The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 18, 1914, Image 8

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Secretary Lane Would Eliminate
Much Red Tape.
jgg..te That Thla Body Hava Super
vmon of All tha Qevarnmantal Af
faira Would Raplaoa Many Office,
and Buraaua and Control All Faaturaa
f Davalopmant In Tarntory.
WiiHliiiiKton. In a Nrpoft netit to
eVtiiilnr Kflf I 'II l mini ami ataBNMrtaV
tlve Wllllnm C. Houston, chiilrmpu of
tlw - -iniii- iiml house couiinliteee ou
trrrltnrlvH n-HiiiK-tlvply, Hn rvtiiry Lune
f tin liiit'ilur ilrpiirtnii'iit miki'h the
rr. Mih 111 of .1 di'Vi-lnpini'iil lionrd to
live cotnplpte ontrol of the natiinil
resources of Alnsks
ItlllH for the creation of liotirds or
COIUIIiInmIiiIim to ndinlnlHli'i the uovcrn
tin-ill of Alnskii liiivi' been Introduced
111 the Ni-niite In Si ii. ili ii Cliiiinl'i'i'liilii
of i ii. r .1, mill In ili hotlae liy I !: 1 1
li'kcrMliiiin of Alaska. These lillla
differ only In detail, nml the general
iiiii'. of both la In accord with the
reeoiiiliieiiiliillnii of Secretary 1 .11 lie
The ilevelonnent pliin urged liy the
aecretiny 1 ! -v till--, for a MM of three
nietnlient, iii.'iimiih by the president
and continued i.v the acini to, which la
to huve heiiiliiiiirtira In Aluaka and
la to in- chinked with the general
rondnrt of nil Kovertinientiil affaire
tunnelled with the liiiltlinl ii-.niii. en
ami del cUiilucnl of the territory.
"It la promised and urged.' ins Mr
1 .11 tie. "thiit the honrd mIihII tnke over
audi mil le 11 II V now cxcrcNed hy mi
rloua dcpnrtiiicnta nml liurenil nt Itm.v
lie nc chniii.v to give It supervision over
praclli ill v the elitlie iillille dollliilli
and all the luiturill re-mirccs ut Aln-l.ii
and control of such 1 1 t aa-- aa 11 re
cloaely relnted mid phmcuIIiiI to the de
VcJopliieiit of the physical resources of
the coiinii v
"The liontil would do the wot fc now
done In I IV the Rclicrtll liilld "I
lire, the finest xei lie. the mint rum
llilaalou, the liiirenii or inliic the till
nun or I'llmnlliin nml the aecrctnry of
tin llilcrloi It ahoiilil Hike over 11 nirt
of tin- work nod mitliority ot Hie lm
Ml of M-llerlct lleu'lliulllit lit the
ale ire line, the del cliiuueit I11111I1I
Mini ill. I luive cotnplele run I ml of all
governmental activities unit IntireNi
connected vt II It the ili-vel.iiinellt of III
dimtrlcH nml triiiiHiortiitlon mid the
aettllnt; of the luinili
"Thla hIioiiI.I he hide the i milrol ..1
Water M)Wera, hulldinu mid undine
liiincw of roiulH mid trulls nml o..'i nii.n
mid mil", or the railroads nml tele
grilpll Miles It ahull Id Unhide .i.iis
II. HI llll. I I'lllltlol or IMIIII I III ll.llllllL'
iiiiIiiiiiIh. p' IiIi.' hind iiilnerul aWMM
It-.. 1. hi I oil. gas, hot spilng. timber
lauds 11111I tlinlier "
Sis rein rv I. nne also niu'e t IhN
I... ml hIiiiiiIiI lllkl- ilii't III" Mtiet'l
nIuii ut id. iiii. mil, aiiHtiM the
111.111111- nut native, iln- i.iml.-r lii
ilu in . .1111111I of the i.iii r ut Liner
al - .iiii..- 11.. I the HiiiM'lt IhIoii in . iu
trillion Mil It the tli'iiurtiueul of uuil
I'liltin. n M.ullnial eH'rlineult nml
1I1I11..11-1 1 li "1 .nk III the teiillori
It a " inl' 'I out In the li'l'inl lli. 11 ut
present em Ii or it 1 lensl 11 Mote of tlov
eriiini'iit 1. in. 'Hi in diht
etl mi ' Hie till'loiti ili'l'iil I nii'lilt Ii 1-
aoini-l lilnu I-, do with I lie iinv eriiiiieni
of AliiKkn nml Ihnl there I- 11 MI-.I
iiiiioiiiiI of red tape nml .11. iiiiil" 11II.111
In the ; 1 Tin 1 1. i-l 1 .1 1 1. u of 1 tn til U- nil. ill
Umlei Hit- a) -I. in
Install es in.- uiM'it In the ii..itl ol
deln.Mt of -i.i, 1. 1 1 wars In the linmlllnu
of llii.'nin.ll Hied I mil nml otliei unit
tils whl. Ii -.liunlil lii..- In en 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '
lllauoaed of
"Tbefe must he new nml wl 111 1 'I.- inn
1 hlliel 1 " Mjra Ml I me III. new.
poli' K not 1.1 null.- 11 leu iu.ii 1.. e
plnlt the .tenin .'I AI.i-I.iih 1 1. Iu-h. Itill
lleel... nil Iln- K'.-oillVex nil. I ms
alhlilnes or iln- territory barn oualj
f.u tin- heal Uilereala id both Ike PM
pie who co to A l.i-U.i .mil the pisiple
of the United Si. .lis n no own thin
tt eut I'tilili. 1I011111111 "
Mr I tun' 1 .nils, .in Mint tfecrc nre
now utilj Si -' mil. I of wagon roads.
SIT mi. is ol' -K.l 1. 1. nls nml '.'.li'sl inllea
ol It 11U 111 tin- Whole of Alnnkn. for
the i-.'tiMt 11. 1 1"!, iii.l liinluli'iiniii'e of
w hit h .-il.. nit '.' i.iNi.imil hits In-en apent.
Ill- III . - I llll I. Mils nml nulls .,!,
I .mini iii (In- ... .i-niut: or AhiKkii
ill. in, 1. 1 ns in ...nls nml (hut
tln-se ni.itls 1.. 1 he tern I team in come
Uilial he Inillt hj Ibe ot eminent.
1'lie iiiiiil.i'i luduatry, uow BMNatpa
llisl Ii) the milnes, Mr I nne looka
lip. - Il ns ll.e I .euilililliK Of I UU'.II III
diistry w la, h inn.t Inn e aOBUKhlliU to
do with aulvlui the meal aupfti) , roh
lein 1. 1 the 1 ulted stm. -
The seiii'l.iit ills, nssi-.s nt e.ii-uler
utile length tin- i.iblc unit teli'tiiph
s -ii-ui 111 Ai.iskn now operated bj taafl
alltliul COrpa el the will depui 1 11 etll ami
pioposes I Ills sli.uilil pi'ol' l
UllinilUtsl by Hie det i-ltiilili'lil ben nl
Coffin Raady, Kills Himself
Montgomery City. Mo Nlcfeu 1- Me
toiil. tin- oldest incri liniit in Moiilgtuu
cry. Iinl a carculer liere make tot
til in n walnut Collin winch he kept
under Ilia c, 'inter Me I im) pleiiMiire
lu showing Civ corttu to cii-toiuera IV
tool tried ! kill lilinsi'lr . nniulttT or
tiui.x Kiiyln Uu was tne "Id A witl
ow surtiM- sime be sh't nml killed
bliuattlf rit'i ufly.
President Declares Trust Leg
islation Will Be Pushed at
Present Session.
WHithlnRtnn. PfMtwMl WlUon
MUM out with a flnt dcclarnt'on that,
ili'MiHf whnl he ehnrHCterlzed aa a
deliberate rnmiiiii:n by certain Inter
chIb to hrliiK nhoiit nn adjournment
of ronarcHH and postponement of the
administration')! trust leKlalatlon pro
uriim. he would use every Influence at
Hiniiinml lo e the pendlnx hills
throiiKh the senate ut this session.
Choosing his words carefully, tho
president disclosed his belief Hint or illi'lrlhiitlon of elrciilnr letters
nml ti lag n 11 nmoiiK hinilness men.
tiii'inhers of eoiiKress nml other public
olfleinls. callltiK for an adjournment
of confess, a halt In the trust hills.
an Increase in freight rates for the
rail roads ami a "rent for business'
waa responsible for what he recently
described aa 11 "psychological depres
sion." Some Letters Made Public.
In support of 1 lint view the While
Mouse made public copies of such let
ters in. 1 telegrams which have been
drought In by friends of tho inlinlnls
trillion, tine of the letters which fell
Into the hands of White Mouse offi
cials Mas circiilnieii by the Simmons
Hardware ('omuny, of St. I.ouls, un
der date of June H
Just prior to that date President
Wilson had offered to K ('. Simmons,
president of Mint company, a place on
the rVilcrnl Iteserve Hoard Just be
lore the president expressed his views
on Hie trust proKiiiitt. It was aunounc
id thai Mr. Simmon . had declined the
appointment ami that Charles S limn
Iln, of Boston, would he nominated In
his stead
Statements Croat Sensation.
While Mouse officials denied the
SillllllOUs letter hull III do with lite lie
ellualloii of the appointment It was
said, iiion-owr. Hint the president did
tin I know of the letter when he offered
Mr. Simmons lit. ,.,, .
The preslilent s deciaralloii and tln
lillbllcalloli of the letters crenleil 11
mild sensation uppronehlug Hull will- I.
followed the preslileni's denunciation
or the "Insidious lobby" which, he
suld. was threiit.'iiliig the tariff hill
lust year.
Wilson Will Open Canal Formally.
President Wilson will leave Wash
Itiglou on Maidi .", I'M .. for I'aumua,
in aiieml formal opening ceremonies
of the I'ananiii rami I at a date to he
ih-lci mined laier The n . -nleni will;
lente the cnpllal Hie iht) nflel coll
Kress goes out of session Me will
iiuike the Joornct to I'ltiimiui on Hie
batlleahlp New York The dnle of the ;
loiutnl iipeiilug 1 . 'teuton) lor Hie 1 mini
Will he de. Ideil lie! Hie pteslilelll
leaves here nml Hie exercises will lake
place soon after Ii aches Hn re
On the old liaMb-slilp t Ircgiei. w In, l
attractisl worldwide utteutloii on her
ruinous run around tin- Morn ju 1..
rore Hi,- Spanish Wnr. the president
with iiieiuli.-is of his cabinet will
make Hie first official pass. me thrombi
1 lie 1 anal, ami then I'll 1 eeil lo Hie
1'. in. una Pacific Imposition at San
Krninlsi o
National Capital Brevities.
I' 11 iil.s will soon be I 1
hy the l'lilti',1 Stales. H1e.1t llrlllllll
Hid h'rame. aller plans stiKKesleil hy
.ei ol Stale Itrvnli
etion on the llohson nallonal pro
lillilllon I tulllleltl lias t , ,sl
lioiteil b Iln house lilies coininllli ,
until Jul) I
llUIIIUItllt ol llleluliels of 1 ,,111,1 ,.-.-
ftotii olvll and ci nlnal aottoa as re
.nil of then 01 lli 1. il duties, has been
mi tiKilt, ne,l as l ruling ol lite I nn
ci Stales supreme courl.
I11tpe.11 inn. in charge wara praBMl
ed in 1 he house aBBlMl A Q lia.Mon.
I ' 11 1 i-il Slates dlatrlrl ju.U. ior Hie
iiiii'lliei'ii dislricl of West Virginia.
The inlei'slale 1 oniineiie OOmOsIl
ion Miapeaded until Oetobai i '.. the
propoaed Inrreaaa m Hie carload unit
: in 11 ut welkin on unveil cnloail ship
incuts of teel.thles Iroilt I alumina
points 10 points in Orefoa Haarlasi
1 will lie liela before tall to detclinine
the ii'.is.n of siispeinled or
The unusuall.N prolonged iikIu iii con
gfaat oer canal tolls cunled when tltc
hOUae, allet a Intel ,ebale ami w l
out the loniialilv ot a contereuce. ac
oapted b) tot,- oi J 16 to 71 the sen
aie .uiien, iiii. -nt spaclflcall) reaervlai
all iKlils tin- I nitcd Stales tua hate
nil, ier Hie May I'auncelnte tir
oiin-rw lae
I hi housa of representatives passed
Congressman Sinuotl s bill ainending
ilic homestead law b iirovidiuic that
1 hnuiOBlcndcrs inn ilivtde their five
i mouths' leave of absence each year In-
, lo two pel ods If they so elect, pro
1 iileil lliev reside on their homestead
seeu luonihs iii each tear As the
law now stands (he laave of alisence
I must be taken during five cousevutlva
ui, mills.
i'o. mill- will be added to the citlea
In Oregon that are dry July 1.
Pilot Hi.'k has shipped 700,000
pounds of wool this season of a better '
grade than last year.
The Southern Oregon Northern Cali
fornia Mining Congress will meet In
Ashland July 9 and 10.
D. K. Sheldon, who Uvea near Prine
ville, has been arrested, charged with
having slain his Infant child and burn
ed the body.
Senators Chamberlain and Lane are
In receipt of resolutions passed by a
mass meeting at Springwater depre
cating a war with Mexico.
Total of 2,500,000 Chinook snlmon
fry have been released from the Chi
nook hatchery at the mouth of the
The L'ilth annual grand encampment
of Indian War Veterans of the North
Pacific Coast was held Wednesday at
in nn Pass is making headway nn
Its new municipal railroad, several
cnrlnuds of steel and rails having been
received ror use In the work. First
ten miles will be completed this week.
The Rogue lllver valley creamery
Is planning to buy a carload of cowa
for us by the farmers on easy terms.
The i renin, ry has a surplus fund for
the purpose on hand
The interstate commerce eotnmls
slon has ordered bearings In the Ore
gon straw berry express rate matter in
Spokane July 30, before Commissioner
At the meeting of the Oregon Kxpo
altlon Commissioners It was definitely
decided that $10,000 be appropriated
ns awards for Oregon livestock at
the Panama Pacific Kxposltlon. On
the completion of the budget, It la
hoped to raise this sum to fir,000
In the debate over mileage, Senator
lame, .1 the allowance to
members of congress of actual ex
peitses Instead of 1!0 cents II mile The
present system, he said, amounts to
an indirect Increase of salary, and the
people look upon It ns "Backsheesh. "
Initiative petitions have been placed
In circulation lu Mood River county to
reduce the salaries of county officials
in Hie aggregate sum of $1400. All
olfleinls except the treasurer lire uf
fee ted hy Hi- proposed schedule. Coun
ty Judge Is reduced to $Huo
With u vnw to determining the .il
ue of the salt beds of Summer and
Albert taken. In order that the state
hind hoard or legislature may lutein
gently dispose of them, Governor, West
has ask, il the director of the Oregon
Korean ot Mines and Heology to make
an examination of them.
An ordlpnncc declaring It a mils
urn e le solicit orders fur Intoxicating
Illinois in Sprlngflid, and providing
a penalty of trout $l,.'i to $uu tor Iln
first offense mid of $1'00 for subse
ipiellt offenses has been passed II llll II
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tt I by the town council.
The A I tut il Retail Merchants' aaso
elation me considering reorganizing
into n count) unsocial Ion. which will
. inhabit he known as the I. inn County
i illl association. I he purpose of
the ussocliitloii will be for better co
operation mining the merchants, the
establishment of certain rules govern
lug the en, III business nml for the
adoptiou of a ciedll rating guide
lame count will lose at least $160,
unit and possibly more tux money In
two cms on account of a ruling Just
made b Attoruet General A M Craw
ford Me has senl an opinion to II I'
Keetiet. assessor of this county, that
Hie Oregon i alumina grant lauds
caniuu he listed for assessment until
the sun in revert the laud to the gov
iiniiiiit is settled in the United
Siaii s su i iiii court.
The i) mi termastcr general of the
aiinv minims Senator i liainherlalii
that In accordant with his reipiest,
instruction hate been issued to the
tpiaricrinasif rs al San Francisco and
Seallle lo invite Oregon llllli helluen to
bid tin all lumber required by the war
department on 'he Pacific coast Sen
aior Chaiiibi i lain expects similar ac
Hon by oilier departments of the gov
ernment Aller sue. , s at t'oipnlle in oblain
i ii4 the s.iiieiion of the cil council
tot oloalng saloons, the antl saloon (ac
tuui has planned lo start .puck pet
lion campaign Si Mar.-hlield and
lOpea to tl;i v e the cut closed I
Jill) I omen an- making a bOUM
to house canvass lot signal tires to pa
tun nis. whnli Ibe) will later ptesent
to the council NO ctlort has In . i.
in. nt.' gi jet to . ivuinvoiit the nova
nn : he wet eleneul relying oa lb
state law
Judges Hear) 1. Benson and Cbai
1- Mi appeared before Hie stale
cant assing boar, I ami temiested the
boaid to I k lot a recheck of the tally
sheets in .. I the counties of the state.
so far as their totes for fourth place
ou the republican ticket for supreme
judge are concerned Thus a contest
was avoided and the exciting race be
tween these W0 ci miniates is not yet
ut an cud As the figures now stand
McNart is credited with a lead of 13
votes The vote for all the other can
didates was officially canvassed by
the secretary of state in the presence
of Hie governor and state treasurer.
Taxation Proposals Are Held
to Be of Far Reaching Im
portance to the State.
Salem. That the electorate of the
state will have nearly the sume num
ber of proposed hills and constitution
al amendments to wrestle with at the
November election aa It had at the
last general election la Indicated by
the number referred by the last gen
eral assembly and those filed with
the secretary of state for approval aa
to form. The general assembly refer
rcil eight amendments and three bills
and 16 other amendments and 10
measures to be Initiated have been
filed with the secretary of state.
Nearly all t ; ur-s suggested, dis
cussed and "rumored" have been filed
and, July 2 being the Inst day for fll
ing completed petitions. It Is not likely
there will be muny more.
The measures probably of the most
far-r.'achlng Importance to be deter
mined ut the coming election relate Jo
taxation. The $1."i00 tax exemption
constitutional amendment is certain
to go on the ballot, for the petitions
for It have been completed.
This measure provides that every
person be exempt from tax on $1600
of the total assessed value of his
dwelling, household furniture, live
stock, mnchlnery, orch..rd, vines.
bushes, shrubs, nursery stoc't, mar
chamllse, buildings and other Improve
ments, In and under his lands mude
by clearing, ditching and draining.
A constitutional nmendment creat
ing the office of lieutenant goveri or Is
referred by the legislative assembly.
Officers of the State Orange, State
Federation of Labor, People's Power
League, Karmers' I'nlon, Farmers' So
ciety of Kqtilty and the Proportional
Representation Korean have filed a
con .iliiiilininl amendment to abolish
the stale senate. The amendment Is
lu all respects self-executing and If
approved shall be Immediately oper
ative. With till the ngltntlon for abolition
of slate hoard: and commissions, only
three measures have been filed look
ing to this end.
Jonathan llourne, Jr., ex-United
Stales senntor, offers n measure to
'prohibit tl.c giving or promising of
ant valuable consideration to Induce
another to circulate or secure nluna
aurts to any petition for the Initiative,
r-i. leinluin or recall, or for placing
an-, inline on any official ballot, and
to provide penalties for violation
The Socialist party of Oregon has a
constitutional amendment which
would establish a department of In
dustry nml public works to lie under
the contiol of the state labor comnils
si, nier Its function would be to is
tnhllsh industries, systems of trans
jm nation, distributing . stilt loos and
public works for the employment of
unemployed persons mid for the sale
and distribution of their products.
The money for operating the de
pnrtment would be derived from a tax
upon the estates of dead persons ap
ptaised at Jan. iion or more and from
appropriations that mat be made for
Hi- purpose. The tax on estates shall
not be less than lu per ir.i and iniiy
be graduated iibuve that percentage
b) law.
Typhoid Germs For Militia.
Ktlgeue Six lubes of typhoid
gci ins, prepared for Inoculation pur
hate been received In Colonel
Creed Hammond of the Oregon i nasi
aitillery corps for use among the
m, tubers Of the (wo in 1 1 1 1 in coui amis
in Inigeiie Tltc Ben will he treated
In snail groups after working hours.
Brief News of the Week
Kllgllsh siilirageltes staged one of
tin most dramatic acts of their cam
pain when liny exploded a bomb ill
v . -minister vhbe
i .11 Krancis.os population is 518,-
.. -cording 10 Ibe new i jlv direc
tOT) The gain ill the past vear is
Ml minted at It.TU
series of tornadoes swi ipl through
Haknla ami i auseil coli.-ldi 1 a l.e
kgB to farm buildings. HetV?)
la; s tell ill some seclloiis
The strike of the ltl.OuO einplot.. of
the Wt'Stlughouse Klectric a Ninn.i
In, 'luring company has .spread to the
1'nion Switch A.- Slgnnl company, says
a report from Pittsburg.
T'ie Geut-utl Federal ion of Women's
Clubs, in convention at Chicago, went
on record aa favoring votes for wo
men The National Association of Mexi
can war veterans met tor its annual
r. in, ion at Chiliicothe. O. less than
a dozen members being in attendance.
The parade was led by a man M years
The total number of Americana who
have registered at the Hnwiliau lega
tion at Mexico City and declared their
intention to remalu In Mexico at their
otau risk Is 1.'71 Only 300 ot these
ui nous live outside the capital.
Men's and
$8 $ $13
$13.50 for one of those High
Art Hand Tailored Suits,
the kind you are used to
paying $20 for. Conditions
enabling us, alone, to make
this most remarkable price
$13.50. Blue Serges and
Fancies; any one of a doz
en bright, new, snappy
models; any one of a
hundred or more beautiful
Alexander's Dollar Shirts
Full Coat Style cuffs attached
the famous Eclipse make. We're
the pioneers of the Dollar Shirt
business. None too good for us to
put in this popular line. Others ask
$1.50 or $1.75 and you'll find the
difference, price only. Quality,
you'll choose ours.
One Price Clothier
Queer Sea Catch.
One of the queerest deep sea orea -I
ever seen in the vicinity was brought
in a few days aKo by a fisherman of
Venice. I'al. It is live feet in length
black and green mottled, with a tl
like that of a hark. It haa a domal
tin and four feet, shaped like those of
a parrot Its mouth resembles that of
a Gila monster, while iU head is a
replica on a large scale of that ..f a
California horned toad The man who
brought It to land has never touched
golden grain belt beers, advertisement
Young Men's
Ontario. Oregon
(( ; surpribinK tue ,mount of old
fou, maUtr ,he ,jnip,e mixture of
j buckthorn oark , jjyoerine. etc. known
I Adler-i-ca, draina from the system,
Thij remedy bMmme fwnoUlt by clrimg
-ppcndjciti8 ami kU on jj0TH the
upper Wld the ,ower owt;1 w thorougnly
th.t 0NE DOSE re,ieves oUr atomach.
on the iU,mach and constipation
Llmo8t IMMEDIATELY. We are.
' m,htv alad we are Ontario antK f.,r
Adler i-ca. Druggists.