The Banner Wool Market for the Interior of Oregon nJSill(v ONTARKMhe Future Metropolis of Eastern Oregon (Mburto The Produce from 15,000.000 acres ia marketed from On tario each year The Sntario Argus leads in Prestige, merit, and Circula tion. Watch us grow Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County. -' I. ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 13. 1914. NO. 33 VOLUME XV1I1 jr$m. BELGIAN RESISTANCE IS FEATURE OF WAR Stubbornly Oppose and Block Advance of German Army on France. London. A remarkable and unex pected feature of the opening days of the great Kuropean war waa the stub born resistance offered by the Bel gians of Liege to the Oerman advance through Belgium. Though the city haa been occupied by tho Oermana. It held out heroically for daya agalnat the wave of Oerman Invasion which shattered Itself against the forts held by the brave Third Di vision and the Fifteenth mixed brl gade, commanded by General Letnan. Thi in 1 1 in i lnaa sustained by tha Oerman Invaders la the most serious encountered by any army In modern times. The great Prussian assault on Fort Boncellea ended In a terrible sliiught r, storming Infantry melting away bo fore tho machine guna of the defend ers. During tha Oerman night attack on Liege they were received with a ter rible fire from the head of the street a well as the houses on either side Women and children carried ammiinl tin. i for the defenders. "he Belgians fell on them like furl.-., aoldlera and civilians alike using kn'ves, revolvers and rifles, and wo mi n and children and grnybearda tak Ing psrt. many of tho women pouring boiling water from tho windows on the charging Uermans In the narrow afreets below. l.ondon Messages received here In quartera from the Belglun gen eral staff aaaert that the occupation of tha town of Liege by the German troops has not had the slightest In fluence on the strategic sltustlon. It Is declared that ao long as the ring of forts around Liege remains In tact, tha guns command three of the principal roads by which the German army can advance. This, It Is pointed out, makea It Impossible for the Oer mana, under the present circum stances, to receive supplies or am munition. As far as can be learned by the Bel glan general staff, some 120,000 Oer man troops were engaged at Liege. They are said to have been so weak enad as to be unable effectively to at tack the forts. On the other hand, it is argued It is not possible for tha forts to concentrate their fire on the town of Liege itself. ALL EMBASSIES ARE REACHED BY BRYAN Washington Secretary Bryan an nounced that the American govern ment now was In communication with all Its European embassies ami legs tlons. For many days the slate depart G U COUNT VON MOLTKE Count Von Moltka, chief of ataff of tho Gorman army, who will direct tha Gorman forcsa in tha European war. fcl .m w Neat ur3ib mi ji 7 ia bb " H 1 ifcjj ment has born unable to communicate with Ambassador Gerard, at Berlin, but communication was restored. Mr. Bryan telegraphed Ihqulslng about An liar M. Huntington, president of the American geographical society, and others, reported arrested as spies. Assurances that Americans soon would be able to leave Germany were given several days ago and the open ing of communication with Ambassa dor Gerard was expected to clear up all doubts on the subject. One of the first messnges from Mr. Gerard was I formal notification from the German foreign office that most German ports had been mined and re questing that American ships tie warn ed against liivigatlng In any ports which might be bases of hostilities for foreign forces. State department officials denied a report that Ambassador Guthrie, at Toklo, had presented a note to the Japanese government, dealing with iw.M.ii.i.. flavelnnmenlH Involving Ja pan In China. It was Indicated, how aver, that Ambassador Outhrle waa making Informal Inquiries to learn tho intentions of the Japanese govern ment with respect to the war. Germans Invade Russia. Copenhagen. According to advices received here, the Oerman Invasion of Russia began with the landing o 40. ooo men from transports at Kkenaes. Thla expeditionary force, aald to have been convoyed by the German Baltic fleet, Is reported marching on HelslQg fors, the capital of Finland. The movement Is believed to mean that Oermany plans an offensive movement directly against St. Peters burg. Oermana Fight British at Sea. I.midon The admiralty has an nounced that one of the cruiser squad rons of the main fleet was attacked by German submarines. Nona of tho British ships was dam aged One German submarine was sunt. GERMANY INVADED BY FRENCH TROOPS Paris. -An official announcement by the French war office savs It Is con firmed that after evacuating Mulhau sen the Oerman troops retired to Neu Brelsach. 13 miles to the eaat of Kol mar, on the railroad. The French minister of war gives the following account of the occupa tlon of Mulhausen, In Alsace-Lorraine, by the French: It was nightfall when the advance guard of the French brigade approach ed Altklrch, saya tha official state ment The city was well defended and occupied by a Oerman brigade The French began the assault with ardor, a regiment of infantry dlstln guishing itself In a furloua charge, shortly after which the Germans re tired in disorder. Darkness permitted the Germans to ciiiueal themselves and the troops of i ..... .. ..i,r..i...i ih,. cltv amid the h.-i rs of the people. All windows of the houses were thrown open, veter ans of 1870 embraced the French sol diers, and a great shout resounded. At dawn the advance guard resumed its march. The cavalry failed to flr.d German patrols and the march of toe entire brigade on Mulhausen was be gun. In the afwrnon the scouts found thai many linioriant SStSBSSS protect ing Hit- city had been abandoned and iti lets than half an hour later the li, wildly cheerlag UtS tricolor, eeupled stslhsusoa, MOTHER BIRD FIGHTS SNAKE. Defends Her Young A&a.nst s Disap pointed Rsttler. Oread Jinn-tum. Colo.-The love of a cliff BWaliOW for lnT newly hatched babies nerved the " other bird for a tsful duel i:'i " Ball rattle nagS In the El I'uso gulch on the des ert north of the city. Tlu- bird had made her ne.t in a low tivi i- on one side of the t-'Ui h. A party of survejtorx on the other side rstcAd the snake crawl slowly to ward the nest When It came within thri-e feet the mother bird left her young onea and attacked the snake v.ith her Beak and claws Two ou blmighis convinced the reptile that bis huies were lu aln The lilnl was sav ed from furtbei harassment by the en ' t i-i .. h i-io-.i rii.. snake. R. A. BOOTH, CANDIDATE FOR UNITED STATES SENATE Visits Ontario and Malheur County and is Well Pleased With Outlook FORMERLY A RESIDENT OF EASTERN ORESON Hon. R. A. Booth of Kugene, Uomiblicnn nominee for United States Seuator, was in Malheur county this week meeting the voters and getting acquainted with the conditions and needs of this county. Senator Booth is making an automobile trip over the counties o' eastern Oregon, having come through Sherman, Wheeler, Grant and Harney to Malheur, and after iMrVloi here will visit Lake and Klumaih counties by auto. Mr Booth is u native Oregonian and has resided in this state all In- life, live years of which time was on the ranges of eastern I Mad Coyote Aattacks Boy. Marion Wilson rescued a twelve year old boy from the horrible fate of being bitten by a mad coyote last Monday in . . ; l . n i . i whst is known as Jacobson a dutch on 1 ......I 1 ... EMaa. ..!.,. nt ..i.rht imli'M uin-i i.ciin - a -u northwest of Ontario. The boy, whose 1. I." 1 11.11...... Itaa.t riitili'M name is r..ini.i "iiiii - ? down into a part of the gulch where there is s spring to get a drink of water when a coyote apeared and at tempted to bile his pony. The pony eluded the fsngs of the furious and erased animal but because of the steep inclines was unsble to escspe from it... n.,,.l. Into which it was cornered. Fortunately for the lad and hi. trusty eayeuse, Marion wiiwiii ui vimi. who was moving s well drilling outfit to his desert clsim farther weat came along and hearing the frightened boy'a crys for help hastened to hla rescue Not having a k" Mr Wilson seised the first svailable weapon which hsp liened to be a crow bar and attacked the animal After a short struggle he theantm.l Alter s snon "KK-, succeeded in killing it without being injured himself and thus saved the lad from being bitten and perchance killed. It is reported that there are a numlier of mad coyotes in thi section and it is dangerous to go into it unarmed. Irrigation at Drewsey. The irrigation project at Drewsey under the superviaion of Edwin John son is nearing completion. The ditch heads in the middle fork of the Mai heur river near the Sitz ranch and will carry water enough for 240o acres of ugh for Hi' acres or open much new coun - land This v. ill try and will greatly increase the value of the farms in that section Cattle Beinif Rounded Up. Stuck men of the upper Burnt river and Malheur sections have started on DM fall ride for cattle which will be J shipped to market this fall. The owners report the range this war .Yi-.-iitionallv ioih! and rcort that the cattle are in a better condition than they have been for many years. Notice what the tirst letters of the nations now at war sjiell: Germany Kusxia Italy England France THE MARKETS Portland. Waaat flllli 5' . bluestem, sSc; red ItUHsian. - Hay Timothy, !K; alfalfa, $12. Butter -Cream . :il'c Kan. I. Saatliai Wheat Blu. Mem, Ms; club, c. r,i Knsniaa, ks. Ha Tlmoihy, $17 per ton; alfalfa, $14 pgf ton Butter f-amery, 31c. KBgs -JOc. Oregon. He was very much pleased to see the development of this part of the state, and says there are great possibilities for eastern Oregon. Mr. Booth is probably the only candidate for the United Stales Senate who ever condescended to visit the remote parts of this state to get acquainted with the voters and learn first handed the con ditions and needs of the state. He has been an untiring worker all his life, and when MMtad t the United Slates Senate, will not be accused of Hitting idly by iiml permitting Oregon's inter est to be neglected. BEES UNEARTH TREASURE. Mule. Which Kicks Hole In Wall) Out Drops $94. I'lessautdale. N. J. Cltlseus of this I . a- a. ...i.u ... t.... .. tli.. I. In.. a. IO town wuo iiiKimi- i urn.- i - . . f Wn.twl. Conn. 'gave up exhausicn niicr un mi ,trugge t u,,., George Slmonds from . ... -- ...II.. ...(... ...... . a -- . I .. telllDu the following story: Slmonds owns a foxhound, whii-h went huutlng. In an hour or so there were howls In the woods above tho 8lmouds bouae. and the dog cauie luto V il" W SB He waa covered with honey bees "three or four thick." Slinomls says, and waa carrying ou terribly. He "J J - ran Into the bara. upael things ss he shake off the i.... .....i ...i Hrvi iii front of the house. Hlmonda gratmed up a garden noes aud directed the stream on tho suffeiiug animal. The water drowned several ipiarts of bee. but tin- survivors left the dog end made for lb bam There they began operations ou s big gray mule. The water nut the ISSSMS to rout. . ,,, i ( fw ui.k T,t. ,mllo humped himself, and also ror lues gave oue last kick Ills heels looeeued a partition, and au old brown taMS box tumbled down ou to the stable floor. Slmonds opened the box and found bills and change auioiiutlug to $U4. He saya be thinks some foreigner he em ployed put the uioney there years ago. HARVEST HAND A WOMAN. Fade as Bhe Tnsd to Hsndls Pitchfork "" , Topeks. Kan -For six weeks Marie I . a a .. W I ... 11 a.taia.fl ill 1....-1. l ..r h... Arc. Ark. noccd In K.i i .in!, as a ma n She wore mens clothing, and during harvest helped about cook -'i ' ks and the bam and did Unlit "ink le nine she tiunounre.1 I she tea not utrolig euough to do a man's work. The farmer bin ami) short of help and she was couii'1'lli-.l to take a pit hfork and help stai k wheat Her a. tlons caused: the fanner, who had been kiis i.ti-ioiiM of her sex. to act use bis slen der, Klrllsh looking hiieil man of being a giil. and Maris i onfeasv 'i She wan liaM-liliJ with J. I'. I'hll Ups of Jm-kson, Ti un . who was work ing In the Held whi-n tin- gtrfg atl lie came known ike Is betas hi id by the rounty attorney of Kiowa county at Oreeasburg, Kan valis :n effort is belug made to locate her relatives. Tin girl explaliic.1 that she and PfelllaJM bad "buiiimeil" on b"X cars and walk-d ties to K ansae. Relief Voted Settlors. Washington The reclamation bill steading from 10 to HO years the time In which settlers may repay the Oov rnmeut for water rights on irrigated land, was finally passed in the house. No Sisn Mads for Paacs. Washington -There has been no In dication so far that any of the powers of Kurope are going to accept the Vnlted States' proposal for mediation MANY FILE FOR OFFICES James H. Hawley for Senator Among the Filings Made. Boise Not one of the state offlcea is to be permitted to go begging. Tin-re are nominatlona filed for all of them. James H. Hawley was the laat to file. His nomination as a democrat for United States senntor was filed Just before the hour of closing by W. A. Cotighnnour of Payette. The for mer governor makes the seventh who has filed for thla office -French. Bradv, Allshle and Gooding, republi cans, Nugent and Hawley. democrats, and Clagstone. progressive. Mr Haw ley filed his acceptance with the nom ination. Hugh K. McKlroy of Boise was en tered as a progressive candidate for governor; T. A. Walters of Caldwell became an official candidate for at torney general as a democrat; Wil liam H Holdnn of Idaho Falls entered u,,. , ,, .. rm ludge in the ninth dla trlct; K. H. Reitlg Is the first progres sive to enter the race for rapreaeoU live In congreKS. His home Is a Filer. George Jai-ohson of Mounlalnhome nominated William C. Howie of that place for Judge In the fourth district. James W. Caples of Salmon became a candidate for slate mining Inspector on tho progressive ticket. Paul Clag stone filed his acceptance of the nom ination for 1'nlted States senator on the progressive ticket. Another Dividend of Nampa Bank. Nampa Receiver Stnallwood of the Bank of Nampa. Ltd.. which was closed last September on order of the atate bank commissioner, has an nouueed his readiness to pay deposl tors and other creditors of the Inst! tutlon a second dividend of 15. per cent on their claims Saturday. Au gust 1. Crops Good Around Oroflno. Orotino Farmers are In the midst of harvest. Full grain slid that sown early'ls making fully an average crop. If not better, aud It Is an excellent quality Barley Is turning out from 60 to 70 bushels to the ucre RUSSIANS INVADE GERMAN TERRITORY Berlin. ---Russia has begun the In vasion of OSfSJsM territory, Russian forces having crossed the (ierniar. frontier at Bchwlnden, southeast of Blalla, while a Russian patrol entered Germany near Klchenrled, in I'osen. The Russian column, which crossed the frontier at Schwlnden was accoiu panted by artillery 'I he Russian patrol which entered near Klchenrled attacked the German guard at the railroad bridge over the Warthe. The attack was repulsed. Tv.ii Germans were slightly wounded. The above Information waa glveu out by the Imperial staff. Russians Repulsed. Berlin. -Russian Cossacks, who had crossed the frontier from Russia Into C.i many, were repulsed at Johannls- berg by the Kleveiith Pomeranian dra goons. A Russian officer and five Cossacks were killed and II wire raptured. Seven Germans were wounded (ierinaii troops have occupied Ka lis, In Rubsiun I'oland MEDIATORS FAIL TO SETTLE Find it Difficult to Find Solution of Trainmen Trouble. Clniauo - Me.lianon has tailed to 1 s.iiiii- no- s$i Stflereaass i- tin- fl vaetl rn railroads anil leM ssissssm Aii'-r ai at ass sions tin federal board ol njedlatioo and loiiiiliaiioii annoiim i-'l Ikat H VM trwm; to .it-it u working basis by wblcb both sides would ssaasst 14 r biliali- UsStf .lili.-relices 'Ih.- ;i i.riu.l.. .-in. lit ot the crisis III ti,.. negotiations satwaas ths BsSSJ ,1,,, an.) .In- vs.iiiiiik eiiiployes and employers, was ui'.de by G W W Hanger, neaibef si las federal board ot un Statist and toiicillation. who al.l "It has been apparent for the last three S" tout days that the iiuestlon could not be settled by un-illation, and Ihe board ihinfore is trying to SflSSt a workable basis b) which both sides will coubeui io srsttratloa ALLIES COMBINE ON SOIL OF BELGIDM British, French and Belgian Troops Cross the Line of Kaiser's Army. Brussels Belgian official reporta received by the war office record the Important fact that a Junction haa been effected by Belgian. British and French troops across the line of the German advance through Belgium. At liege, where the Belgian garrl aon has presented such a stubborn front to the German attackers, fight Ing has ceased and the Kelglan Iroopa and cltliens have taken advantage of the lull to strengthen the defensea. The French troops have crossed the frontiers of Belgium, and their ap proach Btrengthona the position of tbo Belgian army from hour to hour. London Kngland's action In ruah Ing troops across to the channel to the aid of the llelglans, means that the war office no longer considers the Germs n fleet a menace So long aa there was danger from It the army waa to have been held In F.ngland to repel a possible Invsslon. The plan of the war office Is to send at least men to Belgium from F.ngland and In detour the entire co lonlal army to the continent as soon as they arrive The Canadian contln gent of 11,000 men will he on the ground In a month and the Vustral lans and New Zeiiliinders will not be far behind. KAISER GOES TO FRONT German gmporor Off by Motor to Alsatian Border. London A dlapafch from Rome to tha Dally Mall Bays a report Is cur rent I hat Kmperor William has left Berlin lu a motor car for the Alsatian frontier. Tba military critlea of the newapa pera consider the report from Roma that F.mperor William has left Berlin to Join the general ataff of the arsay on the Alsatian frontier to Indicate that the Germana are ready to engage the French In great force. The Dally Mall's Rome correspond ant adds that, according to dispatches from Basel, Swltxerland, the Gormaua have evacuated Sank! I.udwlg. In Al aace, four miles to the northwest of Baael, and that a battle Is imminent on the Franco Swiss frontier. THE MARKETS Portland. Wheat Club, sr.c, bluentein, KKi red Russisu, IBS, Hay Timothy. $!, alfalfa, $1? Butter 4 'reamer). ..'He Kggs Ranch, BJs MRS. W00DR3W WILSON B) by Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wife of tha President, who died in Waahlngton and was Interred in Rome, Ga-. Tuea-day i - IBsli t ffslihsi ri r-j f- Br j? s?a m v m :: Vi '--4J r.'