The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 10, 1914, Image 5

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    Ontario Pharmacy
Eastman Kodaks
Rexall Remedies
Miss Hazel Evans, of Baker, is visit
ing with her sister, Mrs. Ed Huffman.
The power at the Ox Bow plant has
been turned on.
A. F. Boyer is building a barn on his
place in the south end of town.
Miss CumminR". of Boise, was visit
ing with her parents over Sunday.
Henry Blarkwell made a shipment of
cattle to Chicago this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hill made a trip
to Hameilale this week.
Duncan MiRae came in this week
from Riverside.
A. E. Brown is in from Barren Val
ley for a few days.
Ralph Weaver was down from Vale
Frank Miller, the Big Bend rancher,
had to go over to Vale this week.
Tom McGivcrn was here from Adrian
the first of the week.
Mr. Downs, of Boise, is visiting with
his daughter, Mrs. Ed Neese.
Miss Carter, of VanWyck, was visit
ing her sister. Mrs. Grove, this week.
R. W. Swagler returned today from
an extended eastern trip.
Fong Wong, who spent the summer
at Newport, has returned.
Miss Margaret Blackaby entertained
Tuesday evening, that being her birth
day. The meeting of the Owyhee ditch di
rectors failed to get a quorum this
Misses Estelle and Wilmoth Curry are
home from Indiana, where they sent
the summer with relative!.
Miss Vivian (Srauel entertained about
2t of her club friends one afternoon
last week.
Harry !ooney came over from Jordan
Valley 1" act as juror before the Cir
cuit Court. The distance is 115 miles.
Charles Atherton is having some itn
provement made in Iiih home in tin
soutli part of town.
Miss Allie BonniiiK returned to her
home in Idaho last week after a six
months visit with her sister, Mrs. 0.
Muter Max Taggart celebrated the
second anniversary of his birth by en
tertaining a number of his young
Mayor Hodges, of Boise, was here
Saturday, calling on many of his old
time friends that he knew when a resi
dent of Harney county.
J. W. Brewer, who is manager of the
Farm Land Bureau, connected with tin
Oregon State Immigration Bureau, will
ke in Ontario next week and would be
pleased to meet with farmers and
others having lands for sale.
Miss Katnejiee Hall, of Cleveland,
in", has taken a position as tffJMMf
with Mrs Letson
While utteinlliiK the Kair nt Ontario,
don't fall to visit the Variety Store,
both for pleasure and profit Tlio
Variety Store. Ontario, Oregon
Virgil Staple On nl- postmaster,
was culling on Ontario ivlan
day. He says It is quite a relief In
the office at Vale sine, tin mull is
routed to Juntura
Our store la not a 5c aud 10c store
although we carry a large line of 5c
and 10c articles, but Is truly a Variety
Store and a visit will certainly be
worth your time The Variety Store,
Ontario, Oregon.
Mr. and Mis. Charles Kenyon were
up from Welser Monday lulling on
tome of their many friends here. The
have sold their home here to W W.
i.rtMin. the jeweiei. who Is arranging
to move In at cure
Judge Biggs and a number of the
attorneys went to Vale, the frontier
town where they will hold a term of
the Circuit Court. The Judge stated
that he hoped to be through with the
work by Wednesday evening ao the
jurors could get to the county fair.
The docket docs not contain any very
important cases
Malheur County Fair and
Round Up.
Ontario, Oregon, September 15-19.
Excursions via Oregon Short Line.
Tickets on sale September 14 to 19 in
clusive; limited to September 21st. See
agents for rates and further particulars
Rest Room for Fair Week.
The ladies of Ontario have fitted up
the corner room of the Wilson building
for the benefit of the women and child
ren during fair week. Everyone
Loan Office Opened.
In the large cities it is quite common
to Hee loan offices, where one may go
and get a loan on clothing, jewelry or
in fact anything of value, but seldom
one finds them in small cities. Two
men came here last week, looked the
city and surrounding country over care
fully and concluded that the large busi
ness done here would justify the estab
lishment of a loan office, they leased
the room vacated by the Ontario Nat
ional Bank, and are now ready to make
you a loan of any size, provided you
have the security to leave with them.
These men, Brer.nik and Watson, are
familiar with their business, have quite
a stock of unredeemed pledges on hand
and will be glad to have you cull when
in need of a loan or looking for a bar
gain in second hand clothing at your
own price, bs they have a large stock
on hand.
Look for the sign of the three balls.
Prunes for sale by John McGivern.
London. Foreign minister Sir Ed
ward Grey and the French and Bus
slun ambassadors sinned an agree
ment binding their three respective
countries to continue the European
war to the end unitedly that Is, no
one of them may make peace on Its
own account.
When peace It finally concluded.
it wan also arranged, the allies "un
dertake not to make Individual de
mands without previous mutual agree
The belief here was that It will en
able the British mid Kronen to have
the final word In the peace negotia
tions If Germany Is crushed and It
was thought that, by playing France
against Russia, the British might lie
able to effect a oli lenient vlileli
would not -upset the future Furopeiui
bulunce of power.
Massages from ivtrrad expressed
the Russian conviction that the czar's
troops will be within striking distance
of Berlin within a mouth.
Beer and Wines to Bear Brunt of New
War Revenue Tax.
Washington. Democratic members
of the ways and means committee
have agreed virtually on a list of
commodities susceptible to special
taxation to raise the $100,000,000 re
quested by President Wilson to offset
the loss In customs receipts caused
by the conflict in Europe.
Although no announcement was
made, It Is certain that beer and wines
shall raise the greater portion of the
needed revenue and that there shall
he no tax on railroad tickets and gaso
line. Strenuous opposition met the Un
derwood proposition for a tax on rail
road tickets, the argument being that
such n tax would antagonize the trav
eling puhlie
Members are now seriously consid
ering a proposal to tax magazines and
Sunday magazine supplements of
newspapers It was settled that mo
tion picture films, rather than tickets
to "movie" theatres, shall be assessed.
New Pope Is Crowned.
Rome. I'ope Benedict XV. formerly
Cardinal Giacomo Delia Chlesa, Arch
bishop of Bologna, who was elected
supreme pontiff to succeed the late
Pope I'lus X, was crowned Sunday.
Accompanied by the cardinals now
here lie was escorted to the great
basilica of St. Peters, when- with all
the pomp and gtory demanded by the
traditions of centuries, he was formal
I) an lalmed as the supreme head of
the Catholic chun li
Loaded Liner Hits Mine.
I.onilon. The Wilson passenger lln
cr Runo, with tloo passengers on board
struck a mine In the North Hen and
was sunk. All of the crew and pus
eiigers. with the exception of about
20 Russian refugees, were saved
Jews May Be Russian Officers.
Copenhagen. A decree by the czar
permitting Jews to become army of
ficers was announced by the Russian
legation li-ie
t i is i fr i
Confession Clears Murder Mystery.
Klamath Fulls.- With a bullet hole
in his head and the lower part of his
fuce crushed us If with un ax. the body
of Allan McLeod, a Scotchman, was
found buried in a shallow grave about
6o teet from tin- cabin on his liome
steud. neur Tule Lake. Frau'i Wil
liams, an ex prizefighter, is being
held, and Is said to have made a com
plete confession to the officers. Tke
body was found by Homer Depuy.
Salmon Men Raise Fund.
Astoria kl u result of the offer
of the Culled Stales bureau of fish
eries to give i lie state of Oregon 5,
mm, nun Alaska salmon egg taken ut
the Yes Buy llel), the Columbia
river salmon packer lime un.lii taken
to raise u fund to core lor the eggs
when tlo-y urrlve und keep the young
fry until they are reudy i. be released.
The improvements will cost approxi
mately $5000.
New York. Kiisslun troops to the
number of 150,000 have passed
through England und are now at the
rear of the German army In Frunce,
according to Vance. Thompson, an
American writer who arrived on the
Red Star liner Krootiluud, which sail
ed from Liverpool August 2U.
On tint day, Mr. Thompson said, he
suw detachments of Cossacks on their
way to the Channel ports, und leurued
that the British government hud sus
pended the regular truln service In
order to give the Russians tin- right of
wiii lie added be could say from
reliable authorities l& Bus
stuns had alreud) crossed the Chan
nel and were now probably attacking
the Herman rear, while It wits under
stood that thousands more were on
their way iroin Archangel by Hie Arc
tic route to England.
I'tisengeis on li. iincrs from Kug
land PMtBtij h W ' oiled It move
ment ot IC ii!-si;ni IMOPI through tlie
Hi ml li. in I In- Continent.
Belgian King Wounded.
London A dispatch to the Central
News from Anisic! i.un says that King
Albert of Belgium was slightly wound
ed by it shrapnel splinter while he
was heading the retreat of Belgian
troops to Antwerp
Millinery Opening
YOU are cordially invited to
call and inspect our line of Fall
and Winter Millinery which will
be on display on and alter
September 10th.
Mrs. M, C. Letson
Our First Showing in the Latest
Fall Styles in MILLINERY will
take place September 8th and 9th
Ontario, Oregon
Will be on Display be
ginning September 9th.
- J . l v
( ' !
'' ""Wi
Millinery ff AH Store oLgA
OprxwiU' IW Office Ontario, Oregon
' ''',
1 11
t n
Saturday Special 1
100 Ladies Fine Corsets
P. N. and R. & G. Brands
They consist of several styles in broken sizes
Regular price ranges from $1.25 to $1.75
Your Choice
58 c
Your Choice
Golden Rule Store
When Catth Bmtt Credit
School Supplies!
chool Books
Four Doors South of
Post Offic