The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 17, 1914, Image 2

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German Emperor Blood Kin to
Nearly All His Opponents.
Remarkable Resemblance Batwaan
King Qaerga of England and Ctar
Nicholaa of Ruaaia They Are Firet
Couama Nearly All Reigning Mon
arrhi Decendanta of Victoria.
IxindoD Annlyr.p tin- (Imm1 rotation
Hhlps cxiNliiiK HliioiiK Hi'' 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 : i r h -of
the w in rin- niiMoim f Kurnjie iiml
tin- jrrwit miilli't now In profraM !
MM atftctlj fninlly hhiiiti-I In
TohinK pin tliiiltuly the 'lill'lri'ii nml
gmndcbjldrrt ni tin- fNila Vlrturln.
OWtl v "f i:i'llUi'l. Wllllillll II. of
in 'tnanj .' 1 1 1 ' I Mm marina of Ituaala
mi' nil iramlcblMfM of Victoria, s
re tin' kataer! iiroi imt. Prince Henry
of I'ruiMln; tin- I ul pf Sn m-inlnm.-.
Iln Qmod I'iiKc uf Hfajaje), Princa A I
lii-rl of Bcbleawif-Uolatela nml tin-
tllH il ll; ! 1. 1 tile llilllv.. Of lllllll'll
Imtl'. nil uf wliniii nir nilii-iM In tin'
(ii'i'iiiiin ii rni On tin- I'.ntflMi hlili- li
s- a& im mr P '
aaafl& '
WM' WB. . r
i aaav eaaKy
Over 13,000,000 Peraona of Foreign
Birth In Thit Country Today.
W .ilnlikl"N.- A Hpc in I bulletin Is-ant-il
liy thi' (li'imrliiii'iil of (OMMM
hIiowm th.'it there with IM1UMM per
hoiih of inn .ik'n hirlh llvlnu In the
United Sfiito when the hint PMMMM
i Inscd In I'.il'i. TtMMV IgBrM nlmv ii ri
hi' ri'ime of approximately 8.1)00,000
iimt the number of foreigners residing
tiere In Hmo The Iin renitlliK ratio Is
, llaftltly III I'Xcena of the gBaMMl In
iri'iixe lii HipiilntioD.
Approximately 10 per rent of thin for-
elt'ii born population live In New York.
The relisilM HtatiMtlea allow that 1.221,-
iil.'! took up permanent renldenfea In
Sew York, nlthoiiifh only 47!.O0O have
lieenuie eWaWtM Of the United mates.
I'eniii) hiinlu ranks second in ii per
inunent ii In m I e of Foreigners, with 741,
i Mki The majority of these people
lire in I iiitm Illinois Iiiin a foreign popu
latlnn of iini unij Massai Iinsells
tins MtAOO.
'iermatis represented more thfin one-
II fill of the entile Co re lfc'11 popilllltlon.
TlnTe were UOl.ttl Hermans Htt
tereil through the I'ouiitr.v. Tho tre
mendous Itiixslmi Immigration during
the l.'ISt deeiide plnees the's Sllll
Jeets In MeWM pliue with LfWIjMrfl.
Italy wns third "llli IJ4MU0, and Ire
l.ilnl. uliiili lm uiellv led the list, was
iii fourih pim m nil i. .".::;.' hn i
There were I.ITI.IMt Atmtrlnna In
this country nml stu. i.Vi Englishman.
AMERICA MUST ciassifieo advertisements
Wanted: Girl to do general housework
Phone 67M.
Large Population Causes Re
duction In Amount ot Meat.
Lost: Silver watch Wednesday morn
ing. Return to Argus Office.
Then Bruin Outataya Wyoming Vet
eran Waiting For a Gun.
Woiinnd. '.. - Haattaf large
Madl I'eiir Wlll'e . i n. I II tC supplies i
boraehncfe to a thaap aaaap. "Dad"
W'mi'IiiiiiI. sixty tun. lifter u limn this
town Is mimed. Iml.lly chargi-il (he mil
mill, nlthoiiKh unarmed, violently Clang
ing n shei'p hell
The lienr hesltitted mi Itistnnt. linn
Iota for the timber nt top speed mid
(limbed (lie Mist ll villlnlile tree VYor
land kept It treed for several hours.
i lunging the bell win Intel It showed
ii disposition to rami' down. In the
hope that some person with ii gun
Would puss by It wns necessary for
Mm to continue his Journey ufter sov
in I hours When he lust suw the lienr
It was still In the tree
Report Shows How Oistaocas
Hat Been Cut in Halt.
I'holuM ) Amai i i . ,ii,,n
. i. i ii. i kind unoMg of
I III.AM. IMM . i , Ml Mi inil.tii in HIM
I Oil l.i.U I
ei ul Victoria's gnmikhltdren.
I'nii.e . 1 1 ii ii i ot Cotuwugbi, anu artll
,iii,.-, l ' "ii-iln. the K.i l-.i'i
MIllHlhl N"l.l beciiine IliMih ed. Mil
olbei i .i.i,. bllil iuecii llanda sister
oi King .i"i'uc. would be brwunbi
Into tin- in liit-l lireece would add
iiin'lliii in ilie peixui of QUiH'il Sophia
nkttnf of Kaiser Wllheltu. ami Spnlii
Would mid i.iueen Vbtorla KilKclile.
Cxar mid his empress are
betii tirst runalM of kmc Oaoran. ld
Ids leile f llilllv Ims tiltcrillill rlcd so
thoroughly with the lierimiu iomiI
Iioiisi's that In bloisl the Koiiiauoifs me
as tierniiin ns Is the kaiser I'rmir.
Josef of uatrla Is couiiivted b mail)
libssl ilea with Isith the knisei ami
the c.ur and Isith bl.ssl and mar
itaM with Khii Albeit of Baaglun
France alone as lepublb- Ml no lies
Willi the other nation though If the
I t.'iin '.i i ! mid llourhou pieti iilei s
Should be ceiinled she would be i.l ll
ed to other royal taulllM.
I "h of the four greut einperors at
w.u UtHirge. 1 1 1 1 1 in Nh'boma met
I'rani Josef- finds himself now In the
position of a soldier iIkIiIIiik i i k' a 1 i i s t
Ills own regiments aul his own com
iminder In chief llach of them bears
mt lit n I y rank In the ariulis and mules
Of the oilers The Uiisei Is a clone1
of the Imi'crul UttiaUB bodj of the llussiau llccl. colonel
of the rirst itiitish royal drafuuM
nml tied admiral In the BngHb nary
Nicholas Is colonel of the I'rus-i.ui
grenadiers of the guard nml Herman
Here me some of I he lies of kludslilp
that do mil bind the Kuropean nations
King (ieorge V la tiist cousin o
I ,i Wllhelm the c.u and
of Kuaata. KIm ii. taken uf s.
King ObrUtlaa of lianmarki tjnaM
l. lorlu of Spain, brother Of ' icen
Maud of Norway and nephew ot King
i oiistantliie of lireece
Kataor Wllhelin Is llrst cousin to bllug
c, blether of Ijlleell Sophia of
(irn'ce nepliew of the l.ngllsll lukeof
I'oiiliaitght and second eotislu ot i ,:
i N tiul is is tli -st coualu t" K ug
lleorge, cousin of the kulaer, uepUew
ef KlUg ih I--H. in of I'eimiaik ait'l
King ilaakuu ol Narwajr. brothar
ii : iw to the drawl IMike of lleaae
an I loiisin b mm ri aye to Kr .liiaef
of Vustrla. Kltik.' Nt.holis of Mon
- ; i ii . en I :.- ll i S and
tiisi ixmahJ In O w ii l'i u .
ol Qermany
iishlimli.n. Ii c. I he National
GeograpblC so. lely liaa Issue. I a stale
no III on the pl'diable eft eel of the I'm
.una canal on Hie eomiiieii lal genu
rnpliy of the world It sav s
"ii sei-nis mat tin- Panama caaal
will lair.t must uf the treilit pausing
I ilne, ii (he easleni m.hl uf the I Hit
e. Mates ami the Western liajMl Ol
l.aliu Am.! k'a mid thai the ahortel
IID e and klWef Miles w hi h it ol
Lis villi yrently Increase i'ia tniile.
thai the trade between the e.isleiu mid
WreataTn sections of (he I'ulted Stales
mi.I lie una 1 1) lie lease, I and triili
piilted at a much lowei charge pel
ton. that It will MaMaatl) aholien
the dlsiames to Japan, iioithein
( bin i. Australia and New .en laud I"
lie lease steamship service and tuu
It itiill increase the tl'utllc with those
couiilrles. nod that the Kuropean conn
tries will use the cunal In moat of
their tralllc wltii western Amerlia nml.
In exceptional cases, with northern
Asia. Australia and New Zealand.
The canal baa shortened travel
routes between New York ami Yoke
llama by ;t.7.VI miles, between New
York ami Shanghai, about '.'.ODD miles
between New York and Australia
about :i.ik miles, mid between New
ork ami western South America l
from !LflQ0 lo 7,tMI miles It also re
dines (lie distance limn Kuivpe In
western South Ainerl. a by more than
.."oi miles International cotiiinerce
doubled in the thirty yeara following
the opeiiiiig of the Sue, .anal utid bus!
ness ami iK'isonal I u t.i relationship le
tweeu the o. . ident and orient waa In
creased in like proportion. Will slinl
lar resulta follow the like shortening
of trade ami travel routed by tho ran
mi canal!
"One of the most Important results
ot the opening of the canal will doubt
less be found in its effect upon the
nan einents of tiler, handlse U'tweeu
(he , astern and Western sections of
the I'nited States The data at hand
seems to Justify an estimate of ubout
;i UNUNItl tons per annum of freight
moved by rail aud about half a mil
lion tons by water from the Atlantic
coast section to the Pacific coast sec
lion and about an equal amount from
the l'.n nic coast section and Hawaii
to the Atlantic coast section The
Height charges on these T.ifcki.tHa.) tons
nre estimated at from J'.'ovUkKUKMJ to
f;Uk.tko.Ou per auuuiu The caual
will chop huge amounts from these
Man, Soma Day, Will Have a Limited
Choice if He Doea Not Become a
Vegetarian Eatimatad That In a
Hundred Yeara Population of Coun
try Will Be 500,000,000.
New York The diet of Americans
will be el god rapidly, OH tile grow lug
population presses upon the food sup
ply, but it will not be necessary for us
to become entirely vegetarian This
Is the cotieliision reached b Professor
J. I . l.yinan of the Ohio State uni
vorxltv niter u study of the avallnble
food silppl) of tills country, published
In Popular Si lent e.
There was no food problem in tills
country I wn generations ago. when tWh
were plentiful, pigeons, deer, wild
turkajra, wattrfowl, qmII and buffalo
were abundant ami wild MfriMi fruit
mid nuts lounl be obtained Mall) nml
III large ipianlltles. With the growth
of population, however, game practical
ly lias disappeaied nml u MfJ small
part of the country's f I Is supplied
by iineiililv ated plants nml trees. Dr.
I, man sav s.
"If tin pi .sent rate of Increase con
tinues the population of tbe I'nlhsl
States will approximate ,Mm.ii,mi at
the end of the present century. In It
hie to f I that number of persons
on the product of our .'l.lsio.uoo square
tulles? 4 'Ii i mi nml India both support
u population as dense, but both of these
countries are distinctly agricultural.
Theaiuass of people live M the land
ami are engaged In producing food. In
this country the great Increase In popu
Intlon Is In the elites, while the food
producing class Is Increasing compare
lively slowly. The reports on agricul
tural pt'islucts exported from the
I'nited States Illuminate the food prob
letti In an Instructive way. If we com
pare the exports in I'.U'J Willi those for
1800 we loci that the amount of cheese
shlpiicd abroad declined So st cent In
that Mrlod, beef priHlucts declined "
sr cent, pork producta declined ''
per cent, corn declined SO er cent,
wheat declined .'i7 Kr cent
"What do those llgures tell? Kimply
that we have needed the foisl at home
to supply our Increasing millions and
heme hud less to sell In the markets of
Lamm's Wool Suitings to your meas
ure. Art Dunnock, Tailor.
Ontario Pressary
For rent, 2 room house, 2 blocks north
of school honse. Wm, Beagle, 'phone
2IK) k.
We have a comfortable room
fitted up especially for tbe ladies
wbere tbey can rest, write cbeeks
ami letters and not be crowded
ot intruded on; ladies are invit
ed to cull ami open an account.
Three lota for sale 2 blocks west
of posiiifllcn at a bargain. Inquire at
Argus i illicit.
Third i'uttitiK Alfalfa bay for
stile, 16 ptf toll delivered
tnqairo W, II DooHftttt.
Lots for Sale :i in Kiversidd
tulilition, near sub station. In
qairo M Arus.
Von c it li et four Mlendld
IDUgOlinM oho year for Is! cittts
ixtra by renewing your sub
scription to tbe Argno.
Safety oe ' "xes for rent;
two sizes ami two prices; an
absolutely sufe method of keep
inc; your valuable papers pro
jected against loss by lire or
iheit. Ontakiii National Hank
Am I My
Yes I You Are
Provided he is addicted to liquor
enness has decreased
In ratio of six to one
since the town went
INS A , KM Business
It far better than when
tbe town was wet,
three lending mer
chants say.
748 Murgao limbling I'urtlanil. Orrilun
For Sale: Tborobred Duroc
Jersey pigs, both male and fe
male. Eligible to registry.
C. K. Secoy, Ontario, Oregon.
1 mi. west of M. M. Co. store.
The three big excursion trips
surely soiled lots of clothes. 1
have to clean mine, why not
mils at the Mime time?
Art Dunnock, Ontario I'ressarv
the world .fan we continue to feed our phone M I Opposite Dreamland wsut done, lurge
paopto by reducing the exports In food .!.- d-p.m.l on
Lofdl Market Kt'porl.
Corrected August ti for the benefit of
Argus readers by Ihe Malheui Mercan
tile Complin v.
Kg?, per dozen. 20c
Mutter, per pound, 26c.
Oats, per 100, ?1 'ii.
Wheat, per 100, $1 60.
Hay. per ton, $'i.
Potatoes, per MM), $l.a0.
Unions, per 100, 1.60.
Apples, per box, t0c.
Chickens, dressed, per pound, lHc.
Pork, dressed. 8 to lljc.
Pork, live, 7c.
Veal, 10c.
Beef, m foot, 6c.
Beef, dressed, 12c.
Alwdy.s on the Job
If you have a Job
Kv, . iii.,i,i.,v
nlbatn hool in :in m
Bit stmiy l I a m
Vouuu pi"i le.s uii-ellnu 1 ;.'!() I III
Hen blent. nee Owner In Court.
Trenton, n J -The saying that
chlckana always come home to rviost veritied in . ourt here when
Hetty, ;t pet hen tlew MMM 'he
courtroom and into tin1 outstretched
MUM of Patrick Mciiloue McOlone
was arrested while carr.viug the chick
en. as a policeman thought he had
stolen it Th. defendant was released
after the hen had demonstrated her
arlovlbui for bun
I i. ii ' ' Ho i. not. mid in iiiiiuy
ln-.Hi in e. the.v have been reduced :il
ready near ihe vanishing point. Wi
ll n e even ,u In. illy baffUU t' Import
meal an, I cni'ii. It Is similllcaut glao
lb it rice got eminent laud suitable, for
agricultural iMirpoaaa is no longer avail
able! hence we i annul luoK for relief
b.v In in'inu' under Hie plow Inryo tracts
..i lia.lii soil,
"Is there llkel). then, to be scan it; v
of in Hn- country in the near
future? N.i. there is and u III be plenty
of fond, but some changes In dietaries
umloiibteii:.v will have to be made.
I. .t us notice, lu I'.'io for every man.
vv i una ii and child In the 1 tilled Slates
I here was produced seven bushels of
Wheat, llilllv lVO bushels of colli, folir
bushels of nit a toes and forty ikxiiiiU
of siiuar. There were sl tenths cattle
for each person, six tenths sheep and I
sev en tenths swine. Add lo thla the!
fruits, vegetables, poultry ami dairy .
products, oats ami other small gralus
iin. I we see that there Is plenty of food ;
to M around and to spare.
"There was grown In the I'nited '
States lu I'M-' en n which. If assembled
111 one Immense Held, might have COT- I
erts.1 (ieriminy or France entirely with
Its rustling phalanx. How many mil
lions mlglll be nourished by the prod
MU of i'i ii'eiueiidoiis acreage: Here
is a n i source of f. i nt present
i utilised in a w'i'.v siiuht dearrea
"I'ootl has two priiunrv tniictlous lu
the body His) to supplv material out
of win, h the is built and secoiitt.
to furnish ciicris.v to warm Ihe b.sly
a lid to drlVe its iiuichilieiv I'eihaps
(he set outl fUUctkMI Is the more Itu
poitaill I'i.iiiIs alone liave ihe power
to colltst .s,,: ir energy ami store It up
In a latent ot dormant form lu their
seeds anil oilier parts Animals may,
b.v MttM md dllaUtlni these plant
uiatci'lals i berate ami utilize this
stored up eiieiiiv. When coin is fed
to steers under favorable conditions 3
per cent of the euergy of the coru may
lie it covered as meat In the edible por
tion of the carcass The remaining 07
per cent was used by tbe animal in
Ita various activities aud lost aa far aa
the nutrition of uiau la coucerued In
Kirk the recovered portion amounts to
lti ir cent, and with the dairy cow 18
K'i- cent of the energy of the food Is
found in the milk produced obviously
this is a wasteful process, this con
version of grain into meat and milk.
It has lta Justiuc.iiinn only iu the great
er palatalillity ami digestibility of the
tllial products
"lr. Armsh.v of the I'euusylvanla
experiment station draws the conclu
sion: 'All the edible prmlucts which
the fanner's acres can yield will be
needed for human consumption, and
the function of the st.H'k feeder in a
permanent system of agriculture will
be to utlli.e those inedible products
In which so larM :l slnire of the solar
eiieru'v I- I eld and fo ten lei at least
portion ,f I be lattet available for hu
man use
Tl.inl f',.iti., Alf.tlm lt..v fllJ being rsady for you.
i M....I.- II.
ot buuling you
or small, you oao
in John l.niiiliughHiu
Call bun at the
No matter how
small, no mat-
sale, fit per ton delivered.
iiiin- ni V. 11. Doolittlu.
tint' 01 IMdlluur County's Products.
MBfW"" -
' c'a.s. fr,' i-riii 'A. '
-- - . :
W. If csa't
aaaai!: vtH' .'
bxa K-m
liBBBBBBat 1 F J I vey JC I 5 1
With new bttlln n,i. ' ' e,u!p.
iin ul. ..nijri .'r""urd-i. . .' . ley ad
tl.tiona to It (hcj.i, -.riiiy
Of Orettoo vill bciya I 'a ot.r.y-rJnih
yjar 1 ueiduy, Seu'tr 15.
Special tra.ning '" Hulnei. Jour-
114111111, i.iw, ....u.iii,, i ca. .nag,
nrjry wri . iviu.ic. Ar ct'tuie,
rnyiicsi i m nuii; lau l-.iu Ait.
Largil sod itioaet d.piiinirau
of Id i uJ eJut .lion
ni,,,, of m". lh , II.Hf votutuil. two
eiBt tfmu um. ,liv,a bwilSn luily
cuipi'ffd N w lltf.M A JajinitliDL.n
SuiiJiae ib cout ol , ,.,i,u u.s,.,
Tul.lon ff iJorMiiuf let lor bmb ana
lot womH It: tut., low. II
Win for t'ili e nJ r.iututiaJ bookltl.
aj.1. ti,i 4 aei ...
luaiNi omaos
0NSIDER what btuineu would be WITHOUT BANKS. No man
should think of starting an enterprise before he arranged to OPEN
question asked at some time about every business man.
A good WORKABLE BANK BALANCE is essential to
every successful business man.
The Ontario National Bank
ter how large
The First National Bank
Ontario, Oregon
will give it careful
attention. This
message applies to
the men and the
women alike.
Officers and Director:
A. I- COCKRUM, Preaident
T. II KMII I.I., Vice Freaident
H. & COCKRl'M. Caahier
C. w PLATT, Aea't Caahier
A Promising Opening
Good Tiujn&
. rw i-
at any reason of the year,
would be a keg of our spark
ling Stlit Heer, which is a
good thing to have "on tup" in
case of thirsty emergencies.
I hi- laser is the best, purest
and most wholesome ever brew
ed, and will satisfy the most
critical beer drinker. Being
brewed from the best malt and
hops, by a scientific methed of
brewing, it is naturally a per
fect beer.