The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 18, 1914, Image 3

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Physicians Failed To Help Mrs.
Green, But She Finally Found
Relief In CarduL
Meetxe, Vs. Mm. .T. C. Qreen of thli
place, says: "I suffered with womanly
troubles so that I could hardly sit up.
Two of the best doctors In our town
treated me, and I tried different medi
cines, until I gave up all hope of erer
getting well.
One day, I decided to try some Car
dul. It did so much for me that I
ordered some more, and it cured me!
Today, I feel aa well as I ever did In
my life.
The pains and the trouble are all
gone. I feel like another person in
every war. I wish every sufferer could
know what Cardul will do for sick
A few doses of Cardul at the right
time, will aave many a big doctor bill,
by preventing serloua sickness.
It tones up the nervous system, and
kelps rnnke pnlo cheeks fresh and rosy.
Thousands of weak women have been
restored to health and happiness by
using Cardul. 8uppose you trv It.
It may bo Just the medicine you need.
N. fl Write tn: IjidlaV AJvl.ory Dn" . ?-
)oo(a MllrlntCo.,c:httflnwt. Tnn.. toe Special
nttntftim. and o4-m Nxik. "Horn litaiml
tec wwnan," mm In plain wrapper, on irnuttt.
Public Notice.
The Portland Restaurant lias beeo
sold by Wong Ton to Louis You.
accounts must be settled within 15
days, as the new proprietor will not
In- resp'.nslble after Mint date.
Louis Von.
Jane 1. 1014. 23 24.
Three lots for sals 2 blocks west
of postofflc at a bargaio. Inquire at
A runs iitfloe.
Leave Bundles at Any
Hotel or Barber Shop
Prompt Attention Given
All Order.
The Most Qualified Judges
Pronounce Taylor & Williams
Straight Yellow Stone Whiskey the BEST
FOR SALE in quantities from
One gallon up, and many other
liood brands, bv
L B. IEIER. Wholesaler
Train Service.
East bound
Ontario. Oregon, June 1st. i: i
Time 'table No 7 3
No 18 Oregon Wash L'tl '2:15 a m
No f Boise Passenger itt a in
No 10 Eastern Kxpres II ill I'
No Boise Pssseuger 3:30 p in
No C Oregon Wash Express till p m
West bound.
No 17 Oregon Wash L.'td 4:17 am
No 75 Huutiagtou Passenger !:42 a ui
N.. It Oreuou Wash Ex 6:50 pm
No 5 Fast Mail 6:15 p m
Nu 77 Huotioutoo Pas'gr 6:15 p m
Malheur Valley Bruuob.
West Bound
No 139 Vals aud Juntura, Mixed,
Dally x Sunday. 10:10 a in
No 141 Vale aud Brogan mixed, Dai
ly Except Sunday leaves 10 :00 a ui
No 97 Vale Passenger 7 :00 p ni
East Bound Arrive
No 98 Vale Passenger 8:40 am
No 142 Vsle Mixed, from Brogan
3.50 p m
No 140 Juntura mixed, Dally exoept
Sunday 1:30 pm
The Homedule train leaves Nyssa
t 2:45 on Tuesdsy, Tnursdsy and
oaturday, returning, arrive at On
tario at 6 p. in
w' r 'M bbWMjI m
Important Occurrences Of The
Past Week From Cltiea
In Our Stata
Welser Sessions End. ,
Welser. With a mammoth street
parade and flag drill and Joint instal
lation of officers, the annual conven
tions of the Grand Army, Women of
the Grand Army of the Republic and
Women's Relief Corps, and Sons of
Veterans, came to a close here. In
point of attendance and Interest, the
sessions are said to be the most suc
cessful in the history- of these organi
zations. Snndpolnt was selected for the
meeting place next year.
Lewlston Remains "Wet."
Lewlstors The canvass of the local
option election held here May 27 has
officially given lbs licensed saloon
forces a majority of 22. Under the
provisions of the state law, a license
cannot be granted except at a regular
meeting of the board of county com
missioners, and the first will not be
held until July i:f.
Convention Dslegstes Named.
Ner. Perce. Democrats and republi
cans selected delegates to the stato
platform convention at Raise June 30.
The democrats selected Charles Giles
of li. J. I', florenaon of Mohler and
A. F. Karbke of Russell, and Instruct
ed the delegates to work for a plsnk
In the platform favoring state-wide
prohibition, for the Initlatlvo and ref
erendum. Seeking Nsw Trial.
Ilalley. The attorneys for Jesse
Scoble ere endeavoring to secure a
new trial for their client, on the
ground that the evidence was not suf
ficient. Scoble was tried for cattle
stealing at the last term of the dis
trict court, convicted and sentenced
to from six to 14 years, and is now In
the state penitentiary.
950,000 Bond Election Is Set.
Ronners Kerry. June 22 an election
will be held to determine whether 150,
000 in bonds will be Issued to buy a
site snd build a high school. Options
have been secured on the site of Mrs.
Wales' home and on four vacant lots
eust of ii. The former Is held at 94,
600 and the four lots at 92,200.
Funds Rslssd st Wallace ars Suffi
cient to Justify Extensive Program
Wallace. With a fund of $:(000 al
ready subscribed, the urlous commit
tees In charge of the three day Fourth
of July celebration here are now plan
ning to give the city and Its visitors
on those days one of the lurgest and
most varied celebrHtiuns ever held 111
the Coeur d'Alenes
Kncouruged by the liberal subscrip
tions, the committee entered into i "in
municatlon with Alys McKee llryant,
bolder of the woman's American alti
tude record, for three flights In her
Curtis biplane. Her telegraphic .H
ceptance has been received and she
will iimke one night on July 3 and
two flights on tlie Fourth, one in tint
morning and one In the afternoon.
Tile eveuiug S die Fourth will be
turned into a inanll gniH carnival, for
which the committee hue set aside
9150 in prizes for the best com inn.
and 95" for the best electrically light
ed automobile which participates in
the parude. (in Sunday, July f, the
program starts with a ball game In the
ton noon, followed in the afternoon by
the lock drilling contest and log saw
ing contests.
Cherry Growers Profit.
la wisioii The cool weatlor pre
vailing iu this district has retarded
the over-ripening ot cherries and with
a big demand for them in the Fast,
growers and packer here are king
good profits
Cutting Hay in Idaho.
Star. Haymakers are extremi ly
busy cutting hay In the Hol-e. Fay
ette and Welser valleys. Andrew Lit
tle, the well known sheepman ol Km
melt, cut 600 acres of alfalfa on the
Fmiii' it bench.
Will Operate the Evergreen.
Grange tile A. A. Kim aid lias giv
en a bond to Theodore 1. Kainmera
of Spokane for the Evergreen Consoli
dated and Dewey groups, cotillsting of
14 claims, about eight milea from
Grangeellle, on the Clearwater river.
Prohibition Plank Urged.
Welaer. The county central com
mittee of three political parties met
here and aelected delegates to the
atate platform cou vent Ion l which as
semble Iu Rolae June ,
President Wilson has nominated
Frank 8 Ileer of Silver City as regis
ter of tbe Boise land office, to succeed
William Ralderston, deceased.
Qeorgien Hsd Trsvsled 2,000 Miles to
Lesrn Intended Victim Wss Deed.
El Pnso, Tex. - There might have
been n tragedy here if Wllllnm Rcrr.v.
an aged Georgian, had not found upon
his arrival that a man be had come
nearly 2,000 miles to kill bad been
killed five J curs ago
Retry, trembling with anger and dls
SiinlBtineut. told his story to the DO
lice and returned to his Georgia bome.
Nine years ago In Oklahoma, he said.
Bill Han-ell hnd testified agalnat him
in a perjury case growing out of Ber
ry having witnessed tbe killing of two
men over it land grubbing dispute
Retry aays he wss sent to tbe peni
tentiary on llarrell's testimony, bis
family was scattered, his farm lost and
health wrecked. He was four years
In the penitentiary, be said, snd for
tbe past five years hnd been reunit
ing tils family and home ties, nursing
all the while n determination to some
day kill Ilnrrell. who. be bad learned,
hnd reached Kl I'aao.
Five years ago flarrell attacked an
El Paso newspaper publisher. J. I
Mltchlm, and Mitchlm killed him.
Berry knew nothing of Ilnrrell hav
ing been killed until he reached El
Pit so
Psrmers Csn Make Them Pork Only
by Shooting.
Ren, Ark. O. R Iewls. a fanner
living near this plnce, killed two wild
bogs which ran away from his place
In 1H10. Tbe hogs were not full grown
when they left ami went away to the
range, since when all efforts to get
them hnd been futile until recently,
when he found them In the forest Hnd
abut them at a distance of about 100
yards. He hns three more bogs that
are alao In tbe forest
Tbe hogs go In bunches In the woods
and are aa hard to find and kill as a
They are nfrald of men nnd will nin
from them, but have no fenr of dnga
and will attack them. The two bogs
killed by l.wi.s dressed about tt)0
pounds each.
Statistics Show Need of a
Stable Government.
Washington. Consul Theodore C.
1 1 i in in sends to the department of
commence from Uurungu a striking ar
ray of facts showing the necessity for
ending tbe Mexican revolution snd re
establishing a stable form of govern
ment Iu that republic
Fur e a m pie. tbe state of Durango.
In 1013 was favored with abundant
and seasonable ruins. Insuring tine
crops of all staple farm products un
der ordinary conditions, but not more
limn two thirds of the usual acreage
was planted, and not more thuu in
per cent of the crops planted were
gathered by the rightful owners of the
laud, the remainder being appropriat
ed (or military purposes or harvested
by crthciH than the rightful owners on
account or lawless conditions or
Chile peppers, for Instance, the exirt
was only H.UH) us against s.Vl.lsiu to
7...ii In normal years
The ' oitoii yield, miu the cu until,
was phenomenal Iu the raUiuus 1j
giina district of eastern Duruugu aud
southwestern Conbuiia, along Hie Nu
gas river- IJO.OOu buies. worth $M,6U).
000. Half the crop la still iu the
warehouse, lit ToiTeoU. and the other
tin 1 1 wus shipped to the United Slates
ut a Hiicrillit- lli.-tcud ol being .-cut. an
ordinarily, to the cot loll tnctorles III
southern Mexico The export to the
(Jutted States from Duruugu In the
last year were S.'.JM.ihki us agam-i
mtijooo iu itiij
The railways to the gulf have not
been ill oieiat!oii In I'.IH. ami all truile
is puriilwcd Torrcoii hi iiiuch ot
p. ace is a busy Ulterior lliaiiufai luring
city, like Syiiiciihc, N v, t, I'aiersou
N. J.
In file city ot Maatlali. state of SI
uuloa. on Hie I 'ml lie. United Stales
Consul W. K Alger report, the ex
poii, to the Culled States 111 I'.M.; fell
oh allllual SWUHMKI, IN M pel cent
t.L'e- are now -i lllug there ill 7 cent
apiece, milk at .io cents a quart, liiei
at lour and live times the usual price
and all other articles in proportion
Two of tbe three bank have i lused.
snd all busmen Is Mispeiidi-i There
was uo railroad service In 1013 ""'"
March 4 to fce. 31. and but toi tbe
numerous arrival and departures ot
Amen. -a u war vessels there would
have been scsut mall facilities even
by water.
Iowa Pienssr, Just Ossd. Csrrisd Msil
In 1844.
McGregor. la Jereulsb Roser. be
lieved to have been tbe oldest resident
of lows, waa recently buried He bad
lived In Iowa continually seventy-nine
years When be waa sixteen years old
he was s msil carrier, a In s trev
serving as one postotlice.
In tbe wluter of '44 aud '4ft Mr
Koeer earned tlie mall on borsebsck
from Dubuque sixty utiles north into
lows. Tbe tlrst stop on his route was
an old ottk tree by the roadside, where
be left mall in s hole cut Iu the truuk
for the settler v tin hud built cabins III
tbe timber ro-.udabvut.
Hidden Dangers Lurk Beyond
Reach of Human Hand.
Drsstio Lsws Requiring Sufficient Life
boats snd Advent of Wireless Ts
legraphy Hsvs Not Entirely Elimi
nstsd the Dsngers Heroio Reseues
ss ths Empress of Irelsr.i Sank.
Montreal. The sinking of tbe Em
press of Ireland, crack transatlantic
liner of the Cnnndlan Pacific line, by
the coal laden collier Storstnd tn tbe
Bl Lawrence river almost in sight of
the shore tends to prove that one in
trusts himself to tbe fates when hoard
ing a vessel Although in no other di
rection has such notable progress been
made In ii- 'ii' years, no human hand
bus been able to mnke travel at sea
absolutely safe.
The perfection of tbe wireless, the
Improvement of revenue cutter service
and drastic laws requiring ample and
seaworthy iltchunta have eliminated
many of the dangers lurking In the
path of the great ocean going vessels
Kilt we still nave the elements to con
tend with, and these can never he
When the Titanic snnk with Its fear
ful toll of Hie It was the elements that
caused the disaster. The Iceberg freed
from wlntei quarters by the spring's
sun broke nwuy and brought death to
the hundreds. Tbe dense fug on the
Ki Uinii'iiu', prohibiting the captains
ot the Empress of Ireland and the
Htorstad from seeing ten feet shead.
meant desth to I.POI) persons.
The inquiry now under wsy will re
veal that one man was nerhiisi more
st fault than the other, but It cannot
place tbe blame fur the disaster on the
shoulders of any one man. It was
caused by the weather conditions by
i the element
Following In the wake of the disss-
ter many pathetic storied are told of
i hrtiv rescue- nnd Intense suffering
Two participants In the trsgedy of the
burning of tbe Volturno st sen Isst
(a) 1914. by American liwa Aasuelallon
year nre survivors also of the wreck
of the Kmpic of Ireland Due of
them was .1 II I'rlce. mi otduiurv mm
man on Hie In-:. .ml who w hi.o mmiii.'
last .veal oil Hie llcvolllan plunged
overboard ami saved a woman pusseu
gel ot the X olturiiu
Tlie olli.'i man was a in in rv uiMii on
the lieiainl John ope, who was one
ot those saved trom the Vollurno
llobcil v cielleii. a bronzed inliiei
trolll SllVel'-loiie, II C., hwam fol over
an hum wim a gOSaWfl hailed little girl
of eliHil on Iu- Ian k
"And when will inainina and hvelyu
gel liele ' (he little gill asked when
she arriveal in ijuchec
Ml (Telle.,
Had not vcl tod Iicl that hcl Uiotlni
aud small sister mid lacked siroiiL;
arm to support lliein in Hie icy vva
let and had died lliere. '1'bey well.
Mis. Saiilna llaii.ei a widow, and hei
daughtel, Fvelyu. (tine years old Tin
in tie girl who wus saved was Floreuce
liui in i. eiglit years old
Wltb Crelleii aud William Harry or
Silvers tone they were going ou a bull
day trip to Kuglund They occupied
looms near one another In (he scion. I
cuhiii Ail ot I hem got ou deck to
gether Tbls Is Mr Crelleu's account
or what liuppei.eii
"A great bole waa In oue side of tbe
snip, and sb listed over so far tbat
It waa only wltb tbe greatest difficulty
tbat w could get tbem all up Cbe cum
psnluuway. We got to tbe rati and
etuod there. I held Florence, aud Mrs
Harber beld br little elster.
"Tbeo as tbs ship listed we climbed
over tbe rail aud walked cautiously
down tbe ship's side to tbe water's
edge, trying to avoid falling Into tin
hjH holes just aa vw reacbed tbe wa
ter's edge tt.e ship gave a tremor
waa terrible Wl knew It was sli
over I saw Mrs Haruer and hei
child tottenuv toward the water an..
reaching out then nauds to me. I
tried to gel tbem. but I couldn't reach
tbem. and Uiat's tbe Isst 1 saw uf
In order to clean up our
Summer Stock of Millinery
we are offering our entire
line of Trimmed Hats, Un
trimmed Shapes, children's
hats & trimmings at greatly
Must Be Printed
We are printing more wrappers than any other two
offices in this section. There is a reason. We have
the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we
take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do
with wedding invitations.
Take your next order of
Butter Wrappers to the
Means Not Only Time But Money.
Do you fvi'i' consider how lonjf it tukes to truvel llie dtftMlOi
from your house to tile Doctor and Merchant and N hat time
you save h ttUphoilingf If your time is worth inythingi 'ii
cannot utl'ord to 1m- without u Tcliihurn
Malheur HomeTelephoneCo.
Wdl Try to R.claim Wealthy as W.u
ss "Savsg.s."
L'bllllfU Huaapsl iiufoiuiiblleH were
pill Into service here .ui the theory
that Ibeie were more "relbjtoUS sav
age'' In I'blniuo than In darl.e t
Africa. " Mood) Itlble lii-lltiile di-li
Cllled Hie til - ol sexeral -II. Il gOSMl
It'll"- Which will lour I'hlrae,,. I,,
speaKers will ...i,.ier the eallhle-l
Ic-lileic e districts and the aOoresl
(eneliienl sei lions eipiallv "savaL'e'
and will work In botk live hundred
men anil women w III take nu n- pica, h
Hi,' eVil lllcht f.U Weil,-, tn t III
ehi'tto dlatlictS, Ihell along Hie lake
"We epe. the wealthy will ll-leii
to the scl III. .lis Jut the same as the
pOOMT peoply," Maid the IteV W
Keli I'llll. Who preached Io a crowd al
Noith (lark and Wo-I I ii l-ion streets
Kansas Governor Parol. Man Who.
Family N.ciU Him.
'i'npeka. Kan QofOHMMf Hodges
gran led a parole of sixty die. s fo W. V
Richards, a prisoner at the slate pen!
tenllary. so Kb hards might go to hl
lioine In Saline couuly and harvest hi
wheat crop.
Iti. hards entensl prison last Jauuarv
under a sentence of from one to five
years for selling mnrtgaged properly
He HI heavily iu debt and according
to resrts to tlie coventor Ids family
has been dependent uou nelghlsirs.
I ih nil- reienllv luforuuil the gov
eriior the wheat wh. h Kb hards plant
ol last fall promised to yield an bug
da lit crop. The p.uiiii.i ib- idol tie
family needed Id haul for the MSI
sixty days more than Hie stale of Kui.
sas did.
Arollc Officii
Nsw Discovsry May Cur. Hog
and Sav. $100,000,000.
Washliifbui I he hlh co- ,, meal,
has ed a body blow In a re
port received from Minm -!.. b) ihc
I lilted St.ili- agricultural dcpartlueut
inn- ol tin- .lit. l contiibutliic
Io (lie I i h i. i of all nu
ailinltfcd to be Hie great rUVMI I
hog cboleia w In. h has . -.wept H in
try duriug the past few fours until
.. . 1 SpHl.lhMHKHI II; polk
w.,., I.. I o which .v.;;;,isHi.n.i ,u
Iowa .ii. .n. Willi such u cieat scar
city ol pm.. Ibeie wa no
wheel to de. re- value of In-. I. and
helu e the lUOUuUUg pine- "I -leal..-.
Hog . h.. n r.i has cine g be so
dn .i.i.-i ih. it laiiiici .hi boglnulai ic
relu-. Io rai-e any b..:-. and (Vet
tluase who -II. I. In the gallic raise ouly
a few. not MfUafl tO lake Hie long
! chance.- Ii i ailiiill l.-.I with hug
ch. .nia cllminalcl from the farmers'
i ul. illation mini. iis moie would be
I raised, as they are easy to handle and
, the returns are ipil. k. Rut strange to
say. science bus never found a cure for
' this dreaded disease.
The repot t Just n-celvcd by the de
paitiiicnt of agriculture coutalus a
'hart ihOWlDj the treatuient of up
ward of a thousaud bogs sick wlfjt
chrouic chohru with a seclal veter
inary treatment Curea were effected lo
I Tf !" per cent of the cases The tests
! have been going on In the field van
ous purts of Minnesota since last Sep
tciiibcr. Stale veterinarian sent uui
by the .Minnesota live stock und saul
tary boa id p admiuisli r sei uui treat
Uient vmii' in-li iicle.l to huvo the ueW
iue.ll. me admiiii-teriHl