The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 30, 1914, Image 3

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Mrs. Martin Tells About a Painful
Experience that Might Have
Ended Seriously.
Rlvesvllle, W. Va. Mr. Don Martin,
In a letter from Rlvesvllle, writes:
"For three yean, I tuffered with wo
manly troubles, and had pains In my
back and side. I was nervous and
could not sleep at night.
The doctor could not help me. Ht
Hid I would hare to be operated on be
fore I could get better. I thought I
would try using Cardul.
Now, I am entirely well.
I am sure Cardul eared my life. I
will nerer be without Cardul In my
home. I recommend It to my friends."
For fifty years, Cardul has been re
lleTlng pain and drstrestt caused by wo
manly trouble. It will surely help you.
It goes to the spot reaches the
trouble relieves the symptoms, and
driven away the cause.
If you suffer from any symptoms of
womanly trouble, take Cardul.
Your druggist sells and recommends
It Qet a bottle from him today.
H.B. WriUto: l.dlf Advlwtrv tVpt.. Chitta
aoo(a Mfdlrln Co., Ihaltanonfa. Ttnn.. for S'rxruli
fUtrtirf tona, and M-rag-a honk. Hum, Trtat
ar Woman. " Stat ia plain srappar. on raquasU
Three lots for sale 2 blocks west
nf postoftlcs at h bsrgaio. Inquire at
Argus uilli-H.
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt Attention Given
All Order.
The Most Qualified Judges
Pronounce Taylor & Williams
Straight Yellow Stone Whiskey Ike BEST
FOR SALE in quantities from
One gallon up. and many other
Good brands, bv
L. B. TEfCR. Wholesaler
Train Service.
East bound
Ontario, Oregon, .lune 1st. l'.'ll
Time lalile No 73
No 18 Oregon Wali L'tl ttl a m
No 70 Uniai- FassHUger 8:fU a in
No 10 Kiistern Kxpres It til I' ui
No 78 Boise Passenger llM w
No 0 Oregon Waah Kxprea 0:15 m
West bounii.
No 17 Oregon Wash L'td 4:17 a m
No 1 1 lluutiuti.n I'aaat-iigei '.i:l. Bin
No Oregon Wash Kx 6 :50 p in
No 5 Faat Mail I til P
No 77 lluutlugtou 1'its'gr 0:1'. p in
Malheur Valley Brnnob.
West Bound
No 139 Vale uud Juntura, Mixed,
Dully Sumlay. lulu m in
No 111 Vale .n. .1 Bmgsn mixed, Dei
iv Exvrept tiuoday leaves 1U:00 a ui
No 97 Vale Passenger 7 :00 p in
East Bound Arrive
No 08 Vale Passenger 8 :0 am
No 142 Vals Mixed, from tirogan
3.50 p m
No 140 Juntura mixed, Dally except
8anday 1 :30 p m
The Homsdals iraiu leaves Nyssa
t'2:45 on Tuesday. Thursday aod
Saturday, returning arrive at On
tario at 6 p. m.
Always on the Jot
If you have a job of hauling you
want done, large or small, you oan
always depend oo John Lasndiogbam
being ready for you. GUI him at the
Moore Hotel.
Young Woman Can't Take Them
From Hiding Place.
Loot ef Robb.ry Burled y
Crackar Shsrtly wfr He Wae
Killed by DeteeSlv Oirl Wife As
serts Hmbaad Oev Hie Life ts Oe4
Gem and She Will Keep TRea.
Savannah. Oa. Defying the agents
of the United State) to wreat from
her the secret of tbe biding place of
154,000 worth of loot amassed by
ber yeggman husband and burled Dear
Savannah, Mm Charles a ('raven,
who la twenty years old, returned to
Georgia determined to regain the treas
ure for herself, but afraid to claim It
under the eyee of Uncle Sam's men.
Craven, one of the moet notorlooa
cracksmen the south has ever known,
was killed at Wild wood. Kin. five
months ago by a railroad specie I agent
after a running battle on top of a mov
ing freight train. The cracksman,
through a scrlos of Mitofnce and train
robberies In tleorgln, Alattamn and
Florida, hud atnawsn $38,000 In cash
and $10,000 worth of Jewels, which be
took to Savannah and hurled near a
etatlon on e suburban car line, telling
the secret of Its location to none but
bis wife.
After hla death the young widow waa
arreated aod held for several weeks
while government agents tried to ex
tract from bar the ee. ret of the loca
tion of the burled treasure. After ber
releaae the federal agents began to
shadow be. Wherever she went ebe
waa followed. In the bops that aba
would msk aa attewjpt to unearth the
treasure Mrs. Oraven declares eno will
never divulge to the government the
location of the treeaare.
"Charlie paid the penalty for hla
wrongdoing with hla life." she said.
"He risked his Ufa to gst the money
and jewels for me. and they are mine.
I will die before I will tell where they
are hidden."
When she married the crackaman.
eighteen montha ago. In Norfolk, Va.,
she thought he wa a buslneaa man
After a honeymoon of three weeks
they .nine to Savannah, and here Cra
ven told ber be waa a yeggman. but the
news did not shake her love for him
and she followed him wherever be
"We went all over the south " she
aid. "Last summer we were lit Mem
phis for awhile. It waa seldom thai he
left home without returning eighteen
or t went v four hmire later with $000 or
mi. Hit aeldom told me what he had
dons or any of the ctrvuiuetanree sur
rounding hla opentUoue. 1 did uot aak.
Hut I lived In conatant fsar tbat bs
would be arrested or killed.
"In November we want to Chicago,
but did not stay loug. My husband car
ried more than $50,000 through the
streets one day there. He speut hla
money aa faat aa be got It II waa
very liberal with his psls. lie was
never without a considerable fund with
which to pay the traveling expeuass of
himself .mil the member of hla gang
"After leaving ('l)lcugo we came
south. At Owensboro, K) ., my husband
blew a safe In a ptmtofllec ami got sev
eral thoiiMiud dollars. Then wo came
t Atlanta. We got there on the night
of Dec. '27, 1013. and walked down
I'eurhtree afreet, carrying u quart of
ultroglyt iriii In a eati'hel. I'roiu At
Isuta Charlie went to Augusta ami I
t-atiiu to Savannah, lain lie Joined me
ill rluvuiiuuh. but a few days thereafter
he went to southern Florida. Shortly
lifl.rwiirtl he .nine buck to Suvunnuh
with the $3.1.000 In cash and Jewels
worth $10,000, which he weut out one
night and burled.
"Charlie did not stay long In Savan
nah after biirvlug the uiouey. Then 1
ran short of money and wrote to him
to ask if It would lie all right to take
wiine of the hidden uiouey to live on.
That letter never reached him. It fell the hands of the government an
thorltie. and that Is how they learned
of the buried treasure
"I was arrested, but no charge could
be made Mfiilnst ine, as 1 bad uot re-
t n ed t lit- Moieii yoods. After 1 got
out of Jail 1 was besieged by people
whom I knew In Savannah to tell the
locution of the hidden money Home
of them searched fur it themselves un
til they dug up a bottle of nitroglyc
erin, which we hud also hidden That
frightened them so badly that they
gave It up "
When Mrs. Craven returned to Geor
gia for the second time she received nu
merous letters of a threatening uaturs
from people in Savannah slating that
It would be best for bar in the end If
ah told the hiding place of the money
and Jewel.
"Jailbirds" Save Farmera' Crepe.
Huntingdon Pa. Despairing of se
curing help in planting bis 1st pota
toes and harvesting the wheat on hla
farm In Henderson towusnlp, C. B.
Euierick. a well known lumberman, ap
plied to Justice I 'a Md S. Black for as
alstance. Huntingdon's accommodating
magistrate came to Gmerick'a rescue.
Hastening to the county Jail, b re
leased two stalwart young freight rid
ers, who were overjoyed st obtaining
their liberty upon no harder condition
than going to work on Emerick's farm
and Mrtag Ui crop ut go. d wage
and board
Grants Pass fruit growers will mar
ket produce through Grants Pass
Fruit association.
Safe crackers blew the safe of
Aaron Fox at Troutdale, securing
nearly 12000 In money and Jewelry.
The senate conference committee
agreed to recommend 186.000 for Cra
ter Lake. Senator Chamberlain had
asked $1(0,000.
Earl McCoy waa sentenced to the
penitentiary at Oregon City for as
sault with Intent to rob F. M Wood
cock of Portland.
Joseph Buettgenbach died at Eu
gene, carrying to the grave eecrete of
health for which he had refused large
sums of money.
The president has appointed Fred
D. Fisher of Oregon consul general at
Mukden to be consul general at Tien
The secretary of agriculture informs
Senators Chamberlain and Lane the
department is Investigating clover
pests In the Willamette valley recent
ly complained of.
From Lakevlew comes the report
that a tract of Weyerhaeuser's finest
range, containing 17.000 acres, and lo
cated at Foster flat and Ynmsey
Mountain, has been leased through
Curtis A Utley to William O'Keefe.
Acting Secretary of War Ilrecken
ruh f has assured Senator l.ane that
there will be no unnecesaary delay
In acting on the new deed to the Ore
gon City lock, after it has been re
ceived. fiend's new cooperative creamery Is
now an established fact. After
months of work, some discourage
ments, many delays and moat of the
vicissitudes to which such projects
are subjected, the new Institution is
in operation.
Farmers of the Blalock section have
organised a company for operating a
public warehouse at that place. Those
Intereated include J A Smith, George
Van Gaaabeck. Wash McKlnney, It 8.
MeKlnney, J W. Long. Frank Baker,
and others.
Replying to appeals from fishing In
terests for relnetstemcnt of the ap
propriation for protection of Alaska
fisheries. Senator Chamberlain and
Senator Lane aay the conference com
mittee qh sgreed on $60,000, which
Is considered sufficient for beginning
thla work.
Representative Hawley had printed
In the congreaslonal record In cornier
t lam with the statement regarding the
fraudulent selling of so-called Iocs
tloua on forfeited rullroad lands In
Oregon, reports from the Portland
press covering the trlala for the In
rm in of congressmen who are re
celvlng Inquiries about the lands.
After a conference with State
Health Officer White. Slate Superln
tendent of Public Instruction Church
ill announced that soon one boy in
every public school would be wearing
a badge sot unlike that of the average
policeman. He will be the deputy
health officer of the school and his
duties will consist of looking after
the sanllar) conditions of the school
be attends.
I.akevlew advices are that five cur
loads of ore from the proper!) of the
Modoc mines (oinpauy, ut High Untile
are about to be dUpatchcil to as mau
smelters. This is the first concrete
evidence of the recent strike made h
Manager N Iv tJuvoi, and it Is of such
significance as the whole mining
world will awult with interest the
newa of the returns per tun.
Plans to place the entire main line
of the Southern Pacific in Oregon, a ml
bly the electric lines, under Un
block system are announced l Wll
Hum Nichols, chairman ol the exam
lliillg hoard of the Southern I'.tci'
compuuy. The now has 110
miles out of its :41 miles ol main line
in ori-nuu under lbs block signal s:
lb m. hut it is scattered, huving Im-n
installed where the satel) gSViOM
have been most needed.
Il practically a unanimous vole at
the annua! meeting of the Hood Kiwi
Apple QrOWSfs' Association, llie iiit-in
hers of the organization adopted by
laws that will ieolutloliie the ineth
ods by which the affairs of the local
selling agency, an affiliated coin m
of the North Pacific Fruit Distrihu
tors, have been administered. The
vote was a culmination of uction ta
ken at a meeting in the latter part of
May, when the by laws were proposed
Since that time the new rules and reg
illations have been studied and dls
cussed at different meetings by the
growers, who adopted them.
Kevealing a material falling oft In
national bank depoalts and u large
gain in state bank deposits, a state
ment Issued by State Hank Superin
tendent Sargent of the condition of
the banks of Oregon June 30, while
indicating a decreased volume of
trade as compared with the same per
lod of last year, reflects souud finan
cial conditions. Mr Sargent Is un
uole to account for the decrease of
national bank deposits unless It la due
to the nation wide lull in business,
and with that decrease he is also un
able to account for the increase of
llpjttl $-""'" ""' In dfpjitb in state
Bill Provides For Independence
When Isles Are Stable.
Administration Measure Lsid Befeee
Cengress Senate Provided Pee.
Christian Provinces to Possess Suf
frage Non-Christian Trlbee te Veto
Through Appointee of Qeverner.
Washington a plan, approved by
the administration, for a more auton
omous government In the Philippine
aa h not her step toward Independence
was laid before congress when Repre
sentative Jone of Virginia introduced
bill covering the subject. Mr. Jones
is chairman of the house Insular com
mittee, and hla measure, declaring the
purpose of the people of the United
States as to the future political status
of the Fill pi nod, follows a long series
of conferences with President Wilson,
Secretary (inrrtniiu, Manuel Quezon,
the Philippine resident commissioner
to the United States, ami Democratic
members of the Insular committee.
Su p toilers of the measure do not
eipect It to get favorable nctlon by
congress at this seaainn. '"it nre hope
ful of action at the Itecemher seawton.
The hill is designed to curry out the
declsrsttous of the K!tlmore platform
The bill makes no attempt to til n
date for Philippine Indcttendcuce. but
asserts that It always 'mis been the
puri'se to recognise the Independence
of the Philippine Islands "ns sottti us il
stable government could be established
Mr Jones, explaining hi Philippine
bill, sold: "Generally speaking, ths bill
provides for the Philippine Islands the
most liberal form of a territorial gov-eriiiii.-nt.
Its principal features, affect-
Photo by American Press Asaoclatton.
lug the mole important changes In the
ekistlllg organic act. are those relutlllg
to t In- enlarged powers conferred upon
the governor general anil the abolition
of the present Philippine commission
us such and the substitution therefor
of a senate the uiiiuis'is of which
representing Christian provinces shall
be ehcied b popular otc
"The non Christian tilbes are to lie
represented ill the legislature by two
seiiatois ami nine repi cseuliitiv es ap
pointed I'.v the gow-riior general The
only oltlclals to be appointed by the
president are the gOVSTBOf general untl
lllO tncliiliers ol I he suplelllt! court. The
governor general It glvsii a limited
power ot io o' the ml of the
legislature, hut (he president would
have the BOWSf of absolute Nolo
'The rlSjM lo N"lc is colilincd to
citizens of the islands, and the t-tlu
rational qUslifJcStiOU of tin) present
law i- so subtrced as to MBbrafl. tkOM
who can re.:d and write u native
language Instead or or Span
i-h, M at pre-eiil
'l'un resident commissioners to the
United Stales are to be elected by
popular vole."
HM-akilig for the Filipinos. Kesldelit
Commlusloiier (jut-sou, un uctlve ad
fa-ale of Philippine independence for
years, gave the bill his approval. "It
represents." be said, "far less than
ought to have been considered, but I
strongly favor Its enactment la-cause It
is a Step In the right direction "
Iowa Man Was "Psnhsndling" snd
Hsd $1,607 All the Tim.
Clinton, la "Humming" a nickel
from a etrauger with which to pur
. chase tobacco. J J. McGuIre qualified
' aa the champion miser of this vlclul
' ty, fur hen he wus luter taken to the
county Jail anil searched It was found
that lie had cash anil bunk certiQcatea
of ib-po-lt amounting to a total of f I.
.rj07.oO on his person.
Mi ; uiie was arrested on u charge of
lutoxicutlon ami peddling without a II
He had tWMtJ two cheap ra
zors, w blob be h id ' ' n i. ' ' n
the railroad yards
3f r PI
- aJV . v mmg
JP 'tJr"rV
sfl fl H
1 aaV g
200 Acres for Sale
Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa.
Some buildings. All under fence.
Railroad line through tract. On Snake
river. Well drained bench land. Elec
tric pumping plant can be installed for
$12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon
We Are Here To Stay
In our efforts to gain your good
will and friendliness toward us,
your welfare will constantly be
on a pedestal before our eyes,and
youfmay be assured of the very
In all your Drug Store Wants. Efficiency,
Courtesy and Dependability are our watchwords.
We have recently installed a fine new Soda
Fountain FOR YOU.
Come In and Get Acquainted
Hill's Pharmacy
L. R. TYSON JR., Mgr.
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of
Butter Wrappers to the
Z3t ? Na,' as-flr
A MAN will start downtown with $50 in hit pocket. On hit way he
will pass a bank. If he deposits $40 of his $50 he will be more
paring in his expenditure!. Money will not TAKE WINOS!
Little currency and a FAT CHECK BOOK u a better combination than
The Ontario
Subscribe For The Argus,
The Best Paper in Ontario
A wriic Offi-a
Al g life VlIltlT
wmM i mr
National Bank
ill M.j
yif y j