The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 09, 1914, Image 3

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Lady In Goodwater Describes Her
Distressing Experience and
Tells How She Was
Finally Relieved.
Qood water, Mo. 'Ever tince I wat
t little girl," says Mrs. Riley Laramore,
"I was a great sufferer from dyspepsia.
I suffered misery after eating, and had
terrible heartburn.
I thought I had to suffer this way at
long as I lived, but when I began to take
Thedford't Black-Draught, in small
doses, every night, the heartburn was all
gone in a few days, and I could cat
without distress.
1 took two small packages in all, and
tl'hough that was some time ago, the
dyspepsia has not returned.
I speak a good word for Thedford's
Black-Draught whenever 1 have the op
portunity." If eating causes distress, we urge you
to try Thedford's Black-Draught. It
cleanses the system, helps the stomach to
digest its food, regulates the bowels, and
stimulates the liver.
It acts gently and is without bad after
effects. Try It Price 25c.
Throe lots for sale 2 blocks west
of poitoftlce at ii bargain. Inquire at
Argus nttioe.
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt Attention Given
All Orders.
The Most Qualified Judges
Pronounce Taylor k Williams
Straight Yellow Stone Whisker the BEST
FOR SALE in quantities) from
One gallon up. and many otber
Good brands, bv
L B. FEfER. Wholesaler
Irdin Service.
East bound
Ontario, Oregon, June
Time telle No 73
No 18 Oregon Wash L'td
Nil 7C Boise Passenger
No 10 Eastern Express
No 71 Uoise Passenger
1st. l'.'ll
' 1 a hi
8 :50 a Ul !
12 : 1 2 p m
:i::io m
No C Oregi.ii Wash Express 111! f m
West bound. '
No 17 Oregon S aili L'td 1 :17 a m
No 75 liuutiiigtoii I'ssaengei '.'12 sum
N'i ! Oregon VVasb Ex 6:5U p 10
No 5 Ka.t Mail 0:1.') p m
No 77 liuutlngtou IWgr 6:15 p m
. Malheur Valley Biuncb.
West Hound
No UM Vale and Juniiiia. Mixed.
Dally Sunday. 10:10 a m
No 141 Vale uud Brogao mixed, Dai
ly Except Uuoday leaves 10 :00 a m
No 97 Vale Passenger 7 :00 p m
Eaat Uiiuii.l Arrive
No :H Vale Passenger g :40 am
No 142 Vale Mixed, from Hrogun
3.50 p m
No 140 Junturs mixed. Dally except
Sunday 1 :30 p m
Tbe tlomedale traio leaves Nysea
at 2:45 on Tuesday. Tnureday and
Mat unlay, returning, arrive at On
tan., at 6 p. in
Always on the Job
If you nave a job of hauling yoo
want done, large or email, you oau
alwavs depend on Jobn Lendingbsm
being ready for you. Call him at the !
Opponents of Head of Juvenile
Court Chiefly Suffragists.
Sitm.nt en Strike Situation Called
False Aeeu.ed of Uaing Position
For Personal Profit Laboring Men
Remain Stanch Supportere of Judge
and Fight For Hie Retention.
Denver. A very careful canvass of
the nut I Llndsey sentiment in Denver,
especially among tbe women, sbows
that It bas grown steadily during Use
last all months. Leaders In the Wo
men's Protective league and In reform
movements outside of tbat organisa
tion sro loudly clamoring for tbe re
call of tbe Judge of Denver's juvenile
court. Men voters for tbe most port
refnse to commit themselves openly.
Dr. Mnry Ellznbeth Hntes. tbe head
Of the Woman's Protective league,
which was orgnnized to obtain legal
protection of girls, declared that It Is
"wnr against I.lndsey to tbe end." Bbe
called attention to a atatement Just la-
ivvam benjamin a. liniset
aued by tbe league, wblcb. sbe mild,
fully expresses her view. Tin- state
ment In purl follows: '
"Home 1111111 iii-. uttu Hie Wuumu'a l'r
tertlvo league called attention to tlto
unlawful practice of tbe Denver Juve
nllo sajajfl In rlrtnu II v protecting men
confessing or . ..mi. icil of crlmea
against girl children I in - statements
with utorted in verified transcripts
of tbe ottlcliil irnmii of the Juvenile
court Itaelf.
"Rut so shameful waa the atate of
affairs disclosed that Denver and tbe
rest of the country found It burd to be
lieve, especially since Judge Llndsey
bas long tralued the public to believe
to bla devotion to children uud tbat
mi one wbo criticises the Juveulie
court does eo from aouie selfish or alu
later motive.
"The disclosures or the Woman a
Protective leugue. however, raised
doubts .nil! eel people to thinking uud
iii c.-ii.iiiug - niit-i iiiiik they iiiv.i
did before.
This, together with bla recent
abockiugl.v false statements In the eust
about strike conditions In Colorado.
Uaa hi lust urousi-d our eoiie to bis
real character uud Hint of hut juveulie
"The Woman's Protective league
therefore desires to cull your atteutlou
"i-"1"1 '" I'8 charges mid Its efforts to
espoHe this iniii Oeguu Hbunt u yeur
ago. and to predict his speedy eft in I
uatlou rrom the public life of Colo
rttUO '
in tinea unu towns uuisiue 01 wt-u
m Jf- , iteJ , fri.e,y tnmnj
for bis attitude during tbe strike uud
bis recent ptiliilc uttcrunces In eiisterii
cities To offset I Ills ii turge percent
uge of IBS "ilioi vote of Denver U uu
doiibtediy pro l.ludM-y
It was reported l hut petltloua for
Judi:e I.lndsey S UMll were being clr
ciliated, and the report h given iinub
prominence. It now develops tbut the
petition!! were prepared. Put never left
tbe attorney'
Tbe ground.- upon Wblcb It is pro
posed to recull Judge 1. iini.sej. accord
ing to one of tbe petitions, are as fol
io wa:
Pint -He ha. repeatedly and continual
ly hlma.lf from .aid court and
neglected nls judicial dutlee for private
end personal mature In no wtee connect
ed with aald court.
Second -He haa delegated to cierke and
aubordiaatee powere and dutlee purely
Third. He ha. refused to hear compe
tent evidence, baa ahown biaa and preju
dice In caeee on trial before him end haa
entered decree, contrary to the law and
the fact.
Fourth -He haa required clerks to sur
render portions of the salaries allowed to
them by law
Fifth.- He bss used his Judicial position
for personal exploitation and profit
Sixth He haa conducted himself In a
manner unbecoming a judge and In such
a manner aa to bring the state of Colora
do and Its children Into public derision
and contempt
Mi. Mary V. Lathrop. a lawyer and
opponent of Judge Llndsey. declared
that Impeachment proceedings may be
resorted to If tbe women And theui
,n ,de,r feffort t0 Mc""
If " F
i LxexeP -BLal IB
Judge l.llidaey
It will pay you to
visit our Clearance
Sale of Millinery,
Suits, Coats, Sum
mer Dresses, Lawns
Crepes and Shallies by the
yard for afternoon dresses
and lounging robes.
A lot of Shirt Waists,
House Dresses and Muslin
Underwear also in this
clearance sale.
Several lines of Children's,
Women's and Men's Shoes
included at a big saving to
It Tells Hew Our Great-grandfather.
Celebreted Independence Oay.
roots, grent nml bumble, have sung
of Independence duy. Tbe Revolution,
of course, gave blrtb to Its full quota
of spirited and patriotic vera, and It
bits been gnlherod between rovers,
but tbe poetry dedicated to the Fourth
of July, tbougb doubtless not easily
compassed In a small space, seems not
to bnve been collected by any curious
or devout American. Hut beautiful
and Inspiring verse bus nono tbe less
been written.
Her in ii poem, tbnugli not In a
stately measure, tbat la good fun and
worth repiiblli-stlon. II was written
by is. nil Tyler about 1708. It Ib call
ed "Independence Day:"
Squeak the nfe and beat the drum
Independence day la comet
1-rt the roaatlna; pig be bird;
Quick twist off the cookerel'a head;
Quickly rub the pewter platter;
Heap the nutcakee fried In batter;
at the oupe and beaker alaea.
The pumpkin end the epple saues;
end the kea to ehop for brandy.
Maple sugar we have handy.
Independent, stssserlng Dick.
A no sin mis of swtnsatng thlek.
el, put on your russet eklrt.
Jothsm, get your boughten shirt
Today we dance to tiddle diddle.
Here comes Hanibo with his rtildle.
Hit mi ... teke a drain of whlaky
Ami play up "Yankee Doodle" frleky.
Mull, come, leave your witch's tricks
And let hi have a reel of els.
Father and muther shall maks two;
Sal, Mol and 1 stand all row.
Bambo, play and dance with uuallty.
This Is a day of blest explain
Ksther and mother are but man.
And Haiubo -Is a clllsen.
i ',- foot It, Sal; Moll. figure In.
And. mother, you dance up to him.
Now eaw ss fast aa e'er you can do.
And, futht-r, ou can croae o'er to Bain Bo.
Thus we dunce and thus play
On glorious Independence duy.
huh more roaln on your bow
And let ue hsvs another go
inn. la' Ae eure ae eggs and bacon.
Here's Knslgn Kue.ik and 1'ncle IVacon.
Aunt Thtah. and there a lietn behind her
On blundering mare, than beetle blinder.
And ti.ere'a the squire, too, with his lady.
Sal. bold the beast; I'll take the baby
Moll, bring the equlre our grout armchair.
Good folks, we're glad to aeo you here.
Jot hum. get the. great cuae bottle
Your teeth can pull it corncob stopple.
Knslgn, deacon, never mind:
Hqulie. drink until you're blind
fc'onie. here's the French and guillotine.
An.) here Is good Hqulie Oullatln,
And here's each noisy Jacobin
Hera's filead Madison, so hearty.
Ami I. ilea OOOfUSlOa to the In
i'ii ii... i. n. i mors swig to Southern iernoe,
W! .0 IS .n MM I brother negroes.
Thus drink mil dance away
This glorious Independence day I
Artifncisl Earthquake Was One Fea
ture of Colorado Celebration,
one of i be tanai Interesting1 of recent
lliili'ieiitlelice il.i.v celcliliitlolia W'US f Coiuniii.i. it was lifiOO fawt
llluli nii'l lOti.tSMJ Mii;ue miles wide.
Cripple Creek ulul blur, the two
rivul Capita la Of the great gold .uu i
near Colorudo Springs. elebrnted tlie
r'oiiitli ill a illilille manner
A buge bou liic imeiiiiK nfty arjuure
feet at the bnse mel baviug a belgbt
of sixty feet was built on tbe summit
of I'lkes peuk b.v the cltUeus of Crip
ple Creek.
Thousands of pine logs satursted
with barrels of oil and burned with
colored light effects were visible over
luo.ia.ju square miles In Colorado, Ne
braska and New Mexico.
Tbe peak of Mount Plsgab, bsvlng
an altitude of l'-'OOO feet, was also the
scene of a beiititlful Illumination line
logs Ha i hi a i ci I with oil and covered
witb red Ore were burued to make a
brilliant glow, eta bet many miles.
An artificial earthquake, caused by
discharging toim of ciunt powder, waa
the principal fentuie on tbe program
arranged b.v tbe cltlxeua of Victor.
Each town did Ita utmost to outrival
the other In making tbee elaborate
preparation to celebrate the Fourth,
and the celebration Lifted three daya.
Hay Bill Holds Fate of Service
In United States.
Messure Appropriating $250,000 For
Efficiency Haa Been Pasaed by Houes
snd Held Up In Senate Until Trust
Program Is Completed Provides For
More Officers.
Washington. Aviation la at laat be
ing recognized by the United states
army as the result of the Day bill,
which has slrendy passed tbe bouae of
representatives and been favorably re
ported to the aennte by tbe committee
on military affairs. This bill, backed
by a $250,000 appropriation, glvea the
army signal corps, commanded by
Brlgnder General George l. Scriven,
an opportunity to go ahead with the
work wblcb bss been planned In the
At the preaent time tbe army avia
tion corps, which Is under the direction
of Colonel Samuel Iteber, though s
compact and easetitiiilly efficient body
anil capable of giving a maximum
amount of service with a minimum of
equipment, is luflnltealtiial as compared
witb th.. like organisations of otber
first class powers. In fact it la only
through tbe bill of CongresHinan Jsmes
liny of Virginia that It bus been given
uu odlctsl stntuB In tbe aviation section
of the signal corps. It Is safe to aay
that from this beginning tbero will be
results wblcb will snow exceptional
efficiency for tbe money expended.
The United stale has nothing In
tbe lino of fighting apparatus for use
In the nir. witb tbe exception of aero
planes, not s single dirigible balloon
or other slrshlp wblcb might bo used
for offensive work Its Meet of aero
planes, which Is divided Into four sec
tions. Is located st Galveston. Teg.:
Ban Diego. Csl.. and In the llnwallsn
snd Philippine lalanda, and uaed sole
ly for scouting. This, bowover, la
1 mho by American Preee Assoclstlon
only tbe iM-gliinltig and. as Colonel Ks
ber expresses It. Is like a baby taklug
lis firat exerclee "We IllUat start by
perfecting our scouting system, as a
child (list learns to crawl." tie nays
"After that Uu may tat.c up walking,
and before long will be fully prepared
for running In this cuse running
meaning that we will bnve s full Meet
uf offensive airships."
The aeroplane work during the pies
cut trouble with Mexico at Vera 0VM
bas been hn lulled entirely by the aero
hydroplane force of the navy und has
been essentially succesefiil. The iu in)
tone of aeroplane. Willi the exception
ul those iieeileil III Hawaii and the
Philippine, haa been kept on the hoi
tier hclutcn Texas and Mexico, though
mobilized and in u. h Bbgpg that on
twenty minutes notice tiny might be
hi. I to any point
Under the Hay hill the aviation sec
ti'ifi will consist of not over sixty com
missioned Hue oltlcers with rank be
low that of captain, us well aa MO en
listed men These shall be detailed for of four years. Tbe otlicers,
who will tlrst go through a preparatory
course as aviation studeuts. will be
selected on the recommendation uf tbe
chief signal olUcer from among the
unmarried lieutenants of the army
who an- not over thirty yeurs of uge.
but they shall not be assigned to such
service against their will.
It la further provided, on account of
the extremely hazardous character of
the aervlce. that escb aviation student,
wben be shall commence to make
flights, aball receive Increased pay.
and there bt Increased pay for the en
listed men too.
After tbe passage of tbe Ilsy bill
only officers a ml men who have psased
an examination before a board com
poaed of three officers of experience
In aviation and two medical officers
msy be admitted to tbe aviation corps
At tin- present time tbe qualification
for positions as military aviators are
severe, as the applicant must not only
be able to bundle an aeroplane under
any and all conditions, but must also
have ahown b'nwelf s' especially ef
nlciit as a uillilan oii-i rvt-r.
feat jM
200 Acres for Sale
Fifty acres has been seeded to alfalfa.
Some buildings. All under fence.
Railroad line through tract. On Snake
river. Well drained bench land. Elec
tric pumping plant can be installed for
12 per acre. Will cut up to suit buyer.
Address Box 128, Ontario, Oregon
We Are Here To Stay
In our efforts to gain your good
will and friendliness toward us,
your welfare will constantly be
on a pedestal before our eyes,and
youfmay be assured of the very
In all your Drug Store Wants. Efficiency,
Courtegy and Dependability are our watchwords.
We have recently installed a fine new Soda
Fountain FOR YOU.
Come In and Get Acquainted
Hill's Pharmacy
L. R. TYSON JR., Mgr.
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of
Butter Wrappers to the
Qo5eYaurDoor on the
UM, .-ess
le utfTJf E5
Mi W sxk W JL. ai
CURRENCY in the pocket DEPRECIATES. In the bank it EX
PANDS A person with a $100 check in his pocket likely will (
all day without cashing it With a similar amount of currency
there is a tendency to 8PEHD A LITTLE. The check remains intact
lo it ia with a bank account. A person likes to KEEP IT INTACT.
The Ontario National Bank
Best Job Work at
A -Mae,ava Cifflg
S .rYCLs-St B
The Argus Office
Moore Hotel.