The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 15, 1914, Image 1

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    ONTARIO-The Future Metropolis of Eastern Oregon
The Banner Wool Market for the Interior of Oregon
trfsritf &rgtt&
The Ontario ArjrtiH
leads in Prestige,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch us grow
The Produce from
15,000,000 acres if
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 42
Vote for Ontario and Receive a New Court House Free
Vote for Vale and be Taxed for a new $200,000 Court House
Queation. Can a tillable Court House be built for $$6,000.00?
Answer. Yea. The floor plana ahow that thin new Court Mourn- has
almost twice the apace of the Court House at Vale and the following letters
and affidavits show that Ontario's Court House can be built for $2(5,000.00
We guarantee that the Court House building as shown In the enclosed
picture with plans and specifications can be built and all mechanical equip
ment Installed complete ready for occupation for the sum of Twenty-Five
Thousand Dollars.
llotse, Idaho.
Baltimore, Md.
Dolee, Idaho, Oct. 0. 114.
Ontario Commercial Club,
Ontario, Oregon.
Regarding prospective plans for Malheur County Court House, we desire
to say that the firm of Tourtellotte A Hummed of this city are ready to go
Into contract and guarantee the building of the Malheur County Court llouso
In accordance with their plans as heretofore submitted to you for the sum of
I2ri.000.ou, and we as agents for the United States Fidelity A Guarantee Co.,
of Baltimore, Md., stand ready and willing to eiecute a bond for them guar
anteeing their faithful performance, and would say In addition that we have
known and doue business with this firm for a number of yearn, and know
thorn to bo thoroughly reliable In every way, and conservative In their esti
mates. Very truly yours,
By Henry Wnltson.
Maker, Oregon.
Wm. Pol I man, I'res.
John Schmlti, Vlce-Pres.
H. A. Sonne, Cashier.
October 10, 1914.
Ontario Commercial Club,
Ontario, Oregon.
Am writing you In reference to Messrs. Tourtellotte A Humtuell, who
built our Bank Hulldlng for us lu Baker, which building waa completed In
every way for leaa than Mr. Hupmell's estimate of cost to us when drawing
the plans. Should you have any business with Mr. Hummell, you will find him
entirely trustworthy and to be relied upon In every may.
Yours very truly.
Copy of letter from Ex-Governor James Hawley.
Boise, Idaho, October 9, 1H
Ontario Commercial Club,
Ontario, Oregon.
It has been called to my attention that an attack is being made upon the
compentency and reliability of the architect firm of Tourtellotte ft Hummell
of this city.
1 have had a great deal of official and personal business with the members
of this firm and particularly Chas. F. Hummel, and feel that he is not sul)Je t
to any attack whatsoever upon any ground, least of all the grounds that I
have mentioned. As Governor of the state of Idaho I had In charge the con
struction of the central Capitol Building. This was In charge of Toutellotte
ft Hummell as architects. Their services were highly satisfactory, to all of
the officials of the state counected with the building aud the Capitol is a monu
meut to their ability and Integrity. More than a million dollars was expended
in the construction of this building, aud it was built at leas than the estimate
of the architects, I have also recently ended my duties as Chairman of the
Elks' Building Committee. The Elks' Lodge of this city recently built one of
the finest homes In the Northwest at a cost of over $90,000.00. This building
was under the archltectual supervision of Tourtellotte ft Hummell, and is a
source of pride and satisfaction to the citizens of this community. It was
also built within the estimate of the architects.
Knowing this firm as well as 1 do 1 have no hesitancy in strongly recom
mending them In every way, and I would be pleased to answer any queries
that you may desire to make concerning the firm or its managing member, Mr.
Yours very truly,
Bute of Oregon
County of Malheur
We, F. O. Carman aud George Closson, Being first duly sworn say on oath :
That we are practical contractors and builders and have followed that oc
cupation for many years last past, and are now engaged in that business
at Nyssa, Oregon, under the firm name and style of Carman ft Closson; that
we have carefully exafnlned the plans and specifications prepared by Tourtel
lotte ft Hummell, architects, for the proposed court house for Malheur County,
Oregon, to be erected at Ontario if that city secures the County scat of Bald
county: that in our opinion a good substantial building of the dimension and
material stated in said plans and specification, including plumbing and heat
ing, can be erected for the sum of twenty -five thousand dollars; that we
are ready, able, and willing to enter into a contract, with satisfactory bonds
for performance, to construct and finish said building along the general
lines specified lu said plans, drawings and specification, and to do tin
work In a good workmanlike manner, and furnish all materials, for the said
sum of twenty-flvo thousand dollars; that If we obtain the contract to con
struct said building we guarantee that we can and will construct and furnish
If for said sum and thnt the completed building wilt give general satisfaction
to the public.
Subserlbed and sworn to before me this 10th day of October, 1914.
(Seal) Notary Public for Oregon.
Ontario, Orogon, October 7, 1914.
To the Hulldlng Committee of the City Council of Ontario, Oregon, and to the
Voters and Taxpayers of Malheur County :
I hereby tender my bid to build the court house and Jail offered by the
City of Ontario free to the voters of Malheur County, and agree to build same
according to the published plans of Tourtellotte & Hummell, and finish same
ready for occupancy by the County Officials for the sum of Twenty-Five
Thousand r$25,00O.OO) Dollars.
I hereby agree to enter Into contract and furnish the following londsmen
as a guarantee of the faith, performance of my contract; J. R. Illackaby, Prna.,
of Ontario National Bank; A. L. Cockrum, President. First National Hank; H.
C. Boyer, of Boyer Bros. Co.; Ray Wilson of Wilson llros. Co.; E. C. Van
Petten, C. R. Smlson.
Respectfully submitted,
Is the Proposed Building Large Enough ?
Many Court Houses costing $150,000 are no larger than the one to be
built by Ontario but are constructed of stone, with marble floors, costly domes
surmounted by a goddess of Justice fancy trimmings and drinking fountains
scattered around.
The building Ontario Is giving the county Is a large plain one built of
brick and cement with pressed brick on the outside. It Is a good looking
building, with plenty or room to work in, aud that Is the main thing in a
countv building, unless the taxpayers want to throw their money away, It Is
roomy enough for a county with a population of 60,000 Instead of the
10,000 which Malheur County now has. if this same class building was built
at a cost of $160,000 It would take a guide to find the clerk's who now
work In the four rooms used steadily in our county building, by the Sheriff,
Assessor, County Judge and County Clerk.
If Vale should win this election and keep the county seat, It will not be long
until the present court house will be condemed and the countv court will be
petitioned to erect a stone building with marble trimmings and a big dome, with
a cost of not less than $IM,000. The reason they will want such a costly
building is that they know that with In a short time the people will again
be bringing up the county seat fight, and the only way Vale can hope to
hold it will be to get the County to build auch a costly court house that
they cannot afford to move.
Ontario aud the whole Snake River Valley Is growing fast, and there Is
a general demand ou the part or the taxpayers to move the Couuty Seat. Vale
people realise that they must have a $1M),000 court house to hold the Couuty
Vale la asking for sympathy now BUT If they win this election YOU will
be the one asking for sympathy.
Not Possible for Vale.
Question. Is Vale in a position financially to erect and donate a Court
House to the County?
Answer. No. That city is already bonded for over twenty per cent or the
assessed valuation or its property, and could not market additional bonds ior
any purpose.
Ontario is Prepared.
Question. Is Ontario in a iosltlon riuanclally to erect and donate a court
house to the county ?
Answer. Yes. Ontario Is only bonded rr rive per cent or the assessed val
uatlon or her property And the bonds ror the court house will Increase this to
about eight per cent. As the character limit or its bouded Indebtedness Is
rirteen per cent or its taxable property, she can erect this court house and
still be 7 per cent short or her limit.
How You Are to Know.
Question. How do we know that Ontario will erect and donate a Court
Mouse to the County B she secures the County Seat?
Answer, because the city has already voted $30,000 In boiids for this pur
pose, and the bonds have been sold, and that amount of money is now on
hand to be used tor the purpose Her citizens have promised to do this aud
will carry out that promise. It would be very disastrous to the business
interests or Ontario to repudiate this contract with the taxpayers or the coun
ty, even though It were possible ror them to get out or paying this thirty
thousand dollars. In fa t it Ontario should try to take such an unwise
course, it would be a clear case or deceiving the voters and would be
getting the county seat under raise pretense. Which would cause the election
to be set aside at the suit or the injured taxpayers.
Moving the Records.
Question. What will it cost to move the records, rurulture aud tut urei
from the present court house to the new one at Ontario?
Answer. Auy where rrom $150 UU to $li50. 00 would be liberal estimate ror
this purpose. The chairs, desks, riling cabinets, safe's record books, ct
could be rapidly and easily moved. They would be Just as useful and necessary
lu the new building as lu the old. No new additional records would be r
quired. The people would simply cease goiug to Vale and transact their
countv business and would come to Ontario Instead. It would be Just such
a job as moving rrom one residence into another, only It would be ou a
little larger scale. The expense of the .noving would be very small.
Continued on Page Two.
The lines at the head of this page contain matter of vital interest to the
taxpayers of the county. If you move the county seat to Ontario that city will
give the county a court house and grounds valued as $30,000. The money is
now in the banks of that town to bo used for this purpose, and the plana and
specifications of the building have been submitted to the public.
Can the building be constructed for this sum? We answer, yes. We
have the bids and sworn affidavits of reliable contractors who are willing to con
tract the building and give bonds to complete it within that figure. The beet
architects in the Northwest guarantee that it can be completed within this sum.
It is a handsome, plain structure, solid and substantial, but designed without
that gaudy ornamentation which costs lots of money and adds nothing to the
utility of the building. What more proof ran we give you of the sincerity of
our intentions, or of the fact that the court house can be constructed for the
sum claimed? If a man is ill he goes to a doctor and takes his advice and treat
ment. If he has s law suit on hanc' v --'- - -'- ' ,..;.
nay. Is it not equally sensible, when you have doubts as to the cost of a build
mg. to be governed by the advice of reliable architects and builders7
Of course Vale will tell you that this building can not be erected for the sum
named, and that you will be taxed for the balance. But you know, and we all
know, that this county seat can not be moved to Ontario in any way that will
suit Vale. If it was not the cost of the building thev were ohiertinir to. thi-v
would find something else, 1 ause '
conditions. If you expect us to erect a building that will be satisfactory to
Vale, you are asking us to do the impossible. If we were to erect a court house
of pure marble, on a foundation of gold, roof it with silver, ami stud it with
diamonds, and present it to the county with a bond to maintain it forever, the
Vale push would still find objections to the removal. So we are not going to at
tempt the impossible, but will rest content in the belief thst our proposed con
tribution will meet the approval of the reasonable, thinking voters of the county.
There is one thing certain that can be gained from the campaign that ia being
made by Vale. The citixens of that place seriously contend that a suitable
court house for the county can not bo erected for less than $150,000 to $200,000.
You will notice, however, that Vale has never offered to put up this sum or any
part of it for the purpose of erecting such a court house. Under the laws of
the state, if Ontario looses this contest the question of removal can not be voted
upon again for another four years. You may Imj sure that Vale will attempt
before that period has expired to replace the old court house with s new one.
In no other way can they hoe to anchor the county seat at Vale for all time.
They wiil make that court house cost such an enormous amount that the tax
payers can not afford to remove the county seat at any time in the future.
Their present campaign indicates to you just whst this amount will be; and as
Vale has not promised to raise the sum, it is evident that they intend when the
time conies to tax you to raise the necessary $1M),000 to $200,000 for their new
court house.
Voters and taxpayers of Malheur County, are you going to stand for such a
program? Would you actually reject this splendid free offer of Ontario for the
privilege of being taxed that enormous sum by Vale later on? Remember, this
removal will not cost you anything, and the county will get a splendid new court
house, free of charge, hat will be suitable for its needs for the next forty years.
Consider this matter serioualy and do not be mislead or frightened by the untrue
statements of the opposition. Will you vote for Ontario ami no court house
taxation; or will you vote for Vale and $200,000 taxation for court house? Vot
ers, it is up to you to vote for your best interests.
We have heard it stated by some of the Vsle supsirters that if the county
seat ia removed it will be necessary to procure new record books sod transcribe
the records, and that this will cost a great deal of money. We did not suppose
that anyone would believe such utter nonsense, but it seems that a few iteoplc
actually believe this statement. As a matter of fact no new or "additional record
books will be required, nor will it la- necessary to transcribe any of the records
if the change is made. The present record books would lie moved down to On
tario and used just the same as they an at Hit present tune. All of the records
would be stored in vaults at Ontario. The people would simply go to Ontario
instead of Vald to transact their county business. The taxpayers will not have
to purchase any additional records whatever.. It will not be necessary to copy
the records, because the original will be right there for reference, just an they
are now. Do not be deceived by any such stories
Juntura, Ore., October 14.
To the Ontario Argus, Ontario, Or
With your leave. I should like permission to say a few words to the voters
of Malhenr County about a matter in which they are all interested.
1 see by the Malheur Knterprise of October 10th that I was offered $02.50
as a bribe to vole for Ontario 1 wish to state that it is a d d lie and any one
that says that Ontario offered me one cunt, let alone $02.50 is a d d liar.
The article also says: 'Why don't we come out of the brush and say what
we will do." Well, I say most emphatically that if I live until November 3d,
and can go to the polls, I will vote for the county seat to be removed to Ontario,
and that they do not need to offer me one red cent for my vole or my influence,
if I have any. I do not own a dollar's worth of property in Ontario, but will
vote for Ontario from common sense business reasons, and because in all my
dealings with Ontario's business men, covering a period of over 25 years, 1 have
always found them men who did what they aaid they would do.
First, If Ontario wants to donate Malheur County a $30,000 Court House,
it goes with me because 1 am aware that if the county seat remains at Vale the
taxpayers Will be called umjii at no distant date to build a new one.
Second, Three-fourths of the witnesses and jurors who are called to Vale
during terms of court have to pass through Ontario, which adds 32 miles addi
tional to the milage, which the taxpayers have to pay, and I would much rather
pay the one-fourth which would be necessary if the county seat were moved
from Vale, than continue to pay the three-fourths. So from a purely business
standpoint. I am for Ontario.
Yours Truly, Win. Joi i
Mow would you like to live In that With Hie importation of unnecessary
lOWB in Illinois, where halt the popu foreign woods, Just so mm it work and
latlor is Oermau and llo other hall so much waes are lost li) the. woik-
t'rench? era In the United .si. it'