Ontario Pharmacy Eastman Kodaks Rexall Remedies LOCAL NEWS Sen8horo Excursion, July It'. 1014. Fare, round trip, $H 15. On sale July 10. Return limit August 1. Mrs. C. S. Watson and chil dren were guests of the Misses Jones of Weiser on the 4th. Dan Kerfoot was a visitor to Weiser Monday. Mrs. Wm. Flughoff and chil dren went to Weiser Wednes day to visit with her sister Mrs. Frank McKee, and attend the Chautauqua. Seashore Excursion, July 16, 1914. Fair, round trip, $14.15. On sale July 16. Return limit August 1. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cockrum were Boise visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Harrison Hcaward and Miss Maude Kidd were passergers for Juntura Wednes day, where they will he met by Tom Seaward with his auto and they will be taken for a trip to Bums and other points in the interior. . B. Conklin lost about a hundred tons of hay Monday by fire. The fire started in a tack of chaff from hay that bad been threshed, and was dis covered about daylight. The neighbors came in and succeed ed in keeping it confined to that stack and left two men to jMi.it. I it. About ten o'clock u sharp wind came up and scat tered the burning hay over a stack of the first cutting and it was soon destroyed. Father Campo left Monday noon for a visit of several months in the east, going as far as Brussels, where his mother lives. This is his first visit home in eight years, lie will also visit with friends in many of the eastern cities. I. mi Walker has invented a trap to pick up the grass hop pert and reports that he is gatheriugthem in by the gallon. Ralph Fckbardt has moved to Idaho Falls and opened a law otlice. There was a great scattering of the Ontario people for the celebration of the Fouith, all of the celebrations in this sec tion getting some of them. The rains made it a disugreeable day for all the towns as they seemed to get most of the stom, while the towns that did not Ottobrttf were comparatively out oi the rum belt. Sundav's bull game resulted in a score of 5 to 4 in fuvor of Weiser '""1 tUe Kauie Saturday wus won by Ontario in a score of 14 to 5. The season is to run six weeks more. Mr. ami Mrs. V. F. Iloman ami Mr. Iloiuan's four children urc bon Irom Missouri and other point-, going as far as Wuj-Lington, vvlieie Mr. Human ha 1 business with the Interior Dtpartmtnt ID regard to the Head Ox Flut irrigation. They found the days and nights hot and are more than pleased to be in a section where the nights are ulways cool. Mr. and Mrs. W. I'. Sander son are in Portland. Roy Smith is in Portland, where he went with three cars of cattle for Dave Magill. The stuff brought a good price but the car load that got held up on account of the wash out at Lime hus not been heard from. There will be a meeting of the directors of the Malheur county fair next week to organ ize and plan for the fair this fall. The directors are all agreed that the fair this year must be the best held by the association and they are going tu do everything they cau to make it a succe s financially. LOCAL NEWS Miss Artie Lee of Boise was here this week, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Joe Staples. BORN: To Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Howe Wednesday an eight pound boy, at Pilot Rock, Ore. Mother and boy doing fine. Judge (. L. King will leave Sunday for Kansas City, where he will be married to Mrs. L. E. (taylord. The Judge and Mrs. Oaylord were raised together, but when the war came up they got separated and did not hear of each other until a couple of years ago when the Judge made a trip east. The Judge has hosts of warm friends here who will give him a hearty welcome on his return and try to make things pleasant for the bride. Mrs. Rader entertained tin Bridge club Tuesday afternoon and Mrs. Prinzing won the high score. Dr. and Mrs. Rawson of Kuna were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Whitney over the 1th. Dr. and Mrs. Britt were visit ing friends around lioswell for a few days this week. W. A. Coughanour, of Pay ette, was calling on Ontario friends Tuesday. A very pretty wedding at the Methodist parsonage on Monday evening, July Oth, l'-' II Mr. J. W. Braswell, and Miss Enna Parker were joined to gether by the Rev. Thos. Johns. Their many friends wish them a very happy and prosperous voyage through life. W. W. Eetson went to Jun tura Monday to regulate the railroad watches. For rent, neat four room house, with barn, chicken park, two blocks noith of school house. Wm. Beagle, phone iiOu K 3. Editor Phegley, of Jordan Valley, was here Tuesday call ing on friends. Persons wishing to take ad vantage of the Bancroft act for their sewer assessments must do so within ten days from date of their notice. Miss Ethel and Stanley Milli kin are home from school. The subject for discussion at the Methodist Episcopal church on July IS, morning at ll, "Christ in the Mountains." Eve niug at 8, "Sumpson's Wedding Kea-t and Sampson's Weakness" These subjects are interesting and the people of Ontario ami strangers are cordially invited to attend the services. THOMAS JOHNS, Pastor. John KtMil iHMH- in Saturday own ing, having Ml the I'ajclif lake that in. ruing in his car. Tiny had .i li.iw rain at tin- lake Friday mil Burst r r Um toiutii, bringing his But II) with nini. Hi status that the Bin I I. mil office ! doing a big business this year and many settlers are also luiv lands in tin- Mm u- ectlull. Mrs. Hall of Knmiett, is here visit bjg with her sisters, Mr. BfOMM ;"'' Mi. Melmii'i H. H. (iranel wai notlfeid Kridav of the death Of his father. H. W (iranel at Painesvllle, Ohio, aged 65 years, on the third. Ad Simons hag Jne to Boise and J. Susar, of Memphis, Tenu., Is now helping Mr. Cream in the Alexander store. The regular inonthlv meeting of the directors of the Owyhee ditch com pany was held on Friday afternoon, with no special business coming up. Mrs. Prank Davis Is here from Mi Minnville. visiting with her daughter Mrs. Herb Williams Mrs. Frank Morfitt is here visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Purcell. Mr and Mrs James Lawrence were here from Vale on Thursday. Miss Fatsey Huffman, is home fiom a visit at Westfall. I0 HAVE ANOTHER STORE The Golden Rule Syndicate Have Leased Store Room TO OPEN UP ABOUT AUGUST IS Charles II. Harnett, I live young business man from Chey enne, Wyoming, where he en gaged in the retail mercantile business for several years with gratifying success, is coining to Ontario on August 15 to estab lish a branch of the OnMcn Rule stores, one of the largest syndicates of dry goods con- cerns operating in the Inter mountain region and the I'acilic Northwest. The Coiden ltule store here is to be conducted under the man agement it Mr. Harnett, who re cently visited Ontario ami other towns of this section a.id who was tired with enthusiasm re garding the commercial future of this city. There are 200 dry goods stores in the wet which are associated through the (iolden Rule syndicate. The secret of under selling is under buying, is this syndicate's slogan. By controlling two hundred stores, the syndicate claims, it is pos- libit to puiehase goods ill NUcIl large lots that rock bottom prices may be commamleil Ailherance to this system enables the Onlden Rule stores to sell standard goods at re markable prices. Mr. Hat nelt comes from Wy oming with Hie bust of reeoin- I a t in us He was considered one of the ablest and most valuable lioos'ers m Cheyenne and the press oj that city has expressed sincere regret at his determina tion to come to ( Mitai in Km m-iIIii ice ami prORI ' r,. ii- Praaaary. ' 'Phou IWW, Fur sale, young turkeys, at tin- Oi. tario Market, Saliiitlav . Miss Cuinniins was home from BoiM Creamery butler M cents a pound at tiie Ontario market uur the fourth- Frank Johnson rume over from Just received a new )attern in table ware that is very dainty It is carried in open stock and you can buy as many pieces "or as few as you may want The price is very reasonable. See it. THK VARIETY STORK, Ontario, Ore. Mrs. Junes has returned ft' in Vale where she has bean for the past month. Creamery butter, made under most sanitary conditions possible, 2- cents a pound, same price aa ranch butter, at the Ontario Market. For standard patterns go to ibe Ait Store LADIES NOTICE Ball dresses, and all kinds of cleaning and renovating at Cope's, 'The I'ressary. "I'hone I06w Miss Esaie Orcutt left for her vaca tion on the coast. E. Cope ia still doing business in the Moore Hotel Blk Cleaning, 1'resaing and Tailoring. 'I'hone 106 W. I fM r. H H LOCAL NEWS NOTICE! Ami BWs co A mt jm! ONTARIO fV fW OBEGOJjJ IV It will pay you to visit our Clearance Sale of Millinery, Suits, Coats, Sum mer Dresses, Lawns Crepes and shallies by the yard for afternoon dresses and lounging robes. A lot of Shirt Waists, House Dresses and Muslin I'nderwear also in this clearance sale. Several lines of Children's Women's and Men's Shoes included at a big saving to you. Local Market Report. Corrected Apr. .'10, for the I tit of Argue raadera by the Malheur Mar oantlla Company. KKKa, per doxen. l"o Buttar, per pnuuJ, 2oo. Oata, par hundred, 11.60 Wheat, par hundred, 91. 75. Hay par ton, H. Fotatoae, per hundred, 1.00 Oolooe, per hundred, 12.00. Applea, per box, 11.00. to fl.H0 Cblokena, diaaaed, per pound,! Ho. Pork, draaeed, 8 4 t,, o, Pork, lire, 6..ru to 7 Veal, : to too. Heef He to 12fl It Mas been definitely deoiderl tliut the commercial, industrial and development organizations of Oregon will hold u big In dustrial and Products show in Portland from Oct. '-'' to Nov 14, and the Armory, togetlni with one or more Itmponr structures, has been selected h the site. Mr. Louis V. Buckle termor) y of the Alnsku-Yuko i- l'ucilic El position, has been M It i lid t'i manage the liig show. About B0,000 tquori feet of spate will lie lltiiltod and this will lie iii.itlv equally divided between DfOOUttO ol the farm ami (lie VOrkfliOP, Almut 19,000 siUate I'ei t u ill in u-nl tn sliuvv municipal and 1 1 u itiODtl work It Is eieeted that tlie best lllOWiOg Hi apples and oilier fruit $ i i noadi in rrogon wil lie found at tbi ihow. Nature's Sun Dial. Tht M i- '" need for clocks on the ,i any 'lay when the sun is -Inning 1 In i . u.itiiie does not vary, though the niilum- pass. I lie natu ral i line-marker is the largest sun ilial in the world. Project) mg into the I blue waters of the sea is u large promontory which lifts its head i.isS) fi it above the waves. As the sun swing round the pointed shadow of the mountain just touches one after the other of a number of small islands, which are at exact distances apart and act aa hour marks on the great dial Just as true and unvarying as the quality of golden grain belt beers, advertisement. ffJJI FirtHT NATIONAL BANK OK ONTARIO HAS INSTALLK1) A NUMBER OF AFBI1 PUHMIIT UOXFJJ. KACH BOX HAS A DOU BLK LOCK AND T1IKV AKFORD A HAFK FIRKFItOOF 1'LACK TO KKKF DLKDH, LIKK l.NHl RANCK 1'OLICIKS AND OlIIKK VALU ABLLh. THK RKNTAL RATK ON THK BOXfH IH VKKV RKASON A BLK. If- CONDENSED FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ONTARIO, OREGON As made to the Comptroller of the Currency at the close of business June 30, 1914. Government Call RESOURCES LIABILITIES Loans and Discounts 1325,423.08 Capital fiO.Oao.ott Overdrafts 7M.M Surplus .-.O.OOihio Bonds and Warranta 2s,:ili!.lo Undivided Troflta IS.M6.M U. S. Bonds (par) 0,600.00 circulation 22,500.00 Kx-alty 2,712.31 Roserved for Taxea 1,500 (S) Furniture and Fixtures u, 484.113 Deposits. 430,93.1. ni Redemption Fund 1,125,00 Cash and Sight Exchange 18Q, 211 .49 $:.;;, coo 18 $5117,000.18 KKSKKVK 41.8 Per Cent KNOWN FOR ITS STRENGTH A strong, conservative institution, which has success fully passed through many financial storms and "stood by" its customers at such times. We are always prepared to take care of the proper needs of our customers and invite desirable new business. OFFICERS & DIRECTORS A. L. COCKRUM, President H. II COCKRUM, Cashier T. TURNBULL, Vice President C. W. PLATT. "Aast. Cashier C. E. KENYON, J. D. BILLINGSLEY, L. B. COCKRUM Report of the Condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK at Ontario, in the Slut., of Oregon, at the elow of hnsinean, June th. 1H14, No. .WW. MKSOt'lll .. I. ..in-mi. I disoonntM 3 423 08 n. i.l i at t- se'nrert and unwenred 07 I'SlMindsto aeeure olreu- latum --, IM t' S Uinds to secure I'oMul Saviugs r"') ,HI Honda, aenritle, etc 812 10 Hanking house, furniture and tlxtnrea 484 r'3 Other real estate owned I 742 31 I Hi from national bank (not renerve agent) 54 i2 5n Hue from State and Pri vate Banka and Banker, Trust . Companiea and Savings banks 1 ooo 00 One from approved reserve miiiiit m os Checks and other cash items 7s7 91 lAchanges for Clearing . Mouse '- Note of other National I..,Lh I HHII tS' I nictioiial paper enrrenev. nickel . and (nts I91' 51 l.imi I. MONRI RsKK is Hans i SiK-cie . 22 Ml i" Legal tender notes Hl tsi 2 1 64 U UedeuipUon rood with 0 s Treasurer i per cent of eireiilatlnli) I ' ' Due fJoni l'. I Treasurer 0 00 T-.iAl. ' BOO IM I i miii. mi I Capital stock paid in " ' "' Karplnsfnnd 000 00 l inliv Ided pruiit". leas pMSM and IMM paid '- '' ' n K.sened for taxes 1 "l M ,MI Sational bank iinti nut- rtanding -"- Dm- in state and private banka and bankers I I 171 M Individnal deposits nh ,,.,-t I., cb.-ck fr '!" "' Demand oertlftoates of d i..-ll :. :.iin ;, Time ci-itiii.at'- ..I depuetl I Certified checks Postal Savings deposits TOTAL ''" ''"" ' State of Oregon I . Ciiintv ..I Malbeiir i I li . B Cockrum mahierof thealsjvs ,,,u i bank .In suleuinlj swear thai tin above stateiw nl is trie to the Ih--i .ii my knowledge atod lariief II. B. in kkim, ' ashler ( orreet Attest A. I. Cockrum, T. Tumbull, C K. Kei yon, Mraolon, .1. D. Billingskay i L B Cockrum, Kabaorlbad and sworn to before nn- tin. Ml, ilav of JUIV. K'14 seal I ' . r. ... ii, , W W. wool. Noi.rv l'ublic. LOCAL DRU66IST MAKES MANY FRIENOS The druggist reports that he is mak ing many friends through the gUICK benefit which Ontario people receive from the simple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc , known as Adler i in. This remedy became famous by curing appendicitis and it is the in., t thorough bowel cleanser known, Mtlflg on U)th the lower and upper l.ouel JUST UNI POM of Adler i ca re lieves constipation and gas on the tomach almost I.MMKD1ATKI.Y. REPORT OF Jewelry Should be purchased from your home jew eler who stands ready at all times to make it good. We have the late pat terns and standard makes to select from. Official watch man for the railroads of this nection. W. W. LETSON, ONTARIO, OKKl.itV CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS l. I A.K. Hi., si. hi. Mutiey to bum Improved irr gaied farm. W. II. Dooliltle Co. Loto for Sale .'i iii Rlvoitid mlililioii, near stil Million. In. n ire at ArgllD. Ymi inn iel four pUndld RlOgOlinOI on'- JTMI I"' Ifl OODU t xlia ly lenewinjj your sul) mi iplion t" tin- Aru"- Siccial BflaM mi trunks ami suit aaaai (or 10 daya Kroaatli Uar aa c.i. I in iii -a alfall.i bay see .1 J I 'in, 'j l milli-outb ol Oa tariu Kitbar in Hi lit i.i dalifaradi Sici.iiiI II mil Ilav Wa'iui tin -..I.' obaap Al Vaa Patten Lhr. Ca, I-.. i sale Regiatared Dnroc Jersey pins, imtli miMi various agaa, snaerior quality, See them. II R Boomer, I-1 in t html. Idaho. Wanted Woman to cook on ranch I'hone 003 K-'J. FOR RKNT Two large rooms, fur nished, North Main St , three blocks from I'ost Office. J. M. Steward. M FOR SAI.K: Three lots, Villa I'ark add. to Ontario Apply to Mrs. M I Rhiaies, Farms, Idaho -l Mr. ami Mrs. W II llionke are home 1 1 mil a visit with the home folks in Usui The. win- awav aevci.il .un ami rcioit that In it lln ! somethlni flarca