sec 80, Twp. HI S., R. 4 E.. and on Jan. 23, 1 1914, made Additional Entry No. 03075 for the SEj Se,.tion 26, Tov, ship HI S., Range 45 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Regis ter and Receiver, I' S. Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the 10th day of Nov ember, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Hoy J. Benson, of Weiaer, Idaho, Michael B. Ramsey, of Weiaer, Idaho, Jamee J. Woody, of Ontario, Oregon, and Fraud Welch, of Ontario. Oregon. Bruce R. Kester, Register. Serial No. BJBJ Notice For Publication Department op the Interior U. S. Land Office at 1 Vale, Oregon, I October 3rd, 1914. ) Notice is hereby given that Mrs. Sarah De Haven, of Fayette, Idaho, who, on October 12th, 1911, made Home stead Application, No. 02019, for the NEL Section 29, Township MS., Range 47 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the 9th day of Nov ember, 1914. Claimant names as witnesses: Roy Kelley, of Payette, Idaho; Ira Book, of Payette, Idaho, MeWinSpauld ing, of Payette, Idaho, and A. R. White, of Ontario, Oregon. Hit i R Kester, Register. Vale 01845 and Additional Vale 03059. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon, October 13, 114. Notice is hereby given that Otto A. Koshnlck, of Ontario, Oregon, who, on May 8th, 1911, made homestead application, No. 01845, for the Ni SW, SW 8WK, section 28; and WWII NW, section 33, township 17 S., range 46 E., Willamette Meridian, and wha on Jan. 22, 1914, made addl. entry 03059 for the NEV NE section 32, same has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to estab- BJBI claim to the land above described, ' LEGAL NOTICES "" "" ana uocolver, U g Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on th 17th day of November, 1914. Claimant names an wltiiemei. Robert McKlnnoy, Frank Akers, Rck artl Ball, Tom Walker, all of OnUrlo" Oregon. ' BRUCE It. KRHTKR, Hegliter, County Snrvrjor. To tho voters of Malhour county I am a candidate for surveyor of Malheur county subject to the will thn voters on November 3, 1914. I have had 30 years experience M tin engineer and surveyor, and htr been district engineer of tho Owyw Irrigation district for 5 years, Will appreciate your support. B., FARMER, Nyssa, Orejotr. HOT LAKR MANAflKK WOULD LIK NOTICE OF ARRIVAL IN ADVANCE. Persona contemplating a visit to Hot Iake Springs, Oregon, who r nulrc the service of a wheel chair or other spoclal convenience, are r quested by the management to th notice of arrival in advance, so but proper care and attention may be i. sured. lirtfnpn t Ii m I .... I . m B SB CHARLES C. ZWEIGART Attorney- At-Law Wilson Ruilding Ontario. Ore. BELGIANS REGAIN TERRITORY Vlotory at Oertenberg Bald to Cut Qerman Army In Two Bectlone. London -An Oatend dispatch to tae Exchange Telegraph company aaya; "The Belgian troops have Just gals ed :m Important success at Oortee berg, between Ixnivnln nnd Brussels, cutting up a German corps and tskloi several prisoners. The line towsri Liege has been occupied by thn Bel gians." The Belgian victory at Oortenbert Is regarded as especially Important, as the German army occupying Bel glum hits been cut In two sections as a result of It. The victory was due la great pert to artillery of heavy caliber which was used for the first Use there. The Belgian legation announced that the Belgians hud again taken tbe offensive, which was being pushed satlstactorlly. Mullnea and Aerschet were retaken. The Belgian legstlos said Belgians had destroyed thn rail way between l.ouvain nnd Tlrlemoat thus cutting off the German commusi catlous between Brussels aud I.lege. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS PsIdlAdvartleancnU LOTS FOR SALE-3 in Riverside ad dition, near sub station. Inquire t Argus. Safety Depobit Boxes For Rknt Two sizes and two prices; an absolutely safe method of keeping your valuable papers protected against loss by lire or theft. Ontario National Bank. Paperhanging, plastering, kalsoming, etc. W. A. DEPUTY. Phone Wi-N-l. tf My 2o acre tract for sale or trade. On bench west of fair grounds. V. B STAPLES. Vaks, Oregon. ThrBK Loth For Sale-2 blocks west of postoftice, at a bargain. In quire at Argus office. We have a comfortable room fitted up especially for the ladies where they can rest, write checks and letters and not be crowded or intruded on; ladies are invited to call and open an account Ontario National Bank. Free A Biz piece kitchen set is be ing given away by the Ontario market to their customers. Ask them to show it to you. They have greatly reduced their prices and are now making after noon deliveries. Furniture for sale two rooms, everything for housekeeping. Bo 422, Ontario. Frultland Cider Mill, Custom Work Cider making and applstbutter mak ing on Thursdays,. Satisfy tory guaranteed. 4t Do you prefer tbe old court house at Vale or a modern building at On tarl with ample vault room to protect your records. Should the welfare of eighty P' cent of the people be considered or that of twenty per cent. I