ONTARIO ARGUS PUBLISHED BVEKY THUHSDAT Entered in the pnstofllce lit Ontario Oregon, tnr transmission throngh the mail a necond -class matter. M. E. BAIN. Publisher. Wfiy Made in Oregon? The state in the midnt of a "made-in Oregon campaign". Every Oregon consumer know a that in a good thing for Oregon. Every agency of education and publicity the newapa pers, the commercial club, the mer chants, th manufacturers ia used to foater the ncntiment for home-made articles. Protect home induatry ia the commercial religion of Oregon. Hut wool, cheese, egga, butter fruit, lumber anil shingle, and many aimilar prodct, and are made in Oregon, iuat aa furniture, breakfast food, canned good, clothing, hlanketa, and innumer able other articles of tlniahed manufac ture are made in Oregon. The Oregon hen. the Oregon cow, the Oregon farm and the Oregon or chard the mainatay of thotiaiid of home are iuat aa much entitled to protection aa the merchant anil the manufacturer. The country storekeeper of Oregon paaaeH many aleepleaa nighta of worry over the fact that the MMtoffice of hi town ia daily crowded with letter and money for the mail order liouaea of Chicago. Hut what ia going to atop the invasion of the inferior producta of 'tni-H. New Zealand and Australia in to Oregon? The Portland artificer demand the favor of Oregon for hia output , and ioina a movement to discourage the competition of other atatea. What ia he doing to aave the home market for tin Oregon farm, dairy, orchard, stock ranch and Hultry yard? If there ia U be free trade with China and the other cheap mart of the Oki World, why shouki there not l free trade with every state in the UnlonT la the made in Oregon slogan intend ed only for the Oregon manufacturer or should it be extended to all Oregon production? Oregonian. Political Dope. Portland. Oregon, Aug. 21: Where did Dr. Smith, Democratic candidate for Governor, get the nice little fixed u,i Mpeech which he gives almost word in every place where he talks? There are some H.-oplc in Portland who are uu.'haritable enough to the ".Weal candidate to suggest that the eech wa edited in the inner editorial office of t te magnificent new building recent ly put up by t'ol. Jackson for the Oregon Journal; they further whisper that the speech was afterward care fully censored by Governor West him self so that nothing dangerous to the V t interest should apcar therein. Then, the story goes, after the speech had been pruned und patched up, it was type-written on a nice clean nice sheet of paper and given U lr. Smith to learn. Those who have heard the speech in different places declare that he has learned "Ills little piece" just a it waa given to hun and is reciting it without a slip of the tongue. It IS wondered li home here if the present ncrvou aetiviH of the Oregon JoafMl und lit- editorial ctfort to make out that )r. Withyconiaeis a "corked" candidate, fl nt an attempt to dlxtract attention from iti Mm rcHirtcd activi ties in "canning Dr. Smith's apsasfc. Thc point out that it wmn only a short nine ago that the Journal was throw ing Umuets at lr. Withy combe for his fearlessness in expressing his opinion. These editorial appeared under the headline, "li Withyeombe's candor" POW Um Journal want its readers to I., inn. lr. Withycombe to bo a fear laaj li;if mistaken man or lo they want linn raidan to believe the present itof) thc are telling that tin- Rcu,uh . .in candidate ia Ml amiable man, but !i i .ml in ex proa hi mind. It is a CUriOUS (lung that tins ncr oiis bustle In the editorial sanctum of the ureal lion partisan t ' daily of Oregon has only rtirtfd within the last tow days. Tins circumstance linked with rumor feJag aUmt that the Democrat ar' tr.wng to trade ntf Smith Vote foi Chamberlain vol..-.. Scotch Woolen Mills The Cope 1'reasary has accepted this justly Celebrated Hrand of Popular Priced Suits No More$5 to $20 No Less W)Pl PRIMARY lends force to the notion that the Dem ocratic manager have at last come to a realisation that their hope of elect ing Dr. Smith in ahaolutely forlorn and they are up to the name old stunt of "Having George. " FRUITLAND NEWS ITEMS Prune packing has begun in earnest thin week. Kov Bowers moved ljere last week from the" Thurston Beck- with place. The Whealdon family were entertained at the L. B. Makin- son home Hunday. Rev. and Mrs. Hower are the proud parents of a fine boy born Saturday the 15th. Philip Dachler has bought the Wolford property and mov ;d his family there. Mrs. Chas. Stephens and Mr. Fitzgerald and son Marion re turned Saturday from a week's otiting in the hills. Choir prnctice was held at the home of Klsie Scbmid last week and ut the Whealdou home this week. The Fruitland barber and his wife are settled in their new house. The Wood River bunch gave them a delightful surprise party Monday evening. Mr. Childs returned Tuesday from a trip to Kmmett where he went to get a load of peaches. The peach crop at that place is reported good. Grant Williams and Walter Scbmid have returned home from Nam pa where they have been working, since the first of Juno, for lr Kobinson on a ranch. C. K. Powell who was operat ed on for appendicitis last Fri day at the Ontario hospital is getting well. He has many friends here who are glad to hear of his recovery. The Queen Ksther Circle met this week at the home of Mrs. N. P. Yockoy. The following invited guest were present: Oil lard Cregor, Lewis Kussel, Kmil Scbmid. Klsie Thomas, Karl Srrilchtield and If, H. Powell. Mr. M. I ut us 1 1 the priucipal of the high school arrived last week accompanied by his wife and sister-in-law Miss Miller. They will Hvo in the Bowers ami Hunter house east of the blacksmith shop. Mr. and Mrs. Al Pathael re ceived u telegraph message Mon day morning that their daugh ter Mrs. Florence Melcher of Priest Kiver was uot expected to live. Mrs. Pathael loft Mon day evening to be with her. The Queen Ksther Circle of Fruitlund was invited to meet with the Circle of Payette Tues day evening of last week tit the home of Miss I.mih Hay lies. Those who went were Misses Lillian Winter, Olive Hunter, Fern Link, lrmu Deal, Kuth ami Alice Whealdon, Irene Cot tiiii.KluabethTuttle and Marion Kobinson. The M. K. Ladies Aid Society met in Kpworth Hull last Thurs day. The features of the meet ing were quilting, basket dinner ami election of ollicers. The following were elected: Presi dent, Mrs. P. A. OrtfOt: Vice Presidents, Mrs. tJ. W. Cotton, Mrs. Ira Dalell, Mrs. H. (J. (ianluer. Secretary, Mrs. House Treasurer, Mrs. K. K. Hunter. Horner's Bakery. We have opened our short order cafe and are prepared to give you ipiiek .service "t all hours. Give us a trial. Homers Bakery. Formerly 1. & E. Makers. An egotist imagines the world thinks as nuicli of alas as hi thinks of himself. - HOTEL BLOCK Blinded by White Flash Anderson, Ind., Aug. 2n. persons are reported to utrifki'ii blind us a result of a light cauaed by workmen welding tty an electric process on a trolley wire at Anderson, Ind. Several who saw the light were not stricken until a few hours later. A specialist stated that In each case attended the inside of the eyelid was greatly irritated. He gave as his theory of the cause, the peculiar rays of light. People are often blinded by prejudice, but real exqerta praise golden grain belt beers aa the peer of any, advertisement. First M. E. Church. Sunday August 30, 1914. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Preaching Service at 11 A.M. Subject, "The Influence of Pray er upon Character." Evening at 8 P.M. Subject, "The Supreme Worth Moral Character." There is a cordial welcome extended to all to attend these services. Tims. Johns, Pastor BRIEF WAR NEWS At the end of three weeks' conflict sone of the combatant succeeded In delivering a aerlou blow. The honors of the third week belong to Germany, but no achievement on either lde de aervea to be called a victory. The Krench gained gratifying successes In Alsace, and the Hermans, by a steady pressure, obliged a large portion of the Helglan field army to retlrs on Antwerp. The (lertnan advance Into Belgium was without aerlou check. Having taken Brussels, the troop of Kmperor William forced their way steadily and rapidly to tbe north and wait and overran the whole of northern and western Belgium, and southeast of Brussels they invested the fortified city of Namur on the Meuae. British and Krench troops are fac ing a force believed to consist of the greater part of tbe Herman army along a battle line which mends from Mona to tbe frontier of Luiemburg Operation in ofherectlons of Bel glum Indicate that few Herman force are being apared from the great con fllct. It Is said only a small force con tlnue lo Brussels porhap 3000 men and Antwerp reports the country In Its vicinity cleared of Herman Small force are holding tbe village along tbe line of march, to prevent Interfer ence with tbe route of communication The Krench developed an imposing encircling movement In Lorraine, try ing to drive the German back toward Strataburg. i tils was an offensive movement. eonialnloK poeslMMHee of much dsn ger, because of tbe enormoualy strong Herman fortlfleaUons In the area of operations Krench troop galued half a dosen town after aeveral daya' fighting, but the Oerman suddenly took tbe offensive themselves and tbe Krench quickly retreated acroas the boundary, gaining nothing by their work Si Petersburg announce officially that tbe Rusilati army Is advancing along the entire Austro-Herman fron tier and al the sume time successful!) maintaining I he offensive at every point of contact with the enemy. Tbe Russian advance into I'rusala is following the line of the railway from Kydkuhnen toward Konlgaburg Opposed to It i an entire division of Herman infiiniry. heavily supported by artillery. The Hermans are stubborn ly defending their positions. Forced from one line, they move buck to an other iilreudv prepared, currying their anlllery with tbe'n. The Russians are fnued to charge and take each ad vanced line of trenches at the point of the bayonet. The main invasion of Austria I through the 8tyr river valley. Sweep ing successes are reported m this sec turn The army irom the mobilization triangle of Dublin Kevno and Krasue. bit peuetr.iied II miles inland in the general direction of I. emberg, capital of Huiiciu. PrasjUeaUy continuous fighting ha occurred, In this fight Igjgj it is decl.treil that an Austrian di vision u.is completely routed and that 17 guns and more than 1600 prisoners were taken. The Russians are report ed as following up (heir advance and to be pushing on toward l.euiberg. A Hermau ott elal statement says thai troops under the command of the frown I'rluce of Bavaria, fighting be tween Meti and Vosge. took 10,000 prisoaers and fifty guns It adds that tbe French IfSjsjpsj opposing tbe Her man comprised eight army coraps. A Fan.- statement declares this ts ab surd but admits reverses in Lorraine Reports from the Austrian Servian boundary say that the Servians have won a battle oti the Prina, which mill tarv experts consider highlv probable as the Servians have a comparatively small army but one which has passed though two years' actual war and therefore ha the advantage of voter- aus tightiuf against amateur If h t'rien.i pulls his watch on your funny story cut it short, hjEti WeWn Bridqe Notice to Contractors. ale Oregon- Sealed proposals will be received by the County Commis sioners of Malheur County, Oregon, at the County Clerks office at Vale, Mai heur County, Oregon, up to 2 o'clock p. m. September 7, 1914. for furnishing material and constructing two concrete abutments and one l!0-foot steel bridge over the Malheur river near Harper. Malheur county, Oregon. Plans, specifications aud forms of proposals are on file at the offices of the County Clerk and County Surveyor. A rertified check for I Der cent of the amount of the bid, made payable to the Treasurer of Malheur county, must accompany each bid and the same to be forfeited to Malheur county if the bidder fails to enter into a con tract and furnish a bond which will be 60 per cent of the contract price, with in ten day from the time notice is mailed to him that the contract is ready for his signature. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. 33 -85 Alias Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Malheur. Home Lumber and Coal Company, a corporation, plaintiff, Vs. Geo. W. Cater, Anna Cater, E. F. Sullivan, Fred G Anderson, George Kelley, Melvin Smith, Henry Dargel, Juntura Mercantile Company, a cor poration, Juntura Hotel Company, a corporation, M. S. Houston, John Hod dor, A. C. Woodruff, Clyde Shauer, John E. Thomas, A. G. Williams, John U. Hoffman, Carlson-Lusk Hardware Company, a cororation, and Frst Bank of Juntura, a corporation, defendents TO George W. Cater, Anna Cater, E. F. Sullivan, Fred G. Anderson, George Kelley, Melvin Smith, Henry Dargel, Juntura Mercantile Company, a cor poration. Juntura Motel Company, a corporation, M. S. Houston, John Hod dor, AC. Woodruff. Clyde Shauer, John K. Thomas, A. G. Williams, John U. Hoffman, Carlson-Lusk Hardware Com pany, a corporation, and First Bank of Juntura. a corporation, the above named defendenta: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are required to appear and ar. swer the complaint of the plaintifi filed against you in the above entitled action on or Deiore me Bin uay oi ucmwr, 1914, the same being the last day of the time prescribed by order of the Court directing summon in aaid suit to be made upon you by publication. And if you fail to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to wit: For judgement againatdefendant George W.Cator in the sum of $787.96 togeth er with 6 per cent interest thereon from Dec, 10., 1913, for $160.00 attor ney feea and coats of auit also for a decree of said Court foreclosing a certain material man' lien of plain tiff against Iota 8, 9, 10 and 11 In block 19 of the original Townaite of Juntura, Malheur County, Oregon, and recorded in Book "B" of Mechan ic Liens at page 94 thereof, for ma terials furnished by plaintiff to defen dant George W. Cater a contractor and agent of Juntura Hotel Company owner of a certain hotel building built on aaid real estate hereinbefore de scribed, and which material were used in the construction of said hotel building; and also asking judgement of the Court decreeing that the lien of plaintiff be a first lien on said premises superior to the liens af any of the other defeudanta named above, against said hotel and land, and for all other proper relief. And you are further notified that this summon is served upon you by publication in pursuance of an order of Hon. Dal ton Biggs, Judge of this court, which aaid order was made and entered in said cause on the 28th day of July, 1H14, and directed that this .summons be published once each week for six consecutive weeks in the On tario Argus. The first publication of this summons is on August 27, 1914, and the last pub lication is on Octoqo r 8, UU-I. ED R. COULTER Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice Meeting of Board of Equalixation for Dead Ox Flat Irrigation Project. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Dead Ox Flat Irrigation District, acting as a Board oi Equalization, will meet at Ontario, Oregon, on Tuesday the 6th day of October, 1914, at 10 o'clock A. M. for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment and appor tionment of taxe of said Irrigation District for the year 1914. A list and record of said assessment is now in the office of the Secretary of said District for the inspection of all persons interested. Dated at Ontario, Oregon, this JTth d i id' August li14. H. W. CLBMCNT, Si cretarv SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for iae CdoMy of Malheur. SILVY A. B.WHITNEY, Plaintiff vs. CHARLES A. WHITNEY, Defendant To Charles A. Whitney, the above named defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the Urd day of September, 1014, the same ticing tne last uay oi ine nine prescribed by order of the court directing service of summons in said suit to be made upon you by publication, and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to said court for the relief demanded in said com plaint, to-wit: For a decree of said court dissolving the bonds of matri mony now existing between you and plaintiff, and granting the plaintiff an absolute divorce from you, and award ing the plaintiff her costs and disburse ments in said suit. You are further notified that this summons is served upon you by publi cation in pursuance of an order of the Hon. Geo. W. McKnight, County Judge of Malheur County, Oregon, which said order was made and entered in said cause on the Kith day of July, 1914. and directed that this summons be published once each week for six suc cessive weeks inj the Ontario Argus, commencing with the issue of July 2H, 1914, of said newspaper. First publication of this summons is on July 23, 1914, and the last publica tion is on September 3, 1014. Mcculloch a wood Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice of Bond Sale. Notice is hereby given that the city council of the city of Ontario, Oregon, will on the itb day of August, 1914. receive bids for the purchase of $13, il4.77. improvement bond of Ontario, Oregon, for sower districts Nos. 2, 3. 4 and 6. Bids shall be submitted in writing and shall be unconditional as to legality. The bonds shall bo taken up and paid for immediately The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the city council. HARRY B. GRAUEL, City Recorder of the City of Ontario, Oregon. Local Market Report. Corrected August A for the benefit of ArgUS readers by the Malheur Mercan tile Company. Egga, per docen, 20c. Butter, per pound, 26c. OaU, par 100, $1 50. Wheat, per 100, $1 60. Hay, per ton, $o. Potatoes, per 100, $1.50. Onions, per 100, $8.60. Apples, per box, 60c. Chickens, dressed, per pound, lHc. Pork, dressed. 81 to Ojc. Pork, live. 7c. Veal, 10c. Beef, on foot, 6c. Beef, dressed, 12c. , Administrator's Sale. Notice is hereby given that in pursu ance of an order of sale duly made and entered by the county court of the state of Oregon for the county of Malheur on the first day of August. 1!14, in the matter of the estate of John M. Kline. d- ceased, the undersigned administra trix of said estate will, on and after the 1th day of September, 1914, at her home near West fall, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at private sale, in one par cel, for cash in hand, subject to confir mation by said court, the following de scribed tract of real estate owned by said estate, towit: The ej of set of section 27, and the Bj of nwj, and sw of se, and swi of section H, in town ship 18 south, range 41 e, W. M in Malheur county, Oregon. The first publication of this notice is on August $, 44 and the last publication is on September 3, 1914. MARTHA BRODR1CK, Administratrix of the Estate of John H. Kime, Deceased Jewelry Should be purchased from your home jew eler who stands ready at all times to make it good. We have the late pat terns and standard makes to select from. Official watch man for the railroads of this section. W. W. LETSON, ONTARIO. OMOOtf Dr. W. G Howe DENTIST Telephone No. 732 First National Bank Bldg. DRS. PRINZING & WEESE Ontario, Oregon Office in New Wilson Block. DR. D. C. BRETT DENTIST Office 2nd door eatof jDntario Phar macy on Nevada Avenue Near R. R Depot Mcculloch, & wood lawyers Rooms 1-2-3 First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Ontario, Oregon OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Da Hahiurt skuis Da. I' a i i ink Brahr Graduates American School of Os teopathy. Kirksvtlle, Mo. Wilson Block Telephone. 154 Blk. N. H. WHITNEY PHYSICIAN andfSUROEON Office in I. O. O. F. Bldg.. ONTAKIO. - . OaaooM C. MC60NA8ILL ATTORNEY AT LAW Will Practice in all CourU Nutarv Public. Office over Poetoffice REX MARQUIS STOCK INSCKI TOR (IK MAl.HKt'K COUNTY DEPUTIES: Emery Cole, Brogan. W. II Cecil, Ontario Bert High. Vale. C. C. Morton. Old's Perry. N. O. White, Welser Rridge. J. E. Holly. Riverview Ai- Heiiuv. Jvr.isu Valley. Joe Bankoffer, MVDermltt J. Boydell. Nyaaa W. II M. -William- Jnntura Win Kine, Harper 1. M. Seaward, Ontario Bridge Transfer, Baggage and Express Meet All Trains JOHN LANDINGHAM Methodists. Sunday School 10 A M Preaching Service 11 A M Junior League 3 P M Epwortb League 6 :30 P M Preaobing Serf loo 73:0 P M Thomas Jobus, PASTOR. ( oiiqreudtiondl ( hunh Notkt Sunday Servioea, Sunday School 10 a m Preaobing Servioes Ham 0 E Meetiug 7pm Preaobing Services 8pm Midweek Lectures every Wednesday evening 8 o'clock Pbiiip Koenlg, Pastor. CATHOLIC CHl'RCH Matt at A M on 1-t and Urd Sunday of each month. On all other Sundays at 10 A M. 11. A. Campo, Rector ADVENTIST. Kw . I aturday ubbaiu "bool 10:30 am Bi le Study 11 ::0 a m Vouog people. meeting 1 :30 pm Summer EXCURSIONS Via. Union pacific System To points east, August 11, Its aud ami 86) aud September '-! aud lti. To points west, daily to September 30, 1914. See Agents for rates and furtber particulars. Louis C. Melvii Physician A BUBOMI .IKKICK Willi UK I'OCrHuVKKPOSTOFMCE ONTARIO. OREGON