ONTARIO ARGUS PUBLlSHKD KVKKY THUI.'SIMY Enured in the postoflice Ht Ontario Oregon, for transtniflrifoR tlironfrh the mail" as second-class immi Ui M. E. BAIN. Publisher. The editor and contributors of the Vale Knterprlae wire a little peeved laHl week when the petition cmiliiln tan 2r08 names for the OkMfteg of the county neat to a more eontral lo cation wrh filed with the count, court, and they made some rash BtOtOflMfltS, ao rush that they could only deceive t thouKhtlcHB person. The editor concluded the move win bel'n: made to enable Dave WUooe to Hell nonie town lots 'I'IiIh Maine editor known that have YYIIhoii hdM hi Intercut In the Ontario tuwtmitu 00f four years no. John Kluliy has a communication to the editor that Ih headed "double DeiillriK," which probably refers to how hard lllghy tried to et tho On tario bunch to hack hltn In a news paper at Ontario ao he would be able to flaht with Ontario for tho chnnKO. knowing, as he statcil, that It would be made. Illnby states that it required a htufflnit of tho ballot bOMI to carry the election for the taking, over of the fair urouudH by the count, and Insinuates the stuffltiK was done In tho Cairo product Tho men In charge of the election at Cairo were .ImlKO Ilrown. c ciiiinly JikIko, John Weaver county commissioner, Adolph Oranise. an J. I Houseman It would hu lm;ossebli to find a more honorable aet of men to conduct an election mid It In an outruKo for a man like Itkhy to even Inslnuatu that I asslus Urown. John Weaver, Adolph liramse, and J. I', ii' m. in woro parties to u fraud Them- men are well known tlirounh nut the count v and I' shows un uMer link or ("Hi'ir In M70M to tr and smirch their c.hnrii (era. U 111. -by Wlllltcil lo be honest with Hie people of tin- county he would explain lo tb. in Hull what was iiilm precinct a year into. Is now dlvl led up. part In OrOWS pie. hut, part taken to make I all pre but. and olli.c piui r on to precincts one, two and three of Ontario ii.. ..mil alac have told the people that then- Is a ri'cord In Vale iloln.'. lie MUM ol ctcrv on.' O ho i..t.(l iii Cairo an I It mil lOSeOtOfOsl i hOD IllK the uitiiies of those who swore lo (lull bcillM rOOSOOOtfl ol Hie pr. rlni I One still. 'in. lit of Ulubv's has them all BjOOBSjM I' luslnuateil that ai 000 lime the people of Ontario were inter i. I In a lownslte that tended to 4lv.it hob- iroin NjTSOO The limn Kite of Vr'inll.i lot ale I to the north ' tfyOBO. I- iiml ,iU.ii has been the art) oi l-'rcd Ki-l.-i I "i iiib'.n. and i ' bad been BOOCtOSfUl WOMld have i int.irlu as lunch a- Nsn. : w u , lie In lb. oath " I In KtlllOliiili, started In loin Jones and I'rel iUih of Vale So far h ii find out IhtH .lie the out' i i in le I mar .1 1 11,! 1 . ,. 1 DUD l III. Hi liu .1111. II. 1 ill) Tb. u tit 1 - he bah) n. i al out ronuiiuult) i" bull I 1 1 Ih. 1 1 U ll ll 11 lo I ., . .1 Hie c.llllll. .'Ill In akeuld ths 1 l 1. 1 I to I up Tin .1 '1 that this in a i...i e 1 .111 ol ih. no whole louui... and not oi Ontario alooo PROF. EDWARD B. PITTS SAYS THIS IS GREAT CORN AND GRAIN COUNTRY Cannot Be Equaled for Dairy Business Spends Much Time Here Looking Over Country. i V SA Y If You Want to See Some Dear Sir- HavltiK spent two weeks In company with Mr. W. Ft. Shlnn. county agricul turist vIsltlriK farms in the irrigated ie. iions of Malheur county I nm Ha pre-med with the won lerful opportuni ties for dairying that are presented 1 noriiion i crops of bay and Krnln nre Krow'ti ami there Is urgent Btd of a better mnrket- Transportation charges are high and It Is essential that bulky crops be concentrated be fore shlppifiK. This Is best accom plished by (ceding to live stock nnd so I illliritciiim lucre rrilin III llie luilll in animals or animal products The more cattle, sheep, hogs and dairy products and the less hay and :-r;iln that are shipped out of the country the better. IJvn stock farming. If praptfty con ducted, results In n law Income. In creased fertility or tin; soil ami better farms Dairying Is particularly adapted to Intensive methods of farminK and Is n prni liable Industry oven on hi h priced laud The erriclenl daln cow yields In her milk mm h more food fit for human consumption Hum is bided In any of the meat producing animals This fact explains why dairying continues to prosper in thickly settled communi ties while the production of beef and mutton Is forced back Into nv.lons of lower priced hinds and cheap pasture lfairu hav and corn tOlfhsfl make Ideal food lor the daln cow These crops grow to perfection here Ten tons of nlfalla bin to the acre Is not unusual and there are fields of lorn that will vleld twenty Ions of ell rdlllgc lo tile 111 le lo u piiunilH ol lorn eli'.Hi I uml II DOOOdl ol alfalfa hav wild a lillle Kraln Is Miffli lent dull food for a cow With the yields Riven above It Is seen that an acre will produce more than ennui: h to keep two cows a year. An efficient cow should yield .'100 pounds of butter fat yearly. With two cows to the acre we Ret 600 lbs. of butter fat at HOc per pound $180.00 la not this better than selling hay at $.". N per loll " To he successful In dairying, bow ever. It Is necessary that only good cows be kept. Too much emphasis 1 'iiiuiot be put on this statement. There Is a vast difference In the producing nbllltv of different cows. In many herds this variation is so great that the poorest cow does not make more than one quarter as much milk as the best OM and both are fed alike A system of record keeping should he adopted so that these poor cows can be detected ami weeded out. The profit of the business Is limited to the producing ability of the cows In the herd and only such cows should he kept as are able to give good ac count of the food consume! Only pure bred bulls, from high pro ducing cows should be used If an In crease In production with each suc ceeding generation Is desire). I look for a great Increase In tho number of dairy cows In the near future and predict that this Industry will prove a Mi-, factor in developing Hie county and adding to Its wealth Kl W A It 1) II. KITTB. Hairy Department. Oregon Agrlcul turn) College Mr litis held five meetings In the county and has gone to Jordan Valley, where he will IP lo Interest that sec linn In the dairy Industry. Mr. Inn Is connected with the Agricultural Col lege Kxlenslon work and goes around Hie Mate trying to help the dairy men to gel the 111. ml of their labor. 1 BEAUTIFUL FALL GOODS I m m m m I nv 9 I Stop In at LAMPKIN'S An Elegant Line of Suits, Coats, Skirts, New Roman Stripe Silks and Dress Goods, Kid Gloves, Corsets, and a complete line of the latest novelties in ladies accessories. I m I Of I I 1 I I Or SHOES Our shoe stock is more complete this season than ever before, the latest fashions in foot wear for ladies, the best School Shoes for boys and girls and as usual "The Prices are Less" Boys9 Togs Everything for boys, bring the boy in, let us out fit him and we will save you money. Ontario Oregon W. T. Lampkin Cash Store ibis war lliev ere merely incidents of pirii'eglc withdrawal and contraction Of the lillle. I Inn . III ,.l Since the l.nllle at Ciimbnil, on AiiKimt. M, ill I Ik- 111 lllbli iroops nm 1 iHHflllly geiiided Hie left Malik of the .h.ile line ol h'l h armies from a Urndly turning attack supported by 1111 1 in. .11 . force Hie seventh I'nii. ll army ban come Into operatlou on the lirillsh left "Tola, In conjunction with the fifth ara.-v 011 our light, has greatly taken the strain nnd pressure off our left. "During Hie whole of this period numbing and lighting have been con tliiiiiuiH ami in Hie w bole period Hie lirillsh casiuilll.h, acciinllnn lo the lati -.1 iv.lliu.ilc.. have smniinled lo ab. ml I...111111 nihcers and un n "The British rati ooo is south of Hie Man., ah. I is In llnu with (hu French forces 011 the right slid left "Tin latest Inhumation about the einniN Is 1l1.1i Hi.') are neileciiug I'm is and are man lung in a south .a .Iii". Hon lowanlt the Murua and towards IhO lell and cenier nl Ilia I'l. mil III. . 1 Hiding to the Vale paper il the ..mult , ai 1. iii. lined by Vale an old J-n .nil house will do for I., icarn. while It the scat Is in.neJ to Ontario ii will ic.iiirc a $-'00. m)0 court house Ontario will lie full of visitors nct u.-ck ami it ! your duly to have all llie lulil'isb and WOOil anmnd your BJOBoV scs taken care of. BRITISH ESTIMATE LOSSES AT 15,000 Germans Are Reported to Be Neglecting Paris and March ing Southeast. laxidon - The operations of the Brill! army 111 Ki.uuc last week arc lev lew id in a nUtemeut Insucd by Hie official war lufoi usllou buna.i "ll is now p ..--obit- to make aunlher aeneral sure 111 . 0111 limall.u; ol 1 i.u issued on August 3D, of (he optiaiiuiut of Hie Itrtiish arui) duiiug the past eek ' No new m. un dial of streugth has luk. a pl.ut llicie Imii' iiidd been battles In laruMU pans .if (ha un ,11 Loss 200.000; Allies', 40,000. 1 . ioa Phi Uslli M ui 1 lories 1 1. , ii toon , u-i 1 , OiSl Ihl lolal loss Ol Hi, .1 III. .11 I'l.l'in. an. I I he loss of Hie QsrOMOS ai .'en. one He nays a moil 1 alt- esliinale nl Hie littrinaii loss placea it 11 1 N per cent at least England Recruiting Rush Progresses. 1. 011. 1. ui BVMtS III nm lliern h'l. line and the caiiipalgu siaiied by 1'remiar As.piiili and oilier leaders have gives Immense impetus lo recrulttuK It la confidently predicted lu official cir cles (li.n l.ord Kitchener will have the S00.O0O nieii he desires. BoHM of Special Hand Ueclloa. Public notice is hereby given (bat pursuant to Ordinance No -tH of The City ot Ontario, of the State of Oregon. ami reiiitnlte action ot the Common I'ouiu il of said Ci(. that a special ootid election is hereby called to he held at the City Hall lu the said City of Ontario. Oregon, on Tuesday, the .'Hth du of September, A 1 li'll. SOMrOOO the hours of S o'clock In the (nreiuHui and 7 o clock lu the utter noon, except one hour, to-wlt, be tween 1.' o'clock M and 1 o'ldo.k p m , (or the purpose of siiuulttiug to all uualllled voters within the corporate limits ol lheii( of Ontario the follow -I esiions p.r (heir adoption 01 rO le. Ilnll, lo-Wlt. Question I Shall Hie Coiiim.Mi louucil of The 111 m Ontario in llie slat,, of Orc- 000 '. authnii . ! and empowered to Issue the iicoiiutde bonds of the .it iii th. sjursosis sunt ol M50 ha ben- date Octooor ist. hmi. to 1 i.ni.U a mud tor the financial aid and assistance oi Hie Malheur Coun ty Agrlculturnl Association, (he same being an a;;rli ultural lair'.''' (Question i ' Shall the Common Council of I'be Clly ol Ontario, of the State of Oru 00k In- aulhorl.eil and empowered to Issue (he negotiable bonds of the said Ct. In the aggregate amount of f:i..ou.io. to hear dalo October 1st, ISI I, to prm Ids a fund for the iluun cial aid and assistance of the Hafe Kosiio ll" i'ii. 1 1 the same being a hospital now constructed and orguu l.el within (he corporate limits of the said CU ol Ontario?' Qnssttoo ll Shall the ('ominoii Council of I lie City of Ontario 01 (he Sta(e of Urn gun, be authorized aud empowered to I Issue Hie OSOJOUoM said city lu the aggregate sum of $:t0,000il() to bear date October Ist. 1914, to provide u fiiml for (he pur 1 base of a SOttOMs site and the . 1 1 . timi .11 a 1 mirt house and jail n Malheur CoODtX, On -on. In the iii'iil Hie coun(. seat 01 Malheur County shall be moved 11 Vsli to niit. Mr. in accordance vwiii ihs rofs to be held IhOfOOO Nm. 1 lull The polls for the reception o: 1..I i cost upon said QOOOtiOM "ill upon 1 ud dS) and dale and at the place I alorenal J be opcucd at (he hour of .. In k a 111 and reiuaiu open until (In In. 1, 1 ot 7 o 1 lot k p. in . except lor one hour between 12 o'clock M. and 1 oclock p in, when they will he closed. The vote at sal J election shall be by ballot aud the ballot shall lie supplied to the voters for their use at said election ami shall be us substan tially set forth In Ordinance No. Jill. Hy order of the Common Council uml under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 264 passed by the Common Council and approved by the Mayor on the 8th day of September A. 1) l'.UI (Seal.) IIARKY H (iKAUrJI.. Kecorder or the C11.N of Ontario. Oregon 8-5-t-frOf f S-tS-frO'OOk trOO-Of- Hft. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS I'ni.l AilvvrllM-mcnti Wanted: (Jirl Uulo jrencral housework I'lmnc fi7M. For .11 M' In. lie 0 Sale 1 mi. Tliorulirt'il Iliiroc pic's, 1 nit 1 1 mult' iiml ft- RTigiblo to ii'nit-try. i; Sitiiv, (intiirio, OrtfOSt wt'st of M. M. Co. Htoro. 30-S9 Tho threo li( excursion trips suroly soi lei lots of clothes. I hiivv to clean mine, why not your at the sumo time'' Art Dunnoi'k, Ontario Profsarv I'hoiio 8-lJ ()iiositc Dreamland list: Silver watch Wednesday niom ing. Return to ArR-us OlUce. Lamm's Wisil Suitings to your meas ure. Art Dunnock, Tailor. Ontario I'ressary For rent, 2 room house, 2 blocks north of school house. Win. Itcaglc phmi. IN k. MWt ': We huve u coinfortuhlc room bonds of the j litiftl up I'vpccially for the ItdioO whro thev can rest, write checks Mid letters ami not he Orovdod or intru;leil on; liulies are invit eil lo call and MM an account ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK Don't Apologize for your Bathroom You can get un up to date bathroom at a moderate price, and . M ' i ill at we install ?tttttunru fixture it will be durable as well. There it always s correct fixture for every bathroom, a suitable one for every taste. A modern bathroom with which you may well he satisfied it what you fct when wc do the work. Three lota for sale blocks west of I'liainflb t. at a bsrgsiu. In. pint, at Argot "iii.-... 1. S. Plumbing & Heating Company. Agents ONTAHIO, OREGON lAsVw : - ivHW ifm''. wtr' 'SUndusT ' Jflwf" U..t (-5 Third Ouliinf Alfalfa hy hu sal', H per ton ileliveicil. Imjuirc V. II Doolittle. Lots for Sale 3 in Kiver.sido addition, near snh stution. Iu qiiire at Argus. You cat) get four splendid magazines one year for IH eein txtra by reuewing your sub scription to the Argus. Hiliillll hxes for rent; two prices ; an Safety ue sa two sizes aud absolutely safe method of keep ing your valuable papers pro tected against loss by tire or theft. Ontario National Bank ffl Bf 2& 4 lFfr lo bBBBoiBOM01BraOftssaaaBaHaKJaifliM& TYveTGreaterOregovC WiU ow hu Mingi, better equip- UMOI. CllUl. J fc , .IK. t. lliJ 111,1) tJ- Jltinoa to it faculty, (be Univsrtity of Orsgoo ul ba:n its Uuity-nioth year Tu.-Jii, Scptcoiber t9. Specul trsioing lor Butineit, Jour- rnilKui. I aw MsJiciae. Teaching. 1 1 enry vto.-. Mujii. Arcrutecture. rnyticai 1 mining nnd line Art lsrfei JHo nongei d.pannirui. ct hberaJ edui alien. I tti.i ot motm thin II. Me uluatt lo teltad.J tfait.,iuis, i. .u rwilJioiti la.ty clpJ New $le.iee AJet.aialrt.ioii Sulld.aa '" '""H 'l .'..!' ...-t.oa Twlttoa Pi UMn..viict lo. uttn nj lor ton.,.' Keeeee lowaai Wriic lot tk.il.'a nj ii.utui.cJ Seoklei. ftaVaem'nf Rfa.tirar. UNIVERSITY OF ORCGON IU1INI IMI&UN Am I My Brother's Keeper? Yes! You Are Provided he is addicted to liquor TO VOTE OREGON DRY: 332 YES m SAL EM Drunk enness has decreased lu ratio of aix to one since the town went dr. V ' A LEM Business is far better than when the town was wet, three leading mer chants say. 7o ItVrgaa builduu Purtlaad. Ore u from wbuh in , 'ther w..i a uuld '.... us I . .I iiiius 1 but la vhhl ok KlWJBSm k lllliiaiiECi