OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Pitt Week. Apple Packers Traintd. Hnoit River - Beginning the second week In Heptember. the annual park tag achool ex it"' Appla Orowors' aoclatlon wllf hold IU sessions. A portion of tha big warehouse of the association will be fitted with tacking tables and expert puckers will Instruct the amateurs, who will Aotne from all pnrta of tin- mid Co lumbia district. The annual parking schools am nl ways well attended. Many of the grower of tin- valley, whose orchards are) com I lis Into hearing, attend with their wives and families to learn the latest meihodH of packing attractively the apples, which will aoon be matur ing. Fruit Statistics So.ght. Albany. -(lathering accurate atntls tics of Oregon's annual fruit crop ta being planned by the stnte hoard of liortlculture. K. ('. Huberts, of l.elmii on, president of the board, snys that the board hopea to outline a ayateni Unit will aid it to (Uncover and rem dy i mii !" for poor fruit ftaldl The tilati la being tried HiIm yeur for Hie flrat time in I'olk county. Extension B Pltatsa. Ilcrmlston. The people of the g ii t it 1 1 1 lit projict are greatly elated over the final passage of the 20-yeai extension bill that bus been sighed by the president TIiIn new law given the aettler 20 yam without Interest in pn In w tar right charges to the goverumeul The paymeiitH are slso niiide small In the beginning. Duuylj Inveata Million In Auto. KoMelniri. Vcrordlna to flumes compiled here. HotlKlas count) clll aetia have Invented more than 11,000,. ON III aulomoblleH In the lust net en yearn. Till doea not Include many earn which were purchased liv partn who MUlHCliellll) located 'III llllH HIM Hull MAIL VOTERS' PAMPHLETS IB Constitutional Amendment. 10 Measurts to Be Paaaed Upon. S.iiem topics of the initiative pamphlet, Issued by Hecretnrv of Stale Men W OI.miII, aii' being mailed to ery registered voter III the stall The proponed conntliuiloual amend llielitn and measures colltillned therein ale to lie nilliinll teil lo the Voids III the general election on Nmemhei I There are !! proponed iimt'ildllieutn (o the ntnte I'Diiut It lit Ion and 10 pro posed Initiative measures in the pain tli ' I The legislature referred eight pi.iposetl iiiliMl tt ill Iiiiih I Hlin nUlneiits and two inennliren lo the people. Illld II proponed conntlttitlonal iimeud uipiit and eight UK'iiHiireH were Inltl .tie. i linn 'i tie' ittoriH oi various I" i .iiiih nl Dl ItlllMtlOM A proposed iiiiiHtllullon.il iiuieiid nieiil lelened lo the voters hv llie leglnlnt in ' I. mm follow i Amendment of nectlon J of article II of llie constitution, mi nn lo require volern to be ell liens of the I lilted .siMieh t prenent foreigners who, nl leant iille l.'.il pilot lo the d'i of election, lime declared Ihcli Intent Ion to become clt liana ara entitled to vote Double Celebration is Plan. lii.int: Pi lir. mis I'm HI It U) ll.ive ll big double i i-lchlatinu lei i .in. I It Wild. I villi'. Seplellllier 7. Ill holler nl llie riiinpli'lhiu of the iiiuiiliip.il null ol llie III. nils I'nsri A II. t'ltv i, nil. i. nl .Hid also l Imiiur of llie I'ctlllll Ol Joseph Kllowlc- llie ii.iiiire man, whose experiment will teriiilnnte iilmul lluil time Costly Imbler Fire. 1 .11 tir.iinle llie mill. eleiMlur Mild w ii'eiionse tugathar with !" ' hush .is i.r iihe.ii and :'"1'11 bam It ol Huur, beloUglUg to I In lull. lei I'lui.i li compuii) at iiiiiii.i i i nlli - uoi ill aauM oi ban an ilaalro) J b) t Ira Snu.l hi. mIu nit h.ilf M vv In, li - ,i . .i i i ui iii a Girls of 16 Dl in Creek Mulslilied ei.i Hull Mli.l Willev. two Hills ol III. were ill. .1 ID H creek il HievvHlei i.illi'i liev mil1 bathing la sm.iii str'; . aad gOl be.vond their dcplli Chloroform Kills Girl Salem MHW Men.! Smith. la. daughter ol Mis O li Sniilh. died from the cue. i oi .in aetata! hat lc uiv eii for an op'i'.it ion for tons.: tha office of ir. li J Ctaaaaats Artillerymen Arc Busy. Hom ImrK Meinlieis of tile local ooinpaiiv. eoaal arltllerv who have been selectc I to take pal 1 III the varl ous di. nit In . ompelltiou- on the state rifle i.iiim' ii ri.iik.iui. .ire making dally picpsi.tiioiiB tor th( events CARDUI WORKED LIKE A CHARM After Operation Failed to Help, Cardui Worked Like a Charm. Jonosvllle, B. C "I suffered wPtb womanly trouble," writes Mm. J. 8. Kendrlck, In a letter from this placa, "and at time, I could not bear to stand on my feet. The doctor said I would never be any better, and that 1 would have to have an operation, or I would have a cancer. I went to the hospital, and they oper ated nn me, but I got no better. Thev an Id medicines would do me no good, and I thought I would have to die. At l i I tried Cnrdul, and began to Improve, bo I rontlntied using it. Now, I am well, and ran do my own work. I don't feel any pnlns. Cardui worked like a ehnrm." There must be merit In thla purely Tegetablp, tonic remedy, for women Cardui for It has bien in successful use for more than 50 years, for the treatment of womanly weakness and disease, I'll ane try It, for your troubles. N. B - PHh ' Udtet" Ajvivirv rpt. ChaMa oof a MeJIclneCn., ChitWH'Og v T'""-. tor Siirrinl ntlrtirtinni. unlH-iuii.' N.k. Home Trimrtt far Women, MM In plain wrapper, on i'imi. MILLIONS OF POLES MENACE TO RUSSIA Muscovite Unity Probably Will Be Broken During War. New York- The ileclnriitlon of war, with the certainly Unit the resources of Uiinsl.i Will lie lillllli lied llglllnSt Alls ti In Hungary, lias led stiltli nl . of con tllll'lltnl polities, who view the sltuil t loll fimn this side nf the A 1 1 . Ii 1 1 . lo examine the composition of the iintlou o er which the e.ai rules That Una sin will not piesent in uiibrukvii fruut to Austrian or lici-uniii at tun will up pen ill the v jry in -I gliile e There inn he little doulit tlnit the most restless element In that vnnt em pire In lllinle up or the 1 1 I.I NN I.IK N) or more I'olen who bate been forced to surrender their lileitn-s, their language ami their mitlouiillty to the govern ment In St I'ctcrslnirg rolltlcal observers III tbln city believe that the III.INNIINNI I'olen living In I tils Mill will not Hllpp.it l the ( .Ml' of all llie Itusnlniis. Inn will Mid Austria. Inipilry In the olllco of the consul general of the dull monarchy resulted in the prediction by Auntrliiii officials ' that thin defect Inn surely must result nn the oihei Initial, ii.oik.i p., i,.... Wllhlii llie lioiiiid.irli'M of .ii-trla llun gur.v nre expe. dsl io give whole souled support to Kmpci'lor frauds Josapb ; "Hi of gratitude fur the enlightened pulley pursued l his government with rcMpcct to that people. Itunnliius anil I'olen. although ImmIi of the Slavic race, tnive nothing In com iiiuii polltlcHlly Autagolilsiii between I hem has been handed down through the centuries. I It did not die out, tint il. lined higher after the smaller nn lion lit. I ta-eu dlsiiieiiiU'icd and al sorlicd In pun in KiissIii. The ffM trrefliJt lietvvcen (iermaiiy mill Itn-'sia lenv at hind will tlud tbe urn lent kingdom of I'oliiiul acting as a fender, with the movement of the Poles left In doubt A clash Pet ween Auslrlil and Itusnlii would rul-e a nbarer issue, with the iillltllde of tbe I'ules in. uc eiisily Miplell.nd"ll. FIND 137 OUNCE GOLD NUGGET It Is th Second Largest Ever Found In Arctic Circle. Knlrhmikn, AlnskM -The second lur i-'e-t nuu'Liet evei foiiinl in Alltsku was pli kisl up a tc IV iv eel,- : I u ill Hie k'.inkiik Hold CMinp -it.l miles north of the arctic ell, le. il.eordlllg to vvonl ris'elved here 0v I V Met 'old. The Huge,.-! weigiied i;;;i.j oun.es and I - t. mud h.v J U Kiiiuay. formerly of Knter 1'reek. on No hjafafg din ."very. Ilmuuioiiil river Kinney. L'harlaa Mntiuv Mini Hill lte.lin.ind are arorklug the claim on a lease ainl are taklag the pay out at a great rate They Inive rep.ilislly picked up uug ,l- vvui Hi 1 1. un HM to Ciki STRATEGIC BENEFIT SMALL nuiiii Invagltn of Alsace is More of "Moral Victory" Talis The uiVMsioil of Lower l uv a Kreiich aiiuv under the com liiMU.I pi lieiur.il .loneph .l.ilfre the I rencli coiiiiii.iudei 111 clnet. lias awak eiie.l gre..i elillliislusin throughout l'r..'i. . I'reiich miliiary authorities, while recognising (hut tha occupation ol All knell and Miilhausen h.v llie Krench ii. nips is not of high strategic impor lance, hellev. thai the successful ad v.i'ue of the I'rench army far across the li'ruisu iroulier will have cou miieiahle moral ellcct It is also uiioff. iallv reported that Koliiiar lo the uortli, has fallen luto the hands of the I 'ranch None of i hen.' three places was strongly fori if lad. and ail of them lie outside the line of real lleriusii de rei.ee. lit lug legal ded as outposts of tbe strougl) fortified cities Better Babies Contest. All Malheur county babies between the ages of six and forty-eight monthB are eligible for entry. Application blanks will be mailed to mothers upon request and should be tiled with chairman by September 1. Fill out the blank received from the chairman upon your request and return name to the committee on entries as soon as possible, in order that appoint ment cards may be sent out. You may use the application blank found in this issue if you wish. There will be no expense at tached to the examination by skilled physicians and each mother will receive a certificate of examination and a folder giving practical sugestions which will materially assist in the care of little ones. The county will bo divided into several districts. Each dis trict will receive a prize for its best baby, with a sweepstakes prize for the best county baby. At the state show the best baby will be sent to the San Francisco exposition and the world's best baby will get a $86,000 prize. For detailed information ad dress Emily ('. Kigby, chairman of the Registration committee. Watch the papers. Following is a fac simile of the application blank: Better Babies Content Application lllank. Entry No. . . . Diviaon Name of Child Name of Parents Address Aft in monlh Sex Contest to be hold at Court House, Vale, Oregon, Sept. 8, 4 and " by Viilo Civic Improve meiit CI fib: Appointment Following is a fac simile of the appointment card : Better Babies ConteHt. Appointment Card. Entry No . Division Name of Child 1'lease preset. t this card with tutliy for examination at Court House, Villi , Oregon. Date Hour The mother will bring at least one simple toy, and a cotton lihinket to lie used during the examination. .1 I'mmisiiui Opening and most vvliolesviine ever Imw id, and will MtUfy tlii' most critical boor drinker Ueiny hievved frOlU the hest malt and bop, l a M'lentitic inetlnii oi luivviiiL', it ll naturally a per-f.'i-t hi'er feet boor L. Ii. TETER ONTARIO LAUNDRY Leave Bundles at Any Hotel or Barber Shop 1'rumpt Attention Given All Order. (rooi Thing &;y (Eii) 'lib1)' JM IH-'I at any season of the vtar, would be a keg of our spark ling Bolitl Beer, which is gOM thiol 10 have "on tap" in ease of thirstv eniereiiiies. This logor II tit' lu'st, purest and most wbolMOIOt ever lnvw- Postponed from Monday, AUCTION i J. H. Farley Furniture Entire Stock of Consisting of Beds, Springs and Mat tresses, Dining Tables and Chairs, Dressers and Commodes, Window Shades and Lace Curtains, Curtain racks and everything in the entire store to go to the highest bidder. Cash or bankable note for 30 or 60 days. Sale to start Monday, August 24, 1914 Beginning at 2 o'clock P. M. And will continue until every article is sold. First choice articles go first day. PANAMA CANAL IS OPEN Vessels of Warring Nations Must Pass Without Halting. WiisliliiKton. With tin' passsKt thmiiKli tin' I'liii.iin.i i .mill of tin- tt.n .lfi.u tin-ill stt-uinsllli Anion. tha grout waterway bwonies "free and iipi'ii to the tfxNi'la of itiiiiiin'rii' and war of all tuitions on terms of entire equality," in accordance with tin pro visions of the llii I'aiiiii-i'fnif treaty. Vessels ilruwlna not more than 30 feet of witter nuiy now make the pus suae It would he possible lo put the big Ainerii'uii dreadnoughts through at .un time. Any of the foreign warships now in the Alluntii' and Pacific waters could also inuke the trip. Except in cases of ubsoliite nect'Ksity, vessels of bel ligerents must make uninterrupted sf iliiiiiii.li the canal. They may not lual. I'viini.il or emburk or dle em'i.ii'k troops In the cuuul lone. Would Have Refugee Ships Neutrals. W'.isliin-'mi A proposal bus been inuili' li tMa government lo the pow ers tliat .ill nations regard us neutral iIiiim' ships "churtered for tbe sole purpoHe ui i .-I'. in lilting ' citizens who tin now Mniniii-il in Kiin'l'i' Foreign Loans Frowned On. Washington 'I lie I'liited States government iiniionnced itself us op poseil to the i'o.iuiik of loans in thia country for the benefit of any of the ig ualions ol Ku ope Woman Jumps to Her Death. Portland Hurling le.ra.ll frooi u sevetiili slor.i u union Ol R busines:, aloek, Mrs. Alma ll, Bolln, aft i .riS, mei inslant ileal li liere. Mis Holm had 'iileivd tlie lin.liiii.- alt u phyalclan with rapart to nervous trou ble Ironi uliieli aba was auffarioj A mail patient m llie plivsleians r. eep tiou loom faileil in an attempt to pre- , vein her jumping out the window. Two Hurt by Exploding Tire. Pendleton While pumping up an automobile tire tiulph Knight and his fattier. K. V Knight, were injured when the tire exploded The injur ies sustained by the youug man re H mred 20 si itches in his left hand and arm Kuight. Sr . was knocked dowa and bruised slightly. Jailed as Highwaymen. Pendleton. James Navln. for twen- u'.im a well known t'niattlla coun ty farmer, and Millou Anderson, soft ii a prominent Helix family, are in he eouuty jail, facing the charge of highw.i robbery ; :: :m :m :$: : me Particular Printing For Particular people IF you want classy stationery IF you want reliable work IF you want dependable work IF you want printing that you will not be ashamed of IF you want high class printing We guarantee to please you THE ARGUS PRESS frJV fSSS"' r(5t' JSfc"' r&t ?&? l SS&. J&. wSSP. lS55. i.sS5. wsB, A. McWILLIAMS Proprietor. August 17. SALE Company Furniture mi :m : m mz :m : ftS r(2S flS "JS!S? faHfc,1 rants fa"v J&. sE-. ksS. JSS? sjg?, E? wQg?. ONTARIO LIVERY Best Equipped Livery in the city. Headquarters for Stockmen. Hore Bought and Sold. aavp. lanua fjiMOowr