The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 03, 1914, Image 8

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The funeral of Mm. Klorcnc"
Mflrhor was hold at the I'Rvctte Han
tlst rhurrh Krlilay at 10:00 a m. A
Inn . number from hern atteniletl. The
pnllbearerH worn Lulu and Marie
Buyor, Nellie Wolr, Alice :.i .. II
Ruth Dracewell Elsie Srhmlri. 8ho
wan laid lo rent In tho Rlvernled rere
tery. The hereavod onon have tho
heartfelt sympathy of their many
friends here
Jester Jlranthoorer ntnrlH to f'or-
Talllj WedneHday of thin week whcr
Her lingular form Ih the first lm
prtMtOfl one gttl when looktag at a
hlKh-i)ri)diicln dairy cow. huvh Pro
fessor W A. Hair, Federal and Aurl
eultural College field dairy Hpeelallsts.
This effect Is due to the Kreat rapacity
of tho organs of production. The gen
eral effect Is described as "wedge-shaped-"
The dairy cow shows three wedges
be will attend the O. A. (' again this1 " '"" frm" "' front' another from the
Mrs H
Mrs. Joel Mayer and three children
Philip. I'hllls and Clair arrived Sat
nrday, from Staples Minn . for n short
Tlslt at the Btptf home from here
they will visit In California.
Mr and Mrs. drowning and Mr. ami
Mrs. l,ako formerly of this place hut
now live near Caldwell MUM to attend
the funeral of Mrs- Hort Mclcher.
W. .1 Itusscll and son. Lewis nnd
Karl Scrltchfleld started Thursday for
a few days outing in the hills
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs
(Joo. Frank came near strangling to
death from drinking some gasollnc
thcv had In their auto.
Prune pickers ami packers are in
demand these days- The growers aro
expecting good returns for their fruit
this vear.
Marry T Lewis Is erecting a silo
constructed of wood and cement
Mr tiardner Is building a bungalow
on bis place south of town
A few and Mr. and Mrs II l Hum
acll's friends cuino In Saturday even
ing to help celebrate their second wed
ding anniversary
I'blllp Smith left I'lblm evening to
attend the State Christian Kndeavor
convention at Caldwell
C K. I'owell came home Monday
t cuing rrom the Ontario Hospital,
where he underwent an operation t. n
I. on ago for appendicitis lie says he
I feeling fine.
Mr and Mrs. iieurv Harries and lit
tle sou of (Ireenleaf, came last wee'
for a in at the C K Karnes home
Mi and Mrs. Wlllard Hall from
near Ontarla were -..i. i at the home
of Mrs. Hall's parents Mr and Mr .
K. Link, one da last week.
At a business meeting of the II
0, of the Haptlht church at the home
m top and the third from the side The
I, Dower a slstcr-ln-law of flrH' forme'l ' "", Hnn withers
nt the top ami the hrond floor of the
chest at the bottom. The second is
formed by the sharp withers at the
top and the great width across the
hip bones The third as seen from the
i;idi is Indicated by the great depth
of the rear part of the barrel and
the udder, which tapers through the
neck. I 'mi r points are allowed on
si ore cards for this wedge-shaped
duality Is Indicated bf fine hair, by
soft, loose and mellow skin of medi
um thickness, and by clean bone, lack
ing coarseness.
Halrj temperament Is Indicated by
the lean neat appearance of the cow
In milk, by a large, full mild eye, and
by the general Impression given that
milk rather than body fat Is produced
from the feed consumed When not In
milk the dull . cow may be allowed to
carry cousldoiablu fat
New Plymouth, Aug III The hand
some 114,0011 addition or rive well
lighted, well ventilated rooms to tho
New Plymouth .school Is now practi
cally completed Kvery detail of the
school will he done within 10 days.
School hero opens September 'Jlst with
a splendid corps or teachers headed hv
I'rof () I). Carper as superintendent
The New Plymouth school now has
nine moderuh cnuliic. rooms as to
of Mabel Knberg. the i wing officer. K, ,,,., ,.,.,, , ul, flxtllrK ,t
were elected I'roi.hlciil Ductule Mi'
Kowii., Vice I'renttleiit. Mabel h'nborv.
Secretins. Velma Spulnhower. Treas
urer; Adra Vestal The social, fin
Is one of the i.esi school plants In the
west, ror a town of this HM The car
penters brick liners, painters, i-tt- .
nal pleii their eontructs, Kincst
'"'" ' -buiary and m viver- ul. In mild the .ewer and
ulttees were appointed leu cream and
ike u.r. ,irved ami all onio .! ,i
' .ml lime logctlii
Corn tor sllago is iieifcnthly cut
when the loincU huvo (lUsne I the milk
btagc ami arc glaxvd uud dented, uc
ildliig to tue O A. C. dairy special
Uts When corn bus reache I this
the lower leitM'S are beglunim.
to turn lirown Coin at this
i. .iKes silage that Is more nutritious
.i . well M sweeter ami more palutalde.
Aside Hunt bte more soar, silage
'loin Ii atuie torn lucks a ..u
part ol I he nutrition or ni.r
l ! KM II 1 iUs Inlllnl In ih, , a
oik i.s.eriuieiii M.itlou Hi. U i. .in
sej tic tank si-lein. the pumptlll s.vs
triu and elii ti h w Ii In- on I n. .
wire up the domestic science room for
N but point MOVI - Tills he will rilllsit
tills 11
Tile ItUi V llll I ll .11 . ii up. in ,
win, h has ih,. plumbum contract will
i i ill Hi. noli : pliiuildug fix-
i which w.i ilel.iied In shipping
'Then the school will be read) for use
Sept Jlst
llnllilillg Notes.
mw out loom school costing $ncn
is being built on the Hi.; Willow st
eial miles northwest of New I'ly mouth
I he Vullt'N View school east of town
Is to lie moved across the road I loin
Its present I. nation, an I a one room
.1.1. Iltb. ii DOStlni II""11 H to be built
II It I'ltketi Is bull. Up- a nit e house
M bi ranch thrt dies m94tt ol tow n
Its tost will tie $1.1111
Ho. while started ihla week to .
...v.ii. for a inodern su room bunga
Horses nnd Mules.
D A. (i Moore, Superintendent.
A. Mi Williams. Ralph Dunbar, H. L.
I'ooi man. Assistants
J. Weaver, Superintendent; John
Hiiistian. Dick Jensen, Frank Vines,
department r.
John Wood, Superintendent; Heorgo
(irceii. Frank Calmer. Assistants
Dr. II H. Whitney. Superintendent;
8. D. Dorman, J- H. Tensen, Assistant.
H. W Clement, Superintendent ; Win
Plnney, Oi Hi l.'iihrs. Assistants.
Kami rrodncts.
James A. Lackey, Superintendent;
W. R. shim.. J. T. Logan. J. H.
Forges. A K. Wade, K. H. llrumbarh.
LmmN Cole, W. L. Lawrence, Perr
HumIcii, Assistants.
depirtment i J.
Jas lackey, Superintendent; W R
Sblnn, Robert A. Cook. Frank. Miller.
Peter Tensen, A. A. Reed II Schlot
n. aim. W. D. Patch, Assistants.
vinun h.
Howard Mallet, Siiierlntendent; W.
W. Foster. Assistant.
Fine Arts.
Mrs w i Weese, Superintendent,
Miss tieorgla Hull. Mrs Olive Clement,
Mrs. D. M Tuggert, Assistants.
lr:i'l(TMKT J.
llrrnd anil I'.ein
Mrs J. D Hllllngsloy, Supeilntett
dent; Mrs II. C. Schtippell. Assist
ant, IrKI'UtiMrM K.
Jellies, I aimed lionds and 1'rcserve.
Mrs J M Mci'ulloch, Siiperlnten
dent; Mrs t!eo. Vanderhoof, Mrs
Junius l.uckcy. Assistants
Needlework and K.ntbroldery.
.1. . I'.oiirl. sin i .. i I ii I '.. . I, ... I Mr '
II c. Farmer, Mrs D. C. Hret. Assistants
knitting and (rochet
Mis S D Dodmaii. Superintendent;
Mrs. C. V. DodKe, Mrs. K. A. Fruser.
Quills and Soft Pillows.
Mrs It II I'lircell. Superintendent.
Mrs. Wullcr M tileiui, Mrs .1 II
Ma Mi ii. Mis Anna , Jackson. -hlhtunts
Iril'Vltl Ml M 0
llllllllts' Vtt.u
Mrs. I. A.laui. Superintendent Mr
I Ii Conklin. Mrs II. W element.
Assist, i.. i
NPAsnm i p
Ii Hullcv.'llt , Mn
K.lna tirlficn. Miss Nellie I'l.iii. Miss
June tint . - i '.mis
Ihigs, IllnU, an. I Pet ViiiinaU.
Louis Kroessin, Superintendent; Hr
Q A. I'ugiil. Ahsisiaut
Flow Cl
Mrs I' 'au I'etteli.. Su peliutenilclit ;
lira R a Halloy, Assistant
M -Lj-.--j.-i-J' i JLL kl
... the allh Mace roaulaad r ' ' vi i,u'"1"' ln ",MI '"
.-,.. ... .nt,.,- UMM l, eon.ain "' ' -'U"U J V U ""
in UM cailt ta , l i., , ;n ,,,.,.
I i i mot-, in the milk than in the
I lac, all. I I per . cut liioi't
Ul li' !i .1 .stage than III the milk
ll Is thus seen (hut hllnuo
. oi ii ill the glue.l sla.'.e Is two
and tlii'i. fourth! Hint's as BHtritlOUS
"HI II. lilt' III .1 t.lssele I :.).,
W lun torn Is irostcl .(.,.rc it h.ii
....bed the propel sliue It should he
n and put Into the hilo at once
II allow,, I to stand In the Held alter
UOJ until it dries out. water
should be added lo replace the amount
lost hv evaporation Cut torn in the
itlO should feel moist I., the i . h
V.i v In corn put into the sll.. .i uh
out water being udded is Ilk, '. to
mold, or nil ;..
Farm Notes.
vVhcie there is u silo there is pros
llieie is not euou-h of tb.' i iiin
uiiinltv spirit anion- out rural dis
tricts I lie wast,- of etlotl through im
practlcal methods ol ittruilng is th
I . alesl ll.l '. I.v ol the .1
Success is hound to miiit to the
i'I vv lie kills w bile ' e plow
No t'iili it ion lias i ..ii.'t !
1 . oiul its .igrii ullurul di vi lopuii in
. M'avallii' toi tie loiiinlation an I
M J (lardltier Is building a nice
J i lesideiii ,- ,. i his ranch I '- miles
west ol town
The development ol the I. inner hlm--.11
:.:list precede the Hill .levclop
iii. lit of (he ground he tills
'A.' in ii at give lo the people who
live on the lam; the sumo educational
ddvautaief tof their children as those
t I the . It) t Hint
aoiaalhlag It wrong in our market
lug b.isteu. when it small crop brings
More money than a bountiful one
Co operation between practical
funnels an. I pioiicient business men
will eliminate uuoraiu'c uud preju
dice Tile nations menu must bo made up
front the fields, pastures orchards an I
FAIR SEPT.. 25-26
Kliiniell will hold a two-duv's fair
Friday uud Saturday. Sopt '.'.-'.T.. The
eiiiiie exliiiit eiuisisting of Kniiuett's
tuinoiis peaches. Bvropeaa grapes.
iiectariuea. apricots, apples, prunes,
grains, t . ill tin n be
taken to Cublwell uud exhibited at the
,:ivon COUatjt fair to be held S,vt
I'H-aoand Oct. 1-:'.
There arc 805,1(1 persons in Oro-
on that work for a living and ss.i it oi
:..i.lcus. and tti t'artii ilitolllgentli tho Iheiii Hie e:upUiel upon the furm. a.'-
i must now what is needed. i ling to a report which has just beeu
In the entire I'nitet I States there uu issue. I by the I'liltc I Statt s Census
170 pet'sii!. . over I" ears of I Hlireail Ol the persons ellgagcil lu
u.l Ut.ltt7.33tt, or per cent o I agricultural pursuits, the bulk of thetu
. ..i -ngagei lu gaiinftil are farm o . k.i.m- and iar.u labor, i
oit upalioiis Oi ihe guinfully oocu- I The larm 0H i.itors uiiiiiPtis ;;s.,"..M,
I led. l.'.i. .''..i ;. or .: ; per cent are en- : and ITJN ai'c men and 1. .''. are wo:i;-
llure Ther. en Tkere are S7. 130 firm laborer hi
in the nation and : the HkM
the.i euipli 1. 1 oi. icmales.
Two Good Things In
Malheur County
FALL 1914
Malheur County Fair
September 15-19
Alexander's Showing
Of the new High Art and Fashion
4 clothes for men. A display of the clever
4 est examples of good clothes making ex
4 tant as always in the past-each suit has
i been hand tailored and each possesses
4 those deft touches of style and original
4 ity which add immensley to the comfort
4 and satisfaction of the wearer.
4 Every new model for fall, every new
4 fabric, every new color tone is shown.
4 Tartan checks and hair line stripes will
be in great favor with men as well as the
new two toned blues and the green and
black effects.
High Art Suits
Fashion Clothes
$15.J to $25.
$18.22 to $35.2-
Besides suits for men and young men you will find our store brimfull of
the newest hats, shoes, shirts, underwear and all accessories in mens' and
boys' wear.
Come and partisipate in the best county fair in the intermountain region,
and make our store your headquarters while here. Every convenience here.
Free parcel check room, banking facilities, courteous and willing service to
greet vou by those trained in their calling.
!2J Home of AJAX Clothes for Boys