The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 08, 1914, Image 2

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For Malheur County. Bonds have been Voted and Sold and Money is Now On Deposit in
the First National and Ontario National Banks to Complete and Equip the Building.
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'I'll.- piMMIMd court hoUM lut Malheur county tn li' hllilt by the
ritiiena 't Ontario, Oregon i '"' bj 80 r.-.t on tin- ground ami aM
Itf I llltl' limits, tin . 'II. :u , 1 1 1 t Mini Ht'Cond llixiro .
Tile basement JH llilll ll III) ll Willi ll 1 1 g TlSe feet above the
round krvi l. Iluif tin itory is planned for tli unty jail, con
ling oi the aherifT's public office, 81x19 fact; sheriff! private
llxltf; woman s ward . u with bath and toilet; padded il
ii'liiin.i i.'il :".iL'7, iiii four ?t ! coils and t - i corrtdore. Tba
juil ii l -il ha ii bath and tolk t room. Tha sheriff office baa a aap
.null entrance on tha rear of the building as well as from tin- cor
ridor. Tin ail walla and calling will ! of reinforced concrete
All tha indowa in tha jinl will ba llttad with total prool
winiliw itlnva. Tin remainder of tha baaamanl coneiota of
Minn,,! .Mil IfxfO with ateirwa) to vault In county elerk'e office
.tiuivi' : i la vault Ii in in tin storage of old count) records.
Alongside la h lain dormitory fur jurymen'a sleeping quartern.
The boilar ami fuel rooma an acrom thf corridor Rom tna vault
and and aM largo ami wall raited to their one. Tho
atalrwaj laada to " landing mi tha ground loval mi which lavol la
thu rvar m Iranoa to th buUdiiWi and aontiauaa in tha in-i Moor.
Tba rtrt utory contaiim th- admlniatrativa officaa. Tha coiling
in t tit ih twi'lvi- feet. On the l'ft of the main antranco eorridor
ara tho qoartoro of tha oount) rlark; lai'Kv public offlca ITslH
fii t, a private ofhoa ttx in foot: raoord vault 1Ax90 foal with iron
tain to tin- itoraga vault la tha baaanwnt, "I'll- public office la
iIimiIiiI iiiiu a iiiililii niimv ail a wnrkinu maca l a rountar-dcak
riiiininL; the full width of tin- room. Tin- traaaurer oftica on
i ...Li Miiic oi iii- main eniranca luwtiu' ioiiowiiik rooma: a uiiu
uilii r iiiv.!? frit divided into a public ipaca and a working ipaca:
a privata oflilca 11x18 faot and a vault lOxH foot Acruaatha ball
la tha county m oi oflirc; a public ottlcc 2HxlH feat and a prl
mil uilii ! 1 1 i'i ti rt. ui thi .ii lathi county court; a roan -
l! fri i, and private offica llxlt) foal foi tha uaa of tha county
iiul'i' and tha county commiaaionara. Tha vaulteon tin-- rloor aro
in. proof with fira-proof and burgularproof doora. i tba anoa
of the longitudinal halls ara tin woman and man' loilat rooma.
The aocond or top Hour of tha buUdinu i- davoted to tha IMatrict
court; tho count) achool auparintoodaiit office, 25x10 faot, and
tha count) rarvayor'a offica, I6xiu foot, Tho court room in tU27
foot, wall proportionad ami aplandidl) lighted, iiii a public ipaoa
p tj Y "t T i nj
ruu. aow aoiLl won " 1 "'5 orrci "" I
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The liiiilditijr is boated by steam,
plumbing taodom and up-to-ilate. The
lighting is laid out according to the
lateat and must eiantffic methods of
aloctric hhtm.
This bulldlag, Including mechanical
equipment, ean he built for 26,IHK).
Tot itnUMVI & Hi mmi i i .
that will aeat 150 Noectatora without crowdintr In front of the
bar is the judge'a bench, the court NtenoKrapher'a deitk, the wit
naaa atand, the jury box and the attorney's table. To the rear of
the judge' bench and opening into the court room are the District
Judga'a chamber, 15x17, and the tenographer'a office 15x9 feat.
At the oi". iii i!n I nf tha court room is locatiid the jury room, 14
'i feet; opening into the hall. Thi. room baa a private toilet.
The left portion of tins story nt divided into a grand jury room 15x
l;i. ami two rooma, 13x10 and 12!xltf for tha una of tin- county at
torney. The toilet room, for men and women are at the end. of
the hall. This story haa a ceiling height of fourteen feet.
The exterior of the building is in the Classical style. The Imse
course is ii feet rt inches high, of concrete marked off to represent
clean cut ashlar, The building above the base course is faced with
pressed brick. Large pilasters, with Doric cap. and bases of stone,
run through from the base course to the underside of the entabla
ture. The pat apet wall above the cornice is of brick with coping
of stone. The windows ara large and all have square heads, except
the sen mil story windows in the end bays, which have semi-circular
anhes. The main entrance doorway is crowned with a trian
gular pediment of stone supported on carved stone brackets. The
doorway is framed with a moulded stone architrave. The main
entrance sups of concrete are flanked with stone abuttmenU on
which rest large electroliers of wrought iron.
The foundation of the building is of concrete with concrete foot
ings. The walls of the superstructure are of brick faced with
pressed brick. The vaults have walls, floors and ceilings of rein
forced concrete.
Tha partitions and Moors have wooden studs and joists. The in.
tenor is plastered with liypsum plaster and the finish woodwork is
Oregon fir. The basement floor is concrete, the others being fin
ished with Oregon lir flooring.
riW.T r'l.OOC ViAH
. A. . .
All the following buildings, designed
by Tourtellotte & Hummell. have been
completed within the cost as estimated
bj the architects:
Idaho State Capitol building, Boise.
Boiaa Hitfh School, Boiaa.
Overland! building, Boise.
Owyhoa Hotel, Boise.
Boiaa City National Bank, Boise.
Klks Club building, Boise.
Administration building. I'niversity
of Idaho. Moscow. Idaho.
Nanipa Department Store. Nampa.
Hotel Washington. Wciser.
i LatW and j Trust lompany.
Administration budding, Willamette
Univereit) . Saleoi. Oref
Ontario National Bank building, On
tario, Oregon,
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