The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 24, 1914, Image 2

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WANTKI) Teacher to ive three
privHte IcHHonn each week, in Grammar
an. I Mathamaticn. Address. Box l'l.
Ontario. Oregon. 3-t
Umm'n Wool Suitings to your meas
ure. Art Dunnock, Tailor.
Ontario Presaary
For rent, I room house, 2 UodU north
of school honso. Win. Hi'Hle. phone
20ft k.
We have h omfnrtuMr room
fitted OB oapcoially for tlio laditi
where they can rest.write checks
and letters and not he crowded
or Intruded on; Itditl are inrit
ed to cidl and open an account.
Three loU for aale 2 blooka weet
of poetofrJce at a bargain. Inquire at
Argna orfloa.
Third OtttHag Alfalfa hay for
lie, $( per ton delivered.
Inquire W. II Doolittle.
Lots for Sale I in HWMI
addition, near sub station. In
quire at Argus.
You can pet four splendid
maguineH one year for 18 rents
xtru by renewing your sub
cription to the Argus.
Safety oej .
two sizes ami
1 "xes for rent;
two prices; an
absolutely snie nietnoo oi aeep
ing your valuable papers pro
tected ngninst loss by firu or
theft. Ontakio National Bask
For Sale: Thorobred Duroc
Jersey pigs, both male and fe
male. Kligihle to registry.
C. K. Secoy, Ontario, Oregon.
mi. west of M. M. Oft store.
The three big excursion trips
surely soiled lots of clothes. I
have to clean mine, why not
yours at the same time'.'
Art Dunnmk, Ontario PresHiiry
Phone s 1.1 Opposite Dreamland
Third Outting Alfalfa hay for
sale, fit per ton delivered. In
.(Hire of W. If. Doolittle.
Always on the Job
If you bare a job of IihuIIiik you
want ilontt, lttrti or mini 1 1, you oau
alwava ilotnl on John I .amltugliam
tielug rvady fur yuu. Call him at the
Mm. ii 1 1 -1 -1
I (Kdl Market Ki i tin t
Corrected u. 'i t i for the benefit of
Argus reader by the Malheur Mercan
tile 'imiany.
Kggs, per dozen, 20c.
Iluiter, per m.iiihI, U'.V,
Oats, per UN), $1 .11.
Wheat, per 100, $1 fill.
Hay, ptfl ton, p.
p.itni..i. pec mo, ii.aa,
ObIom pat I0
Apples, per t. l'"lV.
Chiokoaa, tiraaaod. pat pound, lat
Pork, ill. . .1 U) ' I
I'm I,, li .
Veal. Iic.
Iticf, .n foot, lie.
Uccf, drawn) tl. Ilk.
Tlio Plaoe to Buy Your
All Stylos and Prices
Opposite Tost Offioe
Ontario, Oregon
I'romliim Miiner-. Honton.
Tho horae ahow WM a aplemlld on.
A J. Mn"r. iui diipprlntpnilent o.'.ttilf
.! naftMlauti t'arl N. Konnody wjs i!ie
Ii Irp. Tho prrnlum winner v ei
St.iti.lnr.l tired Hliilllon. iw'i MtU
rad unil'T thn-p; C K. Illll., l'.i-
-M. . flrat
.ilHre r k"MlnK, three yciir
. k Di'. Ma, Paaatta, rirat; j m.
Itnyxtun, Krultlnnil, nM'imd.
Mara or pjaMlaab two raan and ov
lr three J. M. lto)iiton, Krultl m.1,
first; '. K I'IMilo, Payette, necond.
Ilrootl mure, four yearn or I
No flrnt prize. O. K. Dibble, I'ayeti...
Koal of 1914, either aex Qeorjre
Kiiylor, Ontario, first.
Tho greotent i utitint In the horse
show waa among tho I'ereherons.
St ii 1 1 Ions, three yeiirs or over J. fft
Itoor, KrultUifid, first; John lllnnton,
Ontario, second.
Htalllon, one -r. under two I I).
Gordon, Ontario, aecond. No flrat
ii i riled.
l.VTare or gelding, three yeara or over
W. F. Howard, Itoanvell, flrat; U D.
Oordon, Ontario, second.
Mnro or gelding, two years, under
three F. Howard, Itoawell, first and
Ilrood mnre, four yeara or over, and
rlt W. I. Howards Itoawell. ritrt;
no seond.
FoaJ of 1(14. either aea W. K.
Mowwxd, Itoswell, flrat; II It. Iloomer
New I'kj-mouth, s- .ii.I
Tinr.. waa only one exhibition In
this elosa.
Mure or cldlnr three ynra or over
- T. intra Holland, Ontario, got first
premium liut Kot i.nlv m-iniul mom
lieeimse ho had no competition. This
la In accordance with the rulea of the aaiMK'liitlon.
I nuli-ii shire.
There were only two exhibition! In
this class, eiu-h ruivlng a stallion
.Vtied stallioii ' A. Kay. On
tario, first; J. If, I mi-. Krullland,
ei olid.
A lied mure Joseith lllnnton. .in-
larlo, first; John lllnnton. Ontario.
NCI Olid.
Mare or K'I'Hnif. luo yi'iirs, under
three John lltanton, Ontario, first,
llh seond iniiiip).
Aaed brood mure John lllnnton,
oil, nil. . I ii it, with aa mill oiiiiii
I . ... I of I'll I, llhi r Wl Ji.lin III. in-
toii, Ontario, flrat, ihi asatNal hmmm)
Shetland I'lMllew.
II. hi stiilllon C llciulrlekeoii, l'.i-etti-,
llesl mill.' mill oil W. F ll.m.iid,
Itoswell, fllM
llest m.ii in hiiniow C HeinlrUk.
n, ISi.elle. first.
Bats' oit ..f ihh- w. F. Hewara,
RawwaU, flrat.
Mill. io.i .lack.
Slim tun i . in ii.H n.ff J N Boor,
l iiiitlnnd, flrat.
Mulr, two tars or OVflf J. K, BOOT,
I i iiiil.iinl. first.
..ullnu mull J. N Boor. 1'inlt-
l.nnl. first
hiuil mil .1 N K Ii liiillliitiil.
first. Minion Barrow, Otaario, aacoad
C. -i i i. k ( ' I'. I .i. i I.iihI, i mini iii,
first; Mill, ml Katie, Ontario, second.
Sinlille IIoi-m-..
Ki.iiii.' horaa laoam b) gaol loai ph
i:i ii i .ii. i ni. n in. ini
s.ui.iii- iini-i aaowa b bo) Jaeh
Taylor, oatarlo, flrat i Mar Bmllh,
.-'-1 1 1 1 . hoi-.- shown li Kill -All .ii
i ll.i S.i .-, i 'HI. ii I... til .-I
sin ii.iuii i . i . u i ii. in .n ii. Boi
II. -I
Poubla iii Ivan bIum n la bai bi
C B on. iii. i'.i. -it.-, flrat.
Baaala drlvar la harnaoj C t: oiii-
l.ll-. I'.IM II.-. Ill-t
Hi si linn boras taam n aarai
u f ii.iH.ii.i. Boawoll, to xt.
Iirafi llorM-. i.iHt.l.-.
Akc.I iiiiire hi geld log W llsuii
BrtMki I'.n tniiiif, iii.ihu. flrat j a
Wlatar, i taiat lo, aoroad.
M.ire or geldiiur. one t;ir, under
mo ' I--. Iomi.ih.i, Oatarlo find
..,l 4irMd mure and colt J. inns
lioikind. Oatarlo, flrat; loaavti Btaa
t .11. I illl.i4 1o, sei -olid. 1914, either ex--J Holland.
Oatarlo, tirsi. John Blaaton, Ontario
M-. end.
Bwaopaiakaa Hooom
Tlii- sweepstake winners In the nc -.
i i . I. us..- were:
Standard tired Stillion. an) .'
0 I Oil. Lie. I'svetle
Male, iiiii .-.- i' K Hil'lle. f
M ire with .me off more colt Q
Prbblo, Payi Ita
Draft elaai atallloa aaj taa -Chaa
V BO) Utitatln
Stallion wuh family of two colt
1 K iltlaad
Mara, saj tra C I I, On-
Mare with one or moro oolta- W.
F Howard, Itoswell.
llest mule any age J. N. Hour,
Ilrst Jack, any age C. F. I-..-. 'lain!.
t'attli- IYiinliim Vlnnvs.
The cattle show vma nn excellent
one. The premium winners M judged
by iVrl N. Konnedy are:
flhort Horns and Polled Durhams
iwed bull T. J. Hrosnan. Ontario,
firm. It. J. Stone. Ontario, second.
Junior hull H. D. Dunbnr, Ontario,
first. No competition.
Hull Junior mlf - It O. Dunbar, On
tario, first. No i i.nipetltlon.
COW In milk or In calf It. O. Dun
bar, Ontario, first and second.
Heifer, two ears, under three -Arthur
Maoilll, Ontario, flrat. No compe
tition. Heifpr Junior cadf U. D. Dunbar,
Ontario, first. No competition.
xt" -ni. ii Angus,
Perry Ha den of Welaer, had the
only Aberdeen Angus cattle at the fair.
He is tho first person to have exhibit
ed black cattle at any fair ever held
b. ii Having no competition, he won
the first premium In each class In
which he entered as follows:
A m-d bull, cow In milk or In calf,
two war heifer, senior yea.rtlntr heifer
Junior ywirltng heifer. Junior heifer
Axed hurl K. II. I'onklln. Ontario,
first; Oeo. Kaylor. Ontario, aecond.
Two eiir ild hull J. M. Hoyaton,
Krultland. first. No competition.
Junior roafMaa bull J. M. Koeton,
Frultland, first. No competition.
Hi-nlor bull mlf J. M. Hoyaton.
first. No competition.
Junior bull calf K H. Ponklln. On
inrlo, first. No cntnip-tltlon.
Tow In milk r In calf B. ft. fonk
lln, Ontario, first and second.
Two pifar old heifer J. M. ltoston,
l-'riilil.inil. first. No comiM'tltlon.
Junior earllng heifer E. D. t'onk
l In, Ontario, first. N'ti cometltlon.
Henlor heifer calf K II i'onklln.
Ontario, first; lull Mrlaas. Ontario,
Junior hefer calf K. II i'onklln,
Ontario, first. No competition.
H. H. Iloom.-r "f NOW Plwnouth had
the otih llnlsl. Ins at the fair, and WW
first premium In each class In which
he wa- i ni.ii. I Mi Iloomer has one
of the MM Holstiin herds In the Puy
ette Mtll.s ol III this Nirt of the Snake
mm i vatic ill- won first In the fol
low Iiik c kisses: Yearling buUI, bull
1.1-iiiiu I'ulf. bull Junior i.ilf, j.. in
milk Of In i.ill IWO von obi In Her.
Mill.-1 ... .il.ii BOlfar, junior .earliiu
in i i i. senior heller OOlf, Jmnior h IfOt
AkoiI bull M. I. Kell.-v. J.milison.
Ill-I .. .
Si ni.. i roarllaa owl M D Kallay,
jum i. fun. flrat. No coiiipi iinon.
.lunioi roarllaa bull Hninu- ;
Son. 1'a.M-tl.-. in -1 ii.I pat "ml
Senior bull . 'It M l K. Iley, Jum-
lesnn, lll-t
Jiiiii.u ball calf- It. D. Dunbar, On
tario, first.
COO in milk Off In calf M l. K.l
l.v, .l.uiu. son, first and seci.nd.
T.Xn veal In ifer M. I. Kellt-. J.llll
b'son, first
Senior calling lief'cr M. D. Kel
i ni . .-..ii. first.
Junior roarllaa at Ifoi M i k-i-
Ii -.. .I.i nil. -.. ii, first.
Junior h.lier calf M. D. BsMloy,
Jamlc.-i-n. in at,
Fill 'ln
I'.n st. . i J. T I.. - in, T.rowin,
flrol . i' -P. i- "i-
l.ii roon II' l.oi; in. III. .Kan, first.
Arthui M on ii i... -i .-..nil.
iii c. lit iniiici siv in. uiths port
an. Wl i-.r, tir-i; H. Iff 1 1 CU)
j n I'.M elti . ,-r. olnl
Moooajoafc00 latile.
ii in st bull ,ni,i age It
D Dunbar ' intarlo,
i . helfci any aao B D Daabor,
Out. u .. li.-st bull any age
Hortuaa a Boa, Payette
',. .i any lure M D Kelley,
J. Illlli Si, II, I III Hi. 1.
loraayi BoM MMl any age K. It
Conklln, uitarln.
BoW heifer, an OOJO B P. i'onklln,
("int. ii o
ll.lstcn BOM bull any age H It
P.iiinei'. NOW Plwnouth.
Pest heifer any age If. It. Boomer.
New Pl mouth.
i.r.tii.l Ibsiiiplon-lilp Cattle
i ball an. aire or breed Htvrtunn
A. s n. PayattO, with t Hereford
P. t bolfOff atn ae or breed H. H
Boomer, Now Plymouth, with u Hoi--ti
piarv Winners.
Th.' arlattora of premium In the
' Hint at , as follow:
III ..tub hOBO) -M. Town .
toad, Oatarlo, flroti Boot i. Myora
gtraol koaoy Qoallatl
ft l W II. Pell
nlngton, inta i - ad.
k a. i. M Tow n-
'nt.irlv pi M
Ontario, second.
Ilewt rj rnn.rt Jar extracted honey 8.
F. Taylor, New Plu -mouth, first; Mnl
leitt & Wood, Ontario, second.
Heat two pound MOOO In paper bag
W. H. Pennington, Ontario.
Heat five pound piece In paper bag
W. H. Pennington, Ontario.
Beat five pound beeawax M. Town
send. Ontario, Hirst; W. H. Penning
ton. Ontario, second.
Best half pound surplus foundation,
home made M. Townsend, Ontario,
first; W. H Pennington, Ontario, nec
ond. Best hnlf pound brood found itlmi.
home made W. H. PciinliMrton, On
tario, first; M. Townncnl, fWMaTlll.
Best honey vlneuar M. Towaooadi
Ontario, first; W. H. Pennington, On
tario, aecond.
Quieen and Koldcn Italian beea M.
Townsend. Ontario.
Queen and Italian bees M. Town-
send, Ontario.
Queen and Carnlollan bee -M.
Townsend, Ontario, first. No aecond.
Sweepstake) -M Towmaend, On
tario, first; W. If. Pennington, On
tario, aecond.
William McKlhhon was the Judge
of the nplarv dcm.rtment.
Kwlnvrpniluin Winners.
The swine show umi a large one and
waa notable for the fine quality off
h.s ahown. Carl N. Kennedy wo
P. .Unit till nas.
There were two exhibitor of Po
land I'hlnaa. J. M. Boyston of Fruit
land, and Wilson llroa. of Oreenleaf,
Idaho. The awards were na follows:
Agel boar J. M. Koynton, flrat and
Vmirllng boar J. M. Boyston flrat;
Wilson Bros, second.
Boar, six months, under 12 J. M
Bovston first and second.
Aged aow J. M. Hoyaton flrat and
Ycarllnaj inw-AVI I son llroa., flrat;
J. im. Boaton, aecond.
Sow six months, under 12 J. M.
Boyston, first and second.
Bitter of plga, five or more Wilson
Broa., first; J. M. Boyston, aecond.
Hurts' .Itn-M-y.
Ther. -.tie two exhibitors In the
Iniioc Jersey cluaa. Whealdon A Muk
Inson of Krultland and '. K. Seco of
Ontario. Their award were:
Atted Iniar Whisildtm At Maklnson,
Vcarllnir Ixmr Whealdon A Makln
son. first and aecond.
Boar, six month, under I J '. K
lecoy, first and second.
I.ltlef of pIKS. five or BlOffO C B
I.ecoN. llrst.
CBjajMOT Whites.
There w.le line. I'hester White t-X- .is, Johnson In- Foe of Ontario,
H. F. Klngabui off Payette, and '. .
Zulu ir of New PlMlloUtll, The wlll-
llers were.
AK..I Uoir John-'n I I'm-, fui
Vt-ailliiK boar - Johnson Del-'oe,
first mi,! s,-. uiid.
Boar, six months, under I- S. F
KhiumIiuin. first; 0. N. . bli, ooeoad
VealllllK sow JohllKoll He Foe, lll.-l
llllll kccnllll.
BOW, six. iuoiiiIim, uiuli i I J - N
..i hi. r. Ill st and He, on.l
I. liter plK. five Off ni"' ' Job
He l-'iie, flint and second.
In h., In il SWIf-lakls..
The aarooaatjakot in Um
sw im- ilel I llllelll w ere
I....U-. mil .iitr j. Mi Bopatoa ol
Frultland, first .out OOOOad mi Poland
riiui.i; Johnson Do Poo "t nni.iii.
tlrst on ('In -i. i Wliiu. I' KIuks-
i.iii ) a Pa . .'. m oad oa Jbx - ol
U liac.
Sow, .in ,ui j. m. Bopataa ol
Prultlaadi tiist ami oaooad oa Polaad
Chlaaai Johiuioii I'.i ,,.- ..: Oatarlo,
firat an. I .- . ui.l mi i'hester Will'
aatl in id. "ii.- baav bad taroi
s..- j m Boyotoa of PrutUaad,
fii -i on Polaad Chlaaoj WUooo Bros..
of .u set ond on Poland I'
Johnson Do Foe of Ontario, first oa
Chester White.
Younjj herd. mi. Imar and three
sow j. m. Boyotoa, PruHMai. BM
mi Poland Chlaaai bTIIOOa Broa. of
liret-n loafi second on Polaad CWaaoi
0 N BaaiOff of N-w plwnouth on
l'heler White.
,i .ui.l Champion-. swine.
BOM boar, .my uii' Off OTOOd John
son He l-'i.e i.t OatafftO won with a
Cheater White
BOM bOW, an ajaj or breed -J M
Boyvtmi of Frultland, won with a Po
land China.
Poultr Winner-.
The OOUttr) show was tho largest
and bet in the baMOff) of till ffff I
OMCtaUon ; : Wherry of Pajetle
wii the Judge who the awauls
ua follow
B.iiie.l Hot k-.
Wilbur ctaytoa : Payette orao the
only exhibitor of Barred K. 1. -to
him were award., 1 th. .-c pieiiiiiiin
Firt ami aocoad on rook; fin
h.-n; fust and ooeoad 00 cockerel;
iri on puiltt; first and st-.mid on
unued OH I I
a little cash. It is the man
who can take the immediate advantage.
If yon already have an account add to it and be prepared for the bniineia
opportnnitiei that art often offend yon.
The Ontario
S the store that always tries to give
you just the things you call for and
does not try tosulstitute something else
you ask for a specific article and
your druggist tries to persuade you
that they have something else just as good,
thus substituting before your very eyes,
what would you think that druggist would
do with your prescription when he is be
hind the prescription case and you can't
see him?
We always try to supply just the things called
for and if we do not have it we will get it. We re
gard substitution as stealing. What do you think?
Buy your drugs from
Scotch Woolen Mills
The Cope Pressary has accepted this justly
Celebrated Brand of Popular Priced Suits
No More $15 to $20 No Less
November 3, 1914
Registration Books Re-Opened NOW
i r
L. ADAMS, of OREGOX CITY, lea Jmy mer
chant, say: "Since
business has much improved Colections
are easier. have fewer bad bills Abolition
.... ff of ine
t L ' tfe cf
of the suKmn has turned a vast sum daily to
hannels of trade
ash tin suluorisarc
d Ailve.'d-rmcnt h I .
Ha M. .o l.u..o..
preienti itielf. All that if needed la
National Bankjj
us and get what you ask
Oregon City went dry
iuuy 19 M .
sed to ff f foj
tons "aj J JH
Checks that u
now cushedin s
iumiitr ( One Huud
PoriiciiJ 0noa