The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 15, 1914, Image 7

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    GIRLS and BOYS
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to Lampkin's, he has them.
Girls' Coats
Sizes 3 to 16
$2.49 to $11.50
Girls' unions.sizes
2 to 16 in wool or
Grey wool union
at $1.00
Cotton union at
50c and 60c.
A. McWILLIAMS Proprietor.
Saber and Lane Used Whan Qraat
Forcea of Horaaman Ara Engaged.
Parle ShIk-i and lance came Into
play many tlinea when the French,
Brltlah and Uennan Huaaara, lancera.
dr&gooua and cuirunalera In enormoua
uumbera came into contact near Ll!le.
There la not an Inch of ground here
about which doee not ahow tracea of
the awful character of the battle. The.
town of Albert U a muaa of rulna, only
a church steeple remuluing atandlng.
Koye haa diaaiipeaied under couaUiui
bombarJuieut. It waa the center of
the German effort to break through
the allied lluea.
Beyond Roye, where the fighting
haa been exceptionally severe for 15
daya, aa poaaeaaion of the place meana
control of the railroad llnea and alao
the road to Amleiia, the alllea contin
ued their el fort b to dislodge the Qer
mana, who held on with wonderful
tenacity. It waa neceaaary for the al
llea to conduct regular alege opera
tiona to get at thein
Bafton Wine Opening Games.
Philadelphia In a pitcbara' battle
with a dram ktk climax uaually reaerv
ed for baseball fiction, the Boston Na
tionals del..ited the Philadelphia
Ain.-ricana here in the aecond game of
the world'a aeriea by a acore of 1 to 0.
As a result of tho wrtory the Bravea
left for Boston with a two-game lead
over the Aihleika, having won Ural
game by a acore of 7 to 1.
Is the hard
est thing to find
a complete line
i of, that a moth
er has to buy.
You will save
time and mon-
ey wnen you
'want anv of
these lines by going
S w r
T. Lampkin
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horse Bought and Sold.
Dutch Government la Swamped by the
Flight of Belgian Refugaaa.
London Belgian refuge now In '
Holland number 600,000, according to '
the correapondent of the Exchange
Telegraph company at The Hague.
The Dutch authorities are greatly
embarrassed by the refugees, who are
incessantly streaming into Holland,"
adds the correapondent.
"Owing to the lack of railway ma-1
terial thousands were forced to wait
on the roads for transportation. The i
Dutch government probably will take
ateps jointly with the Herman govern
ment for the speedy return of the ref
ugeea." The Germana have pushed up from
Antwerp and are occupying villages
in the direction of the Dutch frontier,
torclng the inhabitants to flee into
Priaonera to Ba Listed.
Paris. The government Is aaeemb
ling exact information regarding the
identity of 70,000 German prisonera
now in French handa, with the object
I of exchanging tbla Information with
I the German authorities for similar
facta regarding French priaonera.
Fatal Kanaaa Tornado.
Chanute, Kan--Five persona were
killed and 2j lujured In a tornado
! which awept a path 18 miles wide
through Wilson and Neosho counties
Boys Suits
Sizes 2 to 17 at
$1.50 to $6.00
Boys' Under
wear Wool unions $1.00
and $1.25.
Cotton at 50c and
60c. Shirts and
drawers at 35c.
You Should Vote
I For
Republican Candidate For
United States Senator
Are you better off now than you were
under a Republican administration?
Are you aatiafied?
If you believe in the principles of the
Republican Party, if you are convinced
that theae principles are best for the
country, then prove it by voting for
your standard bearer, Robert A. Booth,
Republican candidate for the United
States Senate.
You know that under Republican pre
sidents the peo ile of the United States
have good times.
You know that under Democratic
presidents you have Democratic times
Remember the prosperity we hail un
der Mckinley, Roosevelt and Taft
Remember the conditions under Clev
land and Wilson.
The issue in this campaign is not one
of personality. It is not one of non
parlisansliip. It is a queation of wheth
er you prefer prosjierity under Repub
lican administration.
Do you have enough work? Are your
wages good'.' Is your business what
ou want it to Bfl
If you are satisflsd with present con
ditions, well am' ood; if you believe
that the present situation is better than
under McKinli Roosevelt and Taft,
you know whi.t to do.
The way t. aViBJ) l'ak prosperity ia
U help elect a Republican Senate. The
Republican candidate in Oregon ia R A.
This is a Republican year. Vote the
ticketatnutfht. REPUBLICAN ITATI
OMOefc I'aid Advertisement.
Some Important Measures
Are Acted Upon
The city council hits liccn holding
n scries of meetings to tnlte enre of the
extra business thnt had been coining
They met In adjourned session on
the L'l'lh 0 ennvass the bond election
liich they did, finding everything had
1 MB done In legal manner and the
NISlI was spread on the minutes of
the council. The mayor anil recorder
were ordered and tlfBCM to negotiate
the snle of the bonds, soon us possible
nt a price not less thnn par.
The council adjourned 0 the 110th.
The council met In adjourned session
on dM ll'th.
The mayor stated to the council thnt
he lu.d the recorder had sold $l.'i,000
worth -of the court house bonds nt par
to the First Nntlonnl Bank niid also
115,000 worth to the Ontario National
Bank and that the meeting was held
to rejwirt such snle.
The council then approved and con
firmed the sale as reported.
The next meeting was the regular
monthly session held on the ."th.
C. F. Lovelnnd addressed council
relative to a sidewalk on the east side
of blocks 1M and iS3.
Mr. Holdermnn addressed the coun
cil relative to the opening of the Mar
ton road.
The usual bills were presented ami
The monthly report of the cltv re
corder, cltv treasurer and chief of the
fire department for September were
The usual liquor licenses were
Ordinance No. M was passed order
ing a wooden nidi-walk to be construct
ed on Minnesota Avenue between Ore
gon street and block I'l
A communication from the Ontario
National bank was presented offering
to pay 3 per cent Interest on monthly
balances, furnishing security for same.
On motion the Ontario National was
made the depository for the year.
1. The present court house at Vale
la antiquated. Inadequate and a dis
grace to Malheur County, aud would
soon have to be aupplanted by a new
t. If the count seat la removed to
Ontario, the cltUena of Ontario will
alone bear the cost of the new court
house and removal expenace.
3. If a new court houae Is built at
Vale, the whole country may expect
to be taxed, according to Vale's figures
at least $200,000 to pay for It.
4. The present county Jail at Vale la
unaafe, unsanitary, and easy for
priaonera to escape from, and will aoon
have to be rebuilt at a big expense to
the taxpayers
&. Many of the county records are
endangered by fire, through lack of
fire-proof vault facilities In the pres
ent court house at Vale.
6. Two-thlrda of the people of Mal
heur County would he convenlenced
aud benefitted by the change.
7. Accommodations at Ontario for
visitors on county business In the way
of hotels, lodging houses aud reataur
unts, are far superior to thoae offered
In Vale.
8 Thousands of dollers will be savtd
the taxpayers of the county through
the elimination of extra mileage for
witnesses and court officers.
'). It will remove from a selfish com
munity domination in county utlulr.i
aud county government to a commun
ity that has the best interests ol the
whole of Malheur counts at heart
10. It will save the taxpayers thous
ands of dollars a year In couutv gov
ernment expenses, and the saving will
gradually Increase year b year.
Mr. Farmer can ou rttllH now that
Protective Tariff Protects you'' Kvery
tblng you raise was put on the im
Hat by the tinkering pupils In the
White House Professors class, and
every country on earth that can pro
duce a thing that you have produced
la rushing It to our ports at lower
pries than our products can be sent
Free-Trade is (OTOaBBi I'rotii lion hi
To many people a horrowioriuiu
would be a blessed relief
iGERMANS capture
Garrison. Including Three Brit
ish Naval Brigades. Leaves
Before Surrender.
London. Antwerp hss fallen Into
the hands of the Germans, but Its cap
ture, Important and stirring as it has
been, was robbed of much of Its In
trinsic value. It Is contended here, by
the escape of the garrison
The first official admission thnt the
nrlllsdi participated In the defense of
Antwerp Is contained In an Admiralty
announcement thnt three nnval bri
gades, with heavy guns, had been sent
there during the last week of the Ger
man attack. The announcement adds
that In the retreat from Antwerp two
of the llritbh brigades reached OstSBd
safely. The other, however, wns cut
off to the north of l.okeren, n town In
Knst Flanders, and 2000 of the men
were Interned In Holland.
The retreat of the Itelglan nrmy wns
nccoin pllshed successfully.
The Hermans, after shelling the city
Itself for many hours, making II tin
tciiiible, entered the town through the
suburb of I'.ercbetn. to the east.
The real extent of the destruction
within the walls of Antwerp will be
blow In reaching the outside world
I rotn impart Isan sources, for the ren
son that communication with the city
Is either cut or entirely In the hands
of military nulhorltles From The
Hague it Is asserted that the cathe
dral of Notre Dame has not been dam
aged. Important German Town la Captured.
Petrogrnd. Capture by tho Hus
alaus of the German town of Margra
bowa wns ntinounced by the war of
fice The victory wns an Important
one. Mnrgrabown Is In east Prussia,
about 10 miles within the frontier and
on the railroad connecting Goldnpp
and l.yck.
Twenty, 12 Being Women and Qirle,
Wounded by German Miaallea.
Paris A score of bombs, launched
on different quarters of Paris by two
German aviators Sunday, killed four
civilians and wounded 2 others, of
whom 12 were women and girls. The
damage done to property waa small.
A pennant which waa dropped at the
same time aa the bomba from the
German alrahlpa bore the Inacrlptlon
In Herman:
"We have taken Antwerp; your turn
will soon coma."
The alrmn appenred soon nfter
noon One began the attack by drop
ping a bomb near the Northern Kail
way terminal, another In Hue St Ka
zan) and a third, which lauded at the
rear or the Cathedral of Notre Dame.
Three more bomba were hurled by the
aatiift airman In the vicinity of the
The aecond aeroplane alao flaw over
the cathedral, dropplug four bomba.
one of which lighted ou the roof of the
church. A aecond fell In the square.
where the bishop's realdeuca la altu
ated. A third atruck the parapet of
the Qual de Bourbou and glanced off
Into the Belua.
Marconi Falla In Suit.
New York The federal district
court ruled that It had no Juriadlctlon
In the ault brought against Secretary
of the Navy Daniels and four uavul
censors by the Marconi Wlreleaa Tele
graph company of America, to prevent
the government from keeping cloaed
the wireless stations at Slaaconaet,
Mass , and Hea Hate, N. Y. The com
pany's application for an Injunction
waa dismissed
IS $100,000,000
London-Germany has Imposed a
fine of iMyHMM ($100,000,000) on
Antwerp as a wur Indemnity
The population of Antwerp Is about
2S2,00(). Thu levy, i ben-tore, la ap
proximately 'M'J per capita.
A dispatch lo tin- Kenli r 'telegram
Company from Amsterdam says that
(Jemial von Hehhbi, commander o
the (iermau troops that aptund Alit
verp, haa laaued the followlug pro
claiuatlon .
"To the inhabitauta of Antwerp
The QbvbWB army lias enleied your
city aa conquerors. No riiuiui shall
be harmeii and your properly shall he
spared If you refrain flolll hostile ai I a
All retractions will be punished a,
cording to IBS law ot war and may
lead to the demolition of your beautl
ful city."
It is said that the Herman soldiers
are active In mastenua 'he fire in
Antwerp Only public buil'lmg were
damaged No prominent chinch was
atruck by a shell.
'I I. ii Hermans agreed In the teims
of capitulation not lo disarm the civic
guards or make prisoners of males
balweeu the ugea uf Ik and 30 years.
Mr. Richard's Experience With Off-
ferent Diets. Peaches and
Buttermilk for Three Years.
Cecllton, Md Mr. OeorRe Richard,
of this place, during the past 12 year.
has probably tried more different difH
than the average person would ever ua
in a lifetime.
What he has to say about his expert
ments, must therefore behighly interest
ing to anyone suffering from indigestion
or stomach troubles of any kind.
He says: "For more than 12 years.
1 suffered with stomach troubles, ana
paid hundreds o( dollars for doctor bills
and medicines. I was also operated oa
lor piles.
I lived on dried peaches and buttermilk
for nearly three years. The only thing
Ib.ii would not give me pain was raw eggs.
I was a physical wreck. I could not
sleep, and was as near crazy as a mas
could well be.
I must say that after taking two 25-cesl
packages of Thedford's Black-OraugM,
It did me more good than all I ever spent
lor other medicines.
I have been working daily on the fans)
ever since, and I am as hard as iron.'
This purely vegetable remedy has bees
In successful use for more than 70 years.
Try it. But be sure that it'a "Thediord'a.'
Your Banking
No matter how
small, no mat
ter how large
First National Bank
Ontario, Oregon
will give it careful
attention. This
message applies to
the men and the
women alike.
Oflireni and Directors:
A L. ('(H'KKl'M, Preaident
T. I I KNHI I.I.. Vic I'rr.idcnt
II. II. (in Kill M, Caahlar
C. W. FLATT. Asa't Cashier
i. n oi hio m
A Promising Opening
Oi)01) TllINi
at any seuHon ol the yt'ar,
won. ! In- a keg of our Bimrk
liiK Sdit liter, wliicli is a
good tliinu to Iiuvh "on tun" in
Bssj of thirnty BtaBfgBMifjB.
Tliiw Itfif is tlio lebt, purest
iiikI most wlioli'Hoino ever brew
eil, unil will butisfy Uic HMtl
criticul lcer drinker. Bisf
brewetl from tlm btBl UBtt IM
Imp-, lis M lentilic uiflluil of
brBTfiogi it i nuturully u per
fect lull.
.. li. TETER
Leave Hundles at Any
Hotel or Uarber Shop
l'rompt Attention Given
All Order.