The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 02, 1914, Image 2

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Enteral in Ik pOttoWl at Ontario
Oregon, for UMMtntMioi through the
mails as secnntl-rlaas matter.
M. E. BAIN. Publisher.
A representative of the state
fair M baft this week antl
stated tliut lie considered the
crop showing in this Motion
beat he had ween in the Htate
Others say that the corn field of
W. B. Van Dyke, near Nyssa,
is as line as they have ever seen
in any of the alleged corn states
There are OthOf good fields in
tlie Big Bt'iid, especially tin
Alex Wade held. We know
that Malheur county can inaki
a prize winning exhibit at tli'
Htate Fair and as the expen e
will bi met bjf the state
it is the duty of our peoplt
to prepare for such an exhibit
Now is the time to ave the
grasses and a little later fix
grains. tiet busy ami show
those web-footers what a good
country Mil produce.
I'oosevelt in a speech at Phil'
adelphia this week lays the
blame for Wilson's election on
Penrose. The most of the peo
ple have known for a long lime
that KooM-velt was the man
that, remleieil Wilson's election
BOMJbto by insisting on Ins own
Mr. ami Mrs. I'mhcrt ami
Carry Tui lO will leave the
lust of the week op a lishingtrip
to BqUAW creek, to be gom l,.
The practice ball game here
Friday ifMrooon betaaM the
home (cum and tin' league team
ol I'avetie IMttlttd in favor ot
Payette 10 to 1.
I'M PltlRtrald will leave
TbiirMlay to look at land near
Midvale with u vu w to Trading
his Wliillrt butt'on boinc
The l" of tbih vicinity
aii' expei ting a line tunc lib at
the pi on at tinint Fisher's
given iin Iir the diieclion of tin
0. T I A n od program
lias In rii ai niOgOd H lib a picnic
dinner in the shadfl
l I. ngard'a have moved
in o tin- imoking liuu-i'. torn
ilnwil i In ii old llOUM Mid will
build a modern BOOM
'I'lie no inliers of the Miilm
dill 01 1 1 nation j;ave Rev. C
Ii Deal i -iirpriM- party I'iic
ilay e. liing at r.pworth ball.
the occasion b n Li birthday
Ralph M ikiuson vu enter
taimd at dinner Buuday al tbe
Bayer bono
!' riink Ta lor w ill leave alter
the fourth 101 tin Twin r'.ill-
Ollllll J
Mi I.illv Winter went to
Caldwt II la -1 weak to i Itil lib
idativi i until aftt i the lib
A grandstand ai ereete! Iat
wick at the llioji Cbool ball
.I ounds. I ickeU re sold foi
one seme to pa) for the inatei I
1 1 being reali. i 'i
M iM A ppbiH Kobineon di o
to ampa Monday to vlail the
home folks Bhe VII acconi
pHllied l' I'll HCI Itcblicld and
1 1 me Cotton.
r Au ii' ' Ii building in
addition to hi- home. i I
M,i m , nid It, (I Wilaon are do
ing the w n k.
A di Ii gal ion came down from
S'i u ri month I u dm salt ud
inn an ms ilatlon to their c'le-
loation tin llh ilicif I 'ami
gave ii- some good tnuiic, hioh
w.i- appn i iatt d,
Aiihui Da) hit Tne-d. for
K in-a-, to i. Le charge ol bit
tathei s lai m
t'. K. Huutiogtou returned
Monday tumi a w ei -k - lUt) m
Hie I'lulathea cla--Bautill
Silndax school
tamed the olaM
da iveuiug at the borne
epiiine Holt.
Ol the
of .lo.s-
i:hioi Men 1 1 1 ol the Nj mi
Journal w I hfri .Monday nut i
viewing the local uuu hauls.
Japan's Protests Against Cali
fornia Alien Land Laws Is
Absorbing Topic.
Washington. Japan's protests
gains! the California ajlen land law,
ii"cin;iii tii'ffiii- the pub
Ho again by publication of the corre
spondence between the Washington
and Toklo governments, was discuss
ed with abnorblng Interest tn official
and diplomatic circles.
One phane of the negotiations dia
cloned in the correspondence which at
t meted particular Interest In official
t ire I en wua shIiI to suggest the possl
hlllly of an laHue entirely new in the
history of the United Stateu. In Italics
In connection with the promise by the
Japanese governmtnt to grant land
ownership to Americans, appeared the
words, "reaervlng for the future, how
ever, the right of tniilntiilnlng the con
ditlon of reciprocity with rcHpect to
the separate utatea."
Thin, It w;ih pointed out, appeared
to be a dintlnct ri -lerviitlon by the
.lupiinene Kovernmeiit of Hie right to
reinlliite dlre'lly upon the Ciillfornl
miH by Hlngllng them out uinong Aiiht
lean citliena for exi lunlon from the
rlgh't to poasenH real property In Ja
May Ruth Railroad Land Survey.
.Surveying lumlH embraced within
railroad grantx will be pualied rapldl
If the Henute hiiniiiIiih an approprln
tlon of tlDO.noo maile by the house.
The western members, with Secre
tary Lane, want to make aufflrlent ap
propriation. eat h year to carry the
work to a speedy termination. II was
pointed out to the house that iih long
as the rallroin! Inmls remained unsur
veyed Ihe) were vlrttiHlly the property
of the railroads, while title could not
puss and (lie lands could not be taxed.
There Is a !- rn ii ml In most of Ihe
western slides to have the railroad
lands sruveyed so that they can be
taxed by the stales and made In bear
their propoillon of the coat of local j
Senate Secrets Qet Out.
Stirred in .hi inn l (lie apparent
freedom wnh which ihe pro lings
of iin foreign relatione commit! In
consideration of the Nlrariiguiiu and
Colombian I rent lea have been publish
ed from ilu lo day. several senatora
' iii'il on a lenolutlou asking for au
thorltv lo subpeiia minators and Wash
lligton loilespoinleutM to lilt IihiiiIi
to determine ho ihe prui ei'illuga of
the iitii in if i . which are Mllpliosi'd
'" I Millilll secret-get out
IMilence not all MMlM 10 '
UNI) ....r..M' ihe Mil that Ihe com
"""' ',"M Ml "liall rel
was given b Senator Norrls. who U
not n iiieailiei ni i lie foreign relations
i omillltlee lie oifered a resolution
Hi. n nil NMlHI he I iiniinhi'il with
cupic- of ihe ilail testimony before
the committee on I lie treaties, ihnt
hcnalni who wile lo Mile on the mill
ter should him- Ihe lieuefll of n
House Inaiata on Mileage Cut.
Atnlil I mae ol I. Hi
gles thai kepi memhci.s fMSSSllg I lie
house sen I hack lo lolileichce the
question ol nlisegi el repr tiUm
in ciiunresa
Tin Iioilv vuicl in t.tMii ol .'i cents J
a mile each wa fur tlltpri. ami tin
.l.r.Mi I -4 in ,:i ol a unit inn in re
i . iic Hula rtlsureeieal le Um mmIi
proeoeliloa ol ooeilaeiM tee preeeel
it! a Mile, sent the BtnOlS iiich
lion li.n k to be Hirei-hii! mil Igftll b;
I In , iinlci '
National Capital Brevities.
1 1. pIS Ihe opposition of Turkey th
boUM agieeil in lbs senate aineinl
in. m provtdlni for lee sale ol im
ti.m leshiis IdabO an I Mississippi to
t.' . e
I nlleil Sl.ili- supleuie Colli I ruled
that retail lUBSber SeSlOffl who him k
hi srholtsslsrs for oUtaj elreet '
llic c.ilisinu.'i filiate the Sli.Mlllau
anil trust act
The inn iiiniuerce t iimnns
sum suspended until JlDUsr) 10, pro-
,1 m.rct.-e.l rales on melons Ironi
California lo Oreeon end Washington.
Railroads ire not liable fOI damages
for pars nas I Injurlei le lateratats eat
plows or their faiulllee who ar' burl
wlnle riding on pssSOOi SOCOTdlni lo
a ruling ol the United States supreme
It has been proposed to President
Wilson thai the none riuehra cut in
the il'nam.i canal lie changed to the
ll.oll.od cut In honor of the late t'nit
etl States enginei r. wtio harnessed the
moiini.ilu ai point
I't.r fear that the Interests of thi
iiupaigu would he affected, house
lea Ics hive decided not to tone Jl
vol. now on ihe proposed llobson
,,ii,n,ii.i,MS BMviaiu for nation widt
Ihe new tetl.i tl reserve banking
jrtteat will not H in operatnin until
-cue vaehi beaee. it i ttiought, as
result of the tlelav of the senate lu
i toil trilling I lie president s nominees
on the hoard
August 1.
fhe bauk wss to start '
Nearly three mllea of municipal rail
road Is in operation at Orants Pass,
the first road of its kind to be started
in Oregon.
The Oregon state federation of la
bor urgea Senator Chamberlain to aid
in passing the senate bill restricting
Immigration. The illiteracy test has
the Indorsement of the federation.
Sixty members of the Oregon Na
tional Guard were vaccinated with ty
phoid prophylaxis at the Clackamas
rifle range.
M. K. Henderson of the University
of Wisconsin ban been engaged as
pathologist and weather observer for
Jackson county, at a salary of $2500
a year and $1500 for incidental ex
penses. Senntor Chntnberlaln offered amend
ments to the sundry civil bill provid
ing $207,000 for the improvement of
Tillamook hay and $5000 for use In
assisting the state of Oregon in guard
ing against lorest Urea.
The state Immigration commission,
has urged through Senator Lane, bet
ter life-saving service on the ocean
benches north of the Columbia river.
Llfl -nvire: Ofevi are willing to under
take patrol work on the beaches.
The Astoria 19th annual regatta will
be held Thursday, Friday and Siitur
day. From point of attendance, var
ied attractions and amusements and
the number of piirtlcipants in the big
races, It bids fair to outclasa by far
any of Its predecessors.
Or J I. Wallace of Albany has de
clared that lie will not accept the
democratic nomination for atate sen
ator from the fourth district, nnd K.
I. Cuslck of Albany, republican choice
will therefore have the field to him
Mrs. M c Heed, of Portland, was
ShOOen president of the Women's
Home Missionary Society of the ore
gon conference of the Methodist
Kplsfopal church for the ensuing year,
at the close of the L'Sih annual meet
ing of the society at Albany
liii luring that It would be un Anier
a an ami unpatriotic for a French ship
In lend the piigeaut through the I'hii
.i inn canal at Its opening, the Spanish
American War Veterans of Oregon, at
I heir alxth annual reunion, which
ni'i'iicil at Salem, adopted a resolution
urging l'i. -i. lent Wilaon lo give the
honor to the battleship Oregon.
The Interat'tte commerce comnils
ii'ii has further suspended from July
in until January to the opstMtM "f
terialu schedule for tin teased rates
. iilli able ii 'rat. sport itliai of melons
,n car loi.s irnm certain points In Cal-
tornla to points In r OU and Wash
Hurglurs. who made a well planned
n, Hie postoffae at Jasper, lost
,,. pMr mr, of ,helr ool , ,h
,.lh, ,., MOOMI they awakened
, wlkl l.v ,,-l.w Im ., i, ..I.
Mr. Wright shot at
llii'iii wltli a rifle Tbe shot hack
unit ran. Ihe) left $.'IOu In stamps
be'ilnd Muiiii $."in In cash ami miiiic
levetf was cnrrletl away by them
I'elltlons have been couipleteil and
a proioseil barter aiueuduu'tit l lied
lor tlie abolishment of the commission
ii.iiu of gneiiimeut In linker ami the
hiibatllutlou of Un- i M i manager plan
'I In- prupunal will tie tiled on at 'he
general election in NovosMofi and, if
t-arrletl. will he followed li aiiolber
election in ten itjjm el ft! t omnila-
liMMfl lo serve si nominal p.t. who
-,ml1 cliilo a city inatiancr Iroiu any
Pen f lae eoeatrj it m annual sal-
eo "' ""' le exceed MM
Tin- lclenle illni' liitliwav. the
(Ml) uaiior cur outlei Irnm the W'tlla-
v alle) into Central treion has
formnll) declared open ami safe
ill i traffic Th'' announcement
is maile ihroimli the United Stales
roc tr) officials, who bevs been in
strunoetol la bulMlei wiiat is now
praetleell) wciilimlitil btgbwojr,
ou'ii lo all classes ot motor traffic
across the Cascade mountains 1 lie;,
also In en inst ruiiieiilal in oli
tainini; nearl $L'n nun. inclinlini; road
district nuuiev. arblcb will he . ni
to ooaialeto the blghwij tins lunatee.
'tin iuiiitar encampmeal
'-," l"'1" " WBOH wm oegii. an. ear
h'"' ,ul 1! "", eontluus ion
1 In re w III he about -Ollt
N'ai anal
iia.inisineii from Oregon sad Idaho
ami .'ai nxul. us from Ihl Twenty-
Infaatr) le the oamp ea tbi
north oi Qsarbart Rver$ preparatloa lii . n made tor tlie mobilising Of
tlie troops iini lbs esteollsbment of
a i tamp with all poielbis com
forts in i coavealeacee The pi
arovtdes interesting events' for . aeh
day. the principal featarei le bs maa
jeuvers. drills and military pertorui
li,,,','!' '" ul 1""u l l,r Ouardamea
wl" lu l"""l"d clothing, ir.uis
reflation 1'Uiukets. meals and all oth
"ecessilies tree of charge and will
l"' l",ht ,l"' ,,u'ir senrlcee The guard
officers will receive the same pay as
officers of similar rank m the regular
ii cm and privates will be paid from
i .'.' io $.' ail a day The Twenty-
flral infantry ironi ancouver will
ni.iri Ii to the tamp, leaving the bar-
,a, - ll!t 'ulv - H"lt arriving at itearhart
several days ahead of the Guardsmen.
A. McWILLIAMS Proprietor.
Picnic in a Shady Grove
Baseball Games
Sports and Races
Inspiring Music
Stirring Orations
DANCING In The Evening
Special Invitation
the Exclusive Agency of the Wal
ler Creamery Butter selling now
at 'M) cents per pound - - -
Use Ansco Films
They give the best
results. We recommend hoth to every
amateur photographer In town, because
we're sure that they will give real satisfaction.
Ansco supplies are made by
cameras right for alxty years.
to til till innkrn of bandi nmvras.
l In v help you do better work,
with even an Inferior camera.
Cyko Paper makes aharpar,
clearer, better prints and brlnga
up the detail. Before you
spend your camera money
come In and let us show why
the .Superb Aneco U the
camera for you.
Let us do your developing
and printing We glv
prompt attention and
quick, thorough
UB 11LI"V . MfirnH
- Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Horses Bought and Sold.
to Ontario Patriots
Cyko Paper
possible photographic
the Iihumi that has been maktntf
Ansco Ftlins are made In eUee
Drug Co.
One Piece Hammer
In The New Model
If yuu sat nii'i'e than one hole in
a hammer yog know that exli.t
partti are fastened to the hammer
whether shown or not Our ham
mer ia all one pieee, only one hole,
no toggles or stirrun attached.
We have cut out all cocking
levers, bars, push rods and ham
mer stirrups aiuleuek the gun di
rect from toe of hammer.
Catalog Free; IS grades, $17.76
net to $40thst.
Oura-lb ii bore isa hummer
be down to date and shoot one
ITHACA Ul N CO., Ithaca. V .
Dr. W. G Howe
No. 732
First National
Hank Rldg.
Ontario, Oregon
Office in Now Wilson Block.
Office 2nd door east of Ontario Phar
" macy on" Nevada Avenue
Near R. R Depot
Mcculloch, & wood
Rooms 1-2-3 First Nafl Bank Bldg.
Ontario, Oregon
Ih Hahhikt Skaiis
Dr. Pai'Mnk Skahs
Graduates American School ol Os
teopathy. Kirksville, Mo.
Wilson Block
Telephone. IM Blk
Office in I. O. 0. F. Bldg..
Ontario, .
Will Prsrtire in sll Courts
Notarv Public. Office over PiwtotTlce
W. II (Veil, Ontario.
Bert High. Vale.
C C. Morton, i Mil's Ferry.
N. O. White, Weiper Hmlge.
.1 E. Holly liiiiriim
Al-' hennv. .Ionian Valley.
Joe Bankoffer, Mt'Dermitt
J BuyikMI. Nywia
W II. MiWiIIimiii- Jnnitira
Win Kine, Harper
Transfer. Baggage and
Meet All Trains
Old paper at th Argus otHoe 2!
rents per hundred. Just what you
need to Hue your eablu and Pluee
under the carpet
Orayuge orders taken at Moor
Hotel John Laudiughaui, reeideuce
I'll.. lie i'i
Sunday School 10 A M
Preaching Service HAM
Junior League 3PM
Epworlh League 6:!I0P M
Preaching Service 73:0 P M
Thomas Jobus, PASTOR.
i - a
Congreydtiondl Church Notice
Sunday Servicea,
Suutiay School 111 i oi
Preaohlug Servioea 11am
0 E Meeting 7pm
Preachlug Servifes 8pm
Midweek Lecturea every Wedoeaday
eveuiug H o'clock
Philip Koeuiii. Pastor.
MaKHat AM on Ux and Hrd Snnday
ol each un nth. On all other Sundays
at 10 A M.
H. A. Campo, Rector
Rev. Rob't J. Davidsou O U Pas
tor. Servioa at 1 1 :00 a m sud 7 tM
p m SabLath school at 10:U0 a m
Kvt . ' aturday
abbatn nbool 10:30 am
Bi le Study 11:30 a u.
Voung people. a meeting 1 ,.'10 pm
Dissolution Notice.
The firm of Cope & Dunnuck has
been mutually dissolved this 11th day
of June, 1114. E. Cope will remain in
the same location. See locals.
Ast Dunnuck