The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 08, 1914, Image 1

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ONTARIO The Future Metropolis of Eastern Oregon
The Banner Wool Market for the Interior of Oregon
(Muti t$m
The Ontario Argus
leads in Prestige,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch us grow
The Produce from
15,000.04)0 acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario ana Malheur County.
NO. 41
Vote for Ontario and Receive a New Court House Free
Vote for Vale and Be Taxed for a new $200,000 Court House
She Wouia Not Support the
Vale Bunch in the fight
Vale has handed Westfall and
Harper the proverbial lemon often,
and the lat one they towed these
Rood communities was on the Harper
bridge this fall. There Is not a man
In Vale who had the nerve to sign
his name to a pretended explanation
of the deal so they signed the article
The county court had advertised
that they would let a contract for a
bridge at Harper In September. They
certainly had a legal right to do this
or thy would not have done so.
When the county seat petition came
up a business man In Vale called up
a business man In Harper and asked
htm b w he stood on the county seat
and was Informed the Harper man
stood for Ontario.
Then you cannot havn your bridge
and if necessary Vale will enjoin
the county court to stop It says the
Vale business man.
The bridge contract was to be let,
and was not let because of this threat.
The people of Harpur ami Westfall
are not made of the kind of stuff you
can bluff by such sand bagging
methods. We will be glad to furnish
names and further particulars If Vale
wants them.
Vale gave It to her where the Tur
key got the ax.
President of the Assembly
Instructs in Work.
The sixth annual convention of Dis
trict No. 26, convened In the I .0. O. F.
hall Tuesday, September 20th, p. m.
with Mrs. Kate Lando, of Marshfleld,
President of the Kebekah Assembly
of Oregon In attendance.
The Chairman. Mrs. Wheeler of Vale
called the meeting to order, and ou
roll call the following lodges were
found to be represented : Golden
Rule, No. til. Vale, Ore.; Yellow Rose.
No. 202, Nyssa, Ore.; Beatrice, No. 82.
Ontario, Ore.; and Lady Mary, No.
224, Condon, Penn.
The afternoon session was devoted
to business and Instruction In the
lodge work by the president.
The question box, conducted by the
president proved very helpful and in
structive. The following officers were chosen
for the ensuing year: Mrs. Draper,
Ontario, Chairman; Mrs. Duncan,
Nassa, Vice Chairman; Mrs, Wheeler.
Vale, Secretary; Mrs. Lyells, Ontario,
Marshall; Miss Qleun, Vale, Con
ductor; Mrs. Clara Morton, Ontario,
Chaplain; Mrs. Hadley, Vale, Inside
Guard; Mrs. Closaen, Nysaa, Outside
Executive Committee: Mrs. Dunlap.
Vale; Mrs. Edna Boyd. Ontario; Mrs.
Duncan, Nyssa.
The evening session was devoted to
the initiatory degree, finished and top
ped by a pleudid feed.
The next convention will be held at
He who plows can produce any
thing, including health and happiness.
Is the Latest Information in
Railroad Circles
Clay Luce, a resident of Riverside,
who has been here during the past
week on business Is authority for the
statement that a contract has been
let and work will positively begin
this month upon a continuation of
the Oregon A Eastern railroad west
for a distance of 40 miles.
Mr. Luce says he Is positive of this;
that a private car containing officials
of tho railroad was at Riverside two
days last week In which were Included
General Manager O'Brien of the O. W.
R. A N. and also Chief Engineer
Stradley of the Short Line. Thev
went over the ground while there
and also came out this way from
Itlvi rxiili- some distance. Arrange
ments were made to lay additional
trackage at Riverside to care for sid
ings for construction material and It
was no secret that contractors were
to tif tn pliu'lng their camps out along
the line of the extension work with
out delay. Burns Times Herald.
The above confirms what has been
reported here. There Is some more
work to be done on three of ths big
steel bridges and when this is com
pleted and roadbed ballasted, trains
can be operated without further
trouble as far as Riverside, then the
contractors will get busy with the
Tirade from Riverside to the Harney
There Is little heavy work to be done
between Riverside and the valley and
It should not take many months to go
through and have trains running.
With the rails laid to the valley
the great Interior of Oregon would
then be accessible to the world and a
period of development would b
A Land Speculator Backing
Vale in County Seat Fight
B. P. Combs wrote a lengthy letter
to the Enterprise last week. Combs
says he wants to deed his land to the
county assessor if he will pay the tax
es on It on a value of $2.50 per acre,
and gives this as a reason why he will
vote for Vale for the county seat.
Vale says all the big real estate
men and grafters are working for
Ontario for the county seat.' You can
have Combs, we don't want him. Those
kind of men don't build up a country
and make his neighbor's land worth
any more. He says: "We have some
25,000 acres which we are offering at
less than 25 per cent of the present
assessed valuation." He must be
homesick to get back to Arkansas. We
suggest that now Vale has raised a
jackpot to colonise non-resident
voters on the Bully Creek project un
til after election that they raise an
other pot to buy Combs.
Such men are a worst pest than
the sage ticks and the jack rabbits.
Mary bad a little lamb
With a fleecy white coat,
Vale has nothing left at all,
Ontario has got her goat.
The above is the proposition you are going to be called upon to
vote on the third of November. Ontario has the money ready to
start work on a new Court House to be Riven to the County, in case
you decide to locate your County Seat at Ontario. If Ontario does
not complete this building and turn it over to the County free of
debt, then the county seat election would be void and the county
seat remain at the present location, in Vale.
In case the tax payers decide to keep the county seat at Vale
then it will be necessary for you to tax yourselves and build a new
Court House at Vale to cost from $160,000 to $200,000. Vale can
not help you because her indebtedness is now over the limit This
is the kind of Court House the Vale people say you need and they
are telling you now so you will know what to expect if you leave
the county seat at Vale. '
The present Court House would be condemned if located in
any city. There are no vaults to care for the records in the asses
sor's office, the treasurer's office or the sheriff's office. Most of
the records remaining on the counters, where they would soon be
deatroyed by a fire that is likely to start at any time, as the old
building is heated with stoves.
When you go to Vale look at the old building, see those cracks
in the walla over the windows, some of the capstones are cracked.
Take your knife and run the blade into the mortar seams and see
how rotten the mortar is. Go into the offices and see how crowded
they are and how the record books are left lying around. Then
figure what it will cost to replace those records when they are de
stroyed, and where you and every other property owner in the
county would be.
When you have made the examination we are sure you will aay
that the proposition of Ontario to donate a court house to the
county at this time is a most liberal one and you will vote for it
Committee to Commence Measuring
and Weighing October 20.
The Pomona Orange Commltte who
have the Corn Contest In charge have
decided to hold the first Corn Carnival
of Malheur County in Ontario, Novem
ber 11 and 12.
The Ontario Commercial Club are
doiug all they can to make this Carni
val a success and when It Is known
that Mr. E. B. Conklln has charge of
the entertainment Committee we know
we will be entertained and the lioule
vard Orange with the assistance of
successful decoratora of Ontario will
make the hall "A thing of Beauty and
a Joy forever." The real corn con
test commenced last spring and will
close by the awards made by a corn
expert and the measuring, gathering
and weighing will be In charge of
the Pomona Orange Com Committee,
assisted by the Malheur County farm
director, Mr. W. K. Sblnn.
For the beuefit of those in this con
test will state that October 20th Is
the date set for commencing measure
ing and weighing the Corn in con
test in the Big Bend Country and
will continue until all is finished in
the County. Two bushels of corn
from each acre is donated to the
grange and will be sold at the Carnival
on November 12th at 2 p. m., at auc
tion. This will be a aplendld chance
to get good seed corn and help the
Many supplementary premiums are
offered for the best 10 ears of both
white and yellow corn grown by boys
or girls under 16 years of age, also
for best single ear of any color.
If sufficient tickets can be sold a
special train will start from Adrian
at 8:30 and leave Ontario, 10 p. in.,
November 11th, Wednesday.
A full list of extra premiums will
be furnished soon.
1. This is a one acre contest,
awards are to be given ou the product
of an acre of ground which must be
in as compact a form as possible.
2. The following score will be used
In making awards: Quality 40 per
cent; Quantity 40 per cent; written
report 20 per cent.
3. a. The grouud will be measured
aud the crop harvested under the
supervlston of a committee appointed
for that purpose. Further particul
ars will be given before harvest.
b. In youug orchards no com Is to
be grown In tree rows or nearer
than three aud one-half (.'t'i feet to
the tree row. In measuring the land
a strip 3' feet In width will be de
ducted for each tree row.
4. Each contestant shall exhibit
two bushels of com from his tract
as a sample of bis produce. This Is
to become the property o( the Pomona
Orange to assist In paying expenses.
Further Information regarding the
content can be obtained from any
member of the Committee or from the
County Agriculturist, W. K. Huliiu.
For the contest the county has been
divided Into five districts ,vis: Cairo,
Nyssa, Big Bend, Vale, Willow Creek
and Bead Ox Flat. A grand sweep
stakes prise of 100 Is offered for
the best acre of corn in the entire
county, while the best acre in each
of the respective districts will receive
50 first, $25 second and $15 third
In the Nyssa district the second and
third prise will be $30 and 20, the
Malheur County Bank having donated
ten dollars to be used for that pur
pose. All awards will be made by a dlsln
terested corn expert from Idaho. Each
acre exhibited will donate two bushel?
of com to the Pomona Grange. This
selected, prlxe-wlnnlng corn will then
be sold at public auction Thursday
afternoon, November 11, the proceed?
being used to pay expeuses. This salt
will offer a great opportunity foi
Malheur county farmers to get see
from the best com grown in th
PeddlingBlue Sky to Poor
Widows in the East
Vale has a bunch of easy money
grabbers who are tho most promin
ent people In the .mini neat election.
They are not satisfied with malm,
money out of tax payors funds kept
on deposit at the county seat, but they
are flooding the east with literature
setting forth Vale's magnificent oil
Wells. They get tho name of some
poor widow who has saved a little
money by toll and frugality, and keep
after hor with follow up letters un
til they got her mono v.
They have employed one of tho big
gest "blue sky" stock sellers to ped
dle their worthless stock In tho oast
This big promoter poses as an offi
cial f some little railroad down oast
that don't exist any whore except on
pa er.
Vale don't dare offer stock for sale
In their "wild cat" oil wells In Mai
hour county. People would laugh ut
Ontario drilled an ollwell but the
money was furnished by her enterpris
ing citieiiH. and business men and
did not ask for a dollar outside of
Ontario. They .in not try to sell a lot
of stock In other states to .ulllhle
people who could III afford to lose It,
In order to get a rake off for promo
tion like Vale Is doing. Many states
have passed laws agalast such kind
or work but there are a few loft where
people who live by the sweat of tho
other man's brow ran sell oil stock In
"wild cat" wells. Their king pin
promoter Is keeping 25 per cent of
what the stock sells for as his, the
Vale promoters are holding out 25
per cent and iosslbly .'.0 per cent Is
all that goes to the actual develop
ment of the well.
Admirer of the Present Seat
f County Government
The Keverent gentleman at Vale
who Is protesting so loudly against
the "sataulc Influences" that arc
asking for a vote on county seat
relocation because a removal of tin
county seat from Vale would mean
"our destruction" Is the same gentle
mau who at the Pioneers Picnic at
Vale recently, stated to an old pinmei
that the reason he was opposed to
the removal of the county seat wus
that Ontsrlo was not in the center oi
the county. His Keverence at it.. '
tiiir stated that If an attempt should
bi made to remove the county seat t;
the tenter of the county he would :ict
t I. ie I, the least. As.near as w- cm
figure it Watson post office is about
the" center of the county. Accord I m
to the gentleman's own statement lit
would not object to the removal of tin
county seat from Vale to Watson,
nut he does object to the removal
iron. Vale to Ontario, and assigns a
lis leason therefor that It would mean
Vale's destruction. We hope that tin
Hear I'rothers aud Hlsters" of th
ounty will be able to understand tin
reasoning of this gentleman. We caul.
The Will of the Majority of
the Taxpayers.
To tho voters and tax payer who
have lived some time In Malheur
county and pride themselves u being
.Wont lnw-nlddln Industrious
What do you think of a city that
wilt rals. money like Vale Is doing to
colonise a lot of voters on the Bully
Creek project until after election?
Boos Vale expect to hold tho sup
port and respect of the decent cltlsens
of Malheur county by bringing Into
tho county soverul hundred voters to
work ou the Bully Creek projoct Just
before election.
We ask the Vale Enterprise for
your Information to publish a list of
tin mimes of the laborers on tho
Bully Creek project so that you may
see If they are Imna fide residents of
Maihcur county.
They don't dare do It.
Oregon has led all states In the
I nloii to secure a fair and pure bal
lot. Now tho state's proud name Is to ba
drugged In the dust so that Vale may
get votes at the count seat election.
The citizens of the county will re
buke such work at the polls in No
Meetings to be Held in Hall
Wednesday Evenings.
Beginning next Wednesday evening
and each succeeding Wednesday even
ing until election a series of public
meeting will he field at (be lloulevard
Grange hall for the purpose of dis
cussing the proposed amendments to
the constitution to he voted on No
vember II. It Is hoped that every one
In the community, grangers aud I huso
not members, will avail themselves
of this opportunity of meeting with
their MSgkbOrl to exchange Ideas ou
these most Important measures, some
of which are perhaps the most im
portant ami In many respects the
most radical that have vet heen refer
red to the voters of the slate.
At the first uieutlug, next Wednes
day, the first ten amendment, re
ferred to file people h the It-glslal u r ,
and the first two Initiative measures
will be the ones under discussion. All
are reiiiested to familiarize them
selves with these measures aud to he
ready to take part in the discussion.
While It is hopud that those having
the meetings in charge will he able to
Met ure competent leaders tho prin
cipal object is to bring out the opin
ions of the residents of this section
as to what will be the effects of the
Mrs. I.luule Carl of Portland will
speak In the (i range ball at Cairo,
Sunday Oct. 11, at 2:30.
Mrs. Carl comes highly rccomuieu I
ed ami no otie should miss the pleas
ure of heaving her lecture, in the
Shadow Who Is Who " " Good music
will also he a feature Come.
fjood roads broaden our sympathy,
lessen distance and increase our use-tulness