The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 13, 1914, Image 4

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$50,000,000 A DAY
Fiw Can Realize Enormity of
European Crisis.
Climax Outcome of Yaara of Animosity
n Part of Auatria AgainM 8ar
via Tripla Alliancs and Triple En-
tante Ara Tharaby Involved Aataa
ination of Duka Excuaa For Criiia.
Nvvr York I'Vw AaMttPSM FSaJtW
ato enormity sf the altuntloti In Ku
wp, liniiii'iit nlmut li.y (he illflr-rpn'
atwi'n A iiHtrln nnil Scrvln IVw pajf
oim I III! I'IINItIM' of till irriMitiinMi of
wnr Involving ttOtft Ml
II of the Ktrnim navli of (In- world
with ttii1 MNpUM of tin' AiihtIi mm,
Japanese unit mil' fir two stun llrr rutin.
(in-. Iltlt mIioiiIiI tin' win i ri'Mtilt till
la fiiictly wlnit wonlil tin i 1 1
The runt of mirh n wnr HlMWaM
aroillll lie more tlotii thp IIVITHUI' per
son MM fully roil 1 1 . It ltn bMO
patltnuteil tltnl It wotilil In- i'.iniIhi tt'il
a) un nR-grpuutp cim) of J a
SSJ', 'r'iliii, of .ihii-mi', (hill )lt
w ryaaa B VB
1 aV ' &i
J f v
iafl Kat' i. '1
lay tfl
Shellhorn Lady SutTered a Great
Deal. But Is All Right Now.
Shellhorn, Ala. In a letter from thta
plane, Mm. Carrie Mar says: "A abort
time a;o, I commenced to hare weak
1. 1" in and lu-adachea. I felt bad all
the time, and noon grew no bad I
couldn't atay up. I thought I would die.
At lnnt my husband got me a bottle
of Cardul, and It helped me; so he got
aome more. After I had taken tha
annul bottle, I waa entirely well.
I wlah every lady, Buffering from
womanly trouble, would try Cardul.
It la the beat medicine I know of. It
did me more good than anything I erar
Cnrdul la a woman'a tonic a
atrengthenlng medicine for women,
made from lngrdl.-ntn that act epe
riuYally on the womanly orgnna, and
iiui-. help to build up the womanly con
Mil ut Inii to flowing good health.
Aa a remedy for woman'a Ilia, It has
a aucceanltil record of over M yeara.
Your ilrugglat aella It. I'leaae try It
N II IIVil. (,, til.. (I iv llm (halt.
hikim M-li' m. o.. (.ii.iiinifj, Irnn.tof .S'lrtaJ
I ... .. . --. . . ,. ii r -
;nirni"i uii, ana V p-ifr piuh. in"iw nr.i
fcx Wimwn," hhi In plain iippr. on injut.
Events Occurring Throughout
Uio State During the Past
State Road la Belief.
KiiRnne, With the development In
view of a t rutin Htute highway from
the Wlllnmeiic valley to eiialern Ore
gon, aeven government officiate. In
(hilling U.itieit II Allen, aenlor high
n engineer, of VVunhlngton. I). (' ;
I It Merrill, chief engineer of the
fnn'Mry Ki'niri'. of Wanhlngton, I)
)' , t'hnrlen II Klorey. chief of opera
t Ion lii the forestry aervlce In the
iinrthttcnt. ut I'orthind; A T. Hchuy
lei nf the department of public roada,
In I'orthind, and Clyde It Selu, au
liervUor of the Cancade National for-
el II 1 1 it I III II IM-Itlellt ellKllieer III Hie
iiorthweat, left Kugene Tueaday for
eexlfiii Oregon by way of the Mi-Ken
It hlghwu ati'l the McKenile paaa.
Better Babies Contest.
All Malheur county babies
between the ages of six and
forty-eight months are eligible
tor entry. Application blank
will be mailed to mothers upon
request and should be filed with
chairman by .September 1.
Fill out the blank received
from the chairman upon your
request and return name to the
committee on entries as noon as
possible, in order that appoint
ment cards may be sent out.
You may use the application
blank found in this issue if you
There will be no expense at
tached to the examination by
skilled physicians and each
mother will receive a certificate
of v .-1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 and a folder
giving practical sugestions which
will materially assist in the care
of little ones.
The county will be divided
into several districts. Hach dis
trict will receive a prize for its
best buby, with I sweepstakes
prize for the best county baby.
At the flute show the best
baby will be sent to the San
Francisco exposition and the
world's best baby will get a
12(1,000 prize.
For detailed' information ad
dress Emily V, Kigby,chuirman
of the Registration committee.
W'ut eh the papers.
Following is a fac simile of
the application blank:
Better Babies Contest
Application lllank.
Pchool Policy la New.
Pi Helen-. At a meeting of the
r In ml board It waa decided to adopt
a natein that will provide limtruc turn
for llione at work an well aa furl hone
ho are not
The plan In to adopt couraen Hint
, will lit 1 1 ;n t hack to m-hool thone h ho
I hit belole tin Ml eil ileal loll man i olll
i .mil also previa nin h luatruc
I Ion an will prepare attendant for
some particular Hm of work.
rin. . m. (Mill AND l tu: Kaihui i hi i.n
power Mitli lale.l This mhiiM only
lie lllile the MkMMNM "I ' oinliii tin . tin
m. ut. ire .( ml N'UUkl not in lllile the MMM
unstained lit i .1 i 1 1 1. !i in all lainl
uean ami iiiliimeri nil life of the miitl
n. lit
The iro.ln In only an elt'Uae fn II
after tweiit.v the eais of unions li.i
lied lielweeii Aiitria anil Sei la It in
a tilgantii- atrUKgle lielweeu Sla anil
'lellloti 'I'he two .oiliiltles III!
tnte.l eil' li nihil tor . 1'iilurie- ii
kStWaafj Ihene two loiiiililen Is sinelv
lilmnly and honllile. ball UUtbllUJ "in
iaied lo the result ot iieiin;iu and
Italy lipholdliii; then alle.x Auslria.
anil opposinu Harvla'a frUtida l'i tacr,
littsnla mid Cnuland
It Is the triple illl in.e ggnlual the
triple enlenle Kuaala, lime and
Knghllid lMUMMHI Ihe trtpk) elilelile
Thin hilv li.i'ii in lAlsien.e for at'VVIitl
v. -.Irs likewise Ihe irtlU'lpal llf the
inple ullhiine htive 1mhu In eKlnteuee
The trvuuMMloiia lie iviim' uj Kuaaia
aatat the tuple entente tiotn liellin
oei lieliiied III niniiU'is i) the tuple
allhlliee lieinimiN nlone has three
fouiths as uimi mli.iliit.ini
lint. mi and I'lame tugvtller, and 'is
in i and llal) -tdd roundlv Htl.Uk 1 1 aJO
to this iiuinlier The trril pop i
ut Uuaatai howi'ei bring ihe total
Ktri'iigth of the triple entente u -rs.
t4J0.uuu agalnal I53.0UU,OUO foi the m
pie alllaure
i'he aaaaaaiuatlou ol irvbduko I'mu
els IVrdlutinl and his wife Waa Ihe
npiirk that has klndliil Into llnuie the
long aiiiolderinu elnheis of tuatl U
mil BfVaal halrtsl Slin. Kinu - that
tragedy huh it win. after (II, hut one
lie hlelit in il loa ehaptel of political
npi isal- wllleh Auslila ban lieen ipih W
to nelxe as an opportunity 0 vent tin
buliisl of on the ltd e lirlihl'Oi
lug mate. wliiMM) aggrtwahuia she enu
ao lougei Inn ire mid hos. I'lel.iil Ions
he no l"iii;.'i dares to ncuril Willi
this exeune Auntrla mule di'iuainls Servl ; hv iefulti- t aus,., the
world to - 'el at the IhoUtfhl of all
Rivera Meeting Sat.
AatOlla Ihe Knll meeting of the
Columbia and laake Itlvei SaierwHn
iii-siMi.H Ion will be held In Spokane.
Waah . on Thuislat and l-'rhla. Sep
teinher 17 ami It
ihls hello; the week of the Spokane
Interstate Knir an open lailroad rate
of one mnl one thud tare will be In
elle.t 1 1 mil i oast .Hid other pnllltn,
coveriaa, a lame reditu .uuuud .-po
Wtlaonvilla Suffers Destructive Fire.
UlUoimlle third ol the husi
.eit Ion ol llnotiv tile was ile
treyeil b I'm' which started in Ihe
Law rem e hotel lis Orlgll In un
known - t ii if can he WW tallied
no one was ii i.,,. lio-ielt when the bi'Kall. I Xi!
Heartna Will Be Held at Portland
By Federal Communion
Portland laqulrlai ln,' oauaos tt
Industrial aaraat, the rutted states
I'oiuuussioii nil industrial relaitotii
will hold hearings hsre 4utusl i;. M
and L'I
i he worklacs ol ihs nlnlmuni af
i.ivv will he one ol the I'hlet suhieetn
ol Inquiry, Ii Is sxnootad k9 latoi
. iio-ut. in this I'otnii'i noli
iade a) I V 0 Haia ehaliinau
Of the itidiisinal welfute ituinluuim
I here aie no fewer women em
ployad m Cortland todav than a eai
14)0 when ihe iiiiuiinuiu wage law he
eaiue elteetle We have no partuu
lar industrial unrest Women have
not In i iiiplo) iiieut heeauae ol the
shoi lened houi n of work
WuueVscn asked to appear before
the luartuKb include leading repienen
UVlvsa of both einploMis and sui
Boas lines of iuiiitr will be:
Win does organised labor instnt
on the 'closed ahop'' Why are the
number ot apprentice reetrleted?
Wh are unilorin wags ralea demand
e,l '
Win do employer aanooiatlous
st .tid for the 'opafl ahopT' Why do
Kntry No . . . . Divison
Name of Child
Name of Parents
Age, in months . . .Hex
I'lintest lo be held at Court
House, Vale, Oregon, Sept. 8, 4
and T by Vale Civic Improve
ment Club:
Following is a fac simile of
the appointment card :
Better Babies Contest.
Appointment Card.
Entry No Dtvieioa
Name of Child
i'le.i-e preeect this curd uith
Ituby for exaininution ut Court
I louse, Vult, Oregon.
Date Hour
The mother will bring at least
one simple toy, and a cotton
blanket to be used during the
A I 'mm i si in i Opening
(rooa TitiNti
VP t
x i M iJm
SJtP '
at any season ol the year,
wouhl be a ke q otir suuk-
lin Si hi Beer, v bich is a
good thine to bate "on lap" In
case of thiistv I'nii'i e,.uies.
TUU lager li tit' beat, purest
it 11 1 most erbolesouie Ivar brt w.
ed, and will satisfy the most
critical bear li inker. Bt ing
brewed from the beat malt and
hiiis. h ,i loiontiflc nu'ihiil ol
braving, it is naturally i per-
fOCt beer.
Leave BlUldll at Any
Hotel or Barler Shtip
Prompt Attention (liven
All OroVn.
J. H. Farley Furniture Company
Entire Stock of Furniture
Consisting of Beds, Springs and Mat
tresses, Dining Tables and Chairs, Dressers
and Commodes, Window Shades and Lace
Curtains, Curtain racks and everything in
the entire store to go to the highest
bidder. Cash or bankable note for 30 or
60 days. Sale to start
Monday, August 17, 1914
Beginning at 2 o'clock P. M.
And will continue until every article is
sold. First choice articles go first day.
Men's Shirts
25 per cent Discount on the
whole line
Let us save you some money
v a - a'-v i1 .' unions
atoRiaasf f. r'g2i
lUvi ciVW v luatn Hade union
gparuve la aruia.