The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 03, 1914, Image 2

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Gurtiss Pictures Duels In Air
Be.ween Fleets of Planes.
Famous American Aviator Thlnka
That Struggle Will Preduoa Ad
vanoamant In Bcienoe of Flying Ka
peots Damonatration af Aotual Use
fulness. Now York. An Interesting picture of
the iriNHll)llttlta of tha aeroplane, tha
hydroaeroplane and tha dirigible In tha
Rtirnppnti war waa given by Glenn II
OurllHH In a talk at the Aero club
The aviator assorted thnt the utlllzn
lion of tin- (lying runchine to the bent
ailvniitni-o will in- the great problem of
two conflict
Mr. OBftaBj "n Id the aeroplnnv bnd
alriinh proved It worth In warfare
and cited the expenditure of approxi
mately $(ni,(KNJ,ikni hy ICurnpean gov
ertiinciita for niillt.ii nvlatlon.
Only Kngliinil and Kranru, he said,
ha vi- given the world any good Idea
of their aerial forcea. Germany long
ago censed In give out auch liiformn
tlon. while ItiiNNla Ihi . never leen coiu
tniinliMtlvn on the subject.
"Suppose, for example," Mr. Ourtlaa
rontinueil. "n Herman nnny advancing
on a French poaltlon. The German
rotiiinii mler Mi'tida his aetinl aroula
ahem! to tltid the lay of the land, tho
number ami llHaltlon of the defend
ing foreea. If ha alone had flying inn
rliluea the reault would bo almple. A
few houra would glvo him accurate
Drat tin ml Information regarding at
nii'i't every detail of tho Kronen align
ment. "Hut the French, too, havo air scouts,
and they not only object to tile rocon
BolaHimctt of their arrangonenta, bot
Photo by American I'rma Association.
l.l. I NN IL III! IN.
alM want Itiforuiutlon ivganllng tho
force-, ml .mi lug uualiiNt tbeiu. So
they hi'iul out tliclr acilal observers.
"What limn . iiiaiV Shall M aim
whole aVclN ni aeroplanes engaged In
aerial battles? Will there be single
haiidcil duclx? Will the small,
vci fast machines manage to elude
the iiiiin ! i-.l .ill rulici', ohtalii tho
Infoi ni. ii i.. i, desired and slip buck In
aide their UWU line-., or Mill tile slow
er iiall in in,. I witli ntpld tire machine
guns, iweep tin- spasd aeoBta from the
U of 1'iisii fiieui back mi far or ao
bUii tin c.iiuiot si. nag tho Informa
tion tin s, .
"Will lie l.i iiilstiea In the sky con
tliiuc until one tleet Is driven from (he
flelil. MM V lug the letors to their uu
lii' -1 let , 1,'iatlonu, or will both
decis In llie ah aVOld each other, gath
er tin- liifni in ii inn they need and xafo
ly i-i'iui n a ,i If their report?
"Siuucw In le jou li.iM' seen It sug
gest. . I i ...i u bj I siiiii,. matter to
coii.i i air scouts, to keep
i cover of Broods h Ii
fnnliy in .1 iccn tarpaulins uue
ii luat troops
are IHI - Itleil in tins u a. the) ate do
In-' no Inn in. anil If au acii'i' soar
Iiik will drive a troop to cov
er and Unc' It there It MOaUa an Inei
pstutlva and bloodlaog ayatiu of war-fan-
"To read smile reports one might
easily fattier the Idea that a 1U pound
bomb would bounce from a ship's deck
like a dried pi ii Iteceiilly an aerial
bomb carrying hut six pounds of ex- j
plosives was tired at reet on the
ground I am told It tore a hole forty
feel deep and broke ground for -Mo
feet In all direct lona.
"ltoth France and Germany have
core If n.'l liuiultviU of iiiachlnoa
capable of carrying 300 to 400 pounds
of load splecc In addition to the pilot
and eawxigli fuel for a flight of sixty
allien Bomb dropping may not bo In
Bulged lit, but its possibilities are great
ly underestimated.
"Naval operations probably will ahow
what actual service la to demand of
the hydroaeroplane aud the dying
tVmi There will be little opportunity, j
however unices the war Is long con- '
tinned to try many of the tblnga plan-
lied for the future, such a launching
the machines from battleships, either
hj catapult, from platforms or from
A ft &JfS
Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cities
In Our State
Troy Mlnletsr la Treed.
Moscow The Rev. James D.
Crooka, aged Troy mlnlater, charged
with being reaponalble for the death
of hi wife Auguat 1, whoae hearing
haa been In progreaa for eight daya,
waa dlacharged by Probate Judge Will
F. Morgareldge.
Immediately following tha court'a
order the crowded courtroom burnt
Into a prolonged damonatration of ap-
I proval.
The Rev. Mr. Crooka waa overcome
by emotion. For a time he could only
greet thoae who met him l a hand
ahake, while team filled hla eyea. "I
wlah to thank my frlenda," he nald,
"and I hope the good Lord will for
give thoae who havo ao cruelly wrong
ed me."
Idaho Cattle to Chicago Market.
Lewlaton. Klevan carload h of cat
tle, comprising one of the flneat Iota
ver brought to Lewlaton, were routed
out of thle city to Chicago, over the
Northern Pacific and Chicago, Hurl
Ington A Qulnry roada. The shipment
amount to approximately 300 iinlmnl
from the Salmon river and Craig
mountain dlntrlcte.
The Chicago market la expected to
not the aellera at leant 1 cent per
pound better than the coast market h
Arrangements have been made to at
tach the Hear ahlpment to a apeclal
aheep train out of Spokane, making
the running time from I.ewlston to
Chicago 102 houra. It haa been a
good many yeare alnre any cuttle ship
manta have boon made to Chicago.
Parcel Poat la ooetod.
Lewlaton. "A well organized cam
paign to boost the parcel pont la being
made by the pontofflce department,
with the view of making It a direct
medium of exchange hetween the pro
ducer and tha consumer," nald Post
master C. D. McKachron.
Rural mallcarrlers have been In
tructed to furnish all posnlble Infor
matlon to the people along their
routes, and many letters and circulars
giving the ratea and lona churgea are
being aont to farmera. Damage to
parcele In ahlpment amounted to leas
than one tenth of I per cent, according
to tests In other cities.
Quarantine Is Advocated Following
Investigation by Collage fapert.
Wallace. -According to an Inveatl
gallon Junt inaAe by Otto Menlg. head
of lb" animal huabnudry department
of Uie Washington state college at
Cullman, hydrophobia may develop
here, and a quarantine Is being udvo li Menlg came to the city at
the requeat of a uumher of dog own
ers whose animal were attacked hy
a dlneasn which appeared to be rabies
He made ait examination of a collie
which had shown symptoms similar
to (hose which had affected other
dogs, and while It wuh lmHsslble to
tell beyond question without l.thoia
lory tents, the doctor felt sure that
the dog WUH suffering Irotii the ills
ease aud recommended that It be shot
ami Its head sell! to the state Im.tnl
of health (or examination
ltr C S Stone city health officer.
regurds the situation as serious and
has recommended tin- city coin,
ell puss Oil ordinance i.i.i Wishing U
quarantine An oidlug to I'r ktsttig,
the iliaoasu cuttle from I let lick, where
many coyotes arc infected.
Live Wire Kills Kellogg Miner.
KollOH. Aiuoli Kolula. a ininer Ut
Hie Stewart 111 1 IK', was elect rui'Uleil
I Ii was , Bl PJ lUK -i 'Ml ol steel
uil Ills slioiinli i IhrOUgb ll liiaili
tunnel, and w In n ih.ii tlic hoist the
inia in out. ii i w itii the 1 1, ... .
wire The victim tflUL kiuu ked to tha
ground an I heroic UTfaSureS u, l.
ken to icsiisniiaie Inm. ilu puluiolor
ol the Hunker Kill and Sullivan mm
puny Mai used.
Uses Besr in His Auto.
Kellogg, h'dward Mcl'arty was
caught heiwcfii Murray and Wallace
without water in ths reservoir of his
automobile and he was forced to pour
severul quarts of beer into the ma
chine to keep It going The machine
managed to slay In the road and the
beer appareuil) worked as well as
pan 17s Fsst High Flan.
Twin Falls Ths Twin Falls county
oommlsaloners recently considered the
construction of a bridge. ilb fsst high
and 100 feet long, to span the Snake
river just uorth of Hansen Hearing
here have been given delegations from
this and Ltucola couutv at several
meeting Whether a bond Issue or a
apeclal levy will be use! to raise the
50 i necessary has not yet been
Events Occurring Throughout
the State During tha Paat
Land Fraud la Alleged.
Salem. C. I McConnell, a lawyer
of Burns, conferred with Attorney
Onneral Crawford In regard to inatltnt
Ing nulta for the recovery by the stats
of large tractn of grazing land In Har
ney and Malheur counties, control of
which Mr. McConnell charges waa ob
tained hy fraud. Suit la pending
agalnnt the Pacific Livestock company
for the recovery of 27,000 acres sf
school land The compoay has enter
ed suit to prevent the adjudication of
water rlghtn on the Sllvlea liver, and
It wan while making an investigation
of ita allegations that Mr. McConnell
says he found that about 10,000 other
acren had been obtained through
Three Blocks In The Dalles Burned.
The Pallea -Three entire blocks of
thla city were swept away by fire, tho
result of three blazes started within
a few mlnuten of each other and aup
ponedly from the torch of an Incen
diary The total lose Is estimated at
In lenn than two nours fully a doien
store were razed by the terrific
flumes, the pontofflce was destroyed,
several hundred pounds nf mall going
Up In smoke, and for a limn ths en
tire city wan Imperiled, the water sup
ply falling short when tho flames wero
at their height.
Government to Sell Timber Tract.
Klamath Kails A tract of timber,
estimated to contain nearly 90,000.000
feet of lumber, will be sold by the
government at an early data. There
are H2H0 acren In the tract and It la
hunted in the Crater Lake national
park It Is mainly white and sugar
pine, but there In some yellow and
white fir ami considerable cedar. Ths
terms of the sain will give ths pur
chaser until 1 : J". to complete the re
moval of the timber. The sals Is ex
peeled to realize about 1250,000.
McNsry-Bsnson TIs Will Be Settled
September 5.
Salem. Karly settlement of the con
test for the republican nomination for
Justice of the supreme court between
Justice Mi .u and .ludce Henson wan
made certain when Secretur) of Sluts
Olcoit announced (hat the canvaea of
the vote would be made Saturday,
which will give the auccessful candl
date uutil Tuesday to file his accept
ance The canvassing hoard Is colli
posed of Governor West, Secretary ol
State i and State Tieuaurer Ksy.
Judge Uenaoti leads In the race by
oue vote, but a stipulation provldea
that several precinct in Multnomah,
WiiNhlngiuti, Tillamook and Hood
River sluill be recall vnssed and liters
Is a possibility that the result will bo
changed There also Is a probability
that I. allots in Sixes precinct, Cur
ry county, which were thrown out be
cuusc the electors voted for too many
candidates lot governor, will he count
ed in the liiiprtuic court nun
Ml persons having nominations
must file BJ that nine or
their names will not he certified to
tin- counts clerks to he printed OB the
ballots. There is u further require
ment that an psrSOQ i .1 who
ha failed to tile a vetiiied statement
ot expenditures iiiuiiot In- certified to
for the official ballots Statements
mini he fih d even though no money
gg i ipoudsd
12-Foot Corn Displayed.
Oregon Cltj 0 K. Prey
ing, ot the Oregon Cltj commercial
club, is displaying sovsfsj sulks of
com U' fi.i i iii. with ears in pro
portion, to pi.n. thai Orogon is a
cut ii crow im. ItatS equaj tO the best
lu the I 'num.
Crop Pest War Is On.
lVnilU'tmi Tin' fanners of Uma
tilla OOttBt) BSjVS ili'i'l.ii nil win' Upon
muKPli's. QttllfSta tuui jaukratituts and
Siaii' (Juiiif W'aiiU'ii BvBBl l'ilti direct
ed District QBBM Warden Kdftur Aver
ill to uaslbt tli MlBsBN in tfnieriniuat
tug tho pests. The damage to crops
by these animals has been serious
this season
White Cabbage Grown.
Gold Hill- M .smith. Us
Surbank of southern cregon has per
fei'ted s snow white cabbage. By a
process of selective culture, the Gold
Hill gardeurr ha been working alusvg
thla line for sexeral ears.
Fiah Go By Canal.
Astoria Practically all the oaaned
salmon from the 1'actftc coast d satin
ed for the eastern sealiosnl is being
shipped this eai g way of the I 'ana
ma canal instead of hv rail Tin ocean
rale is 40 cent i lie.ipf r than tkp rail
ruu tor gvar) 100 fOUlfli
Loeis C. Melvin
Physician A BUMMM
i i s i. i
Local Market Report.
Corrected August I for the benefit of
Argun readers by the Malheur Mercan
tile Company.
Kkk. per dozen, 20c.
Butter, per pound, 26c.
Oats, per 100, $1.50.
Wheat, per 100, II 50.
Hay, per ton, $.
Potatoes, per 100, (1.50.
Onions, per 100, $3.50.
Apples, per box, 60c.
Chickens, dressed, per pound, 18c.
Pork, dressed. 8i to 0)e.
Pork, live, 7c.
Veal, 10c.
Beef, on foot, c.
Beef, dressed, 12c.
Your Banking
No matter how
small, no mat
ter how large
T First National Bank
Ontario, Oregon
will give it careful
attention. This
message applies to
the men and the
women alike.
Officers and Director:
A. L. COCKRUM, President
T. Tt'KNIU'U.. Vice President
II a COCKHIIM, Caahier
C. W. PLAIT. Aao't Caahier
J. W. lUI.I.IMiSLr V
I-.. I Advertisements
Tbrea lots for sals 3 t looks west
of i-imtuftl.-n at a bargaio. Inquire at
Argus ottloe.
Second lliuul Hay Wagon for'aale
uheap At Van Patten Lbr. Co.
You can get four aiilt'iulul
mugaint's one yeur for Lfl OsMstl
txtra by renewing your sub.
eripUoil to tbe Argus.
Money to loan Improved irr
gatsd farms. W. 11. Uoollttle Co.
Lots for Sale .'5 in Kiversiil.)
addition, near sub station. In
quire at Argus.
Safety ue v ' KM lot rent
two sues ami two jnees: an
absolutelx Mft nietbod of L t-j -ing
your valualde MDBrl 'i
teeted ito;uiit loss bj tin in
tlieft. Omtakjo National Bank
Wanted: A ;irl for general
bouse work. Inquire of Mrs.
T. V. Adams, Payette, Idabo.
lost: Silver watch Wednesday morn
ing. Return to Argus Ottioe.
The three big excursiou trips
surely soiled lots of clothes. I
have to cleau urine, why not
ours at the same time?
Art Duuuock, Ontario Pressary
Phoue 84J Opposite Dreamland
For Sale: Thorobred Duroc
Jersey pigs, both male and fe
male. Eligible to registry.
C. E. Secoy, Ontario, Oregon.
1 mi. west of M. M. Co. store.
Third Tutting Alfalfa hay for
sale, t per ton delivered.
Inquire N . 11. Doolittle.
SOME people extend Invitationi to the THIEF AND HOLDUP MAW.
They carry on their perioni or in their homei Urge raau of money.
A CHECK BOOK U of no me to the professional thief. Still,
check ii AS Q00D AS CASH to the tradesman or for the immediate
household wants. If you haven't a bank account
The Ontario
Scotch Woolen Mills
The Cope Fressary has accepted this justly
Celebrated Brand of Popular Priced Suits
No More $15 to $20 No Less
A. McWILLIAMS Proprietor.
Via. Union Pacific System
To points east. August 11, 1!
and and M( and September 'J
and 1. lo points west, dsil)
to September 80, 1914 Se".
Agents for rates and i'uitl.ti
A Promising Opening
(fOOl) TlltXOr
- ,,- v
at any season ni tbe ytar,
would be a key of our spark
ling Bolitl leer, whieb i- a
good thing to have "on tap" in
case of thirsty emergeiuies.
This lager is the best, purest
und most wholesome ever brew
ed, and will satisfy the most
critical beer drinker. Being
brewed from the best malt and
bops, by a scientific methed of
brewing, it is naturally a per
fect beer.
By covering up their tracks some
men get credit for walking in the
straight and narrow path.
Some are born rich, others acquire
riches and some get into politics and
thrust riches upon themselves.
The man who's aspiration is strong
enough doesn't initul a little pan
lion in order to reach his goal.
M. 3
Bs BaG
Bra ii
" fl
National Bank
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horses Bought and Sold.
The Results Made This Newburg
Lady Glad She Followed
Kr-whurg. Ala. "For more than
year." writes Myrtle Cothrum, of thla
Ilu '. ' I suffered with terrible pains In
my hm k and head. I had a sallow
BbbbJ Ii xlou. and my face was covered
with pimples. Our family doctor only
gave me temporary relief.
A friend of mine advised me to try
C:t!'lul, so I began taking It, at once,
and with the best results, for I was
cnnil utter taking two bottles. Mr
mother and my aunt have also used
Cardul and were greatly benefited.
I shall always praise Cardul to sick
and suffering women."
I'atilut is a purely vegetable, per
fsctly harmless, tonic remedy for 'wo
men, and will benefit young and old.
Its ingredients are mild herbs, hav
ing a g title, tonic effect, on tbe wo
man!) constitution.
lul has helied n million women
I to health, and iti i ngth.
Have yon tried it? It not, please
do. It may be jutt what you need.
N. B Writ lo: Lefts' Vlvisorv Dpt . Chstu-
Snuga Mt-Juincl i)..Clialunoi.. Irnn.. fur Specuil
Inslructiuiia. .inj 64 p.i knuk. " Hum Trcaiawat
J ewelry
Should be purchased
from your home jew
eler who stands ready
at all times to make it
We have the late pat
terns and standard
makes to select from.
Official watch man for the railroads
of this section.