Ontario Pharmacy Eastman Kodaks Rexall Remedies LOCAL NEWS M. E. NciVton returned Imm Portland Sunday evening. Miss Mell Carter wus a pas senger to Parma Saturday. Dave Magill left Tuesday for Harney county to buy cattle. Frank Davis and wife of Jor dan Valley arrived in Ontario Tuesday. G. R. Greer of Ontario, Cali fornia, formerly of this place arrived here Monday. John Daly was in the city Tuesduy enroute to Juntura and Drewsey. Miss Amv Kern of Payette is visiting her sister Mrs. Williams of this city. Van Petten Lumber Company have put in a heavy stock of the best coal. Try it. 'Phone 82. II. C. Whitworth returned from Lakeview Monday having made the trip in a week. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Taggart and son have returned from Portland and coast points. A. P. Shennon and family returned to Fort Collins, Colo rado, this week after a year's residence in Ontario. Miss Anna McGivern left Tuesday for a visit to her sister Mrs. A. A. Claypool of Cotton wood. I have 120 acres of hog bar ley pasture for one month comt menting August 15. Apply a Argus office. It Mrs. Lucy Anderson and Mrs. E. A. Rutherford went to Jun tura Saturday to visit with their daughter and sister Mrs. A. M. Byrd. Mrs. W. S. Anthony of Iron sides who has been the guest of Mrs. M ill Inn end Mrs. Smith left for her home Tuesday. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Smith. We have a comfortable room fitted up especially for the ladies where they can rest,write checks and letters and not be crowded or intruded on; ladies are invit ed to call and opeu an accouut. ONTARIO NATIONAL HANK SOWING TIME by TELEPHONE Means Not Only Time But Money. Do you ever consider how long it takes to travel the diVtanee from your house to the Jl.n tor and Merchant and what time you :-ae by telephoning'.' If your time is worth anything, you cannot afford to be without a Telephone. Malheur Home Telephone Co. Wm. McBratney I FUNERAL DIRECTOR And LICENSED IMbALrMtR Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night Day and Nkjht Tnones ONTARIO, LOCAL NEWS B. W. Mulky of Vale was in Ontario Saturday. Mrs. Ben Rutherford went to Payette Tuesday. Julian Hurley was a business visitor in Ontario the latter part of last week. Mrs. Roy Holcombe and Mrs. Vern Chambers returned Satur day from Starkey. Mr. and Mrs. Kayou and daughter returned from on out ing at Bear Lake Saturday. Mrs. L. B. Self of Cambridge, Idaho, is visiting her sister Mrs. J. Bervin of this city. Misses Stella Miller and Ed na Stingle went to Payette Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kenyon were in Weiser the first of the week. Mrs. Gertrude Grove and Miss Mary Harvey returned home Monday after a week's vacation in Portland. Mrs. Olive Clement has re turned from her summer ncn tia.it which she spent with friends at John Day. Captain Payne a civil war veteran was calling on his old friend R. S. Rutherford of this place Tuesday. See the Van Peeten Lumber Company about coal. They have a big stock of the best coal and will treat you right. See them. 33-35 Mrs. Frances Kelsey, nee Frances Brown, was in Ontario Monday enroute to Burns. Mrs. Kelsey taught in the Ontario schools for several years and has many friends iu this vicinity. Hurnty News: It is reported that Judge and Mrs. Win. Miller and daughters are preparing to move to Portland in a short time and have rented their Burns home to Prof. W. M. Sutton. This excellent pioneer tamily will be missed from the social life of Burns. (Mr. and Mrs. Miller were years ago res idents of Ontario.) llceised in Idaho & Oregon ft I OREGON LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Kay Wilson und son Joe spent Wednesday iu Nyssa. Mrs. Fred Bailey went to Tar ma Wednesday. O. A. Magordan was in On tario on business Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Huffman went to Weiser Tuesday. Mrs. Bertha Storkmun went to Payette Tuesday. Roy Smith has accepted a pos ition in the Post-Office as clerk. Miss Maud Brosnan is spend ing ii few days in Vale the guest of Mrs. Geo. Sweitzer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Senweard Of Barren Valley are in Ontario this week having arrived Sun day. H. P. Osborn was down from Vale the first of the week on business Mr. Osborn is inter ested in the Vale oils fields. Win. Butler and wife return ed Tuesday from a visit to Mrs. Butler's sister Mrs. (Jene Co nant in Washington. C K. Seguine and wifenccom pnnied by L. K. Paulison and wife returned Tuesday from a week's outing spent at Ironsides. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Arnold and daughter Alva returned Monday from a visit to relatives in Idaho. They made the trip in their car. Misses Kdith and Viola litis ted, Sheila and Kuth Lackey left Wednesday morning for Payette Lakes where they will spend week or ten days. Meadows Eagle: W. H. White and wife of Ontario, Oregon, are spending a month at the Hot Springs and speak highly of it as a summer resort. Mrs. Gilbert Dean returned Sunday from Seattle where she went to be at the sick bed of ber father who died shortly after her arrival there. That the Ontario Fair will open i n a few weeks i s quite evident to every one in Ontario by the attractive and original hats worn by the Fair boosters, giving the date and place of the Fair. Mrs. Calloway of Brownsville, Oregon, and Mrs. McCubbin of Lostine, Oregon, left Tuesday for their homes after a very pleasant visit with their niei e and cousin Mrs. Harry Williams of this city. Harney News: 0, S. Johnson, formerly of Calamity valley, this county, where he still has land, but now residing ixar the prOS perous city of Ontario, ha- been a Burns visitor the past two days. He p-ports good OFOps ami plenty of frttil around Ontario. Kurly one morning last sOOsl i wayfarer stopped utlln- W i Armstrong rooota six miles SOIlth of Ontario, saddled the favorite pony and rOdf ftWHJf without further Qotloe. I ' 10 the proton! dote nothing has bOtn heard of the amy nor can any clew be obtained as to the name or the character of the person in question. IL-n Pasture. I have li't) ueres of hog bar ley pasture for one month com mencing August 1"). Apply ii Argus otliee. It Boosters Off for Interior. A real live bunch of booster left Ontario this morning for interior points of Malheur coun ty. This is the first of the three excursions planned by the mem bers of the Ou tario Commercial Club. They were accompanied by the band and all parapher nalia needed foi a booster's excursion. Bring your printing to the Argus Office. iiiiiiiiiniininiimiiiiuiiNiniii Your Banking No matter how small, no mat ter how large The First National Bank Ontario, Oregon will give it careful attention. This message applies to the men and the women alike. Officers and Directors: A. I- COCKRl'M, I'n-Hiilrnl T. II HMtt l.l. Vice Prealdcnt II II. CfHKKUl, Caahier C. W. IM.ATT. Ass't Cashier J. W. BILLING8LEY C. i: KENYON I . B COCKKI'M ..ummi.iui.u.um.u.mumu Always on the Job If yim hTi Job of buullng you want done, large or small, you oan alwa?s depend on Jobn Land Ingham being ready for you. Call him at tha Moore Hotel. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Paid Adt.rtix-mraL Money to loan Improved irr itated farms. W. H. loolittle Co. Lots for Hale 3 in Riverwidj addition, near sub station. In quire at Argus. You can get four splendid magazines one year for 18 cents txtra by renewing your sub scription to tbe Argus. Keoood II. i. .1 Hay Wagon 'or ante cheap At Van I'.tt. n l.br. Co. For rent, neat foitr rOOtn bouse, with barn, chicken park, two blocks north of school house. Win. Booglo, phone 806 K .'. FOB BALE: 8 food bant 0i ll. Thoi su u i. Thoi.e JD.ikl P, U. Box I Safety dopOlil bOJ M i"i n Dl two liiei and loro priest ; an absolutely sofa method of keep in;' your valuable paper- pro tOOtOfl a'uilit i lne oi tin it. )m itn, Nation a i, Bank I' in Sale: S dairy cows, J i -. i und grade.-, testing " per cent and better' Also huvo 4 year ling heifers and one wailing ittor, To any one wanting tin sbolt herd will make ipooiol price. Will sell one or mote. J. F. BENNETT 1 miles south of (Grange Hall I'o.-itn.n Manted As house keeper ou ranch by ludv with little girl. Three iota for aale 2 block weat of poatofnYe at a bargeiu. Inquire at Argua iittlc. Mr. Keniiudy and family of Kentucky arrived in Ontario Tuesday evening on u visit to Tom Kennady and family who live three miles south ol town. Wizards Carnival Salt Lake City, August 25-29 THE PEOPLE'S PLAYTIME Free Feature Attractions Transcending All Precedent The Wizard's Electrical Pageant Parade. A gorgeous, MM character $50, 000 picture spectacle startling the most vivid imagination and outdoing the moat sanguine expec tationTuesday and Friday Evening. The Wizard's Military, Industrial, Fraternal and Civic Parade, the largest and most varied exhibition of com munity interests ever paraded Wednesday morning. The Wizard's Automobile Floral Parade, a brilliant and artistically beautiful outdoor display- Thursday evening. Wizard's Rroundup Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday State Fair Grounds. Salt Lake City, 2:30 P. M. Daring men and women riders, champions and prize winners of international tame, in twenty-five events daily. The acme of equestrian accomplishment presnted in dificult and dangerous sports and feata, employing fiery, untamed wild horses and the most notorious "outlaw buckers." 46 Carnival Shows -15 rr'" . ! in street illumination and decorations. Low rate via. Oregon Short Line Railroad Rornd Trip From Ontario $18.35 Tickets on Sale August 24 and 25 See Agents for Further Particulars. STYLISH STATIONERY Your letters represent you when you cannot go personally. You should want them to con vey a fovorahlc impression. Use up-to-date stationery. It docs not cost much and you will he more than repaid by the assur ancc that your correspondence is on paper of coned form. Our stock includes not only tin new things in box papers, hut also a laiyv variety of ulk goodl to bi sold by the ream or pound. For all hulk papers we have envelopes to match. Hill's Pharmacy TWO R0ADS,WHICH WILL YOU TAKE? w C- V START oa the ROAD TO PROSPERITY today. The first milestoas it a BANK ACCOUNT It ii a check againit extravagance Read the autobiography of any of our great oaptaiaa of industry and finance Invariably, close to the opening paragraph, he will tell of hit PIRST BANK ACCOUNT It waa the first milestone in hit ROAD TO SUCCESS! The Ontario National Bank mV ;,fft? . fT. ,W'"U CiV r- i --