The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 17, 1914, Image 4

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EtiiiTnl in thK postnflic Ht Ontario
Ornifon. for transmission tlimntih the
mails h " 'nl flu-- mutter
M. K. RAIN. Publisher.
So fnr the Ktitorprlno lias bON
iMc to MSM Mvo hipii who OPPOM
the removal of the county scut to
Ontario. W V fnvlnpss. U. 0. Wl I
er, V H. LftWnae, .? V. l.viH
tirl Julian lliirlov.. The petition of
the MM pOJrOfl contains 2.Min names
RkltiK for win h removal.
for It to keep pretty eloup to the land
nil the time'' The nation that linen Its
larul Is Rtrong and Relf-reliant
KnKland has done something whleh
may well cause our own country to
consider the Importance of the farms
and the depelopment of agricultural
resources. Any unjust taxation upon i
the land, through the states, holds
m k this development and the pro
posed 1SOO tux exemption iiniendment
to be voted upon In Oreon this fall
Is the sort of thlntt, which by ariillng
from ''' to C PW cent to the tax upon
land tends to keep the people away
from the farm.
Was a Great Success in All
the extension department. He warm
ly advised the erection of a building
for their meetings and the building
of a bridge.
Mrs Robinson, of the College, spoke
of the work being done along the
Hues of domestic economv.
Mayor Trow made a few remarks
about Intensified farming and the
dairy business The mayor has ha I
much experience along those lines and
"live them some good Ideas.
Mr. Dean spoke of the great de
velopment being made in the agri
cultural business
Mr. Crandall made a talk on the
flag. It being flag day.
And the most successful meeting
even held In the Hlg Mend was brought
to a close, all the visitors voting
the people royal entertainers.
The last Issue of the Enterprise con
talnel a very unusual fererenre to
the iiilile, that Is It was unusual for
the Enterprise HonicKorlv contri
buted u quotation from luke, 1 1I-1 5,
"Thou Hbiilt Not Covet." We make (he
inert Ion that It was contributed, for
knowlm: tliu enterprise hunch as we
do. we are willing to bet a new hut
that the bible m a much of n xtrnnu'cr
to tbetii as a book on ecoriim would be I
to a Kill Islander If an VtiKcl ol
Unlit ever strnvcil Into (hut newspaper
office t In- vvoiiM (foil h- r out of her
harp before she could get away Think
of Roberts and Rlgby quotlm: MMcoJ
IHIIIm.I ll ' It Is to I. Ill, ll
The County seat removal campalmi
Is lesliziiiited by the Enterprise an a
movement beaded liv the Ontiirlo rOJ
estate boomers mid V. E. Eees. They
forot to ud I that the univalent was
backed up bv MM tax payers With
those lea lers unci that kind of backing
the movement ought to he a success.
What clo . on think of It John?
The people of the Mlg Rend held a
harvest home on Saturday In their
park and Invited the people of the
surrounding country to Join them and
see what they have done In a fo
yonrs In the way of reclaiming some
sane lirush lands.
Where the fair was held Is a beauti
ful park with fine trees and good
grassy lawns, this was all a sand
patch two years ago and Is an e
Charles Re.k. r. who ha- been a res- 'ample of what water and sand will
idnit of what is now Malheur County ''" ' properly mixed.
fur over forty years, living west of There was a large shed erected
Vale, comes through Vale to Ontario to for the exhibits hut It was too small
do most of bis business. lie was here and many of the articles were piled
Uiis week ami stated that he bad been on (he outside. It is the Intention
lining business with the Ontario business (,f the community to have a fine build
Ma for many ears ami has always nK erected so that there will be a
nm Lets Sit W here We're at.
ill Its proX sins of dlstliav the Ellter
prlse Is ircttllii' pretty well mixed up
In Its statements to the public about
Iho court house that Onirlo is going
to Innate to thi' county In the event
that the countv seal Is remove. I to
Ontario. The; have told yon that
Ontario will never build a court house,
lhi' have likewise made the state
ment that we will build a court bouse
but It will only rost MMM ami will b.
too small, then the sav that we will
move the ol I court house down from
Vale, and have also stated that we will
e'iul IJ'iii.niiii for court hOVOO, jiel
In their letter In you and avor) other
tax payer In the county thev Intimate
that on the first stormy du Mai win
ter we will hold a special taction
and vote bonds for some enormous
inn and spend II all for a OOMrl ROD I
Just light some where. Roberts and
If you sin. In the same place long
enough so Hint we can tell what v.m
ineuu we will enlighten uin about that
muit house proposition
found I lint when they promised any
thing they went through with the prom
ise and when the, promise to build a
Mil house, ill rn i the people decide
to mow lhi BMlnty sent to Ontario,
there is no ipiestion but what they will
carry out their part of tl ntriut.
Thai Open Letter.
Last week the Enterprise published
long letter hl-'liel bv It I. 'heeler
W S fwrence and .1 V l.vnd. and
rltten by some bod) else, addressed ;
to W E l.ees ami the Ontario Com
iiertiul Club asking a lot oi gut) Hum
'id deiumidliig an answer bv return
i 'll I.' I US BBJI Kclilleiin ll thul this
i ' ii Is preitv busy ami don t cure to
- time rooMaf with frubles step
trip, but It 'on are In n i ... will
e ike 'Oil tills proposition IliPUOM
(bit wi ilnt out the locution ol Hie
III t'Ollrt bouse, HIippOHe tlo.t We let
)ou count (lie niuiii'i we an uolllg to
el lor out I mills, suppose v oil i nine to
Ontario and examine the detailed
plans for the new building. apfOM
that we point out the place where
the prisoners cut their wa through
the walls of the present jail with u
table knife, supHse we agree to an
hwer each of these questions to our
entire satisfaction, will un then
MfM (o vote tor a removal of the
rountv seat to Ontario If ou will o
agree we will attempt to enlighten
ou. If urn wou't. say so aud quit
One Hill to Vol Against.
The bill creating the office of I. leu
tenant ibiveruor is O plcul of (be kind
Uiat adds to the mut'htuerv of the
slate goteruincut and ut the sume time
does not do an muleiial nood The
aai.n lineiit would create a Job for
some one and a Job paving the mat
sum of I0 per day
It Is gt'tierall) admitted (bat thu
slate government U alreudy top-heavy
with too mail' public ofllclals. boards
and commissioners Hub taxes mid
bureaus are known to be (BOal tiiends,
o those office seekers who were after
nominations last spring expressed In
their slogans the fact that the were
pposed to commissions and would
reduce taxation Such slogans l .etc
ideal halt for xoters, tor the people at
that time olearl) demonstrate I their
Ideas in the matter Here comes a
measure which would create a new
office aild 111 time add to the expense
of the suit- If the voters are un
changed from their attitude of six
months ago. this bill will suivlv fall
Drift IVople off Ihe I and.
England Is about to plow up -""
golf courses and plant them to grain
In its time of calamity and distress
tin nation goes back to the laud, if
it U advisable for a nation to H hook I
to the land hi time of war. WOUlJu't I
it be prill good tOU Ol tbiiii. 4
Hsvs Ftthgtous Books snd Praotleally
All Can Rtad and Writs.
Ottawa Aci ordliig to a census bul
letin giving details of Canada's
larlhest north population there Are
some iKsi MNktttMM In I nunvii On the
east eo.i . of I liaison lul.v and oil the ,
west coa--t and In the Churchill dis
trict the total population Is given as
IfiSM, of whom IJRII are IM, s, UJQ
I in I In His. '.'il hair breeds and '".' whiles.
Some Interesting Infoiuiat Ion Is given
as lo the .hi' nler ami hablls of life i
of the lloiullil hi h popul.illoii In the
ii'illberu will- ."peaking of Hie IS
i.i on tin-1- i-t raaal of iiudsou mj .
Kit It .1 Iteiilmli, arelideaeon of
Moosiiis-, who took jiu' census, says:
"i if WO En i s thoughl to bo living
on Hie e.i-t eoail of llmlsoii buy, .". 1'.'
liauies Were obi lined The uniiies are
stutisl to b tli'uouu'hly reliable, but
the ngei Would be pule guesswork.
in calling; itiaal of theui pagans It
lllllsl hi' leiueiubel'eil Hull they are SO ;
III nail iil.. since nil of them tune
their rehiiloiiH books and practically ,
eei) one of the age of tell call read
thei.i I leal In u piM'tbi-M me a thing
of Hie past The majority of the pen
pie live In Hie mo-t siplllllll conditions
and are ilelin.le of proper clothing'
through the dilute of Ihe deer, which
::' i'ii. BnnwriMM along the
t llf II 'li-"H I
I be report of I oiiillmidt Staines,
eommissloiiei' ill ciistoius at tort
Chuieb.ll wild loml siipeiinlelideiit of
the I'm il iiU'lliweil I'.ionnlcd police.
VOVOfvd the Weileni lloTOS of Hud
son bay from tort Churchill to Hie
northern exlremll) oi Meh Hie H'iiln
slila. Mr Stai lies dl Idisl Hie work
Into tkfM part.s ami appolnUMl an enil-
ineliilor for each Sou t the work
was done on trails co ertsl heavily
with snow ami with (he leiui eraturo
never above -III ladow Hero
Seigeaiii ilnyter nporteil that tho
pisipb- In hs district b i.l uo idea
whatever of their age anil t'bey knew
mining of our divisions of tune. They
are sniuctliiicH pol miosis, souietlu'ies
pol) midlists They are fond of chil
dren, hut change them about, adopting
s.uue or git lug their ow u away, accord
inc. to convenience, so that It was hard
to reckon by families
place for the people to i t and bold
their entertainments.
There was a great variety of artl
ties exhibited and the corn and pota
toes were especially fine The corn
will he heard from when sent to
Salem, iis Western Oregon cnntiut
produce au.Ohltik' near so good,
Clover seed mid popcorn arc two
crops that are making records for
that section Fred I'lllsbur.V h;i"
tweiitv acres of popcorn that Is go-
'" be ii record breaker Tor ' lebl,
tin stalks are ver) thick and each one
or theui Is well located with ears
Zeke Hrillnburh Is the best known
among the clover seed raisers and he
freiitentl) receives from nlnet) to a
hundred dollars from an acre.
i'heru was a spread for the four
hundred present ami there was one
MOffOj verdict regarding the quality
of the food prepared. Hint It had never
I-. ii i'M idled In this countv . thiee
from Ontario compared It to a spread
thev had at N'vssa a short time ago.
which they pronounced the best the.
had ever seen, but now they are guess
ing as to which was the better. Those
ladles are certainly good cooks and
know how to select a lunch for u
hunch of hungry people.
After the eats and some music by the
Vale baud there wore a few short
Thomas Welsh acted as chairman
an I called the uieetlnt; to order. Ho
spoko of the obJiM'ts ol the guthcrliix,
to show the people f the other sec
lions oi Hie countv their great n I
of a bridge and the rich section Hnv
bad ami hoped that all who were pres
ent would assist them on election day.
eke llriiiimback vv.i-. i. ill.-1 on for a
In lorbal --kei.b oi the Ilk Heiul and
he mivc them a will- talk, going
back to the dark ages and tracing
the development up to the present.
Mrs. Diiulap. of Vain favored with
two selections, which were well ren
dere.l aud Well received
Will Stradley rendered popular
selections on a tuba In a masterful
man tier.
Prof l'reneh of the extension do
paiiiiieiit of the Oregon Agricultural
college gave a abort talk oti how the
in i through the farm adviser and
college is now taking the school to the
Pendleton, Oregon
Sept. 24-26, 1914
Excursions Via
Tickets on sale from
Pocatello and points west,
September 23, 24 and 25;
Limit, September 29, 1914
Wager and fatter than trtr---Kelay
Bucking Content h
Wild Horse Races
Steer Roping
Steer Bulldogging
Fancy Hoping
Fancy Riding
Join the bij crowd for the grert event
See 0. S. L Agents
For rates and further particulars
9 -
rtffl ?feN
H TIaaW v'v
i - law &
1 9 d '
if. A
9 VH '
Fashion Creators are
Sending Their Best
' '
and every whim of fashion is Pleas J
Ingly Exemplified Here in Our Splen- tfi
did Assorlinent of New Millinerv, New J
Ladies' Suits, Dresses, Coats and Kve- '2
New Neckwear and Waists in Basipie
and Modified basque elleets.
New Dress (ioods in All the Newest
Colors and Materials.
Whenever in
need remem
ber Our
Hoys' Department.
iW obegonJ I I
School SuppliesT
chool Books
Four Doors South of
Post Offic
While inspecting the many and
varied attractions our merchants
are offering to the city's guests this
week, do not fail to visit our mill
inery store. You will find our stock
the largest and most attractive in
town and our prices are sure to
please you.
Mrs. M. C. Letson