The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 16, 1914, Image 8

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    ' V
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aT vaae- - .itftijr
Bm. .1 j 1.. .
.Br ' - Ttt-'?J
Horace H. Lurton, Aiioci.i'.o Justice
the United S'.ites Supre-ne Court,
vho died suddenly at Atlantic City.
Change in Storttad'a Course Blamed
For Collision With Liner.
Qui Iiit Alliiwl 'I'liflciK'H. (Mini nl
fiiiT or tin Danish oolllat llatatad,
Wiim lii'NI li Hi"' a ri' k mhii in Ifxion in
b" directly to liliuiif for t lu collision
Willi llii' hiniiri-.-H of ImIiiihI in llic Si
I. I lillll' Hu I lllill IIUIHC'I Mir lo
or 111. in- Mum I, nun IJffi'H
Tin' iiiiiiiiihMiui iiini. i in- jrouns.
Biuti' wiih "wrmiK ami in'Kiii:i ml In
k"-l'IK lh- II.IMKIlllllll nl III'' 'H8rl
In IiIh own IihimIh it ml l.illlnr. in nil
tin cniliiln When hi' h.ih tin- I"
Iiik on."
Tin' report nyi Hi' 'i i i' ' III no'
dui' In .un n'i i I. n ii III i.'tli it n(
tin' Ht. I.iiw i fin iv ll vmi! ii dlMBlaf
hull iiiikI i hiivii in i mi. il 111 in
rv it iii similar otrounataiu i i -b"iii
Uwl 'in' iioiniiiMiii oaaaa ol Ida
oolllaloa .i ii" I i nl
CIHII'BI'. Willi ll III'' lllll I "II l 'I 01
VI llltlnj III. :.ll.i'l li.l till
i l of fleer w ho wiik in 1 1. in oi ili
hip mi Hk' inn''
New Plague Case Found.
New OrliaiiH. Aii"H. i i I I "l lm
boiilr pliinui', tin' mill BUMM llii' iIih
e i- ,iih.ii .1 iw n 'l .i n. VII
f'liimi bora bj Dr w ' Rnokt
I. I. lilt HIM Kl'llll UrlHI.ll ill lilt' I illli ll
H'.ui'K in .iiih n hi'
'i!n' u inn. tin' fin i wiiiiiin in ba
Irlekell, I u BBftaaa who til 'in
iu)eii in i. raataatanl arltbla two
I'm ka oi w in i.- iin in i i aaa araa
at sal Estate Men Pick Lcs Angeles.
I'll ..Inn r I .ii . n . iii l.ili il
gi'iiiiic lm ih - him. H ni aaiartalnlai
Ii i i . . Miiilini. nl iln National
A !( .il I I. iii i '
11,, i. in. hi I'lri li .1 I lu :n. i. Sh.ill
cn.i-. lllll Ii India. iut citiiui
BUSINLSS men vote
W'tlMhllitt mi Noli inii I iiii'iit ' Willi
i . it ii dotal la i
v i., I lit Ih. nun nl Iln-
I'nili il Sliiii -. w ho oil il in II
until r Ihe rvforen lum i illad for b)
i i bam I i oi i oiiiniii' oi 'in'
United Si. id" on tba pwndlna irual
i lm u.'i' aa hu i alii i' b)
to fori ' liuhiai Ion In pi if
i immodl
I a l oio- .1 In i .. iiln I "
i inn. .is i i ii.. product .'i in i
ai'll io .in applti ii i i. i
, ioiiu in prlneli la and
i ..rk. ihli' In
i h.ii there ' b no slal utorj
prohibition ol
I . i I. .. .i ll.' 1 . . . t . I I hi I
I -l
I ililUbes ih. or ' i
Ira tin of tradu oi
i com tush i
ii.-ii. u aa to i In auuii ...... ii .
privata art tons brought u ill
il.l. 11. 1. 1 : r ll"' lllll 'I
j i st : . aa totad 's b
wiifut ihli'. :'i'. bluaataij lot-;
red Unburn .
ti.i Thnothy, io. alfalfa, n
liiiutr i. -7o.
BJ Han. I lla,
Wln-ut Hlii. '.in. IHi ' lub, 7t;;
rt'd R Italian,
II , I .in. f, $17 per i ..;i. ;i".ilfa.
$14 par ion
iiiiuti t i maty, fta,
New Reflations Effective Oct. 1 Pre
scribe Closed Seasons.
W'lwhiii-'l'iii Ainciiilmciit to thede
I'liiliuenl "f iturlciiltiitv's n-Lrn Int Ions
for tin- luoii'i Hon of migratory bini
Will hveome effect h t. I
II iTi'il of our ol tin- I'h.iniTP l
to . rtini mi tin- Mtaamirl and tiu up
per vtiitiTi or tin- MlBataatnfri thfamaH'
itiu or ail migrator) aam binla tor
aril led tbart It an open atgaua from
Oct Ii lll I. to Ian. I, lltl". ArtiT tin-
la t tar iatt Iba problldtlofl win be in
forea again Othai amendmatita daal
pi liiolpall with the CHJNtd st'iison for
a in r fowl in rarietM loi-ainieH
Tba in" rVgajlNtfctM provide for a
rimed aaflaiHi In .one o 1 for nil
a iterfnwl from r M to Rtfg i
ih'M follow I DM i;M''plloiii Iii thi' nilo
i.n iiiio tin' open senaori nn followi
in Maaanrbtnaptta and Kboda laland,
I in i u ifii .inn I and ort. I. roiini'iti
cut. Now Vii'k I'l'iinn.vlvanln. Iilaho
flregnn and WaahlngtiHt, hrtwiaaj .Ian
Id and h i Ii Now lerwe) batwavti
I'll I iiml Nov I. Minnesota , North
Dakota, s..nih Dakota and vieonnin.
in i it I'i'ii i hi i and Sopt 7
lor MM No 'i the liuaed BHsMI I"
Ix'lwecil .Inn I'l anil I I I. with the
following exi'i'ptiunt I loin w aro. Mnry-
Inii'l. Dtotrtt'l "I t'olnmlila. VlrKlnln,
North Carolina. Alalmma. MhlBtMlppI
! ntnl Lotlllana lii'lttoon I'rh 1 and
I Not. florid. i. Qeoegtl and Sonlh
I f'arollnii. MtWatB l"rli Id and Nov 'Jt);
Kantai, mi., i and Oklahoma, tie
twioii Ki'h. 1 iiti'I Sept l."i. TvtmV Ari
zona and California, between l-'eti I
ninl Oi t 15.
Twalvs Hundred Boston Worshipers
Qet Out In Record Time.
Motion -Service al Ht Peter'acliureb.
Mi'ctliiK BotM lilll. was Intel rupti'il
In the Itluht Itcv I'lliT lloiinii t lit
othiT day to Kite Hu i. Jim agBWBMaa
nun. w.iii, i'ii and rhlldii'ii llitli urllium
In lent lot: llic i hiiii Ii In case or lire.
At a Mtn Hum iiii-ir piiNior the parish
MM nil i''tl the chilli h In I wo ninl
one hull mlunti's
The coiiuH'unliiiii wan divided Into
ltd ifroupt. ''.oh unnip tnklin; u M0
III lt ,'ll I III' HI l"l S III , III '1111114
tt'i Walk lit ell lint don't crowi
WiiMie no linn', inn do not run."
In .'pi:iiiiiin- the purpose ut the drill
llif piiMtor Kit ll
"l''lre diillit in "iir h'IiooIh have prov-
il lo M r-ni'v ami Kalltractory
I here Ik no rci-mi why they mIhhiIiI
imt la Jiim ii" ini I'-iiny In our chiir.ii
i "ihi'i piiiiin bnlkttHfja
One Will Oie as Result of
Premeditated Fight.
i nut: V :i Two .lien i limbed the
liiM'iil. i'iiiiiI'i'i l.ind iiioiiiilaiu anil
foUgfal a 'l-l"l d.ii'l Hull will ivmiII hi
llie de.ilh "I il l'il-l one The pill I h I
pOUU wcie I i I ili'iter anil Ainler
-...ii ISlip win' hoi Im'i'Ii rthii'l- Hid
UelUhl'or- Hlin e . Inhlli'Mid They foOgbl
. I i-iniu ei. Ii olhi'i p. it'll ll. lllll I'here
wen- id arltneaaa la IM duel
The li.illle rasllltled IswaiiasB Vanmer
..'ii iiti i" nie .uii'iiii"ii r i. -top io
hit slater, a ii'iiii'lt viiiiiik' wi'inau
llic inch. I'.illi "1 wli.iio me well , on
i.ei icil Hid .i"i'.ioii-.. inei here, hat
ltd ii'ine ml" town ll.'ll' llli'll lli'llle-.
lo but i.ui'piio ranama ikt mJ
I ll II I nil Hie -ll.-.-l did ll. 'I ll.'ll' lllll
IlllUg "ill "I Iln Iii. n iii Hielr '"il-
tei-.ilh'ii Aiiei .i lew niiiinlfM Ihey
ii.ile in iiiiiilie: l iiiil iii.iiiiiI.iiii. Dear
latbume'a mi1, ""I fougbl Vmi.'ter
araa Ni"i thnrngb IM bod) twice, and
.;-iep w.ot tt ..ninl. -il three iliuaa mi
ei Iln Hgbl Ihe dneh-li. reliiruetl here
i p i u attentive to m
Nina iiiotii i"i auuw lime Hi
lien w. ii mil repeatedl) b) tM yimng
it. mi. in- I mult Ih. it In- 'illenl Hoi
wcie not il.'. cpl 'il.le l'-li -p tt Ii I
no we.ipi'ii wiih mi" a iM ai bard warn
stora and pi'i ii med anMam or
i,, ,i, t i .illl.. i nut (he liilcitl ill. ike.
teeordlim In K"lei, Vanovat tta- sbut
.ii ihe c. "nil me both bating mbed
he llcl li"l III llieir llii-ttc and Bl
.iieniciii riot igreodongai Mtabm
andolaaped bauds ittM arordglTeub)
Ksteji V'uuovvi siaggerwd and fell
hen lit agulnal but bouklor, raualtuj
- aroouon i" ' I) up," Ida bulkd from
iin- bent) ravolvor nlowluj a dam
ll in INli'i II Id'
rbougb from mortal
woimd and - iliie to Maud,
a oover n ed '" i iblrd
tt ho h bidb man lulaaad. After IM
lasi iln- Vaiwvat falutad from hma or
mil Katep iboughl he araa dead
fur ibis lei-ion tie rama lata rwallod
with (he inlenlii'ii. ko he cliilin-. of
turrtuoVrtua la IM BMttl t
iflci V. Hotel. Ii.i ..line il.mii troin
tM iiioui i nn. t inerinj; and , ..
from :" blood
Peaks Named For Senators.
isblDgtim I'liree inli peaks to
iin- i iiiwe.nh.i maga on ihe hlaakaa
it. Mdl Mount St RltMi k Ita
lieeil ii nncil foi Sen.ilor Itoot ot New
i danator Uodge of Maaaachuaatta
I ei Sen i tor Turner t tV tahlngtun
Phe tbree setmMfa arata BaadlMld ol
the niiii. in itiniiiiKnion MfOTB the
tlaaka houudart Irilmaal Id lornlim
H i'i" i irga pbotogtapM of the
i'i Iks ll it e 1 1 ..'ii nit en to Mi Ito.'t anil
Mi I iwlire ht Superiiiictitliiil
ut ihe teodetb Bdrtaf a was seer
tiny "I the I inei i.'rtn toir.llll-slou.
Many Seize Opportunity o!
Camping This Summer.
Vacations Utilized to Study How to Bs
a Real Soldier Instruction Qivsn by
Trained Army OfficersMembers to
Be Made Officers if Call For Volun
teers Is Necessary.
WiishhiKton.-Many Mtltjag) Btddddti
lire fbHonimj I aoWatfa Ufa thai sum
mer I id. in hniiilrcd me ad
tniitat'e of the training olleied DJ tM
win 'li'i'.n uncut In lour Htiident camps.
liapraaaiitatlTaB of abodl 100 BdUaj)M
ninl anltaraltlaa thronchont tba eoda
Hi i..oU ti ppoitnnlty of apaajdlMJ
a month under cintiiri.
I'lepmatory Bfllmdl stiidentH lire also
ciiiolhil In the BJdMJdb w llli'll are open
to nil xindeiiti mid itriidiiatcs of col
leges or high .. I It between the ugi'H
ot Mi'tetiieen ami thirty years.
In earr.tlng out this scheme the war
department hai afforded n means
wheicli.t the '"Urge men of At lea
may acddlra odketrahlpa in bbmoI war
and at tbe MBkB time thoroiiKhly en
joy the Miimmer vacntlon While the
work at the emups will not bo nil
play, there will be ample opportunity
for tbe students to enjoy themselves
In u unci and other recreations. Most
BaV ar
1 .v . i . i t .. . . BlBaKlBr
n 't j'", TSfSw
Pre-lnventory Sale
Of Dependable FOOTWEAR
rinito ( hy Aiiii'ihim I'ras Association
BKI'llKTAUV IIA'llliao.N
or Hie work Is done in (be morning.
get flag the allcliiiioii largely life lor
llle llli'll lo U-.C n- thct BM hf-
Thls liiethod worked out no success
fully at tbe i iiuips last summer that
the unit olll. In Is d'i'liliil to piescrlbo
It tor Ibis ycii's camps While many
linn turned mil and year, Ihe iiuiiiIht
araa iiwtljp lawtmmml when the camps
opciitsl 'the low tosl ot the iimulh's
onllllg. tOgVtMl "lib tbe great table
ol the IU-.IIU. "'il and Ihe phys
leal beiicllls. bate proteil a big lliduce
nieiii to coiiegl 1 1 1 ihe total aspadM
fur cipiipm, nl and other lie. BBMlttaa
aiiiounis In laoa Ih. in JiJh
The tt at ih p ii linelil h.i- linl"i -e, the
ciimpo In the followlOH Mt.iteuieiit :
"The aatabllabtueni ol thaao atudaot
camps bus minUnl the adoption ot i
policy lenilllig lo piomote a cloer mi
del -landing between llic limit and Ihe
i It ill. in p.'piil.iiion ot Hie country ninl
o iilir llle college student an Inalgbl
mi" our military bbdorj and matboda
ii'H. h tt i i l.e of table to hlin us a St ulciil-. will, us at Wam
r i ii i . -.niei statan."
The iiinp are locatad at BlirllDI
ton Vt . i idlugtoB. Mi' h ; AaMvtllat
i iiiil M I .il
u-ti in tcil olbccr-. hat a
lieeil del d b) the war deplltlilelil
e tbe . i! ...iin atteodlui tbe
'limps a abort couraa of artda kbb la
in 1 1 It :i r insiriii 'lion. T.itget pi
feat urea tM troth In IM ramp. The
National Itllla Aaais'latlon of Ai
111 e.ilii I" sliiiml.ite llilclot 111
markamanablp, baa offered mad iln f".
the sin, louts doing Ihe bant won,
Compaulaa .it tM rampa art madt
up. as t ii us possible, or stuilenta or
ihe aama ualveralty All companlea
arc . oinni I piled h) t nltl
'"I i, wbo nn i i "ill
tars -i'i. ted front amona Iba
.1 , n prefet emt being
gitcu io students ol the pn i
i iiinpN I . c t .'i li i
ami Jual The ntudenta ara og a ea
del si nua th ii in. treated arltb Iba
courtaaj due proaiajctlva ofllcora, but
t io .iii n aa aad regulatb
i imp
i'i Ileal ii ii Mid artillery
in-t. ,,Mi is ilven, bewldaa tM aarlaa
of informal tnlks, tactical aralka ami
w;ii .'.lines, rondlleted I'.t coiupi'lelit of
l. iiium t ith such sul'lc. ts as
th. theoretical prluelplea of tactics. In
eluding ad' ioca ami raai gunrtis, pa
trots outp..s ami .onil'.it
etarj "f War Qaniaon, Qaajdfdl
.....I nn. I other auny olllet'rs hate
norkad hard to make the camps this .i raccaaa Mcratarj Uarrtaoa in
a letter to ctiliege ineii re.cnt'.t dc
t'laietl thai in rdM Ol war the army
WOUld ntssl from iVlUHl o BJhB) toung
ineii :is othcers of volunteers l'he best
rlaaaaa la dran from, M baMa, are the
etlu. llcl young men from the colleges
and uulveraltlaa All ihey lacks be
ant-- in tiic military instruction. Thla
U tt ii. t the camps furnbah.
Children's Mary Jane pumps and
Roman sandels in dull calf, pat. kid,
tan, white gr velvet, sizes to 8, val
ues to 1.76, specially priced for this
Pre-Inventory Sale at 95c
Same styles in sizes 8J, to 2, values
to 1 2. 50 specially priced for this Pre
Inventory Sale at $1.15
Men's Oxfords in all leathers, both
button and lace, including the new
Knglish last, with rubber bottoms,
values to 5.00, specially priced for
this Pre-Inventory sale at $2.95
Extra Special
93 pairs Men's High Shoes, both
button and lace, all sizes in the lot
but broken lines, values to $5.00,
specially priced for this Pre-Inventory
Sale at $2.95
Silk Hosiery Special
The famous Kayser Silk Hosiery in
all lolors.
$1.00 pure silk hose specially priced
;.( 89c
11.60 pure silk hose, regular or out
size $1.29
.$2.00 pure silk hose specially priced
at 11.41
Ladies pumps in all leathers, either
the colonial style or bow; button or
lace Oxfords, welted or light McKay
sole, values to 3.00, specially priced
at this Pre-Inventory sale at $1.95
Extra Special
106 pairs of Ladies High Shoes, not
out-of-date Mdse., but Short lines,
all sizes in the lot, values to S4.00,
specially priced for this Pre-Inventory
Sale at $1.95
J. & T. Cousins pumps and Oxfords
in patent or French kid, dull calf or
buckskin, values to 5.00, specially
priced for this Pre-Inventory Sale
at $3.35
Extra Special
Three broken lines of J. & T. Cous
ins High Shoes in white buckskin,
tan Russia button and the new
English lace, values to $".0, spec
ially priced for this Pre-Inventory
Sale at $3.35
If it is values you want
we can save you money
I NEWTON'S - gjgjg
(Jet Away From the City
For A Few Days
And Fnjoy The Cool Of
The Ocean
North Beach Resorts
July 16.
Round Trip From Ontario
Limit August 1st.
Stopovers at Port
land and other
points on return
The Glothes Cleaning Question
llf t are better equipped than ever before
for handling your work, having in
stalled some new Tanks, Dusting Tables
and other cleaning devices. We have the
best of light in our spotting room,
allowing no spots to escape us. After
your clothes are pressed which has been
greatly improved on they are inclosed
from the dust until called for or delivered.
YT handle Fancy work, Dyeing, Clean
ing and Blocking Hats and do kinds of
repairing and busheling. (Jive us a call.
Promptness is our motto.
Opposite Dreamland Theater.
Our Phone, 84 J.
ART DUNNUCK, Proprietor
Special Train Service
will be operated from
iiis, a,..! warn ("Subscribe For The Arqus,
particulars ronsult 0. S.
i. Agents The Best Paper in Ontario
Empire Lumber Company, Limited
Sash, Doors, Lumber, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal
Summer Storage Rates for Coal Now on.
$7.00 and $7.50 a Ton
The Most Complete Line of Building Material. It you cannot tind it anywhere else
oome ti u- He have it.