The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 10, 1914, Image 3

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Loved, Hated, Admired and
Likened to Roosevelt.
flul.r at War With Nearly All the
Great Powers of Europe la Not Yat
Sixty Yaara Old Stubborn and Un
yielding When Once He Makeo a De
oiaion. Berlin. Wtlllnm II., Germnn em
juTor, Is the most widely discussed
ruler In the entire world toduy. for
upon his hend there him deMrended the
concentrated wrath of the greater part
of Europe.
A wonderful n m la Wlllliitn II.
Mnnj worship lii 111. ninny hnte him.
unci many finr him. hut nlniost every
ttody ndiulren him He I in-, nil the hr
preailveneKH of BeMSBeeM mid the hull
Iok teniiclty of Grunt. He la n verl
table hiimiifi dynnnm, nnd his vcrsn
tllit.v U the uonilor of nil thone who
liflve iimde n atnily of his Intensely In
teresMns enreer.
Whether nuin: nrtli-rs to nu BfBfff
or 'otnpoaliiK n souk, whether mop
plug out the run rue of n wnr tleet or
pnlntltiK n picture: whether estlumtltiK
the vnlue of neroplnnea na factors In operations or leeturlm: on the
vlla of alcoholic Intemperance; wheth
er winning for big BBBM In forest Jun
gle or directing nn orchestrn; wheth
er negotiating n vnst hUMlness deal
or advising n Ocrtnnn tintisfrai) as to
the best method of ninklng s.iuorkraut.
Wllhelm 11 Is epml to the Pile.
Sin ii a knleldoNcoplc array of ac
complishments tuny sound pnrndoxlcnl.
yet tile knlser has amply deiuonstrnt
'il his nmstery over the vnrleguted
mass of technique.
And how he has ever elevated hint
elf Into such ii record of achievement
Is all the more remarkable when con
slderntlon In given to the fact that
Wllhelm O. was born with n withered
.inn and a constitution that because
of tin comparative frailty would have
given him ample excuse for choosing
a life along lines of least resistance.
one of Wllhclm's mottoes is. "Trust
In Ood; wHtcli everything else." Wll
tielm la eli'issllnel religious, and.
while he la not an advocate of alieo-
J gaV-
fi a.
r Pi
-.aarassasi BaVs wB,
al JsWal am i
bupbbob ili.iam u or uaaMajn
tut annihilation of tbe liquor traffic.
be la reputed to be a decidedly mod
erate user of alcoholic beverages, and
tbe Oersoau soldiers have received
many a lecture on tbe aubject of strong
It la generally suggested that tbe cor
rect private life of tbe kaiser lain large
meaaure responsible for bis ability to
overcome tbe physical weakneaa which
nature thrust upon him In t his respect
be may be again compared to Theo
dore Roosevelt, whose evolution from
puny boy to acme of vigorous man
hood baa excited comment tbe world
Stubborn and unyielding when be
once makes a decislou. Wllhelm la of
that type wblcb prefers death on tbe
firing line ratber than surrender.
Wllhelm II. Is not an old man. for
on Jan. 27 of this year be celebrated
tbe dfty-dftb anniversary of bis birth.
and despite bis somewhat pallid face
and Inch of muscle and girth his men
tallty la ample and well nourished.
and bis Indomitable spirit and grim
determination make him a power not
to he lightly reckoned.
But. according to the signs of tbe
times, all of the resources of this won
derful man ere going to be needed to
cope with tbe situation confronting him
a world's war. the alfaal for wuhh
was given nheu an eighteeuyear-old
boy. aBre with the paa Serb spirit, elew
tbe Austrian crown prince. Archduke
Fran Ferdinand, ami his wife at Sara
jevo. Bosnia. . I line MM
The domestic life of Wllhelm II. is
said to be fniii'lit with contentment.
Despots' bis Wide range ul Interests he
1 reputed to lie essentially a home
loving inau. never to., busy to take
part in the little Joys aud tbe little
Three -fourllia. of the land of tbe
Umatilla projejl I Is desirable for Irri
gation farming; one-fourth Is undesir
Indians from the Klamath reserva
tion predict .. mild winter In central
Oregon, baaing their forecast on tho
Inte nesting of mallard ducks.
Sixty-three days have elapsed since
any rain has fallen at Albany. This
breaks all records since government
rainfall records were compiled at this
Tbe state railroad commission has
made an order denying the applica
tion of the Coos Bay Water company
for the modification of an order es
tnblishlng meter rates
The Interstate Commerce commis
sion has ordered a heart. ig held In
Portland September 21 on minimum
freight rates in mixed carloads over
northwestern railroads.
Attorney General Crawford In an
opinion has stated thnt Inundrles
should not be clnssed under the 10
hour law. The ruling does not apply
to women, however.
The Spokane. Tortlnnd & Seattle
railroad nnd The Dalles. Portland ft
Astoria Navigation company volun
tarily reduced freight rates on wheat
between The Dulles nnd Astoria.
By a tie vote the state desert land
board declined to renew the contract
of the Northwest Townslte company
for the Irrigation of 12,000 acres on
the cheuaiienn river near al'lsley.
The Hood River Commercial club
has asked Senator Chamberlain to
support a bill permitting summer resl
dence within or without forest re
serves, with amendment. If necessary,
protecting Hull llun reserve.
Secretary of State Bryan has aent
Senator Chamberlain a set of his
pence speeches as n testimonial of
appreciation of the senator's support
of the 18 pence treaties ratified Au
gust 13.
The department of commerce on re
quest of Senator Chamberlain has rec
ommended tbe creation of a new aup
ervlsing steamboat Inspection district
on the Pacific coast. Kstlmates will
be submitted for this purpose.
Deputy United States Attorney Gen
ernl Johnson made a report to the de
partment of Justice at Washington to
the effect that local retailers were re
sponsible for tbe advance In prices of
Attorney Joseph N. Teal of Portland
baa consented to go to Washington at
the proper time to represent commer
cial interests of Oregon and Washing
ton before congress on behalf of the
rivers and harhcrs hill.
The state department has acknowl
edged receipt from Senator Chamber
lain of protests aguliiht Japan's enter
ing the I' nopean conflict. The de
partment hue given the mutter Its ut
Winning was sounded by Governor
West that unless the state by the
first of the yeur ties up by contract
the $460,000 allotted by the secretary
of the Interior for cooperative work
with tbe state In connection with
Carey Act projects, the atate would
likely lose the appropriation.
University students and graduates
of tbe stale university in Pendleton
met and organized the University
Hangers 'or the purpose of providing
a proper reception for the Eugene peo
ple who will come to the Kouudup ou
the special train bringing tbe Hudia
Senator Lane will Introduce a reao
lution directing the agricultural de
partment to report operations under
the denatured alcohol act, secured
through bis efforts. Senator Lane be
Uevss that Standard Oil Influences
are oppoaiug the present enforcement
of the act.
Indications are that attendance at
the University of Oregon this year
will break all recorda. A. It Tiffany.
registrar, expecta an enrollment of
460 freshmen, or 30 per cent more
than laat year. He has prepared for
the opening for many years, and says
he has seen none as promising as
Governor West has Instructed the
sheriff of Josephine county to arrest
Oslln M Jackson, who la alleged to
have been Implicated In real estate
frauds in New York, and bold him
until a requisition could be honored
Jackson was recently under arrest in
O rants Pass, but was released by order
of the governor, who said tbe arrest
was illegal
Shipping sugar by parcel post ia a
scheme being used by Portland whole
salers and Burns retailers, to beat tbe
freight rates into central Oregon. By
parcel post it coats 67V4 cents per 60
pound sack to deliver sugar to the
Burns grocer from Portland, while b
freight the cost would be twice that
for tbe haul from Bend to Burns alone
In the circuit court of Curry county
Judge J S. Coke dismissed the case
against Riley Cooley, who was cbarg
ed with killing John Van Pelt 15 years
ago in Curry county The grand jury
at the last term of court had iim-i;
gated the case, and it was taken up
again at this term, but as scleral lm
portant wltiK.-st-b were not present
to testify, the case was dropped.
Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our State
Dynamite Found on Inland Traek.
Moscow. The mystery of two boys
finding two sticks of dynamite on the
track of the Spokane & Inland rail
way near Viola station Just before
train time ia being investigated by
the special ngent of the company.
Young Mnnsnn nnd Bowles of Viola,
who found the dynamite, were seen
by the specinl ngent, who left here,
but nothing Indicating how the ex
plosive came where It was found was
Allow Departure of Unarmed Reserves
Washington. Ruropean warring na
tions were Informed by government
officials thnt the United States will
not Interfere with the departure of
reservists they were organised
and armi'ii In this country.
Simple Services Held over Remains of
President's Wlfs.
Washington. Without any formal
ity except thnt of the church nnd with
all the simplicity which she desired,
the funeral of Mrs. Woodrow Wilson,
wife of the president, was held In the
east room of the White House at t
o'clock. Official business wns banish
ed from the e M'lltlve man-Ion, and
Wnshington nnd the nation joined
with the president In mourning for
his dead.
Immediately after the service here
the body was Inken to Borne, Ga . the
burial place of Mrs. Wilson's parents
Outside of members of the Wilson
family only members of the cabinet
and their wives, the members of spe
cial committees from the senate and
house, a few Intimate friends and the
employes of the White House were
present at the services here.
Pond Dries Up end Hardshelle Are
Dug Out of Bed.
Falrtnoutit. Ind The almost unbrn
ken drought tvlil h has prevailed In the
southern end of (irniit county since
Mny M iH'oinWcs to depopulate a big
pond nenr this city of snapping turtles
whli Ii for years have thrived there in
itront numberx
The water is now all gone, nnd the
hardshell have burled themselves he
nenth old tree tops nnd bunches of
trash nbout fifteen inches below the
surfnee. Some one discovered this a
week ngo nnd since then hns been
bringing to town Inrge supplies of ttir
ties He kept the location n secret,
with the exception of n few friends,
but the second crew Is now nt work,
nnd the turtles are being dug out on
alternate days In the two puttie
One of the crews obtained more than
KM) pounds of turtles In a few days.
and they held I big f I the oth
er night The other hunting party
brought In six big snappers weighing
from eight to eighteen ,ounds each.
Carranza Must Fight Carbajal.
All hope for peare between the fed
erals and the constitutionalists Is now
apparently gone.
The wnr party nt the capltol Is In
control nnd unless concessions are
made. Oenernl Carranza, It seems.
must fight his way Into the capital
and to power.
Real Estate Bulletin
800 IMi iici CM Inini, nliotil 12 linn- ft DID iiiilriiud,
Tins is logged lift In nd ni.d would make Hue posture
it SOWII to 5Mli a m1 grOWl line, nnd the uixlor-
hru'ti is noouI nil burned nut Oniiiiderabie of lull
In ml could In- In rui ed ii grubbed "" Price do tins
5 60 per aero. Would trade for moll place near
110 Good o-rootn house lu-ro in town of Idaho,
1 block from Main Street. Lot 00x40, electric lights,
good well, cellar, and lot is et out to trees This man
(duo has a barber shop here that is paying
him gross $150 per month rvith expense running
from $10 to 46 making him net admit $106 per
month. Price on house and shop 1850. Incumbrance
$860 part down, balance 00 time. This is a snap for
some barber The man's father DM offered him a
good stock proposition, reason fur selling.
Ontario Real Estate Co
"Be Fair," Germans Ask.
New York -The Cnlteil Herman Al
liance, In resolutions made public,
calls upon the press of the country
to accord ' Impartial and Just treat
ment to all sides," In the Kuropean
conflict, and condemns what Is styled
aa the "attitude of certain portions of
an Kngllsh speaking American press
to spread impressions which lead to
hatred of (lermany and Hermans."
Unions Form Wet League.
North Yakima, Wash. Secretly
called together by letter, :i!i represen
tatives of labor unions opposed to
atate-wlde prohibition aaaembled In
North Yakim.i from all parts of the
atate ami organized the Washington
labor null prohibition league.
Means Not Only Time But Money.
Do you ever consider how long it takes to travel the distance
from your house to the Doctor and Merchant and what time
you save by telephoning? If your time is worth anything, you
cannot afford to be without a Telephone.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
i w . 'Hbsb bBbbsb
r iiisW
.t " ,M
gUia , hj if t - 4 . ad
Ejuii iuSihi
IJjfljl 'HalWHflMI '
laTaffirf rS5t ikl:''J
faVaT : - -' Jfcf. J
JbbDDSL aa T esjdPeB
"r ttmt m nkTfci lii
kkr Arsni&l :'ri fafe: JM
"-- - -1-1
IM WHec NyfUwl tuniu
?fc'7',N Meal
La- T isTJBSw 1
(ewe we .QF
fruit Grower
, aaeasajtjaafe. a. aaaeasssae
$1.25Our Paper and Any One of These Clubs $1.25
SEVERAL leading publishers of magazines have joined with us in one of the greatest subscription bar
gain offer ever put out in this country. Through this combination everybody will be able to get a
yearly subscription to three magazines in combination with our weekly paper at practically the price
of our paper alone. J In this list you will And forty different periodicals formed into thirty-five different
clubs. Each club hss 3 magazines, except one Special Club which has four magazines; some of these maga
iineaaell for as much as $1 a year. They are all good and cover a large variety of choice reading matter,
including History, Music, Religion, Education, Fashions, Fancy Needlework, Illustrated Current Events,
Home Decorations, Fiction, Literature, Drama, Art, Science, Inventions, General Farming, Dairy Farming,
Live Stock. Vegetables, Fruit and Poultry.
On account of the splendid contract we have made with the publishers of iheee mag aslnes, we ere able to give our resdere a
choice of any one of the cluba in combination with our paper one year for $1.23. Juet 23c more than the price of our paper clone.
Thie oowr ia made to everybody. If you have never subscribed to our paper before, we ask you lo take advantage of thie offer.
If you ars a subscriber to our paper we ask you to renew ao that you too, may gel 9 magasinee esira. Look over the list and aelect
the club you like beet. Bend your order today or give your order lo our repreaeniative or call at our office when in town. If you
are now a aubacriber to any of theee magasinee end want to renew Just send yeur order to ue and we will have your subscription
esteaaed. If your subscription lo our paper ia paat due, we adviee you to pay up and take ad ventage of ihie bargain. If you are in
the habH of buying your magasinee through other channels, wa aak you to juatly compare our cluba and pricee with that of any
other offer you receive. You, no doubt, are now a aubacriber to aome of theee periodicale. You can save money by aending your
renewal order to ua. Here la a chance to get your home paper and a yearly aupply of good i lading at a real bargain. If you want
re of theee magailnee tent to different eaareesee, just mention It.
i I. I'll N. 1 win. ti
Perm Lib
avryee Lire
Wnmu'l W.rld
loil Papular M.nthlr
i i a n.. a
Hearth md Hami
Farm Lit.
Hmhold Magarlnc
i i I ii Ne.4
Anicrua.t Weinau
Perm 1 lit
Houaahole Uuni n. a
Tmiii I will. fra pattaro) Lift
H.w.abole Maalna
CLUB .-. a
Tuaax'a twlth Iraa patiara)
B.a.r Ja Life
Oaailaw .anaa
Faa. . work Magaalna
l.inlir Life
Wanes'. Werls
CLUB Me. ff
Fa.m ana Plraaide
Wumm Wuild
Horn Lafe
Faro, and Horn.
Woman's World
II t'H Na. lO (.It'll Na. IN
Today's (with frs. pattarn) Today's (will. Iraa pallsrn I
Woman's World Qsnllswoman
Han.s Life Horn. Life
CLUB No. 11 ll.l'R Na. IS
Oood Slorlss Su. . t.atul Farming
Farm Llla Hams Life
Bvsryday Life Svaryday Life
Oraan's Frull Orow.r' r.rmsr'. Wife
Kvcrydsy Life Hon.. Life
Farm Life Kvatyday Life
Todsy's win. frs. patters) H.ppy Hour..
Fralria Parmsr Farm Life
Household Magailns Cnllawomea
M'HIAI. CLUB srio Others
Mamjn'a Worm foultrv It mm
Homm Llf rarm Lra
club No. i r:i.un n..
Paopla'a Popul.i Maathly Farm. Slock and Hmii
Farm Proarss. Woman'a World
Woman a Wo. Id Ho... Life
Poultry Ham Vegetable Orowar
Today'a (with I'll patiarn) Today a will. (rc patiara)
Farm Life Bvaryday Life
CLUB No. Iff CI I'll Na. 34
Boys Magailns Wsmsa's World
llomrl.i fa hall.. Life
Osnllswomaa Today's "win. fr.s pattern)
Kimball's Dairy F.rm.r Wom.r.'a Noma Wsssly
Horn. Life Woman's World
Oanllswomsn Horns Llls
CI. I'll Na. 3S
Fancywora Magasla.
Todsy's will, fras patt.ra)
I I H No. 3T
KansssClty Weakly Star
Farm Life
Kvarydey Life
Wuiimii World
Hon.. Life
K. .... City Wsskty Star
Kvsrydey Lite
Hume Life
Soutti.rn etur.ll.t
Home Life
I.I.I H Na. SI
Parmer'eWkly Dlapati I. Si Paul
Home Life
Farm Life
I I II Na. S3
Rural W.akly (St P.
Mverydu Life
4 I. I'll Na. 88
Amerl.aii Horn.
Woin..n s World
I I II Na. li
McCall's 'will, free pattern)
Kveryday I. He Ciuest
IB rflLK Wi
bW " "B i il BBslaT
BBsi & aBBBsIa I wBsV
LWW ' afafl bbbHbWwBbbT
H ' lmmW tall BBsV
I jx&fnsi
I t ' : '
Tt e r- ,
A) riMM
I .ib. a 1
'- ' IfllsBBBrnfaSBBaSBaSBBl