The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 08, 1914, Image 7

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yfFw&t "ft" irii.'
Dairy Farmer.
&. .-"" j-?fc'
firuli Grower
aWjjaracita via? v 5asa
"aaBBBaCaBBexaaaaBB aaT.-at'T aPA.
rji - " " Yin
ill iiZr:. ' h.j
A. McWILLIAMS Proprietor.
TcTcW.s -JPJ.
$1.25 Our Paper and Any One of These Clubs $1.25
SEVERAL leading publishers of magazines have joined with us in one of the greatest subscription bar
gain offers ever put out in this country. Through this combination everybody will be able to get a
yearly subscription to three magazines in combination with our weekly paper at practically the price
of our paper alone. lj In this list you will find forty different periodicals formed into thirty-five different
clubs. Each club has 3 magazines, except one Special Club which has four magazines; some of these maga
zines sell for as much as $1 a vear. They are all good and cover a large variety of choice reading matter,
including History, Music, Religion, Education, Fashions, Fancy Needlework, Illustrated Current Events,
Home Decorations, Fiction, Literature-, Dramu, Art, Science, Inventions, General Farming, Dairy Farming,
Live Stock, Vegetables, Fruit and Poultry.
On account of the splendid contract we have made with the imhlishere of theae magatinee, w. are able to give our readera a
choice of any one of the cluba in combination with our paper one year for $1.23. Juat .' v more than the price of our paper alone.
Thla offer ia made to everybody. II you have never subscribed to our paper before, we aak you to take advantage of thia offer.
If you are a aubacriber to our paper we ask you to renew ao that you too, may get 3 magai ines extra. Look over the Hat and aelect
the club you like beat. Send your order today or give your order to our representative or call at our office when In town. If you
art now a aubacriber to any of theae magatinea and want to renew just aend your order to ua and we will have your subaciiptlon
extended. If your tubacription to our paper ia pant due, we ad viae, yourt payup,artd take advantage of thla bargain. If you are in
the habit of buying your magasinea through other channels, we ask you to Justly compare our cluba and prices with that of any
other offer you receive. You, no doubt, are now a aubacriber to some oftheee periodicals. You can save money by tending your
renewal order to ua. Here la a chance to get your home paper and a yearly supply ol good rea ing at a real bargain. If you want
one or more of theae magazines sent to ditlerent addresses, Just mention it.
;i.nt No. l
Mr-Call's (with fret pattern;
Farm Life
Kveryrlsy Lift
Cl.l'll No. 2
Woman's World
Peoples Popular Monthly
ci.rn N. a
Hearth and Home
Farm Lift
Houtthold Masai Int
I I It No. I
American Woman
Farm Lift
Huutt hold Outat
I t II N... 8
Today's (with frtt patttrn)
Farm Lift
Houathold Mnsaiin
i t ii n... a
Today's (with frtt patttrn)
Kverrday Lift
I . I I ' II N". T
Fancywortt Mageilne
hvuvJiv Lift
Woman's World
(IIH No.
Farm and Flrttldt
Woman W.rld
Homt Lift
111 Na.9
Farm and Homt
Woiii.i,. World
Household Outtt
( I I II N.i. in
Tndny'. ( wit h frtt pattern) World
Homt Lift
I I II No. 11
Oood Stnrltt
Farm Lift
Everyday Lift No. ia
Oreen'a Fruit Grower1
I -i ., I. lie
Farm Life
CI. Ml No. 1.1
Today'. iwMh frtt patttrn)
Pralrlt Farmtr
Houttholu Mesaitne
Wommn'm WorM
Horn Litu
Cl.t'll No. 14
Ftoplt'a Popular Monthly
Farm Proarttt
Woman't World
Poultry Ittm
Today a (with frtt patttrn)
Farm Llle
Lit II Mo. IS
Boys' Magailne
llolilrl. i ft
I I II Na. 17
Klmball't Dairy Farmtr
Homt Lift
) JslwaarfTS-TTr . TXjli'ai
T WGr eater OregovvM
With new buildings, better equip,
m tii, enlarged grounds, and many ad
di.ious ro its (u ulry, the University
of Oregon will begin its thirty ninth
year Tuesday, September IS.
Suecial tmnine for Business. Jour.
nalism, Law Mediciue. Teaching. II-
orurj T, .riu.i, , Af t riifrVtllle
r in .ir. j i i mining and fine Arts.
I.srgirki and strongest depaitments
of liberal education.
L.Prary ot more rhan SS.etS volume two
etti..t.l gyron.riuor. elevea bwrldroa fully
, rj New IIBS.SSS Adasrareirarroa
auiljray la louree . r t.ouerructioo
Tulnoa Free UortAiiurrce lor aaen end
lor Expraec lower
Wrlie lor .i.lob sad .iiu.naicJ baaklti,
Addreulos K....U.I.
iiNiuFB$iTV nr noF-.rm
. e tays aj eaj gj gj sj psj
cuqkn omcow I
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horses Bought and Sold.
11' and any of the 34 club-U-
ing offers for one year
NtnM ae
JULY "T 119
Mill No. in
Todav'a (wiih frtt pattern)
Hone Llle
til. I'll No. 10 rant. log
Horn I ilr
Everyday Lift
i i tit No. ao
l.rmrr Wile
Homt Life
Kveryday Lift
.ill. No. ai
Happy Hourt
Farm Lift
Name) I'm Oilier.
Poultry raves
'arm LI
(1.1 II No. 33
Farm, Slock and Homt
Woman's m erl.
Homt Life
I I II Na. as
Vegetable Urowtr
Today's i with tree palttr.)
Bvtryday Life
nil II Na. S
Woman's World
Farm Lift
Today't (with frtt patttrn)
tun No. as
Woman'i Homo Waaaly
Woman't World
Homt Lilt
More Speeches Than Ever Be
fore Are Made.
W'llnllllrUlrrli TlllH g I 111' BMMl tlllltg-
tlve cougrHH -t. 'J'ln- fart I-, mIiowu
by an exauiliiiitliiii of tlif HtutiNtli'g,
Tin- t'otigrtuihluiiiil Id mil now run
tiiins over li.iHsi pgdjM for I In- Bjajggat
m-nmIoii. Tlnit iii.ui.v pagM of tli- Kit'
"id, in achat sTopda, bata bsaa itiimi
gjajoa I lie llBl Moliduj of l;it lU'ci-m
Lier. lu IIio.m' (rngoa nmy bt found ills
cu-irtioii of iiiinit i-vcr.v sulijti't uuilur
tin- huh, from ijiii mi. hi of Internation
al HllU.V tl) gUrtll'll MMuiri.
The lurgeat rriord n. l.n- ! lu a
Mingli H?r,.-.liiii. prior to lliln tluiu, yvua
lu the reguliir sr-hslon of llm liny llmt
coiigrvna. It Hoi lu IVi tuilifr, lhMO,
uiid con tin iit-il to the Drat of thu m-it
(ViobtT. ."V days. It niiiii u record
of WJOO pgaaa
It tuiiHt In- i iiiii'inliciiil, inn. that the
preaeiit rtt.-,iiiii uf roUeftaag fi not over.
It will lat IUr- or -ix wtt-kH longer,
xrliaiM in. in- tlmii td il
Houifthiii.' Ilkt- 100 pagM are tilletl
wtikly. It is safe la prislnt that by
the time this ggt 'ii fii'l- tin- aafJOaai
win contain w ap toward ITjQOO
..i.'. -. Wln'ii I Record l I'ounil lu
lt.s final form l auaitMff of papal will
gg to Minn.' t- it ftwer. Thlri 1m be
eaurif In in. i Ling Bf) the .. rmaneiit
.in. : rli.- formal feat urea of
the .I : re .iii are omitted and
Ihil'i- g mi. ii- Dp BS oiiiiai'tiy aa ioa
gtt) Why Ih it that eongresN lw getting
ni..n- lull live? Various exi'lauatlona
in.- n.aiK i me might Uruw the cou-
Cl.tTII No. 311
Faneywnrk Magailnt
Today'a with frtt patttrn)
till! No. 37
KanaaaClty Weakly Star
Farm Life
Kvtryday Lift
ci.rn No. sa
Woman's World
Homt Lift
CI I II Na. 3le
KaatttClly Weakly Star
Kvarydty Lift
lljmt lile
Southern Rurallst
Homt Life
urn No. si
Wkly Dlipalehllt. Paul
Home Ufa
Farm Lift
i ill No. sa
Rural Wttkly (It Paul)
yeryday Lift
li. i'ii Ms. as
American Homt
Wtman't World
CLUB Na. .14
MtCall't Iwllh ftt i ,n. rii.
vtryday Lift
Houaehold Ouaal
I'lualon thai the rejireneiituth e if the
IMiople are getting more voluble uud
en ilul.le. III. i 'he In-ill Ii, for liislaine
I.euvaug iiMitie (he iiii'Miuii of any
change whb h may Ire coming over the
Aluei'lcuti character, il liiunlii-r of other
eilu nations tan la made I'or one
Miillg, It la to Ire rellielolieleil Unit the
xi.c of the hniiM1 wiih much iin iraaaai
ill the laat reiiiiporllouiucnl OaagpaM
la entitled, thereloie. I tlu a liille
more talking
MaMovar. now that aeuatora are
electe! Iiy tllrer't vole, flit's feel It
lleceaaary to tin mole talking for the
benefit of their rouatltllc lita, mill they
llllrixlllre llioie lliiillel llitn the re.. ml
III way of letlei'H, CrlpplUga, etc.
Again, there iimm to m- , line oht
traillllon that n new M nilor hIioiiIiI
he aet'ii but not heard lie iih aup
poat'il to alt alleut in ail Mai ami oh
serve the way of (In- eliler late.-nieii
for a year or ao. If In- ventured I.
talk BSftjl I" the game, gg Albert
Jeremiah Beeerldge of Indiana did
when he maile hlx advent, and aa l.u
I nllette, CuiniuliiH, ami aoiuu of the
prograaalve mlmleil gaMafM did, he
was regardeil aa rude The cider BtalH
meu UuumX him by goliiK to the . lonk
rooma and saving mean things about
liut that In no no more The new
aenator la allowed to tnlk an freely aa
the Keillor Thla mblx to Usg record.
Additional reiiMona might he given.
One factor Is that tin- goMininent la
getting bigger, more great sulijei'ta of
legislation art; pjagalllg for attention,
anil thtvte aiibjecta art' prod u the of
Apple Crop Will be Large.
Washington I'm i i.i iinlhatioi
are that the coiiiiihii lal appla gfOP
of the United ItatM Ibii year will be
far in gMaai al Iea4 ol laal yaafi avl
leaa than thai ol fl h MVaral mil
lion liari. In, aiiording In lililiouin e
meiii in.i :. b) the aapartaMal of uii-liultura.
Overlapping Movement Carries
Them to Within 30 Miles of
the Belgian Border.
Paris. The wpstern wing of the al
lied iirmliH wan still further extended
nnd now reached within 30 miles of
the Helgtnn frontier, carrying the al
lies' overlapping movement In a north
eantcrly direction.
The (ieniian right has hammered
away at the French left wing In the
region between Itoye and I.nafdgiiy
ami eaat of Amietia toward Doual. All
reports agree that the fighting Is of
the most deadly nature with the losses
In reality, the proceedings tire In
the nature of separate ami distinct en
gauenients, more Independent battles
than anything else. The Germans
have been vt ry heavily reinforced, but
so have the allies.. The result Is that
the contest has borne the appearance,
Tor the most part, of a draw, with the
advantage to tin- allies, In that for
rvetv Individual Utile il or wounded on
their sale the tierinaus are losing Iwo
or three.
The t.crin. as continue their attempt
1 a In tbold on the west bank of
the Mellse a;.d to reduce their Verdun
I. Milled lit Standing along the riv
er. The toils are reported to be hold
ing out.
While no aatlnata f the losses la
obtainable, the railrn.irls lea. llm: from
the mirth are choked with trains bear
ing llrltish and Krencll wounded. The
French hate been obliged in call on
the llrltlrih for railioad men to help
operate the railroads, liorlors ami
nurses are also badly needed, na not
onl) have the French their own and
the llrltish wounded to can- for, hut
there are also hundreds of helpless
German wounded prisoners. The road
beds of the railroads arc declared In
be literally running red with blood
which has trickled through (ho car
Qermana Capture 3000 Prisoners In
Two Days.
London. A dispatch from Amster
dam to Keuter'a Telegram company
"The German commauder at Koen
Igsberg, Fast Prussia, has officially
announced that the Ktisslan armies In
the battles of October 1 ami 2 lost
.inoo prisoners, is big guns ami many
machine guns nnd much transport ma
In a dispatch dealing with the fight
Ing In the Kiisalau provinces which
border on Fast Prussia, the I'etrogrio!
correspondent of Hauler's Telegram
company aaya:
"The recent German operations WajN
particularly vigorous along the rail
wuy line between Huwalkl and Olltn
The enemy's Intent ion was to reach
Una. a turning movement around Yo-
vnii The began to fall hack
and then made a ticice counter attack
The shock was terrible. The Itus
shins made frequent bayonet charges
and drove back die Germans, on whom
tbey Inflicted enormous losses."
London. The Helgian legation In
an official statement, ailmli tt-il that
the In arm) hoi been unable to
hold lis first line ot defenses south of
Antwerp, aloof Gie Seune river, and
bt I wi . n tin .mil Dyle. The
Belgians have been compelled to with to their set oiulnry Inn, which
follows the curve of die Nettie rlvor,
and which la claimed in be liiiprcgua
ble 'I In- official blalemeul saya:
"On the east of the Si line river we
have belli obliged to WHlldllW from
our positions and tall Inn k. upon the
N.-lhe river line on acrounl of the v in
lent attack by the (ieiman artillery
Wo held the Senile J It: positions for
five daya in the face of the moat fu
rious asauulta.
"Our new position along the Nethe
ia very strong and we will resist there
until the lasl ounce nl our energy
Antwerp Itself Ik ijui t and confl
dent. In preparation for any eventu
ality, guns have In i ii posted at every
point of sssiaga in tin; suburbs so if tin- lieimniis should succeed lu
lin.ik.n. iiiiuii.ii Ho; line ol foils (ho'
timid in prevented from raterinj tite
city proper, ai s Blatter ol fact, thare
are few of the active Herman lima al
tumps lett in northern li Iglum.
54 German Corps Now in Service.
I. on. ion. -- 111 will Btllltarj i Hides,
according to i Central Newi dispatch
irnlii lie) in .1 I I d (ir-r
ni. n now has BOtuall) under irggl 'ti
ai'iny corpa of In r regular IroODI ami
an tqintl numher of reserves, Ot 'lb.
l't arm oorpa are In France, six in
iin and Alaace, 13 lu Bail I'rua
aia uud 11 between '1 lejru and (rucow.
Mrs. Hansen, In a Letter fnm
Mobile. Tell How She Gained H
Mobile. Ala "I suffered for
years, with womanly trouble." write
Mrs. Sigurd Hansen In a latter fr
this city. "I felt weak and always
a headache and was always going te
the doctor. At laat I was operated on.
and felt better, but soon I hsd Una
same trouble.
My husband asked me1 m try Cardl
I felt better after the fir t bottle,
now, I have a good appetite and ale
well. I feel fine, and the doctor
mo I am looking better than he
saw me."
If you are sick nnd miserable,
auffor from any of the pa'na due ts
womnnly trouble try Cardut.
Cardul Is successful because It I
composed of Ingredients that have been
found to act curattvely on tho woman
ly constitution.
For more than fifty years, It has beea
used by women of nil ages, with great
success. Try It. Your drugglat sells It
N B-U'rtffn.' I sow Advlwrv lnt .. Chaty.
soriea MaJwlneC... Chettaniiofa. fens . kg Sirrum
frtrfi'ir.-'iiius. and M pf trilt llufne Trs.ll
sr Women," stnt In plain wt.irpri.un n-jusal.
Your Banking
No matter how
small, no mat
ter how large
Tnt First National Bank
Ontario, Oregon
will give it careful
attention. This
message applies to
the men and the
women alike.
OfHrri-N and Directum:
A. L. ('(MKItl'M, President
T. nJBsNsWU VIM 1'r.Mdent
II II. (M KK1.M, (ashler
('. W. PLAIT Ahh'i (ashler
A i'romitiina Onning
ii. 'j i
at i-iv M'lisnii nl' tin- vtar,
wouni be n kK ol our ipark'
liny Beliil Bawr, wliiili is u
good thing tn linve "tin tiii" in
t'llHti uf tlursty I'llll'l eetii -e-.
Tbll afiur II ti klsil pun -i
UUtl IHUSt wllillistililtt i 'VIM' luew
ecl, mid will Miilfy tl"-' 1004
critical beer drinker. Being
liitwcl from Ult Ht limit and
hups, by I scientific nictlittl ol
hrttwuiK, it i8 natiually a per
fect iieer.
.. . TETER
Lcavf Bundlei it Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Trump! AlUitliun (riven
All Orders.
' .
"'l' I BaS
F3 ,1 ' Syi