ONTARIO ARGUS PUm, .silM EVEKY THUK8DAT Entered in thf tnBtflic nt Ontario Oregon, for transmission throngh the mails as second -class matter. M. K. MAIN. Publisher. A llnsincs Proportion- The tax payers of Mainour county liavr treated the question of county oat removal an a strict business proposition. They 8,'p Itnprow.i with the businesslike methods of the On tario people and are cpilck to ace the advantages offered them by tha; t( rtv Wi nre offered a new up-to-date coi'rt linn., nnd Jail building, site and ml'. free of every charge, In a good live town that la steadily growing and will aoon be a rlty of goodly propor tlonH, and the question Ih whether we will accept that proposition, and move the seat of government to Ontario, or will we continue to do business In tho old antiquated structure In a town that la nteadlly declining In every respect. It la only a question of a few years until we will have to have a court house that will properly meet the demandH of Malheur county. The present one does not There Is mil one vault and that Is crowded to the limit. The HsscKHor's books and sheriff's and treasurer's records are not in a vault and In case of fire would be lost Prisoners cut their way out ui tin- present Jail with any kind of an Implement, the last Jail de livery being made with a table knife. It cost this county more to get those prisoners back, and they haven't got them all yet, than it will to move the county seat to Ontario and use the new Jail that will be proof against Mich outbreaks The property that is owned by the county nnd situated In Ontario will bo worth Ml per cent more aa an Inveatment than were It wkh tltuutcri In Vale A change now will save us from building 11 new it 11 rt house. It will sine iim from the dinger ol losing out records In case bf a fire, nnd It will also Ii-hhiiii that ft tiger iin the new building w 111 be ti .1 : : in modcpi i. cthods and not by 111- lllhlllllc I "I'tllols IIM. ll III till) prcHfiil courthouse The Truth f tho Matter. The Malheur Kiiterprlse In Its lat Issue charged th.it the management f the Malheur Connti Kulr were at ti iptliM to make tb' County Kulr an Idaho Fair That special Excuralu i trains were run from Idaho point, to tii. t. nt" during tlie recent fair, ami tii.it MroKiiu. JameiMoii, Vale, Nvjta, Kingman, lilg lleiul and other Oregon p,, nit . were slighted during the fair, Mini were proldeil with no spc Jul Iniliih The people of the pluccs Above mentioned know whether or not the hluteuient inude hi the Enterprise Is true or false, but there may ne num. people In the count i who do not know the facts, and for the puriose of ascertaining the truth of the matter we have learned from the l'..h man agement that there were no special or excursion trains run from any point In the suite of Idaho to Ontario dur ing the recent county fair, but on the contrary there was a special train from all the points aboye named, til ing the cr places that the Enter prise claimed were so tiadly mistreat ed hi the Fair Management On Fri day morning a special excursion train lilt lirogun fur Ontario 1'his train stopped at all the tuwnx and sidings along the line The return trip nun made late In the evening, thus nil Inn all the people along tlie line an op portunity to attend the lair Ulld re turn home the Hatue day The same can be said of Ulg Mend, Kingman, Owyhee. Nyssa ami Arcadia The rate on both of these excursions was two cents per mile, and we are sure tint all the people along the Hues of these .special excursions except Vale were well . leased with the same The Kiiterprlse also objccU that no days were set apart as special days for the different towns and communities Again the Kiiterprlse does not state the facts Siieclal dais were pro vided for different communities Tiicsdnv was advertised as Vale I ay. and the Val e baud was employ ed to furnish the -mi sic for that day The baud came, played collected flf.O (twenty five dollars more than any other baud charged) and went home, but not a single Vale cltiien other thau the members of the band put In an appearance on Vale May. Thus Is another falsehood and viiiific.it ion of the Two Johns, nailed. i I ,i We I ..ig.i Now that the Democratic tariff has been In effect a few months let us -e. what it is doing with our com merce Take the months of the last quarter of the fiscal vear just dosed hi ;tIi bile ' re eiiiortlai ! some 37 millions less, we were Im porting NN 26 millions more than In April of the previous year In May, while we were exporting some :!.'5 millions less, we were import ing some 30 millions more- In June, while we were exporting some 6 millions less, we were import ing some 26 Hi millions more While for the nuarter we exported $76,687,270 less, we Imported $82,887, Ml more Hocatiso we sold so much less to the foreigners and bought so much more from them In those three months we wpre for that period about $160,000, 000 worse off in our foreign trade ac count as compared with the corres ponding quarter of a year ago. If Kurope was too hard up to buy from us, Europe with the new tariff could sell to us though we were hard up. The explanation that we were go ing through exactly the same expcrl ence as Europe was going through will not hold water Europe was not buying, but was selling abroad. We wero not Boiling, but were buying abroad The people of the Fnited States now know, what they might have before, that the Importation of for eign products means the kindling of the fires In foreign workshops and the quenching of our own. For Your Convenience. Iet us see whether or not a re moval of the county seat will be ad vantageous to us as taxpayers and to the people living In the out lying dis tricts of the county. We will ask this question. How often do you come to Ontario each year to transact busl nass? How often flo you go to Vale to transact business outside of mat ters pertaining to court house affairs? Your trips to Ontnrlo would not he lessened unless a better town was built up that would supply your de mands In a commercial wav. Would you go to Vale as often If you didn't have to transact your business per taining to court house affairs there'' Wouldn't It be n lot handler to trans act all vour affairs, both commercial ami legal In the same town, making ( trip do for both'.' Wouldn't It be a lot more pleasant to stay a week In a town like Ontario, with rirst class hotels, while In attendance mi court. Hum It Is to stay the same week In Vale? Don't )ou feel better ll you know that your financial Interests ami Investments as lax pa era are located In a town that Is growing steadily? mint vou think It shows poor bust in sh lodgment on youi part as a tax payer to make I n rt In i- ilnnm lul In vestments in a locality where property values are falling off" Would you do the same thing In your private business affairs'1 We wish you would Just reflect soberl OH these .u. lion , and see If you don't think that a re moval of the county seat would be a progressive, economic business pio,. ositiou We think i oil will agree wltii us that It Is The Majority Want It. During the past week thousands of people visited Ontario, most of whom were Malheur county people, and we have talked with a great main of the icprcsentatlve iieoule of the different communities In tin count about their Ideas of Ontario and whether o. not thev thought that this w.i. the proper place for the county seal. In MAPM ivery Instance we found thv. .r-.i ili-all v even vlsito, at the fair .us a) rv friendly to our city, Savin,: bc-'ii In pressed hi the rogres; vc n -ss of our cliUicn i ml th- fai I tbi.t our people hu.v romised that lh would build 'h coiintv a. .cv 9 ci. 'I bouse and tail v. Ithollt t it ' e.ii to the tax layers We heard a t imber of peop'o express them selves to the effect that Vale has had t'u- count) seat for twenty years and thai dcrlng the past few years Instead o. I aiding up it is steadily declin ing In spite of the fact that it has had the advantage of a county seat and the activities of railroad construc tion On the other hand Ontario has steadily Increased In population There Is only one answer to this kind of a proposition and that is that Ontario is the heller town, has the uoht natural advantages, and the tuot.t progressive cltUcn The tax payers of Malheur Counti are anion the iivest and most uptodale .in. ens of the state and naturally want to as sociate with people of their kind, want to do their legal business m a live town That Is the reason every tax paver of the J.'.OO whose names we I .'ml on the county seat removal peti tion were anxious to sign the peti tion and will be Just us ai.xious to vote that way this fall i ba in h.i lain I la i.d t.v ..id Demo crat In no campaign has tieorge t'hain herlain been more scathingly dealt with than the manner in which C K S ; ban lied the Democratic nomiuce for Senator at the Oregon Civic Lengtio luncheon Saturday afternoon Wood, who is a prominent Democrat, Is sup porting Hanlev, Progressive candidate, and was to have devoted his talk to discussing the reasons why Hanlcy should be elected, only Wood lieeame engrossed In Chamberlain and uncov ered his political history. Although the Alaska railroad bill was prepared by Secretary of the Interior Kane, Wood Hiild that Chamberlain was tak ing the credit of authorship, whereas, the bill had to be given some Western Senator to Introduce and Chamberlain was selected. Wood went on to say that Chamberlain was not such an ar dent supporter of President Wilson as the chamberlain managers assert, for Chamberlain had not assisted Wilson on the Federal Reserve Moard and oth er measures. That Chamberlain was never for popular government until the people demanded It, was another charge, and Wood declared that Cham berlain avoidel placing himself on rec ord on any question until he was pos ture of its popularity. The People Not Deceived. Ilehind the dirty campaign of vllll 1 1 ni nm that Is being carried on by the Enterprise we can detect the fine Italian hand of one skilled In the irt of deception and spreading thinly veiled lies. We point out the article about the Nyssa cutoff, the one head ed "Ontario man Rebels'' but unsign ed. In which the Enterprise attacks the hospital, the fair and everything else that sticks In Its craw, the article headed What became of the money" nnd unsigned, the dope about the run ning expenses of the new county, furnished by a tax dodger who has tnkeu Rlgby and Roberts over unto bis staff for the purpose of defeating Ok w lubes of the settlers In the west sldo oi the count . We will continue to iiolnt out these bogus articles and you may as well quit trying to hoodoo the voters s ! get down and talk facts, If you have any, or admit that you havn't and shut up When you get up a bald faced Hi; and attempt to masqiierate It tin !er the head of a contributed article you an- really making yourself ridleiilou.i Much bus been said by the Malheur Enterprise about the boosting or Mal heur County Itself and the town of Vale Will Mr. Roberts or some of the various committees please point out when and where Vale ever sent a delegation or an exhibit of Malhuer coiintv products to any fair, land uliow. or public gathering for the pur pose of advertising the resources of Malheur county. Will you please point out what ll any thing your paper or your town has done towards de veloping the corn Industry which bids fuir to be one of the chief wealth producing factors of the county. Have you ever maintained any kind of a fair that did anything towards build in up the county, has your paper or your town encouraged the upbuilding o new towns in the interior? Have vou ever supported any movement that did not directly benefit our selves and Vale. We ask the question A delegation of Vale cltlsens panted through town last week on their way to Salem where they will make their home for the next several years. They were interview ed on the question of county seat removal uml expressed themselves as strictly against at.v movement of that kitid at this or any i (her Utile tor the reason that the solid stone walls of the present court bouse could be easily cut through with a table kulle and thus make it easv lor men oi their kind to obtain their liberty whenever confined in the present count) pail. They also ex press a fear that the uew count) Jail wbidi will be donated to the county will bo proof against such simple methods of escape Had they remain ed In the count) they would have mine,! with some others who had been incarcerated in the Vale jail In sup Itorting Vale us a future county seat. Some communities are naturally selfish and want even thing in sight. iibile others are broad minded and satisfied with what they are entitled u. A few years ago Vale conceive! the idea of having the county pay for their high school and so bad the pi ople vote on the establishing of -( null high schojl at Vale, but '! 1 eopie co Id not uc It that way . I the Vale people Ui. .' to support tbelr blah school. 'he Malheur Co! i;v i alt was b cotted by the people of Vale In every iv a- iiii) not only did not attend, hut thev did not make a single entry 'or exhibition No county institution not located at Vale is considered . them During the five years of the fair they have exhibited a turkey gobbler 1.. J Hadley of Vale, is dreadfully (hocked, ami writes a Ions; article for the Enterprise, because a public of ficial residing at Ontario has expres sed an opinion that Ontario is the proper place for the location of the county seat. Wonder if Hadloy would be as badly shocked, and would pro test as loudly If some public offi cial residing at Vale, should express an opinion that Vale Is the proper place for the County seat- Wo pre sume he would. Ha ley was con nected with a little Incident about four years ago that came near undo ing his nervous system, since which time it does not take much to shock Hadley. A lot of contributed articles have appeared In the Enterprise lately about the donation of the new court house to the county by the people of Ontario, and the contributors arise and ask how about the Corrupt Practice act. Why don't you Inform your readers, Mr- Roberts. Or you could at least refer them to the Dis trict Attorney's office where they can relieve their wounded feelings Governor West rode a horse through the Capitol building at Salem one day last week. It will certainly be a relief when the West crowd are out of the Capitol and we have a man there who will appreciate and honor the position of Oovernor. We do not want any more Wests or men endors ing the West policy, like Smith. President Wilson Is asking for 100 million dollars to meet the de ficiency In government revenues due to the failure of his tariff, Income tax t and other measures and calls It a war tax. President Cleveland had tht same trouble and Issued bonds for re lief. The Vale people are protesting out loud about the establishing of the county seat In the east side of tho coentv and one Is forced to believe that they are protesting Just as strong ly against the establishing of a poo. fan. i In the east side, but of course Hi.' are not doing It openly. LEGAL NOTICES S timimms. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Malheur. Juntura Mercantile Company, a pri vate corporation, plaintiff, vs. tieorge W. Cater, Anna C. Cater, Ueorge C. Wall, K, K. Sullivan, Melvin Smith, Fred (J. Anderson, George Kelley, Henry Dargell, M. S. Huston, John Hodder. A. C. Woodruff, Clyde Shaver. John E. Thomas, A. G. Williams, John Ott and John I). Daly copartnera aa John Ott A Company; Home Lumber and Coal Company, a corporation; First Bank of Juntura, a corporation; Carl-son-Lusk Hardware Company, a cor poration, Defendants. To tieorge W. Cater, Anna C. Cater. and Melvin Smith, three of the above named Defendants: In The Name Of The Stale Of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit on or be fore the 5th day of November, 1914, the same being the last day of the time prescribed by order of the court direct ing service of summons in said suit to be made upon you by publication; and if you fail so to answer, for want there of, the plaintiff will apply to the said court for the relief demanded in the said complaint, to-wit: For judgment against George W. Cater and Anna C. Cater for $36(1.48, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from Dec. 5, 1913; and for six dollars for preparing and recording lien notice; School Supplies! chool Books - EVERHART DRUG COMPANY Four Doors South of Post Offic LEGAL NOTICES and for $250.00 attorney's fees; and for costs and disbursements of suit; also for a decree of said court foreclosing a certain lien filed by plaintiff to secure said debt, against the Cater Hotel Building and ground upon which same is situated and described as Lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, in Block 19, of the incorpor ated town of Juntura in Malheur Coun ty, Oregon, which said lien is of record in Book "B", page H9, of the records of Mechanic's Liens for Malheur County, Oregon, and directing that said proper ty be sold at sheriff's sale in sstisfact ion of plaintiff's claim, and for all other relief demanded in said complaint. You are further notified that this summons is served upon you by public ation in pursuance of an order of the Hon. Dalton Biggs, Judge of this Court, which said order was made and entered in said cause on the 24th day of Septem ber, 1914, and directed that this sum mons be published once esch week for six consecutive weeks in the "Ontario Argus", commencing with the issue of Sept. 24, 1914, of said newspsper. Fkst publication of this summons is on Sept. 24, 1914, and last publication is on Nov. .'.. 1914. MeCULLOCH A WOOD, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the Spite of Oregon, for Malheur County: In the matter of the estate ol) Joseph Collins May, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed adminis trator with the will annexed of the estate of Joseph Collins May, deceased; and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to pre sent the same to the undersigned at his residence in Ontario, Oregon, or at the offices of W. H. Brooke and R. W. Swagler, attorneys for this administra tor In Ontario, Oregon, verified aa by law required, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. O. M. Nicely, Administrator with the will annexed. Date of first publication September 24, 1914 Date of last publication November 6, 1914. Administrate ot Ice In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County. In the PENDLETON ROUND-UP Pendleton, Oregon Sept. 24-26, 1914 Excursions Via OREGON SHORT LINE Tickets on sale from Pocatello and points west, September 23, 24 and 25; Limit, September 29, 1914 Bigger and better than ever Relay RaceH Bucking Contests Wild Horse Races Steer Roping Steer Buildogging Fancy Roping Fancy Riding Join the big crowd for the grert event See 0. S. L. Agents For rates and further particulars LEGAL NOTICES matter of the estate of Thomas la, Mfickman deceased. Notice Is hereby given to all whom It may concern, that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Malheur County, administratlx of the estate of Thomas I Blackmnn deceased All persons having any claim ii'-nin I the estate of the said deceased are hereby notified to pro sent the same to me duly verified for allowance at the law office of C. Mc Gonaglll at Ontario, Oregon, within six months from the date of this Notice. Dated at Ontario, Oregon, this 24th day of September, 1914. CLARA E BLACKMAN, Administratlx. A WISE BIRD A Plymouth Rock hen on display at the Poultry show and valued at $200 was worth twice that sum as the result of swallowing a $200 ruby which dropped from a setting In a ring owned by Charles V. Keller, one of the judges. The hen belongs to L. C. Danville, Montfort, Wig. While Keeler was about to examine the bird the gem dropped and quick as a flash the hen gulped it down, Keeler offered Danville $200 for the bird and subsequently increased the bid to $400. That bird roasted and ser ved with a bottle of golden grain belt beers, would be some dinner. - Adver tisement. Fourteen carloads of prunes from 10 acres Is the wonderful record of Charles P. Hartley's orchard east ot town. The trees are five years old and this Is the first full crop. Last year a small crop was gathered. The trees were so heavily loaded that It became necessary to pick off two car loads two weeks before the fruit was ripe enough to pack. At the market price of $30 per ton, the output from this orchard will average $800 per acre Emmett Index.