Ontario Pharmacy Eastman Kodaks Rexall Remedies LOCAL NEWS All suits J off at The Toggery. Frauk Zellar and wife left for the coast last Thursday. Kelso Newman of Shoshone ia visiting Ontario friends this week. Thos. Jones and wife came down from Vale Saturday to attend theopeuingof the grotto. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stingle left Saturday for their ranch at Westfall. C. C. Wilson of Nyssa was in Ontario Monday between trains enroute to Vale. Assessor Stewart of Washing ton county is a business visitor in Ontario today. Mr. Maloney of Weiser is a visitor in Ontario today looking over business houses and the city in general. H. C. Eastman and family of Vale took the excursion train from Ontario, Thursday for the coast. Mr. and Mrs J. A. Williams returned the last of the week from a visit to their old home near Drewsey. Mrs. Moltban left last Thura day morning for a two week's viail with frienda and relatives at Ironaidea. Mrs. Murphy of Beulali was a business visitor in tins city the laat of the week returning Mon day. Miss Betay Goodwin, an aunt of Col. S. V. Taylor, left last week for an extended visit in Boise. M. E. Bain of the Ontario Argus is spending a few days' of hia vacation at Long Beach iu Washington. Mrs. Arthur Sevey of thia city and Mra. Jehn E. Johuaon of Vale left Mouday morning for an extended viait to their mother at Council, Idaho. H. K. Dunlop and wife, Miaa Maiy Oleuu and W. (J. Norton of Vale were in Ontario Satur day evening to attend the opeu iug of the Moore grotto. l lie i. utile .vni in hid -i i'.. church will hold an ice cream social on the church lawu uext Saturday eveuiug, July -' All are cordially invited. Miss S.itlie Kishback has re- LOCAL NEWS All suits i off at The Toggery. Mr. and Mra. A. Zimmerman were in Boise this week. Miss Van Dyke left Tuesday morning for a mouth's visit at the Mallet ranch. Lost Back comb, set with pearls and atnethyata. Reward at Argua Office. Mr. and Mra. James Divin were incoming passengers from Vale Tuesday. BORN: To Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Shannon of Riverside addi tion last Sunday a daughter. Mrs. W. W. Rose loft this week for an extended trip to New York and other eaBtern citiea. H. L No- and John Odell returned Tuesday morping from an extended trip in the interior of Malheur county. Judge and Mrs. Dalton Biggs are gueata of the John Biggs home in BurnB thia week, ao aaya the Herald. Miaa Louise Williams left Wedneaday for Harney county where ahe expects to viait frienda. Swat the fly. Aeroxon, the Honey fly catcher., sure, safe aud ia out of your way. Sold at The Everhart Drug Co. Mra. E. A. Keiger who has been visiting relativea in On tario returned te her home in Boiae Monday. FOUND: Pair white slippers a t Congregational church. Owners can have aame by call ing at thia office aud paying for thia ad. Mr. and Mra. Pete Duford were paaaengeia to Juutura Tueadav, where Vr DuFord wua railed to repair one of hia livery vara. Get the best, it coata no more. "Excellence and Promptneaa", the, motto at the old place, Moore Hotel Block. Cope Preaaary. 'Phone 105 W Mra. Win Kine and baby of Harper paaaed through Ontario Tueaday morning on their wuy to the Idaho country where they expect to find a cooler climate. Misst Veva and Vera Brown accompanied G. M. Hunaaker to Vale Tueaday. Thia was the Miatea Brown's firat trip to LOCAL NEWS KANSAS FARMERS WILL HOLD WHEAT Creamery butter 26 rents a pound at the Ontario market. Topk Kan.-Kana. farmers will Many of the democrats are fretting hold 100.000.000 bushela of whent this sore because the people will not Rive them credit for the record breaking; crops. For aale, young turkeys, at the On tario Market, Perhaps it will make the tired busi ness man still more tired to study psychology. Creamery butter, made under most sanitary conditions possible, 2 i cents a pound, same price as ranch butter, at the Ontario Market. A bill to require automobiles to be constructed so that they could not ex ceed twelve miles an hour would re ceive it whole lot of enthusiastic sup port, from the people who don't own automobiles. THK FIKHT NATIONAL HANK OK ONTARIO HAS INSTALLED A NITMHKK OF RAFKTY DKPOHIT UOXKS. KACII BOX HAH A DOU BLE LOCK AND THEY AFFORD A HAKE FIREPROOF PLACE TO KEEP DEEDS, LIFE IN8URANCB POLICIES AND OTHER VALU ABLES. THE RENTAL RATE ON THE BOXES IS VERY REASON ABLE, if. a i i . -.:.. ..i.i liirueti iroin uer vncunuu WHlO'll ir.i she spent in Boise and Nampa. i Miaa Clarice Canrield was clerk Mra. Mary Welch and Mra. D. in the Cash Variety duriug Miaa B. Purcell accompanied by Fishback'e absence. Jamea Purcell and Frank Clem- rut left Wednesday morning lor a summer outing at Van Wick, Misses Vella ('renin and Nola DeArmond returned Thura tlay from a viait to irinnl- at Beulah. Miss Nola will viait some time with frienda in this section befor returning to her home at Myrtle Point. Harney Newa: Chaa E. Ken- yon iiuii J. D. Billingaley, capi- Our line of Tableware in plain talists of Ontario, were coming I white, Gold hand and ROM -de thia wuy a tew tluyw ago, accom-1 coruted, cauuot he beat in quality pooled by their wives, when an! prices, nor appearance. All open axle of their cur broke west of l stock which means you can buy Idaho. Cope Tailoriug Co., the only tailor in town Suita made to order from $16 up to f0. Buy from a mechanic and get the best. 'Phone 10T W. Drewsey and they had to come to Burns for the necessary re pairs, which Luiupshire's guruge supplied and the tourists were able to proceed on their way. just what you want and if you break a cup or any piece you can gel one to replace it. THE VARIETY STORK Ontario, Oregon ooooooooojoo:oooooooooooo Wm. McBratney HJNeRAL MRCCT0R And LICENSED EMBALMER Calls Answered Promptly Day or Night Day diid Nkjht Pnones liunstd In Idaho & Oregon ONTARIO, OREGON ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftftftftftftftftftftftftfttftftftftftftftftftftftftft Never A Blue Rose. Every now and then som flower ex pert declares he has evolved a blue rose. Ha hatn.t. Thar la no aurh thing in nature and never can In-. A dull, purplish, bluish red rose has been evolved. But it is no more blue than the aky is green. A gardener once evolved what paaaed for a blue roee tint I it was learned that he pro duced it it by watering a white rose's roots with indigo. In nature there is never a blue flower, a red flower and a yelloy flower of the aame species. There are red roaea and yellow roaes, but no blue rosea. There ia only one golden grain belt beer, advertisement. Wm. Winalow of Ooppertield, Oregon, a brother of Mra. W. R. Sliiinp, formerly of thia city, waa renewing acipuainteucea iu Ontario the first of the week. Claude Bingham aud children left Tueaday morning for an overland trip to the their ranch near Homedale. They w ill be joined at Parma by Mra. Bing ham, who went that far on the train. Miss Ruth Purcell who has been attending summer School ut Oregon state normal returned home Sunday. Miaa Purcell reporta a very enjoyable sum mer aud belieyes her time well spent. Mr. and Mrs. Sunder8 left last week. They expect to viait with friends iu Boise several days before going to the Oregon eiia-t Mr. Sanders bus not yet decided where he will locate, frienda in Ontario are very sorry to see them leave and hope at some future date they may return. year, or Zr.. 000,000 buahola more than ihe entire crop of 1913, according to W. H. Mitchell, national vice-president of the farmers' Society of Equi ty. Mr. Mitchell la organising the farm era of Kannu and urging them to hold their Immense crop for higher price Sixty rent wheat In Kanaa has be come the rule and has turned the thought of the farmer to the pol blllty of holding his grain. When the organliera arrive in a community they find little oppoitltlon to the idea of holding the grain, Mr. Mitchell said. "I do not believe more than one fourth of the wheat grown this year will be sold," said Mr. Mitchell. Grain hlii of frame and cement construction are being rushed all over Ihe Htate, nnd In many place wheat la being piled on the ground by farm era who refuse to accept present price for It. The Farmers- Society of Kqulty ia campaigning for dollar whent, hut the Kanaaa members will sell their grain for le than that figure, It I gener ally belle ed. Moat of them are pre paring to hold for higher price than the 60-odd centa now t fared, how ver. IT WILL PA Y YOU JmOHlAmO fkJJ ONTARIO lmJmW f WL QPECONj I I W( OPT G ON J MM Banks Help Buy Cows. Orangevllle. In order to encourage and promote the dairying buetneaa In thia locality, the bank of Orangevllle have agreed to finance the farmers In purchanlng livestock to Improve their herds, and It now only remains foi the farmer and dairymen to exhibit a proper iplrtt of cooperation to put Into working thape a plan whereby all who have the welfare of this Induatry at heart may help to make Idaho county one of the greatest dairying aectlons In Ihe northweal. THIS WEEK CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS I'ukI Adverti.t-mriit. Money to gated farma. 1 1 hi u Improved nr W. II. Doollttle Co. Lota for Sale 3 in Kiversnl s addition, near sub station. In quire at Argua. You can get four spleiitlnl magazines one year for IS cents txtra by renewing your sub scription to the Argua. her nil Hand Hay Wagon for aale ohttap At Van Petteu Lbr. Co. . FOR KENT: Two large room, fur- nit.ht.ii, North Main St , three block from Post Office. J. M. Steward. 3t For rent, neat four room house, with barn, chicken park, two blocks north of eottool hou-e Wm. Beadle, phone 06 K 8. IDAHO POLITICS ARE MIXED Varying Dry Plank by Three Parties Liable te Cause Oefectlena. Bolae - Party llnea In thia state will be largel) obliterated In the political fight nn opening because of tle wet and dry or prohibition laaue. Thl I forecaated by political leader and I generally becomios recagnlavd by vol rs. The prohlbltlonlata are preparing their maater vtroke to place Idaho In the dry column by legislative enact iiit-ni followed by conatltutlonal amendment Iu arranging for the campaign they have been aucceaaful in obtaining Incorporation of problbl tlon plank In the republican, demo cratic ami progreaaive parly plat form. The conflict before them i lo elect men to the leglalature who will carry out the purty pledges. The platform of the three purlieu h.if brought about thl ailuution. The fact that -.'. countie iu the atate are now dry give aome Indieii tlon of the Ktrength of the mill mhIooii force In addition, they hope to gain vote from ihe ultrit tli n, who do not faor local option, but believe that by ni.tkliiK the atate dry the bienniul annul ion eVSf the aaloon im ue can be dune away with, lly centering their streaftk secies' leguiative eesj Inec.-, who can he counted on lo SCOCt prohibition h gihliitioii. Hie dry are coiilitieat that, Villi the practical ellui illation ot parly linen, they cull will. Clearwater Survey Deferred. I.i-w l.-loii The rll) council Iiuh tie cidetl that il will he neceaaary to oh tain prices on the land around ihe head of Porter' Inland before it will authorize il. expenditure of $&00 by the i n lo perlet l BtWeyS for the coiiHtruction of a ilum nrroi-n the 0ICSIB)BlCt river The project, n 1..1 rleil out, would coat $",1111111111 New Cheese Factory. Carina I'ai.mi is to have a new ekeaes factory t fi year. These i ss old creuuu r pi;, in In re 1.01 in gSC A number oi Parma's lefluentlal buM- 111 M men ami l.irnr:;- are lioirmg oil the propi,:- lion ol n.kinn over the creamery ml and coin eruiiK it into an upto-daie tl mbM factory. To visit our Grocery Department Toj visit our Shoe Department Tovisit our Summer Dress Goods Department ToL visit our Ready-To-Wear De partment To visit our Millinery Department As we lhave JULY CLEARANCE SALES going on in all these de partments that will feave you money This week also we have Just Received ten cases of Canvas Gloves and two cases of Leather Gloves for Harvest Wear and by far the best values ever shown by this house. See them first yourself CONDENSED KKPOItT OP FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ONTARIO, OREGON As made to the Comptroller of the Currency at the close of business June 30, 1914. Government Call Bovili C.tuen Aid Spokane. liiiull ,u a meeting of citlzeim, T. P. Joneh. t hhirman, il waa decided to organize h t ommercinl club. 'Ihe club when fonn.'d wOl cooperate with the Spokane chamber of commerce In lib immigration campaign. Progressive Rally. Kellogg. The firat big progressive rally of the campaign waa held here when Paul has I of Welner, aecrelary of the atate central committee, ad dlfeetted the voters. MBOUBCM LIABII.ITIKS Loan and Discount S325, 423.1 Capital Overdrafts 7 .1 !, Surplus Honda and Warrants 2"vUVU0 Undivided Profits U. S. Honda (pan 22, MM). I. I Circulation Realty 2,712.31 Keervetl for Taxea Furniture and Fixture B,eM.M DeiHiaitH Kcdeiiipiioii Funtl 1.125.UII i a-h and Sight Fxchange 180,2)11.49 PeTeV ih KKSKRVK 41.H Per tent .11.01 11 on .'0,000 IK) 12, im". 10 22,500.00 I. , IN. 1,1, 430,3.-..(h .,., ...no IK KNOWN FOR ITS STRENGTH A strong, conservative institution, which has success fully passed through many financial storms and "stood by" its customers at such times. We are always prepared to take care of the proper needs of our customers and invit- desirable new business. OFFICERS & DIRECTORS A. L. COCKRUM. President II. M. OOCKRUM, Ifasliitr T. TlUMH'Mi, Vice President . W. PLAIT C K. KENYON, J. I). B1LUNGSLEY, K. Asst. (' hier IJ. COCKKUM THE ONTARIO MARKET baa the Exclusive Agency of the Wei ser Creamery Butter Belling now at 80 cents per pound - - - When you want good Job Printing at reasonable rates come to the Argus Office.