The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 17, 1914, Image 1

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    ON TARIO The Future Metropolis of Eastern Oregon
The Banner Wool Market for the Interior of Oregon
wfet i& t$m.
The Ontario Argus
leads in Prestige,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch us grow
The Produce from
15,000,000 acres is
marketed from On
tario each year
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
NO. 38
Events Occurring Thraugntut
the State During the Patt
Fall Fishing Season On.
Astoria. The fall tinning season an
the Columbia river baa opened and
every cannery on the lower rlrer, with
the eicepUon of thoae at Altoena and
Pillar Rook, will be In operation, while
the cold storage plants will handle
flah also, but probably on a limited
The prlrea which are to bo paid for
raw riah are aa foltowa: Bllvorala'es S
cents a pound, dog aalmon I conta
each, ateelheada 8 renin a pound, tul
llea and fall chlnooka 1 Vs cents a
Demented as Result of Exposure.
Koaeburg. Edward Peudura, an
employ of a telephone company In
Portland, la hero la a demented con
dition. Peudura waa on a hunting
trip In the Camae valley district, with
aome rompanlona. when ono night, be
coming 111, he aroae from hla bed and
wandered Into the wooda. Mia com
panions searched for blm all night,
and found him aome time the next day
In a aerlous condition, due to expos
ure. Immigration Will Be Pushed.
Salem. With a view to Inducing 1m
migration from the oaat and middle
went, the Salem Commercial Club la
making arrangementa to launch a let
terwrltlng campaign. The plan la to
have rasldenta In the city and sur
rounding country writ lettars to their
relatives and frlenda, describing the
country's climate, resources and ad
vantages, and urging luvut to visit uus
section with a view of locating.
Cage Laid en Sunday Pay Pastor.
Dallas The woman of the Baptist
church of this city have laaugurated
a novel plan to assist In the payment
of the pastor's aalary. Bach woman
member of the church having chick
ens will contribute sll the eggs her
hens lay on Sunday These will be
turned over to a committee who will
aell them, turning the caab Into the
church treaaury to be applied on the
minister's salary.
Northwest Delegates at PertlsncTMsst
and Indorse Recommendation.
Portland. A central organisation of
a cooperative characater for the by
products lnduatry In the northwest Is
now assured. Representatives from
practically nil of the fruit and vege
table producing districts of Washing
ton, Oregon, Idaho and Montana, to
gether with representatlvea of a ma
jority of the canneries and evaporat
ors in operation In thoae states, at a
meeting held In the Portland Comaaer
ciul Club rooms. Indorsed, without a
dissenting vote, the plan of the by
product committee appointed by the
lubt National Apple show.
The final report of ths committee
was In effect that regularly appointed
delegates should moot In Spokane dar
ing the National Appl ahow thla fall,
and at that time abould form a con
tra! organisation which would act In
an advisory capacity to districts seek
ing the establishment of plants, em
ploying experts in thla work, and
would provide a common selling
agency for all auch institutions Includ
ed In the association. It weald nave
among its functions the slaadssaillin
of the grade and pack of by-products
and would plny an Import at pert In
establishing the lnduatry in
One Idaho Race In Doubt.
Boise Failure on the part of coun
ties to report the complete prlaaary
election returns, In most Instances' be
cause election officials locked up the
ballots and records before posting
them for the convenience of the pub
lic, practically tiea up the definite re
sult of the race between Jonea, Mc
Cracken, Johnson snd Kerl for the re
publican nomination for congress.
Addison T. Smith undoubtedly gets
one of the nominations for this posi
tion snd Jones la now in the lead for
the other.
800,000 Russitns, Under Grind
Duke Nicholas, Started for
German Capital.
Petrogmd. Declaring that Austria
In no longer a factor In the war. Lieu
tenant Oenoral Yanushkovltch, chief
of the Russian general staff an
nounced that the main object of the
Russian offensive, the capture of Ber
lin, has been laltlated.
While ha refused Information re
gardlng the plana, he atated that the
armies selected for the Invasion of
the Herman empire, under the direct
personal oommand of the Orand Duke
Nicholas, hsv already started on their
march. They will number 20 army
corps of the ftret regular line of the
active army, about 100,000 men.
With all rt eaatern Qallcla domlnat
ed by the Ruaalans, and the Austiian
Oerman Invasion of Russian-Poland
checked, It Is expected that the Rus
sian armlee will move In a solid line
toward the first chain of the defenaes
along the Oder river, where It la ex
pected the Oermana will make their
first real atand.
Of the total Auatrlan forcea In Oall
ela probably IK army corps at leaat
four army corps of 200.000 men have
been practically put out of action, any
how for some time, and 160 of their
00 guna captured.
Ruaala la now able to detach con
alderable forcea to Lublin and the
prospect la that thla will probably
force the Auatrlan main army to fall
back on the atrong fortreeaea of Pry
seanysi, Jaroalau and Cracow, where
by the Russians will recover those
parts of Poland occupied by the Au
striatic and the fertile eastern part of
Uaik-la up to ibe reruetuutue.
' Contracts at U. of O. Are Let.
Bugono. The contract for the frac
tion of the new administration build
ing at the University of Oregon waa
let to the Boyajohn-Arnoid company,
of Portland, for l760 The contract
for the rebuilding of the heating eye
tern on the oampua waa let to the
Kendall Heating company of Portland,
and that for the plumbing In the new
building to Flegsl, hong a Co., of
Springfield, for IS1W
Evaporator at Hood River.
Hood River. The Hood River Vine
gar company, that now manufacturea
about 100 curloada of elder and vine
gar each year, will erect a large apple
evaporating plant in connection with
the vinegar factory. It la expected to
build the evaporator with enough ca
pacity to care for all tin- apples of the
cooking and Q grades us well as the
regular elder apples.
Baker Pioneers Celsbrate.
Baker. The flrat Pioneer day cele
bration ever held In Baker county was
held at Halfway, In Pine Valley, at a
largely attended and notable gathering
of pioneers, many of whom came to
Baker county In the early 60'a, when
the lure of gold caused cities of from
(000 to 10.000 to spring up in a day
and to wither almost aa quickly.
Orand Duke Nicholas, commander-in-chief
of the Russian armies, oper
ating agalnat Austria and Germany.
B L-f Jfr r
Is Being Made in All Lines Since the
Fairs Were Started.
Years Combined State Officials Speak Highly of Ex
hibits in all Departments.
(From Tueaday's Daily)
Malheur County's Fifth Annual Fair
opened today with the brightest pros
pects of any ever held. The weather
is ideal and the track in ftne ahape.
In the big pavillion there is an educa
tional cxhibtion that would be a credit
to a atate fair. It ia not only a targe
exhibit, but it is a very meritorious one
and the schools are receiving much
praise for the interest shown.
The community exhibits are more
than double that of any previoua year
and the quality of the products is the
best ever shown.
For decorationa the interior of the
main building ia covered with stalks of
corn in all ahapea and aisea and it ia
certainly very appropriate when one
consider the vaat amount of corn that
waa grown in thia aection this season.
Some of the com shown here will take
prizes at Salem, as no other part of the
state can equal it.
For fruits there is by far the best
and moat varied exhibit of any year
and it certainly makes one swell with
pride to know they are living in a aec
tion capable of producing such erfect
In the horse department all of the old
exhibitors are there with animals that
will pleaae all who see them. Frank
Howardis there with a string of big
and little ones that are certainly good.
The chickens and pets are of a better
grade than usual, showing the owners
are profiting by the experience gained
in previous years.
The unusual number of hogs shows
the greatly increased interest in that
kind of stock and the quality ia up to
The sheep men are here with the
best they have and it is easy to see
why the sheep of this section always
command top prices.
The cattle are attracting much at
tention, especially that 28 pound butter
cow. Have you seen her?
As an educator there is nothing like
a county fair, where there ia auch a
lui).'. collection of the best, with men
in charge who are proud of their euc
ce and pleased to tell all who are in
terested how they obtained the results.
(From Wednesday's Daily)
The first day at the fair was full of
entertainment for those who were
The starters were fortunate in get
ting the horses "IT without any tedious
waits ami the finishes were closa, com
ing in in a bunch and they made good
The way the bunch from Cheyenne
jini:.i-il in and kept things going show
ed what can be expected during the
fair. They have men with them who
are capable in any of the wild west acts
and they are always ready to put them
on and prevent any waits.
Whin you look over the events for
today ) OH will ee that the managers
are going to give you something better
today and for tomorrow there is a still
better bill. The wild horses are there
and they will try to ride some of them
today and more will ride tomorrow,
II, at main'buildiiig ia a treat to any
one who taken an interest in any of
: rtmenU, as it is full of good
i- to look at and eat.
'1 ! tir.,t impression rie Kets on cn
liie builuti.g is lavorable ami the
longer you stsy there the more interest-
: ing it becomes.
In the children department we linil
pleanty of intereat. The exhibit
of about everything raised on the farm
or in the garden by the ThompNon boy
i certainly an eye opener for some of
these who never raiae anything on the
farms. These boys are grand-children
of Wood Thompson, who lives on the
edge of town and they have a very ftne
lot of stuff and auch a variety as is sel
dom seen in the average garden. There
i the in. ill houae, fully furnished built
by the children, the hay derrick, with
full equipment and a score of others
just aa intereating and ahowing how the
little ones are being prepared to make
the next generation better than the
(From Thursday's Daily)
The weather man has not been very
kind to the people who are trying to
hold a fair here thia week, but he has
promised to do better and the managera
are confident they will have a few daya
of good weather so that the people can
get here and take advantage of the un
usually fine lot of exhibits in the sever
al departments.
While the track was sloppy Wednes
day it did not inter fere with the Wild
West stunts snd the crowd was well re
paid for the time they spent at the
The promiae that the wild horses were
all buckers was redeemed wit)) interest,
becsuse every one of them put up a
fight that was epusl to anything ever
seen at any wild west show. The rop
ing and trick riding were esiecially
There is another tine Miring of wild
horses to be tried out Thursday and
they can be depended upon to make the
riders work some before they will sub
mit to the saddle.
If the track will permit there will be
some good harness race and also sad
dle races.
W. T. Clement and assistants have
made a splendid improvement in the
chicken house.
The judges are working on the cake
and pastries and nay that they are find
ing some awfully good eats and the way
they take generous samples carries con
viction with their estimate.
There is one plate of perfect Jonath
an- there, exhibited by Mr. Curnetix
the nurseryman, and in the Boulevard
exhibit there is a plate of Grime Colil
en that are perfect. The Sonathans
would be entitled to the sweepstakes
for the beat plate on exhibition.
The judges have been busy at the
fair ajie many of the deparments have
been judged and the ribbons placed.
The horses are being judged this
morning and the judges have a job on
their hands aa there ia keen competition
for the honors of the ribbons.
The cattle are also being judged to
day and we wish to call attention to
some of the especially good stuff being
M D. Kelly has 17 head of his range
herd there, they are Hereford, with a
registered bull and several cow a the
parent stock and the young stuff show
that the Oregon climate and native
grasses is doing much for the imported
Mr. Stone has a polled Durham bull
that is a line animal.
(Continued on Page s)
Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Citlea
In Our State
War Halts Rsllwsy Desl.
Boise. The European war tempor
srlly has delsyed closing negotiations
for the financing of the Butte, Boise A
Ssn Francisco Railroad, articles of In
corporation for which have been filed
and which when completed, will give
an outlet from the northwest territory
to tidewater at San Francisco connect
Ing Boise, Unit.' and the California
metropolis by rail. This Is the later
mation given out by Is O Leonard,
who haa just returned to Boise from
a business trip In the Interest of the
road to New York.
The fact that Kngllsh as well as
American capital la behind the Hut to.
Boise A Ran Prsnclsco became in ,.
sfter Msnager Leonard' return. For
yearn he ha been busy gathering do
tailed data in connection with the ton
nage In the Interior territory of thl
slate, aouthern Oregon ami northern
California the road propose to lap
snd lis had the route surveyed and
cross surveyed.
1918 Fair Kxhlblt Bsnt.
Welser. The first shipment of
fruit from Washington county for dl
pluy st the Psnutna Pacific Kxposltlon
si Han Francisco hn been sent to
BoImc. whole an expert will arrange
it for the big show. Only a Minall
shipment was made al thl time unit
It consisted chiefly of prunea and
Washington county will be well rep
resented ul the exposition, according
to Secretary Fuller, of the commercial
club, who has change of gathering the
exhibits. Many varieties of grulu
and grasses and other producta of the
valley have been received and era be
ing prepared for shipment.
Trust Deed For $400,000 Filed.
Sund point A trust deed for MOO,
000 wss filed here by the Internstlonal
Portland Cement company of Hpokune
In Savor of the Norlhweat Trust and
s.ifi MepuMt company of Seattle. The
deed covers 32 sheets and Is virtually
a first mortgage to secure a bond I
aue of 1400,000. The plain of (he com
pany al Trent, near Spokane, cover
ing 4.37 acre and 11 lime placer
claims ul Lakevlew, Idaho, together
with all equipment of every nature la
Included In the document The iaaue
of bonds wa authorised at a meeili.f,
of (lie stockholder August and the
lln-li inn. i.l executed September I.
McRaa Defeats Taylor.
Wallace According to ths official
count the sensational race between A
I Mcltue and James II Taylor for tin
republican nomination of commission
er from (he third district went to Mc
Prlncs Rupprecht, Crown Prince of
Bavaria, commander of one of ths
German armies invading France.
i &
Br jImF-uB
affV' v
PMp ' . BJ
gM!V ' w
Sweeping Victories Over Aus
trian's in Galicia and Russian
Poland Are Claimed.
Potrograd In a statement Issue'
by the Rusalan headquarters staff, It
Is said that ths battle of Oallcla In
drawing to an end, after 17 daya of
fighting, and that the Ruaalans ate
pursuing the enemy. Operatlona cul
minating In the victories of Kraanlk
and Tomosgow, Russian Poland, are
One report saya that ths Austrian
aruiy lius oeeu uestroyeU.
"Over the entire front It has sur
rendered," ssys the dispatch, which
"The first Austrlsn army, command
ed by Oeueral Auffenburg, lost 300 of
fleer Htid :'y inn. men and 400 eannnn
wune ium eecotiU army lost lu pri
oners alone 600 offlcera and 70,000 sol
Statements from official Russia
sources Indicate that on completion of
(he operations around I'nemyal and
Crucow, (liillrla, (he Russian forces
will march directly (oward Vienna.
Oilier reports say that 120,000 prts
oner. Im-luillng lift officers, were
captured, and that (he (wo Austrian
armies are surrounded, with the sur
render of both Impending.
The total Austrian and Oermaa
force exceeded 1.0110,000 man with
:'..nn gun, that Is, more (hsn 40 dl
vImIoiis of Infantry, II divisions of cav
alry, reinforced by soveral Oernian dl
Aviators' Death. Are 80.
Purl.- The totsl number of aero
plane pilot killed thua fur In the war
I estimated ,.i so, divided among the
belligerents as follows- Russia. IS;
French. 12. Kngllsh. 4; Oermaa, IK.
This does not taks Into consideration
pilots and crewa of dirigibles, of which
many have been reported destroyed
Statement of Terms Awaits Agreeabls
Word Prom Kaiser.
Washington The knowledge thst
1 William has been consider
Ing for severs) days s message from
the United Htalea government Inquir
ing, In effect, whether Germany was
di -si n,us of discussing peace measures
st official and diplomadc Washing
(on on (he alert for s possible ei
. ii.iini- of peace terms betweeu bel
NotwithMtuiidlng the vigorously
phrased statement through official
chi'iinel lust week dial (Jreut llrtlaiii,
rruuee and Russia would not make
pi ,u until (hey had decisively de
feated (iermaiiy, It was admitted In
many quarter here thai a favorable
i from Kmperor William to the
A mil e an govenneut's Inquiry might
change the entire aspect of the situs
Hon Such a reply, It waa agreed,
would set (he machinery for peace
making in motion, even (hough hoatll
ith .i might not cease, the discussion
of peat e terms beginning through the
Ami rieitii government In (he hope (hut
some i oiiiiiiou ground might be found
for an acceptance by the belligerents
of I'reildent Wilson's original tender
of good offices, looking toward media
Students of the agricultural college
an- active In editing and publishing
fie college publications, as follows
The liarometer, the Oregon Couutry
man. the Student Engineer, the CI
Journal and the Orange. Not only are
the ordinary expeuaea of publishing
met by the students themselves
through subscriptions, advertising and
otherwise, but the oost of Illustrating
them Is also a part of (he legitimate
expenses of publishing.
Salem constitutional lawyera say
(bat (he universal eight-hour law to
be voted upon by the people at the
coming election, even though It ahould
be approved, would be held uuconsti
(utlouul by the courts. They declare
thai a clause In It bringing certain
railway employee within II provision
t r-.-. panne upou an act of congress re
luting (o (he hours of lubor of such
employes, and (hat clause, not being
sepal aide from the remainder of the
bill, would make It void lu Ks entirety