The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 08, 1914, Image 8

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That She Can and Will ffive
You a Court House
Onfiirlo hai renderel her pledge
to the taxjAytera of Malheur county
that the cy(Rrnuld Khow the taxpayer
beyond a qtieatlon of a doubt that
thny would Iwlld a court house and
Jail ready for occupation by the
county officer and Rive a block of
ground and give, the county a clear
warranty deed to name.
Hero is proof that the money la
laying In the bank ready to com
mence work on the court houae the
next day after the election:
No. 1198
Certificate of Deposit
of Ontario, Oregon
Ontario, Oregon, Oct. 1, 1914.
C. W. Piatt. Treaaurer City of
Ontario, ha deposited In thin Hank,
Fifteen Thousand and No-100 Dollars
(flR.onn.OO) payable to the order of
County Court House llulldlng Com
mittee on surrender of thla certifi
cate properly endoraed.
No. CG93.
Certificate of Deposit
OnUrlo, Oregon. Oct. 1. IBM.
C. W. IMatt. Treaaurer City of On
tario, ha depnalted In thla Hank
($K,flOO.iHi) Fifteen Thousand and No
100 Dollar, payalde to the order of
the County Court llouae llulldlng
Comtiillli i on n Mini "i IIiIh certificate
properly endoraed.
On another page you will find a
picture and plan and specification
of the court house that Ontario will
give you free. The architect, Tourte
lotte & Hummel, .if llolwc, giilirillitee
to you that Ontario can huild thi
court houae and jail for $:T..000.00.
Thla leavea $5,000.00 for their grounda.
The city haa optloua on three differ
ent city block of ground for $.'i,000.00
within four block of the depot.
Certificate of rrhltcrt.
We guuriintee to tin- voter of Mal
heur county that the court houae and
Jail a bow u In the drawing and
plan furnlMhed by ua for Ontario and
aiilimltted to the voter of Malheur
county a a free court houae can be
built and heating plant and plumbing
liiMtulled all complete read for oc
cupancy of the county officers (or
the Mini of $,.,;.,000 ,oo or leaa.
Tourtclotlo lluiiiinell,
Hole, Idaho.
Tlicac architect built the Idaho
tale capital at Boise, the Holae high
school building, the Owyhee hotel at
Holae, Holae City National Hank
building, iinlvcralty or Idaho, at Mo
cow. Hotel tfgahlugton at Welaer,
Ontario National Hank building at
Ontario, and all of theae building
have been built lor le than their
original etlinate. Till prove that
the building can be butlt Df $L'.".,000 00
and will be given free to the county.
A building committee ha been ap
pointed b the Ontario cit council and
all I ready to commence urinal work
tiunicdlutch arter election.
The prcHcut court houae at Vale i
In a dilapidated condition. The toue
wall are cracked in many place and
the Mtoue cap over the window are
cracked In two and three piece
If you don't uccept thla offer of
a free court Ihiim' and Jail, Vale Will
hate the old court house condemned
and tin ii the taxpayer wilt have
to hull, l a new one.
The Vale KnterprUe and Vale ora
tor anil biihine men all claim that
a new court houae for Malheur county
will cot lir.ti.oihi.oti.
Thla I what they will sting you for
aa a taxpayer If you don't watch
out. Vote for Ontario and defeat
their at heme Oet a new court house
free. Hon! vote for Vale and pay
laics to build one that will cost you
BE BUILT FOR $25,000
Ontario, Oregon, Oct. 7, 19H.
To the building commute of the ctt)
council of Ontario, Ore . and to the
voter and taxpayers of Malheur
1 hereby tender my bid to build the I
court houae and jail offered by the city
of Ontario free to the voters of Mal
heur county, and agree to build aame
according to the published plana of
Tourtelotte & Hummel, architect,
and furnish and Install all plumbing
and the heating plant and finish name
ready for occupancy by the county of
ficers for the sum of Twenty Five
Thousand ($25,000,001 Dollars.
1 hereby agree to enter Into con
tract and furnish the following bonds
men aa a guarantee of the faithful
performance of my contract: A. L
Cockrnm, I'realdent First National
Hank; J. U. Hlackaby, President On
tarlo National Hank; H. C. Hover of
Hoyer Hros. Co.; Ray Wilson, of Wil
son Hros. Co.; E. C. Van Pettnn and
C. R. Kmlson.
Respectfully submitted:
Mr. Draper Is one of the oldest and
bet contractors In Malheur county
nnd has built many of the largest
buildings In Malheur, Washington and
Canyon counties.
Mr H. R. Cruse a nephew of Mr
John McClure. arrived with his family
Sunday evening from Illinois. He ha
rented the H. O. Shank house for the
winter and moved Into It Monday.
Mr and Mrs. II. J. Russell went
to Unite Saturday on a business and
pleasure trip.
The N. P. frttlt Distributors are
urging the apple growers of this dls
trlct to save some of their choicest
apple to send to the Spokane c .-.limit
to be held November 16-21. A I the
prise winning apples will be especially
wrapped, the wrapper giving the name
and addrc km of the grower. Theae ap
plea are to be aent eaat and distri
buted among the business men as
they gather from time to time at lunch
eons or dinner where much adverll
Ing of the iualtt of our apples can
be had. Premium Mat can be obtain
ed by nddrcMHliig the Seventh National
Apple Show, Spokane, Wnhlngton.
It I Imped there will be a large ex
hibit from thla section.
It la reNirted that Win. Kavcrt had
about 250 chickens stolen lat week.
Mr. Win. Human Is building a barn
on hi claim on Payette Height. He
ralHixl a good crop of wheat there thl
The contract for building the Mate
highway from Caldwell to New Ply
mouth has beeu let and bid for build
ing from New Plymouth to Payette
by way of F'rultland will be adver
tised for soon and the road will be
made Just as soon as the work can be
done after the contract Is let
I-rank Davla who formerly lived
lore made final proof Monday of last
weuk of his homestead on Payette
heights. About a month ago In jump
Ing from a load of hay that wa tip
ping over his foot wa caught In the
wheel canning hi knee to be dislo
cated, lie Is now able to go about
ou crutches.
Arrangements are being made for a
corn festival In Payette the latter part
of October. The Cut menial club ap
pointed a committee to meet with a
committee of the Payette club last
Monday evening to , the plana.
PoMtmaHter F. It. Stegner haa been
I otiried that the O. S. 1.. will change
the time table on the Payette Valley
.'.ad to tin old tlui" h.ludule. This
ibituge will be appreciated b the peo
pli here.
Orchestra practlo at the II. B.
ItobliiHou home Monday evening wa
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Va-i Natta are the
larcnta of a little duitrter bor.i
October 1.
Mr Humphreys lu taken three
wagon loads of apple to Vale within
the last week.
Judge George H. Stewart of the su
preme court of Idaho died September
25, at the Dr. Williamson sanitarium
at Portland where he had been since
June, lie formerly owned the orchard
where Mr. Hadley now lives about
three miles east of town.
Kev. Mrs. W. A. Winter who have
beeu visiting a few days at the 8. M.
Thomas home left Thursday for their
home in LaGrande, Ore.
Mr. aud Mrs. Hallbrook came from
Michigan and moved onto their ranch
north of town. They will build some
Improvements as soon as they get set
tled. 1. 11. Makluson has been suffering
with rheumatism the last few weeks
Mr O. U Smith formerly of this
place will return and take charge of
the livery barn. Mr. Fisher who ha
had the management of it ha moved
to Ontario.
Mr. C. T. Hall of the Park ranch
has bought up 700 turkey which he
intends (ceding for the holiday mar-
Discuss Ways and Means to
Fool the People
(With dun acknowledgement and
apology to Mr. Dunne, from his friend.
Handy Andy.)
After consuming a glass of water
and a tooth pick at the leading Vale
hostlery, Dooley Tipton and Hennessy
Hurley tilted their chairs hack for a
social pipe fest and Hennlssy re
marked; "I'm Just back fr'm a brief and love
ly visit to an Aunt back east that
may leave me her goat and wash tub
some day, if I'm good and lucky; an
upon returnln' to me offls I find the
Malyuro FInterprlse, an' git me first
news of the sate war; I see be the
same sheet that Ontay-rio has lost an
arry plane or two and Vale has some
sub-marines mlssln. Th' leadln' ar
tlckle on whut Vale haa done to tho
county was a beuat. I wonder who
the scribe was that had the above
mlntloned brain storm."
"Hlnnlssy, me young frl'nd thare
ar' mlny things you will always won
der nbout" says Dooley, slowly puffing
Dukes mixture, "now who shid write
ar'tlcles f'r the paper, but Jawn?
Whether 'tis parole Jawn or payroll
Jawn, whut's to ye? The one is the
titular head of the Ancient & Awful
order of Prevaricators, and tother Is
past grand master of the name flour
ishing society."
Hut kin Jawn prove Iny thing; will
the back-hlllers fall f'r hit guff?''
Asked Hennessey; "Sure they will,"
retorted Dooley, 'dont Jawn an' all of
us yawp about the millions in taxes
that will never be levied? Don't wo
love the lilg Hind hlrdgc an' the Nyssa
Mor farm' Don't we love the dead
ox or w'atever tl down beyond the
Hutte? An' now f'r the flrt time in
our hlKl'ry we ar' aglimt a game that'
hard to work, nlver have wo lot an'
we have bad the cream plckln' r'r
year" an' now that burg at the Junc
tion ha ralHed the money aud bid lair
to rob ua of that which Is not our and
which we never fully paid f'r." And
Dooley almost Mobbed.
"Let rally the I. e' an' debate with
the big stiffs' huskily uggeted Hen
nessey; "Rally iiuwthln'. snorted
Dooley, .tint me an' the Jawns an' a
bunch of women and Col. Wheeler ral
lied an' yelled high taxes until we ar'
black In th' face? Who ml you debate
with? Y'r political experience is
agin' ye; an alo ran is no debater,
lilnnlsMey, molnd that."
Hennessey was properly subdued,
but timidly remarked; 1 wonder
where th' money la' Somebody Is pay
In' the frate f'r sure; we ar' flnancin'
big ditches and pay In' f'r millions of
reader of the 'Htcamed KnterprUe
Now who ha the cash box, do ye
know? "1. Hope.'' says Mr. Dooley, I
shid hope I do; but you are too
young to be trusted witbcah, rayport to
me whin In need of stamp er cigar."
"Hut we miiHt fight f'r our rights:
we have a galyaut lulu as ever faced
a liar; some of tin m have stood all
night, ho they have," Insisted Heu
uessey. "Quit y'r ktddiu' boy; the soft pedal
is the argument. Make the tax pay
ers shed tears of sympathy; wind thim
a plct'er of our city hull; slud thlm
y'r protygraf. lay thing to bring the
weep." At thi the dread of defeat
mingled with hopes of victory over
came them entirely aud they shambled
"Will ye have sumthln'? say Hen
nessey; "yes" says Dooley, "1 am as
dhry as the Hully crlk ditch."
"Come on down to th' river, its
cheaper" says Henuessey.
A lesson In Protection strouger than
any argument is supplied by a busi
ness transaction between a New York
hay and grain buyer aud an Ohio
agency. The buyer ordered 16 car
loads of hay at the market price. The
contract had scarcely been closed
v lieu a tclci-ram reached the agency
that Canadian hay was offered at f2
less a ton aud the buyer wanted the
order for Ohio hay canceled The re
sult was that the hay crop in Ohio
dropped imti'tdiaiely $2 a ton. The
Tariff on hay is just one half what
it formerly was, and the American
(uriner suffers accordingly.
mj Ontario Imjmw
This Store
Is showing this fall, the largest and most com
plete stock of underwear in Ontario. Any person from
child to grown up can be fitted here regardless of size,
material and quality wanted, at most modest prices.
Another Strong Department
Of this store is Sweaters' and Mackinaws' in all
the new fall patterns and materials. Real patterns
and real values always interest a person.
Specials This Week
New Dress Goods of all Cloths. The Mc Call
Pattern. The Best There is in a Pattern. A New
Lot of Girls' Coats. A New Lot of Baby Togs in the
Baby Department.
(Written by the Sage Brush Poet
of Ontario, and dedicated to Starving
Vale by the author, sung to the tune
of the latest popular song).
Is there any one who hasn't heard
of lulien Hurley,
Dear Jullen, the pet of th eglrls of
Vale's society,
On ancient and modern law he is "The
Even he belongs to Poor Vale's "8ore-
I'oor Jullen has our sympathy,
sympathy, yes sympathy,
F'or a pretty boy is ho,
You shouldn't scold or say he's bold,
Hut please treat him tenderly.
Don't blame Jullen, for you know.
He needs sympathy. sympathy
Don i worry about Ontario people
going to Heaven, Dr. Cook,
Quoting scripture was ever the devil's
fond desire,
To show wrong wa right, by hoo . or
crook, Dr. Cook,
The "F'aith, Hope and Charity" Ser
mon, better retire.
Dr. Cook has our sympathy, sympathy,
yes sympathy,
For a noble divine is he,
He ought to give up preaching to the
saints in Vale,
They II treat you tenderly, tenderly,
Come to wicked Ontario, it you want
a little
Symiiathy, sympathy
Has Ontario been such a naughty boy,
Parol. John?
Robbed your poor heart of Its peace
and joy, Payrole John?
Dry up that tommyrot and on the
lever be,
What Vale is asking for is sympathy.
Refrain :
Vale wants sympathy, sympathy, Just
She wants to set the county free,
She sure does scold and say Ontario
Is bold.
Wheu she Is not treated tenderly,
Don't blame Ontario, because she's not
Sympathy, sympathy.
Don't think OnUrlo altogether to
blame. Milt Hope,
Hecause she's robbed your poor heart
of peace and Joy,
Aar Hope. There's not a thlug she
wouldn't do.
To help sweeten your pocketbook for
Vale will get sympathy, sympathy, yea
From those she's robbed, fleeced and
The very brand that shea always dish
ed out.
To Ontario, Nyssa and others, tender
ly, tenderly,
Don't blame the voters, Vale, for not
Sympathy, sympathy.
fef'Uco'X flaw
f (orfoonJ I
Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our State
Aged Prospector Drops From Sight.
Murray. No word has been receiv
ed from Merrill Miller, veteran pros
pector, nearly 76 years old, for two
weeks. His wife and friends have be
oome alarmed and all available men
from here, a well as the ranchers and
forest rangers on the Montana divide,
are searching the mountains eaat of
the Jack Walte and Paragon mines
trying to locate him.
H is feared some evil has happened
to him. for severe rain and snowfall
made prospecting difficult even for a
young man, while Miller was weak at
the time he left here.
War Drives Man Insane.
Net Perce. Worry, caused by the
war, haa caused Henry 81ebms, a pros
perous rancher, who resides near this
city, to become mentally unbalanced,
and he has been taken to a sanitarium
In Portland. Roth Mr. Siehms and his
wife have many relatives In Oermsny
and Austria, but owing to the censor
ship they have been unable to learn
anything of their people, which preyed
upon Mr. Siehms' mind.
Paralysis Attack is fatal to Chief
Justice Stewart.
Boise. The death of Justice Stew
art, of the supreme court of this state
at Dr. Williamson's sanitarium In
Portland, creates another vacancy on
the supreme bench of Idaho which
Governor Haines will be required to
fill by appointment until a successor
can be elected at the next general
olectlou. Death was due to a general
breakdown in health following a
stroke of paralysis during the Coeur
d'Alena term of court last spring. He
had been In the Portland sanitarium
for four months.
Oeorge it Stewart was born In Con
norsvllle, Ind . Feb 26, 1858, and was
admitted to the Indiana bar In 1881
After his marriage in 1886 to Miss Ag
nes L. Sheets, of Fowler, Ind., he re
moved to Nebraska.
From 1897 to 107 he was district
Judge in the third Judicial district of
Idaho, and associate Justice of the su
preme court from 1907 until a year
ago, when he became chief Justice.
Politically, Mr. Stewart was a re
publican. Besides his Judicial office
he waa a trustee of the Albion state
normal school In Idaho, and for eight
years waa a member of the board of
education In Boise.
During the bombardment of Rheims
the populace was forced to seek shel- ' cotton in about half an hour and Mr.
ter for several days In the great wine Gopher will be dead. The plan will
cellars. But this can hardly be in- i apply to many other burrowing ani
cluded among the horrors of war. mals.
"What Dial hath Joined together let
no man put asunder." This one scrip
tural quotation is the argument Utat
Vale is using as the reason why they
should remain the county seat Vale
ha threatened to enjoin the letting of
the bridge at Harper. They have
threatened to enjoin the issue of the.
court house bonds at Ontario. They
have threatened to enjoin the sale
of the bonds. They have threatened tr
enjoin the removal of the county re
cords If Ontario wins. They have
threatened to enjoin everything in
sight and everybody who doesn't live
In Vale. Threats to enjoin have been
ao numerous they have changed tho
quotation to read "what Ood hath
enjoined together let no man put as
Now Is the time, after each rain, lo
use the King drag on the roads. It
has been shown that the drag ia a
HUcceaM In making the roads better
and it ha been shown that the best
time to use it Is when the soil la
moist. To work the roads now will
give good highways for many montha
and will make them better all winter.
There are several roads in the coun
try that need working and there ar
several drags that are ready to work.
There are also many runners who
have finished their fall work and have
time to use them now. They should
aid lu making the roads better. Th
city man with an auto could also
Join in and help in the work. Another
Good Roads Day for the sole purpose
of using the drags would help right
now. If we cannot have auch a con
certed movement there should be an
effort by all who can work.
Do your share in making the roads
better for all winter and all time by
giving a few hours to the road.
A farmer tells us that he haa prac
tically rid his farm of gophers by tho
use of gasoline. He carries) a bottle
and a bunch of cotton batting with
him while working In the field and
when he sees a gopher run Into a hole
he pours some gasoline upon a wad.
of cotton and places It at the mouth,
of the hole and covers the opening
with dirt. The gas fumes are heavier
than air and go to the bottom of tho
hole. In an attempt to get air, the
gopher comes to the top of the hole
and the gas does the rest. Remove