The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 01, 1914, Image 1

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ONURIO-The Future Metropolis of Eastern Oregon
The Banner Wool Market for the Interior of Oregon
(BnUt0 xm.
The Ontario Arjru
leads in Prestige,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch us grow
The Produce from
15,000,000 acres it
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 40
While Moving a Hay Der
rick Under Power Line.
O- I. I iin-.h;i in was electrocuted here
Monthly while moving a hay derrick,
dying a few hour after tho accident
l Mm -1111111 and several other had
been atackliiK hay went of the city,
near the hitch power linen and were
moving the derrick to start another
atack nearer the power line, two teamn
hauling th' derrick, when the boom
atruck the power line. Dlngham waa
caddylng tlio fork, connected to tho
iinnm with n calile and the boom waa
bound with a stool rod.
Fortunntely the automatic clutch
threw the power off when tho line
grounded and saved tho othora from
One of the teamn was knockud down
and the driver started to unhitch them,
but Kot a shock before the power stop
ped Another man started to help the
unfortunate man who waa under the
fork, but the electricity forced him
Dingbam wni hndly burned, his
IihihIm and arms uud feet ami lower
IIiiiIih being churreil and other pnrtn
of hla body heliiK badly burned. He
ia a young married man.
There waa a danger kUd on a post
not over thirty feet from where the ac
cident happened.
A lady contributor to the "Enter
prlae" points with great prlue to the
fact that after ten yeara of work,
and much expense, a lawn and some
slutde treea have finally been grown
around the old court house at Vale, at
the expense of the county. TIiIh
i Imply shows that the building atands
upon poor and worthless soil, and In
another good argument for moving the
court house to a more dealrable loca
tion. The taxpayera of the county
will naturally wonder how many
huudreda of dollars of their money
have gone into this lawn. Then again
the old building contrasts with this
beautiful lawn just like tobacco juice
on the bosom of a dress shirt It
will be all right, though, after Vale
has persuaded the taxpayers of the
county to erect a new two hundred
thousand dollar court house on the
site of the old one. We are always
glad to be shown the beautiful things
which the taxpayers money has pur
chased for the benefit of Vale.
Rev. Cook, in a communication to
the Enterprise, claims that the removal
of the county seat will utterly ruin
Vale. Many of the other contribut
ors and articles voice the same senti
ment Then there Is the other side,
wherein they claim to have thousands
and hundreds of thousands of acres
of rich lands surrounding their town,
all provided with water by proposed
projects and that Vale is destined to
be the greatest center of agricultural
Improvement in Oregon. Some of
these people are evidently wandering
from the truth.
Eighty per cent of the people of
Malheur County want their county
seal located at Ontario, ten per cent
favor Vale and the other ten per cent
are not particular.
Secretary' nryan is supposed to be
earnestly examining the bead of the
lion. Roger Sullivan, looking for a
good place to bury the hatchet.
Emergency Measure to Raise
$105,000,000 Submitted
to Congress.
Washington. An emergency rev
enue bill to provide 1106.000,000, tax
ing beer, wines, gasoline, sleeping car
and parlor car tickets, Insurance, tele
graph and telephone messages, amuse
ments and a variety of documents, was
agreed on by the democratic members
of the bouse ways and means commit
tee. Stamp tax provisions of the bill and
the tax on tobucco dealers, brokers,
bankers and amusements will continue
in effect until December .11, 1016. The
remainder of the bill will be In force
until repealed.
Hankers are to be taxed $2 on each
$1000 of capital, surplus and undivided
profits. Proprietors of theaters, music
and concert halls In cities of 16,000
population or over are to pay $100
each. Proprietors of bowling alleys
or billiard rooms, $6 for each alley or
Tobacco dealers and manufacturers
re to be taxed tho same as In 1898.
HoihIk and certificates of Indebted
ness are taxl f cents for each $100
Involved, and freight and express re
ceipts 1 cent each, with a mandatory
provision that the shippers must pay
this tax. Telephone messages are to
Prince Albrecht, who Is leading one
of the German armies now fighting
against the allies In France.
be taxed 1 cent on all tolls of 16 cents
or more, and telegrams 1 cent a mes
sage. l.tfi- insurance policies are to be
taxed 8 cents on each $100, and fire,
marine, casualty, fidelity and guaranty
Insurance policies Vt cent each on
each dollar.
Because of constitutional questions,
the committee eliminated altogether
foreign bills of exchange, charter
agreements, manifest and foreign bills
of lading and also struck out all refer
ence to stamp tax on checks, bills of
exchange, drafts and deposit certifi
cates and postofflce money orders, and
on leases.
The Vale Enterprise claims all the
credit for the favorable report ou the
building of the Warm Spring reser
voir Is due Vale boosters.
The Nyssa Journal claims the credit
Is due to Nyssa men and that Milt
Hope, a Vale man, tried to have this
water used exclusively by the short
ditches along the Malheur, to Improve
their service, and cut the Owyhee land
holders out
The Nyssa Journal has always en
joyed the reputation of being a reli
able publication, but we have never
heard of the same charge belug made
against the Vale Enterprise.
L .X ilk
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1F .;
I 4
Thousands of Circulars and Newspapers Opposing the
Bonds Circulated Here By Vale People
Fail to Make Converts.
An election was held hero Tuesday
to determine if it was the wish of
the majority of the people of Ontario
to present the county with a com
pleted court house and grounds In
case the people of the county decide
on election day to have their county
seat located at Ontario and the re
sults showed that the Ontario people
are a unit on the proHslt!on.
There wus no tjuostlon about tho
measure carrying and so there was a
very small vote, only .174, less than
half of the people voting. There were
eight votes cast against the measure
by persons who are not Identified
with the Interests of Ontario.
It Is certainly gratifying to our
people to know how all of them are
working In harmony and It should
assure the voters of the county thut It
Is the universal desire of the Ontario
people to have them come here to
transact their county business.
The ijuestion as decided by tho vot
ers prorlde thirty thousand dollars
with which to purchase a site and
erect a building suited for the needs
of the county for many years and will
save the couuty just that much money
In caae they decide to come here, aa It
will be necessary to have a new court
houae erected In tho near future or
extensive repairs made on the old
building which is crucklug and show
In this issue of the Argus appears
a letter from A. Granger of Vale In
which he takeH exceptions to the ac
tions of the Vale hanks and business
i 'i n lentil n g I) M llrogan I J".
to begin work again on the Hully
creek project. Mr. Granger seems to
think that the loan was made to llro
gan as a business Investment. It
I erhapa was, but not the kind of busi
ness investment that Mr (iranger
thinks it was. The loan was not
made to Mr. llrogan by the Vale peo
ple because they thought it was a good
loan. It waa made because the Vale
bunch wanted llrogan to get a lot of
Voters into the couuty before the No
vember election. They do not expect
to ever get their money back They
know too much for that. What they
do expect, is that enough outside
votes can be brought into the county
and voted at the November election to
defeat the will of the taxpayers of
the county, and who perhaps have been
here only a few days will be colonized
and voted in large numbers (just as
large as the $20,090 will pay for) with
the intent and purpose of defeating the
will of the people of Malheur county.
If this was not the Intent and purpose
of putting up the $20,000, then why
was It put up. If the Vale people had
wanted to lend Hrogau this money
as a business Investment they would
have made it long ago for llrogan has
been waiting these many years. The
report is that Hrogan is to have lots
of money by November Then why not
wait until November. What is the
rush? The rush is to get the outside
votes here before November 'i. Illegal
voters of course, and vote enough of
they to turn the election Talk about
the Corrupt Practice Act. Can you
keat It The Vale bow) about the
corrupt practice act reminds one o'
the cry of Stop Thief."
ing signs of going to pieces. Tho pres
ent building has but one small vault
and main of the valuable papers,
books ami maps are left exposed to
am lire that may start In the build
ing from the stoves or lull
A suitable site for the building will
be secured this week ami the complete
plans and specifications for It an- now
on file In the recorders office where
thoy may bo seen by any one Tho
niono. received from the sale of the
bonds Is on deposit and there Is no
poshllilllti of the defamers of the
honor and Integrity of our citizens
having an Inpmctlon Issued to stop
the work, when tho people make their
decision on election day.
The money provided Is sufficient to
completely rinlsh and equip thu build
ing so that thu count will not bo at
a dollars expense In the removal anil
will save the price of a new build
ing, as tho present Indebtedness of
Vale Is beyond the limit set by bond
ing houses and they can not possibly
raise tho money necessary to replace
the present court house.
There were two other measures vot
ed en, all being carried by a practi
cally unanimous vote, although there
were several Valeltes hero aud the
town has been flooded with papers
and circulars trying to mislead the
I). P. Iogun shipped cars of extra
good steers from Hrogau Wednesday
for tho eastern market They were
a well bred lot ami should top the
market for their grade.
Hob Stamp Id has bought JO.imio
lambs In the Walla Walla eountn
and will ship thorn east in few
('has. Pecker shipped out some beef
cattle Wudhcsdav. There were four
car loads of four year olds, about tho
best ever shipped from here.
J. K Cox picked up 15 cars of
cuttle for the Aluska market in the
John Day country und the train was
wrecked before reaching Haker with
a Bmall loss.
Charles Hudson went to-Juntura
Wednesday to pick up some sheep for
Mick Dearmond and trunk Vlues
were down from their ranches Tues
dii. ou cattle business.
A shipment of 18 cars of cattle
from Hurnt river, Wilow creek and
John Day went out to Portlaud yesterday-
The shippers were Morfitt,
Laughlln, Elliott and Trowbridge
The Tonningsen brothers have been
In the city this week from the sheep
range The rains were hardly suffi
cient to make the range good, but
there is some grass and the sheep
are doing well They have some dry
ewes they will ship about the 20th.
Edgar and Charley Chapman were
In the city this week from the Alvord
ranch on Stein mountains, where the)
hate been for several months
Frank Clerf was here this week,
having come in with a shipment of
cattle that he turned ow-r to Haker
has a complete packing plant
for hogs aud cattle la operation
One Corps a Day Added to
Army In Preparation For
Great Battle.
London. "Germany Is reinforcing
her army In East Prussia at the rate
of one army corps a day," saya a dis
patch from Petrograd to Lloyd's News
Agency. "The reinforcements are be
ing carried by 260 trains on all four
available railways. Other troops are
being hurried from Merlin and Schnol
domuhl to Rultlo ports and thence by
sen to Kast Prussia.
"All this Is In preparation for the
great battle to be fought along the
whole western line.
"At least 800,000 German troops are
now gathered In an effort to balance
the Austrian failures. The armies are
already In touch and the grand battle
Is bound to coin" soon."
The Petrograd correspondent of the
Evening News says the fall of tho
town of t'hyrow has completely Iso
lated the Austrian fortified position
of Prtemysl, so far as railway com
munication Is concerned, Chyrow Is
Jo miles south of Prr.emysl.
According to these same sources of
Information the (Ioniums have thrown
three army corps Into the Cracow dis
trict. In preparation for the Russian
attack which, It la expected, will not
bo delayed much longer.
Osneral Rennenkamf, Commander of
the Ikieelsn army eperatlng on the
German frontier.
French Bring New Force Up West
Bank of Mouse.
Berlin. The following official state
ment on the situation in Northern
Prance was received from the heud
quarters of the German general staff:
"The euemy are using their rail
roads In a general attack ou the ex
treme end of the right flank of the
German army.
"At Bapaume (In Pas de Calais, 14
miles southeast of Arras) su sdvanced
French division was repulsed by a
smaller Gertuau force.
"In the center of the buttle front
we have made slight gains
"The forts under bomburduient
south of Verdun have withdrawn their
fire and our artillery Is now engaged
with forces which the enemy brought
up on the west bank of the Meuue.
"Elsewhere, the situation remains
"Kamp des Kenalns. near 8t Mihlel,
which was taken by the Huvurians, Is
one of the barrier forts south of Ver
dun." Luxemburg Palo In Part for Damages.
Copenhagen. It Is reported here
that Germany has already paid to the
grand duchy of Luxemburg $250,000
as partial compensation for tin- dam
age resulting from the violation of Its
In spite of the censors something
that sounds like news keeps touting
from Europe.
JK :....VV ----r
Some Truths About Their
Debts and Taxes.
It seems to be worrying the good
people of Vnle about the wonderful
bonded Indebtedness of tho eltjr of
Ontario ami In order to sot thorn right
we looked up the figures and found
that tho present bonde I Indebtedness
of Ontario Is five ami three-fifths per
cent of her assnssed value, without the
additions taken In recently, With
those Included it will bo about 4 per
cent of the assessed value
In order to compare this with other
places we looked up the bonded in
dehte Incss of tho city of Vale and find
that It ntnounts to over 20 per oont of
her assessed valuation, or five por
cent over what Is considered safety, by
the bonding houses. That Is bond
houses would not today consider addi
tional Vale bonds at am price.
The limit or municipal Indebtedness
of Ontario, provided!) by tho new
charter Is fifteen per cent-
At the rate the present court house
Is fulling to pieces It will be but a
i hot i lime before there will have to be
another built, In fact one Is need.. '
BBB to properly house the officials
a. iii euro for the dm u Is th n n.
deposited. Vale can never do anything
low aid bulbil lB uiiolhcr court ho.isc,
because she today In debt lor I, ,ru
than the legal limit
By a removal of the county seat to
Ontario the county Is ssvod the price
of a court house ut once Thou there
is the saving to the count) In milage
for the attendants at court and the
Individual saving in time and expense
for tho people who have to travel to
Vale to transact business with the
Muring the last three wars the mi
tux of Vale has boon a little ovci
double that of Ontario averaging over
twi iity mills.
This Is not mud. just u clean state
ment of facts.
The raising of a few thousand dol
lars in Vale to sturt work ou the Hully
Creek project ami have a lot of men
on hand at election time is beralde i
In the Vale Enterprise as u act oi
great public benefit It is but a few
yeurs since they were knocking this
same promoter and doing over) thing
In their power to cripple him with the
Hrogau project. The right of way out
of Vale was held up to $inu un acre
and when the matter was ftuull) taken
to court the Vale appraisers stood
In and the deal wus carried
The few thousund dollars paid Hro
gau ut this time will not compeiisste
him for the wrongs done In the past
We are hearing some things about
the Nssa cut off ugain The lime
this, was first sprung on the public
wus when the Vale people were try
ing to hold up the railroad people
for right of way out of their town
uud these holdups Stopped the build
ing of the road several months, until
tin cut orf story wus sprung uud the
al Ites were given to understand
tint tin Ir tow n would he cut off if a
i. tit of way was not provided at a
fair vuluatlon
The people are to be given the
choice of having a court house built
at Ontario for them without u dollaw
H$MH to thu couuty or building u
$200,000 court house ut Vale ut tho
SIDOfiM of the tu,, The Vale
people have plat ed the price on the
kind or building the i on lor w
aury for the county to build.