"SINKS" AIRSHIP IN DUEL IN AIR French Aeroplane Defeats Big German Dirigible. ALL PASSENGERS KILLED. Daring Fnnchmin Sent Spa.dy Mono plan Crashing Through Great Oer min Maehlns First Battl of Ita Kind Now to B Wrlltan on Pagaa of History. London.-Tbe flrst "battle in the air" Iium been fouRbt The crnft In tbo combat were a jrinnt Oermnn Zeppelin and a French aernplnne. The I'r.-n.U-tnnn anorlflrrd himself nnd his ma chine to nun the Zeppelin. The flying nin. him nnd the airship were both wrecked nnd dnshed to enrth. Every btitnnn Im'Iiii: on lioth mnchlnes twenty-live Oemnm on the Zeppelin nnd the lone Freti'li nvlnlor wns killed. Tills, the llrit eiiKiiKenieiit of the kind the world linn ever known, occur red nt Clrey-len-Forces. The jtnllnnt Frenchman who sacrlllccd himself 01.AN1. anaoa. rAMoi-H riuuti-ii -ii.i- lAllV AVIATOR. Photo tiy American rross Association with such spectacular elan waa, ac cording to flrst reports, Holand Garroa, wall known aviator, but this waa later denied. Recently a Zeppelin In maneuvera waa struck by an aeroplane accident ally and wracked. Tbat event aug geated to the French aviator a meth od, though a coatly one. of destroying the German aky monsters. One of the great hIihIiIh was seen crulsluu about over Clrvy-le t'oigea. The big dirigible wheeled aud turned, reconnolterlng from a point of vantage In the aky. There waa tbe whir of an aeroplane engine, and up up up went the aviator, wluglug bla way to glory and to death like a homet buaalug in auger to atiug a big bird or a tona-o boat skimming through tbe waves to Indict death wound on a Dreadnought sped the aeroplane. There waa no shooting no aound but the purring of the en gine on the little flying machine with its oue man aboard. moment later the hornet was upon the bird. Tbe torpedo boat bad delivered tbe death wound Straight ahead and upward ruahed the aero plane, Ita powerful engine driving the machine clear through the great gaa bag of the Zeppelin. Out upon tiie other aide came tbe shattered rem nam of tbe aeroplane out and then down with a rush to earth. The avl a tor's body came tumbling too. Tbe Zeppelin wavered, crumpled, collapsed Bi fel- With her wrecked hulk came tbe twenty-flve Oerman soldiers who formed her crew. "One," counted the Frenchmen, for the aerouauta of that nation are ready and eager to administer similar treat ment to the entire fleet of the knlser'a Taunted Zeppelins. Tbe second "Uittle In the air" waa at Lonirwy. lure French aud tier man troops clashed. That waa be tween aeroplanes, French and Ger man machines, one eac-b mounted high In tbe air, aud. while several hundred feet up. maneuvering now higher and now lower, circling and wooplng. enguged In a rifle duel. The Frenchman's uiarkmnnsblp waa the better One of hta bullet bit tbe Oerman aviator while the latter' craft waa flying at a height of about 300 feet The German lunged from bla seat and fell to tbe ground. His ma chine wabbled and fell after blm. Servians Invade Auatrla. Salonika. One hundred and twenty five tbouaand 8ervlan troops were In fading Austria, it was announced In a dispatch received from Nlsh. Large numbers of Austrian Slavs were said to bo rising to help them. France to Raise New Army. London. According to reports froas London, Franco baa formed a new army of a quarter of a million men to take the offensive against tbe Ger man right. German Samoa is Taken By English. Loudon. Tbe official information bureau announces tbat Apia, a seaport of I'polu. Samoan islands, and capital of the t;,-ruiaii part of the group, has aurit-udcred to the British, tp- vv: ... ' GERMANS DEFEATED IN NAVAL DATTLE Torpedo Destroyers8ear Brnnt of Fierce Sea Fight Off Heligoland. London. Twenty-nine killed and 31 wounded wns the price In men paid by the British for the nnval action against the Germane In Heligoland waters. An official statement saya that of 1000 men composing the crewa of the warships sunk off Heligoland, only 330 were saved. The British attack on the German fleet off Heligoland was Initiated by British destroyers, according to ac counts given by the crews of the ves sels which took pnrt. The destroyers got fairly close to the German ships before they were discovered. Then a oannonade from the German ships and torts was opened on them, and they gradually drew the German cruisers toward the sea. For a time the Germans were In a position which gnve them thn advnn tnge, British destroyers having to bear the brunt of the battle. During one of the hottest phases of the fight, two British deatroyers not in between two German cruisers, which feared to fire upon the Britishers lest they hit each other, while four other destroyers en kiicimI a third Ocnnun cruiser nnd put her out of notion. Flnnlly the British battle cruisers and light cruisers arrived on thn scene and quickly put nn end to the fight CONFIRM NAVAL FIGHT Account of Battle Saya Oerman Ves ssls Were Overpowered. Copenhagen. A dispatch to the Wolff bui. tu from Berlin aaya: "During partly foggy weather aev oral small British cruisers and two flotillas, comprising about 40 deatroy ers, appeared In the North aea north west of Heligoland. "A desperate Isolated engagement ensued between them and our amall forces Small German crulaera ateam ed weetward and on account of the abort distance came Into contact with several large Kngllsh crulsera. Thus the cruiser Ariadne was attacked at short range by two large crulaera of tbo Lion claas and sunk after a glor loua fight. Tbe majority of tbo crew, numbering 250, were aaved. "Thej i1atro i-r N.a? wmh hooi lntrdMil by a amall cruiser and ten destroyeral and sunk She went down firing her guns. Tbe small cruisers Koeln and Mains are missing, and according to the Router dispatches, were sunk af ter an engagement with an enemy of superior force." FARMERS' CLUBS SUCCESSFUL Mkmeeoia Prow, ef Her NO Onfanlaa Hone Working For Preeperity. at. raul. Minn-Mora than 700 farm oca' cluba have bet-n organised In Min nesota during tbe past year, according to A. D. Wllaon. director of agricul tural extension at tbe university farm. There are 890 farmers' cluba In tbe state, representing all but two of tbo elgaty-eU countlea. The move to cstabllab cluba among the farmers la one of the greatest steps toward proaperlty tbat tbe atate baa ever taken In the opinion of economists at tbe College of Agriculture. A good, active farmers' club doea for a rural community what an active commercial club doea for a village or city, tbey de clare. It teuda to secure tbe united in fluence of a community to develop and bring about any desired Improvement and to oppoae anything tbat la not for Ita best Interests. "There seems to bo only two solu tions," aays Professor Wilson, "to tbe problem of putting tbe farmer on an equal basis with those with whom be has business outside of tbe farm. One la to Increase the size of the average farm. Tbe other Is to unite the inter ests of several farmers owning farms of ordinary siae for tbe purpose of out side contact In both buying and selling. -Tbe latter plan la decidedly prefera ble because It doea not Involve the landlord and tenant or landlord and hired help system und makes possible the maintenance of tbe family sized farm, which Is one of our moat Impor tant American Inatltutlona. "I believe in tbe farmers' club be cause It develops people. It tends to bring out tbe bettt there la In a com munity and to get people ready to act conceitedly for their own betterment It ta an over ready meana of taking up and studying Independently any matter of Importance to tbe commnnlty. It makaa the work of the unscrupulous promoter unprofitable and alda any movement that la for the real interests of the community. A farmers' club to naadad In ovary community.' SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Malheur Coanty. Charlea E. Cochran, Plaintiff Vs. Elmer Wicklund, Frank (Juirk, Frank C. Woodford and Jennie I.. Woodford, his wife, andT. P.; .Garrison, Jr., De fendants. To Elmer.Wicklund, Frank Quirk, Frank C Woodford, and Jennie I,. Woodford, his wife, four of the above named defendants, In the name of the state of Oregon, (tree ting;: You, and each of you, are hereby re quired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above en titled cause and Court on or before the 15th day of October, 1914, the same being: the last day of the time prescrib ed by order of the court directing ser vice of summons in said cause to be made upon, you by publication, and if you fail so to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, towit: for judgment BgainBt the defendants Frank C. Wood ford and Jennie L. Woodford, his wife, for the sum of two thousand($M00.00) Dollars, with interest from April 1st, 1910, at ten (10) per cent per annum until paid, and the further sum of Four Hundred ($400.00) Dollars attorney's fees, and for a decree of the court fore closing the mortgage described in plain tiff's complaint, and declaring the same to be a first lien um the pPOptftjf therein described, towit: The west half (w 1 -2) Of the southeast quarter (se 1-4) of sec tion seventeen (17) and the west half, (w 1-2) of the northeast quar ter (tie 1-4) of section twenty (20), township twenty-five (25) soiith, of range forty-six (4') east, Willa mette meridian in Malheur County, Oregon, together with all water rights, ditches and canals used in irrigating the same, And that the interest of the remain ing defendants b e decreed and declared to be subsequent in time, inferior in right and junior to the lien of plaintiff's mortgage, and that each and all of said defendants be barred and foreclosed from any and all right, title and interest in and to said prem ises, and all equity of redemption, ex cept the statutory right of redemption, and that said premises and the whole thereof, together with any and all water rights or ditches appertaining i thereto, he sold in the manner prescrib ed by law, and the proceeds applied to ' the payment of the costs and disburse ments of this suit: the accruing costa and the judgment of the plaintiff against said defendenta Woodford and the over-plus to be paid to whomsoever the court may decree to be entitled thereto, and the plaintiff have general relief. Thia aummona is published in the On ram If it's a surface to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or fin ished in any way, there's an Acme Quality Kind to fit the purpose. William McBratney LOCAL AGENT, ONTARIO, OREGON Hardware - Furniture - Undertaking tario Argus a weekly newspaper print ed and published at Ontario in the County of Malheur, State of Oregon, in pursuance and by virtue of an order of the Honorable Dalton Biggs, judge of the above entitled Court, which or der was made and entered on the 27th day of August, 1914, and directed that this summons be published for a period of six successive weeks in said news paper commencing with the issue of September 3, 1914T First publication is on September 3, 1914, and last publication is on October 15, 1914. Mcculloch a wood Attorneys for Plaintiff Administrator's Sale. Notice is hereby given that in pursu ance of an order of sale duly made and entered by the county court of the atate of Oregon for the county of Malheur on the first day of August, 1014, in the matter of the estate of John M. Kimt. deceased, the undersigned administra trix of said estate will, on nnd after the 8th day of September, 1914, at her home near Westfall, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at private sale, in one par cel, for cash in hand, subject to confir mation by said court, the following de scribed tract of real estate owned by said estate, towit: The c of se! of section 27, hihI the ej of nw, and swj ofse,nnd swj of section If, in town ship lh south, range 41 e. W. M., in Malheur county, Oregon. Thn first publication of this notice is on August 0, 1914, and the last punhcation is on September 3, 1914. MARTHA IIKODttlCK, Administratrix of the Kst.de of John II. Kime, Deceased. Notice Meeting of Board of Equalization for Dead Ox Flat Irrigation Project. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Dead x Flat Irrigation District, acting as a Board of Equalization, will meet at Ontario, Oregon, on Tuesday the tlth day of October, 1914, at 10 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment and appor tionment of taxes of said Irrigation District for the year 1914. A list and record of said aaaeaament is now in the office of the Secretary of said District for the inspection of all (arsons interested. Dated at Ontario, Oregon, this 27th day of August 1914. H. W. HKMIM. Secretary 5 Strong Reasons for Fall Painting 1. The wood is thoroughly dry. Summer' j sun has rtmxd all moisture, 2. Paint penetrates deeper into dry wood. The deeper it goes the better it holds, 3. Fall weather i$ warm, dry and dependable. Utile danger of cold, damp, rainy days, which endanger the durability of the passu, 4. Wet weather decays and de stroys unprotected surfaces. Lack of paint means unsightly and leu valuable property, 5. Fall painting keeps out winter moisture. The greatest enemy to the lift and beauty of all structures. Ask us about ACME QUALITY HOUSE PAINT. It insures the greatest protection and beauty, at the least cost per year of tcrvico. Questions cheerfully answered. local Market Report. Corrected August 6 for the benefit of Argus readers by the Malheur Mercan tile Company. P-ggs, per dozen, 20c. Putter, per pound, 25c. Oats, per 100, il.-.O. Whent, per 100, $1 60. Hay, per ton, $0. Potatoes, per 100, $1.50. Onions, per 100, $3.50. Apples, per box, 60c. Chickens, dresaed, per pound, 1-c Pork, dressed. 8 to lljc. Pork, live, 7c. Veal, 10c. Beef, on foot, 6c. Beef, dressed, 12c. Always on the Job If you have a job of hauling yon want done, large or amall, you oan always depend on John Landingbam being ready for you. Call him at the Moore Hotel. One Of Malheur County's Products. Found: Between Ontario and Fruitland a lap robe. Owner can have same b calling Dr. A. (5. Moore and paying for this ad. i , i The Famous Horse BLACK DEMON .;"()() reward nuVml to nnvonplhat will ride him at the Fair ground during the Ontario Fair, September 15 to 1!), Mill. II1NDMAN Tom V. Miner, Owner Summer EXCURSIONS Via. Union Pacific System To point east, August 11, l'-' and nnd tl, and Hcpteinbor 2 and Hi. To points wont, daily to September 30, 11)14. Set Agento for ratea and further particulars. Jewelry Should be purchased from your home jew eler who stands ready at all times to make it good. We have the late pat terns and standard makes to select from. i iflirial watch man for the railroads of this section. W. W. LETlk)N, ONTARIO, ore ;on. ivr. General Licensed Auctioneer Stock a Specialty Ontario. Oregon Louis C. Mchin Physician A- SUM-KM hi i hi WllBINLMOU-OvINaiOI?H- ONTARIO, OREOOM Dr. W. G. Howe DENTIST Cir V.llnml hank Hutu No. M DRS. PRINZIN6 &. WEESE Ontario, Oregon Office in New Wilson Hlork. DK. I). C MtKTT DENTIST Office 2nd door oaat of Ontario Phar macy on Nevada Avenue Near R. R Depot Mcculloch, & wood LAWYERS Rooma 1-2-3 First Nat'l Hank Bldg. Ontario, Oregon OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Ull lUllHIf I Skmii Dm. I'-umnkMkahs Graduates American Hcbool ol Oe toopatliy. Kirksvillo. II o. Wilson Block Telephone, lot lilk H. H. WHITNEY 1'IIYHUJIAN andpSlkOKON Office in I. O. O. r. Rldg.. Ontario, Okkcun REX MARQUIS HTIMK INSI'Ki TOM OK M Al.lt K I It COUNTY liMM'TIKH Kiiutv CoU, liroitan. W. II Cacll. Dutariu licrt High, vb C '. Morton. Old's I'erry. N. O. White, Weiser Bridge, J K. Holly, liiuri law AIm- Dennv. Jordan Valley. .lor liankollYr Mclii-i mitt .1 Bo) dell, N saa W If MoWilliaiUI loiiiura Win Kinr, Harper 1, M. Sruwanl, Ontario llniliir C. MC60NA6ILL ATTORNEY AT I.WV Will l'rai lur in all Courts Notarv Public. OffiMOvar PoatoAco. Transfer, Baggage and Kx press Meet All Trains JOHN I.AMHM.IIWI ONTARIO LAUNDRY Leave Bundles at Any Hotel or Uaibcr Shop Prompt Attention (iiven All Orders.