The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 28, 1914, Image 8

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Copies f DM now rity charter to tic
voted on June 25 are being; circulated
:imnni( Iht voters. The present charter
does nut comply with niMtiy recently
tiiieted state laws or tin- DfOOSftl city
iioundarics, and it if) necessary to ho
MMftd to make the actions of the city
officials logsj,
Tin- .Saturday night dances at the
Moon hall, conducted bf the Ontario
Concert Orchestra, continue to draw
large crowds. The hesitiit inn wall.
".Iiii-t ii Moment" iiml i Iim i oh Itsp
"La Jatiila" INN the hita of the
Q I-'. Kormcln him anld his Inter
erst ill Hie liermelH Drug ''. to .1 II.
Kill, of Cambridge, who will take
possession at once. .. . Hill Iiiin
ft' ii at Cambridge mi. I lloiucihllc
and will glvn Mm personal Htti'iition
to the Cumlilldge store for llin prea
lit. lint later will iiinvii here. Mr.
iiml Mm. Ilernielo lll move In Chi
cago, where Mr. Hermnle'a parentH
reside. Mr. and Mra. Hermelii have
made many frienda during Hie few
years they hare rnaldcd lure who will
try ret I i see I In III go.
Tim .Saturday night dance Ht the
Moor hall, conducted liy the iliitmli.
dinnert l)rchatra continue to draw
large crowds. The hi sitnl loo wall
mid thn one Mtup Were I tit. bit. ..( I lie
careful review off the inly
allows Iheic i. over two thousand
iicms planted t in tin. season and
many off Hie grower time enter. nl for
the r l .' . n tu I,,, given tin iil.
throiigb Inn ui'iierimlt v of Llln. Cuii
lucre in I Cluli
The mv hinery iccn report thai
they luiv.' iil I nvcr forty corn colli
valors Him mum. which i idlcaU'i
iilmiit tint nil i it tit. i hi. ruining corn
hi- MMtMl l"i the Drat I line.
CON bM pruven a very proatabls
it 1 1 In re and In conned inn with lh.
alfalfa grn.ii here will make this a
lire' dairy and ling melton III a
eh i t I in.
A u.iiii'i nl vViici peopls ii Pit
ill i ill ii i i Sal unlay light, to mien I
the .S.ilmli,' II . 111 die.'. Hlld tie
double ii .el i lull gsate Hoi ii. In).
Nasrl) 10 Ions of milk sad tlic
OQIliVOleUl u I. lii pounds ! I. niter
III .1 ) en i UUStllUtSd I ' WOT Id
mil prtiilui I inu in Hie liner ) "W
la.v H 1 1 1 1 i.i owned bv Captain IV II-
III, it tin- tin- lei l';iiin,
ill Met vv u. n. n Phi idelplltll I or
Hie .In , ,1 i s Hie CUW'l i ceo id la IW.tilS
jm.iiii.i-. .it nnik. i In- urou i.iin ol
till- .lllllll.ll l.'l III.' . .1 'I. II. ,
ft (H).
i in. work ui iiic cos .i supervised
Oil. l.'l ll.. otv .11,. . . i . II.:
lloni ui ihe in. i it .i.i tin
ii.. Club, hV in itutlvst ol lb gal
1 1 rJlvUli n "I i lit- t n i.-.i
,.n in,, in '.ii me .in.l ul
'f the prlucipal il , mine I
i . tin- testa Ibi u ilu .i Ihe ear
PUllfPlj at Oiuv.
II. u ,;u- sold oiv ill un '
Wishing U) I'lnsc all accounts. I am
obliged lu ask Jail vv bo MW UWillg me i n
a. '.-uu'it i" call .(i Hie -t.'i . and K
once, u. r. i. t-nn.
Ontario, i gun
Aa a ii.suli 0t toi iniieh radical
legislation Portland basootg giaflo
aaalaotarlag sstabltsbsasal tor
I'lebiilent He.Wwuilb of the Work
lafgMa't Oosspoasatioa camnilsaios
says oulv live lo i hundred ut tbu
tli.'iisiiml liianufactuieia liave tieeii
willing to I'oiue under the DfUffisioa
0 the ad
111 Marion county it is yntimatcd
Ihe I1S0D lax exempt Inu would rs
lua.e one th id of the tnM'avein from
y lag gay I blag and ut it on (he W0 IbinU.
c.i (')-,' ('. Jones of Portland ha
been appointed deck offloof In tho
const geodetic purvey.
Thi proposed new city charter of
VfOMOS in to he adopt I or rejected
it a pool! election to be held on
tfoadsy, .lune 16.
Thi abolition of the atate aenate,
recomtnenileil In a repot! of tho legis
lit on committee at the state, grange
at Mniimoiith, wua adopted lu resolu
Hon form later.
Plfg fatal Industrial mildrntl wera
reported to State Labor Commissioner
O. I'. Ilolf la. i week, along with If
other mi iiPnis of more or leaa Berl
in, l illire
I. a QnHlfJl commercial club offers
prtSSS for the best mile of road built
within a rndltia of eight miles of that
cl:. The club underlain to keep up
a tnlle of Hie road known aa Oekler
I he Wrannell chamber of commerce
IniH linked Senator ( 'hainberlaln'a aid
In MMftafl a Hiirvny of Dry atralt.
With I view to Kettlni? more nieiiiiite
nccommodation for gMMN running
to Hoiitlieu-ncrn and weatern Alaaka.
Ati'iut i mi gppta gravtn met to
Hum mate candidates to MfVO oil the
board of dlrectora of Hie Apple (1 row
an1 iiHHoclatton to he ori(anl'-ed by
Hie amalgamation of all fruit alilp
ping Interi'HtH in Hood lllvcr
Dean I I'lper or Corvallla, principal,
and liny M I'oole of HlllokOfO and
John (I MimnlnK or McMlnnvllle. til
terunieM, have been nominated for the
Went Point nomination at Vancouver
ban i k . by KepreMciitutlve lluwley.
There were 24 He volea In the pri
mary uomliuiHtiK election In I. inn
county IiimI week tine of the ilea Is
b. i ween Merry ('ummlngH, of llalaey.
and hla ami. Arlle ('iiiiiiiiIiikh. off the
'iime city, for the republican nomlna
l ion ror constable ir district No. S.
Hcpresiintalh I llawley bun been In
rormeil ibal hla principal ror Auuup
olla, Hliinlcv M HulKbt or Medrord.
ami hla Hrat alinrnate. It W Met. air,
or Salem, have passed the rxiimlnii
tlotiH with i reilll and now will taka
tin- physical toots.
Iii a race wlib ibnib hair way round
Hie Klobe, l)nsuii llerheii Itucseh. U.
S N. Is rilHliliiti across Ihe I'uciric In
bu I .in i Inn In I'elldlelon bidore
his rather. Wlllliim Itocsch, plumcr
brewer id that city, i xpires He la
eiet tei Ibeic In .lune f.
With evi.lence that point In foul
play. Hie In ul of l; I, Tow nscml, L'K
yearn old. who disappeared from bin
liuine In Hlllnboro Ma) la, was found
in Ihe rlwr at Portland with the puck
els nl bis trousers lurm-d Inside out
ami bis head bearing hrulsea that may
have been Hie result ot an ntlail. by
hlghtTB) men
I' I la-wis uf Hi, la. I. aiie county,
who bad dilttcttlt) lu prnMliK up on
a claim bOOattSO IBSffS wax SBSBS Km
her on II, has had hla claim for patent
pprO VOd Lewis served three yean
In Ihe Spam Ii Vim ih, in w.u. wblcli
leilueed the II ul leM.I.IHC Oil III
(lul; twice lu L.'i year- b.i .. I unit ilia
,iiii wuol soil lii pines e.pial to
tllU . I I'tlol '! " k ..luw.-i-
SI Ihe public -lie beid lhi-re This
Iba i.. i publfc sslad bid suit in Oregon tins yssr Mure Hum
.imi pnu'i.i. ohaaasd hands, svorj
cup i rod bstag sold ras prlooi
rooolvod rsag t i i k si gV4 ooata
III ailvan. e nl ItUMM I I fOf I BO salue
clips la -I ii
All (iregi.i was luteiesie.l m learn
ot lb. i- ' IN I lOO 10 -'iirv ul iivei
4oo, sci ol laud in lbs Deschutes
and Paulina Iniesi i. ncs. bill tin
suslyilng tho flgurss lbs satisfaction
lilt iiiei i be .in ii i. . hi, ni
i. i.uipei.,1 b. the .I.--. ui. iv tint
most ot lbs land was still held up by
n . ' minium service sad othsr vvub
draw ii-
Kxleualvs preparations are bslag
made lor Hie cult I laiiiineiit of ilele
('.ales who will attend lilt' eighth all
ll ill 1 i .invention ot the Slaatsv ei bund
von OrsgOU, lbs . oilfiller alien of QOf
man ipsaklag l ' si it-.
which will bs hsl I in 1'uc. lie --viturday
and Sun, I i
One off Ihe : lugs evil
held bv ,ini r.'pi, . in. ill-, c wa
Ihal .il Independent c. when pi. I. ileal
I .veiv imp growoi gad bayst ig ths
UillalUt'lle VSllS wis present 'I'll.'
incotlug taiift tti ordsr bv c
Mcl.ant;bliii. il.v prSSldSSl uf the Hop
Qrowers' a-isiu uilion. Vtlm aunoun, , d
thai ll.. obi.'.t of llui inet'llliK Was to
proaiOtO protection to thenise U . -sgslnat
the asntlnisnt m lbs c.u.o,
1. J Hiron. secretarv of the sand
stone , nn, n- union ot lor. 'and. has
Issued an appeal that OrsgOO atone
rather than . microti' and terra ootta
brought from outside the male be used
in ibs construction of the goa ad
nun Mialiou building at tho unuaraltv
OrsgOO Ml pISS l based not only I
upon Ibs if ile eloping an
Oregon rsaouros sad Of liilnic (Oregon
workman utployntenl, but also on (as
lucraassd illgnit) and boaall of atruc
tare Ibal w.uld result I be lHtSOISt
U In connection with a genet al cam
patgn tu ', me the use of Oregon
President Insists on Passing
Anti-Trust Legislation at
Present Session.
WaahinRton Prealdent Wllaon will
be Miilisfled with nothing less than the
paxaage through both houses of con
gress, at the present seaslon, of the
antitrust legislation recently ngreed
on. This was made clear by officials
close to the nltnlnistratlon. His atti
tude was made known In answer to
UggSStlonS that some leaders nt the
capital believed It would be Ittfftclonl
to pass the antl trust bills In the house
and only SgrSS on I nine for a vote
MM Hesslon In the senate
The house of representatives, In nn
effort tO rush through tM SSOOM of
the administration's anil trust mens
ures, began night seaslon.-i Ibis week
and the senate Is nlso endeavoring to
speeil up legislation to Insure an at!
Journment in July.
rjOSJCrSSI leaders admitted however,
that If lit" toasts undertook lo put
I'lroir-'i antitrust legislation of a
comprehensive nature adjournment
could l.urdlv be taken uutil late in the
Took Indictment to Save Morgan.
A dramatic climax markeil the close
off the sensational testimony off ("has.
M. Mellen. ex president of IBS New
York, New Haven & Harttord railroad.
before the Interetate commerce com
mission. With evidence ol deep emotion Mr.
Mellen asserted the bile J. Plerpollt
Morgan was OOfSiSSJSt off the (Irand
Trunk negotiations for which Mr Mel
leu himself was criminally Indicted for
violation or the Sherman antitrust
ai t. and that be took the Indictment
that belonged to Morgan, us he be
lieved It wenl. I bave killed the aged
financier to he Imlh nil
Absolute mnunpolv of transport!!
i inn under government regulation and
control was suggested by Mr Mellen
as Ihe subitum off the American rail
road problem
Majority of 10 for Repeal Predicted.
Hemocrallc leaders In the senate
an- lunl hbtil the Panama canal tolls
exemption repeal bill and Ihe arbltra
Hon amendments will be dlspoaed ot
this week. Heuutor Kern, leader off
the majnrtlv. said a vote would be
taken May JK or short I afierwarS.
and added that the repeal bill would
be passed bv a majority ot at leas) I"
opponent or repeal are not Inclined
lo doubt thai the hill will pass, but
the vole nn the many amendments
Of fared to tuiiiiipv Its meaning will he
wan bid wllb interest bv senators on
both sides 'I be administration la auld
to center its support on the amend
unlit proposed by Senator Simmons,
declaring that the I'nlted Stales
...lives no right over the Pan. una
Parcel Pott for Selling Truck.
I'oslinasier OttO PrBOSjOT, Si Wash
iiigion. ha sent out to the pat rolls
Ol I hi U ,ibingtoii mine an .ulvettn-
log pootor, i .miaining too sos or
' '" k forgssro, troll sad poaltrj
rowota, kosss mil gad voaotablo
osaaoro, sad ptodassfg or isaosod
'""' baaoa, v.bu aoolrs to serve
A'SOhlagtOg cullsUllli-rB direct by the
PSrOOl pi H
(in the reverse pi IBS pOStST are il
in nail. .us ol a parcel post delivery
truck sad or a basket. Is which
v h . uusniiier has receive. 1
s-"' nge fron g Poaasylvsabi farms!
,i winter. tOCSthsr Willi
Iroai n patiaag of tag
v. ton OfflCS ling the
parosl past for sffiolsncy sad sooaogn)
in ihe -iiipiu. ut uf produce
Producers ffroa II itstss, Inclti
, w i. isev mid Mlaalaaippit offoi to
sell linn pradUOl diitil to Wabluti
Ion consumer.-.
National Capital Brevities.
The senate sdoptsd BO aincntliueiit
to ibs agricultural appropriation bill
proponed b) detiutor Ji appro-
pr i ting lloO.oOO fur potato guaiaa
Hue iiispeciii'ii
i r. '.itiuii ol .Hi av i.ilion Motion of
iii.- aruiv as pari ol lbs tlgnal corps,
la pluntli d b a bill h ,- ;
the UOUSD I be measure h...- tin- ap
pi ... al of IhS vvar .it pannient
p of ih" proposed p. ... . i,
In '.. .en the I 'inn ,1 an ;
.. ..i- boos I., .ii, i it Washlagtoo.
s, iti.uv Bryss sad ths Blalstsf ,,t
Nciw.iv vviM sicu ll wbcii l lie graft
lias be, n made
K bill OUttlUg telephone and tele-
graph c. caiucs am! pipeline uud. r
ths juris, I tion of the interstate coin
ntsros coataiissiou vvas introduced la
,ie bouse bv Heprcseulative Keillv.
of Wisioiis'n
riesitlent Wilson appoiutetl a com
tnittit' i.i srraaga for ihe rorgagl opeu
igg ot (he Panama canal June I Its
members are Colonel QOSthals, cha( :
man. Hichatii Mcicalf. vies chairman,
('oloiicl Mar. Ho.lKes. HaiSOaa Gen
eral UOTgaS. v'olonel Housseau aud
Colonel William Sibert.
What $13.50 Means
To the Man Who is in the Habit of Paying
$15 to $20 for His Suits
In the first place Alexander will not sell a poor
suit of clothes at any price. In the second place
we will not allow anything but pure wool cloth
ing come in or leave our store, no matter how
cheap anything else can be bought for. These
two arguments stand all the time it's a double
protection from which we never deviate.
Alexander's $13.50 Suits are not the kind of Suits that
you ordinarily expect to get at that price
They are better. They cost a great deal more
to make. They are sold at a minimized margin
of profit. They are the model of sample suits
bearing the High Art Label, meaning hand tailoring
They are equal and better than most $20 suits you
can buy elsewhere in Ontario
It is your right to have this surprising statement
proved, and if your income is modest youVe got
to have it proved. And we'll prove it in detail if
you will give us the chance.
Another telling item: We do not sell these $13.50
. i i ' " m a ae a ssaWggg ggggggg PJilliBMM
suits in a darkened room
. . . . .
Our high ceiling room is penetrated in every nook
and corner by natural daylight and sunlight. We
are not ashamed of these suits we are proud
of them. We believe that every time we sell one
of these High Art suits at $13.50 we make a
friend for this store, and inasmuch as we are not
living merely for today, we consider this wise
business logic. Don't you?
One Price Clothier Ontario, Oregon
tail ana aaaae!
1 In- News is itilorineil br 1. H.
Hollaad that a IIIHJOIIty ot the dllOfl
tors of Ihe I'aoill- Live Slock li. at
Sau I'lauci-co retiiM-d to accept or
I'vi'ii i'i iimiIi'I' tlm ii'-U'imtii'ii ot .Mr.
J din (ill, ri.t and that he received a
Its fro the latter .latin he was
com i iik! tack in his old csincity.
This move uu the pail of the ,'- in
pauy iv s. one ot the vvi.est made by
them in their own interest as there
will be found i v...t dltfSrSUOS I.
tvveco a velwl caipit ranch siiperiu
tsadsal and one that hits the gill
Hums News.
Oue Of the newest and most uiter
BStlUg crops : iu Ocebou is the'
miui 11 tun whuh poppsraual oil is ex-1
nuclei lu otaOl savtiona of the coun- ,
nv whtie tin. oil is gg established
product the oil sella al $3 to i per I
pound Rgpsrlmoatg conductsd Ig the
victntv of Wost ltaytoa Matioa aaaa
i... : dicates that this crop, when
grOWa under IrrlgStJOD, vvill leld at
lag ratS Of 1M per acre. It la ex-j
pected thai a plant for distilling the j
oil will Us erected si West Maytou
ei, I profitable business in the ship
ping of plants to other MCthjag built
HitiL'.n'i-. in Miihiieiy We are!
mnv ottering our ci mi let. Hue of
ladies', misses' and children.' trim
mail hats at greatly reduced prices.
Mis M 0. Letsou.
H(KS. KAl'll H() II AS A DOfJ.
rol.K'iKs and UTUIR PALO
nn. BOXM is PIRV KKAson
AbLK. tf.
11'use pasture tor rent. ()u tlsh
hatchery island, liniuire ot S. S.
Hie UT.
18 Imu
I'i r new alfalla hayseed J. Dies?,
'J 1 J miles south of Outano Kutur
iu Held or delivered.
Siecial prices ou trunks anil sut!
cases for M days,
ueta Co.
Kroessiii liar
A csti of triplets. June Weddings;
preseuts Dad Time will furnish uum-
tier one, uumber two we pass: uum-
bur three, a piece or set ot good china
or ulass are which we can furtsb.
Come aud see it. The Variety Store.
titano, Otagjaa.
It would certainly be tough if s
parcel post egg shtpmeut were seut to
the Dead letter office.
A Wise Bird
A I'lyiiiuiitll ivuck tleli till display
at the poultry sbuw aod valned at
I MM "as worth twice that sum as
the result of sw a I In wing a .-Ju.i ruby
wblob dropped from a setting ins
ring worn by Charles V. Keeler. ous
of the judges. The lieu belongs to
Is G Dauville. Moutfnrt, Wis.
Wblle KBler "" ul,out tu xu'','
ff. - 2iS T2?
sa a Hash the hen gulped it down,
Keeler oelfrjil Daurlllc tt00 for tag
bird aud sut aegui ntl increased the
bid to I4C0, That bird, roasted
ami served with a buttle of golden
graiu belt beers, would be soojc dm
uer. advert hteBOat
I' tysst or lers takeu at Moore
Hotel loha l.audiugham, resideiue
Phone Vli
hiv bill will make the aeasou of
l'.'ll one Lalf mile south of Cairo,
bill is . black I'urcherou. 1 2(ier-
man Coach. Sura foal getter. Tsrois
M pet seasou. Holden Clement. Mf
Prioe dou't always indicate real
value. Our ettort la to get that which
will give beat value for your mou. y.
A medium between bigh aud low
priced goods appears to best till ths
I '" la srtaiy store, untarlo.
Dreogu's strict eugenic law Las
iucreaed fees received iu Clarke
county Vancouver, Wash., to $10,.
Ml for IBIS.