The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 24, 1914, Image 3

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    Best in Cloth
Best in Make
That is why "Wooly Boy" clothes
carry the strongest guarantee of
satisfaction that it is pos
sible to attach to any
boys' clothes.
Hoys' clothes cannot bo built bettor
than "Wooly Hoy" clothes. They are
made from superior all-wool fabrics,
fast in color and thoroughly shrunk
to preserve shape. They are tailor
ed for hard wear. They are made in
sanitary shops for your boys' pro
tection. "Wooly Boy" Clothes
sell from $3.75 to $7.50
Boyer Brothers & Co.
Willl.lli ll.nlry
A Frank Talk with the
Voters of Eastern and
Central Oregon
Eastern and Central
Oregon have been want
ing and needing a United
States Senator for a long
A Senator t Washing'
ton who would work for
their interests and would
get something forthe great,
big undeveloped interior
of Oregon.
Who would protect
their wool and farm pro
ducts; get Federal money
for irrigation and roads, and bring in jyeople to occupy
the land.
Who would collect some of the debts of Oregon
already long overdue, like the $8,000,000 due Oregon's
irrigation fund.
I want to talk frankly to the people of Eastern and
Central Oregon.
NOVEMBER 3rd will be your opportunity to elect
such a man.
You All Know William Hanley.
Most of you call him "Bill."
It's about lime that you people of Eastern and
Central Oregon were waking up to your interests,
abandoning party squabbles and party prejudices, and
It's about time to stop electing bankers and lawyers
to the United States Senate.
Why not elect your own man? The man you know.,
a farmer and a stockman.
A man who knows your needs and is your friend.
A doer and a getter.
Isn't it the wise thing to do?
Please think it over and talk it over with your friends
and neighbors
Read his platform.
If you want a seat on the Hanley bandwagon, please
write me.
Campaign Manager
1 404 Y eon Building
Portland, Oregon
(Paid AdveriiMOicnl by lloilsy Caniptiyn Coiuniiltaa. Clarke l.cuei. Marugar )
Italv lias II iotal I ua-ni'b l nt
Job of keeping t-verv nody guessing.
Too many men art- sstBf killed lie
cause of the aaatj -.,. f ultimatums.
They wouldn t iarrv the war to the
Orient, so Japan started one of her
These European iowers are reduc
ing each otht r '.-. standing armi'
With frankfurters at famine price
in Kurope the doss of war seem to be
Setting the worst of it
Canyon County Fair
Caldwell, Sept. 2SM)ct 2nd.
Excursions via Oregon Short Line.
Tickets on sale, Sept. 29 to October 2nd.,
inclusive, limited to October 3rd. See
agents fur rate.
Mass at I A M on 1st and Urd Sunday
of each month. On all other Sundays
at 10 A M.
H. A. Cam do, Rector
Whin- Rorfca,
Harry T. Ix-vv Is of liyt itt wan the
n! .xlillilor of White Pinks. I!.
. on as follows: First on cock; first
on hen; first on pullet; first on .br -d-inK
iiurr HikIik,
MM, Call a. Davhi of Payette, only
exhibitor or Cuff Hocks, and won as
follows: First on cockerel; 'Hint on
broodlns, ma,
Silver W yiindotts.
Mrs J. I!. hi rty of Payette was
only exhibitor of Silver Wviandotts,
and won Flrsl and second OR COCk-
rolj flrsl and aocond on puii.t.
While Winiulotls.
.i w. Matthowi of Ontario was only
inhibitor of Whlt Wyninlotts and
oB First on pullet, first on li . I
ltlT I" n
S. C. Rhode Island ltil.
.T N'oille of Pnvette was onlv ss
hlliltor of H. C, Rhode Island Iteds and
won: First and second on cockerel;
first and r ml on pullet; first and
.xii oiul on I i ! dlnir pen.
I. lull! Hniliina-.
J. A ('"ilii of Ontario was nntly -hlhltor
of l.lnht Minhmiis nnd won
tlrst on 'hri'i-din- pen.
Pnrtrliluv Cis-liln.
It i Payne of Ontario was only ex
hibitor of PnrtrldKe Cuehln nnd won
first on lire eillrun 'pen.
Illnck I :iiu.-liini
Joe Mcasce of Ontario was only ex
hibitor nf Hl-ack IwiiiKshans and won
first on cck, first M pullet
Willie I 'lioi o
Thero were thrM exhibitors of
White I.mrhorn. The awards were
made na follow. Cock, II. I Mem.
New Plymouth, first. lien. II, F..
dan. New Plymouth, first; A H.
Cain, Ontario, second. Cockerel, A. U.
Cnln. Ontario, first; II. K. llean. New
Plymouth, second Pullet, A. II Cain,
first; H. R. Penn. second. Mreedlnit
pan. A. n. Cnln. Wlrst; U t. fJtrtfi
Ontario, aecond.
Iiurr i .. . i. ..mi-
There were three exhibitors of Muff
l.ouhorns The winners were: Cock,
llrrl U Myers. ilro, final. Hen. A. II.
fain. Ontario, first; Pert i.M'y era, Cairo,
second Cockerel. A II. Onln. on
turlo. first; I.. I). Oordon. Ontario,
second. Pull. I, A. It. fain. Ontario,
flrat. Preedlnic pen. A. II. Cain. On
tario, first; Pert L. Myers, Culro, sec
ond. Illuc. .ttlnotvss.
W liber ftnytv... of Payelle wxw only
exhibitor of Plack Mlnoreas and won:
First M cock: flrat on hen; if list on
Mukarill fust on pullet; first and
Nei ouil on hree.llnir pin
Hhu- iiillii-lan
A. Ilelv.a of New Pl mouth was
unlv exhibitor of BtBO And.iliislaiis
and won Hist on OOOkOCOll UlBl "n
Vlilu Orphmioiis.
II II, W I of Ontario was
hibitoi- of wim.- OrplaitoaB aad ai
fusl on lull, first on 1'iM k. ril, lb ' '
pullei and fust on breeillriK p n
Miirf Orplnulons.
rii.r. ron ibi. . vbibiiors of Puff
orplnuloiis, and the awards made
I'm k ftatal Doty, Oatarlo, firs-..
dfi, Ksial Holy, first.
Ciskerel Mai I'otN. first.
Pullet F-stal DiiLb flrnt.
Itr.edlna- Vtn Mrs. K II . b
Ontario, first; A. 0, Moore. Ontario.
..,., nd; II. It. Wood of onmrio. Iioooi
I; W I'. nk ol Paselle was Ihe onl
,.xhibit..i oi lb. .1 ns and won first on
IH.-.1 and si olid on hen; I
ami s.i oii.i oaaookoroli flral aadl ' -
olid on piill.t; fii.-l . nil .- olid M
I.I i-i dlllK " n
Mrs i. O. Wlnri of I'.iMlle Oai
Mo- OBl) ixlilbltor. Mr. Whniy Mi
Hi. BOUltry judnw, so h.- d. ti iiiiiii. !
Should not i nt. r in'., the .om
,.. titlon. Mr, wi" rry'f Pill '
: . ...I.I,
a p ill. ti flral on broodlafl i"
siper span-bil llaioliom-.
q q Wkarry. tfc poultry tudro,
I,,- oal) xin i of Ham
l: .1 in i.-W of his belli. M 'I '
not tvi aarartjo to ala own bli I
'!,, i ,. ,v . i , ibii i thlbltoi
I ., lie i I iii. id.-
k C. W. Park-. Pay-It.-, flTOt
.it,. I .-. , olid.
ii, n an K n w a. ii t, h '" flrl;
Alaaa Coulu r, Payotti nai nd.
Cookon I Aio. n karry. Payotta,
in. i - oi
I'uiii i ,o.n . harry, Paym
and m on 1.
llM'.-dinif pel Alli-rl Wluiry. Pal -.
ii. . rirst. n o. ii .ib. rt Wkarry, Pai
etie, list; Alaaa loiiltir. p.o. ii.-,
Pixiluw SM-lal-.
'I'b. wnii. if, of the poultry sp
ar. I;, m i ,ii l'ekln ducks Oka t "
. - i-.-i:.'t, tmtarlo, first; Mrs
McQraajor, i ntario. ooooaa
Pest pair Fawn Indian Itunnor
ducks ktoa Thompson. Ontario, flist;
Lola Si--i, (intarlo, sriond.
Boot pair While Indian Ituiuu -r
dWBka V. W. I..HO.H. I'av.tte, rirst;
SOOfgO Frank, Fruitland, seroiul.
Pest silr Toulouse ...-. John
Moore, Ontario, first.
Boat paii Bronao turkoyo Ratal
holy, oatarlOi first.
Pest pair White Holland tutU.
John Moor. , i intarlo, first,
Boot dlapla) poultry raised by on
exhibitor Wilbur Cteyton, Payotto,
Ib-st pair ft is. ,l. din llOOl I . I 'n
tarl... first.
Poiilli' Sweep-takes.
Beat i och of aan kind 1,
Pa.M tie. first, oil S. C. Bkodi
Ba is
Ileal h.n, an brood n C
New Plymouth! on White Laahorn.
r.. .-i r,i. lu'ii'i. nay bi i .i .' w
Mattii.-ws, Ontario, on white Wyaa
Pest piilbt. am br.-ed A. II. Cilli
mtai i... on White i ..- thoi n
A. II,1 Hcnd, first; Morton llariows, Ontario,
Pro, m i .on si : l.. ii. Chapman,
1 i aliiaiid.
Pi :i ii u tx -Wood TkompOOBi I iiit.ii'lo.
first) John Kxans, Nss.i. asgOBd.
Tomatooa Lswti A Petaroon, Pay
otto, first, i: ii. K.-ir, Ontario, noc
Watermelons -l I Tin nii son, I 'n-,, 1 1 . I", in, mi 1
l.anuest watermelon Wiliurd Hall,
i inlario.
Caatalottpaa Wood Thompson, Oa
tail... first; K. W. M idis.m, PaysttO,
m ond.
i'i, He i ant.ilolip.s ,loi- Waternalle
. 0,1.11 lo.
i -ii. umbers W. A. Fonts, first, W.
S 1!. . .--. i Oil. ill,., s.'.-oiid.
I'I- l.linn inumbers--Wood Thoiup
sin, first. J. p. iinnsm. in, Ontario,
Tsblo boota Oooffai w. Burdlok,
Broaan, rirst; B. n. Ktor, aocond.
ttajar boot- Bttakoatoj x- Orahsaii
Drotj Johnson li.-loe, si'i-oml
Carrots C. Iv Ainldoii. first; John
Bvana, aocond.
lie in,
I I'.usnlps Wood Thompson, first;
llest pen, any breed -lUts !. U. r s- Mlll,,r- "
WheriA. Pa.M-lte, on Pi-llsh. aaOSJoal manirel urt..l C W Ald-
Uirest ehl.keii. any breed-- Harry ri'u'"- l''ir'"- k)", Uraham.
I-. Lewis. Piuette. Hirst, on While "'"""'
II... k; fatal Doty, Ontario. I ml ,, CabtjaiS A Thomton, first; Joe
lioff W.ii.-rnalle. second.
- ,....,.. h.-n's ikk Wilbur Clajtoii,
of Payette, first, with Mai red;
Charlotte ciiiKuet, Onturlo, sim ond.
Pust senilis; of hen's enifs Wilbur
Clayton, Payette, first, with Marred
ItiH-ks. A. M. (MB, Ontario, meond,
with While I.eKhorns.
l.aiKist turkey, nny breed M. U.
stherman of Payette, first
Ui rx est lied lloiirlmn M. II. Hher
inain, Payette, first.
Itoats. in. .I- Winners.
Pest Collie Harold Von Heador. on,
Celery Joe Wa t iTtiu lie, first; Mrs
M It. Powell, Fruitland, second.
P.K Plant Harold Van Peadon,
flrsl; Mrs. Win. Fiedler. Ontario,
Peppers, ureen Otirs. M. It. Powell,
first; Wood Thompson, second.
Peppers, ripe Wood Thompson,
first; .Mlrs. M. 11. Powell, second.
Pie piimipkkn J P. Hoiimimn, flrsl;
Hairy Jones, sis, olid. piiiiipklll -II. M-IS oilman.
ProK.ui, flist; A. II. McHri'gor, sec-
i mi. ii I,,, flrsl; Harry T. I.cwls, Pay
ette. siK-ond.
Mest Airedale terrier M
tiMin. onturlo, flral.
11.-st )iit bull lo Miss Jessie Mull
..'I Ontario, first: Coulter a Wherrv,
Payelle. second.
llest pointer Frank Van l'itcn,
Ontario, rirst.
Pest Mpllx Melvln Waller. Ontario,
pest Coach do Mrs K II. Wells.
Ontario, flrsl.
llest bitch, any breed, with pups
llrace Thompson, Ontario, Mist
Pest ftlMSJit Meluliill hares Coulter
A Wherre, Payette, first.
llest display while rabbits II. nit
Mummer iu-ish--Charles A. John-
' son. first; Mrs. Then. Mayer, Frut
" ,,,r- land, second.
Winter squash K. llliMimatorni.
flrsl; Mrs, II. 8 Powell, swond.
tairsreat miuaah tX. If. Thornton,
flrsl; Mrs II H. Powell, second.
Cifi'sl" W Inner".
pttag wheat I'. V. Illckox.
I lllls .Samuel Pelel-soll. l:i.. . a
flrat) W M. Itees, i intarlo. set mid
Parley -P. V. Hlckox. Ontario.
White beans II. W. Zimmerman,
Alfalfa aeed Heorare llardman. On
tario. (rain In sor Wlnm-rs.
CiiMert, iint.iilo. first, Clark l.iiwls. Wheat - F. III. kox, Ontario, llrsl ;
P.. ette, second. llhlkcslcy i Payelti, Mi-
Ileal show of parruta -Mrs I. yells, oid.
onlarlo, rirst; llotlle Wind, Ontario Oats Maiiniel Peleisoii, llr.wiaii,
(.ei-oiid flrsl; M. S. Fclllioiise, New Pl mouth.
It. si show Homer plf "US- -Clark seeolld.
law is, Payotta, flrat! Richard Adam, ityn- -Maney - Weils, Jokafaa ratio)
Ontario, aorond) ion.. Msaoydl Wollo Jordsa ral
Csnarlea Norma Duly, onlarlo, ..y, frlst; F. V. lib kox, Oatarlo,
rirsl; Mrs I. y ells. Ontario, se ond. ond
Olllllea plus W J. Weese, Onllllo. Allalla seed oil St II, l M lllllsl,
sweopslakes rarni Prodliel.
Now Plymouth
All. iCa seed In bun. b
-J. F. I 'a I lie
llisolav off, on i.ioilo.iH. In. ludliiK fix. Frulllaiid. fllsl; A. Itelyea, New
all prodil.ts pl'oi lined on OSS I by PlwiioiHh, sei olid i.eisoii. In. ludlikU frii'l. v.-Keiables, ' Ijiruest stool alfalfu Charles Aikiim,
Kritin, vu, but not ioBaaatk Oatarlo
Pry Farm I hlhll Winners.
i:e-Perry llayden. Welser.
Mail. . PSffy Hawl.ii, Welser.
I'olaloes W. J. Cnuie, Onbnlo.
Hheaf wheat Maniy a Wells, Jor
dan valley.
Hheaf oals Kmery Cole, Mrogian.
flral, MOBtl A Wells, a id.
Heaf ryt Maney limn, flrwl . Perry
I lav ill II. sis olid.
Hear Parley Perry llayden
Mest srain display P. i ll.v.l.n.
Wood Thompson, Ontario, flrsl:
Kl.ikesley ft (Srahaiu, P rSttO, afloat.
IHsplav i.icio prisliicts from a ,-om-ntUStka
Carlo, flrat; Pla Pend, se--oii.l;
Mroiran, third.
larm I'riMliict-. W Inner.
i unions, hair bushel, red-- Hail'v U
Prown. Vale, llrsl; perl !.. Msus,
i 'alio, second
Yellow onions hslr bushel II II
Hold. rin, hi, Onturlo. flrsl; Harry L
Mi own Vale, seroiul
. ... ,... i i We hit. first, .1 . 'i n. . I'liiaiio
. I II Nlll.ll' I , .Mill
Whit.- onions
Thompson. Ontario.
Mest dlmilay four varieties ..ulons
Hum I. Mrown. Vale, flrsl; Wood u
.,., i.. - I Pry land corn aula Perry llayden
I IIOIO 's...l, ' 'ill. i. ..', -
',. , ,li, i . ', -I lollei tloll .lobl, ,,li
I ..I, . , Ontario i ii st , Wood Thonpaon,
boto whin- poi..i...s Blafcaoioy a
a, flrat) Will I " "(l
i Chi, pot loot ' B Am don
i mi. trio.
I I Rod I'olaloes II W
I Mil I io, i- wii.i. potati A ' B .1 -
rows, ' Mii.uio, flral I Pal ' '" man,
Hw et-t ,- I I ,..- . I ,l,sol,
i io.
ff id. oin on st. .ii. ;. orci ! lh ' ,
.1. Hill.. ,11, , I.. .MS A I'" 1. I oil,
r i ii,-, h.- oioi
oUflBj loin .-us A A Reld, BTO
..hi. rjrst ; Laaolr, Bromo, aocond. ml Plahor. Frultlsad, first j
While . ,ni . is Albert Puller, Jr, K. A Ahlsii.i"! I i ail l.i ml, se. ,.iul.
iMitai... first, p.. -it Mobiiisoi,, mik Dlapla y i Q Q Wh.-uv. pav-
lli-ml, Ms ond . ti.-
Fimt . om .-.I- i w Boor, I'ruii- ptftooa larfi I apploa, solgrkl aoB"
land, Mist, li W I'. -an, OS i .- Ii.d -I'hail.s Woodwaul, llii.-ai,
..nil. ii..- Basra aolahl aoaaid corn on slulk- II, ii Jones, arOd P. K I'H.ble. Pay. II. , 'ii -t . I.oi
Ostarlo, rirst, t ;. jukaans. Ontario, ,.i,z Torklrai, Brnfato aaooad.
: I Pox largest p. o b. Mrs. Oarrle
hw..i -in . i i. ink Wlaoton, TuoataaTi Payptla, flrat) ' ICorr,
Ostarlo, first; Q i Johnson, Mis Bend, Ontario, aoeond
H. eond. , I- ii - ' aPPfS. WelL-ht . .,1M,I. r. d
Popcorn .ars- f h. pni.-b. n , Bkj OharlM i Woodward, Brostto. aaoond
.se, i, nil
Drt 'ami - .a n oar - Porn Hoyd "
Aii.iiia hiuiiii. Parr) Raydai
W. J. I'lalle, si i olid
K.iiiu . .a n R, iv l:.i I. On)
VV .1 i "lam , Oil n i". s.. olid.
I mil-. Premium Wl OS.
All exhibits Iii ill. inni .1. i .ii ho. nt
.i i .. . n ii i in- exhibitor
i j,i.t of apples, tin. e boaao, tin .
n- V, I I'-le 11 I
i.,i,,i. rirst; I ' rand, Pi u
i ,, .,i , r pi i obi L"v Oram I
' i-r, i-'riiiii.iiid, first! i ' Irama,
i nun lo, s, .,
,i., ,i .,, baa, ikn
, II I 'olnlii. I . l.ll t lllb,
i: il K. ii, ' 'hi ii lo, sia -
n. I
lllsplas plums and ,i nin Ihi
No first.
i, ratal poor, wolfhl consider'd c.
F liil.ble, Payette, Mist; I.orena
I'shim-i, itroRnn, seiond.
Dbrpla) qulBoaa Jamoa ouerin, On
Sh ii psta lies I 'nil Is.
Dlapla) Of fruits (Town by "lie ex
hibitor Blakoaloy - Orahsmi c.iy
i Ite. rirst; (Jrant Fisher, Fruitland,
v ml.
Dlapla) of fruit shown by one com
munity Oatro, rirst; Friiltlanil, sec
ond. p ickod box of pploa p. p.
TiissliiK, Frultliind, rirst; Mrs. Carrie
T issini!. l-'iiiltlainl. set oiul,
PtMe I Utiles Winners.
Wop' Blror -I.. wis I'ei.ison, pny
ett.. rirst, j T Losbb, Broaan aacoadj,
Psmusa (Snow i Blakoslo) - Ora
Hi in. Payette,
Oravenatrln C ii Brown, Ontario,
flrotl liraiit l-'isher, Friillland, sts;-ond.
Rsmbo J M .ldlni;lon. Mi,-. B,
first; I A. Ahlstraiinl, l-'rulii'and, aoc
oll.l Pew.iukee -lllakeslev Orahiim,
F.iM-lte, 'Urst. I.. ). T.i.lor, I'ayelte.
He. olid.
i lb. ri;t Mlindl Charles Woodward,
Nonesuch P. T. Titsslnir, Fruitland.
liobleii Pippin Charles (Iranise,
i intarlo.
Oolden Harry T. LOWtk Pay
ette Oranae Pippin K. W. Madison,
Tallmnu Sweet--Charlisx (Iramae,
i mitarln.
Pome Peallly U 01 lloolev, Fruit
land, frlal; W. A. Fouls, Payette, aec
ond. Mine Penrmuln Plakesley A Ora
bain. INiyette, first; 11, W. Bmllh. New
Plymouth, aecond.
While Winter Penrmuln W. A.
Fouls. P.iyctle. first; II. F. TuseliiK,
I rultland, sim-oiiiI
Yellow Newton Pippin Inils A
PstSrSstt, Payetle, first; I'harlrs
lirumse, Ontario, sei'ond
llaldwln Plakesley A Hrahiim.
Klnv of Tompkins --Charles Onimae.
ontallu, flrsl; U 0. Tailor, Payette,
Jonathans- J IV I'lineflx, Fruit
land. iflrsl; W. A. Fonts, Pipette, aec
ond Arkansas Pluck P. F Tusalni.
Fruitland. Mrsl; lllakeslev A Oraham.
Pa OttO, second
Mammoth llkick TwlK -A. I.. Mnthls,
Paietle, rirst; ItlakeSb y ,v Orahum,
Plllelte, second.
Pen Dnvls cihau-les Orainse, On
tario, first; llsher, Fruitland,
sis ond.
V.nk Imperial Plakesley Ac Unl
it., ,o. Payelle, first; (Irani loli.-i.
I'i iiluiand, set t. ml.
i ii li. Mlakeslei & Oraham. Pal
ette, flrsl; I.. O lavlor, Civile OBSa
Hiaynuni iims.isj- - It. P, Tiisslna,
i-iuitiiiii.i, first I L : iiooi.v. I'ruii
lan.l, wa
Wines. ip P F TiissIiik. l-'iiiilliiiid.
first: I. o iiooiev, i-'i uiti "ii.i, sseoad
llrlmes ... ,1.1. ii II. II Kerr, "ii
tail... flrat) lllakeslev rV liiahaiii, Pay
OttO, si . olid
Mil. ale Island llleelllUK -' U.
Prow II, I int. il lo
Norihvvestei ii tlreenlliK Is. ills A
Peterson, Psyetle, Mrsl. I.. O. Tuvloi.
Payelle. s.-. olid.
Splla moat Oard, P. iv. II..
flrsl; Blakoaloy &, P. iv. ii..
se. olid.
Uelavv.iie Rod Oiaiil l-'lshel, l-'ioll-land,
flfSt j I'.ul Fisher, FrulHind.
se. olid.
Wiiii. i Ban in. i - Blakosle) r Qi
ham, P. .v. tie, rirst, N i i in man.
Pa v iii.. si oini.
A II k in Med BI JWOll v e. Ol ih.iin,
I- . lie
lleliriovv. r Rsrl Flsb. I. I r ii II i . ii.l.
i i i i ; i ,, iii Fisher, Frull la ml. si . ond,
Nin Do in M. Mill
ha i "a .it.
., Qramae,
i mi. i.
u ,:l. I I -ll ,1 I. s
Sii,. rlan i I I
m i. ib.o.ivv ,,n, i nd.
Kin.. David rirak im,
i i
IV il I II I '. ' ' . Oil I I lo
I. mi. RomanlU ' ' o Bros n. i ln
t Hi-,
lb, II Bl "W II, 'II'
Duokaoa of Aldenhui W iii k-
o i oilal lo, ill I I! II Kill I i III,
, . ond
Ron Hui L. n Wtdl Hi ocan,
Peal- on PssfSO Wlniiei'-.
Marlell .1. T. I . LB, llrsl;
i 'hn i a s . ; i , ioi.i nil
toon a Bi "'I l D P. C' " 'boi n.
I 'III. 11 io
Claircaau Qrostt Plahor. Prultlaadl,
fnt ; i ' II III o.v n. ' ml. ii a-, - .ond
Sheldon Oharloa Oramao, Ontsrlo.
first. Oralll l-'islnl, Il .itb.liil. nd
witin-i Nolllo r.b.i.esi.-v A hi i
ham. Pavelle t i -' II i i T I
I'i il it l.i mt . so I.
s. . k. I I i : Ci-h. i Prull I
Continued on psgO I