NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST IN IDAHO Important Occurrences Of The Past Week From Cities In Our State Warehouse Being Built. Oroflno.r -The farmers' Koachdnle tompiiny hiiH completed Itc now ware fcousa here, affording facilities for kindling 25,000 bunhels of grain. The Oroflno Grain company la rebuilding ami enlarging Its wareboii ie When omplcted ihr. building will f.O feet Wide by J 60 feet .11 length 11 ml have a ampacity of 50,000 bushels That the keli' r prevail! that Mf crops of wheat, ate and barley will be harvested this season Ik further evident oil by a Movement of Hie farmers In Hie vlrln ttjr of Hie neighboring village of Pwk( Whe nre planning to put up a ware Muae at that point In time for houte til; this year's 1 1 .in crop. Alcohol in Near Beer. Coeur d'Alene The Idaho bar was nloiueil from aOtttBI one or Hie prod els of the 1'aiihandle Brewing coin any Known aa "near beer" The In junction was iiiikIo perpetual and was granted upon application of Sheriff Bailey. Under n supreme court decision of Idaho any substance used as a bever age which contains even a trace of alcohol cannot he lawfully sold In dry territory. It Is under this decision that the Injunction la granted and the a.ile stopped. Qlrl Saves Own Life. Twin Falls. Miss Mary llaumgart nei of this city, waa painfully burned when gasoline, with which she waa cleaning clothing In the back yard at ber home, exploded The fire was caused by the friction In rubbing the Clothing She hail sufficient presence of mlml to rush Into UM house and iIiimIi Hour wr her lolhliig, extltiKUlHhltic the Li 10 and xavlng her Iffo. Copper King Company Sues. U IkioO Hull has bei 11 fll d l' the Copper Klnc. .Mining comp.iin ngalnM the Mir .oilhi Popper Milling Coi.ipnn . tdvsTsli h us application tor pat nl to the wimi on .11 Fraction lode. The complaint of the Copper King com P .111) net out thai the Wl'.con .In l'r.n Hull hide owrlllpn Its I II IK' Slleak lode and I hut the overlap contains nppm.i tli iiel) in.- acres of that claim PROHIBITION IS ENDORSED Wets Make Last Bland Dsfore Reso lutions Committee. II, ii e I In- .ml! I i.jii. .1 tm. is came Sll lite rli us III all Ihr if the Hlnle Com cumins 111 BOOOaM sSTS, oOasplsta I) I nitlllg Hie weH 'I hey lldopted Hie rongrai kind of planks declaring for OOttStllUtlOQsl and hl.iieunlo pro lllhlllo lllloligh Ici.lsl.ltUe ell. 11 t Die::! Tin- d m r.illc plnliiirin call tOf con 1 prohibition! tin- abollah Hi, -111 1 I 11 '.tie limn; i,l!l uilnstoio 1 , Mali luperlntend ent ol plll'll. Illsll IK I lull 1 hi, im -.Ion ar of ad una I Ion and Use atota msur ance 1,1:1 er. radical amend Blent s to 1I1, 11 1 . 1 1 1 i 1 1 law so that each couutN gels In par cent 1, 1 III,' tax on automobiles and Hie state spend tin Pii. nice on public roada; t ( ,,i .1 u on in minimum a the sale ol public lin,. in l.n jjii.mi in.- advocates the repeal of tin piihin utilities act .ii,, iii bins Ihe pom Btlaslon; recommends Ilia past gn of w,i K111111 - coiiiieiis.ilioii act; OPPOMS lucre. l-llir Ihe lllclll hi I ill lp ot I lie pi.llie eollll 'i in republican platform contains IB following pi. inks lUitlfloo rhai ta He 1 uli .,1 Hie 11. il i,m il 1 iiinuilt I.-, . 1. 1 ,m rural II .1 la I telil. in doi 000 stale n.liuiniMi.illon . room iiniids amendments to Ihe highway l.iu . pledgee for consolidation of state tnalltullona; opposes creation ol any m 00m m Ii 11 declares for tn- etc 1 e 1 hi 1I1 of ol its hinds' In il,, 1 -, rompensuilon ' foff work no n 1 , ,1 of com aali un.l 1 in the public ut til 1 1 axti Ion of ; n ,'i.iiu.itiiin land , S . an I I itlonal ; lie prohibit ion b) ' . 11 Incut ill Ihe . II 1 11 pi! e a two third! Iii ih. legl turs and II not Mali tt ! 1' , llbll "il h 1 hi Tim prag. repairs plstforai ssolarsa for prohiliiiinn 111 both form; to il irsea the puhih uillltlsa commission. iMildi mas Hie adiiiinisti'.itlon ol r.irey act piojeith attacks IhS railroads I 'i' lulorlcloncc til politics and alleged B.itlsfsclor) BSrvlOS, indoiMs Ihe nil tutie. 1 1 l.reiidiiin ami recall; do Clare for 11 condensed legislature. Two Die in Bovlll Fire. BonIII .1 Mh ti baler .1 id au 1111 Mauulied ins , were killed In a fire Which di. tin d a block i.i ihe buol esa isotlos of iiinili. assslM I los astiiuated In excess of fli'O.yOO. MATCH FOR CROWN PR! ' Czar't Daughter Tatlana Being aidered by Csblnata. 1 're-den. Saxony. King Pre Augustus of Saxony, through hi eminent, Is discussing with the through the cabinet In St Peter the possibility of an alliance be a the former's eldest sou, Crown QsoeaS), who was twenty-one lai u 11 .. and 1. rand Duchess 'J'atlsr Hal's second daughter, who wa- enteen this month. If the official preliminaries are factory as far aa the statesmi ,n concerned Prince George will . Itussln with Mis father to be pre to the pretty, tall, dark haired CIIUWN I'UINCB IIKOIIOB OK HAKIM iliicbeas She has already bnd more lluiii one stub an offer for her liiiud. Il Is still believed nl most of the Euro pean courts Hint Hie Prince of Wales has he. n very seriously considered 11a her future busliaml and 1h.1t the sub Jei 1 Is ailll under consideration by the KuglMh itinl Itusslan urn ei omenta It Is needless to say these young men mid maidens me allowed to house Ilieit inline life partners only alter Hie most leii.llu ami iletlllled DSgVtl ll'ins by the ie-ieile go erillnellls which take up ihe proa and cons of political lieneilts or eiuluirriissiiieiiis. as well as lluanclal by the I rule anil lillde-loolli's fiimlhes. with ne. es-aiy provisions for Hielt heirs. BOY, AGED TWELVE, IS A QUADRUPED For Ten Years He Has Trav eled on "All Fours." BlraglnglMBi a i.i a case i a po slide revel -loll lo t pe Is of Tie '111 as i iiisiioiig. 11 iio'in-ji'.n uiii i.o I llailBSf Ala I pug the de. th o; ins lailiel he w.i- lliiowu op Hie colli- BiUUltJ and I lo Hie a--m l.ilisl Charities kg lUnnm-h un I Inn luilicil In the Jineeile eouil wlih Ii III 11 ni-lei red II III to .1 tend, I IUI pn.v hi. in I'lle Ilieili. al pi ol. --i.n. Iiele IM Using Hie DO) Us an anii.ii'i attcgl Hah ArniNtroug h .s mvet h'srsss In Sralk elect, lull gUVS Ug "gll tours lie 1. 1 h -i.'.iii) strung and MB run aa lit ,'s the irersge bo His twsiy , 1 si are oorsi illj im med ggej deenpeil His arms me slightly Mian normal, pie-uiuatily 11a a ;e-uli ot use in all lour WglMasI It has glwgJM -eeiued natural loi nun to wall, dial WSJ U ii in he was 11 little child Ills moth el .1 S ' Uis flllllcl III ll llisl IILMIII hill I not live lorn; and fie bo) h "I to -liil't for hiinseir Kr luilm ami he can place In- hinds en the ground with id biatj Ig a hurtauBlsl Mwug lie says ti latch ami iieui I 1 lu'ver get Hied lioiil lonu alU. III.' ho's uiciilul dexelopinent has l.ecn slow, hut Hie ih-!elnn who lias him in chart believes that III six moot ha ha will ! sbhj to wglh Hk1' olhei h's lie I- helng ir.illied III that direction ami has made some He 1- BT ailually developing S as well I'hv-lclans are studvlng (he case With exivplion il inleie-t In the heller that valuable anthrouologlcsl iad unsi- t . .1 1 ln'01 in.ition max Is- obtained tioiu Ills lieitmeiit I 1 ii'ii wars the hoy has trawled on all fouis and can Wglh for mile Hi it 11:11 ami aasH u with utissV hgfBj BEES GET SWEET REVENGE. Incidentally They Interfere With Traf fic and Demoralise Business. I'm. iiiiiatt. O. Sludcnts at St. mnis college had a Joyous time aril n the stlriisl up a colony of bees win 'i had hived on a window of the iti-ii i,,ii. but the bet's eventually had iielr revenue by stopping trulnV and iiisliig h number of shoe fac lories to suspend oieratlons When the las's went on the warpath ihe settled on a street car and drove 11 utorni.iii 1 'iidiiclor and pgassSsfSeS 1 laces of refuge Other bees dew lulu -hoe f.n toiles and stung Ihe oier Ulrea au severtdy that iherv was a ,pi, K es.sln- In all the lues anspeud isl oeralloiiH In one of the busiest dis til, 1- of the city for hi if au hour 1 1 til , A . aaaaC as 0sbbbbbbbbbbbi - k3aaaaC-'5-!''J I r Ves 9 ' .m ffl M OUR MAT) NAL CAPITAL ev York, 'ennsylvania and I in Income and orpo v.tion Excise. ew York, Pennsyi paid more than half ' I turned Into the na Income and corpora Hie fiscal year Just lad statement of col publlc showed that te-s contributed $37.- ic paid i ;,r.;:.. 27. 03 ome tax, while the paid b) indlv idiials omitr) was $28,:ttiii. Ire state paid $9,766, 4a,079,81044 paid aa ly all statea. miked accond In both irporotlon taxes. Ita I i..u:i',.:;nO js and Ita ne tax collections :i,176,ntr. L's. Illinois list, with corporation to H-ttl.tWift and iim iiggregatlng fii, 1.11 ncome Tax Dodgers. vesHgiitlon of Ihe re mie tax filed by cor- Ih Idiials has been he min by agents mid Inspectors working at Hie direction of I'nmmlseloner Os borne of the Internal revenue, to as ceri.ilu the correctness of each pay no 1.1 Into the treasury. Fraudulent -uiteinenta In attempts In mile or de:., it the assessment re ipilied by the law nre held to be a misdemeanor and the person or of ficer of any corporation rendering u talse return Is liable to a flM not ex (ceding IL'iiiin or Imprisonment not ex ceeiiing one year, or both, at the ills cretion of the court orriclnls of the treasury declare Ihe put nit will be relentless and those caught III the dragnet which Is belli thrown out will he rcipilred to pay the idilitional amount of their tax or face nulls of prosecution. Borah Continues to Fight Harbor Bill. 'I here Is Iim, hi., diood that the ; lull t being made against the river ana1 harbor hill In the senate will ac iiiiiplish its del ci I. (hough It is he llei ed that llH'Milll cannol go into ef Hi 1 much before August and may not me op- 1 i' Ive in, Ml a later dale S, nator DOfSh, of Idaho. ho la holding up Un' bill, Intends to hold Up the cotilerence report later, unless 1 in less grams some of the leglsla Hon asked b) Hie west As a means of accomplishing his purpose, he has offered an amending! Is the bin mi IhorUlllg a Cm ot t.Mi.eiiu.liuu lo Hie reclamation fund, and Is demanding il Ih.ii .1111, iidun nl he accepted In Ihe senate His contention is 1l.1l the rlvsf ami bar hot Mil, with fsw eicep lions, carries no dlrei 1 benellt to tin- states, where the gowiniuclit Is build lug ii'iigatioii works. Colombian Treaty is Likely to Fail. 'Ihe .nl 111 1 11 .-trntinii h) 11 pari) vote will be able lo set lire a favoiahle ie post 1 rum ihe loreUn relations BOSS unltce of the senate on the Hr.WIII treat with loiombia, hut aaaatsn op to that dm nun nl assert posi tlvel) (bill ihe administration will not 1,1 .ihie to luiir ratification by the sen. tie 1. requires a two thirds vote lo i.iiif) ami more ill. in a third of Ihe ISUala are s.ud to be opposed to the n . 1 i National Capital Brevities. Major General Wood former chief 1 ' li'f Ot Ihe I Illicit Stales .1 llll . 1 1.1 e 1 01 lersd in comgiaBd of ths aa 'in department of the army, in a word) altercation over the Nh 1 treat) before the foreign rahv lions comnuiie. Senators limit of N.'w York and Smith of Michigan nearly came to blows. It is said that leaders are hoptSg Hint a vote 011 Ihe llohson prohibition amendment 10 the constitution will be had 1" the house about tusual 1. The Pelted States baa been ashed by Consul doners I Phi shirs of fan ton "liiu.i. In -end aid tor the 1,000, I people who .lie said to haw heeli rendered destitute bj the recent floods in two southern provinces ol china The house passed Ihe bill repealing the provision that ativone who was ill an) WS) SB UM side of the rebels during the civil war should not he i hie lor 'he collection Of claims from i ae gov eminent Claim.- total ing win iiuis be revived, It Is said I'lesiilelit Wll.-on will fill all a OsJtClea where nemo,- ue now em ployed b) oilier negroes, in accord ance with .1 promise which he made about the nine oi hhl inauguration White men will not take the places of the hlack.- The San IKiminican situation con (nines to be a piuiler for President WllaOg He admits having received a report that ihe iiierican gunboat Machias bad fired on one of the war rtsg t actions because the) bad vni lined an agreement not to bombard Ihe rebel city. U. S. OWNS 8.000 ISLANDS. Thee Support 10,000.000 Persons and Have $300,000,000 Cornmeree. Washington According to a report recently received by the National Geos Klilphlctll society the Culled MtateS im'.v owns exactly SJHl Ishimla. sup porting a population of hmmiiiii The report further shows thai the com merce of these Islands exceeds $300. k ii us ii i or mote thuu that of the Pnlted States In Hiiy year prior to 18o0. Amerlciin capital Invested In the Islands aggregates approximately $400,000,000. mid from them there Is hipped to the Pulled Statee $100,000, 000 worth of pn.iiii. : every year nnd tbey take In exchange products of about P0S)g value The feiieare of the report Is the de velopment of I'orto Itlco, Hawaii and the Aliiskun Mauds. It shows that when I'orto Itlco came under American rnle fifteen years ggjg there was bnt one -cliool building on the island, while today there are l.'JOO There were 2.YH00 pupils enrolled In the tlpt year of American administration, now there nre 17.". 000. Then there wits but ose good mm! of forty miles: now there are about l.ono miles Production of sugar has grown from (k'i.000 tons a year to OOOuOQO Foreign commerce waa ibout 090,000.000 a year; uow It Is near ly $100,000,000 riiiwnll has been extremely proa perous since It came permanently un der the American flag In 1000 The hi" I value of the sttgnr crop mors than doubled, deposits In banks trebled and In saving banks quadrupled. Hawaii's Irrigation system Is the mar vel of the engineering world, nnd the qnanflty of stigar produced per acre far exceed that of any other spot on the glolie "The .Mi I, 'in Islands and mainland." aays the report, "cost un $7..V)O.O00. an expenditure that many believed to be nni ii'i' vet for many years the annual value of sealskins nlone ap proxlmatisl the cost of the entire area. At present the value of the canned salmon sent im from Alnskn in (i single yenr Is twice ns much as IhS entire possession isaxt" LABOR PEACE AID IN RECORD COAL OUTPUT Total Anthracits Production 81,700,000 Toos. Washington. -In spite of the fact thai householders pulu more last win tlr for haul coal in. in tliev li.ive ilulie for smile lline oltn I. it tlgiiles show that Sll pieileii- hi. nil- were smashed last year In Hie pi intuition ut nuthraclte eon I I al.ew is,, iiiw-imaiiou show there Were lew el -Hike- ol other llltolTUp th'ii- to iiiiiiln.' opetalloiis in Hie an Un. n He legmua Hi. in liters h.ue In ell fot Mime lime Tlie pioiliii Hon ici oiiling to ligures Compiled rest bed Hie remarkable total Of lliole Hi. ill Ml TiNI.KSI tons If llll this imild lie loaded ill Ihe same tltue. ilinl phu isl end to end. Hie cars needed It bold Hie fuel would -lletcll the ills tlllne llnlli Snn I i:iinl-co to luillou Ihe ali-elne ot lalinl troubles 111 the autbraeilp legion is attributed lo Ihe lad the hard run mliieis are uow working uuUei sa MgreeuMHil wteudlig mel a period ol f . mi veil's limn Vpl'll i, rail', ami unit there i- every reason to liehcw that iniln-tl III In the iltitlil'iicile llelds will colllllllle until l'.Hi; r.ccuuse or the inereasiin: popularity ol mtllli lal gas and coke Im duiuosile purposes II Is said that there Is little probability thai anthracito reel pro- ducllon w III allow any uiarktsl tucrease in tin- ttiture. The Increase In the use of gas and col.e, II Is estimated, win pioluhly keep pace with ihe increase ol popu lation In Hie markets siipplicil of au Ihr.iclte On the other baud it Is as scilod. the use of anthracite coal na a nsgofscturing foot hovtssl bees pruc- ticull) ellllliuated lis piiuluclli u is not ullei led ii (ratio conditions to die same extent as that ot nituuunoua coal RssSBBS hVSBklBi records in the ton nage of liard coin proUncisl. last war previous record- icariliiig the working conditions in Hie mines The average working time tor men. '.'.",7 igys, exceeded mi) tiling in the his tory of the bullish'), the ne.iie-t ap prosvh being in I'.'H. w lien BB OVsrsfgl d J hi WOrhlBg days was nvoidcd llli' DgmbOf ot deaths In a.culelit til the uiines showed a marked over the nuinher ot those rsoorded lu lOIJ LaSl year there were OIn fatal a v idetits lis compared srtth&aM la 10)11 PIN IN THROAT? JUST SING. Membsr of a Choir Avoids a Surgical Operation. sturght. Mich -If you swallow a pin ; inl the physicians cannot help you Join a choir and sing a high note aud you may be safe. At least thai is the experience of Mis Mary Austin of this city, who swallowed a white beaded pin. All efforts of physicians to dls lodge It were futile. She was told she must go to the I ulwralty of Michigan hospital 1111 mediately. As the train did not leave tor several hours and choir practice waa scheduled, she went to the church she did not intend to attempt to sing. Ian a he could not feel the pin she took tier place On her nrst high note the pin was dislodged The Clothes Gleaning Question Vy e are better equipped than ever before for handling, your work, having: in stalled some new Tanks, Dusting: Tables and other cleaning: devices. We have the best of ligrht in our spotting: room, allowing1 no spots to escape us. After your clothes are pressed which has been greatly improved on they are inclosed from the dust until called for or delivered. 117" e handle Fancy work, Dyeing, Clean ing and Blocking Hats and do kinds of repairing and busheling. Give us a call. Promptness is our motto. Opposite Dreamland Theater. Our Phone, 84 J. ONTARIO PRESSARY ART DUNNUCK, Proprietor THE ONTARIO MARKET has the Exclusive Agency ofthcVVei ser Creamery liutter selling now at .'50 cents per pound - - - H Sj W jB3b j .Ate. ' sSw w ' A ?m' jhSbsbV P HOTasi f iscjsaasssss wvjGi srsj wj vs. r JLB . Use Ansco Films They give the best results. We recommend both to every amateur photographer In town, because we're sure that they Aiuco supplies art made by cameras right (or sixty years. to (It all makes ol hand cameras. They help you do better work, with even an Inferior camera. Cyko Paper makes aharper, clearer, belter prints rnd 1 rings up tin .ie. ils. Bt. rs you spend your cairn. u money come tn and let us show why ths Superb Ansco U ths camera for ou. Let o . do vour developing ana priming We give prompt attention and gulck. thorough aervics. IV i ... Everhart When you want good Job Printing at reasonable rates come to the Argus Office. One Piece Hammer In The New Model Ithaca If you see more than one bole in a hammer you know that extra parts are fastened to the hammer whether shown or not Uur harn nier is all one piece, only one hole, no toggles or stirrups attache. I. We nave cut out all aooklag levers, bars, push rods and ham mer stirrups ami cock the gun di rect from toe of hammer. Catalog Free; 18 grades, $17 75 net to 4(Ki;iiHt. Our 5 lb. gii bore is a hummer be down to date and shoot one. ITHACA GUN CO., Ithaca. N. V- and Cyko Paper possible photographic will give real saUsfaction. the houss that his been maKUig Ansco Films are made In aUea ""ll NORMAL U.y. SEMIMATTf SM Drug Co.