The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 15, 1914, Image 5

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    Ontario Pharmacy
Eastman Kodaks
Rexall Remedies
Mm. Frank McKoc, of WoIsmt, wan
visiting Ontario relatives on Sunday
Joseph SlrlKh was convicted Tues
lay at Vale before f'ounty Judge Mc
Knlght of robbing a till at the Robin
son restaurant at .luntura of $1L and
was sentenced to six months In the
county Jail.
C. T. Prall Is home this week from
n three weeks trip orr the lands of
K'tstern Oregon Land Company.
William Mcltratney was a visitor o
Holse Tuesday.
We bi've three bundles of keys li re
without owners, also a pair of WhXtU
Thero was a shipment of hoges
to Portland Tuesday by the Orover
The entire fall line of Millinery
carried by the Millinery and Art store
is being offered at prices that do
not consider the cost.
Miss Winifred Maloney entertain
ed In honor of Miss llessle Mallard
Tuesday evening. The guests enjoyed
"f00" throughout the evening, after
which a chafing-dish supper was
served. Covers were laid for eight, In
cluding I.altoso llalley,, WMmotli
Curry, Jessie Hollar I, Messrs. Prater
Williams, (Memo and Hwaggler.
Mrs. Chas. Segulne has gone on a
visit, to her old home, and the change
will soon restore to normal health.
Oscar Hill Is In from the Heulah
country. He aays the politicians arc
getting thick In that section. They
have hail some good rains and the
range is In good shape. The roads
nr' also in 1 1 id improved
The ladles aid of the Congregational
church will hold a lla.aar and rum
mage sale the last week In November.
Watlich for the exact date and place
Miss Purcell and Mrs. Morfltt were
visiting with Payette friends on Satur
day. N. O. Oard and wife, former resi
dent of this county, living In the
Lawen neighborhood, were over from
Ontario during the week on business
and to visit old time friends. This la
their first visit in several years, thev
Inning left here some time age and
taking up their residence In the east
later movlug back to Ontario. Hums
Herbert Williams and John i.un.1
Ingham are the delegates to the
Knights of Pythias grand lodge at
Portland this week.
A. McWilliama Is back from his trip
to Denver where he took some horses
and reports a successful trip. He Is
now in the market for more horses at
his Ontario stable.
The ladles of the W. C. T. U. will
hold an Important meeting on Tues
day afternoon at 1 p. m. in the Cougre
xatlonal church.
Hi i. n T. Havens, son of Mrs. J. U.
Hoffman, was buried here Tuesday
afternoon, Rev. Hillman, of Vale con
ducting the service. The young man
attended school here last school year
and some of his old school mates acted
as pall bearers. He was born In
Pennsylvania in 1888 and died at Vale
on Saturday the 10th. Jas. Tarley had
charge of the funeral.
Will Fisher is running the Moore
Livery stable and It is the intention of
himself and Churles Carter, who re
cently purchased the barn, to conduct
a sales stable and have a lot of horses
on hand for sale at all times. These
men thoroughl yuuderstand the livery
ousluess and horses sales and will
meet with plenty of support.
Those holding season tickets for
the Ontario entertaininent can nm rw
their seats at the Ontario Pharmacy,
Tuesday, October Pith, btgliiulng at
10:00 a. in.
Those who have not been supplied
with season tickets nut secure them
at that time and place. The first num
ber will be "The Killaneiu (.hi and
Hits Rich" on the tMk
Geo. L. Cleaver, the Prohibition can
didate for congress from the second
district, and his campaign iiiih
Krnest E. Taylor, were the principal
speakers at a Cleaver for congress
dry rally, held at the opera house last
Tuesday Bight The attendance was
good and the interest in his candi
dacy was most euouragiug to Mr.
Cleaver by the fact that a good ma
jority of the voters present signed up
to work and vote for his election.
George Wright down from the
Hig Hend on WeUnesJay to visit with
some of his old neighbors. He says
the Hig Hend is in fine shape, most af
the hay has been sold and the corn
crop was a bumper one.
Geo. H. Hlmes, of Portland, was a
visitor here Wednesday and ngal.i to
day. He Is the state historical so
' clety, out gathering data for th I us-
s'ulatlon. Mr. Hlmes was here In
MM and went to Vale to see If tn re
hi'-, li en am changes in that sectl'iii
since he first visited me place. He
wl address the ladles of Ontario
I. Is afternoon. Mr. HUM! has bttg
st idylng the early history of Or-:, , i
for many years for the Oregon His
torical Society and Is constantly pick
ing up new material to establish
facts. If there Is anything about enrly
Oregon that you want to know, Just
ask Mr. Hlmes and he enn tell you all
about It.
Mrs Albion recently received a
card from her dnughter who Is in Ger
many, letters are forbidden. There
are over 300,000 prisoners In Merlin
and all the Germans are fighting but
the aged and crippled. The women
nre doing much of the work usually
done b the men. The soldiers report
that prisoners taken by the Russians
anil Helglans are crucllv treated but
those taken by the Frenh and Eng
lish receive human treatment. The
workmen are all on half salary and tin;
rest of the usual wages goes lo help
keep up the war expense. The peo
ple are not In favor of the war, but
the war lords forced It and the people
are compelled to carry ll on. It will
make many changes In the map of
Europe and there are likely to he
uprisings later to make still other
Dick Davis moved here this week
and expects to stay until after elec
tion. He Is very busy going around
making a house to house canvas of
the Dead Ox Mat section slandering
the people of Ontario and telling that
ha Is a resident of Ontario and that
the whole !roKsitlon of the changing
of the county seat from Vale to On
tario Is a Joke and that the Ontario
people do not Intend to come through
with their agreement. Those who
have known Mr. Davis since h came
to the county know that he has been
a hanger on to the county seat all the
time and Is now a deputy assessor
all though notoriously Incompetent
for the place. They also know that he
is not an Ontario cltlsen and only came
here at this time to act as a spv tor the
Vale bunch. He will not have any In
fluence where known. He is now and
always has been a Vale man. his story
to the contrary not withstanding.
Last week there were a number of
China pheasants brought lure from
the state hatchery and turned loose
under the supervision of members of
the rod and gun club.
ThU week there were several thous
and eastern brook and cut throat trout
brought here aud taken to the No. 3
reservoir on Willow creek an 1 turned
These fish were hathed at the state
hatchery at Ronneville, mobt of the
eggs coming from Colorado.
The seventy cans were taken to Hro
kuii oil the ear and there were four
wagons waiting for them ami tln-
were soon in IgOJ waters oi the Willow.
T. J. Craig was in charge of the
car, with Geo. Cornie as engineer. They
have a gasoline eugiue which supplies
air to the young fish ami keeps the
temperature of the water down.
Twelve cans were taken off at
Huntington and the fish taken to
Hlrch and Durbiu creeks.
District Deputy game warden Leffel
joined the car at I .a Grande.
There Is but one club of hunters
and fishermen in the county aud it
is through their organization that
these fibh Slid birds have been hfOOfbl
. in. Other sections should be organ
ized until every man who is inter
: eated in fish an game wouM tie en
' rolled. The club dues are nominal and
j there is no Initiation fee, the sole oh
I jei t being to protect game and fish.
The following letter from Charles
Hecker appeared In the Ontario Demo
crat last week and It is so pointed
that we are glad to reproduce It and
iilvc It more publicity. Mr. Hecker is
known as one of the successful farm
ers and stock raisers of the count,
a man of sound business Judgment
This Is what he thinks of the County
Seat chance that the people are go
ing to vote on next month: Reading
some of Hie articles In the Vale Enter
prise regarding the moving of the
county seal from Vale to Ontario, one
not acquainted with the conditions
pertaining to this contrmcrm would
naturally sunpose that Vale was the
only place In Malheur county suit
able or entitled to have the coumv
seat I have known Vale since It con
sisted of one house built of rotirh
stones, up to the present, and t enn
not see why It should hnve a better
right to claim the county seat than
Ontario has.
Vale has no visible prospect of ever
becoming any more than she now Is,
that any disinterested person can see.
Vale Is nothing but a smnll railroad
town such as one meets along any
of our great railroad lines. Vale has
no grent farming countrv back of her
to make or support anything like a
permanent, prosperous town, unless It
Is Poverty Flat. A large part of Its
present population Is composed of
transclent people drawn by tempornrv
employment on the Malheur valley
railroad and Irrigation work. Resides,
there are the towns of Jamison and
Hrogan which draw 1rade from the
limited territory claimed to he tri
butary to Vale. It now looks as
though after the completion of the
Malheur valley railroad Vale will he
hut a small railroad station.
In contrast thereto, Ontario has a
permanent population of prosperous
people who nearly all are the owners
of the homes they llvo in. Men of
means have taken up their residence
there. Resides, It Is one of the prin
cipal shipping points on the Short
Line railroad for wool and livestock.
It has two strong hanks. Ontario
business men are alive and progress
ive and do things. Necessary Im
provements are being made contin
ually, Ontario Is In the center of popula
tion and taxable prop. n , even If on
the Idaho line. The bulk or the popu
lation must always be along the Snake
river valley a fact -which cannot be
disputed. This fact alone should en
title Ontario to the county seat. Can
ter of territory should cut no figure.
Population and taxable property alone
should be taken Into consideration.
Vale is trying to frighten taxpayers
Into voting In favor of Vale by telling
them moving the couuty seat to On
tario would bring to the county an
Indebtedness of Two Hundred Thous
and Dollars for a new court house.
Why such a large sum for a court
If Vale should get away with this
court hous controversy ii have It
from a straight source) the present
old stone pile will be condemned, aud
Justly so. Vale will then get the
county court to appropriate not less
than $200,000 for the building of a
new court house so as to anchor the
county seat to Vale for all time
and on taxpayers who are now op
posing the moving of the county seat
to Ontario will have to pay it. Bo
you taxpayers of this county can easily
see which is to your best Interest to
vote for moving the county seat to
Ontario and get an up-to-date court
house furnished you for nothing, or
vote .'-ourself an Immense indebted
ness to build a court house at Vale.
Vale tells us that Ontario will not
build us a court house after they get
the county seat. Now I have not the
least doubt In my mind but Ontario
will do all they promise. In fact, it
is greath to their interest to do so.
Tin., have already voted the bonds
to i. ake good tin ir promise. When ou
are called to court you will always
find accommodations at reasonable
r.ii.s. whereas when you are called to
Vale you do not know whether you
Mil sleep in ; el on In a manger.
.Now. if you don't want to be taxed
several iiundi d Thousand Hollars for
a new court liouse, whl h perhaps will
not he worth one-half that amount
VhOM hull:, vote the county seat to
i lo an I have one turnishe.t von
free of charge by the people of that
prosperous and growing town.
chas. MOTOR
Ironsides, Ore, Oct. 13, 1911.
To the Editor:
My attention has been called to a
clipping from the Vale Enterprise of
lb. nth. Inst., which 1 enclose as fol
lows: "If there Is ever another court
house built nnywhere In Malheur coun
ty It will cost p.-arer JL'OO.OOii than
$:'.r.,n00. Vale will put land enough
under cultivation to warrant It In 1.1
years." Now Mr. Editor this item Is
enough to convince the average tax
payer what is In the minds of the Vale
people. Cp to this time 1 hne tried
to remain neutral In this county seat
fight and have been Inclined to favor
Vale, but It Is evident to me Just what
the Valeltes will do if they win this
election. They will Immediately agi
tate the bonding of the county for at
least $200,0110.00 with which to build
a court house: and in my ..pinion thev
will win. With a solid vote from the
Vale country with enough outside
votes to win easily. You can see It
will only require a majority vote to
carry this bond election. It Is gener
ally agreed that the present court
house Is lnndeiipte for the conntv's
needs. It Is the statement of the of
ficers that the assessment roll,
sheriff's books and treasury books
have no vault for their safety and most
of all these records comprising loads
of books are exposed to theft and
fire every night in the ear as they are
left lying on the counters In the
sheriff's office The whole hull ling
Is unsanitary and In fact nothing hut a
shell and would make a second class
cow barn for a business lnlr mini.
While I abhor debt ami do not like to
see the couiitv plunged Into a I ouple
hundred thousand Indebtedness, I fully
realize that this Is sure to come about
In a short time If Vale wins this elec
tion. As I look at the matter now
I will favor It tin self as I know the
present pile of stone Is a disgrace to a
great county like Malheur. Then
again Mr. Editor, what kind of court
house would we likely to get after the
Vale hunch had expended 1200,000.00
of the county money? Rlghy Is a
self confessed contractor. In your opin
ion what do you think lie would give
us for the $200,000.00 county money?
Do you know what It melius to spend
county money by such people. Have
you heard of the Vale water works
costing $110,000.00. Wonder If Rlgby
and the hunch would give us some
thing like this for our money. Roll
able contractors say they got a $2f,00fl
lo $36,000 Job for this money. I am
not asking you where the balance of
the money went. One business man of
Vale told me they had Just about water
enough to swim a duck lu wet weather.
Mr. Editor the Enterprise and the
Vale bunch is right. It would take
$200,000.00 to build a court house to
he constructed from county money and
disbursid by or under the Influence
of this b'inch living in Vale. They
might under these conditions get as
good a building for the money as On
tario proposes to donate to the couuty,
but 1 am from Missouri. In this Item
they speak of the vast development
going on in this section. lx you know
this all a Joke. $80.00 for water under
the Hilly Creek Is a farce. The land Is
rough and of doubtful quality and you
can not tool one farmer In this whole
country Into the belief that this land
will ever be settled under these condi
tions. ThU ruse going on now under
the heading of "Dirt Flying on the
Hully Creek Project" is all huncome.
Vale lias raised a corruption fund
willi which they are undertaking to
colonize Grange precinct for election
purposes, only. It is simply one of
Vales attempts to thwart the will of
the people. From now on Mr. Editor
I am for Ontario first, last and all the
time. I believe in fair elei tions and a
square deal ami tr Ontario is willing
to donate to the counts free ol charge
such a court house as tliey picture, I
for one am willing to accept, and I be
lieve most of my neighbors look at it
iu the same way.
Dry Sox Shoe
Full leather
Rumors have been started on the
Dead Ox Flat that the Washington
hotel cost $70,000 more than the est!
mate of the architects, Tourtcllotte
and lluinmell The truth is that the
building cost $180 less than the archi
tects estimat' ". ih. Original build
ing. The members of tiie building
committee will substantiate this state
Extra long oak tanned
counter extending to
ballot foot and acting
as an arch supporter
Oilcloth lining be
tween inside kid
lining and vamp
x f In
wj' wl f MiigngR
sm. r ,m ' lJir r
IskLl mrf
Full leather vamp
Kid lining
Solid oak
Extra heavy steel shank
Rubber welt sewed in with leath
er welt. Makes the shoe as ab
solutely water proof as
It is possible to get it
Inside-cork lining
Solid oak tanned sole
Sold KxrluHively By
firiMitllll. FOOTWKAR AMI HOfllKKY
Ontario, Orrgtm
J P 6)HtCEiyiN6THlERr?Tftt' Jl !l
vhv via r"1"1! i ' x
V' I Jl U HTV JPQosJfc
f ; . C-IfHl Wi f
AM AN will start downtown with $60 in hn pocket On hit way ha
will pan a hank. If he dtpotita $40 of hit $50 he will be mora
paring in hit expenditure Money will not TAKE WIN OS!
Little currency and a FAT CHECK BOOK it a better combination than
The Ontario National Bank
Our Fall Stock of Blankets
Is New and Complete.
Now Is The Best
Time To Supply
Yo u rsel f
HP, eL- LjW I H
VI III I ill v
w I k 1
The time is not so tar
distant when you will need
blankets. The cool nights are liable to come un
expectedly and to be thoroughly prepared for them
with blankets means forestalling a good deal of
discomfort. Anyway, there is ample time for you
to inspect your supply and make up for its deficien
cies --that II if you act now.
The particular advantages you have in ourclias
ing from our present stocks are that the blankets
are fresh, clean and new, the assortments are com
plete and prices are especially satisfactory. You
will And cotton blankets at $1 to $2, also part cot
ton and wool nap and all wool sorts of but one
quality the best that can be sold at the price.
Better look over your blankets today-then come
here for those you need. You'll never have
more to choose from and you can be sure of find
ing just the kinds you want now.
Illfl i.uN