The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 27, 1914, Image 3

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Rexall Rem
Eastman Kodaks
-' in
F. B. Hall and wife returned Friday
from an extended trip in the interior.
Mian Grace McLaughlin was in On
tario Saturday enroute to Vale.
J. A. Williams went to Caldwell
Monday on a huainean trip.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Winferd Sea
weard Sunday a son.
C. C. Wilson of Nyaaa waa in On
tario Monday on buaineaa.
Mian Marie Pinney left for a week 'a
viait with frienda in Weiaer Tueaday.
Mra. I. J. Dixon and Mrs. Evana
went to Jamieaon Wednesday to viait
Mrs. A. G. Brooke.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glenn and son
Wesley returned to their home abovj
Vale Wednesday.
MiHs Emma McGivern accomponiwl
Mr. and Mra. E. B. Butler Sr. to Pay
ette Monday in their car.
Chaa. Anderson and family and Miaa
Ruth Teat returned Monday from an
extended vacation trip to the mountaina.
Attorney Ed R. Coulter of Weiaer
was in Ontario on professional husinesa
Lamm's Wool Suiting to your meas
ure. Art Dunnork, Tailor.
Ontario Preaaary
Mrs. Wm. Smith of Portland spent
Sunday with Mr. Odell. She went on
to Vale in the evening to visit her
daughter Mrs. M. G. Hope.
Mrs. Villa Davia returned to her
home in MacMinville Saturday after
spending the summer with her daugh
ter Mrs. H. H. Williams.
The W. C. T. U. will hold iU annual
election of officer and buinvsa meet
ing at the Baptiat church Tuesday,
September 1 at 2:30 p. m.
Dr. W. G. Howe returned Monday
from a four daya vacation at Pilot
Rock. He waa accompanied by Mrs.
Howe and Miaa Grace Gilham.
J. A. Lam of Succor Creek waa in
Ontario the laat of the week. He waa
accompanied home by hia niece Mrs. R.
H. Colley who will viait other relatives
in that eection before returning home.
Prof. E. G. Bailey announces that he
will be in hia office at the High School
after September 1, from V a. in. till 2
p. m. until school begins. All pupils
wiahing to register may do so at that
Dr. Louta C. Melvln of Atlanta, Ga..
arrived in Ontario the latter part of
last weak and liked the town so well
that he decided to locate here. Ha
is a recent graduate of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons. He will
have his office with Dr. Pogue over the
MacMinville Sun
returned Mondsy
visit with her sis-
W. E. Lees was in Vsle on business
Mrs. Retta Payne is home from her
vacation trip in the Idaho mountains.
Hub Walters was in Ontario this
week from Owyhee.
L. J. Aker was in Baker Tuesday
on business.
Alex Kelsey was in Ontario Wed
nesday enroute to Juntura.
Mrs. W. E. Leea and son Willie
were Payette viaitors Tuesday.
Mrs. D. M. Taggart and small son
returned from a visit to relatives in
Vale Monday.
Miss Essie Orcutt returned Sunday
from an extended visit to Willamette
Valley points.
Misa. Delia Peak has returned to
Ontario after a short viait with her
parents at Twin Falls.
Misses Attn and 1txla Davia took
their departure for
Miss Rena Adam
after several weeks
ter Mrs Floyd Hager of Cambridge.
Mrs. W. R. Shimp who has been
visiting friends in Ontaaso returned to
her home in Idaho Monday.
Misses Mattie and Nannie Hoffman
arrived in Ontario Sunday from their
trip to Blue Mountain Springs. They
went on to their home at Juntura Mon
day. Wizard's Carnival.
The Wizard's Carnival in Salt Lake
City is now in full swing and is prov
ing to be "the big time in the big city.
The magnificent pageant parade of
Tuesday evening will be repeated in
complete representation and detail up
on Friday evening. The Wisard's
Roundup at the state fair grounds is
drawing thousands of ieople daily and
sending them away exhauated by the
in-art thrill and high tension interest
which It furnishes all spectators. The
city Is crowded with visitors, thous
ands of whom came upon the first day
and simply cannot leave until the
last wink of the carnival Satur
day night has drawn the curtain across
the greateat spectacular celebration
ever produced in the West.
Always on the Job
If Mm have a Job of hauling too
want doae, large or snail, you oan
alsravs dpaod on John LaDdiogbam
belog ready for you Call him at the
Moore Hotel.
Means Not Only Time But Money.
Do you ever consider how Ion? it takes to travel the distance
from your house to the Doctor and Merchant and what time
you save by telephoning? If your time is worth anything, you
cannot afford to be without a Telephone.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night 2
Wm. McBratney
Rev. Johns went to Boise
W.T. Lampkin and children
are expected home Saturday.
Van Petten Lumber Company
have put in a heavy stock of
the best coal. Try it. 'Phone 82.
Miss Sumi- Stoetzel will take
her departure Saturday for her
home in Seotia, Nebr.
Frank Hader and daughter
Miss Leona will leave Saturday
for Menomine, Wis., where the
latter will atteud college the en
suing year.
See the Van Petten Lumber
Company about coal. They
have a big stock of the best
coal and will treat you right.
See them. 33-35
i i.- ir..An J .:).. i..n
fj. irmiMi nun iiiimij icii
Tuesday evening for their future
home in Weiser. Many friends
in Ontario regret their departure
from this place.
Mrs. Roberts and Miss (Jeorgia
Hodges were in Ontario Thurs
day from Mallet. Miss Hodges
ban been elected to to teach in
the Juntura school.
We have a comfortable room
fitted up especially for the ladies
where they can rest,write checks
ami letters and not be crowded
or intruded on; ladies are invit
ed to call and open an account.
The Ladies'Aid Society of the
M. E. Church will serve an Ice
Cream and Cake social at the
City Park en Saturday Evening
beginning at 7:30, price for ice
cream and cake 15 cents. The
object of the social is to raise the
defficency on the Pastor's salary.
The people of Ontario are cor
dially invited.
Miaa Stella DuClos, Pres.
Mrs. O.W.Abernathy. Sec'y.
Dr. G. A. Pogue Collared.
At a iui'X'Uiik of the Ontario klacaiuo
iiii'nt on Wodneaday evening Dr. G. A.
Poffua waa preaented with a handsome
collar on which was inscribed; To
Past Grand Patriarch of Oregon G. A.
Pogue, by Ontario Encampment No. 46,
I. O. 0. F..of Ontario,Or.,of which he
Is a member, Aug. 86, 1914. Dr. G. A
Pogue has been a member of the order
about thirty years, has filled all the
chaira in the subordinate lodge, En
campment and Grand Knrampment and
most of those in the Grand Ixxlge. Ha
la now Supreme Representative. On
tario is to be congratulated on having a
citizen ho aignally honored.
Day and Niqht Tnones Hceised in Idaho & Oregon
n n
Congregational Church.
The subject at the Congrega
tional Church Suuday morning
August 30, will be "The Church
and I." The factor would be
pleased to welcome non church
goers and members of irregu
lar church habits at this service
though nil are invited.
Philip Kuoig, Pastor.
Manager Orr of the Idaho
Light and Power Company,
when in the city Wednesday
morning stated that the plant
at Ox Bow A'as pructically com
pleted and power would be
turned on about the first of
September The first unit to
be turned on will be ibOttl
5,000 horsepower, which willen
able the rompany to supply all
present needs.
A meeting of the State Live
Stock Sanitary Board will be
held in Ontario on Tuesday,
September S.
Mm. C. S. Clark returned to Nam pa
Monday, after a short visit with her
daughter, Minn Emma Clark.
C. C. DeFrees and wife returned
Sunday from Sumpter.
Dan Murphy of Keuluii in in the city.
Mrs. Murphy and umall daughter ar
rived Wednesday evening from Sump
ter and accompanied him home.
Robert Odell was a business visitor
in Vale Wednesday.
Mm. Ralph Kckhart accompanied by
her mother Mrs. Rogers, returned
home to Homedale Tuesday from Hoist
where Mrh. L'ckhart underwent U operation.
Your Banking
No matter how
small, no mat
ter how large
The First National Bank
Ontario, Oregon
will give it careful
attention. This
message applies to
the men and the
women alike.
Officer and Directoni:
A. I COCK RUM, President
T. TURN BULL. Vice President
II. II. COCK RUM, Caahier
C VV IM. ATT. Aaa't Caahier
M. G. Hope and D. H. Kerfoot
wera among the arrivals from Vale
Wednesday morning.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Byrd at
Juntura August 16 a son.
Miss Lula Callum ia in Boiae this
l.aKiic Blarkaby ia visiting friends in
Ontario from Jordan Valley.
Misses Mae Piatt and Ethel MrNulty
returned from Payette Lakes Tuesday.
The good die young but occasionally
an old hen ahows up on the bill of
fare as a spring chicken.
Pan) A.l.rrll,
Money to loan Improved irr-
gated farm.. W. H. in... little Co.
Lota for Sale 3 iu Itiversida
addition, near sub station. In
quire at Argus.
For rent, neut four room
bouse, witli burn, chicken park,
two blocks nortlt of scbool
bouse. Win. Heagle, pbout
M6 K 3.
FOK SALE: 6 good borses.
Phone 203k4 P. O. Box Jl
Safety ui, xes for rent;
two sizes and tw prices; an
absolutely safe method of keep
ing your valuable papers pro
tected .i'ain-t loss by tire or
theft. ONTARIO National Bank
For Sale: N duiry cows, Jersey
und grades, testing ' per cent
and better- AImo have 4 year
ling, heifers and one yearling
steer. To any one wanting the
whole herd will make special
price. Will sell one or more.
1& miles south of Orange Hall
Position wanted: As house
keeper on ranch by lady with
little girl. Flora Philips
Fruitlaml, Idaho
Wanted A girl for general
house work. Inquire of Mrs
T. F. Adams, Payette, Idaho.
Iat: Silver watch Wednesday morn
ing. Return to ArguH Oftee.
The three big excursion trips
surely soiled lots of (lollies. I
liavo to clean mine, why not
yours at tlie same time'''
An Dunnork, Ontario Preeaar.v
'rimiieMJ Oppoaiu Dreamland
We will open
our store for
business on
Saturday Sept. 5, 1914
And invite you
to call and in
spect our stock
Second Door South of
Golden Rule Store
Ontario, Oregon
Your letters represent you when
you cannot go personally.
You should want them lo con
vey f'ovorablc impression. Use
up-to-date stationery. It does
not cost much and you will be
more than repaid ly the assitr
ance that your correspondence
is on paper of correct Conn.
Our stock includes not only the new
things in box papers, hut also a ItMf
variety of hulk foodl to be sold by the
ream or pound. For all hulk papei-s Wf
have envelopes to match.
Hill's Pharmacy
in "i t ' ' "i m n I'm
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horses liouyht ami Sold.
A. McWILLIAMS Proprietor.
Best Job Work at The Argus Office