The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 03, 1914, Image 1

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    ONTARIO-The Future Metropolis of Eastern Oregon
The Ontario Argus
leads in Prestige,
merit, and Circula
tion. Watch us grow
Run by Ontario Commercial
Club for the Fair.
The excursions run by the Commer
cial club laat week and the week be
fore stirred up ii lot of enthusiasm
In all th places visited The pnpera
In the different towns guvr good write
upg uml commended the enterprise of
tho member In their effort to adver-ii-.-
the county fair
The Weler Signal had a fine write
up of the playing of the baritone olo
by LeRoy Muni-, the youngest Imrlton
soloist In the world, who reads and
plays all kinds of music readily, al
thoiiKh only ten yearn old.
The .luntiira Tlmea hiKhly com-
niended the work of the hooatcr and
promlaed thut their aectlon would be
well repreaented at the Fair, loth with
an exhibit and In nttendauta.
The Vule Enterprise commended
the Hplrlt of the affair and predicted
they would be well repreaented at
The Nyaaa Journal toffl of the re
ceptions aloiiK the line uud the favor-
lllil- Impressions left wherever lhe
lHlleil. Nyaau will have the best
ehlblt ul the fair the) have ever hud.
The Mom-dale Pioneer I'rese told
of the tin union of their domain urnl the
favorable impressions left b tho
. t-r.s uud their band.
McCarty and tin- other Clu'venne
Buecarroos will lie here auain.
Payette, Parma, Caldwell, Nampa,
and Kininett papers were also freo
with their expressions of good will to
ward the town that had the -nt-r-prise
to go after what they want- I
and all predict thut the attendance
ut the fair is going to be larger than
ever, as they feel thut bum h will sure
give them a run for their money
The Ontario people ajaj still talkin.,
of the Nyaaa cheese factory where the
booatera were Invited to fill up on tho
beat cheeae most of them ever tasted.
That cheese factor) is now lurniii-', otit
.'mi pounds of cheese a day and is cup
able of turning out several times thut
amount. They are receiving 6500
pounds of milk from 500 cows, and are
equipped to handle about ?0,000
pounds, with little additional equip
ment. The farmers are receiving 30
cents a pound for their butter fat,
which is a few ceuta more than the
general market During most of the
summer they paid 1'T when othera were
paing cents. The patrons figur"
that feeding their alfalfa to the cows
bftaCI them about fourteen dollars
a ton and when all tb- bOoi paj bus
there will be even bt-tt-r returns!
They have seven silos now and others
are being built
Will Be Held
Mr. Rice, who hns a homestead on
Dead Ox Plat, waa kicked by n horse
on Friday about noon, and he crawled
five mllea before finding help nineteen
hours later, with a broken leg. A
homeateader need a much nerve to try
and get title to a pie of government
land, with all the aperlala anooplii.;
Has Been Given Careful At
tention by Directors.
nature hua been kind thla year and
I the pimple are learning what la n-ce.i-The
Fair management haa certainly ' aary to take the prizes Many of
done well by the educational department, them started last aprlug to raise stuff
and the favor they ask for their liberal-1 for the fair, and they have been de
ity In the placing of the numerous ami x,,t n,,,,. u(l attention to it untd
hapirtant premiums la that the parent ,., ,,,, hi0 a ,,!,., f w.,.i.
anil teio .. I
f I be various pupils of the
count) and of the surrounding commun
ity encourage the children to fill the
department to the roof. In this list is
r. I'ognizi .1 the principal of the later ed
uculioti suggesting that the field, the
shop, the work room has a part with the
boy and the girl education
Some very utlractive special prizes
have been offered here by our local peop-
le, but the one that will upcal to the
Imj.vs is thut of getting the expenses of .
two paid to the state fair; the two who
get lirst prize on corn. Six boys of the
Ontario school have each planted an acre
of corn, which is to be measured up this
week by Supt. Huilcy, and it is to be
Imped thut there are others. For the
State Fair proposition, it is not necessa
ry thut the boy has an acre, only u fair
exhibit, of his own raising and planting.
From the corn raiser.-, who attend the
Stale Fair, ten boys will net tin -irexpen-
ud to the Panama Exposition the
cominf car. In tl. Count
ry a hundred boys should compete for
l!i. place. For there isno com. i) in the
stttte whereas oiril achaiK i Ii
eil, Hilt w: IAS UKiiW INK cuRN.
Ill our schools, tile last three months
of eucb year is a time in which a criod
of each day is used In the industrial and
the domestic w.,rk. You will I - pleased
Ut see this work along with the regular
apecimena of ever) day Imok work.
n. granting ot the Educational Dap
arum nt has made taU community and
the teachers of the school feel as if Fair
Week was Educational Week, aid each
tea.h-r is an enthusiastic worker for
and during the week.
VEST festival next week
The Hig Heud people will bold a
festival the week before the fulr an:
select the best of their products for
the County fair. Several other sec
titons of the county are going to do
the same and it Is about certain that
at least six community exhibits will
be in place.
Dotal through I'auuma canal is a
kind of lieatbful r. r-alion that should
gfaailj iaviforate vmuu foreign
Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County.
at Ontario, Oregon, From September 15 tojJfJRDAN VALLEY WILL
1914, With Music by Five Bands.
In Front of the Grand Stand Each Afternoon Horse
Races, Buccarro Sports, Balloon Ascension
and Parachute Jump, Etc.
Kacb year the uiaiiauera of the Mal
heur County Fair have promlaed the
people thnt the fulr would be big
ger and better than ever, and each
year they have made good This year
the) are again making the aame pront-
1 In- and ninny of the people are won
deling If possible for them to agal'l
make good, and the officers auy they
I will. The promiae la not an Idle one.
neither la It a hoaat, but a slate
ment based on what they know
The bends of the different depart-
ul.. have been meeting aud report
lng what they are going to have In
their several departments and the
i showing is certainly going to be
larger and better than ever, because
,.,. ,,, ,, ,,,,,, w, ut.
i tract much att-nllon.
I he Kirn exhibit la going to surprise
-v-r. Imil) , lioib In QUaaUty uud qual-
it). 'I'hei- are thousand ucr-s
oi luin around Ontario and much o
it Is choice and will be represented at
ii I 'air.
There has also been a great Increase
'" IM '' Hal felly 'lasses during
the pust year aud there will be a
woml-rful improt-m-ut in the show-
Tim truck at the t.iir grounds la
now being work- I ami is In good shape
for tl.
Tuesday, the first day will be de
voted to tb- children with all the
ewnts arranged (Of their specUi
pleasure it- ure that jour children
One oi the Ml attractions arranged
for the lair is e dully balloon as
cension and parachute Jump by tt man
and a woman
. can not be anything more
ihrilli..4 than dropping from a wind
1 the air, ami depending
on a Uhlil parachute to reach the
gro n.d i 1 cry season of
these daring uavigatois of the air
aaSeBeeweSLaT JBsjslai ar'BS Bl
K-JtAS 7 IWfsss IIP.-. ; ikilBaBnPtSalHaHw''
I V fdT SD6Ci(ll
1:30 TO 5
are given a chance to enjoy thla big
day. The local school will bo closed
all week.
The premium lists are now ready
and may be had from Secretary
Oraueb Drop him a card If you wish
All the railroads have promlaed to
give excursion rates to those desiring
to attend the fair. He aure and ask
the agent for the excursion rates
when buying a ticket
There are nearly two hundred
special premiums offered thla year,
more than double that of previous
years, the prises for tho community
exhibit has been Increased to 40 im
first, $." for second and $1.' for third.
The wild borsea for the buckaroo
snorts are said to be the wlreiest aud
strongest they have ever been able to
get here and there Is going to he
plenty of sMrt watching the boys aud
girls trying to ride them I
There Is going to be another bum'
of wild mules for tb- lioya to use In
the mule races These were very pop
ular last your and ufforded all kinds
of fun
Kach morning at 11 clock the
Nyaaa cheeae factory will give away u
generous piece of their famous i hea
der cheese and a cracker. This la .1
give you a chance to samp!- the bei
cheese made in the weat. Thla win
be in the main exhibit biilldlug.
The lieliarro troupe of artists have
been engaged to give exhibitions of
tight wire walking, a comedy ladder
act, gymnastic atunta, clown acta and
acrobatic dunces and songs They are
very clever people and will keep you
amused between the races and other
meet with mishaps ami their places
are filled with new artists willing to
risk their lives for the great pleasure
they afford the public
Dare Devil Kole has been doing this
work for several seasons and willl
continue until he makes a fatal mis- When the Noble peace prize is hand
lake 'lie is assist-I by his wil-, who-d out tin 11 it will probably go
Iris made man. daring ascensions. by default to the abkooml Oi riw.ii lit
This will be u duily uttruction, c-uch BjajTBO In the man who nlartcl Ib
alternoon. 2 I rat the tly "
he Banner W(M)I Market
Hums, Ore., Aug 31 Fire last night
destroyed three blocks of the business
dlatrlct of Hums, the county seat of
llarnci countv, causing n loss of $60,
000. half of which Is covered by In
surance Atnlng the Important build
ings destroyed were the French hotel,
the Hums hotel annex, two saloons
and the Whltu Front barn ,lu which
:i(i horses were burned It la rumorud
thut one man lost his life, but thla la
uol confirmed.
With a Large Membership
Streams and Fields
The Ontario od ami liun tiub was
organized last Tucsduy evetdng In the
roiunic rchil (iuli rooms with a large
eliiollmeut of members
Soni- slMv people niltb-red to hear
a talk by W. K Leffel, deputy state
cam- warden, of I .a (iralile, who
spoke aiioiit uii hour on the guiue and
rish situation tbroiiehoiii the state and
Ih- man. benefits to be gained through
organization The fish and game com
mission has thirteen hatcheries In the
"tat- and turned fifteen million fish
loose this year, together with thous
anda of birds aud he stated that the
only reason that no birds or fish hud
been brought to this county was be
cause the fishermen and hunters were
not organized The organization hud
over 460,000 left over lust season.
W. II llooliltle BJSjf el-ct-d presi
dent. ) M. Taggart vice president .
Uielcy Howr, secrelury ami Ireasiir
er; with Oliver Nlch . i Oratg,
ilnt Trow, and II. r Farmer dli., t
This is the Hilli clul, organle, In
Ml l-elfel since the Mb ot March, uud
".. I. ad from .',11 to :iou meml.-r., each
It is the Intention to organize club i
laroaiaoal h- county ami then get
birds and lisb adapted to our country
This is a natural home lor birds of
all kinds and a little protection will
enable them to get started
The Slide for Idle is an m I (hat
' will make you hold oiir breath while
it lasts. A wire Is suspended from a
tall ole to the ground ami lb- artist
lidos down this filmy thread ibis
will b- seen each afternoon from in
front of the grand stand
(V K I Wood, Just home from N-w
Vork. lays, both the Hill ami
1. tns will resume exti ni Ion in Ore
gon under better financial conditions
or the ,nter,or 0re()n
The Produce from
15,000,000 acres in
marketed from On
tario each year
NO. 36
And Select Material for the
County Fair Exhibit.
Jordan Valley, Oro , Aug 'i.
(Special.) -The Produce and Livestock
Fair and Farmers' Institute will 1...
held at Jordan Valley, Malheur Conn
ty, Ore , September l, 10 aud II. under
the management of the commercial
men of the town and with the sup
port of Southern Malheur County.
Special arrangementa have been
ma le to make thla fair the most Inter
esting ever held In Malheur County.
Several prominent Oreaonlana have
promised to attend, among whom aro
I 'ro feasor French, of the Stnte Agrl
'u 11 in al r.iiie,.,. Corvallls, and Wil
liam llanley, of Hurna. I'rofcaaor
I'rencb's visit Is In the special Inter
est of the farmers and stockmen. He
will bring several assistants, who will
put on experiments for the benefit of
the farmera: and will be accompanied
b a domestic science expert. The
Malheur County Agricultural Advlaor
will give a lei tun- on "Successful
Crops In Malheur County." WHlkaiu
llanley will make an address on live
stock ut Its llest In Oregon " The
largest produce and livestock exhibits
ever shown In thla section of the state
will be on display and valuable prem
iums and will be given to ll
showing best produce and stock ex
hibit of each variety. As the lorduu
Valley has great H advanced In tho
past year, produce will 1. oxnl
that has mv.r b.ioie h, . n .rowu iu
this locality, i'be 1...1 1 ualurei
will be the samples o! Irrigated aud
dry farm oats, wheat, rye, barley and
potatoes, ullulla, coin, warden
tabbb ami Units ol mam Vurletii .
such as peaches, plums, in
apples, upneou, ih. in. watermelon.
and cauteloii.e
one ot the groatoal .-. mi raaturai
win be thii praUnlnar) automobile
race from Cal Iwell, Idaho, to .lor. Ian
Vail- , Or i Id' h will lah. pla. ni
buptuuiber V.
Cont-stauU will leuve Culdwell at
Intcrwils of one half hour each, hi in
nliig ut s o'clock a m , ami a purse of
HI .vili be paid to the Hist to unit 1
in Jordan Valley over a desituiuled
road. $" purse will be paid to lb
auloisl taking becoml plaM, i'be
management of the lair has benu
placed in the huuds of an atOOUtiVi
coinmllt composed of T T Kohout.
maiiug-r of the J it. Hluckaln Com
inerclal Company , Henry Scott, Mayor,
ami 1; s Parka, maaa 1 1 "i the Jor
dan Valley li 'I'cuiltlle t'olil.ail M N.
I.. 11. b.i ...11 . .bete I l.i arrange ex
hibit uiuturial ami 0 lake cun o lln'-.-lock
II lrl rt ' k