CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Pfct(AilvrtltctiimU WANTKI) Tkaciihr to Rive three private lessons each week, in Grammar ami Mathamatics. Address, Rox 21, Ontario, Oregon. 3-t For rent, I room house, 2 blocks north of school bOBMi Wm. Beagle, plmnc aw k. LOTS FOR BALI :i in Riverside H-l-Utifin, near sub station. Inquire at -Argus. DaVOMT BOIM Knit Kknjt Two rim and two prices; an absolutely nmfe method of keeping your valuable papers protected against Iohh by fire or theft, Ontario National Hank. Trim Lots Foil Sale 2 blocks west of pontollice, at a bargain. In quire at Argus ollin . Wl have a comfortable room fitted up especially for the ladies where they ran rent, write checks and letters and not he crowded or intruded on; ladies arc invited to call and open an account. Ontario National Bank. Train Service. Fast bound Ontario, (Iwkod,' Juna 1st, 1U14 Tin... 'labia No 73 No 1H Oregon Wash L'td '2:51 a m No 7tt Hnlse I ..... i. .-r 8:f0 a in No In Fastern Kx press 12:12 p in No 78 Nolan I '. g . 3:30 p m No Oregon Wash Fxprees 0:15 p m West bound. No 17 Oregon Wash L'td 4:17 a m N. 7.. Ilmii inuioii Passenger 1) :42 a id No ! OraKon Wash Kx 6:50 pm No 5 Ka.t M 1 1 6:15 p m No 77 Huntington I'ns'gr 6:15 p in Malheur Valley Hrunch. West Hound No 130 Vale iiud Juntura, Mixad, Monday. Wednesday Ai Friday, 1(1. 1(1 a.m. No HI si.' mi. I Hrogsn mixed, Dal lv Kxcept HiimlaT Issvoa 10:00 a in No 07 Vale Passenger 7:00 p in Fast Hound vim.. No OH Vale Passenger H:40 a ui No 142 Vala Mixad. llrognn .1.50 p in No. 140 Juntura mixed, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1:30 p. in. II... Iloliiediils ii.ii. . I. hi ' Nysss att:45 on Tuesday. Tiiursday anil lis tun lav, returning, arrive at On tarlo at p. in. Canyon County Fair Caldwell, Sept. K Oct M, Fxcuramtis i in Oregon Short Line. Tickets OTA sale. Sept. L".l to October 2nd , inclusive; llllille.l to October 3rd. See agents for ratM. CATHOLIC CHI MB Mass at A M on 1st and itr.l Sunday nl each month. On all oilier Sundays ai in AM. II. A. Caiupo, Hector MILLINERY AND ART STORE The Place ( Buy Your Millinery All Styles and Prices HULL & HARRELL iposile Post Office 0 Ontario, Oregon HE M(M n AWAY There was a merchant in our town Who was so wouderous wise, He ion.. I Uml he could get along And never advertise. His rivals now are all convinced That advert ising pavs, For he was forced to leave llic town In less than ninety dai -flo if ou have a thing that's good, Which you would like to sell, The way to get it going some Is just to rise ami till That you ve the best, and that is why Kor several past years. You've read these little addicts made For gulden gram belt titers, adver tistfinei t. HOW WAR AFFECTS AMERICAN TRADE Many U. S. Exports Are De clared Contraband. LAWS GOVERNING SHIPPING. Food Intended For Soldiers It a Con traband of War Power of Nations to Enfores Blockades Will Hivi Its Effect Coal and Flour Often Barred. The Right to Search. Washington.--In the general wnr In Kurope the old question of what It ..mi iil.iiml of wnr becomes of tre mendous Imp.. i lance to the United States. It is commonly assumed thnt this country will at lenst temporarily he a great gainer, that the foreign nations w Mi buy great quantities of food stuffs, rlnthlug and other articles for the maintenance of their people while the fields are Idle uml the shops closed because men are needed at the front This Is likely to be true. Itut much of such talk proceed! without reck oning the practice of nation with respect to contraband and without perceiving that a Kurnpenn wnr Is likely to develop such orders ns to contraband as greatly to minimise Hie exportation of American goods tu the other side of the Atlantic. The general definition of contra band Is certain articles particularly necessary to war anil bound tu any port of the enemy's territory after the wnr Is known tu exist. To this should Ih addeil thnt all ar- II be.. m i. 1 1 .. I ... n. I ii in ii hound to a place beslegvd or blockaded and their Importation Into such a place Is attempted. in general, that Is contraband which, according to liiteriuitloual law or, more strictly, according to the orders or proclamations of belligerent nations cannot be supplied to a hostile Pel llgcreut except at the risk of selxure oi coiiilemiinllon bj the aggrieved bel ligerent It In sometimes vngilfl) supptMted thnt there are definite, flxisl rules lu liiieruniloiinl law or lu the laws or regulations of n nation ns to what constiiuies contraband This Is In correct. What may have Is-en con t rnhn hi I lu one war may cense to be In another. Thus, lu the civil war. slaves who escaH'd or were brought mi 1. 1. 1 the lines were considered eou Ira bund The political articles will Inc.uile i i 1 1 iiing lu the wa.v of war muni lions ami supplies for ariules and navies. Coal will I.- Included, prol n lily, lall.i If destined to a port where It can Im used for a naval ves sel. Kluce the new naval vessels In some cases burn oil It Is likely oil will lie declined contraband Flour Is likely to ! declarisl contraband. Gold would be coutralsind because Ita shl-iiii-n t would lie directly calculated to swell the war chests of the nation ut islds. Onllnnrlly flour or provisions, If clearly destined to the use of the pop iilntloii ami not of the army, would uot be held contratMilid Itut If there was any doubt about It one of the countries would, of course, seise the Hour. In the Itusso-Japituese war, de spite objectluua. Kusata held (lour con t nil in ml Au American vessel In war be tween Knglnnd and liennany could carry any cargo to tiermuuy. Hut Kngland would have the right to stop tin- i essel on the high seas nud search It If It found contra bit ml goods such go. ..Is could In- and would 13 seised This country could take uo Just of fense under the rules of International law If It was found that the vessel was seeking to get the goods through tiy ruse and deception uot only the cargo. but the vessel, might be seized The situation will probably tie this: The Fiillcd Statist would have the right to ship goods Into the countries declared blockaded or luto ports which are besieged, but the blockading coun tries would have the right of seizure Whether trade was blocked would de pend on the (tower of the bio. Waders In other words, a paper blockade la uot rcvogulsed. The country that de clares It lias to make It good with force. "MAL DE WHEAT" IN KANSAS. Waving Grain Fields Make Railroad Psseengers Sossiok. Kattsas City. Mo Trainmen OU the railroads crossing Kattsas ivpoit an unusual number of cases of train sick ness, an Ulueaa similar to seaslckueas. and they say the cause of It Is the n Hid waving the wheat fields alongside the track The unusual height of tbe wheat this year and the fact that the western and central counties present an almost un brokeu vista of green make the conn try appear like a vast oceun. tbe wind sweeping serosa the tlelds making tbe appearance of waves This, coupled with the motlou of the train, produces mi Illness aklu to seasickness Train men say some of their paaseu gcrs have become so violently III that they have hud to leave the train Otb era are cured bv the simple expedient of uot looking .nit of tbe win. lows. BRIEF WAR NEWS As a result of offensive tactics on the part of the allies the German force's Invading France are reported to have been compelled to retrent along 'he bnttle line running eastward ' one mile from the suburbs of Paris. Three reasons nccount for the sud den check of the Germans. First. their right wing, under General Von KlttOk, seems to have moved so rap Idly as to have lost touch with the rest of the German army; second, the French were able lo utilize a large part Of the I'arls gnrrlson as a field force, thus giving them a numerical superiority; third, the difficult nature of the ground wits a handicap to the QsjIBIgUI hecntiHO of their unfamiliar it y with It. The mnln portion of the Germans' right wing wns attneked frontally by the llrltlsh army, which had been transferred from the north to the east of Tails, and by a French corps ad vancing alongside It on a line be tween Crecy, Couloummlers and 8e tanne. The combined operations were a complete success. The German flank was forced buck with heavy losses to the Itlver Otircq, where It made a strong offensive movement, despite revere counter attacks. Here the com bined French and llrltlsh armies, aid ed by the Paris defense army, preyed too strong for the enemy. The right wing was finally driven back upon the line of the Morln river and then push ed back across both. The main body of the right wing was In grave danger because of the complete defeat of the covering force. While the German right wing baa been driven buck and thrown into .lis order, the French armies to the east heavily engaged the German center, which had pushed forward to VI try le Francois and finally scored a notable success On the eleventh the Oer mans finally showed signs of giving way anil they were compelled to a ban .1on their entrenched position at VI try. BENEDICT XV 9 1114. by Amertoaa Press Aaaoctauem. Pops Benedict XV, formerly Arch bishop of Bologna, Italy, who wss sleeted successor of the late Pope Plus X. i ue trench are timing the eiiemi northward to the Argoune forest. The Germain who are relreutlng along the whole line of the Meuse river are re purled to he suffering greatly not alone lu personnel and war materials, but in the morale of troops. In Lorraine, the French say they have won further successes aud to been enabled to straighten out their line along that frontier. Russia's operations In Qallcia dur ing the week have been held In the district about l.emberg by the arm si of tii iiu. in reinforcements to support the Austrian army. That the Russian troops cannot make such headway against the German battalions aa against Austrian Is proven by the renew.-. I check Kussia has received dur ing the week In Kast Prussia. tin the I'ru.-si.iti and Poaen cam paign nothing has been divulged, but official reports say the Kusslaus are operating before l'oseu and Hreelsu and have occupied Ttenstochoff and 1'etrokoff. It is thought, however, that they will satisfy themselves with trying to hold their positions in both t'russta and I', .sen until they have at tempted to dispose of the Austrian more complete!) Iiu- llelgiuii army has become ac me again .m.l according to official n ports from Loudon is advancing troiii the forts around Antwerp. It app.ireutlv has diiided Into sections and has reoccupied both Aerschot and Malmes, where there have been so iiiaui ajsjjBhit ...en during the past few weeks SAY GERMANS USE DUMDUM BULLETS French Officials File Objection With the Powers. SAMPLES ARE SUBMITTED. These Bullets Are Cylindrical and Con ical With Split Ends Their Hollow Expand on Impact, Causing Terrible Wounde The Hsgue Con ference Forbade Use. Paris. Of grent Interest to military students Is the charge made by the French government that the Germans used on one of the first days of the wnr dumdum bullets. Tbe charge was never substantiated. A sample of tbe bullets found In French dead bave been submitted to the war office. Tbe dumdum bullet Is made wltb a hollow nose which causes the metal to expand on Impact, thus creating an ugly wound. I'bi-y were first tnatle In the town of Dumdum, In British In dia. Tbe bullets were first used In the In dian frontier fighting by the British owing to the failure of the usual type of bullets to stop the rushes of the fanatical tribesmen. At the second Hague conference all the powers except Great Britain and the United stat.-s agreed to stop the use of tbls kind of bullet. Tbe charge was made, however, by Itnllim officers In the war with tbe Turks In Tripoli that the enemy was using the dumdum bulleta. From tbe condition of the wounded the doctoni declared that such was tbe case. Tbe powers were notified and promised to draw tbe attention of tbe Ottoman government to the violation. Later, In the Itnlknn war. tbe Turks got a dose of their own medicine from the Montenegrins. On Oct 21, 1012. the Turks said that the foe was using the .i..s. i n.ed bullets at Tustl and Kent inn Again the powers made rep resctitatlon to the Montenegrins. Accusntlous were made In the Boer war that the llrltlsh were using the dumdums. This was never proved. In the Itussia Japan war the Jnirn first accused the Itusslaus of using dumdums, and some were snbl to have been found at l.lnoyiing The Russian officers denied thnt the bullets came from their side when the powers took up the mutter Later In the campaign General 1. asserted that the Japanese were using dumdums, and the usual denials to the (lowers fol low ed SAVES BLAZING CHURCH. Paster Crane Sees Bolt Hit Steeple and Rushes to Rescue. IMttsfleld. Muss. -Tbe Hev. William Meiiiiin i nine, pastor of the Cougre- I g.illonal church here, said to be the wealthiest minister lu Berkshire conn ty, saved his church trout burning when It wus struck by lightning. A bolt lauded ou the steeple and pln.ved up and down the sides It cut a six foot gash In the tower ami In Its course tore plaster uud lathing from the walls. sir Crane, from Mornlugslde, his country place, suw the bolt, hurried to the church In bis uutomoblle and climbed Into the belfrv. There he f..ui.d a fire sturtiug uud quickly put It out, unaided FOOD MAKES JAIL POPULAR. Wemen Who Cook It Give Prisoners Rsre Grub." Oolumbus, lud. The Htirtbolomew count i Jail has such uu excellent rep utation for Its cuisine that It U always filled with county "boarders." Sheriff Hums bus begun to protest to his women folk who do the cooking that be Is ladng discriminated agalust lu favor of the prlsotiers. Ife says he must defer bis meals un til tbe inmates are fed. aud tbeu the food left for him Is scuuty. There are eighteen men tu tbe Jail, sod they are given coffee three times a day. with other things In pruportlou When a trump "lights" here the first place he breaks for Is tbe coaatr Jail- NO DANGER IN MINE TROUBLE Shoshone Sheriff Declares' the Prop erty at the Last Chance is Safe. Wallace Labor conditions at Ward Bar, where the news was couveyed to the sheriff s office that the foreign element among a large force of work mo who were laid off were acting In a surly manner and making threats agsJjMt the company's properly and resulted In the placing of guards at the compressor plant of the Last Chance mine, have been sifted down by Sheriff Mct'abe, who visited Ward ner. and were found to be greatly exaggerated. Tbe facts in tbe case did not war rant the precautions taken and re sulted from the unfounded rumors that threats hud been made against the property of the company by employes who had been laid off owing to a cur tsilmeiit of the production of the mine pending the recovery of tbe metal market Sheriff Mct'abe reports that there is noi the si giit eat danger of trouble. JSQJL PROTECT WTO FAMILY BYTME )YERSOFACHECKB0OK A MAN of family has a bio; responsibility. He not Only mint con serve the morals and education of hit wife and loved ones, but he must tee to it that THEY SHALL NOT WANT. Is there a bet ter way of helping hit dear ones than by adding to hit BANK ACCOUNT ? It will provide against sickness and misfortune. Every man of family SHOULD HAVE A BANK ACCOUNT. The Ontario THE RIGHT DRUG STORE T& the store that always tries lo give - you just the things you call for and does not try to Buhftitute something else instead. TV you ask for a specific article and - your druggist tries to persuade you that (hey have something else just as good, thus substituting before your very eyes, what would you think that druggist would do with your prescription when lie is be lli id the prescription case and you can't see hi in? We always try to supply just the things called for and if we do not have it we will get it. We re gard substitution as stealing. What do you think? Buy your drugs from for. HILL'S PHARMACY U. S. AIDS IN MOVING CROPS. Banks Get $34,000,000 From Trsssury, Secrotsry McAdoo Announoee. Washington. I'reiwratlous for dis tribution of approximately JM.Us,iwo of government funds to be deHHilted In national bnuks throughout tbe country to facilitate the marketing of crops aud fur other "legitimate business pur poses." In accordance with Secretary M V.I....S unnoiiiici uieiit, are being made by treasury department oftlcluls. While that sum has la-en decided upon. Secretary McAdoo stated that he stands ready to Increase the amount to any extent to meet the tieeds of the country. Decision to distribute government funds again this fall was the result of replies from '... national bunks to a recent treasury department circular asking whether an unusual demutid for money was expected tbls fall aud for what purposes The policy of dlstrl billing funds for crop moling purposes was Imiuguated lust year, when about tMJJfJOJjQO of the eotUMi.OOU Secretary McAdoo had decided Uhiii was deposit ed In the crop tnoi lug sections While the principal demands for funds In nie from the south, certain sections of the southwest and west huve requested deposits. Secretary McAdoo announces that he is prepared to in-giii the distribution of funds as soon us the banks comply with the regulations uud preseut the required security. Federal, state aud municipal bonds aud prime commercial paper will be accepted us security for tbe money. which the banks will pay '-' per ceut Interest 1-ust year the secretary required that lo per cent of tbe de posits tie secured by government bonds That re.pnieiiieiit. however, will be vi ui ed tbls year. Prosieiis for unusually large crops and greatly Improved business condl tioiis throughout tbe country were In dtcuted. Se retury McAdoo says, by the replies from the bankers to bis circular. Servians Ready to Go Horns. Wardner. Arrangements have been i made by the Servian consul at Seattle for tin. transportation of 45 Servian .. from this vicinity to the coast. It is expe.te.l that their numbers will be welled to about 100 before reaching , the const, aud the entire aggregation expect to be shipped to their country to bear arms against Austria. 1 National Bank us and get what you ask 1000 ARE FIGHTING FIRE Loss to Clearwater Timber May Exceed 11,000,000. Lewlsion Nearly 1000 men are now combatting the flames In tbe tioarwater district. Thus far no on has ventured to estimate the loss that has already been caused, but It Is be lieved that It will exceed $1,11011.000. Every available man has been sent from here, and large crews are being sent out from Spokane to combat tba flames, which are but partially under control. Fires which were raging In the vi cinity of tiarklii were subdued by the fin- fighting train of the Chicago, Mil waukee ft St. Paul railroad, which was rushed from St. Marias to tha seene. Tbe loss Incurred by tba rail road company amounts to $8000. The g. . i. nun. ni Is Joining forces with tbe state In trying to stop the big fire that has been raging on Wash ington and Scofleld creeks, aud thus prevent it from eating Its way Into tba federal forests, where tbe finest body of white pine in the world Is threaten ed. The government has sent to tha scene of the fires a seebnd powerful automobile for use of the Clearwater aervlce, and is now rushing In mo a. the rate of 76 a day. Allege Boy Was Beaten. Coeur d'Alene. The 7-year-old son of l'ei r McKee of Cougar gulch, who Is alleged to have been severely beat en by his father, was ordered sent to the orphans' home at Lewlston by Probate Judge Reed. Tbe father in terposed no objection to sending the youth away, and tha authorities con cluded not to prosecute him. Priest Rlvsr Fires Chscksd. Priest Hlver. The heavy fires that have raged around Priest River of late are now under control and no serious damage will result unless oth er fires break out. Great Northern engines have set most of them and the railroad company is furnishing most of the men to fight them. M. J. Thompson has been appointed state fire wsrdan tor this section.