The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 08, 1914, Image 6

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Going To Paint?
If iti the li, barn, fence, kitchen floor, walls
r anything else we will gladly tell you what kind
to use, quantity required, the cost, and how it should
be applied. We have
Paints, Enamels, Stains and Varnishes for
any shabby surface indoors or outdoors.
Glad to show colon and offer advice whether you
deride to paint or not.
William McBratney
Means Not Only Time But Money.
Do you ovr consider how lonjr it takes to travel tin- distance
from your house to the Doctor and Merchant and what time
ou save by tHcphonintf? If your time is worth anything, you
cannot ntVoid to lie without a Telephone.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
Real Estate Bulletin
.'0.. For exchange 1H acres f wheat land 10 miles
.ii of Cambridge, Idaho, all tillable. I 11) acres broke
out -0 acres in alfalfa. Qood soil. No Itock. Hatli
.1 ttp True $ 1000, (. Mortgage 1 1600.00 want
sin. ill place in exchange.
500 For sale two good residence lots price for the
pair $185.00
Ontario Real
Must Be Printed
Wo aiv printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of
Hutter Wrappers to the
Estate Co,
A rr1 c Off-af-aa
-fi-IgUfc VJIIIte
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Malheur.
Juntura Mercantile Company, a pri
vate corporation, plaintiff,
George W. Cater, Anna C. Cater,
(torn C. Wall, E. F. Sullivan, Melvin
Smith, Fred 0. Anderson, George Kelley,
Henry DunU. M. S. Huston, John
Hnddi-r, A. ('. Woodruff, Clyde Shaver,
.luhn K. Thomas, A. 0. Williams, John
Ott and John 1). Daly copartners as
John OH tt Company; Home Lumber
and Coal Company, a corporation; First
Hank of Juntura, a corporation; Carl-son-Lusk
Hardware Company, a cor
poration, Defendants.
To George W. Cater, Anna C. Cater.
and Melvin Smith, three of the above
named Defendants:
In The Name Of The State Of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or be
fore the 5th day of November, 1914,
the same Mag the last day of the time
prescribed by order of the court direct
ing service of summons in said suit to
be made utMin you by publication; and
if you fail so to answer, for want there
of, the plaintiff will apply to the said
court for the relief demanded in the
said complaint, to-wit: For judgment
against George W. Cater and Anna C.
Cater for $.'i.4h, with interest thereon
at the rate of six per cent per annum
from Dec. 5, 1913; and for aix dollars
for preparing and recording lien notice;
and for $2.r0.'Ki attorney's foea; and for
costs and disbursements of suit; also
for a decree of said court foreclosing a
certain lien filed by plaintiff to secure
said debt, against the Cater Hotel
Huil.luiK and ground upon which same
is situated and described aa Lota 8, 9,
10 and 11, in Block 19, of the incorpor
iiii .I town of Juntura in Malheur Coun
ty, Oregon, which said lien is of record
in Hook "H", page H9, of the records
of Mechanic's Liens for Malheur County,
Oregon, mil I directing that said propor
i be sold at sheriff's sale In satisfact
ion of plaintiff's claim, and for all other
relief demanded in said complaint.
You are further notified that this
summons is served iiMn you by public
utioii In plirsinii of an order of the
Hon. Dultoii Higgs, Judge of this Court,
whuh said order was made and entered
in said MUM M the 2-lth day of Septem
ber, I9U, aid directed that this sum
mons In' published once each week for
si consecutive weeks in the "Ontario
Argus", eommeiicini.' with the issue of
Sept. 2-1, 1914, of said newspaHr. First
publication of this summons is on Sept.
21, 191 1, and lust publication is on Nov.
It 19U.
Mcculloch a wood.
Attorneys for I'laintitf
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Malheur County:
In the matter of the estate of Joseph
Collins May, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed adminis
trator with the will annexed of the
estate of Joseph Collins May, deceased;
and all person having claims against
said estate an- hereby required to pre
sent the same to the undersigned at hit
residence in Ontario, Oregon, or at the
..dices of W II Hrooke and K. W.
Svvael.r. attorneys for tins administra
tor in Ontario, Oregon, verified aa by
law required, within aix mouths from
the date of the tirst publication of this
notice. O. M. Nicely,
Administrator with the will annexed.
Date of first publication September
24, 1914
Date of las i publication November
.r, 1914.
Administratis Jiotlre
lu the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Malheur County. In the
matter ot the estate of Thomas L.
Hluckiiiau deceased.
Notice Is herohy given to all whom
It ma concern, that the underslgued
has heen tii I v appointed by the
Countv Court of the State of Oregon,
for Malheur County, admlnlstratlx of
the estate of Thomas L Blackmail
deceased All persons having any
claim against the estate of the said
deceased arc hi rebj notified to pre
sent the .same to me duly verified for
allowance at the law office of C. Me
QMWUI at Ontario. Oregon, within
six months from the date of this
Dated at Ontario. Oregon, this 24th
day of September, 1914.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for the county of Malheur
Robert U Hradshaw, plaintiff, vs.
Hert Huffman. Clara B. Puflnian. his
wife, B. f Studebaker. C. C Beg lev.
and .lohu Peters, defeudanst
lu the name of the state of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you lu the above entitled ac
tion, ou or before the 29th day of
October. IV 14. the same being the last
day of the time prescribed by order
of the court directing service of sum
mons in said suit to be made by puhll
cation and If von fall so to answer,
tor want thereof, plaintiff will a; 1
tc the court for the relief demanded
In the complaint, to-wit: For judg
ment against the defendants Bert
Huffman ani C. C Hegley, In the sum
of 11197.63, together with 8 per cent
interest thereon frox January lf,
1914, $150 attorney's fees an3 cost of
Also for decree of the court fore
closing that certain real mortgage
datel Feb. 25, 1912, executed by Hert
Huffman and wife, Clara H. Huffman,
to C. C. Hegley, which was on the 16th
day of May, 1912, recorded In book
"O" at page 124, records of Malheur
county, Oregon, which mortgage was
on the .Ml day of May, 1912, duly
assigned by defendant C C. Hegley to
plaintiff K V. Hradshaw, who is now
the owner and holder of the same;
being a mortgage to secure the sum '
for which Judgment is asked herein
against Hert Huffman and C. C. Heg
ley, being a mortgage upon the Fast '
of the Northeast Vi of Section 22, In
Township 15 8outh, Kange 45 East W
M. and asking that the Hen of plain
tiff upon snlil real estate by virtue
of said mortgage, he decreed to be a
first Hen on the same, superior to
any Hen or clnlm that said defendants,
or any of them named In this action,
may have i claim against the real
estate . . ri: . it heroin, and that all
their rights and eoultles In said real
estate be by this suit foreclosed-
Further asking an order, directing
that said real estate be sold at
Sheriff's sale In satisfaction of plaln
tlff's Judgment, and for all other relief
demanded In the complaint.
You aiu further notified that this
summons Is served upon you by puhH
cation, In pursuance of an order of
lion. Pulton Hlggs. Judge of this
Court, which said order was made on
Sept 5, 1914, and duly filed and en
tered In the above entitled cause on
the 11th day of September, 1914, which
order directed that summons be pub
lished mi. a week for six successive
weeks In the Ontario Argus, commenc
ing with the issue of said paper of
Sept. IT, 1914, and ending with the Is
sue of October 29, 1914.
Attorney for the Plaintiff.
Allds Summons.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County ot Malheur.
Home Lumber and Coal Company, a
corMiration, plaintiff,
Geo. W. Cater. Anna Cater, E. F
Sullivan, lied 0 AinlerKun, George
, Kelley, M.lvin Smith, Henry Dargel,
Juntura Mercantile Company, a cor
poration, Juntura Hotel Company, a
! curH. ration, M S. Houston, John Hod
ider, A. C. Woodruff, Clyde Shauer,
John E. Thomas, A. G. Williams, John
U. Hoffman, Carlson-Lusk Hardware
Company, a corporation, and FrstBank
of Juntura, a cororatioii. defendenta
TO George W. Cater, Anna Cater, E.
F. Sullivan, Fred G. Anderson. George
Kelley, Melvin Smith, Henry Dargel,
Juntura Mercantile Company, a cor
poration, Juntura Hotel Company, a
corporation. M. S. Houston, John Hod
der, A C. Woodruff. Clyde Shauer, John
E. Thomas, A. G. Williams, John I'
Hoffman, Carlson-Lusk Hardware Com
pany, a corporation, and First Bank of
Juntura, a corporation, the above
named defendenta:
You are required to appear and an
swer the complaint of the plaintiti filed
against you in the above entitled action
on or before the 8th day of October,
1914, the same being the last day of
the time prescribed by order of the
Court directing summons in said suit
to be made Juriii you by publication.
And if you fail to answer, for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded in the
complaint, towit:
For judgement against defendant George
W. Cater in the sum of $787.95 togeth
er with t pr cent interest thereon
from Dec, 10.. 1913, for $150.00 attor
ney fees and costs of suit also for a
decree of said Court foreclosing a
certain material man's lien of plain
tiff against lots 8, 9, 10 and 11 in
blqck 19 of the original Townsite of
Juntura, Malheur County, Oregon,
and recorded in Hook "H" of Mechan
ics Liens at page 94 thereof, for ma
terials furnished hv plaintiff to defen
dant George W. JCater as contractor
and agent of Juntura Hotel Company
ow ncr of a certain hotel building built
on said real estate hereinbefore de
scrilied. and which materials were
used in the construction of said hotel
building; and also asking judgement
of the Court decreeing that the
lien of plaintiff be a tirst lien on said
premises superior to the liens af any
of the other defeudants named above,
against said hotel and land, and for
all other proper relief.
And you are further notified that
this summons is served upon you by
publication m pursuance of an order
of Hon. Palton Biggs, Judge of this
court, which said order was made and
entered It tlu Htk day
of July, 1914, and directed that this
summons be published once each week
for six consecutive weeks in the On
tario Argus.
The first publication of this summons
is on August 27, 1914, and the last pub
lication is on October 8, 1914.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Malheur County.
Charles E. Cochran, Plaintiff
Elmer Wicklund, Frank Quirk, Frank
C. Woodford and Jennie L. Woodford,
his wife, and T. B. Garrison, Jr., De
fendants. To Elmer Wicklund, Frank Quirk,
Frank C. Woodford, and Jennie L.
Woodford, his wife, four of the above
named defendants,
In the name of the state of Oregon,
You, and each of you, are hereby re
quired to apjH'ar and Bnswer the com
plaint filed against you in the above en
titled cause ami Court on or before the
15th day of .October, 1914, the same
being the lust day of the time prescrib
ed by order of the court directing ser
vice of summons in said cause to be
made tixm you by publication, and if
you fail so to appear and answer, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief prayed for in
the complaint, towit: for judgment
against the defendants Frank C. Wood
ford'and Jennie L. Woodford, his wife,
for the sum of two lhousand($2MM).M))
Dollars, with interest from April 1st,
1910, at ten (10) per cent per annum
until paid, and the further sum of Four
Hundred ($400.00) Dollars attorney's
fees, and for a decree of the court fore
closing the mortgage described in plain
tilf's complaint, and declaring the same
to be a first hen uhiii the property
therein described, towit:
The west half (w 1-2) of the
southeast quarter (se 1-4) of WC
tion seventeen (17) and the west
half, (w 1-2) of the nort'ieast quar
ter (lie 1-4) of section twenty (20).
township twenty -live (86) south. Of
range forty-six (Pi) east, Willa
mette meridian in Malheur County,
Oregon, together with all wati i
rights, ditches and canals used in
irrigating the same,
And that the interest of the remain
ing defendants b e decreed and
declared to be subsequent in time,
inferior in right and junior to the lien
of plaintiff's mortgage, and that each
and all of said defendants be barred
and foreidosed from any anil all right,
.;. i M111i ;(..,... ; . ... ..,,1 ,,
. .... ..... .....- ... ...... w ....... ........
ises, and all equity of redemption, ex
cept the statutory right of redemption,
and that said premises and the whole
thereof, together with any and all
water ighta or ditches appertaining
thereto, be sold in the manner prescrib
ed by law, and the proceeds applied to
the payment of the costs and disburse
ments of this suit: the accruing coats
and the judgment of the plaintiff
j MKBUmt 8Hj, defendenta Woodford and
the over-plus to be paid to whomsoever
the court may decree to be entitled
thereto, and the plaintiff have general
This summons is'pubhshed in the On
tario Argus a weekly newspaper print
ed and published at Ontario in the
County of Malheur, State of Oregon,
in pursuance ami by virtue of an order
of the Honorable Dalton Higgs, judge
of the above entitled Court, which or
der was made and entered on the 27th
day of August, 1914, and directed that
this summons be published fur a period
of six successive weeks in said news
paper commencing with the issue of
September 3, 1914.
First publication is on September 3,
1914, and last publication is on October
15, 1914.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
Serial No. ulJ-uls-U75
U. S. Laud Office, at ,
Vale, Oregon.
September 29th, 1914
Notice is hereby given that Wallace
N. Jones, of Ontario, Oregon, who, on
July 11th. 1910, made Homestead En
try, No. 01353, for the SWj Sec. 30,
Twp. 10 S., R. 40 E., and on Jan. 23,
1914, made Additional Entry No. 08075
for the SEL Section 25, Township Ifl S .
Range 45 E., Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make Three
Year Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the Regis
ter and Receiver, l S. Land Office, at
Vale, Oregon, on the 10th day of Nov
ember, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Hoy J. Benson, of Weiser. Idaho,
Michael B Ramsey, of Weiser, Idaho,
James J. Woody, of Ontario, Oregon,
and Fraud Welch, of Ontario Oregon.
Kvervhodv ho;cs that the women
that not lost their enthusiasm for
Srrlsl No. 02019
Not it e For Publication
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land office at )
Vale, Oregon,
October 3rd, 1914. )
Notice is hereby given that Mrs.
Sarah Dc Haven, of Payette, Idaho,
who, on October 12th, 1911, made Home
stead Application, No. 02019, for the
NEJ, Section 29, Township 10 S., Range
47 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make Three Year
PriKif, to establish claim to the land
above described, before the Register
and Receiver, U. S. Land Ofllce, at
Vale, Oregon, on the 9th day of Nov
ember, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Roy Kelley, of Psyette, Idaho; Ira
Book, of Payette, Idaho; Melvin Spauld
ing, of Payette, Idaho, and A. R. White,
of Ontario, Oregon.
Bruce R. K ester,
Attorney- At-Law
Wilson Building Ontario, Ore.
"Schooling In jroutti invariably b
ahrrrtixl in pirpar a pton In o. beat war
fur thr Ural p-iu.anriit ibuiwIioi lor willed
S la . l-rrairitill- W UmI
This Is the Mltslon of the
lor iv-.nth School Year Opens
SEPTEHBER 18th, 1Q14
Write for llluitnted loo-page Book
let. " THE LIFE CAMM." and for Cat.
log containing full Information.
Degre Courstt AORICULTURB : Husbandry, I slry Hus
bandry. Poultry Husbsndry, Horticulture.
Aitri.ulture for Teachers. FORESTRY,
NOMICS: Domestic Science, DomeMU Art,
I M.iNbERINO: blectrlcal, Irrigation,
Highway, M-. hanleal, ( '.hemic al. Mining.
( ri.imics. UOMMhRCL. RHARAVACY.
Industrial ahis.
i ... ".r 1 'r-Agrlculture, Dairy
ing, Home Makers' Course, Industrial
Art-. PorMtrv. BusIimm Short Course.
.ifwtiVs Piano, String, Baud,
Vokf t .ulture.
Parma. 1 Buiintit Court by Mad Free.
(lw.7-16 10 '.') Corvallla rrta
For rent, 2 room house, 2 blocks north
of school honse. Wm. Beagle, 'phone
2ts; k.
LOTS FOR SALE 3 in Riverside ad
dition, near sub station. Inquire at
Sakety Deposit Boxk. For Rknt
Two sizes and two prices; an absolutely
safe method of keeping your valuable
puw.Tb protected against loss by Are or
theft. Ontario National Bank.
Three Lots For Sale 2 blocks
west of postoffice, at a bargain. In
quire at Argus office.
We have a comfortable room fitted
up especially for the ladies where they
can rest, write checks and letters and
not be .row deJ or intruded on; ladies
are invited to call and open an account.
Ontario National Bank.
Pasture For Rent Close in Apply,
Paperhnnging, plastering, kalaoming,
etc. W. A. DEPUTY. Phone 8U-N-1.
My 20 acre tract for sale or trade. On
bench west of fair grounds.
Vale, Oregon.
Viine Your Home.
Isn't it embarrassing to be advertis
ing some other fellow's home every
time you tell where you live? Don't
say, "I live about two miles from,
well say, Claremont or Spring Grove."
Say "I live at Forest Lawn ot Maple
Nook." After you have decided on
the name come to the Argus office
and get some iieat stationery printed.
Our job department is ready to turn
out some of the niftiest letterheads
ou ever saw for our farmer friends.
A correspondent wants to know what
Is the feminine of Bull Moose Oh,
suffragette, we suppose.
Since Paris went out ot business as
i fashion center there is no wa to
it 11 how tar auyone is out of the fash
ion i les disarmament Europe shoulj
trv a little democratizing