The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 18, 1914, Image 6

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Get Your McCormick Mower And
Rake This Week
They Will All Be Gone Soon
All You Have to Do Is Take a
Chance, Says Niles.
Aviator Qnly Twenty-five Yeare Old
Ha Looped th Loop, Flown Upside
Down. Flown Wing Ovar Wing, Stood
Hia Maohina on Ita Haad and Than on
Ita Tail Without Miahap.
Ilctnpsteiid. N. Y It la never bad
day fur lying, ncconlliig lu Clinrlee r'.
Mies, tin- moat i.i u.hi avlutor In
America lodii. lie Iiiih bcld crowds
eMllboond uh be Iu..h-.i the loop hikI
turned Hoinemii tilts In mliliilr vvblle a
lily iiillc mi Imiir gnlo wita blowing
"It wiia "- i- aa rolling off a log,"
bo . Li simply "All yon linvo to do
la to i-. iii mid i 'i m iliMiii'f "
llclc In "in- -li"il i hi. Hi i- von luive
Ola ililliiHoihy tit llli'. And becuus ho
baa alwa.VH been willing to tuke a
chance "Ini Antthinu" Nile, or "Take
a Clnince" Nile, mm In- In rii lliil by hla
Inlliniiiix. i- hi "u'niiil hh tin' moat
during inbilor In America
Alllicnith he Iiiih Ih-cii flying less tluin
rlgbiccn iihhiIIih. Mi,". Ii.ii iilri'iuly
Imi.-iI i in. iiiui. iinwii upMlde down,
fluM ii mi i.i: ox el wing. hIimnI IiIh iiiii
cliliic on ita lii-iiil mill Hun uu lla tall
Iti.-u. by
l lUlil.KM r. Ml. KM
In uilil.ilr will.. mi mishap Moreover,
hi' III- ri 'I'i'.iii'il tlii-M' siirpiislug teats
no !.. than (our I lines over Hgasp.
stead plains Ills only serious a'ldciit
look plaCg one ndetiiooii w lieu hU mo
tor slopped befuw he hail risen sown
ty fei't off (lie ground The result
a fractured nose and a partially wreck
cd iiuii'Iiiiii' Hut his u llllugness to
"tal. i- a i h.nii'e" was not lujuied
l.ui.-i'ln IIi-ih liv has loopitl the loop
In inldiiir, but tl) lug wtug over whig
bad never la'cu uccoiupllsheil succosa
full) until Niles did It last mouth it
la the most spectacular flying stunt
(hat baa ever been seen either In this
country or abroad
Less than two years ago tbla young
aviator he Is ouly twenty Ave year
old was In the automobile business
with his brother In Itishester. N. Y..
bis native towu It waa not a very
exciting life lie was not lu tbe rac
ing game, but simply selling cam, and
he looked s round for something more
Interesting Then uu advertisement
caught his etc uu advertisement for a
school of uvuitlou announcing that the
art of i1) in.' was taught lu ten lessons
alM 'loS&4BaW ''
All Machinery Moving Faster Than We Ever Saw
Instantly Mli'i iniidc up bli inllnl fu
be nn nvlator. Within a week he pre
Kcntud hlmaelf at the school mid de
clared hla Intention of becoming a pa
(ill. "Then." Mid Nllea, "the Instructor nt
tin- ' in Mil explained that It often re
quired more tlmu ten lessons at flO
eiich to ii-nrn how to fly and thnt the
ndverllMement wna not to be taken too
II tern 1 1 v. but I bunded Mini $100, told
dim I'd take ten leaaona and that If I
could not fly at the end of that time I'd
bring ault agalnat him for fraudulent
"Hut I didn't bare to bring a ault of
any kind agalnat the acbool," be added.
"At the end of the aeventh leaaon I
waa making circles In the nlr. And lie-
fore 1 lllilsbcd the course
was able
to do mure stunts ami make better
landings than mv Instructor. In fact.
I waa offcris! s position as a prof eft-
nIoiuiI svliiliif hcfiiic m. tenth lesion
Nllea' few luonths with the coui
i mi were replete with adventures
One day he decided to go after the en
durance record lie was up lu the air
four hours and thlrty-flve minutes
when the crank shaft broke. l''ortu
iintelv he was nearly I0.(MM feet hImivo
i he city ao he was able to glide down
to safety. Ills siailal work at tbe far-
tory was to try nut new plauea and
engines -certainly as liHr.iirdoiia nn oe-
iipiitlnn a the miiMt adventurous r-
Mini ioiiIiI wi-h fm Km 1-I.m seem ,
tl Iimi k i en I lag blm
"If a niii.liwie iiHiks g"i..l to me on
the ground I'm willing to tiike a chance
with It In the air." said Mies aa he ,
prepared for hla second flight ufter
looping the loop "I'm afraid of only
one thing-the collapsing of my ma
chine while I'm flying " i
Colonel Roosevelt Starts for Madrid.
New York roluliel Itoohi'M'll sail
ed mi tin- nix tuple for Southampton,
w Iii-iii ' lie will go tu Mmlrlil to iilti'iul
the wedding of his son, Kermlt, and
Mi-. Ilelle Wlllard. Culled States Am
b.ish.idor Wlllurd a d.iugbicr.
Hopeless Invalid Then, Now
Haskell Is Robust at 74.
Norwich. Coon.- Mr. and Mra.1
Chillis louiliie) lluskell Iiiim' Jusi ,
been i cieiiriiting the tweuticih aiiulver
siiiy of llieif adoption of .1 no lueal.
fnsl" rule
I'luk) ioi s ii. n.i.11,1 roaT , cilsp b.i
con and eggs and di-h. ulel) browned
gi -iiiiiieciikes ma) bgve tempted tbeui
to lueiik the rule, but the) lie. la 1 1- tliev
gt e ne cr ) lelded
ThciiI) eals ago Mr Haskell u is
lilt) tour eais and mi invalid, i
iiopi ii-ss of regalalug health h.- kh -.
After elgbl veals ,. "doctoring" he lliel
a certain lr. Iewej of Meadvllla, la.,
who iiihisnl lii tii to omit the earl)
in. lining meal Mrs Haegall bad iuf
fenil from asthiuu foi fifteen )ears
Ito III iisohed lo cut out breakfast
". for luont) veins." says Mr.
Haskell "we line (ollowed tills plan
of natural, hygienic, acleutuV, dlvute
living. ullh.Mii the break of a i. ingle
day, and xtliereas I was an old. worn
.ml man t weul) years ago. today, at
the age of sex cnt.v four. I am lu the
enio) iiieul of permanent. perfect
health, doing better and more effective
work than ever before."
Mr. Haskell says he persuaded Wu
Ting Fang to adopt the no breakfast
I luring the most severe wluter
weather Mr Haskell gin's about gen
erall) carrying his hat. baring tils head
to the wind and storms and seeiulug to
en toy It and glow tugged by IC
Mr Haskell was tit one lime a
wealth bookman He published James
Q Blaine's life when Hlalue waa run
liiug for the prcstilciii') and wa. said
to lost beiix lly when Interest lu
Blaine slumped
Girl Tells of Training Months
For a Single Match.
New York. It la not an easy thing
for a girl to win a tennla cbamplonahlp
Hut the haadeat work la not done
around the neta while the contest la
actually ou; It la keeping In physical
i condition for such a match
Miss Clare Cnasel of thla city, nation
al Indoor tennis doubles champion, baa
i . - ( i -. i twelve rules which, she de-
clnren. must be rigidly adhered to be
fore one urn hone to win success aa a
tennla player They are: Klrat. no golf;
second, no cundy: third, no dancing;
rum III. no cigarettes; Ilftb. no reading
at night; alxth, no xxlue ur cocktails;
seventh, no a,wl mining on match days;
eighth. imiHMiige after curb day'a play;
, ninth, luncheon on a glaaa of milk and
' n mindwlch; tenth, plenty of rallying
I ,.,.,, i . before each match; eleventh,
I drinking nothing during a match
,.,.,,, bgfpae water; twelfth, bed at 10
, ,.j e run liuiirM undisturbed
ifjaj Caaael In telling of the worfc
niM-essary to keep In condition and tbe
strength necessary for u game eajrs:
"0 matter how primed a man really
(ll Dr- f M,Mt.'h duds him all lu
c tins to plu.r harder tn xx In or lone
(ml, Mr in x,ho goes through nine
innings of baseball A clunui sblp
iiuili'h with the players even anil Hie
mi cue utleii riiuiiliig to deuce guincs
mnl deuce sets will fliul Isith men ut
terly exhausted at the end of the play
It makes many more demands on the
pint ers Hum two halves of varsity
"And If tennla meiiiia this for n
nei ii.uis une iiiii Imagine what It
means for women and girl If you ,
play to win matches. If you long for
the lirai'keta which proclullil ou a
chiiiiiplou of your club or your count)
or your state, you must la' ready to la
grueletl week lu and week out, for ten
ills of that class Is a grueling game.
Consider the girls ami young mar
fled women who follow the tourna
ments from place to place all the live
long season It means the months of
training and self denial, live mouths of
the IiiiiIi-i kind of work from June
througb Octobtf, And then they must
pM indoors aj leust tHu week all
winter long ff they would keep In
Judys Tells Wife Deserter Ha Deserves
to Be Cooped Up
Kansas Cit). Mo Charles Sumner,
a i lei k married a vent ago In u chick
en .-Hup before IIMM persons at a
chicken show in dun eiitiuii hall, waa
remanded to the .oiiutv lull oil a
r BU rge of wife abandonment- At a
hearing in a Justice conn Mis Sumner
I said she brlieied only the DOVeitJ of
i marriage hit Kutunev into ntatruuoay
The poultn show comniltliv guvt
Mr and Mr. Sunnier $10. a doxeu
i In kens und the roup for consenting
!o tin- ioel uuiirliige. Justice Welch
In ciiiunditig Sii.nuer to Jill said:
"Any man who has the nerve to be
in.iniisl lu a chicken i oop before 10.
000 persons ui-longs m a coop."
McNary Wins by 13 Votea.
Salem. Secretary of State Olcott
states that the official count showa
that Charles L McN'sr) had won the
republican nomination for Justice of
the supreme court oxer Henry L Ben
son by 13 votes.
June Coldest Since 1170.
Pendleton With the temperature
fulling to .19 degrees here and snow
falling lu the mountains .to miles dis
taut. I'eudleton has rxperleiu i d the
most wiutrx June weather tluct lSTo
People in the News
The record of the Marry Thaw case
has been fllnd with the suprome court
of the United States.
President Wilson will attend the re
union of the Princeton clasa of '79,
of which ho la a member, at the col
lege June IS.
Secretary of State Hryan will de
liver a aerlea of Chautauqua lecturea
thla year, hla first public appearance
being at North Carolina, July 4.
Kermlt Roosevelt, ion of ex Presi
dent Theodore Roosevelt, waa married
at Madrid, June 10. The rellgtoua
ceremony waa performed June 11.
The corner atone of New Haven's
new marble postofflce was laid by ex
President Taft. The building will cost
about I1.60U.000.
Ex-Vice President Adlal Stevenson.
who Buffered a nervous breakdown
following the death or his wife all
months ago, is said to be in a aerlous
condition In the hospital at Chicago.
Prices of food articles are soaring
in Vera Crux and Brigadier General
Funaton may open an army food mar
ket and appoint Mexlcana and Ameri
can army men to Investigate the tro-
By spelling M(Hi words without
missing. William Boselarger, aged 11,
of Hast St. Louis, won the spelling
liw Thlrty-flve boys and girts of the
sixth grade took part and the contest
lasted 1 1 hours.
Misses Mary und Kleanor B. Bloom
field, daughters of Sir Arthur Bloom
field, managed to get Inside of the
Royul Pulace, London, and offer up
a plea (or woman suffrage to the king.
Tlie ere i-ji'i led
Automobiles iiiii) be bough! far an
iiM-i.ige of $MHi each und tin- upkeep
Will be about $10 a mouth, within the
new teli w.iis according to lr. ('. P.
ItelBmalU. In statement .it the Na-
lioeuel Klect Ic Light aisoclulion, Phil
Wheat liliioMi'in. Mic; club, 8c,
red Itiissiaii, HO.
Ha riiuoth). $17 per ton; alfalfa,
14 per ton.
tinier i'ii I'mry, L'sV.
Cgg lit
Notice of Sale of Slate'l-.
Notice is hereby given that the
Stale I.iiui Hoard of the flflttte of Ore
gon will receive sealed bids until 1')
o'etook a. in. July ii, mil. flat the
following ilesci iliod lands. t"-wit:
S.i tin M T II e R I- I
S'... hi NK'j NK' t NV',. M
-L'l SK', ol SV4 and lots 1. :' and
-I aj .s-,ction 111. T. HI S K. 4U K.
s. .turns If .nut M, T. ::-' S. H
Si-.-iioiis 10 and It, T i: S- 144 E.
Sections Hi and M, T. HH S. K. 44 E
Sections II and 3ii, T. . It. 45 L
Scctn.r.a 16 and 36, T 31 S R 45 K
fifectloui 16 and 36, T- 36 S. R. 44 K
Sections 16 and 36, T. 36 S. R. 45 i:
ifS of section 16, all of aectlon 36,
T. 36 S R. 46 K.
Sections 16 and 36, T. 36 S. R. 47 B
Sections 16 and 36, T. 36 S. R. 48 K
Section 16 and 36, T. 37 S- R. 44 E
iJecti.n 16 and 36, T. 37 8. R. 45 E.
Sections 16 aud 36. T. 37 S. R. 46 K
Sections 16 and 36, T. 37 S- R 48 E.
All bids must be accomponled by a
regularly executed application to pur
chase and check or draft for at least
one-fifth of the amount of the bid.
The right to reject any and all btda
la reaerved.
Application aud bids should be ad
dressed to G. Ci- Brown, clerk state
Und board. Salem, Oregon, and mark
ed "Application and bid to purchase
slate lands."
Clerk State Land Board.
Dated May 1, 1914. 8t
We Have In Stock the Most Com
plete Line of Gasoline and Oil
a ssssssasss
Stoves we have ever shown
New Perfection Oil Cook Stove
Clark Jewel Oil Cook Stove
Clark Jewel Self Generating Gasoline
Detroit Self Generating gasoline stoves
Self Generating stoves with oven and
oven burner built in the'stove
Ontario HardwareCompany
l n ?3j ecei yiNG tss ft iyy Ci !
' K M laV 11 A.
f i A fm T i'''"-'i' l
A MAM will nart downtown with $50 in hia pocket On hia way he
will pass a bank If he deposits $40 of his $50 he will be more
sparing in hia expenditure. Money will not TAKE WINGS'
Little currency and a FAT CHECK BOOK is a better combination than
The Ontario National Bank
One Piece Hammer
In The New Model
If you see more than one hole in
a hammer you know that extra
parts are fastened to the hammer
whether shown or not. Our ham
mer ia all one piece, only one hole,
no toggles or stirrups attached.
We nave cut out all cocking
levers, bars, puah rods and ham
mer atirrupa and cock the gun di
rect from toe of hammer.
Catalog Free; IH grades, $17.76
net to $4Hfliat.
Our St lb. 20 bore ia a hummer
be down to date and shoot one.
ITHACA GUN CO., Ithaca, N. V-
wu ' m&
WsWafsK 'I"! f
ill M.i