The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 09, 1914, Image 7

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    Empire Lumber Company, Limited
Sash, Doors, Lumber, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Coal
Summer Storage Rates for Coal Now on-
$7.00 and $7.50 a Ton
The Most Complete Line of Building Material. If you cannot find it anywhere else
come to us. We have it.
Officials and Offioara Co-oparata
Qiva Smlora a Fina Holiday.
Undo 8am makes the Fourth of July
a greater tiny iiinoim his sailors thnn
ven Christmas. Indeed, It Is the
greatest lny of rolnznUon ami pleasure
for Jackie In the whole year. The
arly secretaries of the navy estahllsh
d the custom, ami It hna been al
most religiously maintained Invlnlato
through the long line of official who
have succeeded the pioneers of our sea
Iiiilepemleni e day Itchings to the blue
Jacket. Ilia auperlora recognise that
hla life la In some respect a hard one.
To him are denied the tie of family, tho
friendship and all tho other Interests
and diversions of life that make up
the landsman's existence. For thl
reason Uncle Sain believes that hi
an Mors should have aa many holidays
as pi ism Me
To make Independence day the hlg
ffest of them all la to kIvo thu day a
api'i-lai slgtilrli -aii'-e which cannot but,
to some degree at least, carry It les
on of patriotic iluty to those who
acrve the republic on the aea.
Hence admiral and captain always
plan to remain In int on July -I. Then
after dressing ship, firing the national
anlute and brief patriotic aervlces, the
day Is given to tho men to enjoy as
they see fit.
The sports that attend the nallor'a
Fourth of July are of a varied charac
ter. Our naval service ha, of course,
bin Dine atTei liil to a considerable ex
tent by the grout outdoor movement
that ha converted Independence day
Into one of llii' greatest HHrtiui( car
nlvals of the year.
The navy department ha wlaely en
coiiragcd this tendency, and wherever
an open Meld Is available the ph-ce de
resistance Is a baseball came some
times between rival nines picked from
member of (he ame ship, oftener be
tween team represenlliik' different
ahlps and In some exlrcmu cases be
tween nine from separate aipiadron
that happen to be In reudexvous near
v.i. h other.
Then there are track and tleldexeuts.
The Meet footed wearers of the blue
ahow how fast they cun sprint. Now.
Juat what good thla does them In tbetr
development a lighter Is not clear,
for even If they had the Instinct to lice
and could get over ground faster than
The nawa that America had
declared her indapandanoa of
England waa racaivad in Paria
with unbounded anthuaiasm.
Hare ia a oontamporary aeoount
of the rajoioingi
"Three montha had paaaed aft
er the reading of the act of the
Declaration of Indapandanoa
whan newe of that famoua event
waa brought to Havre, and three
daya later it had raaohad Paria,
late in the afternoon of a cer
tain day. Soon after 8 o'clock
of the evening hour on the ataga
of one of Paria' theatere appear
ed a young man, a boy, wearing
trouaara of the oigar tint that
of tho 'Claro' marked kind
and a loose white coat, a bar
bar ahop apprentice, who, el
bowing arms and ahouldara of
aurreunding actors, yelled with
Stentor'e lunga to the top of hia
voioe, 'America ia freer Thia
cry waa enthusiastically re
sponded to by the hurraha of a
etartled audience, who repeated
many timaa, 'Viva la liberte,
proclamee en Ameriquel'
"The effect of auch spontane
ous, overaxciting tranaporta waa
equal to that whioh would have
reaulted in oaaa the curtain
ahould have been euddanly low
ered. The hall of that theater
waa readily evacuated. Women
and men, clapping handa, aang
and ahoutad criaa of joy and ex
ultation in the atreeta of Pan.
while a group of young men
broke windowa in front of a
atoro where arms, fireworka and
auch thinga aa are handy on
nights whan people uaa fire
worka are aold, and in a wry
short time all Paria of those
daya on land and water, atreeta,
manaiona and dwellings of the
rich and the poor, the Seine
river, were blaiing with an im
praviaed illumination and all
aorta of fireworka to the extant
of presenting a delightful ecen-
ry of light and pyrotechnics."
Nebraska Man Hopes He'll Ole
In Casket
Carefully Preserved and Guars. I
State Department, Waahington.
There Is so much reverence for ttie
document on which Hie nfi six sign
er of the l niiiorlal I 'eclaratloii of In
dependence niserlbed their tiauiea that
It la no wonder It I preserved at the
national capital with the utmost care.
It Is III Hie slille ileliul I mellt 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 I UT
a Uuffey It would do I hem no good at ,, ,b, ,,oeuuicnt Is kept, und a aafe
the iiii.ineiii wh.-u the prow of the ship I .,.,..,. M constructed for it.
waa beitdlliK for a tuolt trip to I'avv
J ones' locker However, they run nud
throw weights and hummers. Jump and
'le vault
If no athletic field Is available then
thu ni airy must be confined lo aiptatlc
eventa swimming and lowing races
In the rare Instance where It is not
posslblo to get ashore or the water
conditions preclude rowing or swim
tiling (he bluejacket test their prow
eaa at boxing, wrestling, fencing.
dancing and singing
tlou in aa good condition as sslbl.
la Ita home The guurdlanahip of th.
revered document la in1 1 nst, d to in
official of the I in, i.i
The parchment with the original slg
nutiires was deMislted with the depart
ment of statu when Uie government
was organized In 1780. In isj:i Jnhu
Qulncy . Vilnius had a copperplate fac
simile made to gire coplea to the sign
er and their heir. The original waa
injured in thla way, the wet sheet
j pressed on the fuce drnwlug out th.
Uncoil,. Neb -Every night In the
yenr !: T. Hunger, formerly chief of
police of Lincoln, Bleep In hi coffin
Tho homeiiiiide box stands on the
front porch of the Hunger realdence,
and at night, after the neighbor, have
gone to bed, "Old Mm Hunger goea
out and clliube into the box. If the
weather la cold or If a ahower comes
op he pulls the top of the coffin over
the opening, leavea crack through
which ho can get a little freab air and
calmly goea to sleep air. Hunger la
now seventy six year, old, and for
many year, he haa been alccplng In
his coffin
"And I made that coffin myself, too,"
he say proudly. "Costa too much to
die In these day So i Just thought
I'd play a Joke on the undertakers and
make my own coillu while I was weh
enough to do It So I got tile Millie
Inch plauk about a foot wide and sev
era I plecee of 2 by 4. I nut the liiltel
at each corner to make the tmt "table
and then I nulled It together wltb
eight penny nulla. Whole tliltiu cost
me less than tX but It'a strong enough
to hold a man about my slxe without
any trouble And won't these under
Inkers be mad when I die and they
can't get any of my money?"
The Hunger home alt buck from the
street, and there are tree all around
it In the summer these tree shade
the porch and tho grewsoine object
cannot he seen plainly. Hut when win
ter snip-, it,,, limb and branches Mr
Hunger's I lemado coffin can lie aeeu
by all passeraby.
For more than twenty yeare Mr
Hunger waa a cnuatahle In Lincoln
and I one of the beat known men in
the city. Hut the fact that he sleeps
In hla coffin every night lau fact known
to few other, than hla uelgbbora and
close frleuda.
.. .. ,i,- , , ... i',v
lien rue so o s oinier in 01 i" i on . . .. .. ... .,
- - I 111 so nun uie names or tut) signer.
for auch extra delicacies as transform hfve ,,, uieM,. ltd the text par-
thc regular meal into a bampiet. and
Mr. Sailor crawls Into his tumiiuock
with the comfortuble reeling that thu
Fourth of July la a pretty big day,
ufter all, and that he is glad to beuble
to pas It lu Uncle Sum's service.
tl.iliy so. In recent year It has been
kept sealed up In n steel case, and th.
greatest cure bus been takeu to pre
vent It coming lo any hut in
And These Two San Franciaco Soya
Made Money at It.
Huston - Two Kan Francisco hoys,
Knrl Wondslde and Joseph Kelley, ar
rived at the home of Voodlde'. aunt
In Hrookllne. Mass , after walking
across the continent They aald they
started mi their trip Jan 1 with only
5 cent
lij singing, sawing wood, giving lac
lures and doing farm chore, they work
ed their way to this city When thoy
arrived they had about $11' between
thein. were clad lu new khaki uniforms
and were each about twelve pounds
heavier than when flu v slutted. They
are nineteen years old
Ten Die From Heat In St. Louie.
8t. Louis. Ten deaths from the ex
csslve heat In 24 hours and 2U proa
trutions was the record here.
We Would Like To Know
IF you can buy every day useful articles at a saving
on price why don't you do it?
WHEN you can save in cost to you on China, Granite,
Glass and Tin Ware, why don't you do it?
IF there is a store in town where you can get Laces,
Insertions, Embroideries and a great variety of Dry
Goods and other Notions at a saving in price, why
don't you do it?
HAVING the Goods and Prices we call for the
The Variety Store
The Oregon Bankers' association
held Its convention at Medford.
The free text books question as
anowpd under at the achool election
In Portland.
A typewriters' speed contest waa
held at Astoria Thursday. A allver
loving cup was the prize.
I'lans have been completed for hold
ing the flrat Chautauqua at Pendleton
July to 10.
Andrew J. Dufur, Jr., first mayor
and one of the foundera of Dufur, died
In Portland.
Monroe adopted a new city charter
without much opposition. Out of 18
votes cast only seven were opposed
to the charter.
Thomas McParland of Hanks caught
a yearling deer In his back yard, to
which place the animal had atrayed.
He will keep it for a pet.
The a .iii-s of Hurley Lutx, ex-county
clerk, were scattered In the bay at
Toledo, by the lodge of Elks, In ac
cordance with the man's request
A big street dance the last night
of the Salem cherry fair to be held
July 23, 26 and 27 will be one of the
features of the celebration.
Josephine county residents turned
out In force to attend the Cave Hay
celebration, which was held under the
auspices of the Oranta Puss commer
cial club.
Ith h ml Williams, former member
of congress from Oregon, school di
rector of Portland and the oldest prac
titioner befor. the Oregon bar. died
at Portland.
The Oregon national guard, the Ida
ho national guard and tho regulara
from Vancouver barrack. Wash., will
meet In annual encampment at Gear
hart Park July 12 to 20.
An agate, containing a half moon
and showing the "Man In the Moon"
has been found by .Nfra N. J. Moore,
of Agate Peach. It Is one of the most
fetnarkable agates ever found.
All out id doors display representing
Oregon life will he one of the attrac
tive features at the I'liiiatiin Pacific
exposition at Sun Francisco The ex
hibit will cost about lln.oiiu
The following of fit era were electe I
by the Oregon Pioneer association.
President. T. T. Geer. 1861; vice-president.
Charles It Moore. 1H62; sec
retary, George 11. Dimes, IBItj treas
urer. Charles K. I.add, lnr.7; din-dor,
John W. Mini... 1848; Henry I.. Pit
lock, 1863; Nathan K. Hint, IMn
The Oregon apple box will become
the standard apple box for the entire
Culled Staivs. If congress cun find
(hue to puss the linker hill, which
waa fuvorubly reported recently to
the house by the committee on coin
age, weights and measures.
In an opinion asked by ('. C. Hpen
cer, of Oregon City, Attorney
Crawford has held that the bonds of
school clerks must be double the
amount of money II is estimated they
will handle The bonds mils' be up
proved by the school boards and the
county achool superintendents
Commissioner Campbell haa an
nounced that the state rullrouil otn
mission henceforth would luslat upon
all commission men hunt lu the state
observing the commission merchant
act enacted by the last legislature
The secretary of the Interior baa
designated a tract of JM.uou acres of
laud In Oregon for entry under the en
larged llolliei.le.ol lltW Mlt of 'lie
lands embruced In this designation lie
In the Item huie und John Day river
Dental work to the estimated wiluj
of $20110 was pci formed mi prisoners
ut the state penitentiary during the
lust week by applicants for licenses
to practice dentistry in Oreguu who
appeared for examination at the regu
lar semi annual session of the Oregon
state board of denial examiners.
Interpreting the county illusion law
for G. H. Putnam of Hend, Attorney
Genaral Crawford holds that If a cuuu
ty Is to he .:., lad into three counties,
em li ci the .. o new counties must
no-no per cent of the vote cast
In Its proposed boundaries, and 36 per
cent of the vote cast In the balance
of the territory, Including the other
proposed new county, lu other words,
the attorney-general holds that when
two new counties are being creuted
a the same time out of one county the
percentage of the wile that must be
obtained is the same for each pro
posed new county us though only on.
county was being create. I
"We want to everlastingly kill off
single tux, that's what this meuuure
is for," declared T. J. Cording, of Port
laud, wheu he submitted a copy of a
proposed constitutional umendmeiit tj
the secretary of state. The measure,
which Mr. Fording said would be 1 ill
tiuted. bears the name of Duld M.
Dunne It proposes to amend sectiou
1 of article IX of the constitution Th.
measure provldea that no property, to
exceed in value the sum of f.'iOO, shall
be exempted from taxation, and thul
thia provision, when one. adopted,
shall never be amended, except by
two thirds ote of all the electors wbi
may purtlcipate In any general or ape
ciul .le.ilon wh.rein a change lu tb.
yaieui of asaessiueui aud taxation la
Means Not Only Time But Money.
Do you ever consider how long it takes to travel the distance
from your house to the Doctor and Merchant and what time
you save by telephoning? If your time is worth anything, you
cannot afford to be without a Telephone.
Malheur Home Telephone Co.
Summer Excursions
Union Pacific System
To Points Kast
Including Denver,
Omaha, Kansas City,
St. Louis, Chicago,
Minneapolis, St Paul,
Memphis and many
other Mints.
July 1, 3, 10. 11, 12, It, 1 20.
Augual 5. 12, 10. 26;
Sept. 2, in
Limit October 31. 1011
To Points West
To San Francisco,
Losangeles and other oints
via Portland, Ogden or
Salt Uke City.
Daily. June 1st to
Sept. -to 1914
Limited October 31, 1911
For Hales and Further Particulars
A Complete Line of
JMiMtuj tatuntmj
At the Argus Office
Best Equipped Livery ii.
the city. Headquarters for
Hormti liouyht and Sold.
A. McWILLIAMS Proprietor.
Anything in the way of
Automobile Supplies
Such as Casings or Tubes, Blow Out
Patches, Chains.
Ford Extras of all kinds.
Best of Service.
Reasonable Prices for Livery.
The Ford Garage.
North of the Moore Hotel.